#!/bin/bash #Install Latest Stable 1Panel Release osCheck=`uname -a` if [[ $osCheck =~ 'x86_64' ]];then architecture="amd64" elif [[ $osCheck =~ 'arm64' ]] || [[ $osCheck =~ 'aarch64' ]];then architecture="arm64" elif [[ $osCheck =~ 'armv7l' ]];then architecture="armv7" elif [[ $osCheck =~ 'ppc64le' ]];then architecture="ppc64le" elif [[ $osCheck =~ 's390x' ]];then architecture="s390x" else echo "For the current architecture that is not supported, please refer to the official documentation and choose the supported system." exit 1 fi if [[ ! ${INSTALL_MODE} ]];then INSTALL_MODE="stable" else if [[ ${INSTALL_MODE} != "dev" && ${INSTALL_MODE} != "stable" ]];then echo "Please enter the correct installation mode (DEV or Stable)" exit 1 fi fi VERSION=$(curl -s https://resource.fit2cloud.com/1panel/package/${INSTALL_MODE}/latest) HASH_FILE_URL="https://resource.fit2cloud.com/1panel/package/${INSTALL_MODE}/${VERSION}/release/checksums.txt" if [[ "x${VERSION}" == "x" ]];then echo "Get the latest version failed, please try again" exit 1 fi package_file_name="nextweb-${VERSION}-linux-${architecture}.tar.gz" package_download_url="https://resource.fit2cloud.com/1panel/package/${INSTALL_MODE}/${VERSION}/release/${package_file_name}" expected_hash=$(curl -s "$HASH_FILE_URL" | grep "$package_file_name" | awk '{print $1}') if [ -f ${package_file_name} ];then actual_hash=$(sha256sum "$package_file_name" | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "$expected_hash" == "$actual_hash" ]];then echo "The installation package already exists, skip download" rm -rf nextweb-${VERSION}-linux-${architecture} tar zxvf ${package_file_name} cd nextweb-${VERSION}-linux-${architecture} /bin/bash install-native.sh exit 0 else echo "There are already installation bags, but the hash value is not the same" rm -f ${package_file_name} fi fi echo "Start download NextWeb ${VERSION} Edition online installation package" echo "Installation package download address: ${package_download_url}" curl -LOk -o ${package_file_name} ${package_download_url} curl -sfL https://resource.fit2cloud.com/installation-log.sh | sh -s 1p install ${VERSION} if [ ! -f ${package_file_name} ];then echo "The download and installation package failed, please try again." exit 1 fi tar zxvf ${package_file_name} if [ $? != 0 ];then echo "The download and installation package failed, please try again。" rm -f ${package_file_name} exit 1 fi cd nextweb-${VERSION}-linux-${architecture} /bin/bash install-native.sh