1434 lines
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1434 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import api, fields, models, _, Command
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_round
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.tools.misc import formatLang
from odoo.tools import frozendict
from collections import defaultdict
import math
import re
('sale', 'Sales'),
('purchase', 'Purchases'),
('none', 'None'),
class AccountTaxGroup(models.Model):
_name = 'account.tax.group'
_description = 'Tax Group'
_order = 'sequence asc, id'
name = fields.Char(required=True, translate=True)
sequence = fields.Integer(default=10)
property_tax_payable_account_id = fields.Many2one(
string='Tax Payable Account',
help="Tax current account used as a counterpart to the Tax Closing Entry when in favor of the authorities.")
property_tax_receivable_account_id = fields.Many2one(
string='Tax Receivable Account',
help="Tax current account used as a counterpart to the Tax Closing Entry when in favor of the company.")
property_advance_tax_payment_account_id = fields.Many2one(
string='Tax Advance Account',
help="Downpayments posted on this account will be considered by the Tax Closing Entry.")
country_id = fields.Many2one(string="Country", comodel_name='res.country', help="The country for which this tax group is applicable.")
country_code = fields.Char(related="country_id.code")
preceding_subtotal = fields.Char(
string="Preceding Subtotal",
help="If set, this value will be used on documents as the label of a subtotal excluding this tax group before displaying it. " \
"If not set, the tax group will be displayed after the 'Untaxed amount' subtotal.",
def _check_misconfigured_tax_groups(self, company, countries):
""" Searches the tax groups used on the taxes from company in countries that don't have
at least a tax payable account, a tax receivable account or an advance tax payment account.
:return: A boolean telling whether or not there are misconfigured groups for any
of these countries, in this company
# This cannot be refactored to check for misconfigured groups instead
# because of an ORM limitation with search on property fields:
# searching on property = False also returns the properties using the default value,
# even if it's non-empty.
# (introduced here https://github.com/odoo/odoo/pull/6044)
all_configured_groups_ids = self.with_company(company)._search([
('property_tax_payable_account_id', '!=', False),
('property_tax_receivable_account_id', '!=', False),
return bool(self.env['account.tax'].search([
('company_id', '=', company.id),
('tax_group_id', 'not in', all_configured_groups_ids),
('country_id', 'in', countries.ids),
], limit=1))
class AccountTax(models.Model):
_name = 'account.tax'
_description = 'Tax'
_order = 'sequence,id'
_check_company_auto = True
_rec_names_search = ['name', 'description']
def _default_tax_group(self):
return self.env.ref('account.tax_group_taxes')
name = fields.Char(string='Tax Name', required=True)
name_searchable = fields.Char(store=False, search='_search_name',
help="This dummy field lets us use another search method on the field 'name'."
"This allows more freedom on how to search the 'name' compared to 'filter_domain'."
"See '_search_name' and '_parse_name_search' for why this is not possible with 'filter_domain'.")
type_tax_use = fields.Selection(TYPE_TAX_USE, string='Tax Type', required=True, default="sale",
help="Determines where the tax is selectable. Note : 'None' means a tax can't be used by itself, however it can still be used in a group. 'adjustment' is used to perform tax adjustment.")
tax_scope = fields.Selection([('service', 'Services'), ('consu', 'Goods')], string="Tax Scope", help="Restrict the use of taxes to a type of product.")
amount_type = fields.Selection(default='percent', string="Tax Computation", required=True,
selection=[('group', 'Group of Taxes'), ('fixed', 'Fixed'), ('percent', 'Percentage of Price'), ('division', 'Percentage of Price Tax Included')],
- Group of Taxes: The tax is a set of sub taxes.
- Fixed: The tax amount stays the same whatever the price.
- Percentage of Price: The tax amount is a % of the price:
e.g 100 * (1 + 10%) = 110 (not price included)
e.g 110 / (1 + 10%) = 100 (price included)
- Percentage of Price Tax Included: The tax amount is a division of the price:
e.g 180 / (1 - 10%) = 200 (not price included)
e.g 200 * (1 - 10%) = 180 (price included)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True, help="Set active to false to hide the tax without removing it.")
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string='Company', required=True, readonly=True, default=lambda self: self.env.company)
children_tax_ids = fields.Many2many('account.tax',
'account_tax_filiation_rel', 'parent_tax', 'child_tax',
string='Children Taxes')
sequence = fields.Integer(required=True, default=1,
help="The sequence field is used to define order in which the tax lines are applied.")
amount = fields.Float(required=True, digits=(16, 4), default=0.0)
real_amount = fields.Float(string='Real amount to apply', compute='_compute_real_amount', store=True)
description = fields.Char(string='Label on Invoices')
price_include = fields.Boolean(string='Included in Price', default=False,
help="Check this if the price you use on the product and invoices includes this tax.")
include_base_amount = fields.Boolean(string='Affect Base of Subsequent Taxes', default=False,
help="If set, taxes with a higher sequence than this one will be affected by it, provided they accept it.")
is_base_affected = fields.Boolean(
string="Base Affected by Previous Taxes",
help="If set, taxes with a lower sequence might affect this one, provided they try to do it.")
analytic = fields.Boolean(string="Include in Analytic Cost", help="If set, the amount computed by this tax will be assigned to the same analytic account as the invoice line (if any)")
tax_group_id = fields.Many2one('account.tax.group', string="Tax Group", default=_default_tax_group, required=True,
domain="[('country_id', 'in', (country_id, False))]")
# Technical field to make the 'tax_exigibility' field invisible if the same named field is set to false in 'res.company' model
hide_tax_exigibility = fields.Boolean(string='Hide Use Cash Basis Option', related='company_id.tax_exigibility', readonly=True)
tax_exigibility = fields.Selection(
[('on_invoice', 'Based on Invoice'),
('on_payment', 'Based on Payment'),
], string='Tax Exigibility', default='on_invoice',
help="Based on Invoice: the tax is due as soon as the invoice is validated.\n"
"Based on Payment: the tax is due as soon as the payment of the invoice is received.")
cash_basis_transition_account_id = fields.Many2one(string="Cash Basis Transition Account",
domain="[('deprecated', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]",
help="Account used to transition the tax amount for cash basis taxes. It will contain the tax amount as long as the original invoice has not been reconciled ; at reconciliation, this amount cancelled on this account and put on the regular tax account.")
invoice_repartition_line_ids = fields.One2many(string="Distribution for Invoices", comodel_name="account.tax.repartition.line", inverse_name="invoice_tax_id", copy=True, help="Distribution when the tax is used on an invoice")
refund_repartition_line_ids = fields.One2many(string="Distribution for Refund Invoices", comodel_name="account.tax.repartition.line", inverse_name="refund_tax_id", copy=True, help="Distribution when the tax is used on a refund")
country_id = fields.Many2one(string="Country", comodel_name='res.country', required=True, help="The country for which this tax is applicable.")
country_code = fields.Char(related='country_id.code', readonly=True)
_sql_constraints = [
('name_company_uniq', 'unique(name, company_id, type_tax_use, tax_scope)', 'Tax names must be unique !'),
def validate_tax_group_id(self):
for record in self:
if record.tax_group_id.country_id and record.tax_group_id.country_id != record.country_id:
raise ValidationError(_("The tax group must have the same country_id as the tax using it."))
def default_get(self, fields_list):
# company_id is added so that we are sure to fetch a default value from it to use in repartition lines, below
rslt = super(AccountTax, self).default_get(fields_list + ['company_id'])
company_id = rslt.get('company_id')
company = self.env['res.company'].browse(company_id)
if 'country_id' in fields_list:
rslt['country_id'] = company.account_fiscal_country_id.id
if 'refund_repartition_line_ids' in fields_list:
rslt['refund_repartition_line_ids'] = [
(0, 0, {'repartition_type': 'base', 'tag_ids': [], 'company_id': company_id}),
(0, 0, {'repartition_type': 'tax', 'tag_ids': [], 'company_id': company_id}),
if 'invoice_repartition_line_ids' in fields_list:
rslt['invoice_repartition_line_ids'] = [
(0, 0, {'repartition_type': 'base', 'tag_ids': [], 'company_id': company_id}),
(0, 0, {'repartition_type': 'tax', 'tag_ids': [], 'company_id': company_id}),
return rslt
def _parse_name_search(name):
Parse the name to search the taxes faster.
Technical: 0EUM => 0%E%U%M
21M => 2%1%M% where the % represents 0, 1 or multiple characters in a SQL 'LIKE' search.
21" M" => 2%1% M%
21" M"co => 2%1% M%c%o%
Examples: 0EUM => VAT 0% EU M.
21M => 21% M , 21% EU M, 21% M.Cocont and 21% EX M.
21" M" => 21% M and 21% M.Cocont.
21" M"co => 21% M.Cocont.
regex = r"(\"[^\"]*\")"
list_name = re.split(regex, name)
for i, name in enumerate(list_name.copy()):
if not name:
if re.search(regex, name):
list_name[i] = "%" + name.replace("%", "_").replace("\"", "") + "%"
list_name[i] = '%'.join(re.sub(r"\W+", "", name))
return ''.join(list_name)
def _name_search(self, name='', args=None, operator='ilike', limit=100, name_get_uid=None):
if operator in ("ilike", "like"):
name = AccountTax._parse_name_search(name)
return super()._name_search(name, args, operator, limit, name_get_uid)
def _search_name(self, operator, value):
if operator not in ("ilike", "like") or not isinstance(value, str):
return [('name', operator, value)]
return [('name', operator, AccountTax._parse_name_search(value))]
def _check_repartition_lines(self, lines):
base_line = lines.filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'base')
if len(base_line) != 1:
raise ValidationError(_("Invoice and credit note distribution should each contain exactly one line for the base."))
@api.constrains('invoice_repartition_line_ids', 'refund_repartition_line_ids')
def _validate_repartition_lines(self):
for record in self:
# if the tax is an aggregation of its sub-taxes (group) it can have no repartition lines
if record.amount_type == 'group' and \
not record.invoice_repartition_line_ids and \
not record.refund_repartition_line_ids:
invoice_repartition_line_ids = record.invoice_repartition_line_ids.sorted()
refund_repartition_line_ids = record.refund_repartition_line_ids.sorted()
if len(invoice_repartition_line_ids) != len(refund_repartition_line_ids):
raise ValidationError(_("Invoice and credit note distribution should have the same number of lines."))
if not invoice_repartition_line_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'tax') or \
not refund_repartition_line_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'tax'):
raise ValidationError(_("Invoice and credit note repartition should have at least one tax repartition line."))
index = 0
while index < len(invoice_repartition_line_ids):
inv_rep_ln = invoice_repartition_line_ids[index]
ref_rep_ln = refund_repartition_line_ids[index]
if inv_rep_ln.repartition_type != ref_rep_ln.repartition_type or inv_rep_ln.factor_percent != ref_rep_ln.factor_percent:
raise ValidationError(_("Invoice and credit note distribution should match (same percentages, in the same order)."))
index += 1
@api.constrains('children_tax_ids', 'type_tax_use')
def _check_children_scope(self):
for tax in self:
if not tax._check_m2m_recursion('children_tax_ids'):
raise ValidationError(_("Recursion found for tax '%s'.") % (tax.name,))
if any(
child.type_tax_use not in ('none', tax.type_tax_use)
or child.tax_scope not in (tax.tax_scope, False)
for child in tax.children_tax_ids
raise ValidationError(_('The application scope of taxes in a group must be either the same as the group or left empty.'))
if any(
child.amount_type == 'group'
for child in tax.children_tax_ids
raise ValidationError(_('Nested group of taxes are not allowed.'))
def _check_company_consistency(self):
if not self:
self.env['account.move.line'].flush_model(['company_id', 'tax_line_id'])
SELECT line.id
FROM account_move_line line
JOIN account_tax tax ON tax.id = line.tax_line_id
WHERE line.tax_line_id IN %s
AND line.company_id != tax.company_id
SELECT line.id
FROM account_move_line_account_tax_rel tax_rel
JOIN account_tax tax ON tax.id = tax_rel.account_tax_id
JOIN account_move_line line ON line.id = tax_rel.account_move_line_id
WHERE tax_rel.account_tax_id IN %s
AND line.company_id != tax.company_id
''', [tuple(self.ids)] * 2)
if self._cr.fetchone():
raise UserError(_("You can't change the company of your tax since there are some journal items linked to it."))
@api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id)
def copy(self, default=None):
default = dict(default or {})
if 'name' not in default:
default['name'] = _("%s (Copy)") % self.name
return super(AccountTax, self).copy(default=default)
def name_get(self):
name_list = []
type_tax_use = dict(self._fields['type_tax_use']._description_selection(self.env))
tax_scope = dict(self._fields['tax_scope']._description_selection(self.env))
for record in self:
name = record.name
if self._context.get('append_type_to_tax_name'):
name += ' (%s)' % type_tax_use.get(record.type_tax_use)
if record.tax_scope:
name += ' (%s)' % tax_scope.get(record.tax_scope)
name_list += [(record.id, name)]
return name_list
def _search(self, args, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, count=False, access_rights_uid=None):
context = self._context or {}
if context.get('move_type'):
if context.get('move_type') in ('out_invoice', 'out_refund'):
args += [('type_tax_use', '=', 'sale')]
elif context.get('move_type') in ('in_invoice', 'in_refund'):
args += [('type_tax_use', '=', 'purchase')]
if context.get('journal_id'):
journal = self.env['account.journal'].browse(context.get('journal_id'))
if journal.type in ('sale', 'purchase'):
args += [('type_tax_use', '=', journal.type)]
return super(AccountTax, self)._search(args, offset, limit, order, count=count, access_rights_uid=access_rights_uid)
def onchange_amount(self):
if self.amount_type in ('percent', 'division') and self.amount != 0.0 and not self.description:
self.description = "{0:.4g}%".format(self.amount)
def onchange_amount_type(self):
if self.amount_type != 'group':
self.children_tax_ids = [(5,)]
if self.amount_type == 'group':
self.description = None
def onchange_price_include(self):
if self.price_include:
self.include_base_amount = True
@api.depends('invoice_repartition_line_ids', 'amount', 'invoice_repartition_line_ids.factor')
def _compute_real_amount(self):
for tax in self:
tax_repartition_lines = tax.invoice_repartition_line_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'tax')
total_factor = sum(tax_repartition_lines.mapped('factor'))
tax.real_amount = tax.amount * total_factor
def _compute_amount(self, base_amount, price_unit, quantity=1.0, product=None, partner=None, fixed_multiplicator=1):
""" Returns the amount of a single tax. base_amount is the actual amount on which the tax is applied, which is
price_unit * quantity eventually affected by previous taxes (if tax is include_base_amount XOR price_include)
if self.amount_type == 'fixed':
# Use copysign to take into account the sign of the base amount which includes the sign
# of the quantity and the sign of the price_unit
# Amount is the fixed price for the tax, it can be negative
# Base amount included the sign of the quantity and the sign of the unit price and when
# a product is returned, it can be done either by changing the sign of quantity or by changing the
# sign of the price unit.
# When the price unit is equal to 0, the sign of the quantity is absorbed in base_amount then
# a "else" case is needed.
if base_amount:
return math.copysign(quantity, base_amount) * self.amount * abs(fixed_multiplicator)
return quantity * self.amount * abs(fixed_multiplicator)
price_include = self._context.get('force_price_include', self.price_include)
# base * (1 + tax_amount) = new_base
if self.amount_type == 'percent' and not price_include:
return base_amount * self.amount / 100
# <=> new_base = base / (1 + tax_amount)
if self.amount_type == 'percent' and price_include:
return base_amount - (base_amount / (1 + self.amount / 100))
# base / (1 - tax_amount) = new_base
if self.amount_type == 'division' and not price_include:
return base_amount / (1 - self.amount / 100) - base_amount if (1 - self.amount / 100) else 0.0
# <=> new_base * (1 - tax_amount) = base
if self.amount_type == 'division' and price_include:
return base_amount - (base_amount * (self.amount / 100))
# default value for custom amount_type
return 0.0
def json_friendly_compute_all(self, price_unit, currency_id=None, quantity=1.0, product_id=None, partner_id=None, is_refund=False, include_caba_tags=False):
""" Called by the reconciliation to compute taxes on writeoff during bank reconciliation
if currency_id:
currency_id = self.env['res.currency'].browse(currency_id)
if product_id:
product_id = self.env['product.product'].browse(product_id)
if partner_id:
partner_id = self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id)
# We first need to find out whether this tax computation is made for a refund
tax_type = self and self[0].type_tax_use
is_refund = is_refund or (tax_type == 'sale' and price_unit > 0) or (tax_type == 'purchase' and price_unit < 0)
rslt = self.with_context(caba_no_transition_account=True)\
.compute_all(price_unit, currency=currency_id, quantity=quantity, product=product_id, partner=partner_id, is_refund=is_refund, include_caba_tags=include_caba_tags)
return rslt
def flatten_taxes_hierarchy(self, create_map=False):
# Flattens the taxes contained in this recordset, returning all the
# children at the bottom of the hierarchy, in a recordset, ordered by sequence.
# Eg. considering letters as taxes and alphabetic order as sequence :
# [G, B([A, D, F]), E, C] will be computed as [A, D, F, C, E, G]
# If create_map is True, an additional value is returned, a dictionary
# mapping each child tax to its parent group
all_taxes = self.env['account.tax']
groups_map = {}
for tax in self.sorted(key=lambda r: (r.sequence, r._origin.id)):
if tax.amount_type == 'group':
flattened_children = tax.children_tax_ids.flatten_taxes_hierarchy()
all_taxes += flattened_children
for flat_child in flattened_children:
groups_map[flat_child] = tax
all_taxes += tax
if create_map:
return all_taxes, groups_map
return all_taxes
def get_tax_tags(self, is_refund, repartition_type):
rep_lines = self.mapped(is_refund and 'refund_repartition_line_ids' or 'invoice_repartition_line_ids')
return rep_lines.filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == repartition_type).mapped('tag_ids')
def compute_all(self, price_unit, currency=None, quantity=1.0, product=None, partner=None, is_refund=False, handle_price_include=True, include_caba_tags=False, fixed_multiplicator=1):
"""Compute all information required to apply taxes (in self + their children in case of a tax group).
We consider the sequence of the parent for group of taxes.
Eg. considering letters as taxes and alphabetic order as sequence :
[G, B([A, D, F]), E, C] will be computed as [A, D, F, C, E, G]
:param price_unit: The unit price of the line to compute taxes on.
:param currency: The optional currency in which the price_unit is expressed.
:param quantity: The optional quantity of the product to compute taxes on.
:param product: The optional product to compute taxes on.
Used to get the tags to apply on the lines.
:param partner: The optional partner compute taxes on.
Used to retrieve the lang to build strings and for potential extensions.
:param is_refund: The optional boolean indicating if this is a refund.
:param handle_price_include: Used when we need to ignore all tax included in price. If False, it means the
amount passed to this method will be considered as the base of all computations.
:param include_caba_tags: The optional boolean indicating if CABA tags need to be taken into account.
:param fixed_multiplicator: The amount to multiply fixed amount taxes by.
:return: {
'total_excluded': 0.0, # Total without taxes
'total_included': 0.0, # Total with taxes
'total_void' : 0.0, # Total with those taxes, that don't have an account set
'base_tags: : list<int>, # Tags to apply on the base line
'taxes': [{ # One dict for each tax in self and their children
'id': int,
'name': str,
'amount': float,
'base': float,
'sequence': int,
'account_id': int,
'refund_account_id': int,
'analytic': bool,
'price_include': bool,
'tax_exigibility': str,
'tax_repartition_line_id': int,
'group': recordset,
'tag_ids': list<int>,
'tax_ids': list<int>,
} """
if not self:
company = self.env.company
company = self[0].company_id
# 1) Flatten the taxes.
taxes, groups_map = self.flatten_taxes_hierarchy(create_map=True)
# 2) Deal with the rounding methods
if not currency:
currency = company.currency_id
# By default, for each tax, tax amount will first be computed
# and rounded at the 'Account' decimal precision for each
# PO/SO/invoice line and then these rounded amounts will be
# summed, leading to the total amount for that tax. But, if the
# company has tax_calculation_rounding_method = round_globally,
# we still follow the same method, but we use a much larger
# precision when we round the tax amount for each line (we use
# the 'Account' decimal precision + 5), and that way it's like
# rounding after the sum of the tax amounts of each line
prec = currency.rounding
# In some cases, it is necessary to force/prevent the rounding of the tax and the total
# amounts. For example, in SO/PO line, we don't want to round the price unit at the
# precision of the currency.
# The context key 'round' allows to force the standard behavior.
round_tax = False if company.tax_calculation_rounding_method == 'round_globally' else True
if 'round' in self.env.context:
round_tax = bool(self.env.context['round'])
if not round_tax:
prec *= 1e-5
# 3) Iterate the taxes in the reversed sequence order to retrieve the initial base of the computation.
# tax | base | amount |
# /\ ----------------------------
# || tax_1 | XXXX | | <- we are looking for that, it's the total_excluded
# || tax_2 | .. | |
# || tax_3 | .. | |
# || ... | .. | .. |
# ----------------------------
def recompute_base(base_amount, incl_tax_amounts):
""" Recompute the new base amount based on included fixed/percent amounts and the current base amount. """
fixed_amount = incl_tax_amounts['fixed_amount']
division_amount = sum(tax_factor for _i, tax_factor in incl_tax_amounts['division_taxes'])
percent_amount = sum(tax_amount * sum_repartition_factor for _i, tax_amount, sum_repartition_factor in incl_tax_amounts['percent_taxes'])
if company.country_code == 'IN':
# For the indian case, when facing two percent price-included taxes having the same percentage,
# both need to produce the same tax amounts. To do that, the tax amount of those taxes are computed
# directly during the first traveling in reversed order.
total_tax_amount = 0.0
for i, tax_amount, sum_repartition_factor in incl_tax_amounts['percent_taxes']:
gross_tax_amount = float_round(base * tax_amount / (100 + percent_amount), precision_rounding=prec)
factored_tax_amount = float_round(gross_tax_amount * sum_repartition_factor, precision_rounding=prec)
total_tax_amount += factored_tax_amount
cached_tax_amounts[i] = gross_tax_amount
fixed_amount += factored_tax_amount
for i, _tax_amount, _sum_repartition_factor in incl_tax_amounts['percent_taxes']:
cached_base_amounts[i] = base - total_tax_amount
percent_amount = 0.0
'percent_taxes': [],
'division_taxes': [],
'fixed_amount': 0.0,
return (base_amount - fixed_amount) / (1.0 + percent_amount / 100.0) * (100 - division_amount) / 100
# The first/last base must absolutely be rounded to work in round globally.
# Indeed, the sum of all taxes ('taxes' key in the result dictionary) must be strictly equals to
# 'price_included' - 'price_excluded' whatever the rounding method.
# Example using the global rounding without any decimals:
# Suppose two invoice lines: 27000 and 10920, both having a 19% price included tax.
# Line 1 Line 2
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# total_included: 27000 10920
# tax: 27000 / 1.19 = 4310.924 10920 / 1.19 = 1743.529
# total_excluded: 22689.076 9176.471
# If the rounding of the total_excluded isn't made at the end, it could lead to some rounding issues
# when summing the tax amounts, e.g. on invoices.
# In that case:
# - amount_untaxed will be 22689 + 9176 = 31865
# - amount_tax will be 4310.924 + 1743.529 = 6054.453 ~ 6054
# - amount_total will be 31865 + 6054 = 37919 != 37920 = 27000 + 10920
# By performing a rounding at the end to compute the price_excluded amount, the amount_tax will be strictly
# equals to 'price_included' - 'price_excluded' after rounding and then:
# Line 1: sum(taxes) = 27000 - 22689 = 4311
# Line 2: sum(taxes) = 10920 - 2176 = 8744
# amount_tax = 4311 + 8744 = 13055
# amount_total = 31865 + 13055 = 37920
base = price_unit * quantity
if self._context.get('round_base', True):
base = currency.round(base)
# For the computation of move lines, we could have a negative base value.
# In this case, compute all with positive values and negate them at the end.
sign = 1
if currency.is_zero(base):
sign = -1 if fixed_multiplicator < 0 else 1
elif base < 0:
sign = -1
base = -base
# Store the totals to reach when using price_include taxes (only the last price included in row)
total_included_checkpoints = {}
i = len(taxes) - 1
store_included_tax_total = True
# Keep track of the accumulated included fixed/percent amount.
incl_tax_amounts = {
'percent_taxes': [],
'division_taxes': [],
'fixed_amount': 0.0,
# Store the tax amounts we compute while searching for the total_excluded
cached_base_amounts = {}
cached_tax_amounts = {}
is_base_affected = True
if handle_price_include:
for tax in reversed(taxes):
tax_repartition_lines = (
and tax.refund_repartition_line_ids
or tax.invoice_repartition_line_ids
).filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == "tax")
sum_repartition_factor = sum(tax_repartition_lines.mapped("factor"))
if tax.include_base_amount and is_base_affected:
base = recompute_base(base, incl_tax_amounts)
store_included_tax_total = True
if self._context.get('force_price_include', tax.price_include):
if tax.amount_type == 'percent':
incl_tax_amounts['percent_taxes'].append((i, tax.amount, sum_repartition_factor))
elif tax.amount_type == 'division':
incl_tax_amounts['division_taxes'].append((i, tax.amount * sum_repartition_factor))
elif tax.amount_type == 'fixed':
incl_tax_amounts['fixed_amount'] = abs(quantity) * tax.amount * sum_repartition_factor * abs(fixed_multiplicator)
# tax.amount_type == other (python)
tax_amount = tax._compute_amount(base, sign * price_unit, quantity, product, partner, fixed_multiplicator)
tax_amount = float_round(tax_amount, precision_rounding=prec)
incl_tax_amounts['fixed_amount'] += tax_amount
# Avoid unecessary re-computation
cached_tax_amounts[i] = tax_amount
# In case of a zero tax, do not store the base amount since the tax amount will
# be zero anyway. Group and Python taxes have an amount of zero, so do not take
# them into account.
if store_included_tax_total and (
tax.amount or tax.amount_type not in ("percent", "division", "fixed")
total_included_checkpoints[i] = base
store_included_tax_total = False
i -= 1
is_base_affected = tax.is_base_affected
total_excluded = recompute_base(base, incl_tax_amounts)
if self._context.get('round_base', True):
total_excluded = currency.round(total_excluded)
# 4) Iterate the taxes in the sequence order to compute missing tax amounts.
# Start the computation of accumulated amounts at the total_excluded value.
base = total_included = total_void = total_excluded
# Flag indicating the checkpoint used in price_include to avoid rounding issue must be skipped since the base
# amount has changed because we are currently mixing price-included and price-excluded include_base_amount
# taxes.
skip_checkpoint = False
# Get product tags, account.account.tag objects that need to be injected in all
# the tax_tag_ids of all the move lines created by the compute all for this product.
product_tag_ids = product.sudo().account_tag_ids.ids if product else []
taxes_vals = []
i = 0
cumulated_tax_included_amount = 0
for tax in taxes:
price_include = self._context.get('force_price_include', tax.price_include)
if price_include and i in cached_base_amounts:
tax_base_amount = cached_base_amounts[i]
elif price_include or tax.is_base_affected:
tax_base_amount = base
tax_base_amount = total_excluded
tax_repartition_lines = (is_refund and tax.refund_repartition_line_ids or tax.invoice_repartition_line_ids).filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'tax')
sum_repartition_factor = sum(tax_repartition_lines.mapped('factor'))
#compute the tax_amount
if price_include and i in cached_tax_amounts:
tax_amount = cached_tax_amounts[i]
elif not skip_checkpoint and price_include and total_included_checkpoints.get(i) is not None and sum_repartition_factor != 0:
# We know the total to reach for that tax, so we make a substraction to avoid any rounding issues
tax_amount = total_included_checkpoints[i] - (base + cumulated_tax_included_amount)
cumulated_tax_included_amount = 0
tax_amount = tax.with_context(force_price_include=False)._compute_amount(
tax_base_amount, sign * price_unit, quantity, product, partner, fixed_multiplicator)
# Round the tax_amount multiplied by the computed repartition lines factor.
tax_amount = float_round(tax_amount, precision_rounding=prec)
factorized_tax_amount = float_round(tax_amount * sum_repartition_factor, precision_rounding=prec)
if price_include and total_included_checkpoints.get(i) is None:
cumulated_tax_included_amount += factorized_tax_amount
# If the tax affects the base of subsequent taxes, its tax move lines must
# receive the base tags and tag_ids of these taxes, so that the tax report computes
# the right total
subsequent_taxes = self.env['account.tax']
subsequent_tags = self.env['account.account.tag']
if tax.include_base_amount:
subsequent_taxes = taxes[i+1:].filtered('is_base_affected')
taxes_for_subsequent_tags = subsequent_taxes
if not include_caba_tags:
taxes_for_subsequent_tags = subsequent_taxes.filtered(lambda x: x.tax_exigibility != 'on_payment')
subsequent_tags = taxes_for_subsequent_tags.get_tax_tags(is_refund, 'base')
# Compute the tax line amounts by multiplying each factor with the tax amount.
# Then, spread the tax rounding to ensure the consistency of each line independently with the factorized
# amount. E.g:
# Suppose a tax having 4 x 50% repartition line applied on a tax amount of 0.03 with 2 decimal places.
# The factorized_tax_amount will be 0.06 (200% x 0.03). However, each line taken independently will compute
# 50% * 0.03 = 0.01 with rounding. It means there is 0.06 - 0.04 = 0.02 as total_rounding_error to dispatch
# in lines as 2 x 0.01.
repartition_line_amounts = [float_round(tax_amount * line.factor, precision_rounding=prec) for line in tax_repartition_lines]
total_rounding_error = float_round(factorized_tax_amount - sum(repartition_line_amounts), precision_rounding=prec)
nber_rounding_steps = int(abs(total_rounding_error / currency.rounding))
rounding_error = float_round(nber_rounding_steps and total_rounding_error / nber_rounding_steps or 0.0, precision_rounding=prec)
for repartition_line, line_amount in zip(tax_repartition_lines, repartition_line_amounts):
if nber_rounding_steps:
line_amount += rounding_error
nber_rounding_steps -= 1
if not include_caba_tags and tax.tax_exigibility == 'on_payment':
repartition_line_tags = self.env['account.account.tag']
repartition_line_tags = repartition_line.tag_ids
'id': tax.id,
'name': partner and tax.with_context(lang=partner.lang).name or tax.name,
'amount': sign * line_amount,
'base': float_round(sign * tax_base_amount, precision_rounding=prec),
'sequence': tax.sequence,
'account_id': repartition_line._get_aml_target_tax_account(force_caba_exigibility=include_caba_tags).id,
'analytic': tax.analytic,
'use_in_tax_closing': repartition_line.use_in_tax_closing,
'price_include': price_include,
'tax_exigibility': tax.tax_exigibility,
'tax_repartition_line_id': repartition_line.id,
'group': groups_map.get(tax),
'tag_ids': (repartition_line_tags + subsequent_tags).ids + product_tag_ids,
'tax_ids': subsequent_taxes.ids,
if not repartition_line.account_id:
total_void += line_amount
# Affect subsequent taxes
if tax.include_base_amount:
base += factorized_tax_amount
if not price_include:
skip_checkpoint = True
total_included += factorized_tax_amount
i += 1
base_taxes_for_tags = taxes
if not include_caba_tags:
base_taxes_for_tags = base_taxes_for_tags.filtered(lambda x: x.tax_exigibility != 'on_payment')
base_rep_lines = base_taxes_for_tags.mapped(is_refund and 'refund_repartition_line_ids' or 'invoice_repartition_line_ids').filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'base')
return {
'base_tags': base_rep_lines.tag_ids.ids + product_tag_ids,
'taxes': taxes_vals,
'total_excluded': sign * total_excluded,
'total_included': sign * currency.round(total_included),
'total_void': sign * total_void,
def _convert_to_tax_base_line_dict(
self, base_line,
partner=None, currency=None, product=None, taxes=None, price_unit=None, quantity=None,
discount=None, account=None, analytic_distribution=None, price_subtotal=None,
is_refund=False, rate=None,
return {
'record': base_line,
'partner': partner or self.env['res.partner'],
'currency': currency or self.env['res.currency'],
'product': product or self.env['product.product'],
'taxes': taxes or self.env['account.tax'],
'price_unit': price_unit or 0.0,
'quantity': quantity or 0.0,
'discount': discount or 0.0,
'account': account or self.env['account.account'],
'analytic_distribution': analytic_distribution,
'price_subtotal': price_subtotal or 0.0,
'is_refund': is_refund,
'rate': rate or 1.0,
'handle_price_include': handle_price_include,
'extra_context': extra_context or {},
def _convert_to_tax_line_dict(
self, tax_line,
partner=None, currency=None, taxes=None, tax_tags=None, tax_repartition_line=None,
group_tax=None, account=None, analytic_distribution=None, tax_amount=None,
return {
'record': tax_line,
'partner': partner or self.env['res.partner'],
'currency': currency or self.env['res.currency'],
'taxes': taxes or self.env['account.tax'],
'tax_tags': tax_tags or self.env['account.account.tag'],
'tax_repartition_line': tax_repartition_line or self.env['account.tax.repartition.line'],
'group_tax': group_tax or self.env['account.tax'],
'account': account or self.env['account.account'],
'analytic_distribution': analytic_distribution,
'tax_amount': tax_amount or 0.0,
def _get_generation_dict_from_base_line(self, line_vals, tax_vals, force_caba_exigibility=False):
""" Take a tax results returned by the taxes computation method and return a dictionary representing the way
the tax amounts will be grouped together. To do so, the dictionary will be converted into a string key.
Then, the existing tax lines sharing the same key will be updated and the missing ones will be created.
:param line_vals: A python dict returned by '_convert_to_tax_base_line_dict'.
:param tax_vals: A python dict returned by 'compute_all' under the 'taxes' key.
:return: A python dict.
tax_repartition_line = tax_vals['tax_repartition_line']
tax_account = tax_repartition_line._get_aml_target_tax_account(force_caba_exigibility=force_caba_exigibility) or line_vals['account']
return {
'account_id': tax_account.id,
'currency_id': line_vals['currency'].id,
'partner_id': line_vals['partner'].id,
'tax_repartition_line_id': tax_repartition_line.id,
'tax_ids': [Command.set(tax_vals['tax_ids'])],
'tax_tag_ids': [Command.set(tax_vals['tag_ids'])],
'tax_id': tax_vals['group'].id if tax_vals['group'] else tax_vals['id'],
'analytic_distribution': line_vals['analytic_distribution'] if tax_vals['analytic'] else {},
'_extra_grouping_key_': line_vals.get('extra_context', {}).get('_extra_grouping_key_'),
def _get_generation_dict_from_tax_line(self, line_vals):
""" Turn the values corresponding to a tax line and convert it into a dictionary. The dictionary will be
converted into a string key. This allows updating the existing tax lines instead of creating new ones
:param line_vals: A python dict returned by '_convert_to_tax_line_dict'.
:return: A python dict representing the grouping key used to update an existing tax line.
tax = line_vals['tax_repartition_line'].tax_id
return {
'account_id': line_vals['account'].id,
'currency_id': line_vals['currency'].id,
'partner_id': line_vals['partner'].id,
'tax_repartition_line_id': line_vals['tax_repartition_line'].id,
'tax_ids': [Command.set(line_vals['taxes'].ids)],
'tax_tag_ids': [Command.set(line_vals['tax_tags'].ids)],
'tax_id': (line_vals['group_tax'] or tax).id,
'analytic_distribution': line_vals['analytic_distribution'] if tax.analytic else {},
'_extra_grouping_key_': line_vals.get('extra_context', {}).get('_extra_grouping_key_'),
def _compute_taxes_for_single_line(self, base_line, handle_price_include=True, include_caba_tags=False, early_pay_discount_computation=None, early_pay_discount_percentage=None):
orig_price_unit_after_discount = base_line['price_unit'] * (1 - (base_line['discount'] / 100.0))
price_unit_after_discount = orig_price_unit_after_discount
taxes = base_line['taxes']._origin
currency = base_line['currency'] or self.env.company.currency_id
rate = base_line['rate']
if early_pay_discount_computation in ('included', 'excluded'):
remaining_part_to_consider = (100 - early_pay_discount_percentage) / 100.0
price_unit_after_discount = remaining_part_to_consider * price_unit_after_discount
if taxes:
taxes_res = taxes.with_context(**base_line['extra_context']).compute_all(
to_update_vals = {
'tax_tag_ids': [Command.set(taxes_res['base_tags'])],
'price_subtotal': taxes_res['total_excluded'],
'price_total': taxes_res['total_included'],
if early_pay_discount_computation == 'excluded':
new_taxes_res = taxes.with_context(**base_line['extra_context']).compute_all(
for tax_res, new_taxes_res in zip(taxes_res['taxes'], new_taxes_res['taxes']):
delta_tax = new_taxes_res['amount'] - tax_res['amount']
tax_res['amount'] += delta_tax
to_update_vals['price_total'] += delta_tax
tax_values_list = []
for tax_res in taxes_res['taxes']:
tax_amount = tax_res['amount'] / rate
if self.company_id.tax_calculation_rounding_method == 'round_per_line':
tax_amount = currency.round(tax_amount)
tax_rep = self.env['account.tax.repartition.line'].browse(tax_res['tax_repartition_line_id'])
'tax_repartition_line': tax_rep,
'base_amount_currency': tax_res['base'],
'base_amount': currency.round(tax_res['base'] / rate),
'tax_amount_currency': tax_res['amount'],
'tax_amount': tax_amount,
price_subtotal = currency.round(price_unit_after_discount * base_line['quantity'])
to_update_vals = {
'tax_tag_ids': [Command.clear()],
'price_subtotal': price_subtotal,
'price_total': price_subtotal,
tax_values_list = []
return to_update_vals, tax_values_list
def _aggregate_taxes(self, to_process, filter_tax_values_to_apply=None, grouping_key_generator=None):
def default_grouping_key_generator(base_line, tax_values):
return {'tax': tax_values['tax_repartition_line'].tax_id}
global_tax_details = {
'base_amount_currency': 0.0,
'base_amount': 0.0,
'tax_amount_currency': 0.0,
'tax_amount': 0.0,
'tax_details': defaultdict(lambda: {
'base_amount_currency': 0.0,
'base_amount': 0.0,
'tax_amount_currency': 0.0,
'tax_amount': 0.0,
'group_tax_details': [],
'records': set(),
'tax_details_per_record': defaultdict(lambda: {
'base_amount_currency': 0.0,
'base_amount': 0.0,
'tax_amount_currency': 0.0,
'tax_amount': 0.0,
'tax_details': defaultdict(lambda: {
'base_amount_currency': 0.0,
'base_amount': 0.0,
'tax_amount_currency': 0.0,
'tax_amount': 0.0,
'group_tax_details': [],
'records': set(),
def add_tax_values(record, results, grouping_key, serialized_grouping_key, tax_values):
# Add to global results.
results['tax_amount_currency'] += tax_values['tax_amount_currency']
results['tax_amount'] += tax_values['tax_amount']
# Add to tax details.
if serialized_grouping_key not in results['tax_details']:
tax_details = results['tax_details'][serialized_grouping_key]
tax_details['base_amount_currency'] = tax_values['base_amount_currency']
tax_details['base_amount'] = tax_values['base_amount']
tax_details = results['tax_details'][serialized_grouping_key]
if record not in tax_details['records']:
tax_details['base_amount_currency'] += tax_values['base_amount_currency']
tax_details['base_amount'] += tax_values['base_amount']
tax_details['tax_amount_currency'] += tax_values['tax_amount_currency']
tax_details['tax_amount'] += tax_values['tax_amount']
if self.env.company.tax_calculation_rounding_method == 'round_globally':
# Aggregate all amounts according the tax lines grouping key.
comp_currency = self.env.company.currency_id
amount_per_tax_repartition_line_id = defaultdict(lambda: {
'tax_amount': 0.0,
'tax_amount_currency': 0.0,
'tax_values_list': [],
for base_line, to_update_vals, tax_values_list in to_process:
currency = base_line['currency'] or comp_currency
for tax_values in tax_values_list:
grouping_key = frozendict(self._get_generation_dict_from_base_line(base_line, tax_values))
total_amounts = amount_per_tax_repartition_line_id[grouping_key]
total_amounts['tax_amount_currency'] += tax_values['tax_amount_currency']
total_amounts['tax_amount'] += tax_values['tax_amount']
# Round them like what the creation of tax lines would do.
for key, values in amount_per_tax_repartition_line_id.items():
currency = self.env['res.currency'].browse(key['currency_id']) or comp_currency
values['tax_amount_rounded'] = comp_currency.round(values['tax_amount'])
values['tax_amount_currency_rounded'] = currency.round(values['tax_amount_currency'])
# Dispatch the amount accross the tax values.
for key, values in amount_per_tax_repartition_line_id.items():
foreign_currency = self.env['res.currency'].browse(key['currency_id']) or comp_currency
for currency, amount_field in ((comp_currency, 'tax_amount'), (foreign_currency, 'tax_amount_currency')):
raw_value = values[amount_field]
rounded_value = values[f'{amount_field}_rounded']
diff = rounded_value - raw_value
abs_diff = abs(diff)
diff_sign = -1 if diff < 0 else 1
tax_values_list = values['tax_values_list']
nb_error = math.ceil(abs_diff / currency.rounding)
nb_cents_per_tax_values = math.floor(nb_error / len(tax_values_list))
nb_extra_cent = nb_error % len(tax_values_list)
for tax_values in tax_values_list:
if not abs_diff:
nb_amount_curr_cent = nb_cents_per_tax_values
if nb_extra_cent:
nb_amount_curr_cent += 1
nb_extra_cent -= 1
# We can have more than one cent to distribute on a single tax_values.
abs_delta_to_add = min(abs_diff, currency.rounding * nb_amount_curr_cent)
tax_values[amount_field] += diff_sign * abs_delta_to_add
abs_diff -= abs_delta_to_add
grouping_key_generator = grouping_key_generator or default_grouping_key_generator
for base_line, to_update_vals, tax_values_list in to_process:
record = base_line['record']
# Add to global tax amounts.
global_tax_details['base_amount_currency'] += to_update_vals['price_subtotal']
currency = base_line['currency'] or self.env.company.currency_id
base_amount = currency.round(to_update_vals['price_subtotal'] / base_line['rate'])
global_tax_details['base_amount'] += base_amount
for tax_values in tax_values_list:
if filter_tax_values_to_apply and not filter_tax_values_to_apply(base_line, tax_values):
grouping_key = grouping_key_generator(base_line, tax_values)
serialized_grouping_key = frozendict(grouping_key)
# Add to invoice line global tax amounts.
if serialized_grouping_key not in global_tax_details['tax_details_per_record'][record]:
record_global_tax_details = global_tax_details['tax_details_per_record'][record]
record_global_tax_details['base_amount_currency'] = to_update_vals['price_subtotal']
record_global_tax_details['base_amount'] = base_amount
record_global_tax_details = global_tax_details['tax_details_per_record'][record]
add_tax_values(record, global_tax_details, grouping_key, serialized_grouping_key, tax_values)
add_tax_values(record, record_global_tax_details, grouping_key, serialized_grouping_key, tax_values)
return global_tax_details
def _compute_taxes(self, base_lines, tax_lines=None, handle_price_include=True, include_caba_tags=False):
""" Generic method to compute the taxes for different business models.
:param base_lines: A list of python dictionaries created using the '_convert_to_tax_base_line_dict' method.
:param tax_lines: A list of python dictionaries created using the '_convert_to_tax_line_dict' method.
:param handle_price_include: Manage the price-included taxes. If None, use the 'handle_price_include' key
set on base lines.
:param include_caba_tags: Manage tags for taxes being exigible on_payment.
:return: A python dictionary containing:
The complete diff on tax lines if 'tax_lines' is passed as parameter:
* tax_lines_to_add: To create new tax lines.
* tax_lines_to_delete: To track the tax lines that are no longer used.
* tax_lines_to_update: The values to update the existing tax lines.
* base_lines_to_update: The values to update the existing base lines:
* tax_tag_ids: The tags related to taxes.
* price_subtotal: The amount without tax.
* price_total: The amount with taxes.
* totals: A mapping for each involved currency to:
* amount_untaxed: The base amount without tax.
* amount_tax: The total tax amount.
res = {
'tax_lines_to_add': [],
'tax_lines_to_delete': [],
'tax_lines_to_update': [],
'base_lines_to_update': [],
'totals': defaultdict(lambda: {
'amount_untaxed': 0.0,
'amount_tax': 0.0,
# =========================================================================================
# For each base line, populate 'base_lines_to_update'.
# Compute 'tax_base_amount'/'tax_amount' for each pair <base line, tax repartition line>
# using the grouping key generated by the '_get_generation_dict_from_base_line' method.
# =========================================================================================
to_process = []
for base_line in base_lines:
to_update_vals, tax_values_list = self._compute_taxes_for_single_line(
to_process.append((base_line, to_update_vals, tax_values_list))
res['base_lines_to_update'].append((base_line, to_update_vals))
currency = base_line['currency'] or self.env.company.currency_id
res['totals'][currency]['amount_untaxed'] += to_update_vals['price_subtotal']
# =========================================================================================
# Map each existing tax lines using the grouping key generated by the
# '_get_generation_dict_from_tax_line' method.
# Since everything is indexed using the grouping key, we are now able to decide if
# (1) we can reuse an existing tax line and update its amounts
# (2) some tax lines are no longer used and can be dropped
# (3) we need to create new tax lines
# =========================================================================================
# Track the existing tax lines using the grouping key.
existing_tax_line_map = {}
for line_vals in tax_lines or []:
grouping_key = frozendict(self._get_generation_dict_from_tax_line(line_vals))
# After a modification (e.g. changing the analytic account of the tax line), if two tax lines are sharing
# the same key, keep only one.
if grouping_key in existing_tax_line_map:
existing_tax_line_map[grouping_key] = line_vals
def grouping_key_generator(base_line, tax_values):
return self._get_generation_dict_from_base_line(base_line, tax_values, force_caba_exigibility=include_caba_tags)
# Update/create the tax lines.
global_tax_details = self._aggregate_taxes(to_process, grouping_key_generator=grouping_key_generator)
for grouping_key, tax_values in global_tax_details['tax_details'].items():
if tax_values['currency_id']:
currency = self.env['res.currency'].browse(tax_values['currency_id'])
tax_amount = currency.round(tax_values['tax_amount_currency'])
res['totals'][currency]['amount_tax'] += tax_amount
if grouping_key in existing_tax_line_map:
# Update an existing tax line.
line_vals = existing_tax_line_map.pop(grouping_key)
res['tax_lines_to_update'].append((line_vals, tax_values))
# Create a new tax line.
for line_vals in existing_tax_line_map.values():
return res
def _prepare_tax_totals(self, base_lines, currency, tax_lines=None):
""" Compute the tax totals details for the business documents.
:param base_lines: A list of python dictionaries created using the '_convert_to_tax_base_line_dict' method.
:param currency: The currency set on the business document.
:param tax_lines: Optional list of python dictionaries created using the '_convert_to_tax_line_dict' method.
If specified, the taxes will be recomputed using them instead of recomputing the taxes on
the provided base lines.
:return: A dictionary in the following form:
'amount_total': The total amount to be displayed on the document, including every total
'amount_untaxed': The untaxed amount to be displayed on the document.
'formatted_amount_total': Same as amount_total, but as a string formatted accordingly with
partner's locale.
'formatted_amount_untaxed': Same as amount_untaxed, but as a string formatted accordingly with
partner's locale.
'groups_by_subtotals': A dictionary formed liked {'subtotal': groups_data}
Where total_type is a subtotal name defined on a tax group, or the
default one: 'Untaxed Amount'.
And groups_data is a list of dict in the following form:
'tax_group_name': The name of the tax groups this total is made for.
'tax_group_amount': The total tax amount in this tax group.
'tax_group_base_amount': The base amount for this tax group.
'formatted_tax_group_amount': Same as tax_group_amount, but as a string formatted accordingly
with partner's locale.
'formatted_tax_group_base_amount': Same as tax_group_base_amount, but as a string formatted
accordingly with partner's locale.
'tax_group_id': The id of the tax group corresponding to this dict.
'subtotals': A list of dictionaries in the following form, one for each subtotal in
'groups_by_subtotals' keys.
'name': The name of the subtotal
'amount': The total amount for this subtotal, summing all the tax groups
belonging to preceding subtotals and the base amount
'formatted_amount': Same as amount, but as a string formatted accordingly with
partner's locale.
'subtotals_order': A list of keys of `groups_by_subtotals` defining the order in which it needs
to be displayed
# ==== Compute the taxes ====
to_process = []
for base_line in base_lines:
to_update_vals, tax_values_list = self._compute_taxes_for_single_line(base_line)
to_process.append((base_line, to_update_vals, tax_values_list))
def grouping_key_generator(base_line, tax_values):
source_tax = tax_values['tax_repartition_line'].tax_id
return {'tax_group': source_tax.tax_group_id}
global_tax_details = self._aggregate_taxes(to_process, grouping_key_generator=grouping_key_generator)
tax_group_vals_list = []
for tax_detail in global_tax_details['tax_details'].values():
tax_group_vals = {
'tax_group': tax_detail['tax_group'],
'base_amount': tax_detail['base_amount_currency'],
'tax_amount': tax_detail['tax_amount_currency'],
'hide_base_amount': all(x['tax_repartition_line'].tax_id.amount_type == 'fixed' for x in tax_detail['group_tax_details']),
# Handle a manual edition of tax lines.
if tax_lines is not None:
matched_tax_lines = [
for x in tax_lines
if x['tax_repartition_line'].tax_id.tax_group_id == tax_detail['tax_group']
if matched_tax_lines:
tax_group_vals['tax_amount'] = sum(x['tax_amount'] for x in matched_tax_lines)
tax_group_vals_list = sorted(tax_group_vals_list, key=lambda x: (x['tax_group'].sequence, x['tax_group'].id))
# ==== Partition the tax group values by subtotals ====
amount_untaxed = global_tax_details['base_amount_currency']
amount_tax = 0.0
subtotal_order = {}
groups_by_subtotal = defaultdict(list)
for tax_group_vals in tax_group_vals_list:
tax_group = tax_group_vals['tax_group']
subtotal_title = tax_group.preceding_subtotal or _("Untaxed Amount")
sequence = tax_group.sequence
subtotal_order[subtotal_title] = min(subtotal_order.get(subtotal_title, float('inf')), sequence)
'group_key': tax_group.id,
'tax_group_id': tax_group.id,
'tax_group_name': tax_group.name,
'tax_group_amount': tax_group_vals['tax_amount'],
'tax_group_base_amount': tax_group_vals['base_amount'],
'formatted_tax_group_amount': formatLang(self.env, tax_group_vals['tax_amount'], currency_obj=currency),
'formatted_tax_group_base_amount': formatLang(self.env, tax_group_vals['base_amount'], currency_obj=currency),
'hide_base_amount': tax_group_vals['hide_base_amount'],
# ==== Build the final result ====
subtotals = []
for subtotal_title in sorted(subtotal_order.keys(), key=lambda k: subtotal_order[k]):
amount_total = amount_untaxed + amount_tax
'name': subtotal_title,
'amount': amount_total,
'formatted_amount': formatLang(self.env, amount_total, currency_obj=currency),
amount_tax += sum(x['tax_group_amount'] for x in groups_by_subtotal[subtotal_title])
amount_total = amount_untaxed + amount_tax
display_tax_base = (len(global_tax_details['tax_details']) == 1 and currency.compare_amounts(tax_group_vals_list[0]['base_amount'], amount_untaxed) != 0)\
or len(global_tax_details['tax_details']) > 1
return {
'amount_untaxed': currency.round(amount_untaxed) if currency else amount_untaxed,
'amount_total': currency.round(amount_total) if currency else amount_total,
'formatted_amount_total': formatLang(self.env, amount_total, currency_obj=currency),
'formatted_amount_untaxed': formatLang(self.env, amount_untaxed, currency_obj=currency),
'groups_by_subtotal': groups_by_subtotal,
'subtotals': subtotals,
'subtotals_order': sorted(subtotal_order.keys(), key=lambda k: subtotal_order[k]),
'display_tax_base': display_tax_base
def _fix_tax_included_price(self, price, prod_taxes, line_taxes):
"""Subtract tax amount from price when corresponding "price included" taxes do not apply"""
# FIXME get currency in param?
prod_taxes = prod_taxes._origin
line_taxes = line_taxes._origin
incl_tax = prod_taxes.filtered(lambda tax: tax not in line_taxes and tax.price_include)
if incl_tax:
return incl_tax.compute_all(price)['total_excluded']
return price
def _fix_tax_included_price_company(self, price, prod_taxes, line_taxes, company_id):
if company_id:
#To keep the same behavior as in _compute_tax_id
prod_taxes = prod_taxes.filtered(lambda tax: tax.company_id == company_id)
line_taxes = line_taxes.filtered(lambda tax: tax.company_id == company_id)
return self._fix_tax_included_price(price, prod_taxes, line_taxes)
class AccountTaxRepartitionLine(models.Model):
_name = "account.tax.repartition.line"
_description = "Tax Repartition Line"
_order = 'sequence, repartition_type, id'
_check_company_auto = True
factor_percent = fields.Float(
help="Factor to apply on the account move lines generated from this distribution line, in percents",
factor = fields.Float(string="Factor Ratio", compute="_compute_factor", help="Factor to apply on the account move lines generated from this distribution line")
repartition_type = fields.Selection(string="Based On", selection=[('base', 'Base'), ('tax', 'of tax')], required=True, default='tax', help="Base on which the factor will be applied.")
account_id = fields.Many2one(string="Account",
domain="[('deprecated', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id), ('account_type', 'not in', ('asset_receivable', 'liability_payable', 'off_balance'))]",
help="Account on which to post the tax amount")
tag_ids = fields.Many2many(string="Tax Grids", comodel_name='account.account.tag', domain=[('applicability', '=', 'taxes')], copy=True, ondelete='restrict')
invoice_tax_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='account.tax',
help="The tax set to apply this distribution on invoices. Mutually exclusive with refund_tax_id")
refund_tax_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='account.tax',
help="The tax set to apply this distribution on refund invoices. Mutually exclusive with invoice_tax_id")
tax_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='account.tax', compute='_compute_tax_id')
document_type = fields.Selection(
('invoice', 'Invoice'),
('refund', 'Refund'),
help="The type of documnet on which the repartition line should be applied",
company_id = fields.Many2one(string="Company", comodel_name='res.company', compute="_compute_company", store=True, help="The company this distribution line belongs to.")
sequence = fields.Integer(string="Sequence", default=1,
help="The order in which distribution lines are displayed and matched. For refunds to work properly, invoice distribution lines should be arranged in the same order as the credit note distribution lines they correspond to.")
use_in_tax_closing = fields.Boolean(string="Tax Closing Entry", default=True)
tag_ids_domain = fields.Binary(string="tag domain", help="Dynamic domain used for the tag that can be set on tax", compute="_compute_tag_ids_domain")
@api.depends('company_id.multi_vat_foreign_country_ids', 'company_id.account_fiscal_country_id')
def _compute_tag_ids_domain(self):
for rep_line in self:
allowed_country_ids = (False, rep_line.company_id.account_fiscal_country_id.id, *rep_line.company_id.multi_vat_foreign_country_ids.ids,)
rep_line.tag_ids_domain = [('applicability', '=', 'taxes'), ('country_id', 'in', allowed_country_ids)]
@api.onchange('account_id', 'repartition_type')
def _on_change_account_id(self):
if not self.account_id or self.repartition_type == 'base':
self.use_in_tax_closing = False
self.use_in_tax_closing = self.account_id.internal_group not in ('income', 'expense')
@api.constrains('invoice_tax_id', 'refund_tax_id')
def validate_tax_template_link(self):
for record in self:
if record.invoice_tax_id and record.refund_tax_id:
raise ValidationError(_("Tax distribution lines should apply to either invoices or refunds, not both at the same time. invoice_tax_id and refund_tax_id should not be set together."))
def _compute_factor(self):
for record in self:
record.factor = record.factor_percent / 100.0
@api.depends('invoice_tax_id.company_id', 'refund_tax_id.company_id')
def _compute_company(self):
for record in self:
record.company_id = record.invoice_tax_id and record.invoice_tax_id.company_id.id or record.refund_tax_id.company_id.id
@api.depends('invoice_tax_id', 'refund_tax_id')
def _compute_tax_id(self):
for record in self:
record.tax_id = record.invoice_tax_id or record.refund_tax_id
@api.depends('invoice_tax_id', 'refund_tax_id')
def _compute_document_type(self):
for record in self:
record.document_type = 'invoice' if record.invoice_tax_id else 'refund'
def _onchange_repartition_type(self):
if self.repartition_type == 'base':
self.account_id = None
def _get_aml_target_tax_account(self, force_caba_exigibility=False):
""" Get the default tax account to set on a business line.
:return: An account.account record or an empty recordset.
if not force_caba_exigibility and self.tax_id.tax_exigibility == 'on_payment' and not self._context.get('caba_no_transition_account'):
return self.tax_id.cash_basis_transition_account_id
return self.account_id