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2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
from odoo.tools.pdf import OdooPdfFileReader
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools import html_escape
from odoo.exceptions import RedirectWarning
from PyPDF2.errors import PdfReadError
except ImportError:
from PyPDF2.utils import PdfReadError
from lxml import etree
from struct import error as StructError
import base64
import io
import logging
import pathlib
import re
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AccountEdiFormat(models.Model):
_name = 'account.edi.format'
_description = 'EDI format'
name = fields.Char()
code = fields.Char(required=True)
_sql_constraints = [
('unique_code', 'unique (code)', 'This code already exists')
# Low-level methods
def create(self, vals_list):
edi_formats = super().create(vals_list)
if not edi_formats:
return edi_formats
# activate by default on journal
if not self.pool.loaded:
# The registry is not totally loaded. We cannot yet recompute the field on jourals as
# The helper methods aren't yet overwritten by all installed `l10n_` modules.
# Delay it in the register hook
self.pool._delay_compute_edi_format_ids = True
journals = self.env['account.journal'].search([])
# activate cron
if any(edi_format._needs_web_services() for edi_format in edi_formats):
self.env.ref('account_edi.ir_cron_edi_network').active = True
return edi_formats
def _register_hook(self):
if hasattr(self.pool, "_delay_compute_edi_format_ids"):
del self.pool._delay_compute_edi_format_ids
journals = self.env['account.journal'].search([])
return super()._register_hook()
# Export method to override based on EDI Format
def _get_move_applicability(self, move):
""" Core function for the EDI processing: it first checks whether the EDI format is applicable on a given
move, if so, it then returns a dictionary containing the functions to call for this move.
:return: dict mapping str to function (callable)
* post: function called for edi.documents with state 'to_send' (post flow)
* cancel: function called for edi.documents with state 'to_cancel' (cancel flow)
* post_batching: function returning the batching key for the post flow
* cancel_batching: function returning the batching key for the cancel flow
* edi_content: function called when computing the edi_content for an edi.document
def _needs_web_services(self):
""" Indicate if the EDI must be generated asynchronously through to some web services.
:return: True if such a web service is available, False otherwise.
return False
def _is_compatible_with_journal(self, journal):
""" Indicate if the EDI format should appear on the journal passed as parameter to be selected by the user.
If True, this EDI format will appear on the journal.
:param journal: The journal.
:returns: True if this format can appear on the journal, False otherwise.
return journal.type == 'sale'
def _is_enabled_by_default_on_journal(self, journal):
""" Indicate if the EDI format should be selected by default on the journal passed as parameter.
If True, this EDI format will be selected by default on the journal.
:param journal: The journal.
:returns: True if this format should be enabled by default on the journal, False otherwise.
return True
def _check_move_configuration(self, move):
""" Checks the move and relevant records for potential error (missing data, etc).
:param move: The move to check.
:returns: A list of error messages.
return []
# Import methods to override based on EDI Format
def _create_invoice_from_xml_tree(self, filename, tree, journal=None):
""" Create a new invoice with the data inside the xml.
:param filename: The name of the xml.
:param tree: The tree of the xml to import.
:param journal: The journal on which importing the invoice.
:returns: The created invoice.
return self.env['account.move']
def _update_invoice_from_xml_tree(self, filename, tree, invoice):
""" Update an existing invoice with the data inside the xml.
:param filename: The name of the xml.
:param tree: The tree of the xml to import.
:param invoice: The invoice to update.
:returns: The updated invoice.
return self.env['account.move']
def _create_invoice_from_pdf_reader(self, filename, reader):
""" Create a new invoice with the data inside a pdf.
:param filename: The name of the pdf.
:param reader: The OdooPdfFileReader of the pdf to import.
:returns: The created invoice.
return self.env['account.move']
def _update_invoice_from_pdf_reader(self, filename, reader, invoice):
""" Update an existing invoice with the data inside the pdf.
:param filename: The name of the pdf.
:param reader: The OdooPdfFileReader of the pdf to import.
:param invoice: The invoice to update.
:returns: The updated invoice.
return self.env['account.move']
def _create_invoice_from_binary(self, filename, content, extension):
""" Create a new invoice with the data inside a binary file.
:param filename: The name of the file.
:param content: The content of the binary file.
:param extension: The extensions as a string.
:returns: The created invoice.
return self.env['account.move']
def _update_invoice_from_binary(self, filename, content, extension, invoice):
""" Update an existing invoice with the data inside a binary file.
:param filename: The name of the file.
:param content: The content of the binary file.
:param extension: The extensions as a string.
:param invoice: The invoice to update.
:returns: The updated invoice.
return self.env['account.move']
def _prepare_invoice_report(self, pdf_writer, edi_document):
Prepare invoice report to be printed.
:param pdf_writer: The pdf writer with the invoice pdf content loaded.
:param edi_document: The edi document to be added to the pdf file.
# Import Internal methods (not meant to be overridden)
def _decode_xml(self, filename, content):
"""Decodes an xml into a list of one dictionary representing an attachment.
:param filename: The name of the xml.
:param content: The bytes representing the xml.
:returns: A list with a dictionary.
* filename: The name of the attachment.
* content: The content of the attachment.
* type: The type of the attachment.
* xml_tree: The tree of the xml if type is xml.
to_process = []
xml_tree = etree.fromstring(content)
except Exception as e:
_logger.exception("Error when converting the xml content to etree: %s" % e)
return to_process
if len(xml_tree):
'filename': filename,
'content': content,
'type': 'xml',
'xml_tree': xml_tree,
return to_process
def _decode_pdf(self, filename, content):
"""Decodes a pdf and unwrap sub-attachment into a list of dictionary each representing an attachment.
:param filename: The name of the pdf.
:param content: The bytes representing the pdf.
:returns: A list of dictionary for each attachment.
* filename: The name of the attachment.
* content: The content of the attachment.
* type: The type of the attachment.
* xml_tree: The tree of the xml if type is xml.
* pdf_reader: The pdf_reader if type is pdf.
to_process = []
buffer = io.BytesIO(content)
pdf_reader = OdooPdfFileReader(buffer, strict=False)
except Exception as e:
# Malformed pdf
_logger.warning("Error when reading the pdf: %s", e, exc_info=True)
return to_process
# Process embedded files.
for xml_name, content in pdf_reader.getAttachments():
to_process.extend(self._decode_xml(xml_name, content))
except (NotImplementedError, StructError, PdfReadError) as e:
_logger.warning("Unable to access the attachments of %s. Tried to decrypt it, but %s." % (filename, e))
# Process the pdf itself.
'filename': filename,
'content': content,
'type': 'pdf',
'pdf_reader': pdf_reader,
return to_process
def _decode_binary(self, filename, content):
"""Decodes any file into a list of one dictionary representing an attachment.
This is a fallback for all files that are not decoded by other methods.
:param filename: The name of the file.
:param content: The bytes representing the file.
:returns: A list with a dictionary.
* filename: The name of the attachment.
* content: The content of the attachment.
* type: The type of the attachment.
return [{
'filename': filename,
'extension': ''.join(pathlib.Path(filename).suffixes),
'content': content,
'type': 'binary',
def _decode_attachment(self, attachment):
"""Decodes an ir.attachment and unwrap sub-attachment into a list of dictionary each representing an attachment.
:param attachment: An ir.attachment record.
:returns: A list of dictionary for each attachment.
* filename: The name of the attachment.
* content: The content of the attachment.
* type: The type of the attachment.
* xml_tree: The tree of the xml if type is xml.
* pdf_reader: The pdf_reader if type is pdf.
content = base64.b64decode(attachment.with_context(bin_size=False).datas)
to_process = []
# XML attachments received by mail have a 'text/plain' mimetype (cfr. context key: 'attachments_mime_plainxml')
# Therefore, if content start with '<?xml', or if the filename ends with '.xml', it is considered as XML.
is_text_plain_xml = 'text/plain' in attachment.mimetype and (content.startswith(b'<?xml') or attachment.name.endswith('.xml'))
if 'pdf' in attachment.mimetype:
to_process.extend(self._decode_pdf(attachment.name, content))
elif attachment.mimetype.endswith('/xml') or is_text_plain_xml:
to_process.extend(self._decode_xml(attachment.name, content))
to_process.extend(self._decode_binary(attachment.name, content))
return to_process
def _create_document_from_attachment(self, attachment):
"""Decodes an ir.attachment to create an invoice.
:param attachment: An ir.attachment record.
:returns: The invoice where to import data.
for file_data in self._decode_attachment(attachment):
for edi_format in self:
res = False
if file_data['type'] == 'xml':
res = edi_format.with_company(self.env.company)._create_invoice_from_xml_tree(file_data['filename'], file_data['xml_tree'])
elif file_data['type'] == 'pdf':
res = edi_format.with_company(self.env.company)._create_invoice_from_pdf_reader(file_data['filename'], file_data['pdf_reader'])
res = edi_format._create_invoice_from_binary(file_data['filename'], file_data['content'], file_data['extension'])
except RedirectWarning as rw:
raise rw
except Exception as e:
"Error importing attachment \"%s\" as invoice with format \"%s\": %s",
if res:
return res._link_invoice_origin_to_purchase_orders(timeout=4)
return self.env['account.move']
def _update_invoice_from_attachment(self, attachment, invoice):
"""Decodes an ir.attachment to update an invoice.
:param attachment: An ir.attachment record.
:returns: The invoice where to import data.
for file_data in self._decode_attachment(attachment):
for edi_format in self:
res = False
if file_data['type'] == 'xml':
res = edi_format.with_company(invoice.company_id)._update_invoice_from_xml_tree(file_data['filename'], file_data['xml_tree'], invoice)
elif file_data['type'] == 'pdf':
res = edi_format.with_company(invoice.company_id)._update_invoice_from_pdf_reader(file_data['filename'], file_data['pdf_reader'], invoice)
else: # file_data['type'] == 'binary'
res = edi_format._update_invoice_from_binary(file_data['filename'], file_data['content'], file_data['extension'], invoice)
except Exception as e:
"Error importing attachment \"%s\" as invoice with format \"%s\": %s",
if res:
return res._link_invoice_origin_to_purchase_orders(timeout=4)
return self.env['account.move']
# Import helpers
def _find_value(self, xpath, xml_element, namespaces=None):
element = xml_element.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces)
return element[0].text if element else None
def _retrieve_partner_with_vat(self, vat, extra_domain):
if not vat:
return None
# Sometimes, the vat is specified with some whitespaces.
normalized_vat = vat.replace(' ', '')
country_prefix = re.match('^[a-zA-Z]{2}|^', vat).group()
partner = self.env['res.partner'].search(extra_domain + [('vat', 'in', (normalized_vat, vat))], limit=1)
# Try to remove the country code prefix from the vat.
if not partner and country_prefix:
partner = self.env['res.partner'].search(extra_domain + [
('vat', 'in', (normalized_vat[2:], vat[2:])),
('country_id.code', '=', country_prefix.upper()),
], limit=1)
# The country could be not specified on the partner.
if not partner:
partner = self.env['res.partner'].search(extra_domain + [
('vat', 'in', (normalized_vat[2:], vat[2:])),
('country_id', '=', False),
], limit=1)
# The vat could be a string of alphanumeric values without country code but with missing zeros at the
# beginning.
if not partner:
vat_only_numeric = str(int(re.sub(r'^\D{2}', '', normalized_vat) or 0))
except ValueError:
vat_only_numeric = None
if vat_only_numeric:
query = self.env['res.partner']._where_calc(extra_domain + [('active', '=', True)])
tables, where_clause, where_params = query.get_sql()
if country_prefix:
vat_prefix_regex = f'({country_prefix})?'
vat_prefix_regex = '([A-z]{2})?'
SELECT res_partner.id
FROM {tables}
WHERE {where_clause}
AND res_partner.vat ~ %s
''', where_params + ['^%s0*%s$' % (vat_prefix_regex, vat_only_numeric)])
partner_row = self._cr.fetchone()
if partner_row:
partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_row[0])
return partner
def _retrieve_partner_with_phone_mail(self, phone, mail, extra_domain):
domains = []
if phone:
domains.append([('phone', '=', phone)])
domains.append([('mobile', '=', phone)])
if mail:
domains.append([('email', '=', mail)])
if not domains:
return None
domain = expression.OR(domains)
if extra_domain:
domain = expression.AND([domain, extra_domain])
return self.env['res.partner'].search(domain, limit=1)
def _retrieve_partner_with_name(self, name, extra_domain):
if not name:
return None
return self.env['res.partner'].search([('name', 'ilike', name)] + extra_domain, limit=1)
def _retrieve_partner(self, name=None, phone=None, mail=None, vat=None, domain=None):
'''Search all partners and find one that matches one of the parameters.
:param name: The name of the partner.
:param phone: The phone or mobile of the partner.
:param mail: The mail of the partner.
:param vat: The vat number of the partner.
:returns: A partner or an empty recordset if not found.
def search_with_vat(extra_domain):
return self._retrieve_partner_with_vat(vat, extra_domain)
def search_with_phone_mail(extra_domain):
return self._retrieve_partner_with_phone_mail(phone, mail, extra_domain)
def search_with_name(extra_domain):
return self._retrieve_partner_with_name(name, extra_domain)
def search_with_domain(extra_domain):
if not domain:
return None
return self.env['res.partner'].search(domain + extra_domain, limit=1)
for search_method in (search_with_vat, search_with_domain, search_with_phone_mail, search_with_name):
for extra_domain in ([('company_id', '=', self.env.company.id)], [('company_id', '=', False)]):
partner = search_method(extra_domain)
if partner:
return partner
return self.env['res.partner']
def _retrieve_product(self, name=None, default_code=None, barcode=None):
'''Search all products and find one that matches one of the parameters.
:param name: The name of the product.
:param default_code: The default_code of the product.
:param barcode: The barcode of the product.
:returns: A product or an empty recordset if not found.
if name and '\n' in name:
# cut Sales Description from the name
name = name.split('\n')[0]
domains = []
if default_code:
domains.append([('default_code', '=', default_code)])
if barcode:
domains.append([('barcode', '=', barcode)])
# Search for the product with the exact name, then ilike the name
name_domains = [('name', '=', name)], [('name', 'ilike', name)] if name else []
for name_domain in name_domains:
product = self.env['product.product'].search(
expression.OR(domains + [name_domain]),
[('company_id', 'in', [False, self.env.company.id])],
if product:
return product
return self.env['product.product']
def _retrieve_tax(self, amount, type_tax_use):
'''Search all taxes and find one that matches all of the parameters.
:param amount: The amount of the tax.
:param type_tax_use: The type of the tax.
:returns: A tax or an empty recordset if not found.
domains = [
[('amount', '=', float(amount))],
[('type_tax_use', '=', type_tax_use)],
[('company_id', '=', self.env.company.id)]
return self.env['account.tax'].search(expression.AND(domains), order='sequence ASC', limit=1)
def _retrieve_currency(self, code):
'''Search all currencies and find one that matches the code.
:param code: The code of the currency.
:returns: A currency or an empty recordset if not found.
currency = self.env['res.currency'].with_context(active_test=False).search([('name', '=', code.upper())], limit=1)
if currency and not currency.active:
error_msg = _('The currency (%s) of the document you are uploading is not active in this database.\n'
'Please activate it and update the currency rate if needed before trying again to import.',
error_action = {
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'res.currency',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'res_id': currency.id,
'views': [[False, 'form']]
raise RedirectWarning(error_msg, error_action, _('Display the currency'))
return currency
# Other helpers
def _format_error_message(self, error_title, errors):
bullet_list_msg = ''.join('<li>%s</li>' % html_escape(msg) for msg in errors)
return '%s<ul>%s</ul>' % (error_title, bullet_list_msg)