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2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import _, http
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError
from odoo.http import request
class BaseSetup(http.Controller):
@http.route('/base_setup/data', type='json', auth='user')
def base_setup_data(self, **kw):
if not request.env.user.has_group('base.group_erp_manager'):
raise AccessError(_("Access Denied"))
cr = request.cr
SELECT count(*)
FROM res_users
WHERE active=true AND
active_count = cr.dictfetchall()[0].get('count')
SELECT count(u.*)
FROM res_users u
WHERE active=true AND
share=false AND
NOT exists(SELECT 1 FROM res_users_log WHERE create_uid=u.id)
pending_count = cr.dictfetchall()[0].get('count')
SELECT id, login
FROM res_users u
WHERE active=true AND
share=false AND
NOT exists(SELECT 1 FROM res_users_log WHERE create_uid=u.id)
ORDER BY id desc
pending_users = cr.fetchall()
action_pending_users = request.env['res.users'].browse(
[uid for (uid, login) in pending_users])._action_show()
return {
'active_users': active_count,
'pending_count': pending_count,
'pending_users': pending_users,
'action_pending_users': action_pending_users,
@http.route('/base_setup/demo_active', type='json', auth='user')
def base_setup_is_demo(self, **kwargs):
# We assume that if there's at least one module with demo data active, then the db was
# initialized with demo=True or it has been force-activated by the `Load demo data` button
# in the settings dashboard.
demo_active = bool(request.env['ir.module.module'].search_count([('demo', '=', True)]))
return demo_active