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2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models
class Users(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.users'
karma = fields.Integer('Karma', default=0, copy=False)
karma_tracking_ids = fields.One2many('gamification.karma.tracking', 'user_id', string='Karma Changes', groups="base.group_system")
badge_ids = fields.One2many('gamification.badge.user', 'user_id', string='Badges', copy=False)
gold_badge = fields.Integer('Gold badges count', compute="_get_user_badge_level")
silver_badge = fields.Integer('Silver badges count', compute="_get_user_badge_level")
bronze_badge = fields.Integer('Bronze badges count', compute="_get_user_badge_level")
rank_id = fields.Many2one('gamification.karma.rank', 'Rank')
next_rank_id = fields.Many2one('gamification.karma.rank', 'Next Rank')
def _get_user_badge_level(self):
""" Return total badge per level of users
TDE CLEANME: shouldn't check type is forum ? """
for user in self:
user.gold_badge = 0
user.silver_badge = 0
user.bronze_badge = 0
SELECT bu.user_id, b.level, count(1)
FROM gamification_badge_user bu, gamification_badge b
WHERE bu.user_id IN %s
AND bu.badge_id = b.id
GROUP BY bu.user_id, b.level
ORDER BY bu.user_id;
""", [tuple(self.ids)])
for (user_id, level, count) in self.env.cr.fetchall():
# levels are gold, silver, bronze but fields have _badge postfix
self.browse(user_id)['{}_badge'.format(level)] = count
def create(self, values_list):
res = super(Users, self).create(values_list)
karma_trackings = []
for user in res:
if user.karma:
karma_trackings.append({'user_id': user.id, 'old_value': 0, 'new_value': user.karma})
if karma_trackings:
return res
def write(self, vals):
karma_trackings = []
if 'karma' in vals:
for user in self:
if user.karma != vals['karma']:
karma_trackings.append({'user_id': user.id, 'old_value': user.karma, 'new_value': vals['karma']})
result = super(Users, self).write(vals)
if karma_trackings:
if 'karma' in vals:
return result
def add_karma(self, karma):
for user in self:
user.karma += karma
return True
def _get_tracking_karma_gain_position(self, user_domain, from_date=None, to_date=None):
""" Get absolute position in term of gained karma for users. First a ranking
of all users is done given a user_domain; then the position of each user
belonging to the current record set is extracted.
Example: in website profile, search users with name containing Norbert. Their
positions should not be 1 to 4 (assuming 4 results), but their actual position
in the karma gain ranking (with example user_domain being karma > 1,
website published True).
:param user_domain: general domain (i.e. active, karma > 1, website, ...)
to compute the absolute position of the current record set
:param from_date: compute karma gained after this date (included) or from
beginning of time;
:param to_date: compute karma gained before this date (included) or until
end of time;
:return list: [{
'user_id': user_id (belonging to current record set),
'karma_gain_total': integer, karma gained in the given timeframe,
'karma_position': integer, ranking position
}, {..}] ordered by karma_position desc
if not self:
return []
where_query = self.env['res.users']._where_calc(user_domain)
user_from_clause, user_where_clause, where_clause_params = where_query.get_sql()
params = []
if from_date:
date_from_condition = 'AND tracking.tracking_date::timestamp >= timestamp %s'
if to_date:
date_to_condition = 'AND tracking.tracking_date::timestamp <= timestamp %s'
query = """
SELECT final.user_id, final.karma_gain_total, final.karma_position
SELECT intermediate.user_id, intermediate.karma_gain_total, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY intermediate.karma_gain_total DESC) AS karma_position
SELECT "res_users".id as user_id, COALESCE(SUM("tracking".new_value - "tracking".old_value), 0) as karma_gain_total
FROM %(user_from_clause)s
LEFT JOIN "gamification_karma_tracking" as "tracking"
ON "res_users".id = "tracking".user_id AND "res_users"."active" = TRUE
WHERE %(user_where_clause)s %(date_from_condition)s %(date_to_condition)s
GROUP BY "res_users".id
ORDER BY karma_gain_total DESC
) intermediate
) final
WHERE final.user_id IN %%s""" % {
'user_from_clause': user_from_clause,
'user_where_clause': user_where_clause or (not from_date and not to_date and 'TRUE') or '',
'date_from_condition': date_from_condition if from_date else '',
'date_to_condition': date_to_condition if to_date else ''
self.env.cr.execute(query, tuple(where_clause_params + params))
return self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
def _get_karma_position(self, user_domain):
""" Get absolute position in term of total karma for users. First a ranking
of all users is done given a user_domain; then the position of each user
belonging to the current record set is extracted.
Example: in website profile, search users with name containing Norbert. Their
positions should not be 1 to 4 (assuming 4 results), but their actual position
in the total karma ranking (with example user_domain being karma > 1,
website published True).
:param user_domain: general domain (i.e. active, karma > 1, website, ...)
to compute the absolute position of the current record set
:return list: [{
'user_id': user_id (belonging to current record set),
'karma_position': integer, ranking position
}, {..}] ordered by karma_position desc
if not self:
return {}
where_query = self.env['res.users']._where_calc(user_domain)
user_from_clause, user_where_clause, where_clause_params = where_query.get_sql()
# we search on every user in the DB to get the real positioning (not the one inside the subset)
# then, we filter to get only the subset.
query = """
SELECT sub.user_id, sub.karma_position
SELECT "res_users"."id" as user_id, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY res_users.karma DESC) AS karma_position
FROM %(user_from_clause)s
WHERE %(user_where_clause)s
) sub
WHERE sub.user_id IN %%s""" % {
'user_from_clause': user_from_clause,
'user_where_clause': user_where_clause or 'TRUE',
self.env.cr.execute(query, tuple(where_clause_params + [tuple(self.ids)]))
return self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
def _rank_changed(self):
Method that can be called on a batch of users with the same new rank
if self.env.context.get('install_mode', False):
# avoid sending emails in install mode (prevents spamming users when creating data ranks)
template = self.env.ref('gamification.mail_template_data_new_rank_reached', raise_if_not_found=False)
if template:
for u in self:
if u.rank_id.karma_min > 0:
template.send_mail(u.id, force_send=False, email_layout_xmlid='mail.mail_notification_light')
def _recompute_rank(self):
The caller should filter the users on karma > 0 before calling this method
to avoid looping on every single users
Compute rank of each user by user.
For each user, check the rank of this user
ranks = [{'rank': rank, 'karma_min': rank.karma_min} for rank in
self.env['gamification.karma.rank'].search([], order="karma_min DESC")]
# 3 is the number of search/requests used by rank in _recompute_rank_bulk()
if len(self) > len(ranks) * 3:
for user in self:
old_rank = user.rank_id
if user.karma == 0 and ranks:
user.write({'next_rank_id': ranks[-1]['rank'].id})
for i in range(0, len(ranks)):
if user.karma >= ranks[i]['karma_min']:
'rank_id': ranks[i]['rank'].id,
'next_rank_id': ranks[i - 1]['rank'].id if 0 < i else False
if old_rank != user.rank_id:
def _recompute_rank_bulk(self):
Compute rank of each user by rank.
For each rank, check which users need to be ranked
ranks = [{'rank': rank, 'karma_min': rank.karma_min} for rank in
self.env['gamification.karma.rank'].search([], order="karma_min DESC")]
users_todo = self
next_rank_id = False
# wtf, next_rank_id should be a related on rank_id.next_rank_id and life might get easier.
# And we only need to recompute next_rank_id on write with min_karma or in the create on rank model.
for r in ranks:
rank_id = r['rank'].id
dom = [
('karma', '>=', r['karma_min']),
('id', 'in', users_todo.ids),
'|', # noqa
'|', ('rank_id', '!=', rank_id), ('rank_id', '=', False),
'|', ('next_rank_id', '!=', next_rank_id), ('next_rank_id', '=', False if next_rank_id else -1),
users = self.env['res.users'].search(dom)
if users:
users_to_notify = self.env['res.users'].search([
('karma', '>=', r['karma_min']),
'|', ('rank_id', '!=', rank_id), ('rank_id', '=', False),
('id', 'in', users.ids),
'rank_id': rank_id,
'next_rank_id': next_rank_id,
users_todo -= users
nothing_to_do_users = self.env['res.users'].search([
('karma', '>=', r['karma_min']),
'|', ('rank_id', '=', rank_id), ('next_rank_id', '=', next_rank_id),
('id', 'in', users_todo.ids),
users_todo -= nothing_to_do_users
next_rank_id = r['rank'].id
if ranks:
lower_rank = ranks[-1]['rank']
users = self.env['res.users'].search([
('karma', '>=', 0),
('karma', '<', lower_rank.karma_min),
'|', ('rank_id', '!=', False), ('next_rank_id', '!=', lower_rank.id),
('id', 'in', users_todo.ids),
if users:
'rank_id': False,
'next_rank_id': lower_rank.id,
def _get_next_rank(self):
""" For fresh users with 0 karma that don't have a rank_id and next_rank_id yet
this method returns the first karma rank (by karma ascending). This acts as a
default value in related views.
TDE FIXME in post-12.4: make next_rank_id a non-stored computed field correctly computed """
if self.next_rank_id:
return self.next_rank_id
elif not self.rank_id:
return self.env['gamification.karma.rank'].search([], order="karma_min ASC", limit=1)
return self.env['gamification.karma.rank']
def get_gamification_redirection_data(self):
Hook for other modules to add redirect button(s) in new rank reached mail
Must return a list of dictionnary including url and label.
E.g. return [{'url': '/forum', label: 'Go to Forum'}]
return []