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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from ast import literal_eval
from pytz import timezone, UTC, utc
from datetime import timedelta
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.tools import clean_context, format_time
class HrEmployeeBase(models.AbstractModel):
_name = "hr.employee.base"
_description = "Basic Employee"
_order = 'name'
name = fields.Char()
active = fields.Boolean("Active")
color = fields.Integer('Color Index', default=0)
department_id = fields.Many2one('hr.department', 'Department', domain="['|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]")
member_of_department = fields.Boolean("Member of department", compute='_compute_part_of_department', search='_search_part_of_department',
help="Whether the employee is a member of the active user's department or one of it's child department.")
job_id = fields.Many2one('hr.job', 'Job Position', domain="['|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]")
job_title = fields.Char("Job Title", compute="_compute_job_title", store=True, readonly=False)
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', 'Company')
address_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Work Address', compute="_compute_address_id", store=True, readonly=False,
domain="['|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]")
work_phone = fields.Char('Work Phone', compute="_compute_phones", store=True, readonly=False)
mobile_phone = fields.Char('Work Mobile', compute="_compute_work_contact_details", store=True, inverse='_inverse_work_contact_details')
work_email = fields.Char('Work Email', compute="_compute_work_contact_details", store=True, inverse='_inverse_work_contact_details')
work_contact_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Work Contact', copy=False)
related_contact_ids = fields.Many2many('res.partner', string='Related Contacts', compute='_compute_related_contacts')
related_contacts_count = fields.Integer('Number of related contacts', compute='_compute_related_contacts_count')
work_location_id = fields.Many2one('hr.work.location', 'Work Location', compute="_compute_work_location_id", store=True, readonly=False,
domain="[('address_id', '=', address_id), '|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]")
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users')
resource_id = fields.Many2one('resource.resource')
resource_calendar_id = fields.Many2one('resource.calendar', domain="['|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]")
parent_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', 'Manager', compute="_compute_parent_id", store=True, readonly=False,
domain="['|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]")
coach_id = fields.Many2one(
'hr.employee', 'Coach', compute='_compute_coach', store=True, readonly=False,
domain="['|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]",
help='Select the "Employee" who is the coach of this employee.\n'
'The "Coach" has no specific rights or responsibilities by default.')
tz = fields.Selection(
string='Timezone', related='resource_id.tz', readonly=False,
help="This field is used in order to define in which timezone the resources will work.")
hr_presence_state = fields.Selection([
('present', 'Present'),
('absent', 'Absent'),
('to_define', 'To Define')], compute='_compute_presence_state', default='to_define')
last_activity = fields.Date(compute="_compute_last_activity")
last_activity_time = fields.Char(compute="_compute_last_activity")
hr_icon_display = fields.Selection([
('presence_present', 'Present'),
('presence_absent_active', 'Present but not active'),
('presence_absent', 'Absent'),
('presence_to_define', 'To define'),
('presence_undetermined', 'Undetermined')], compute='_compute_presence_icon')
show_hr_icon_display = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_presence_icon')
employee_type = fields.Selection([
('employee', 'Employee'),
('student', 'Student'),
('trainee', 'Trainee'),
('contractor', 'Contractor'),
('freelance', 'Freelancer'),
], string='Employee Type', default='employee', required=True,
help="The employee type. Although the primary purpose may seem to categorize employees, this field has also an impact in the Contract History. Only Employee type is supposed to be under contract and will have a Contract History.")
def _get_valid_employee_for_user(self):
user = self.env.user
# retrieve the employee of the current active company for the user
employee = user.employee_id
if not employee:
# search for all employees as superadmin to not get blocked by multi-company rules
user_employees = user.employee_id.sudo().search([
('user_id', '=', user.id)
# the default company employee is most likely the correct one, but fallback to the first if not available
employee = user_employees.filtered(lambda r: r.company_id == user.company_id) or user_employees[:1]
return employee
@api.depends_context('uid', 'company')
def _compute_part_of_department(self):
user_employee = self._get_valid_employee_for_user()
active_department = user_employee.department_id
if not active_department:
self.member_of_department = False
def get_all_children(department):
children = department.child_ids
if not children:
return self.env['hr.department']
return children + get_all_children(children)
child_departments = active_department + get_all_children(active_department)
for employee in self:
employee.member_of_department = employee.department_id in child_departments
def _search_part_of_department(self, operator, value):
if operator not in ('=', '!=') or not isinstance(value, bool):
raise UserError(_('Operation not supported'))
user_employee = self._get_valid_employee_for_user()
# Double negation
if not value:
operator = '!=' if operator == '=' else '='
if not user_employee.department_id:
return [('id', operator, user_employee.id)]
return (['!'] if operator == '!=' else []) + [('department_id', 'child_of', user_employee.department_id.id)]
def _compute_presence_state(self):
This method is overritten in several other modules which add additional
presence criterions. e.g. hr_attendance, hr_holidays
# Check on login
check_login = literal_eval(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('hr.hr_presence_control_login', 'False'))
employee_to_check_working = self.filtered(lambda e: e.user_id.im_status == 'offline')
working_now_list = employee_to_check_working._get_employee_working_now()
for employee in self:
state = 'to_define'
if check_login:
if employee.user_id.im_status in ['online', 'leave_online']:
state = 'present'
elif employee.user_id.im_status in ['offline', 'leave_offline'] and employee.id not in working_now_list:
state = 'absent'
employee.hr_presence_state = state
def _compute_last_activity(self):
presences = self.env['bus.presence'].search_read([('user_id', 'in', self.mapped('user_id').ids)], ['user_id', 'last_presence'])
# transform the result to a dict with this format {user.id: last_presence}
presences = {p['user_id'][0]: p['last_presence'] for p in presences}
for employee in self:
tz = employee.tz
last_presence = presences.get(employee.user_id.id, False)
if last_presence:
last_activity_datetime = last_presence.replace(tzinfo=UTC).astimezone(timezone(tz)).replace(tzinfo=None)
employee.last_activity = last_activity_datetime.date()
if employee.last_activity == fields.Date.today():
employee.last_activity_time = format_time(self.env, last_presence, time_format='short')
employee.last_activity_time = False
employee.last_activity = False
employee.last_activity_time = False
def _compute_coach(self):
for employee in self:
manager = employee.parent_id
previous_manager = employee._origin.parent_id
if manager and (employee.coach_id == previous_manager or not employee.coach_id):
employee.coach_id = manager
elif not employee.coach_id:
employee.coach_id = False
def _compute_job_title(self):
for employee in self.filtered('job_id'):
employee.job_title = employee.job_id.name
def _compute_phones(self):
for employee in self:
if employee.address_id and employee.address_id.phone:
employee.work_phone = employee.address_id.phone
employee.work_phone = False
@api.depends('work_contact_id', 'work_contact_id.mobile', 'work_contact_id.email')
def _compute_work_contact_details(self):
for employee in self:
if employee.work_contact_id:
employee.mobile_phone = employee.work_contact_id.mobile
employee.work_email = employee.work_contact_id.email
def _inverse_work_contact_details(self):
for employee in self:
if not employee.work_contact_id:
employee.work_contact_id = self.env['res.partner'].sudo().with_context(clean_context(self._context)).create({
'email': employee.work_email,
'mobile': employee.mobile_phone,
'name': employee.name,
'image_1920': employee.image_1920,
'company_id': employee.company_id.id
'email': employee.work_email,
'mobile': employee.mobile_phone,
def _compute_related_contacts(self):
for employee in self:
employee.related_contact_ids = employee.work_contact_id
def _compute_related_contacts_count(self):
for employee in self:
employee.related_contacts_count = len(employee.related_contact_ids)
def action_related_contacts(self):
return {
'name': _("Related Contacts"),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_mode': 'kanban,tree,form',
'res_model': 'res.partner',
'domain': [('id', 'in', self.related_contact_ids.ids)]
def _compute_address_id(self):
for employee in self:
address = employee.company_id.partner_id.address_get(['default'])
employee.address_id = address['default'] if address else False
def _compute_parent_id(self):
for employee in self.filtered('department_id.manager_id'):
employee.parent_id = employee.department_id.manager_id
@api.depends('resource_calendar_id', 'hr_presence_state')
def _compute_presence_icon(self):
This method compute the state defining the display icon in the kanban view.
It can be overriden to add other possibilities, like time off or attendances recordings.
working_now_list = self.filtered(lambda e: e.hr_presence_state == 'present')._get_employee_working_now()
for employee in self:
show_icon = True
if employee.hr_presence_state == 'present':
if employee.id in working_now_list:
icon = 'presence_present'
icon = 'presence_absent_active'
elif employee.hr_presence_state == 'absent':
# employee is not in the working_now_list and he has a user_id
icon = 'presence_absent'
# without attendance, default employee state is 'to_define' without confirmed presence/absence
# we need to check why they are not there
# Display an orange icon on internal users.
icon = 'presence_to_define'
if not employee.user_id:
# We don't want non-user employee to have icon.
show_icon = False
employee.hr_icon_display = icon
employee.show_hr_icon_display = show_icon
def _compute_work_location_id(self):
to_reset = self.filtered(lambda e: e.address_id != e.work_location_id.address_id)
to_reset.work_location_id = False
def _get_employee_working_now(self):
working_now = []
# We loop over all the employee tz and the resource calendar_id to detect working hours in batch.
all_employee_tz = set(self.mapped('tz'))
for tz in all_employee_tz:
employee_ids = self.filtered(lambda e: e.tz == tz)
resource_calendar_ids = employee_ids.mapped('resource_calendar_id')
for calendar_id in resource_calendar_ids:
res_employee_ids = employee_ids.filtered(lambda e: e.resource_calendar_id.id == calendar_id.id)
start_dt = fields.Datetime.now()
stop_dt = start_dt + timedelta(hours=1)
from_datetime = utc.localize(start_dt).astimezone(timezone(tz or 'UTC'))
to_datetime = utc.localize(stop_dt).astimezone(timezone(tz or 'UTC'))
# Getting work interval of the first is working. Functions called on resource_calendar_id
# are waiting for singleton
work_interval = res_employee_ids[0].resource_calendar_id._work_intervals_batch(from_datetime, to_datetime)[False]
# Employee that is not supposed to work have empty items.
if len(work_interval._items) > 0:
# The employees should be working now according to their work schedule
working_now += res_employee_ids.ids
return working_now