618 lines
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618 lines
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import json
import requests
from markupsafe import Markup
from lxml import etree
from datetime import datetime
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from odoo import models, fields, service, _, api
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.modules.module import get_module_resource
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError, RequestException
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.x509 import ObjectIdentifier, load_der_x509_certificate
from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, load_pem_private_key
from urllib.parse import urljoin
"sandbox": "https://gw-fatoora.zatca.gov.sa/e-invoicing/developer-portal/",
"preprod": "https://gw-fatoora.zatca.gov.sa/e-invoicing/simulation/",
"prod": "https://gw-fatoora.zatca.gov.sa/e-invoicing/core/",
"apis": {
"ccsid": "compliance",
"pcsid": "production/csids",
"compliance": "compliance/invoices",
"reporting": "invoices/reporting/single",
"clearance": "invoices/clearance/single",
'prod': b'\x0c\x12ZATCA-Code-Signing',
'sandbox': b'\x13\x15PREZATCA-Code-Signing',
'preprod': b'\x13\x15PREZATCA-Code-Signing',
# This SANDBOX_AUTH is only used for testing purposes, and is shared to all users of the sandbox environment
'secret': "Xlj15LyMCgSC66ObnEO/qVPfhSbs3kDTjWnGheYhfSs="
class AccountJournal(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.journal'
In order to clear/report an invoice through the ZATCA API, we need to onboard each journal by following
three steps:
Make a call to the Compliance CSID API '/compliance'.
This will return three things:
- X509 Compliance Cryptographic Stamp Identifier (CCSID/Certificate)
- Password (Secret)
- Compliance Request ID
Make a call to the Compliance Checks API '/compliance/invoices', by passing the hashed xml content
of the files available in the tests/compliance folder. This will check if the provided
Standard/Simplified Invoices comply with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA specifications
Make a call to the Production CSID API '/production/csids' including the Compliance Certificate,
Password and Request ID from STEP 1.
This will return three things:
- X509 Production Certificate
- Password (Secret)
- Production Request ID
l10n_sa_csr = fields.Binary(attachment=True, copy=False, groups="base.group_system",
help="The Certificate Signing Request that is submitted to the Compliance API")
l10n_sa_csr_errors = fields.Html("Onboarding Errors", copy=False)
l10n_sa_compliance_csid_json = fields.Char("CCSID JSON", copy=False, groups="base.group_system",
help="Compliance CSID data received from the Compliance CSID API "
"in dumped json format")
l10n_sa_production_csid_json = fields.Char("PCSID JSON", copy=False, groups="base.group_system",
help="Production CSID data received from the Production CSID API "
"in dumped json format")
l10n_sa_production_csid_validity = fields.Datetime("PCSID Expiration", help="Production CSID expiration date",
compute="_l10n_sa_compute_production_csid_validity", store=True)
l10n_sa_compliance_checks_passed = fields.Boolean("Compliance Checks Done", default=False, copy=False,
help="Specifies if the Compliance Checks have been completed successfully")
l10n_sa_chain_sequence_id = fields.Many2one('ir.sequence', string='ZATCA account.move chain sequence',
readonly=True, copy=False)
l10n_sa_serial_number = fields.Char("Serial Number", copy=False,
help="The serial number of the Taxpayer solution unit. Provided by ZATCA")
l10n_sa_latest_submission_hash = fields.Char("Latest Submission Hash", copy=False,
help="Hash of the latest submitted invoice to be used as the Previous Invoice Hash (KSA-13)")
# ====== Utility Functions =======
def _l10n_sa_ready_to_submit_einvoices(self):
Helper function to know if the required CSIDs have been obtained, and the compliance checks have been
return self.sudo().l10n_sa_production_csid_json
# ====== CSR Generation =======
def _l10n_sa_csr_required_fields(self):
""" Return the list of fields required to generate a valid CSR as per ZATCA requirements """
return ['l10n_sa_private_key', 'vat', 'name', 'city', 'country_id', 'state_id']
def _l10n_sa_get_csr_str(self):
Return s string representation of a ZATCA compliant CSR that will be sent to the Compliance API in order to get back
a signed X509 certificate
company_id = self.company_id
version_info = service.common.exp_version()
builder = x509.CertificateSigningRequestBuilder()
subject_names = (
# Country Name
(NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME, company_id.country_id.code),
# Organization Unit Name
(NameOID.ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME, (company_id.vat or '')[:10]),
# Organization Name
(NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME, company_id.name),
# Subject Common Name
(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, company_id.name),
# Organization Identifier
(ObjectIdentifier(''), company_id.vat),
# State/Province Name
(NameOID.STATE_OR_PROVINCE_NAME, company_id.state_id.name),
# Locality Name
(NameOID.LOCALITY_NAME, company_id.city),
# The CertificateSigningRequestBuilder instances are immutable, which is why everytime we modify one,
# we have to assign it back to itself to keep track of the changes
builder = builder.subject_name(x509.Name([
x509.NameAttribute(n[0], u'%s' % n[1]) for n in subject_names
x509_alt_names_extension = x509.SubjectAlternativeName([
# EGS Serial Number. Manufacturer or Solution Provider Name, Model or Version and Serial Number.
# To be written in the following format: "1-... |2-... |3-..."
x509.NameAttribute(ObjectIdentifier(''), '1-Odoo|2-%s|3-%s' % (
version_info['server_version_info'][0], self.l10n_sa_serial_number)),
# Organisation Identifier (UID)
x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.USER_ID, company_id.vat),
# Invoice Type. 4-digit numerical input using 0 & 1
x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.TITLE, company_id._l10n_sa_get_csr_invoice_type()),
# Location
x509.NameAttribute(ObjectIdentifier(''), company_id.street),
# Industry
x509.NameAttribute(ObjectIdentifier(''), company_id.partner_id.industry_id.name or 'Other'),
x509_extensions = (
# Add Certificate template name extension
CERT_TEMPLATE_NAME[company_id.l10n_sa_api_mode]), False),
# Add alternative names extension
(x509_alt_names_extension, False),
for ext in x509_extensions:
builder = builder.add_extension(ext[0], critical=ext[1])
private_key = load_pem_private_key(company_id.l10n_sa_private_key, password=None, backend=default_backend())
request = builder.sign(private_key, hashes.SHA256(), default_backend())
return b64encode(request.public_bytes(Encoding.PEM)).decode()
def _l10n_sa_generate_csr(self):
Generate a CSR for the Journal to be used for the Onboarding process and Invoice submissions
if any(not self.company_id[f] for f in self._l10n_sa_csr_required_fields()):
raise UserError(_("Please, make sure all the following fields have been correctly set on the Company: \n")
+ "\n".join(
" - %s" % self.company_id._fields[f].string for f in self._l10n_sa_csr_required_fields() if
not self.company_id[f]))
self.l10n_sa_csr = self._l10n_sa_get_csr_str()
# ====== Certificate Methods =======
def _l10n_sa_compute_production_csid_validity(self):
Compute the expiration date of the Production certificate
for journal in self:
journal.l10n_sa_production_csid_validity = False
if journal.sudo().l10n_sa_production_csid_json:
journal.l10n_sa_production_csid_validity = self._l10n_sa_get_pcsid_validity(
def _l10n_sa_reset_certificates(self):
Reset all certificate values, including CSR and compliance checks
for journal in self.sudo():
journal.l10n_sa_csr = False
journal.l10n_sa_production_csid_json = False
journal.l10n_sa_compliance_csid_json = False
journal.l10n_sa_compliance_checks_passed = False
def _l10n_sa_api_onboard_journal(self, otp):
Perform the onboarding for the journal. The onboarding consists of three steps:
1. Get the Compliance CSID
2. Perform the Compliance Checks
3. Get the Production CSID
# If the company does not have a private key, we generate it.
# The private key is used to generate the CSR but also to sign the invoices
if not self.company_id.l10n_sa_private_key:
self.company_id.l10n_sa_private_key = self.company_id._l10n_sa_generate_private_key()
# STEP 1: The first step of the process is to get the CCSID
# STEP 2: Once we have the CCSID, we preform the compliance checks
# STEP 3: Once the compliance checks are completed, we request the PCSID
# Once all three steps are completed, we set the errors field to False
self.l10n_sa_csr_errors = False
except (RequestException, HTTPError, UserError) as e:
# In case of an exception returned from ZATCA (not timeout), we will need to regenerate the CSR
# As the same CSR cannot be used twice for the same CCSID request
self.l10n_sa_csr_errors = e.args[0] or _("Journal could not be onboarded")
def _l10n_sa_get_compliance_CSID(self, otp):
Request a Compliance Cryptographic Stamp Identifier (CCSID) from ZATCA
CCSID_data = self._l10n_sa_api_get_compliance_CSID(otp)
if CCSID_data.get('error'):
raise UserError(_("Could not obtain Compliance CSID: %s") % CCSID_data['error'])
'l10n_sa_compliance_csid_json': json.dumps(CCSID_data),
'l10n_sa_production_csid_json': False,
'l10n_sa_compliance_checks_passed': False,
def _l10n_sa_get_production_CSID(self, OTP=None):
Request a Production Cryptographic Stamp Identifier (PCSID) from ZATCA
self_sudo = self.sudo()
if not self_sudo.l10n_sa_compliance_csid_json:
raise UserError(_("Cannot request a Production CSID before requesting a CCSID first"))
elif not self_sudo.l10n_sa_compliance_checks_passed:
raise UserError(_("Cannot request a Production CSID before completing the Compliance Checks"))
renew = False
zatca_format = self.env.ref('l10n_sa_edi.edi_sa_zatca')
if self_sudo.l10n_sa_production_csid_json:
time_now = zatca_format._l10n_sa_get_zatca_datetime(datetime.now())
if zatca_format._l10n_sa_get_zatca_datetime(self_sudo.l10n_sa_production_csid_validity) < time_now:
renew = True
raise UserError(_("The Production CSID is still valid. You can only renew it once it has expired."))
CCSID_data = json.loads(self_sudo.l10n_sa_compliance_csid_json)
PCSID_data = self_sudo._l10n_sa_request_production_csid(CCSID_data, renew, OTP)
if PCSID_data.get('error'):
raise UserError(_("Could not obtain Production CSID: %s") % PCSID_data['error'])
self_sudo.l10n_sa_production_csid_json = json.dumps(PCSID_data)
# ====== Compliance Checks =======
def _l10n_sa_get_compliance_files(self):
Return the list of files to be used for the compliance checks.
file_names, compliance_files = [
'standard/invoice.xml', 'standard/credit.xml', 'standard/debit.xml',
'simplified/invoice.xml', 'simplified/credit.xml', 'simplified/debit.xml',
], {}
for file in file_names:
fpath = get_module_resource('l10n_sa_edi', 'tests/compliance', file)
with open(fpath, 'rb') as ip:
compliance_files[file] = ip.read().decode()
return compliance_files
def _l10n_sa_run_compliance_checks(self):
Run Compliance Checks once the CCSID has been obtained.
The goal of the Compliance Checks is to make sure our system is able to produce, sign and send Invoices
correctly. For this we use dummy invoice UBL files available under the tests/compliance folder:
Standard Invoice, Standard Credit Note, Standard Debit Note, Simplified Invoice, Simplified Credit Note,
Simplified Debit Note.
We read each one of these files separately, sign them, then process them through the Compliance Checks API.
self_sudo = self.sudo()
if self.country_code != 'SA':
raise UserError(_("Compliance checks can only be run for companies operating from KSA"))
if not self_sudo.l10n_sa_compliance_csid_json:
raise UserError(_("You need to request the CCSID first before you can proceed"))
CCSID_data = json.loads(self_sudo.l10n_sa_compliance_csid_json)
compliance_files = self._l10n_sa_get_compliance_files()
for fname, fval in compliance_files.items():
invoice_hash_hex = self.env['account.edi.xml.ubl_21.zatca']._l10n_sa_generate_invoice_xml_hash(
digital_signature = self.env.ref('l10n_sa_edi.edi_sa_zatca')._l10n_sa_get_digital_signature(self.company_id, invoice_hash_hex).decode()
prepared_xml = self._l10n_sa_prepare_compliance_xml(fname, fval, CCSID_data['binarySecurityToken'],
result = self._l10n_sa_api_compliance_checks(prepared_xml.decode(), CCSID_data)
if result.get('error'):
raise UserError(Markup("<p class='mb-0'>%s <b>%s</b></p>") % (_("Could not complete Compliance Checks for the following file:"), fname))
if result['validationResults']['status'] == 'WARNING':
warnings = "".join(Markup("<li><b>%s</b>: %s </li>") % (e['code'], e['message']) for e in result['validationResults']['warningMessages'])
self.l10n_sa_csr_errors = Markup("<br/><br/><ul class='pl-3'><b>%s</b>%s</ul>") % (_("Warnings:"), warnings)
elif result['validationResults']['status'] != 'PASS':
errors = "".join(Markup("<li><b>%s</b>: %s </li>") % (e['code'], e['message']) for e in result['validationResults']['errorMessages'])
raise UserError(Markup("<p class='mb-0'>%s <b>%s</b> %s</p>")
% (_("Could not complete Compliance Checks for the following file:"), fname, Markup("<br/><br/><ul class='pl-3'><b>%s</b>%s</ul>") % (_("Errors:"), errors)))
self.l10n_sa_compliance_checks_passed = True
def _l10n_sa_prepare_compliance_xml(self, xml_name, xml_raw, PCSID, signature):
Prepare XML content to be used for Compliance checks
xml_content = self._l10n_sa_prepare_invoice_xml(xml_raw)
signed_xml = self.env.ref('l10n_sa_edi.edi_sa_zatca')._l10n_sa_sign_xml(xml_content, PCSID, signature)
if xml_name.startswith('simplified'):
qr_code_str = self.env['account.move']._l10n_sa_get_qr_code(self, signed_xml, b64decode(PCSID).decode(),
signature, True)
root = etree.fromstring(signed_xml)
qr_node = root.xpath('//*[local-name()="ID"][text()="QR"]/following-sibling::*/*')[0]
qr_node.text = b64encode(qr_code_str).decode()
return etree.tostring(root, with_tail=False)
return signed_xml
def _l10n_sa_prepare_invoice_xml(self, xml_content):
Prepare the XML content of the test invoices before running the compliance checks
ubl_extensions = etree.fromstring(self.env['ir.qweb']._render('l10n_sa_edi.export_sa_zatca_ubl_extensions'))
root = etree.fromstring(xml_content.encode())
root.insert(0, ubl_extensions)
ns_map = self.env['account.edi.xml.ubl_21.zatca']._l10n_sa_get_namespaces()
def _get_node(xpath_str):
return root.xpath(xpath_str, namespaces=ns_map)[0]
# Update the Company VAT number in the test invoice
vat_el = _get_node('//cbc:CompanyID')
vat_el.text = self.company_id.vat
# Update the Company Name in the test invoice
name_nodes = ['cac:PartyName/cbc:Name', 'cac:PartyLegalEntity/cbc:RegistrationName', 'cac:Contact/cbc:Name']
for node in name_nodes:
comp_name_el = _get_node('//cac:AccountingSupplierParty/cac:Party/' + node)
comp_name_el.text = self.company_id.display_name
return etree.tostring(root)
# ====== Index Chain & Previous Invoice Calculation =======
def _l10n_sa_edi_get_next_chain_index(self):
if not self.l10n_sa_chain_sequence_id:
self.l10n_sa_chain_sequence_id = self.env['ir.sequence'].create({
'name': f'ZATCA account move sequence for Journal {self.name} (id: {self.id})',
'code': f'l10n_sa_edi.account.move.{self.id}',
'implementation': 'no_gap',
'company_id': self.company_id.id,
return self.l10n_sa_chain_sequence_id.next_by_id()
def _l10n_sa_get_last_posted_invoice(self):
Returns the last invoice posted to this journal's chain.
That invoice may have been received by the govt or not (eg. in case of a timeout).
Only upon confirmed reception/refusal of that invoice can another one be posted.
return self.env['account.move'].search(
('journal_id', '=', self.id),
('l10n_sa_chain_index', '!=', 0)
limit=1, order='l10n_sa_chain_index desc'
# ====== API Calls to ZATCA =======
def _l10n_sa_api_get_compliance_CSID(self, otp):
API call to the Compliance CSID API to generate a CCSID certificate, password and compliance request_id
Requires a CSR token and a One Time Password (OTP)
if not otp:
raise UserError(_("Please, set a valid OTP to be used for Onboarding"))
if not self.l10n_sa_csr:
raise UserError(_("Please, generate a CSR before requesting a CCSID"))
request_data = {
'body': json.dumps({'csr': self.l10n_sa_csr.decode()}),
'header': {'OTP': otp}
return self._l10n_sa_call_api(request_data, ZATCA_API_URLS['apis']['ccsid'], 'POST')
def _l10n_sa_api_get_production_CSID(self, CCSID_data):
API call to the Production CSID API to generate a PCSID certificate, password and production request_id
Requires a requestID from the Compliance CSID API
request_data = {
'body': json.dumps({'compliance_request_id': str(CCSID_data['requestID'])}),
'header': {'Authorization': self._l10n_sa_authorization_header(CCSID_data)}
return self._l10n_sa_call_api(request_data, ZATCA_API_URLS['apis']['pcsid'], 'POST')
def _l10n_sa_api_renew_production_CSID(self, PCSID_data, OTP):
API call to the Production CSID API to renew a PCSID certificate, password and production request_id
Requires an expired Production CSIDPCSID_data
auth_data = PCSID_data
# For renewal, the sandbox API expects a specific Username/Password, which are set in the SANDBOX_AUTH dict
if self.company_id.l10n_sa_api_mode == 'sandbox':
auth_data = SANDBOX_AUTH
request_data = {
'body': json.dumps({'csr': self.l10n_sa_csr.decode()}),
'header': {
'Authorization': self._l10n_sa_authorization_header(auth_data)
return self._l10n_sa_call_api(request_data, ZATCA_API_URLS['apis']['pcsid'], 'PATCH')
def _l10n_sa_api_compliance_checks(self, xml_content, CCSID_data):
API call to the COMPLIANCE endpoint to generate a security token used for subsequent API calls
Requires a CSR token and a One Time Password (OTP)
invoice_tree = etree.fromstring(xml_content)
# Get the Invoice Hash from the XML document
invoice_hash_node = invoice_tree.xpath('//*[@Id="invoiceSignedData"]/*[local-name()="DigestValue"]')[0]
invoice_hash = invoice_hash_node.text
# Get the Invoice UUID from the XML document
invoice_uuid_node = invoice_tree.xpath('//*[local-name()="UUID"]')[0]
invoice_uuid = invoice_uuid_node.text
request_data = {
'body': json.dumps({
"invoiceHash": invoice_hash,
"uuid": invoice_uuid,
"invoice": b64encode(xml_content.encode()).decode()
'header': {
'Authorization': self._l10n_sa_authorization_header(CCSID_data),
'Clearance-Status': '1'
return self._l10n_sa_call_api(request_data, ZATCA_API_URLS['apis']['compliance'], 'POST')
def _l10n_sa_get_api_clearance_url(self, invoice):
Return the API to be used for clearance. To be overridden to account for other cases, such as reporting.
return ZATCA_API_URLS['apis']['reporting' if invoice._l10n_sa_is_simplified() else 'clearance']
def _l10n_sa_api_clearance(self, invoice, xml_content, PCSID_data):
API call to the CLEARANCE/REPORTING endpoint to sign an invoice
- If SIMPLIFIED invoice: Reporting
- If STANDARD invoice: Clearance
invoice_tree = etree.fromstring(xml_content)
invoice_hash_node = invoice_tree.xpath('//*[@Id="invoiceSignedData"]/*[local-name()="DigestValue"]')[0]
invoice_hash = invoice_hash_node.text
request_data = {
'body': json.dumps({
"invoiceHash": invoice_hash,
"uuid": invoice.l10n_sa_uuid,
"invoice": b64encode(xml_content.encode()).decode()
'header': {
'Authorization': self._l10n_sa_authorization_header(PCSID_data),
'Clearance-Status': '1'
url_string = self._l10n_sa_get_api_clearance_url(invoice)
return self._l10n_sa_call_api(request_data, url_string, 'POST')
# ====== Certificate Methods =======
def _l10n_sa_get_pcsid_validity(self, PCSID_data):
Return PCSID expiry date
b64_decoded_pcsid = b64decode(PCSID_data['binarySecurityToken'])
x509_certificate = load_der_x509_certificate(b64decode(b64_decoded_pcsid.decode()), default_backend())
return x509_certificate.not_valid_after
def _l10n_sa_request_production_csid(self, csid_data, renew=False, otp=None):
Generate company Production CSID data
return (
self._l10n_sa_api_renew_production_CSID(csid_data, otp)
if renew
else self._l10n_sa_api_get_production_CSID(csid_data)
def _l10n_sa_api_get_pcsid(self):
Get CSIDs required to perform ZATCA api calls, and regenerate them if they need to be regenerated.
if not self.sudo().l10n_sa_production_csid_json:
raise UserError(_("Please, make a request to obtain the Compliance CSID and Production CSID before sending "
"documents to ZATCA"))
pcsid_validity = self.env.ref('l10n_sa_edi.edi_sa_zatca')._l10n_sa_get_zatca_datetime(self.l10n_sa_production_csid_validity)
time_now = self.env.ref('l10n_sa_edi.edi_sa_zatca')._l10n_sa_get_zatca_datetime(datetime.now())
if pcsid_validity < time_now and self.company_id.l10n_sa_api_mode != 'sandbox':
raise UserError(_("Production certificate has expired, please renew the PCSID before proceeding"))
return json.loads(self.sudo().l10n_sa_production_csid_json)
# ====== API Helper Methods =======
def _l10n_sa_call_api(self, request_data, request_url, method):
Helper function to make api calls to the ZATCA API Endpoint
api_url = ZATCA_API_URLS[self.company_id.l10n_sa_api_mode]
request_url = urljoin(api_url, request_url)
request_response = requests.request(method, request_url, data=request_data.get('body'),
}, timeout=(30, 30))
except (ValueError, HTTPError) as ex:
# In the case of an explicit error from ZATCA, i.e we got a response but the code of the response is not 2xx
return {
'error': _("Server returned an unexpected error: ") + (request_response.text or str(ex)),
'blocking_level': 'error'
except RequestException as ex:
# Usually only happens if a Timeout occurs. In this case we're not sure if the invoice was accepted or
# rejected, or if it even made it to ZATCA
return {'error': str(ex), 'blocking_level': 'warning', 'excepted': True}
response_data = request_response.json()
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
return {
'error': _("JSON response from ZATCA could not be decoded"),
'blocking_level': 'error'
if not request_response.ok and (response_data.get('errors') or response_data.get('warnings')):
if isinstance(response_data, dict) and response_data.get('errors'):
return {
'error': _("Invoice submission to ZATCA returned errors"),
'json_errors': response_data['errors'],
'blocking_level': 'error',
return {
'error': request_response.reason,
'blocking_level': 'error'
return response_data
def _l10n_sa_api_headers(self):
Return the base headers to be included in ZATCA API calls
return {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept-Language': 'en',
'Accept-Version': 'V2'
def _l10n_sa_authorization_header(self, CSID_data):
Compute the Authorization header by combining the CSID and the Secret key, then encode to Base64
auth_data = CSID_data
auth_str = "%s:%s" % (auth_data['binarySecurityToken'], auth_data['secret'])
return 'Basic ' + b64encode(auth_str.encode()).decode()
def _l10n_sa_load_edi_demo_data(self):
self.company_id.l10n_sa_private_key = self.company_id._l10n_sa_generate_private_key()
'l10n_sa_serial_number': 'SIDI3-CBMPR-L2D8X-KM0KN-X4ISJ',
'l10n_sa_compliance_checks_passed': True,