416 lines
14 KiB
416 lines
14 KiB
/** @odoo-module */
import { click, getFixture, nextTick, patchWithCleanup } from '@web/../tests/helpers/utils';
import { makeView, setupViewRegistries } from "@web/../tests/views/helpers";
import { LunchKanbanRenderer } from '@lunch/views/kanban';
let target;
let serverData;
let lunchInfos;
async function makeLunchView(extraArgs = {}) {
return await makeView(
type: "kanban",
resModel: "lunch.product",
arch: `
<kanban js_class="lunch_kanban">
<t t-name="kanban-box">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="price"/>
mockRPC: (route, args) => {
if (route == '/lunch/user_location_get') {
return Promise.resolve(serverData.models['lunch.location'].records[0].id);
} else if (route == '/lunch/infos') {
return Promise.resolve(lunchInfos);
}, extraArgs
QUnit.module('Lunch', {}, function() {
QUnit.module('LunchKanban', (hooks) => {
hooks.beforeEach(() => {
target = getFixture();
serverData = {
models: {
'lunch.product': {
fields: {
id: { string: "ID", type: "integer" },
name: { string: 'Name', type: 'char' },
is_available_at: { string: 'Available', type: 'integer' },
price: { string: 'Price', type: 'float', },
records: [
{ id: 1, name: "Big Plate", is_available_at: 1, price: 4.95, },
{ id: 2, name: "Small Plate", is_available_at: 2, price: 6.99, },
{ id: 3, name: "Just One Plate", is_available_at: 2, price: 5.87, },
'lunch.location': {
fields: {
name: { string: 'Name', type: 'char' },
records: [
{ id: 1, name: "Old Office" },
{ id: 2, name: "New Office" },
'lunch.order': {
fields: {
product_id: { string: 'Product', type: 'many2one', relation: 'lunch.product', },
'res.users': {
fields: {
share: { type: 'boolean', },
records: [
{ id: 1, name: 'Johnny Hache', share: false, },
{ id: 2, name: 'David Elora', share: false, }
views: {
'lunch.order,false,form': `<form>
<field name="product_id" readonly="1"/>
<button name="add_to_cart" type="object" string="Add to cart" />
<button string="Discard" special="cancel"/>
lunchInfos = {
username: "Johnny Hache",
wallet: 12.05,
is_manager: false,
currency: {
symbol: "€",
position: "after",
user_location: [1, "Old Office"],
alerts: [],
lines: [],
QUnit.test("Basic rendering", async function (assert) {
await makeLunchView();
assert.containsOnce(target, '.o_lunch_banner');
assert.containsNone(target, '.o_lunch_content .alert');
assert.containsOnce(target, '.o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)', 1);
const lunchDashboard = target.querySelector('.o_lunch_banner');
const lunchUser = lunchDashboard.querySelector('.lunch_user span');
assert.equal(lunchUser.innerText, 'Johnny Hache');
QUnit.test("Open product", async function (assert) {
await makeLunchView();
patchWithCleanup(LunchKanbanRenderer.prototype, {
openOrderLine(productId, orderId) {
assert.equal(productId, 1);
assert.containsOnce(target, '.o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)');
click(target, '.o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)');
QUnit.test("Basic rendering with alerts", async function (assert) {
let userInfos = {
alerts: [
id: 1,
message: '<b>free boudin compote for everyone</b>',
await makeLunchView({
mockRPC: (route, args) => {
if (route == '/lunch/user_location_get') {
return Promise.resolve(userInfos.user_location[0]);
} else if (route == '/lunch/infos') {
return Promise.resolve(userInfos);
assert.containsOnce(target, '.o_lunch_content .alert');
assert.equal(target.querySelector('.o_lunch_content .alert').innerText, 'free boudin compote for everyone');
QUnit.test("Open product", async function (assert) {
await makeLunchView();
patchWithCleanup(LunchKanbanRenderer.prototype, {
openOrderLine(productId, orderId) {
assert.equal(productId, 1);
assert.containsOnce(target, '.o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)');
click(target, '.o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)');
QUnit.test("Location change", async function (assert) {
let userInfos = { ...lunchInfos };
await makeLunchView({
mockRPC: (route, args) => {
if (route == '/lunch/user_location_get') {
return Promise.resolve(userInfos.user_location[0]);
} else if (route == '/lunch/infos') {
return Promise.resolve(userInfos);
} else if (route == '/lunch/user_location_set') {
assert.equal(args.location_id, 2);
userInfos.user_location = [2, "New Office"];
return Promise.resolve(true);
click(target, '.lunch_location input');
await nextTick();
assert.containsOnce(target, '.lunch_location .dropdown-item:contains(New Office)');
click(target, '.lunch_location .dropdown-item:not(.ui-state-active)');
await nextTick();
assert.containsN(target, 'div[role=article].o_kanban_record', 2);
QUnit.test("Manager: user change", async function (assert) {
let userInfos = { ...lunchInfos, is_manager: true };
let expectedUserId = false; // false as we are requesting for the current user
await makeLunchView({
mockRPC: (route, args) => {
if (route == '/lunch/user_location_get') {
return Promise.resolve(userInfos.user_location[0]);
} else if (route == '/lunch/infos') {
assert.equal(expectedUserId, args.user_id);
if (expectedUserId === 2) {
userInfos = {
username: 'David Elora',
wallet: -10000,
return Promise.resolve(userInfos);
} else if (route == '/lunch/user_location_set') {
assert.equal(args.location_id, 2);
userInfos.user_location = [2, "New Office"];
return Promise.resolve(true);
assert.containsOnce(target, '.lunch_user input');
click(target, '.lunch_user input');
await nextTick();
assert.containsOnce(target, '.lunch_user .dropdown-item:contains(David Elora)');
expectedUserId = 2;
click(target, '.lunch_user .dropdown-item:not(.ui-state-active)');
await nextTick();
const wallet = target.querySelector('.o_lunch_banner .col-9 > .d-flex > span:nth-child(2)');
assert.equal(wallet.innerText, '-10000.00€', 'David Elora is poor')
click(target, '.lunch_location input');
await nextTick();
click(target, '.lunch_location .dropdown-item:not(.ui-state-active)');
await nextTick();
const user = target.querySelector('.lunch_user input');
assert.equal(user.value, 'David Elora', 'changing location should not reset user');
QUnit.test("Trash existing order", async function (assert) {
let userInfos = {
lines: [
id: 1,
product: [1, "Big Plate", "4.95"],
toppings: [],
quantity: 1,
price: 4.95,
raw_state: "new",
state: "To Order",
note: false
raw_state: "new",
total: "4.95",
await makeLunchView({
mockRPC: (route, args) => {
if (route == '/lunch/user_location_get') {
return Promise.resolve(userInfos.user_location[0]);
} else if (route == '/lunch/infos') {
return Promise.resolve(userInfos);
} else if (route == '/lunch/trash') {
userInfos = {
lines: [],
raw_state: false,
total: 0,
return Promise.resolve(true);
assert.containsN(target, 'div.o_lunch_banner > .row > div', 3);
assert.containsOnce(target, 'div.o_lunch_banner > .row > div:nth-child(2) button.fa-trash', 'should have trash icon');
assert.containsOnce(target, 'div.o_lunch_banner > .row > div:nth-child(2) ul > li', 'should have one order line');
assert.containsOnce(target, 'div.o_lunch_banner > .row > div:nth-child(3) button:contains(Order Now)');
click(target, 'div.o_lunch_banner > .row > div:nth-child(2) button.fa-trash');
await nextTick();
assert.containsN(target, 'div.o_lunch_banner > .row > div', 1);
QUnit.test("Change existing order", async function (assert) {
let userInfos = {
lines: [
id: 1,
product: [1, "Big Plate", "4.95"],
toppings: [],
quantity: 1,
price: 4.95,
raw_state: "new",
state: "To Order",
note: false
raw_state: "new",
total: "4.95",
await makeLunchView({
mockRPC: (route, args) => {
if (route == '/lunch/user_location_get') {
return Promise.resolve(userInfos.user_location[0]);
} else if (route == '/lunch/infos') {
return Promise.resolve(userInfos);
} else if (route == '/web/dataset/call_kw/lunch.order/update_quantity') {
assert.equal(args.args[1], 1, 'should increment order quantity by 1');
userInfos = {
lines: [
product: [1, "Big Plate", "9.9"],
quantity: 2,
price: 4.95 * 2,
total: 4.95 * 2,
return Promise.resolve(true);
click(target, 'div.o_lunch_banner > .row > div:nth-child(2) button.fa-plus-circle');
QUnit.test("Confirm existing order", async function (assert) {
let userInfos = {
lines: [
id: 1,
product: [1, "Big Plate", "4.95"],
toppings: [],
quantity: 1,
price: 4.95,
raw_state: "new",
state: "To Order",
note: false
raw_state: "new",
total: "4.95",
await makeLunchView({
mockRPC: (route, args) => {
if (route == '/lunch/user_location_get') {
return Promise.resolve(userInfos.user_location[0]);
} else if (route == '/lunch/infos') {
return Promise.resolve(userInfos);
} else if (route == '/lunch/pay') {
assert.equal(args.user_id, false); // Should confirm order of current user
userInfos = {
lines: [
raw_state: 'ordered',
state: 'Ordered,'
raw_state: 'ordered',
wallet: userInfos.wallet - 4.95,
return Promise.resolve(true);
const wallet = target.querySelector('.o_lunch_banner .col-9 > .d-flex > span:nth-child(2)');
assert.equal(wallet.innerText, '12.05€');
click(target, 'div.o_lunch_banner > .row > div:nth-child(3) button');
await nextTick();
assert.equal(wallet.innerText, '7.10€', 'Wallet should update');