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2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import json
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from odoo import api, fields, models
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MailMessageSchedule(models.Model):
""" Mail message notification schedule queue.
This model is used to store the mail messages scheduled. So we can
delay the sending of the notifications. A scheduled date field already
exists on the <mail.mail> but it does not allow us to delay the sending
of the <bus.bus> notifications.
_name = 'mail.message.schedule'
_description = 'Scheduled Messages'
_order = 'scheduled_datetime DESC, id DESC'
_rec_name = 'mail_message_id'
mail_message_id = fields.Many2one(
'mail.message', string='Message',
ondelete='cascade', required=True)
notification_parameters = fields.Text('Notification Parameter')
scheduled_datetime = fields.Datetime(
'Scheduled Send Date', required=True,
help='Datetime at which notification should be sent.')
def create(self, vals_list):
schedules = super().create(vals_list)
if schedules:
return schedules
def _send_notifications_cron(self):
messages_scheduled = self.env['mail.message.schedule'].search(
[('scheduled_datetime', '<=', datetime.utcnow())]
if messages_scheduled:
_logger.info('Send %s scheduled messages', len(messages_scheduled))
def force_send(self):
""" Launch notification process independently from the expected date. """
return self._send_notifications()
def _send_notifications(self, default_notify_kwargs=None):
""" Send notification for scheduled messages.
:param dict default_notify_kwargs: optional parameters to propagate to
``notify_thread``. Those are default values overridden by content of
``notification_parameters`` field.
for model, schedules in self._group_by_model().items():
if model:
records = self.env[model].browse(schedules.mapped('mail_message_id.res_id'))
records = [self.env['mail.thread']] * len(schedules)
for record, schedule in zip(records, schedules):
notify_kwargs = dict(default_notify_kwargs or {}, skip_existing=True)
schedule_notify_kwargs = json.loads(schedule.notification_parameters)
except Exception:
schedule_notify_kwargs.pop('scheduled_date', None)
record._notify_thread(schedule.mail_message_id, msg_vals=False, **notify_kwargs)
return True
def _send_message_notifications(self, messages, default_notify_kwargs=None):
""" Send scheduled notification for given messages.
:param <mail.message> messages: scheduled sending related to those messages
will be sent now;
:param dict default_notify_kwargs: optional parameters to propagate to
``notify_thread``. Those are default values overridden by content of
``notification_parameters`` field.
:return bool: False if no schedule has been found, True otherwise
messages_scheduled = self.search(
[('mail_message_id', 'in', messages.ids)]
if not messages_scheduled:
return False
return True
def _update_message_scheduled_datetime(self, messages, new_datetime):
""" Update scheduled datetime for scheduled sending related to messages.
:param <mail.message> messages: scheduled sending related to those messages
will be updated. Missing one are skipped;
:param datetime new_datetime: new datetime for sending. New triggers
are created based on it;
:return bool: False if no schedule has been found, True otherwise
messages_scheduled = self.search(
[('mail_message_id', 'in', messages.ids)]
if not messages_scheduled:
return False
messages_scheduled.scheduled_datetime = new_datetime
return True
def _group_by_model(self):
grouped = {}
for schedule in self:
model = schedule.mail_message_id.model if schedule.mail_message_id.model and schedule.mail_message_id.res_id else False
if model not in grouped:
grouped[model] = schedule
grouped[model] += schedule
return grouped