
584 lines
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2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import babel
import copy
import logging
import re
import traceback
from lxml import html
from markupsafe import Markup
from werkzeug import urls
from odoo import _, api, fields, models, tools
from odoo.addons.base.models.ir_qweb import QWebException
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, AccessError
from odoo.tools import is_html_empty, safe_eval
from odoo.tools.rendering_tools import convert_inline_template_to_qweb, parse_inline_template, render_inline_template, template_env_globals
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def format_date(env, date, pattern=False, lang_code=False):
return tools.format_date(env, date, date_format=pattern, lang_code=lang_code)
except babel.core.UnknownLocaleError:
return date
def format_datetime(env, dt, tz=False, dt_format='medium', lang_code=False):
return tools.format_datetime(env, dt, tz=tz, dt_format=dt_format, lang_code=lang_code)
except babel.core.UnknownLocaleError:
return dt
def format_time(env, time, tz=False, time_format='medium', lang_code=False):
return tools.format_time(env, time, tz=tz, time_format=time_format, lang_code=lang_code)
except babel.core.UnknownLocaleError:
return time
class MailRenderMixin(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'mail.render.mixin'
_description = 'Mail Render Mixin'
# If True, we trust the value on the model for rendering
# If False, we need the group "Template Editor" to render the model fields
_unrestricted_rendering = False
# language for rendering
lang = fields.Char(
help="Optional translation language (ISO code) to select when sending out an email. "
"If not set, the english version will be used. This should usually be a placeholder expression "
"that provides the appropriate language, e.g. {{ object.partner_id.lang }}.")
# rendering context
render_model = fields.Char("Rendering Model", compute='_compute_render_model', store=False)
def _compute_render_model(self):
""" Give the target model for rendering. Void by default as models
inheriting from ``mail.render.mixin`` should define how to find this
model. """
self.render_model = False
def _build_expression(self, field_name, sub_field_name, null_value):
"""Returns a placeholder expression for use in a template field,
based on the values provided in the placeholder assistant.
:param field_name: main field name
:param sub_field_name: sub field name (M2O)
:param null_value: default value if the target value is empty
:return: final placeholder expression """
expression = ''
if field_name:
expression = "{{ object." + field_name
if sub_field_name:
expression += "." + sub_field_name
if null_value:
expression += " or '''%s'''" % null_value
expression += " }}"
return expression
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _valid_field_parameter(self, field, name):
# allow specifying rendering options directly from field when using the render mixin
return name in ['render_engine', 'render_options'] or super()._valid_field_parameter(field, name)
def create(self, values_list):
record = super().create(values_list)
if self._unrestricted_rendering:
# If the rendering is unrestricted (e.g. mail.template),
# check the user is part of the mail editor group to create a new template if the template is dynamic
return record
def write(self, vals):
if self._unrestricted_rendering:
# If the rendering is unrestricted (e.g. mail.template),
# check the user is part of the mail editor group to modify a template if the template is dynamic
return True
def _update_field_translations(self, fname, translations, digest=None):
res = super()._update_field_translations(fname, translations, digest)
if self._unrestricted_rendering:
for lang in translations:
# If the rendering is unrestricted (e.g. mail.template),
# check the user is part of the mail editor group to modify a template if the template is dynamic
return res
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _replace_local_links(self, html, base_url=None):
""" Replace local links by absolute links. It is required in various
cases, for example when sending emails on chatter or sending mass
mailings. It replaces
* href of links (mailto will not match the regex)
* src of images/v:fill/v:image (base64 hardcoded data will not match the regex)
* styling using url like background-image: url or background="url"
It is done using regex because it is shorter than using an html parser
to create a potentially complex soupe and hope to have a result that
has not been harmed.
if not html:
return html
wrapper = Markup if isinstance(html, Markup) else str
html = tools.ustr(html)
if isinstance(html, Markup):
wrapper = Markup
def _sub_relative2absolute(match):
# compute here to do it only if really necessary + cache will ensure it is done only once
# if not base_url
if not _sub_relative2absolute.base_url:
_sub_relative2absolute.base_url = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo().get_param("web.base.url")
return match.group(1) + urls.url_join(_sub_relative2absolute.base_url, match.group(2))
_sub_relative2absolute.base_url = base_url
html = re.sub(r"""(<(?:img|v:fill|v:image)(?=\s)[^>]*\ssrc=")(/[^/][^"]+)""", _sub_relative2absolute, html)
html = re.sub(r"""(<a(?=\s)[^>]*\shref=")(/[^/][^"]+)""", _sub_relative2absolute, html)
html = re.sub(r"""(<[\w-]+(?=\s)[^>]*\sbackground=")(/[^/][^"]+)""", _sub_relative2absolute, html)
html = re.sub(re.compile(
r"""( # Group 1: element up to url in style
<[^>]+\bstyle=" # Element with a style attribute
[^"]+\burl\( # Style attribute contains "url(" style
(?:&\#34;|'|&quot;|&\#39;)?) # url style may start with (escaped) quote: capture it
( # Group 2: url itself
/(?:[^'")]|(?!&\#34;)|(?!&\#39;))+ # stop at the first closing quote
)""", re.VERBOSE), _sub_relative2absolute, html)
return wrapper(html)
def _render_encapsulate(self, layout_xmlid, html, add_context=None, context_record=None):
template_ctx = {
'body': html,
'record_name': context_record.display_name if context_record else '',
'model_description': self.env['ir.model']._get(context_record._name).display_name if context_record else False,
'company': context_record['company_id'] if (context_record and 'company_id' in context_record) else self.env.company,
'record': context_record,
if add_context:
html = self.env['ir.qweb']._render(layout_xmlid, template_ctx, minimal_qcontext=True, raise_if_not_found=False)
if not html:
_logger.warning('QWeb template %s not found when rendering encapsulation template.' % (layout_xmlid))
html = self.env['mail.render.mixin']._replace_local_links(html)
return html
def _prepend_preview(self, html, preview):
""" Prepare the email body before sending. Add the text preview at the
beginning of the mail. The preview text is displayed bellow the mail
subject of most mail client (gmail, outlook...).
:param html: html content for which we want to prepend a preview
:param preview: the preview to add before the html content
:return: html with preprended preview
if preview:
preview = preview.strip()
preview_markup = convert_inline_template_to_qweb(preview)
if preview:
html_preview = Markup("""
<div style="display:none;font-size:1px;height:0px;width:0px;opacity:0;">
return tools.prepend_html_content(html, html_preview)
return html
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _is_dynamic(self):
for template in self.sudo():
for fname, field in template._fields.items():
engine = getattr(field, 'render_engine', 'inline_template')
if engine in ('qweb', 'qweb_view'):
if self._is_dynamic_template_qweb(template[fname]):
return True
if self._is_dynamic_template_inline_template(template[fname]):
return True
return False
def _is_dynamic_template_qweb(self, template_src):
if template_src:
node = html.fragment_fromstring(template_src, create_parent='div')
except QWebException as e:
if isinstance(e.__cause__, PermissionError):
return True
return False
def _is_dynamic_template_inline_template(self, template_txt):
if template_txt:
template_instructions = parse_inline_template(str(template_txt))
if len(template_instructions) > 1 or template_instructions[0][1]:
return True
return False
def _check_access_right_dynamic_template(self):
if not self.env.su and not self.env.user.has_group('mail.group_mail_template_editor') and self._is_dynamic():
group = self.env.ref('mail.group_mail_template_editor')
raise AccessError(_('Only users belonging to the "%s" group can modify dynamic templates.', group.name))
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _render_eval_context(self):
""" Evaluation context used in all rendering engines. Contains
* ``user``: current user browse record;
* ``ctx```: current context;
* various formatting tools;
render_context = {
'format_date': lambda date, date_format=False, lang_code=False: format_date(self.env, date, date_format, lang_code),
'format_datetime': lambda dt, tz=False, dt_format=False, lang_code=False: format_datetime(self.env, dt, tz, dt_format, lang_code),
'format_time': lambda time, tz=False, time_format=False, lang_code=False: format_time(self.env, time, tz, time_format, lang_code),
'format_amount': lambda amount, currency, lang_code=False: tools.format_amount(self.env, amount, currency, lang_code),
'format_duration': lambda value: tools.format_duration(value),
'user': self.env.user,
'ctx': self._context,
'is_html_empty': is_html_empty,
return render_context
def _render_template_qweb(self, template_src, model, res_ids,
add_context=None, options=None):
""" Render a raw QWeb template.
:param str template_src: raw QWeb template to render;
:param str model: see ``MailRenderMixin._render_template()``;
:param list res_ids: see ``MailRenderMixin._render_template()``;
:param dict add_context: additional context to give to renderer. It
allows to add or update values to base rendering context generated
by ``MailRenderMixin._render_eval_context()``;
:param dict options: options for rendering (not used currently);
:return dict: {res_id: string of rendered template based on record}
:notice: Experimental. Use at your own risks only.
results = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, u"")
if not template_src:
return results
# prepare template variables
variables = self._render_eval_context()
if add_context:
is_restricted = not self._unrestricted_rendering and not self.env.is_admin() and not self.env.user.has_group('mail.group_mail_template_editor')
for record in self.env[model].browse(res_ids):
variables['object'] = record
render_result = self.env['ir.qweb']._render(
html.fragment_fromstring(template_src, create_parent='div'),
**(options or {})
# remove the rendered tag <div> that was added in order to wrap potentially multiples nodes into one.
render_result = render_result[5:-6]
except Exception as e:
if isinstance(e, QWebException) and isinstance(e.__cause__, PermissionError):
group = self.env.ref('mail.group_mail_template_editor')
raise AccessError(_('Only users belonging to the "%s" group can modify dynamic templates.', group.name)) from e
_logger.info("Failed to render template : %s", template_src, exc_info=True)
raise UserError(_("Failed to render QWeb template : %s\n\n%s)", template_src, traceback.format_exc())) from e
results[record.id] = render_result
return results
def _render_template_qweb_view(self, view_xmlid, model, res_ids,
add_context=None, options=None):
""" Render a QWeb template based on an ir.ui.view content.
In addition to the generic evaluation context available, some other
variables are added:
* ``object``: record based on which the template is rendered;
:param str view_xmlid: source QWeb template. It should be a string
XmlID allowing to fetch an ``ir.ui.view``;
:param str model: see ``MailRenderMixin._render_template()``;
:param list res_ids: see ``MailRenderMixin._render_template()``;
:param dict add_context: additional context to give to renderer. It
allows to add or update values to base rendering context generated
by ``MailRenderMixin._render_eval_context()``;
:param dict options: options for rendering (not used currently);
:return dict: {res_id: string of rendered template based on record}
# prevent wrong values (rendering on a void record set, ...)
if any(r is None for r in res_ids):
raise ValueError(_('Template rendering should be called on a valid record IDs.'))
results = {}
# prepare template variables
variables = self._render_eval_context()
if add_context:
for record in self.env[model].browse(res_ids):
variables['object'] = record
render_result = self.env['ir.qweb']._render(view_xmlid, variables, minimal_qcontext=True, raise_if_not_found=False, **(options or {}))
results[record.id] = render_result
except Exception as e:
_logger.info("Failed to render template : %s", view_xmlid, exc_info=True)
raise UserError(_("Failed to render template : %s") % view_xmlid)
return results
def _render_template_inline_template(self, template_txt, model, res_ids,
add_context=None, options=None):
""" Render a string-based template on records given by a model and a list
of IDs, using inline_template.
In addition to the generic evaluation context available, some other
variables are added:
* ``object``: record based on which the template is rendered;
:param str template_txt: template text to render
:param str model: see ``MailRenderMixin._render_template()``;
:param list res_ids: see ``MailRenderMixin._render_template()``;
:param dict add_context: additional context to give to renderer. It
allows to add or update values to base rendering context generated
by ``MailRenderMixin._render_inline_template_eval_context()``;
:param dict options: options for rendering;
:return dict: {res_id: string of rendered template based on record}
# prevent wrong values (rendering on a void record set, ...)
if any(r is None for r in res_ids):
raise ValueError(_('Template rendering should be called on a valid record IDs.'))
results = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, u"")
if not template_txt:
return results
template_instructions = parse_inline_template(str(template_txt))
is_dynamic = len(template_instructions) > 1 or template_instructions[0][1]
if (not self._unrestricted_rendering and is_dynamic and not self.env.is_admin() and
not self.env.user.has_group('mail.group_mail_template_editor')):
group = self.env.ref('mail.group_mail_template_editor')
raise AccessError(_('Only users belonging to the "%s" group can modify dynamic templates.', group.name))
if not is_dynamic:
# Either the content is a raw text without placeholders, either we fail to
# detect placeholders code. In both case we skip the rendering and return
# the raw content, so even if we failed to detect dynamic code,
# non "mail_template_editor" users will not gain rendering tools available
# only for template specific group users
return {record_id: template_instructions[0][0] for record_id in res_ids}
# prepare template variables
variables = self._render_eval_context()
if add_context:
for record in self.env[model].browse(res_ids):
variables['object'] = record
results[record.id] = render_inline_template(template_instructions, variables)
except Exception as e:
_logger.info("Failed to render inline_template: \n%s", str(template_txt), exc_info=True)
raise UserError(_("Failed to render inline_template template : %s)", e))
return results
def _render_template_postprocess(self, rendered):
""" Tool method for post processing. In this method we ensure local
links ('/shop/Basil-1') are replaced by global links ('https://www.
:param rendered: result of ``_render_template``;
:return dict: updated version of rendered per record ID;
# TODO make this a parameter
model = self.env.context.get('mail_render_postprocess_model')
res_ids = list(rendered.keys())
for res_id, rendered_html in rendered.items():
base_url = None
if model:
base_url = self.env[model].browse(res_id).with_prefetch(res_ids).get_base_url()
rendered[res_id] = self._replace_local_links(rendered_html, base_url)
return rendered
def _render_template(self, template_src, model, res_ids, engine='inline_template',
add_context=None, options=None, post_process=False):
""" Render the given string on records designed by model / res_ids using
the given rendering engine. Possible engine are small_web, qweb, or
:param str template_src: template text to render or xml id of a qweb view;
:param str model: model name of records on which we want to perform
rendering (aka 'crm.lead');
:param list res_ids: list of ids of records. All should belong to the
Odoo model given by model;
:param string engine: inline_template, qweb or qweb_view;
:param dict add_context: additional context to give to renderer. It
allows to add or update values to base rendering context generated
by ``MailRenderMixin._render_<engine>_eval_context()``;
:param dict options: options for rendering;
:param boolean post_process: perform a post processing on rendered result
(notably html links management). See``_render_template_postprocess``;
:return dict: {res_id: string of rendered template based on record}
if not isinstance(res_ids, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError(_('Template rendering should be called only using on a list of IDs.'))
if engine not in ('inline_template', 'qweb', 'qweb_view'):
raise ValueError(_('Template rendering supports only inline_template, qweb, or qweb_view (view or raw).'))
if engine == 'qweb_view':
rendered = self._render_template_qweb_view(template_src, model, res_ids,
add_context=add_context, options=options)
elif engine == 'qweb':
rendered = self._render_template_qweb(template_src, model, res_ids,
add_context=add_context, options=options)
rendered = self._render_template_inline_template(template_src, model, res_ids,
add_context=add_context, options=options)
if post_process:
rendered = self.with_context(mail_render_postprocess_model=model)._render_template_postprocess(rendered)
return rendered
def _render_lang(self, res_ids, engine='inline_template'):
""" Given some record ids, return the lang for each record based on
lang field of template or through specific context-based key. Lang is
computed by performing a rendering on res_ids, based on self.render_model.
:param list res_ids: list of ids of records. All should belong to the
Odoo model given by model;
:param string engine: inline_template or qweb_view;
:return dict: {res_id: lang code (i.e. en_US)}
if not isinstance(res_ids, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError(_('Template rendering for language should be called with a list of IDs.'))
rendered_langs = self._render_template(self.lang, self.render_model, res_ids, engine=engine)
return dict(
(res_id, lang)
for res_id, lang in rendered_langs.items()
def _classify_per_lang(self, res_ids, engine='inline_template'):
""" Given some record ids, return for computed each lang a contextualized
template and its subset of res_ids.
:param list res_ids: list of ids of records (all belonging to same model
defined by self.render_model)
:param string engine: inline_template, qweb, or qweb_view;
:return dict: {lang: (template with lang=lang_code if specific lang computed
or template, res_ids targeted by that language}
if self.env.context.get('template_preview_lang'):
lang_to_res_ids = {self.env.context['template_preview_lang']: res_ids}
lang_to_res_ids = {}
for res_id, lang in self._render_lang(res_ids, engine=engine).items():
lang_to_res_ids.setdefault(lang, []).append(res_id)
return dict(
(lang, (self.with_context(lang=lang) if lang else self, lang_res_ids))
for lang, lang_res_ids in lang_to_res_ids.items()
def _render_field(self, field, res_ids, engine='inline_template',
compute_lang=False, set_lang=False,
add_context=None, options=None, post_process=False):
""" Given some record ids, render a template located on field on all
records. ``field`` should be a field of self (i.e. ``body_html`` on
``mail.template``). res_ids are record IDs linked to ``model`` field
on self.
:param field: a field name existing on self;
:param list res_ids: list of ids of records (all belonging to same model
defined by ``self.render_model``)
:param string engine: inline_template, qweb, or qweb_view;
:param boolean compute_lang: compute language to render on translated
version of the template instead of default (probably english) one.
Language will be computed based on ``self.lang``;
:param string set_lang: force language for rendering. It should be a
valid lang code matching an activate res.lang. Checked only if
``compute_lang`` is False;
:param dict add_context: additional context to give to renderer;
:param dict options: options for rendering;
:param boolean post_process: perform a post processing on rendered result
(notably html links management). See``_render_template_postprocess``);
:return dict: {res_id: string of rendered template based on record}
if options is None:
options = {}
if compute_lang:
templates_res_ids = self._classify_per_lang(res_ids)
elif set_lang:
templates_res_ids = {set_lang: (self.with_context(lang=set_lang), res_ids)}
templates_res_ids = {self._context.get('lang'): (self, res_ids)}
# rendering options
engine = getattr(self._fields[field], 'render_engine', engine)
options.update(**getattr(self._fields[field], 'render_options', {}))
post_process = options.get('post_process') or post_process
return dict(
(res_id, rendered)
for lang, (template, tpl_res_ids) in templates_res_ids.items()
for res_id, rendered in template._render_template(
template[field], template.render_model, tpl_res_ids, engine=engine,
add_context=add_context, options=options, post_process=post_process