285 lines
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285 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import json
from odoo.api import model
from typing import Iterator, Mapping
from collections import abc
from odoo.tools import ReadonlyDict, email_normalize
from odoo.addons.microsoft_calendar.utils.event_id_storage import combine_ids
class MicrosoftEvent(abc.Set):
This helper class holds the values of a Microsoft event.
Inspired by Odoo recordset, one instance can be a single Microsoft event or a
(immutable) set of Microsoft events.
All usual set operations are supported (union, intersection, etc).
:param iterable: iterable of MicrosoftCalendar instances or iterable of dictionnaries
def __init__(self, iterable=()):
_events = {}
for item in iterable:
if isinstance(item, self.__class__):
_events[item.id] = item._events[item.id]
elif isinstance(item, Mapping):
_events[item.get('id')] = item
raise ValueError("Only %s or iterable of dict are supported" % self.__class__.__name__)
self._events = ReadonlyDict(_events)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator['MicrosoftEvent']:
return iter(MicrosoftEvent([vals]) for vals in self._events.values())
def __contains__(self, microsoft_event):
return microsoft_event.id in self._events
def __len__(self):
return len(self._events)
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self._events)
def __getattr__(self, name):
# ensure_one
event, = self._events.keys()
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Expected singleton: %s" % self)
event_id = list(self._events.keys())[0]
value = self._events[event_id].get(name)
return value
def __repr__(self):
return '%s%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.ids)
def ids(self):
Use 'id' to return an event identifier which is specific to a calendar
return tuple(e.id for e in self)
def microsoft_ids(self):
return tuple(e.id for e in self)
def uids(self):
Use 'iCalUid' to return an identifier which is unique accross all calendars
return tuple(e.iCalUId for e in self)
def odoo_id(self, env):
return self._odoo_id
def _meta_odoo_id(self, microsoft_guid):
"""Returns the Odoo id stored in the Microsoft Event metadata.
This id might not actually exists in the database.
return None
def odoo_ids(self):
Get the list of Odoo event ids already mapped with Outlook events (self)
return tuple(e._odoo_id for e in self if e._odoo_id)
def _load_odoo_ids_from_db(self, env, force_model=None):
Map Microsoft events to existing Odoo events:
1) extract unmapped events only,
2) match Odoo events and Outlook events which have both a ICalUId set,
3) match remaining events,
Returns the list of mapped events
mapped_events = [e.id for e in self if e._odoo_id]
# avoid mapping events if they are already all mapped
if len(self) == len(mapped_events):
return self
unmapped_events = self.filter(lambda e: e.id not in mapped_events)
# Query events OR recurrences, get organizer_id and universal_id values by splitting microsoft_id.
model_env = force_model if force_model is not None else self._get_model(env)
organiser_ids = tuple(str(v) for v in unmapped_events.ids if v) or ('NULL',)
universal_ids = tuple(str(v) for v in unmapped_events.uids if v) or ('NULL',)
SELECT id, organizer_id, universal_id
split_part(microsoft_id, ':', 1) AS organizer_id,
split_part(microsoft_id, ':', 2) AS universal_id
WHERE microsoft_id IS NOT NULL) AS splitter
WHERE organizer_id IN %%s
OR universal_id IN %%s
""" % model_env._table, (organiser_ids, universal_ids))
res = env.cr.fetchall()
odoo_events_ids = [val[0] for val in res]
odoo_events = model_env.browse(odoo_events_ids)
# 1. try to match unmapped events with Odoo events using their iCalUId
unmapped_events_with_uids = unmapped_events.filter(lambda e: e.iCalUId)
odoo_events_with_uids = odoo_events.filtered(lambda e: e.ms_universal_event_id)
mapping = {e.ms_universal_event_id: e.id for e in odoo_events_with_uids}
for ms_event in unmapped_events_with_uids:
odoo_id = mapping.get(ms_event.iCalUId)
if odoo_id:
ms_event._events[ms_event.id]['_odoo_id'] = odoo_id
# 2. try to match unmapped events with Odoo events using their id
unmapped_events = self.filter(lambda e: e.id not in mapped_events)
mapping = {e.ms_organizer_event_id: e for e in odoo_events}
for ms_event in unmapped_events:
odoo_event = mapping.get(ms_event.id)
if odoo_event:
ms_event._events[ms_event.id]['_odoo_id'] = odoo_event.id
# don't forget to also set the global event ID on the Odoo event to ease
# and improve reliability of future mappings
'microsoft_id': combine_ids(ms_event.id, ms_event.iCalUId),
'need_sync_m': False,
return self.filter(lambda e: e.id in mapped_events)
def owner_id(self, env):
Indicates who is the owner of an event (i.e the organizer of the event).
There are several possible cases:
1) the current Odoo user is the organizer of the event according to Outlook event, so return his id.
2) the current Odoo user is NOT the organizer and:
2.1) we are able to find a Odoo user using the Outlook event organizer email address and we use his id,
2.2) we are NOT able to find a Odoo user matching the organizer email address and we return False, meaning
that no Odoo user will be able to modify this event. All modifications will be done from Outlook.
if self.isOrganizer:
return env.user.id
if not self.organizer:
return False
organizer_email = self.organizer.get('emailAddress') and email_normalize(self.organizer.get('emailAddress').get('address'))
if organizer_email:
# Warning: In Microsoft: 1 email = 1 user; but in Odoo several users might have the same email
user = env['res.users'].search([('email', '=', organizer_email)], limit=1)
return user.id if user else False
return False
def filter(self, func) -> 'MicrosoftEvent':
return MicrosoftEvent(e for e in self if func(e))
def is_recurrence(self):
return self.type == 'seriesMaster'
def is_recurrent(self):
return bool(self.seriesMasterId or self.is_recurrence())
def is_recurrent_not_master(self):
return bool(self.seriesMasterId)
def get_recurrence(self):
if not self.recurrence:
return {}
pattern = self.recurrence['pattern']
range = self.recurrence['range']
end_type_dict = {
'endDate': 'end_date',
'noEnd': 'forever',
'numbered': 'count',
type_dict = {
'absoluteMonthly': 'monthly',
'relativeMonthly': 'monthly',
'absoluteYearly': 'yearly',
'relativeYearly': 'yearly',
index_dict = {
'first': '1',
'second': '2',
'third': '3',
'fourth': '4',
'last': '-1',
rrule_type = type_dict.get(pattern['type'], pattern['type'])
interval = pattern['interval']
if rrule_type == 'yearly':
interval *= 12
result = {
'rrule_type': rrule_type,
'end_type': end_type_dict.get(range['type'], False),
'interval': interval,
'count': range['numberOfOccurrences'],
'day': pattern['dayOfMonth'],
'byday': index_dict.get(pattern['index'], False),
'until': range['type'] == 'endDate' and range['endDate'],
month_by_dict = {
'absoluteMonthly': 'date',
'relativeMonthly': 'day',
'absoluteYearly': 'date',
'relativeYearly': 'day',
month_by = month_by_dict.get(pattern['type'], False)
if month_by:
result['month_by'] = month_by
# daysOfWeek contains the full name of the day, the fields contain the first 3 letters (mon, tue, etc)
week_days = [x[:3] for x in pattern.get('daysOfWeek', [])]
for week_day in ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun']:
result[week_day] = week_day in week_days
if week_days:
result['weekday'] = week_days[0].upper()
return result
def is_cancelled(self):
return bool(self.isCancelled) or self.is_removed()
def is_removed(self):
return self.__getattr__('@removed') and self.__getattr__('@removed').get('reason') == 'deleted'
def is_recurrence_outlier(self):
return self.type == "exception"
def cancelled(self):
return self.filter(lambda e: e.is_cancelled())
def match_with_odoo_events(self, env) -> 'MicrosoftEvent':
Match Outlook events (self) with existing Odoo events, and return the list of matched events
# first, try to match recurrences
# Note that when a recurrence is removed, there is no field in Outlook data to identify
# the item as a recurrence, so select all deleted items by default.
recurrence_candidates = self.filter(lambda x: x.is_recurrence() or x.is_removed())
mapped_recurrences = recurrence_candidates._load_odoo_ids_from_db(env, force_model=env["calendar.recurrence"])
# then, try to match events
events_candidates = (self - mapped_recurrences).filter(lambda x: not x.is_recurrence())
mapped_events = events_candidates._load_odoo_ids_from_db(env)
return mapped_recurrences | mapped_events
def _get_model(self, env):
if all(e.is_recurrence() for e in self):
return env['calendar.recurrence']
if all(not e.is_recurrence() for e in self):
return env['calendar.event']
raise TypeError("Mixing Microsoft events and Microsoft recurrences")