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2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
from psycopg2 import sql
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.osv import expression
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PaymentProvider(models.Model):
_name = 'payment.provider'
_description = 'Payment Provider'
_order = 'module_state, state desc, sequence, name'
def _valid_field_parameter(self, field, name):
return name == 'required_if_provider' or super()._valid_field_parameter(field, name)
# Configuration fields
name = fields.Char(string="Name", required=True, translate=True)
sequence = fields.Integer(string="Sequence", help="Define the display order")
code = fields.Selection(
help="The technical code of this payment provider.",
selection=[('none', "No Provider Set")],
state = fields.Selection(
help="In test mode, a fake payment is processed through a test payment interface.\n"
"This mode is advised when setting up the provider.",
selection=[('disabled', "Disabled"), ('enabled', "Enabled"), ('test', "Test Mode")],
default='disabled', required=True, copy=False)
is_published = fields.Boolean(
help="Whether the provider is visible on the website or not. Tokens remain functional but "
"are only visible on manage forms.",
company_id = fields.Many2one( # Indexed to speed-up ORM searches (from ir_rule or others)
string="Company", comodel_name='res.company', default=lambda self: self.env.company.id,
required=True, index=True)
main_currency_id = fields.Many2one(
help="The main currency of the company, used to display monetary fields.",
payment_icon_ids = fields.Many2many(
string="Supported Payment Icons", comodel_name='payment.icon')
allow_tokenization = fields.Boolean(
string="Allow Saving Payment Methods",
help="This controls whether customers can save their payment methods as payment tokens.\n"
"A payment token is an anonymous link to the payment method details saved in the\n"
"provider's database, allowing the customer to reuse it for a next purchase.")
capture_manually = fields.Boolean(
string="Capture Amount Manually",
help="Capture the amount from Odoo, when the delivery is completed.\n"
"Use this if you want to charge your customers cards only when\n"
"you are sure you can ship the goods to them.")
allow_express_checkout = fields.Boolean(
string="Allow Express Checkout",
help="This controls whether customers can use express payment methods. Express checkout "
"enables customers to pay with Google Pay and Apple Pay from which address "
"information is collected at payment.",
redirect_form_view_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Redirect Form Template", comodel_name='ir.ui.view',
help="The template rendering a form submitted to redirect the user when making a payment",
domain=[('type', '=', 'qweb')],
inline_form_view_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Inline Form Template", comodel_name='ir.ui.view',
help="The template rendering the inline payment form when making a direct payment",
domain=[('type', '=', 'qweb')],
token_inline_form_view_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Token Inline Form Template",
help="The template rendering the inline payment form when making a payment by token.",
domain=[('type', '=', 'qweb')],
express_checkout_form_view_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Express Checkout Form Template",
help="The template rendering the express payment methods' form.",
domain=[('type', '=', 'qweb')],
# Availability fields
available_country_ids = fields.Many2many(
help="The countries in which this payment provider is available. Leave blank to make it "
"available in all countries.",
maximum_amount = fields.Monetary(
string="Maximum Amount",
help="The maximum payment amount that this payment provider is available for. Leave blank "
"to make it available for any payment amount.",
# Fees fields
fees_active = fields.Boolean(string="Add Extra Fees")
fees_dom_fixed = fields.Float(string="Fixed domestic fees")
fees_dom_var = fields.Float(string="Variable domestic fees (in percents)")
fees_int_fixed = fields.Float(string="Fixed international fees")
fees_int_var = fields.Float(string="Variable international fees (in percents)")
# Message fields
display_as = fields.Char(
string="Displayed as", help="Description of the provider for customers",
pre_msg = fields.Html(
string="Help Message", help="The message displayed to explain and help the payment process",
pending_msg = fields.Html(
string="Pending Message",
help="The message displayed if the order pending after the payment process",
default=lambda self: _(
"Your payment has been successfully processed but is waiting for approval."
), translate=True)
auth_msg = fields.Html(
string="Authorize Message", help="The message displayed if payment is authorized",
default=lambda self: _("Your payment has been authorized."), translate=True)
done_msg = fields.Html(
string="Done Message",
help="The message displayed if the order is successfully done after the payment process",
default=lambda self: _("Your payment has been successfully processed. Thank you!"),
cancel_msg = fields.Html(
string="Canceled Message",
help="The message displayed if the order is canceled during the payment process",
default=lambda self: _("Your payment has been cancelled."), translate=True)
# Feature support fields
support_tokenization = fields.Boolean(
string="Tokenization Supported", compute='_compute_feature_support_fields'
support_manual_capture = fields.Boolean(
string="Manual Capture Supported", compute='_compute_feature_support_fields'
support_express_checkout = fields.Boolean(
string="Express Checkout Supported", compute='_compute_feature_support_fields'
support_refund = fields.Selection(
string="Type of Refund Supported",
selection=[('full_only', "Full Only"), ('partial', "Partial")],
support_fees = fields.Boolean(
string="Fees Supported", compute='_compute_feature_support_fields'
# Kanban view fields
image_128 = fields.Image(string="Image", max_width=128, max_height=128)
color = fields.Integer(
string="Color", help="The color of the card in kanban view", compute='_compute_color',
# Module-related fields
module_id = fields.Many2one(string="Corresponding Module", comodel_name='ir.module.module')
module_state = fields.Selection(
string="Installation State", related='module_id.state', store=True) # Stored for sorting.
module_to_buy = fields.Boolean(string="Odoo Enterprise Module", related='module_id.to_buy')
# View configuration fields
show_credentials_page = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_view_configuration_fields')
show_allow_tokenization = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_view_configuration_fields')
show_allow_express_checkout = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_view_configuration_fields')
show_payment_icon_ids = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_view_configuration_fields')
show_pre_msg = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_view_configuration_fields')
show_pending_msg = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_view_configuration_fields')
show_auth_msg = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_view_configuration_fields')
show_done_msg = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_view_configuration_fields')
show_cancel_msg = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_view_configuration_fields')
@api.depends('state', 'module_state')
def _compute_color(self):
""" Update the color of the kanban card based on the state of the provider.
:return: None
for provider in self:
if provider.module_id and not provider.module_state == 'installed':
provider.color = 4 # blue
elif provider.state == 'disabled':
provider.color = 3 # yellow
elif provider.state == 'test':
provider.color = 2 # orange
elif provider.state == 'enabled':
provider.color = 7 # green
def _compute_view_configuration_fields(self):
""" Compute the view configuration fields based on the provider.
View configuration fields are used to hide specific elements (notebook pages, fields, etc.)
from the form view of payment providers. These fields are set to `True` by default and are
as follows:
- `show_credentials_page`: Whether the "Credentials" notebook page should be shown.
- `show_allow_tokenization`: Whether the `allow_tokenization` field should be shown.
- `show_allow_express_checkout`: Whether the `allow_express_checkout` field should be shown.
- `show_payment_icon_ids`: Whether the `payment_icon_ids` field should be shown.
- `show_pre_msg`: Whether the `pre_msg` field should be shown.
- `show_pending_msg`: Whether the `pending_msg` field should be shown.
- `show_auth_msg`: Whether the `auth_msg` field should be shown.
- `show_done_msg`: Whether the `done_msg` field should be shown.
- `show_cancel_msg`: Whether the `cancel_msg` field should be shown.
For a provider to hide specific elements of the form view, it must override this method and
set the related view configuration fields to `False` on the appropriate `payment.provider`
:return: None
'show_credentials_page': True,
'show_allow_tokenization': True,
'show_allow_express_checkout': True,
'show_payment_icon_ids': True,
'show_pre_msg': True,
'show_pending_msg': True,
'show_auth_msg': True,
'show_done_msg': True,
'show_cancel_msg': True,
def _compute_feature_support_fields(self):
""" Compute the feature support fields based on the provider.
Feature support fields are used to specify which additional features are supported by a
given provider. These fields are as follows:
- `support_express_checkout`: Whether the "express checkout" feature is supported. `False`
by default.
- `support_fees`: Whether the "extra fees" feature is supported. `False` by default.
- `support_manual_capture`: Whether the "manual capture" feature is supported. `False` by
- `support_refund`: Which type of the "refunds" feature is supported: `None`,
`'full_only'`, or `'partial'`. `None` by default.
- `support_tokenization`: Whether the "tokenization feature" is supported. `False` by
For a provider to specify that it supports additional features, it must override this method
and set the related feature support fields to the desired value on the appropriate
`payment.provider` records.
:return: None
), None))
def _onchange_state_switch_is_published(self):
""" Automatically publish or unpublish the provider depending on its state.
:return: None
self.is_published = self.state == 'enabled'
def _onchange_state_warn_before_disabling_tokens(self):
""" Display a warning about the consequences of disabling a provider.
Let the user know that tokens related to a provider get archived if it is disabled or if its
state is changed from 'test' to 'enabled', and vice versa.
:return: A client action with the warning message, if any.
:rtype: dict
if self._origin.state in ('test', 'enabled') and self._origin.state != self.state:
related_tokens = self.env['payment.token'].search(
[('provider_id', '=', self._origin.id)]
if related_tokens:
return {
'warning': {
'title': _("Warning"),
'message': _(
"This action will also archive %s tokens that are registered with this "
"provider. Archiving tokens is irreversible.", len(related_tokens)
@api.constrains('fees_dom_var', 'fees_int_var')
def _check_fee_var_within_boundaries(self):
""" Check that variable fees are within realistic boundaries.
Variable fee values should always be positive and below 100% to respectively avoid negative
and infinite (division by zero) fee amounts.
:return None
for provider in self:
if any(not 0 <= fee < 100 for fee in (provider.fees_dom_var, provider.fees_int_var)):
raise ValidationError(_("Variable fees must always be positive and below 100%."))
#=== CRUD METHODS ===#
def create(self, values_list):
providers = super().create(values_list)
return providers
def write(self, values):
# Handle provider disabling.
if 'state' in values:
state_changed_providers = self.filtered(
lambda p: p.state not in ('disabled', values['state'])
) # Don't handle providers being enabled or whose state is not updated.
result = super().write(values)
return result
def _check_required_if_provider(self):
""" Check that provider-specific required fields have been filled.
The fields that have the `required_if_provider='<provider_code>'` attribute are made
required for all `payment.provider` records with the `code` field equal to `<provider_code>`
and with the `state` field equal to `'enabled'` or `'test'`.
Provider-specific views should make the form fields required under the same conditions.
:return: None
:raise ValidationError: If a provider-specific required field is empty.
field_names = []
enabled_providers = self.filtered(lambda p: p.state in ['enabled', 'test'])
for field_name, field in self._fields.items():
required_for_provider_code = getattr(field, 'required_if_provider', None)
if required_for_provider_code and any(
required_for_provider_code == provider.code and not provider[field_name]
for provider in enabled_providers
ir_field = self.env['ir.model.fields']._get(self._name, field_name)
if field_names:
raise ValidationError(
_("The following fields must be filled: %s", ", ".join(field_names))
def _handle_state_change(self):
""" Archive all the payment tokens linked to the providers.
:return: None
self.env['payment.token'].search([('provider_id', 'in', self.ids)]).write({'active': False})
def _unlink_except_master_data(self):
""" Prevent the deletion of the payment provider if it has an xmlid. """
external_ids = self.get_external_id()
for provider in self:
external_id = external_ids[provider.id]
if external_id and not external_id.startswith('__export__'):
raise UserError(_(
"You cannot delete the payment provider %s; disable it or uninstall it"
" instead.", provider.name
def button_immediate_install(self):
""" Install the module and reload the page.
Note: `self.ensure_one()`
:return: The action to reload the page.
:rtype: dict
if self.module_id and self.module_state != 'installed':
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.client',
'tag': 'reload',
def action_toggle_is_published(self):
""" Toggle the field `is_published`.
:return: None
:raise UserError: If the provider is disabled.
if self.state != 'disabled':
self.is_published = not self.is_published
raise UserError(_("You cannot publish a disabled provider."))
def _get_compatible_providers(
self, company_id, partner_id, amount, currency_id=None, force_tokenization=False,
is_express_checkout=False, is_validation=False, **kwargs
""" Select and return the providers matching the criteria.
The criteria are that providers must not be disabled, be in the company that is provided,
and support the country of the partner if it exists. The criteria can be further refined
by providing the keyword arguments.
:param int company_id: The company to which providers must belong, as a `res.company` id.
:param int partner_id: The partner making the payment, as a `res.partner` id.
:param float amount: The amount to pay. `0` for validation transactions.
:param int currency_id: The payment currency, if known beforehand, as a `res.currency` id.
:param bool force_tokenization: Whether only providers allowing tokenization can be matched.
:param bool is_express_checkout: Whether the payment is made through express checkout.
:param bool is_validation: Whether the operation is a validation.
:param dict kwargs: Optional data. This parameter is not used here.
:return: The compatible providers.
:rtype: recordset of `payment.provider`
# Compute the base domain for compatible providers.
domain = ['&', ('state', 'in', ['enabled', 'test']), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]
# Handle the is_published state.
if not self.env.user._is_internal():
domain = expression.AND([domain, [('is_published', '=', True)]])
# Handle partner country.
partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id)
if partner.country_id: # The partner country must either not be set or be supported.
domain = expression.AND([
domain, [
('available_country_ids', '=', False),
('available_country_ids', 'in', [partner.country_id.id]),
# Handle the maximum amount.
currency = self.env['res.currency'].browse(currency_id).exists()
if not is_validation and currency: # The currency is required to convert the amount.
company = self.env['res.company'].browse(company_id).exists()
date = fields.Date.context_today(self)
converted_amount = currency._convert(amount, company.currency_id, company, date)
domain = expression.AND([
domain, [
'|', '|',
('maximum_amount', '>=', converted_amount),
('maximum_amount', '=', False),
('maximum_amount', '=', 0.),
# Handle tokenization support requirements.
if force_tokenization or self._is_tokenization_required(**kwargs):
domain = expression.AND([domain, [('allow_tokenization', '=', True)]])
# Handle express checkout.
if is_express_checkout:
domain = expression.AND([domain, [('allow_express_checkout', '=', True)]])
compatible_providers = self.env['payment.provider'].search(domain)
return compatible_providers
def _is_tokenization_required(self, **kwargs):
""" Return whether tokenizing the transaction is required given its context.
For a module to make the tokenization required based on the transaction context, it must
override this method and return whether it is required.
:param dict kwargs: The transaction context. This parameter is not used here.
:return: Whether tokenizing the transaction is required.
:rtype: bool
return False
def _should_build_inline_form(self, is_validation=False):
""" Return whether the inline payment form should be instantiated.
For a provider to handle both direct payments and payments with redirection, it must
override this method and return whether the inline payment form should be instantiated (i.e.
if the payment should be direct) based on the operation (online payment or validation).
:param bool is_validation: Whether the operation is a validation.
:return: Whether the inline form should be instantiated.
:rtype: bool
return True
def _compute_fees(self, amount, currency, country):
""" Compute the transaction fees.
The computation is based on the fields `fees_dom_fixed`, `fees_dom_var`, `fees_int_fixed`
and `fees_int_var`, and is performed with the formula
:code:`fees = (amount * variable / 100.0 + fixed) / (1 - variable / 100.0)` where the values
of `fixed` and `variable` are taken from either the domestic (`dom`) or international
(`int`) fields, depending on whether the country matches the company's country.
For a provider to base the computation on different variables, or to use a different
formula, it must override this method and return the resulting fees.
:param float amount: The amount to pay for the transaction.
:param recordset currency: The currency of the transaction, as a `res.currency` record.
:param recordset country: The customer country, as a `res.country` record.
:return: The computed fees.
:rtype: float
fees = 0.0
if self.fees_active:
if country == self.company_id.country_id:
fixed = self.fees_dom_fixed
variable = self.fees_dom_var
fixed = self.fees_int_fixed
variable = self.fees_int_var
fees = (amount * variable / 100.0 + fixed) / (1 - variable / 100.0)
return fees
def _get_validation_amount(self):
""" Return the amount to use for validation operations.
For a provider to support tokenization, it must override this method and return the
validation amount. If it is `0`, it is not necessary to create the override.
Note: `self.ensure_one()`
:return: The validation amount.
:rtype: float
return 0.0
def _get_validation_currency(self):
""" Return the currency to use for validation operations.
For a provider to support tokenization, it must override this method and return the
validation currency. If the validation amount is `0`, it is not necessary to create the
Note: `self.ensure_one()`
:return: The validation currency.
:rtype: recordset of `res.currency`
return self.company_id.currency_id
def _get_redirect_form_view(self, is_validation=False):
""" Return the view of the template used to render the redirect form.
For a provider to return a different view depending on whether the operation is a
validation, it must override this method and return the appropriate view.
Note: `self.ensure_one()`
:param bool is_validation: Whether the operation is a validation.
:return: The view of the redirect form template.
:rtype: record of `ir.ui.view`
return self.redirect_form_view_id
def _setup_provider(self, provider_code):
""" Perform module-specific setup steps for the provider.
This method is called after the module of a provider is installed, with its code passed as
:param str provider_code: The code of the provider to setup.
:return: None
def _remove_provider(self, provider_code):
""" Remove the module-specific data of the given provider.
:param str provider_code: The code of the provider whose data to remove.
:return: None
providers = self.search([('code', '=', provider_code)])
def _get_removal_values(self):
""" Return the values to update a provider with when its module is uninstalled.
For a module to specify additional removal values, it must override this method and complete
the generic values with its specific values.
:return: The removal values to update the removed provider with.
:rtype: dict
return {
'code': 'none',
'state': 'disabled',
'is_published': False,
'redirect_form_view_id': None,
'inline_form_view_id': None,
'token_inline_form_view_id': None,
'express_checkout_form_view_id': None,