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2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
import time
from odoo import api, fields, models, Command, _
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
TOLERANCE = 0.02 # tolerance applied to the total when searching for a matching purchase order
class AccountMove(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move'
purchase_vendor_bill_id = fields.Many2one('purchase.bill.union', store=False, readonly=True,
states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
help="Auto-complete from a past bill / purchase order.")
purchase_id = fields.Many2one('purchase.order', store=False, readonly=True,
states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
string='Purchase Order',
help="Auto-complete from a past purchase order.")
purchase_order_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_origin_po_count", string='Purchase Order Count')
def _get_invoice_reference(self):
vendor_refs = [ref for ref in set(self.invoice_line_ids.mapped('purchase_line_id.order_id.partner_ref')) if ref]
if self.ref:
return [ref for ref in self.ref.split(', ') if ref and ref not in vendor_refs] + vendor_refs
return vendor_refs
@api.onchange('purchase_vendor_bill_id', 'purchase_id')
def _onchange_purchase_auto_complete(self):
r''' Load from either an old purchase order, either an old vendor bill.
When setting a 'purchase.bill.union' in 'purchase_vendor_bill_id':
* If it's a vendor bill, 'invoice_vendor_bill_id' is set and the loading is done by '_onchange_invoice_vendor_bill'.
* If it's a purchase order, 'purchase_id' is set and this method will load lines.
/!\ All this not-stored fields must be empty at the end of this function.
if self.purchase_vendor_bill_id.vendor_bill_id:
self.invoice_vendor_bill_id = self.purchase_vendor_bill_id.vendor_bill_id
elif self.purchase_vendor_bill_id.purchase_order_id:
self.purchase_id = self.purchase_vendor_bill_id.purchase_order_id
self.purchase_vendor_bill_id = False
if not self.purchase_id:
# Copy data from PO
invoice_vals = self.purchase_id.with_company(self.purchase_id.company_id)._prepare_invoice()
has_invoice_lines = bool(self.invoice_line_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.display_type not in ('line_note', 'line_section')))
new_currency_id = self.currency_id if has_invoice_lines else invoice_vals.get('currency_id')
del invoice_vals['ref'], invoice_vals['payment_reference']
del invoice_vals['company_id'] # avoid recomputing the currency
if self.move_type == invoice_vals['move_type']:
del invoice_vals['move_type'] # no need to be updated if it's same value, to avoid recomputes
self.currency_id = new_currency_id
# Copy purchase lines.
po_lines = self.purchase_id.order_line - self.invoice_line_ids.mapped('purchase_line_id')
for line in po_lines.filtered(lambda l: not l.display_type):
self.invoice_line_ids += self.env['account.move.line'].new(
# Compute invoice_origin.
origins = set(self.invoice_line_ids.mapped('purchase_line_id.order_id.name'))
self.invoice_origin = ','.join(list(origins))
# Compute ref.
refs = self._get_invoice_reference()
self.ref = ', '.join(refs)
# Compute payment_reference.
if not self.payment_reference:
if len(refs) == 1:
self.payment_reference = refs[0]
elif len(refs) > 1:
self.payment_reference = refs[-1]
self.purchase_id = False
@api.onchange('partner_id', 'company_id')
def _onchange_partner_id(self):
res = super(AccountMove, self)._onchange_partner_id()
currency_id = (
or self.env['res.currency'].browse(self.env.context.get("default_currency_id"))
or self.currency_id
if self.partner_id and self.move_type in ['in_invoice', 'in_refund'] and self.currency_id != currency_id:
if not self.env.context.get('default_journal_id'):
journal_domain = [
('type', '=', 'purchase'),
('company_id', '=', self.company_id.id),
('currency_id', '=', currency_id.id),
default_journal_id = self.env['account.journal'].search(journal_domain, limit=1)
if default_journal_id:
self.journal_id = default_journal_id
self.currency_id = currency_id
return res
def _compute_origin_po_count(self):
for move in self:
move.purchase_order_count = len(move.line_ids.purchase_line_id.order_id)
def action_view_source_purchase_orders(self):
source_orders = self.line_ids.purchase_line_id.order_id
result = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id('purchase.purchase_form_action')
if len(source_orders) > 1:
result['domain'] = [('id', 'in', source_orders.ids)]
elif len(source_orders) == 1:
result['views'] = [(self.env.ref('purchase.purchase_order_form', False).id, 'form')]
result['res_id'] = source_orders.id
result = {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
return result
def create(self, vals_list):
moves = super(AccountMove, self).create(vals_list)
for move in moves:
if move.reversed_entry_id:
purchases = move.line_ids.purchase_line_id.order_id
if not purchases:
refs = [purchase._get_html_link() for purchase in purchases]
message = _("This vendor bill has been created from: %s") % ','.join(refs)
return moves
def write(self, vals):
old_purchases = [move.mapped('line_ids.purchase_line_id.order_id') for move in self]
res = super(AccountMove, self).write(vals)
for i, move in enumerate(self):
new_purchases = move.mapped('line_ids.purchase_line_id.order_id')
if not new_purchases:
diff_purchases = new_purchases - old_purchases[i]
if diff_purchases:
refs = [purchase._get_html_link() for purchase in diff_purchases]
message = _("This vendor bill has been modified from: %s") % ','.join(refs)
return res
def find_matching_subset_invoice_lines(self, invoice_lines, goal_total, timeout):
""" The problem of finding the subset of `invoice_lines` which sums up to `goal_total` reduces to the 0-1 Knapsack problem.
The dynamic programming approach to solve this problem is most of the time slower than this because identical sub-problems don't arise often enough.
It returns the list of invoice lines which sums up to `goal_total` or an empty list if multiple or no solutions were found."""
def _find_matching_subset_invoice_lines(lines, goal):
if time.time() - start_time > timeout:
raise TimeoutError
solutions = []
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if line['amount_to_invoice'] < goal - TOLERANCE:
sub_solutions = _find_matching_subset_invoice_lines(lines[i + 1:], goal - line['amount_to_invoice'])
solutions.extend((line, *solution) for solution in sub_solutions)
elif goal - TOLERANCE <= line['amount_to_invoice'] <= goal + TOLERANCE:
if len(solutions) > 1:
# More than 1 solution found, we can't know for sure which is the correct one, so we don't return any solution
return []
return solutions
start_time = time.time()
subsets = _find_matching_subset_invoice_lines(sorted(invoice_lines, key=lambda line: line['amount_to_invoice'], reverse=True), goal_total)
return subsets[0] if subsets else []
except TimeoutError:
_logger.warning("Timed out during search of a matching subset of invoice lines")
return []
def _set_purchase_orders(self, purchase_orders, force_write=True):
with self.env.cr.savepoint():
with self._get_edi_creation() as move_form:
if force_write and move_form.line_ids:
move_form.invoice_line_ids = [Command.clear()]
for purchase_order in purchase_orders:
move_form.invoice_line_ids = [Command.create({
'display_type': 'line_section',
'name': _('From %s document', purchase_order.name)
move_form.purchase_id = purchase_order
def _match_purchase_orders(self, po_references, partner_id, amount_total, timeout):
""" Tries to match a purchase order given some bill arguments/hints.
:param po_references: A list of potencial purchase order references/name.
:param partner_id: The vendor id.
:param amount_total: The vendor bill total.
:param timeout: The timeout for subline search
:return: A tuple containing:
* a str which is the match method:
'total_match': the invoice amount AND the partner or bill' reference match
'subset_total_match': the reference AND a subset of line that match the bill amount total
'po_match': only the reference match
'no_match': no result found
* recordset of matched 'purchase.order.line' (could come from more than one purchase.order)
common_domain = [('company_id', '=', self.company_id.id), ('state', 'in', ('purchase', 'done')), ('invoice_status', 'in', ('to invoice', 'no'))]
matching_pos = self.env['purchase.order']
if po_references and amount_total:
matching_pos |= self.env['purchase.order'].search(common_domain + [('name', 'in', po_references)])
if not matching_pos:
matching_pos |= self.env['purchase.order'].search(common_domain + [('partner_ref', 'in', po_references)])
if matching_pos:
matching_pos_invoice_lines = [{
'line': line,
'amount_to_invoice': (1 - line.qty_invoiced / line.product_qty) * line.price_total,
} for line in matching_pos.order_line if line.product_qty]
if amount_total - TOLERANCE < sum(line['amount_to_invoice'] for line in matching_pos_invoice_lines) < amount_total + TOLERANCE:
return 'total_match', matching_pos.order_line
il_subset = self.find_matching_subset_invoice_lines(matching_pos_invoice_lines, amount_total, timeout)
if il_subset:
return 'subset_total_match', self.env['purchase.order.line'].union(*[line['line'] for line in il_subset])
return 'po_match', matching_pos.order_line
if partner_id and amount_total:
purchase_id_domain = common_domain + [('partner_id', 'child_of', [partner_id]), ('amount_total', '>=', amount_total - TOLERANCE), ('amount_total', '<=', amount_total + TOLERANCE)]
matching_pos |= self.env['purchase.order'].search(purchase_id_domain)
if len(matching_pos) == 1:
return 'total_match', matching_pos.order_line
return 'no_match', matching_pos.order_line
def _find_and_set_purchase_orders(self, po_references, partner_id, amount_total, prefer_purchase_line=False, timeout=10):
method, matched_po_lines = self._match_purchase_orders(po_references, partner_id, amount_total, timeout)
if method == 'total_match': # erase all lines and autocomplete
self._set_purchase_orders(matched_po_lines.order_id, force_write=True)
elif method == 'subset_total_match': # don't erase and add autocomplete
self._set_purchase_orders(matched_po_lines.order_id, force_write=False)
with self._get_edi_creation() as move_form: # logic for unmatched lines
unmatched_lines = move_form.invoice_line_ids.filtered(
lambda l: l.purchase_line_id and l.purchase_line_id not in matched_po_lines)
for line in unmatched_lines:
if prefer_purchase_line:
line.quantity = 0
if not prefer_purchase_line:
move_form.invoice_line_ids.filtered('purchase_line_id').quantity = 0
elif method == 'po_match': # erase all lines and autocomplete
if prefer_purchase_line:
self._set_purchase_orders(matched_po_lines.order_id, force_write=True)
class AccountMoveLine(models.Model):
""" Override AccountInvoice_line to add the link to the purchase order line it is related to"""
_inherit = 'account.move.line'
purchase_line_id = fields.Many2one('purchase.order.line', 'Purchase Order Line', ondelete='set null', index='btree_not_null')
purchase_order_id = fields.Many2one('purchase.order', 'Purchase Order', related='purchase_line_id.order_id', readonly=True)
def _copy_data_extend_business_fields(self, values):
# OVERRIDE to copy the 'purchase_line_id' field as well.
super(AccountMoveLine, self)._copy_data_extend_business_fields(values)
values['purchase_line_id'] = self.purchase_line_id.id