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2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import fields, models
from odoo.tools import float_compare, float_is_zero
from odoo.tools.misc import groupby
class AccountMove(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move'
def _stock_account_prepare_anglo_saxon_in_lines_vals(self):
''' Prepare values used to create the journal items (account.move.line) corresponding to the price difference
lines for vendor bills. It only concerns the quantities that have been delivered before the bill
Buy a product having a cost of 9 and a supplier price of 10 and being a storable product and having a perpetual
valuation in FIFO. Deliver the product and then post the bill. The vendor bill's journal entries looks like:
Account | Debit | Credit
101120 Stock Interim Account (Received) | 10.0 |
101100 Account Payable | | 10.0
This method computes values used to make two additional journal items:
101120 Stock Interim Account (Received) | | 1.0
xxxxxx Expenses | 1.0 |
:return: A list of Python dictionary to be passed to env['account.move.line'].create.
lines_vals_list = []
price_unit_prec = self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get('Product Price')
for move in self:
if move.move_type not in ('in_invoice', 'in_refund', 'in_receipt') or not move.company_id.anglo_saxon_accounting:
move = move.with_company(move.company_id)
for line in move.invoice_line_ids:
# Filter out lines being not eligible for price difference.
# Moreover, this function is used for standard cost method only.
if line.product_id.type != 'product' or line.product_id.valuation != 'real_time' or line.product_id.cost_method != 'standard':
# Retrieve accounts needed to generate the price difference.
debit_expense_account = line._get_price_diff_account()
if not debit_expense_account:
# Retrieve stock valuation moves.
valuation_stock_moves = self.env['stock.move'].search([
('purchase_line_id', '=', line.purchase_line_id.id),
('state', '=', 'done'),
('product_qty', '!=', 0.0),
]) if line.purchase_line_id else self.env['stock.move']
if line.product_id.cost_method != 'standard' and line.purchase_line_id:
if move.move_type == 'in_refund':
valuation_stock_moves = valuation_stock_moves.filtered(lambda stock_move: stock_move._is_out())
valuation_stock_moves = valuation_stock_moves.filtered(lambda stock_move: stock_move._is_in())
if not valuation_stock_moves:
valuation_price_unit_total, valuation_total_qty = valuation_stock_moves._get_valuation_price_and_qty(line, move.currency_id)
valuation_price_unit = valuation_price_unit_total / valuation_total_qty
valuation_price_unit = line.product_id.uom_id._compute_price(valuation_price_unit, line.product_uom_id)
# Valuation_price unit is always expressed in invoice currency, so that it can always be computed with the good rate
price_unit = line.product_id.uom_id._compute_price(line.product_id.standard_price, line.product_uom_id)
price_unit = -price_unit if line.move_id.move_type == 'in_refund' else price_unit
valuation_date = valuation_stock_moves and max(valuation_stock_moves.mapped('date')) or move.date
valuation_price_unit = line.company_currency_id._convert(
price_unit, move.currency_id,
move.company_id, valuation_date, round=False
price_unit = line._get_gross_unit_price()
price_unit_val_dif = price_unit - valuation_price_unit
# If there are some valued moves, we only consider their quantity already used
if line.product_id.cost_method == 'standard':
relevant_qty = line.quantity
relevant_qty = line._get_out_and_not_invoiced_qty(valuation_stock_moves)
price_subtotal = relevant_qty * price_unit_val_dif
# We consider there is a price difference if the subtotal is not zero. In case a
# discount has been applied, we can't round the price unit anymore, and hence we
# can't compare them.
if (
not move.currency_id.is_zero(price_subtotal)
and float_compare(line["price_unit"], line.price_unit, precision_digits=price_unit_prec) == 0
# Add price difference account line.
vals = {
'name': line.name[:64],
'move_id': move.id,
'partner_id': line.partner_id.id or move.commercial_partner_id.id,
'currency_id': line.currency_id.id,
'product_id': line.product_id.id,
'product_uom_id': line.product_uom_id.id,
'quantity': relevant_qty,
'price_unit': price_unit_val_dif,
'price_subtotal': relevant_qty * price_unit_val_dif,
'amount_currency': relevant_qty * price_unit_val_dif * line.move_id.direction_sign,
'balance': line.currency_id._convert(
relevant_qty * price_unit_val_dif * line.move_id.direction_sign,
line.company_id, fields.Date.today(),
'account_id': debit_expense_account.id,
'analytic_distribution': line.analytic_distribution,
'display_type': 'cogs',
# Correct the amount of the current line.
vals = {
'name': line.name[:64],
'move_id': move.id,
'partner_id': line.partner_id.id or move.commercial_partner_id.id,
'currency_id': line.currency_id.id,
'product_id': line.product_id.id,
'product_uom_id': line.product_uom_id.id,
'quantity': relevant_qty,
'price_unit': -price_unit_val_dif,
'price_subtotal': relevant_qty * -price_unit_val_dif,
'amount_currency': relevant_qty * -price_unit_val_dif * line.move_id.direction_sign,
'balance': line.currency_id._convert(
relevant_qty * -price_unit_val_dif * line.move_id.direction_sign,
line.company_id, fields.Date.today(),
'account_id': line.account_id.id,
'analytic_distribution': line.analytic_distribution,
'display_type': 'cogs',
return lines_vals_list
def _post(self, soft=True):
if not self._context.get('move_reverse_cancel'):
# Create correction layer and impact accounts if invoice price is different
stock_valuation_layers = self.env['stock.valuation.layer'].sudo()
valued_lines = self.env['account.move.line'].sudo()
for invoice in self:
if invoice.sudo().stock_valuation_layer_ids:
if invoice.move_type in ('in_invoice', 'in_refund', 'in_receipt'):
valued_lines |= invoice.invoice_line_ids.filtered(
lambda l: l.product_id and l.product_id.cost_method != 'standard')
if valued_lines:
svls, _amls = valued_lines._apply_price_difference()
stock_valuation_layers |= svls
for (product, company), dummy in groupby(stock_valuation_layers, key=lambda svl: (svl.product_id, svl.company_id)):
product = product.with_company(company.id)
if not float_is_zero(product.quantity_svl, precision_rounding=product.uom_id.rounding):
product.sudo().with_context(disable_auto_svl=True).write({'standard_price': product.value_svl / product.quantity_svl})
posted = super(AccountMove, self.with_context(skip_cogs_reconciliation=True))._post(soft)
# The invoice reference is set during the super call
for layer in stock_valuation_layers:
description = f"{layer.account_move_line_id.move_id.display_name} - {layer.product_id.display_name}"
layer.description = description
if stock_valuation_layers:
return posted
def _stock_account_get_last_step_stock_moves(self):
""" Overridden from stock_account.
Returns the stock moves associated to this invoice."""
rslt = super(AccountMove, self)._stock_account_get_last_step_stock_moves()
for invoice in self.filtered(lambda x: x.move_type == 'in_invoice'):
rslt += invoice.mapped('invoice_line_ids.purchase_line_id.move_ids').filtered(lambda x: x.state == 'done' and x.location_id.usage == 'supplier')
for invoice in self.filtered(lambda x: x.move_type == 'in_refund'):
rslt += invoice.mapped('invoice_line_ids.purchase_line_id.move_ids').filtered(lambda x: x.state == 'done' and x.location_dest_id.usage == 'supplier')
return rslt