178 lines
6.6 KiB
178 lines
6.6 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
import random
import time
from odoo.addons.base.tests.common import TransactionCaseWithUserDemo
from odoo.fields import Command
from odoo.tests import tagged
from odoo.tests.common import users, warmup
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestPERF(TransactionCaseWithUserDemo):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.ENTITIES = 50
cls.products = cls.env['product.product'].create([{
'name': 'Product %s' % i,
'list_price': 1 + 10 * i,
'type': 'service',
} for i in range(10)])
cls.partners = cls.env['res.partner'].create([{
'name': 'Partner %s' % i,
} for i in range(cls.ENTITIES)])
cls.salesmans = cls.env.ref('base.user_admin') | cls.user_demo
def test_empty_sale_order_creation_perf(self):
with self.assertQueryCount(admin=34):
'partner_id': self.partners[0].id,
'user_id': self.salesmans[0].id,
def test_empty_sales_orders_batch_creation_perf(self):
# + 1 SO insert
# + 1 SO sequence fetch
# + 1 warehouse fetch
# + 1 query to get analytic default account
# + 1 followers queries ?
with self.assertQueryCount(admin=39):
'partner_id': self.partners[0].id,
'user_id': self.salesmans[0].id,
} for i in range(2)])
def test_dummy_sales_orders_batch_creation_perf(self):
""" Dummy SOlines (notes/sections) should not add any custom queries other than their insert"""
# + 2 SOL (batched) insert
with self.assertQueryCount(admin=44):
'partner_id': self.partners[0].id,
'user_id': self.salesmans[0].id,
"order_line": [
(0, 0, {"display_type": "line_note", "name": "NOTE"}),
(0, 0, {"display_type": "line_section", "name": "SECTION"})
} for i in range(2)])
def test_light_sales_orders_batch_creation_perf_without_taxes(self):
self.products[0].taxes_id = [Command.set([])]
# + 2 SQL insert
# + 2 queries to get analytic default tags
# + 9 follower queries ?
with self.assertQueryCount(admin=57):
'partner_id': self.partners[0].id,
'user_id': self.salesmans[0].id,
"order_line": [
(0, 0, {"display_type": "line_note", "name": "NOTE"}),
(0, 0, {"display_type": "line_section", "name": "SECTION"}),
(0, 0, {'product_id': self.products[0].id})
} for i in range(2)])
# Following tests are not deterministic
# And are privatized on purpose
# until the problem is found
def __test_light_sales_orders_batch_creation_perf(self):
with self.assertQueryCount(admin=70): # 69 locally, 70 in nightly runbot
'partner_id': self.partners[0].id,
'user_id': self.salesmans[0].id,
"order_line": [
(0, 0, {"display_type": "line_note", "name": "NOTE"}),
(0, 0, {"display_type": "line_section", "name": "SECTION"}),
(0, 0, {'product_id': self.products[0].id})
} for i in range(2)])
def __test_complex_sales_orders_batch_creation_perf(self):
# NOTE: sometimes more queries on runbot,
# do not change without verifying in multi-builds
# (Seems to be a time-based problem, everytime happening around 10PM)
def ___test_complex_sales_orders_batch_creation_perf_with_discount_computation(self):
"""Cover the "complex" logic triggered inside the `_compute_discount`"""
self.env['product.pricelist'].search([]).discount_policy = 'without_discount'
self.env.user.groups_id += self.env.ref('product.group_discount_per_so_line')
# Verify any modification to this count on nightly runbot builds
def _test_complex_sales_orders_batch_creation_perf(self, query_count):
MSG = "Model %s, %i records, %s, time %.2f"
vals_list = [{
"partner_id": self.partners[i].id,
"user_id": self.salesmans[i % 2].id,
"order_line": [
(0, 0, {"display_type": "line_note", "name": "NOTE"})
] + [
(0, 0, {'product_id': product.id}) for product in self.products
} for i in range(self.ENTITIES)]
with self.assertQueryCount(admin=query_count):
t0 = time.time()
t1 = time.time()
_logger.info(MSG, 'sale.order', self.ENTITIES, "BATCH", t1 - t0)
_logger.info(MSG, 'sale.order', self.ENTITIES, "FLUSH", time.time() - t1)
def __test_randomized_solines_qties(self):
"""Make sure the price and discounts computation are complexified
and do not gain from any prefetch/batch gains during the price computation
# Enable discounts
self.env['product.pricelist'].search([]).discount_policy = 'without_discount'
self.env.user.groups_id += self.env.ref('product.group_discount_per_so_line')
vals_list = [{
"partner_id": self.partners[i].id,
"user_id": self.salesmans[i % 2].id,
"order_line": [
(0, 0, {"display_type": "line_note", "name": "NOTE"})
] + [
(0, 0, {
'product_id': product.id,
'product_uom_qty': random.random()
}) for product in self.products
} for i in range(self.ENTITIES)]
# 1592 locally, 1593 in nightly runbot, 1954 sometimes
with self.assertQueryCount(admin=1593):