1184 lines
59 KiB
1184 lines
59 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
import math
import re
from datetime import datetime
from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, SUPERUSER_ID, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError, AccessError
from odoo.tools import misc, sql
from odoo.tools.translate import html_translate
from odoo.addons.http_routing.models.ir_http import slug, unslug
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Forum(models.Model):
_name = 'forum.forum'
_description = 'Forum'
_inherit = [
_order = "sequence"
# description and use
name = fields.Char('Forum Name', required=True, translate=True)
sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', default=1)
mode = fields.Selection([
('questions', 'Questions (1 answer)'),
('discussions', 'Discussions (multiple answers)')],
string='Mode', required=True, default='questions',
help='Questions mode: only one answer allowed\n Discussions mode: multiple answers allowed')
privacy = fields.Selection([
('public', 'Public'),
('connected', 'Signed In'),
('private', 'Some users')],
help="Public: Forum is public\nSigned In: Forum is visible for signed in users\nSome users: Forum and their content are hidden for non members of selected group",
authorized_group_id = fields.Many2one('res.groups', 'Authorized Group')
menu_id = fields.Many2one('website.menu', 'Menu', copy=False)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
faq = fields.Html('Guidelines', translate=html_translate, sanitize=True, sanitize_overridable=True)
description = fields.Text('Description', translate=True)
teaser = fields.Text('Teaser', compute='_compute_teaser', store=True)
welcome_message = fields.Html(
'Welcome Message',
<div class="container py-5">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<h1 class="text-center">Welcome!</h1>
<p class="text-400 text-center">
This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of our products and services.
<br/>Share and discuss the best content and new marketing ideas, build your professional profile and become a better marketer together.
<div class="col text-center mt-3">
<a href="#" class="js_close_intro btn btn-outline-light mr-2">Hide Intro</a>
<a class="btn btn-light forum_register_url" href="/web/login">Register</a>
default_order = fields.Selection([
('create_date desc', 'Newest'),
('write_date desc', 'Last Updated'),
('vote_count desc', 'Most Voted'),
('relevancy desc', 'Relevance'),
('child_count desc', 'Answered')],
string='Default', required=True, default='write_date desc')
relevancy_post_vote = fields.Float('First Relevance Parameter', default=0.8, help="This formula is used in order to sort by relevance. The variable 'votes' represents number of votes for a post, and 'days' is number of days since the post creation")
relevancy_time_decay = fields.Float('Second Relevance Parameter', default=1.8)
allow_bump = fields.Boolean('Allow Bump', default=True,
help='Check this box to display a popup for posts older than 10 days '
'without any given answer. The popup will offer to share it on social '
'networks. When shared, a question is bumped at the top of the forum.')
allow_share = fields.Boolean('Sharing Options', default=True,
help='After posting the user will be proposed to share its question '
'or answer on social networks, enabling social network propagation '
'of the forum content.')
# posts statistics
post_ids = fields.One2many('forum.post', 'forum_id', string='Posts')
last_post_id = fields.Many2one('forum.post', compute='_compute_last_post')
total_posts = fields.Integer('# Posts', compute='_compute_forum_statistics')
total_views = fields.Integer('# Views', compute='_compute_forum_statistics')
total_answers = fields.Integer('# Answers', compute='_compute_forum_statistics')
total_favorites = fields.Integer('# Favorites', compute='_compute_forum_statistics')
count_posts_waiting_validation = fields.Integer(string="Number of posts waiting for validation", compute='_compute_count_posts_waiting_validation')
count_flagged_posts = fields.Integer(string='Number of flagged posts', compute='_compute_count_flagged_posts')
# karma generation
karma_gen_question_new = fields.Integer(string='Asking a question', default=2)
karma_gen_question_upvote = fields.Integer(string='Question upvoted', default=5)
karma_gen_question_downvote = fields.Integer(string='Question downvoted', default=-2)
karma_gen_answer_upvote = fields.Integer(string='Answer upvoted', default=10)
karma_gen_answer_downvote = fields.Integer(string='Answer downvoted', default=-2)
karma_gen_answer_accept = fields.Integer(string='Accepting an answer', default=2)
karma_gen_answer_accepted = fields.Integer(string='Answer accepted', default=15)
karma_gen_answer_flagged = fields.Integer(string='Answer flagged', default=-100)
# karma-based actions
karma_ask = fields.Integer(string='Ask questions', default=3)
karma_answer = fields.Integer(string='Answer questions', default=3)
karma_edit_own = fields.Integer(string='Edit own posts', default=1)
karma_edit_all = fields.Integer(string='Edit all posts', default=300)
karma_edit_retag = fields.Integer(string='Change question tags', default=75)
karma_close_own = fields.Integer(string='Close own posts', default=100)
karma_close_all = fields.Integer(string='Close all posts', default=500)
karma_unlink_own = fields.Integer(string='Delete own posts', default=500)
karma_unlink_all = fields.Integer(string='Delete all posts', default=1000)
karma_tag_create = fields.Integer(string='Create new tags', default=30)
karma_upvote = fields.Integer(string='Upvote', default=5)
karma_downvote = fields.Integer(string='Downvote', default=50)
karma_answer_accept_own = fields.Integer(string='Accept an answer on own questions', default=20)
karma_answer_accept_all = fields.Integer(string='Accept an answer to all questions', default=500)
karma_comment_own = fields.Integer(string='Comment own posts', default=1)
karma_comment_all = fields.Integer(string='Comment all posts', default=1)
karma_comment_convert_own = fields.Integer(string='Convert own answers to comments and vice versa', default=50)
karma_comment_convert_all = fields.Integer(string='Convert all answers to comments and vice versa', default=500)
karma_comment_unlink_own = fields.Integer(string='Unlink own comments', default=50)
karma_comment_unlink_all = fields.Integer(string='Unlink all comments', default=500)
karma_flag = fields.Integer(string='Flag a post as offensive', default=500)
karma_dofollow = fields.Integer(string='Nofollow links', help='If the author has not enough karma, a nofollow attribute is added to links', default=500)
karma_editor = fields.Integer(string='Editor Features: image and links',
karma_user_bio = fields.Integer(string='Display detailed user biography', default=750)
karma_post = fields.Integer(string='Ask questions without validation', default=100)
karma_moderate = fields.Integer(string='Moderate posts', default=1000)
def _compute_last_post(self):
for forum in self:
forum.last_post_id = forum.post_ids.search([('forum_id', '=', forum.id), ('parent_id', '=', False), ('state', '=', 'active')], order='create_date desc', limit=1)
def _compute_teaser(self):
for forum in self:
if forum.description:
desc = forum.description.replace('\n', ' ')
if len(forum.description) > 180:
forum.teaser = desc[:180] + '...'
forum.teaser = forum.description
forum.teaser = ""
@api.depends('post_ids.state', 'post_ids.views', 'post_ids.child_count', 'post_ids.favourite_count')
def _compute_forum_statistics(self):
default_stats = {'total_posts': 0, 'total_views': 0, 'total_answers': 0, 'total_favorites': 0}
if not self.ids:
result = {cid: dict(default_stats) for cid in self.ids}
read_group_res = self.env['forum.post']._read_group(
[('forum_id', 'in', self.ids), ('state', 'in', ('active', 'close')), ('parent_id', '=', False)],
['forum_id', 'views', 'child_count', 'favourite_count'],
for res_group in read_group_res:
cid = res_group['forum_id'][0]
result[cid]['total_posts'] += res_group.get('__count', 0)
result[cid]['total_views'] += res_group.get('views', 0)
result[cid]['total_answers'] += res_group.get('child_count', 0)
result[cid]['total_favorites'] += 1 if res_group.get('favourite_count', 0) else 0
for record in self:
def _compute_count_posts_waiting_validation(self):
for forum in self:
domain = [('forum_id', '=', forum.id), ('state', '=', 'pending')]
forum.count_posts_waiting_validation = self.env['forum.post'].search_count(domain)
def _compute_count_flagged_posts(self):
for forum in self:
domain = [('forum_id', '=', forum.id), ('state', '=', 'flagged')]
forum.count_flagged_posts = self.env['forum.post'].search_count(domain)
def _set_default_faq(self):
for forum in self:
forum.faq = self.env['ir.ui.view']._render_template('website_forum.faq_accordion', {"forum": forum})
def create(self, vals_list):
forums = super(
self.with_context(mail_create_nolog=True, mail_create_nosubscribe=True)
forums._set_default_faq() # will trigger a write and call update_website_count
return forums
def write(self, vals):
if 'privacy' in vals:
if not vals['privacy']:
# The forum is neither public, neither private, remove menu to avoid conflict
elif vals['privacy'] == 'public':
# The forum is public, the menu must be also public
vals['authorized_group_id'] = False
elif vals['privacy'] == 'connected':
vals['authorized_group_id'] = False
res = super(Forum, self).write(vals)
if 'active' in vals:
# archiving/unarchiving a forum does it on its posts, too
self.env['forum.post'].with_context(active_test=False).search([('forum_id', 'in', self.ids)]).write({'active': vals['active']})
if 'active' in vals or 'website_id' in vals:
return res
def unlink(self):
return super(Forum, self).unlink()
def _tag_to_write_vals(self, tags=''):
Tag = self.env['forum.tag']
post_tags = []
existing_keep = []
user = self.env.user
for tag in (tag for tag in tags.split(',') if tag):
if tag.startswith('_'): # it's a new tag
# check that not already created meanwhile or maybe excluded by the limit on the search
tag_ids = Tag.search([('name', '=', tag[1:]), ('forum_id', '=', self.id)])
if tag_ids:
# check if user have Karma needed to create need tag
if user.exists() and user.karma >= self.karma_tag_create and len(tag) and len(tag[1:].strip()):
post_tags.append((0, 0, {'name': tag[1:], 'forum_id': self.id}))
post_tags.insert(0, [6, 0, existing_keep])
return post_tags
def _compute_website_url(self):
if not self.id:
return False
return '/forum/%s' % (slug(self))
def get_tags_first_char(self):
""" get set of first letter of forum tags """
tags = self.env['forum.tag'].search([('forum_id', '=', self.id), ('posts_count', '>', 0)])
return sorted(set([tag.name[0].upper() for tag in tags if len(tag.name)]))
def go_to_website(self):
website_url = self._compute_website_url()
if not website_url:
return False
return self.env['website'].get_client_action(website_url)
def _update_website_count(self):
for website in self.env['website'].sudo().search([]):
website.forums_count = self.env['forum.forum'].sudo().search_count(website.website_domain())
def _search_get_detail(self, website, order, options):
with_description = options['displayDescription']
search_fields = ['name']
fetch_fields = ['id', 'name']
mapping = {
'name': {'name': 'name', 'type': 'text', 'match': True},
'website_url': {'name': 'website_url', 'type': 'text', 'truncate': False},
if with_description:
mapping['description'] = {'name': 'description', 'type': 'text', 'match': True}
return {
'model': 'forum.forum',
'base_domain': [website.website_domain()],
'search_fields': search_fields,
'fetch_fields': fetch_fields,
'mapping': mapping,
'icon': 'fa-comments-o',
'order': 'name desc, id desc' if 'name desc' in order else 'name asc, id desc',
def _search_render_results(self, fetch_fields, mapping, icon, limit):
results_data = super()._search_render_results(fetch_fields, mapping, icon, limit)
for forum, data in zip(self, results_data):
data['website_url'] = forum._compute_website_url()
return results_data
class Post(models.Model):
_name = 'forum.post'
_description = 'Forum Post'
_inherit = [
_order = "is_correct DESC, vote_count DESC, write_date DESC"
name = fields.Char('Title')
forum_id = fields.Many2one('forum.forum', string='Forum', required=True)
content = fields.Html('Content', strip_style=True)
plain_content = fields.Text('Plain Content', compute='_get_plain_content', store=True)
tag_ids = fields.Many2many('forum.tag', 'forum_tag_rel', 'forum_id', 'forum_tag_id', string='Tags')
state = fields.Selection([('active', 'Active'), ('pending', 'Waiting Validation'), ('close', 'Closed'), ('offensive', 'Offensive'), ('flagged', 'Flagged')], string='Status', default='active')
views = fields.Integer('Views', default=0, readonly=True, copy=False)
active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True)
website_message_ids = fields.One2many(domain=lambda self: [('model', '=', self._name), ('message_type', 'in', ['email', 'comment'])])
website_url = fields.Char('Website URL', compute='_compute_website_url')
website_id = fields.Many2one(related='forum_id.website_id', readonly=True)
# history
create_date = fields.Datetime('Asked on', index=True, readonly=True)
create_uid = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Created by', index=True, readonly=True)
write_date = fields.Datetime('Updated on', index=True, readonly=True)
bump_date = fields.Datetime('Bumped on', readonly=True,
help="Technical field allowing to bump a question. Writing on this field will trigger "
"a write on write_date and therefore bump the post. Directly writing on write_date "
"is currently not supported and this field is a workaround.")
write_uid = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Updated by', index=True, readonly=True)
relevancy = fields.Float('Relevance', compute="_compute_relevancy", store=True)
# vote
vote_ids = fields.One2many('forum.post.vote', 'post_id', string='Votes')
user_vote = fields.Integer('My Vote', compute='_get_user_vote')
vote_count = fields.Integer('Total Votes', compute='_get_vote_count', store=True)
# favorite
favourite_ids = fields.Many2many('res.users', string='Favourite')
user_favourite = fields.Boolean('Is Favourite', compute='_get_user_favourite')
favourite_count = fields.Integer('Favorite', compute='_get_favorite_count', store=True)
# hierarchy
is_correct = fields.Boolean('Correct', help='Correct answer or answer accepted')
parent_id = fields.Many2one('forum.post', string='Question', ondelete='cascade', readonly=True, index=True)
self_reply = fields.Boolean('Reply to own question', compute='_is_self_reply', store=True)
child_ids = fields.One2many('forum.post', 'parent_id', string='Post Answers', domain=lambda self: [('forum_id', 'in', self.forum_id.ids)])
child_count = fields.Integer('Answers', compute='_get_child_count', store=True)
uid_has_answered = fields.Boolean('Has Answered', compute='_get_uid_has_answered')
has_validated_answer = fields.Boolean('Is answered', compute='_get_has_validated_answer', store=True)
# offensive moderation tools
flag_user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Flagged by')
moderator_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Reviewed by', readonly=True)
# closing
closed_reason_id = fields.Many2one('forum.post.reason', string='Reason', copy=False)
closed_uid = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Closed by', readonly=True, copy=False)
closed_date = fields.Datetime('Closed on', readonly=True, copy=False)
# karma calculation and access
karma_accept = fields.Integer('Convert comment to answer', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
karma_edit = fields.Integer('Karma to edit', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
karma_close = fields.Integer('Karma to close', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
karma_unlink = fields.Integer('Karma to unlink', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
karma_comment = fields.Integer('Karma to comment', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
karma_comment_convert = fields.Integer('Karma to convert comment to answer', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
karma_flag = fields.Integer('Flag a post as offensive', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_ask = fields.Boolean('Can Ask', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_answer = fields.Boolean('Can Answer', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_accept = fields.Boolean('Can Accept', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_edit = fields.Boolean('Can Edit', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_close = fields.Boolean('Can Close', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_unlink = fields.Boolean('Can Unlink', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_upvote = fields.Boolean('Can Upvote', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_downvote = fields.Boolean('Can Downvote', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_comment = fields.Boolean('Can Comment', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_comment_convert = fields.Boolean('Can Convert to Comment', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_view = fields.Boolean('Can View', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', search='_search_can_view', compute_sudo=False)
can_display_biography = fields.Boolean("Is the author's biography visible from his post", compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_post = fields.Boolean('Can Automatically be Validated', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_flag = fields.Boolean('Can Flag', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_moderate = fields.Boolean('Can Moderate', compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False)
can_use_full_editor = fields.Boolean(
compute='_get_post_karma_rights', compute_sudo=False,
help="Editor Features: image and links")
def _search_can_view(self, operator, value):
if operator not in ('=', '!=', '<>'):
raise ValueError('Invalid operator: %s' % (operator,))
if not value:
operator = operator == "=" and '!=' or '='
value = True
user = self.env.user
# Won't impact sitemap, search() in converter is forced as public user
if self.env.is_admin():
return [(1, '=', 1)]
req = """
FROM forum_post p
LEFT JOIN res_users u ON p.create_uid = u.id
LEFT JOIN forum_forum f ON p.forum_id = f.id
(p.create_uid = %s and f.karma_close_own <= %s)
or (p.create_uid != %s and f.karma_close_all <= %s)
or (
u.karma > 0
and (p.active or p.create_uid = %s)
op = operator == "=" and "inselect" or "not inselect"
# don't use param named because orm will add other param (test_active, ...)
return [('id', op, (req, (user.id, user.karma, user.id, user.karma, user.id)))]
def _get_plain_content(self):
for post in self:
post.plain_content = tools.html2plaintext(post.content)[0:500] if post.content else False
@api.depends('vote_count', 'forum_id.relevancy_post_vote', 'forum_id.relevancy_time_decay')
def _compute_relevancy(self):
for post in self:
if post.create_date:
days = (datetime.today() - post.create_date).days
post.relevancy = math.copysign(1, post.vote_count) * (abs(post.vote_count - 1) ** post.forum_id.relevancy_post_vote / (days + 2) ** post.forum_id.relevancy_time_decay)
post.relevancy = 0
def _get_user_vote(self):
votes = self.env['forum.post.vote'].search_read([('post_id', 'in', self._ids), ('user_id', '=', self._uid)], ['vote', 'post_id'])
mapped_vote = dict([(v['post_id'][0], v['vote']) for v in votes])
for vote in self:
vote.user_vote = mapped_vote.get(vote.id, 0)
def _get_vote_count(self):
read_group_res = self.env['forum.post.vote']._read_group([('post_id', 'in', self._ids)], ['post_id', 'vote'], ['post_id', 'vote'], lazy=False)
result = dict.fromkeys(self._ids, 0)
for data in read_group_res:
result[data['post_id'][0]] += data['__count'] * int(data['vote'])
for post in self:
post.vote_count = result[post.id]
def _get_user_favourite(self):
for post in self:
post.user_favourite = post._uid in post.favourite_ids.ids
def _get_favorite_count(self):
for post in self:
post.favourite_count = len(post.favourite_ids)
@api.depends('create_uid', 'parent_id')
def _is_self_reply(self):
for post in self:
post.self_reply = post.parent_id.create_uid.id == post._uid
def _get_child_count(self):
for post in self:
post.child_count = len(post.child_ids)
def _get_uid_has_answered(self):
for post in self:
post.uid_has_answered = post._uid in post.child_ids.create_uid.ids
def _get_has_validated_answer(self):
for post in self:
post.has_validated_answer = any(answer.is_correct for answer in post.child_ids)
def _get_post_karma_rights(self):
user = self.env.user
is_admin = self.env.is_admin()
# sudoed recordset instead of individual posts so values can be
# prefetched in bulk
for post, post_sudo in zip(self, self.sudo()):
is_creator = post.create_uid == user
post.karma_accept = post.forum_id.karma_answer_accept_own if post.parent_id.create_uid == user else post.forum_id.karma_answer_accept_all
post.karma_edit = post.forum_id.karma_edit_own if is_creator else post.forum_id.karma_edit_all
post.karma_close = post.forum_id.karma_close_own if is_creator else post.forum_id.karma_close_all
post.karma_unlink = post.forum_id.karma_unlink_own if is_creator else post.forum_id.karma_unlink_all
post.karma_comment = post.forum_id.karma_comment_own if is_creator else post.forum_id.karma_comment_all
post.karma_comment_convert = post.forum_id.karma_comment_convert_own if is_creator else post.forum_id.karma_comment_convert_all
post.karma_flag = post.forum_id.karma_flag
post.can_ask = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_ask
post.can_answer = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_answer
post.can_accept = is_admin or user.karma >= post.karma_accept
post.can_edit = is_admin or user.karma >= post.karma_edit
post.can_close = is_admin or user.karma >= post.karma_close
post.can_unlink = is_admin or user.karma >= post.karma_unlink
post.can_upvote = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_upvote or post.user_vote == -1
post.can_downvote = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_downvote or post.user_vote == 1
post.can_comment = is_admin or user.karma >= post.karma_comment
post.can_comment_convert = is_admin or user.karma >= post.karma_comment_convert
post.can_view = post.can_close or post_sudo.active and (post_sudo.create_uid.karma > 0 or post_sudo.create_uid == user)
post.can_display_biography = is_admin or post_sudo.create_uid.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_user_bio
post.can_post = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_post
post.can_flag = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_flag
post.can_moderate = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_moderate
post.can_use_full_editor = is_admin or user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_editor
def _update_content(self, content, forum_id):
forum = self.env['forum.forum'].browse(forum_id)
if content and self.env.user.karma < forum.karma_dofollow:
for match in re.findall(r'<a\s.*href=".*?">', content):
escaped_match = re.escape(match) # replace parenthesis or special char in regex
url_match = re.match(r'^.*href="(.*)".*', match) # extracting the link allows to rebuild a clean link tag
url = url_match.group(1)
content = re.sub(escaped_match, f'<a rel="nofollow" href="{url}">', content)
if self.env.user.karma < forum.karma_editor:
filter_regexp = r'(<img.*?>)|(<a[^>]*?href[^>]*?>)|(<[a-z|A-Z]+[^>]*style\s*=\s*[\'"][^\'"]*\s*background[^:]*:[^url;]*url)'
content_match = re.search(filter_regexp, content, re.I)
if content_match:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to post an image or link.', forum.karma_editor))
return content
def _default_website_meta(self):
res = super(Post, self)._default_website_meta()
res['default_opengraph']['og:title'] = res['default_twitter']['twitter:title'] = self.name
res['default_opengraph']['og:description'] = res['default_twitter']['twitter:description'] = self.plain_content
res['default_opengraph']['og:image'] = res['default_twitter']['twitter:image'] = self.env['website'].image_url(self.create_uid, 'image_1024')
res['default_twitter']['twitter:card'] = 'summary'
res['default_meta_description'] = self.plain_content
return res
def _check_parent_id(self):
if not self._check_recursion():
raise ValidationError(_('You cannot create recursive forum posts.'))
def create(self, vals_list):
for vals in vals_list:
if 'content' in vals and vals.get('forum_id'):
vals['content'] = self._update_content(vals['content'], vals['forum_id'])
posts = super(Post, self.with_context(mail_create_nolog=True)).create(vals_list)
for post in posts:
# deleted or closed questions
if post.parent_id and (post.parent_id.state == 'close' or post.parent_id.active is False):
raise UserError(_('Posting answer on a [Deleted] or [Closed] question is not possible.'))
# karma-based access
if not post.parent_id and not post.can_ask:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to create a new question.', post.forum_id.karma_ask))
elif post.parent_id and not post.can_answer:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to answer a question.', post.forum_id.karma_answer))
if not post.parent_id and not post.can_post:
post.sudo().state = 'pending'
# add karma for posting new questions
if not post.parent_id and post.state == 'active':
return posts
def _get_mail_message_access(self, res_ids, operation, model_name=None):
# XDO FIXME: to be correctly fixed with new _get_mail_message_access and filter access rule
if operation in ('write', 'unlink') and (not model_name or model_name == 'forum.post'):
# Make sure only author or moderator can edit/delete messages
for post in self.browse(res_ids):
if not post.can_edit:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to edit a post.', post.karma_edit))
return super(Post, self)._get_mail_message_access(res_ids, operation, model_name=model_name)
def write(self, vals):
trusted_keys = ['active', 'is_correct', 'tag_ids'] # fields where security is checked manually
if 'forum_id' in vals:
forum = self.env['forum.forum'].browse(vals['forum_id'])
if 'content' in vals:
vals['content'] = self._update_content(vals['content'], self.forum_id.id)
tag_ids = False
if 'tag_ids' in vals:
tag_ids = set(self.new({'tag_ids': vals['tag_ids']}).tag_ids.ids)
for post in self:
if 'state' in vals:
if vals['state'] in ['active', 'close']:
if not post.can_close:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to close or reopen a post.', post.karma_close))
trusted_keys += ['state', 'closed_uid', 'closed_date', 'closed_reason_id']
elif vals['state'] == 'flagged':
if not post.can_flag:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to flag a post.', post.forum_id.karma_flag))
trusted_keys += ['state', 'flag_user_id']
if 'active' in vals:
if not post.can_unlink:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to delete or reactivate a post.', post.karma_unlink))
if 'is_correct' in vals:
if not post.can_accept:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to accept or refuse an answer.', post.karma_accept))
# update karma except for self-acceptance
mult = 1 if vals['is_correct'] else -1
if vals['is_correct'] != post.is_correct and post.create_uid.id != self._uid:
post.create_uid.sudo().add_karma(post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_accepted * mult)
self.env.user.sudo().add_karma(post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_accept * mult)
if tag_ids:
if set(post.tag_ids.ids) != tag_ids and self.env.user.karma < post.forum_id.karma_edit_retag:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to retag.', post.forum_id.karma_edit_retag))
if any(key not in trusted_keys for key in vals) and not post.can_edit:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to edit a post.', post.karma_edit))
res = super(Post, self).write(vals)
# if post content modify, notify followers
if 'content' in vals or 'name' in vals:
for post in self:
if post.parent_id:
body, subtype_xmlid = _('Answer Edited'), 'website_forum.mt_answer_edit'
obj_id = post.parent_id
body, subtype_xmlid = _('Question Edited'), 'website_forum.mt_question_edit'
obj_id = post
obj_id.message_post(body=body, subtype_xmlid=subtype_xmlid)
if 'active' in vals:
answers = self.env['forum.post'].with_context(active_test=False).search([('parent_id', 'in', self.ids)])
if answers:
answers.write({'active': vals['active']})
return res
def post_notification(self):
for post in self:
tag_partners = post.tag_ids.sudo().mapped('message_partner_ids')
if post.state == 'active' and post.parent_id:
subject=_('Re: %s', post.parent_id.name),
partner_ids=[(4, p.id) for p in tag_partners],
elif post.state == 'active' and not post.parent_id:
partner_ids=[(4, p.id) for p in tag_partners],
elif post.state == 'pending' and not post.parent_id:
# TDE FIXME: in master, you should probably use a subtype;
# however here we remove subtype but set partner_ids
partners = post.sudo().message_partner_ids | tag_partners
partners = partners.filtered(lambda partner: partner.user_ids and any(user.karma >= post.forum_id.karma_moderate for user in partner.user_ids))
return True
def reopen(self):
if any(post.parent_id or post.state != 'close' for post in self):
return False
reason_offensive = self.env.ref('website_forum.reason_7')
reason_spam = self.env.ref('website_forum.reason_8')
for post in self:
if post.closed_reason_id in (reason_offensive, reason_spam):
_logger.info('Upvoting user <%s>, reopening spam/offensive question',
karma = post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_flagged
if post.closed_reason_id == reason_spam:
# If first post, increase the karma to add
count_post = post.search_count([('parent_id', '=', False), ('forum_id', '=', post.forum_id.id), ('create_uid', '=', post.create_uid.id)])
if count_post == 1:
karma *= 10
post.create_uid.sudo().add_karma(karma * -1)
self.sudo().write({'state': 'active'})
def close(self, reason_id):
if any(post.parent_id for post in self):
return False
reason_offensive = self.env.ref('website_forum.reason_7').id
reason_spam = self.env.ref('website_forum.reason_8').id
if reason_id in (reason_offensive, reason_spam):
for post in self:
_logger.info('Downvoting user <%s> for posting spam/offensive contents',
karma = post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_flagged
if reason_id == reason_spam:
# If first post, increase the karma to remove
count_post = post.search_count([('parent_id', '=', False), ('forum_id', '=', post.forum_id.id), ('create_uid', '=', post.create_uid.id)])
if count_post == 1:
karma *= 10
'state': 'close',
'closed_uid': self._uid,
'closed_date': datetime.today().strftime(tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT),
'closed_reason_id': reason_id,
return True
def validate(self):
for post in self:
if not post.can_moderate:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to validate a post.', post.forum_id.karma_moderate))
# if state == pending, no karma previously added for the new question
if post.state == 'pending':
'state': 'active',
'active': True,
'moderator_id': self.env.user.id,
return True
def refuse(self):
for post in self:
if not post.can_moderate:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to refuse a post.', post.forum_id.karma_moderate))
post.moderator_id = self.env.user
return True
def flag(self):
res = []
for post in self:
if not post.can_flag:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to flag a post.', post.forum_id.karma_flag))
if post.state == 'flagged':
res.append({'error': 'post_already_flagged'})
elif post.state == 'active':
# TODO: potential performance bottleneck, can be batched
'state': 'flagged',
'flag_user_id': self.env.user.id,
post.can_moderate and
{'success': 'post_flagged_moderator'} or
{'success': 'post_flagged_non_moderator'}
res.append({'error': 'post_non_flaggable'})
return res
def mark_as_offensive(self, reason_id):
for post in self:
if not post.can_moderate:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to mark a post as offensive.', post.forum_id.karma_moderate))
# remove some karma
_logger.info('Downvoting user <%s> for posting spam/offensive contents', post.create_uid)
# TODO: potential bottleneck, could be done in batch
'state': 'offensive',
'moderator_id': self.env.user.id,
'closed_date': fields.Datetime.now(),
'closed_reason_id': reason_id,
'active': False,
return True
def mark_as_offensive_batch(self, key, values):
spams = self.browse()
if key == 'create_uid':
spams = self.filtered(lambda x: x.create_uid.id in values)
elif key == 'country_id':
spams = self.filtered(lambda x: x.create_uid.country_id.id in values)
elif key == 'post_id':
spams = self.filtered(lambda x: x.id in values)
reason_id = self.env.ref('website_forum.reason_8').id
_logger.info('User %s marked as spams (in batch): %s' % (self.env.uid, spams))
return spams.mark_as_offensive(reason_id)
def _unlink_if_enough_karma(self):
for post in self:
if not post.can_unlink:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to unlink a post.', post.karma_unlink))
def unlink(self):
# if unlinking an answer with accepted answer: remove provided karma
for post in self:
if post.is_correct:
post.create_uid.sudo().add_karma(post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_accepted * -1)
self.env.user.sudo().add_karma(post.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_accepted * -1)
return super(Post, self).unlink()
def bump(self):
""" Bump a question: trigger a write_date by writing on a dummy bump_date
field. One cannot bump a question more than once every 10 days. """
if self.forum_id.allow_bump and not self.child_ids and (datetime.today() - datetime.strptime(self.write_date, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)).days > 9:
# write through super to bypass karma; sudo to allow public user to bump any post
return self.sudo().write({'bump_date': fields.Datetime.now()})
return False
def vote(self, upvote=True):
Vote = self.env['forum.post.vote']
existing_vote = Vote.search([('post_id', '=', self.id), ('user_id', '=', self._uid)])
new_vote_value = '1' if upvote else '-1'
if existing_vote:
if upvote:
new_vote_value = '0' if existing_vote.vote == '-1' else '1'
new_vote_value = '0' if existing_vote.vote == '1' else '-1'
existing_vote.vote = new_vote_value
Vote.create({'post_id': self.id, 'vote': new_vote_value})
return {'vote_count': self.vote_count, 'user_vote': new_vote_value}
def convert_answer_to_comment(self):
""" Tools to convert an answer (forum.post) to a comment (mail.message).
The original post is unlinked and a new comment is posted on the question
using the post create_uid as the comment's author. """
if not self.parent_id:
return self.env['mail.message']
# karma-based action check: use the post field that computed own/all value
if not self.can_comment_convert:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to convert an answer to a comment.', self.karma_comment_convert))
# post the message
question = self.parent_id
self_sudo = self.sudo()
values = {
'author_id': self_sudo.create_uid.partner_id.id, # use sudo here because of access to res.users model
'email_from': self_sudo.create_uid.email_formatted, # use sudo here because of access to res.users model
'body': tools.html_sanitize(self.content, sanitize_attributes=True, strip_style=True, strip_classes=True),
'message_type': 'comment',
'subtype_xmlid': 'mail.mt_comment',
'date': self.create_date,
# done with the author user to have create_uid correctly set
new_message = question.with_user(self_sudo.create_uid.id).with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=True).sudo().message_post(**values).sudo(False)
# unlink the original answer, using SUPERUSER_ID to avoid karma issues
return new_message
def convert_comment_to_answer(self, message_id, default=None):
""" Tool to convert a comment (mail.message) into an answer (forum.post).
The original comment is unlinked and a new answer from the comment's author
is created. Nothing is done if the comment's author already answered the
question. """
comment = self.env['mail.message'].sudo().browse(message_id)
post = self.browse(comment.res_id)
if not comment.author_id or not comment.author_id.user_ids: # only comment posted by users can be converted
return False
# karma-based action check: must check the message's author to know if own / all
is_author = comment.author_id.id == self.env.user.partner_id.id
karma_own = post.forum_id.karma_comment_convert_own
karma_all = post.forum_id.karma_comment_convert_all
karma_convert = is_author and karma_own or karma_all
can_convert = self.env.user.karma >= karma_convert
if not can_convert:
if is_author and karma_own < karma_all:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to convert your comment to an answer.', karma_own))
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to convert a comment to an answer.', karma_all))
# check the message's author has not already an answer
question = post.parent_id if post.parent_id else post
post_create_uid = comment.author_id.user_ids[0]
if any(answer.create_uid.id == post_create_uid.id for answer in question.child_ids):
return False
# create the new post
post_values = {
'forum_id': question.forum_id.id,
'content': comment.body,
'parent_id': question.id,
'name': _('Re: %s') % (question.name or ''),
# done with the author user to have create_uid correctly set
new_post = self.with_user(post_create_uid).sudo().create(post_values).sudo(False)
# delete comment
return new_post
def unlink_comment(self, message_id):
result = []
for post in self:
user = self.env.user
comment = self.env['mail.message'].sudo().browse(message_id)
if not comment.model == 'forum.post' or not comment.res_id == post.id:
# karma-based action check: must check the message's author to know if own or all
karma_unlink = (
comment.author_id.id == user.partner_id.id and
post.forum_id.karma_comment_unlink_own or post.forum_id.karma_comment_unlink_all
can_unlink = user.karma >= karma_unlink
if not can_unlink:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to unlink a comment.', karma_unlink))
return result
def _set_viewed(self):
return sql.increment_fields_skiplock(self, 'views')
def _get_access_action(self, access_uid=None, force_website=False):
""" Instead of the classic form view, redirect to the post on the website directly """
if not force_website and not self.state == 'active':
return super(Post, self)._get_access_action(access_uid=access_uid, force_website=force_website)
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
'url': '/forum/%s/%s' % (self.forum_id.id, self.id),
'target': 'self',
'target_type': 'public',
'res_id': self.id,
def _notify_get_recipients_groups(self, msg_vals=None):
""" Add access button to everyone if the document is active. """
groups = super(Post, self)._notify_get_recipients_groups(msg_vals=msg_vals)
if not self:
return groups
if self.state == 'active':
for _group_name, _group_method, group_data in groups:
group_data['has_button_access'] = True
return groups
@api.returns('mail.message', lambda value: value.id)
def message_post(self, *, message_type='notification', **kwargs):
if self.ids and message_type == 'comment': # user comments have a restriction on karma
# add followers of comments on the parent post
if self.parent_id:
partner_ids = kwargs.get('partner_ids', [])
comment_subtype = self.sudo().env.ref('mail.mt_comment')
question_followers = self.env['mail.followers'].sudo().search([
('res_model', '=', self._name),
('res_id', '=', self.parent_id.id),
('partner_id', '!=', False),
]).filtered(lambda fol: comment_subtype in fol.subtype_ids).mapped('partner_id')
partner_ids += question_followers.ids
kwargs['partner_ids'] = partner_ids
if not self.can_comment:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to comment.', self.karma_comment))
if not kwargs.get('record_name') and self.parent_id:
kwargs['record_name'] = self.parent_id.name
return super(Post, self).message_post(message_type=message_type, **kwargs)
def _notify_thread_by_inbox(self, message, recipients_data, msg_vals=False, **kwargs):
""" Override to avoid keeping all notified recipients of a comment.
We avoid tracking needaction on post comments. Only emails should be
sufficient. """
if msg_vals is None:
msg_vals = {}
if msg_vals.get('message_type', message.message_type) == 'comment':
return super(Post, self)._notify_thread_by_inbox(message, recipients_data, msg_vals=msg_vals, **kwargs)
def _compute_website_url(self):
self.website_url = False
for post in self.filtered(lambda post: post.id):
forum_slug = slug(post.forum_id)
post_slug = slug(post)
anchor = post.parent_id and '#answer_%d' % post.id or ''
post.website_url = f'/forum/{forum_slug}/{post_slug}{anchor}'
def go_to_website(self):
if not self.website_url:
return False
return self.env['website'].get_client_action(self.website_url)
def _search_get_detail(self, website, order, options):
with_description = options['displayDescription']
with_date = options['displayDetail']
search_fields = ['name']
fetch_fields = ['id', 'name', 'website_url']
mapping = {
'name': {'name': 'name', 'type': 'text', 'match': True},
'website_url': {'name': 'website_url', 'type': 'text', 'truncate': False},
domain = website.website_domain()
domain += [('parent_id', '=', False), ('state', '=', 'active'), ('can_view', '=', True)]
forum = options.get('forum')
if forum:
domain += [('forum_id', '=', unslug(forum)[1])]
tags = options.get('tag')
if tags:
domain += [('tag_ids', 'in', [unslug(tag)[1] for tag in tags.split(',')])]
filters = options.get('filters')
if filters == 'unanswered':
domain += [('child_ids', '=', False)]
elif filters == 'solved':
domain += [('has_validated_answer', '=', True)]
elif filters == 'unsolved':
domain += [('has_validated_answer', '=', False)]
user = self.env.user
my = options.get('my')
if my == 'mine':
domain += [('create_uid', '=', user.id)]
elif my == 'followed':
domain += [('message_partner_ids', '=', user.partner_id.id)]
elif my == 'tagged':
domain += [('tag_ids.message_partner_ids', '=', user.partner_id.id)]
elif my == 'favourites':
domain += [('favourite_ids', '=', user.id)]
# 'sorting' from the form's "Order by" overrides order during auto-completion
order = options.get('sorting', order)
if 'is_published' in order:
parts = [part for part in order.split(',') if 'is_published' not in part]
order = ','.join(parts)
if with_description:
mapping['description'] = {'name': 'content', 'type': 'text', 'html': True, 'match': True}
if with_date:
mapping['detail'] = {'name': 'date', 'type': 'html'}
return {
'model': 'forum.post',
'base_domain': [domain],
'search_fields': search_fields,
'fetch_fields': fetch_fields,
'mapping': mapping,
'icon': 'fa-comment-o',
'order': order,
def _search_render_results(self, fetch_fields, mapping, icon, limit):
with_date = 'detail' in mapping
results_data = super()._search_render_results(fetch_fields, mapping, icon, limit)
for post, data in zip(self, results_data):
if with_date:
data['date'] = self.env['ir.qweb.field.date'].record_to_html(post, 'write_date', {})
return results_data
class PostReason(models.Model):
_name = "forum.post.reason"
_description = "Post Closing Reason"
_order = 'name'
name = fields.Char(string='Closing Reason', required=True, translate=True)
reason_type = fields.Selection([('basic', 'Basic'), ('offensive', 'Offensive')], string='Reason Type', default='basic')
class Vote(models.Model):
_name = 'forum.post.vote'
_description = 'Post Vote'
_order = 'create_date desc, id desc'
post_id = fields.Many2one('forum.post', string='Post', ondelete='cascade', required=True)
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', required=True, default=lambda self: self._uid)
vote = fields.Selection([('1', '1'), ('-1', '-1'), ('0', '0')], string='Vote', required=True, default='1')
create_date = fields.Datetime('Create Date', index=True, readonly=True)
forum_id = fields.Many2one('forum.forum', string='Forum', related="post_id.forum_id", store=True, readonly=False)
recipient_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='To', related="post_id.create_uid", store=True, readonly=False)
_sql_constraints = [
('vote_uniq', 'unique (post_id, user_id)', "Vote already exists !"),
def _get_karma_value(self, old_vote, new_vote, up_karma, down_karma):
_karma_upd = {
'-1': {'-1': 0, '0': -1 * down_karma, '1': -1 * down_karma + up_karma},
'0': {'-1': 1 * down_karma, '0': 0, '1': up_karma},
'1': {'-1': -1 * up_karma + down_karma, '0': -1 * up_karma, '1': 0}
return _karma_upd[old_vote][new_vote]
def create(self, vals_list):
# can't modify owner of a vote
if not self.env.is_admin():
for vals in vals_list:
vals.pop('user_id', None)
votes = super(Vote, self).create(vals_list)
for vote in votes:
vote._check_karma_rights(vote.vote == '1')
# karma update
vote._vote_update_karma('0', vote.vote)
return votes
def write(self, values):
# can't modify owner of a vote
if not self.env.is_admin():
values.pop('user_id', None)
for vote in self:
if 'vote' in values:
if (values['vote'] == '1' or vote.vote == '-1' and values['vote'] == '0'):
upvote = True
elif (values['vote'] == '-1' or vote.vote == '1' and values['vote'] == '0'):
upvote = False
# karma update
vote._vote_update_karma(vote.vote, values['vote'])
res = super(Vote, self).write(values)
return res
def _check_general_rights(self, vals={}):
post = self.post_id
if vals.get('post_id'):
post = self.env['forum.post'].browse(vals.get('post_id'))
if not self.env.is_admin():
# own post check
if self._uid == post.create_uid.id:
raise UserError(_('It is not allowed to vote for its own post.'))
# own vote check
if self._uid != self.user_id.id:
raise UserError(_('It is not allowed to modify someone else\'s vote.'))
def _check_karma_rights(self, upvote=None):
# karma check
if upvote and not self.post_id.can_upvote:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to upvote.', self.post_id.forum_id.karma_upvote))
elif not upvote and not self.post_id.can_downvote:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to downvote.', self.post_id.forum_id.karma_downvote))
def _vote_update_karma(self, old_vote, new_vote):
if self.post_id.parent_id:
karma_value = self._get_karma_value(old_vote, new_vote, self.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_upvote, self.forum_id.karma_gen_answer_downvote)
karma_value = self._get_karma_value(old_vote, new_vote, self.forum_id.karma_gen_question_upvote, self.forum_id.karma_gen_question_downvote)
class Tags(models.Model):
_name = "forum.tag"
_description = "Forum Tag"
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'website.seo.metadata']
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
forum_id = fields.Many2one('forum.forum', string='Forum', required=True)
post_ids = fields.Many2many(
'forum.post', 'forum_tag_rel', 'forum_tag_id', 'forum_id',
string='Posts', domain=[('state', '=', 'active')])
posts_count = fields.Integer('Number of Posts', compute='_get_posts_count', store=True)
_sql_constraints = [
('name_uniq', 'unique (name, forum_id)', "Tag name already exists !"),
@api.depends("post_ids", "post_ids.tag_ids", "post_ids.state", "post_ids.active")
def _get_posts_count(self):
for tag in self:
tag.posts_count = len(tag.post_ids) # state filter is in field domain
def create(self, vals_list):
for vals in vals_list:
forum = self.env['forum.forum'].browse(vals.get('forum_id'))
if self.env.user.karma < forum.karma_tag_create:
raise AccessError(_('%d karma required to create a new Tag.', forum.karma_tag_create))
return super(Tags, self.with_context(mail_create_nolog=True, mail_create_nosubscribe=True)).create(vals_list)