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2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00
""" View validation code (using assertions, not the RNG schema). """
import ast
import collections
import logging
import os
import re
from lxml import etree
from odoo import tools
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_validators = collections.defaultdict(list)
_relaxng_cache = {}
READONLY = re.compile(r"\breadonly\b")
def _get_attrs_symbols():
""" Return a set of predefined symbols for evaluating attrs. """
return {
'True', 'False', 'None', # those are identifiers in Python 2.7
def get_variable_names(expr):
""" Return the subexpressions of the kind "VARNAME(.ATTNAME)*" in the given
string or AST node.
IGNORED = _get_attrs_symbols()
names = set()
def get_name_seq(node):
if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
return [node.id]
elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
left = get_name_seq(node.value)
return left and left + [node.attr]
def process(node):
seq = get_name_seq(node)
if seq and seq[0] not in IGNORED:
for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(node):
if isinstance(expr, str):
expr = ast.parse(expr.strip(), mode='eval').body
return names
def get_dict_asts(expr):
""" Check that the given string or AST node represents a dict expression
where all keys are string literals, and return it as a dict mapping string
keys to the AST of values.
if isinstance(expr, str):
expr = ast.parse(expr.strip(), mode='eval').body
if not isinstance(expr, ast.Dict):
raise ValueError("Non-dict expression")
if not all(isinstance(key, ast.Str) for key in expr.keys):
raise ValueError("Non-string literal dict key")
return {key.s: val for key, val in zip(expr.keys, expr.values)}
def _check(condition, explanation):
if not condition:
raise ValueError("Expression is not a valid domain: %s" % explanation)
def get_domain_identifiers(expr):
""" Check that the given string or AST node represents a domain expression,
and return a pair of sets ``(fields, vars)`` where ``fields`` are the field
names on the left-hand side of conditions, and ``vars`` are the variable
names on the right-hand side of conditions.
if not expr: # case of expr=""
return (set(), set())
if isinstance(expr, str):
expr = ast.parse(expr.strip(), mode='eval').body
fnames = set()
vnames = set()
if isinstance(expr, ast.List):
for elem in expr.elts:
if isinstance(elem, ast.Str):
# note: this doesn't check the and/or structure
_check(elem.s in ('&', '|', '!'),
f"logical operators should be '&', '|', or '!', found {elem.s!r}")
if not isinstance(elem, (ast.List, ast.Tuple)):
_check(len(elem.elts) == 3,
f"segments should have 3 elements, found {len(elem.elts)}")
lhs, operator, rhs = elem.elts
_check(isinstance(operator, ast.Str),
f"operator should be a string, found {type(operator).__name__}")
if isinstance(lhs, ast.Str):
return (fnames, vnames)
def valid_view(arch, **kwargs):
for pred in _validators[arch.tag]:
check = pred(arch, **kwargs)
if not check:
_logger.error("Invalid XML: %s", pred.__doc__)
return False
if check == "Warning":
_logger.warning("Invalid XML: %s", pred.__doc__)
return "Warning"
return True
def validate(*view_types):
""" Registers a view-validation function for the specific view types
def decorator(fn):
for arch in view_types:
return fn
return decorator
def relaxng(view_type):
""" Return a validator for the given view type, or None. """
if view_type not in _relaxng_cache:
with tools.file_open(os.path.join('base', 'rng', '%s_view.rng' % view_type)) as frng:
relaxng_doc = etree.parse(frng)
_relaxng_cache[view_type] = etree.RelaxNG(relaxng_doc)
except Exception:
_logger.exception('Failed to load RelaxNG XML schema for views validation')
_relaxng_cache[view_type] = None
return _relaxng_cache[view_type]
@validate('calendar', 'graph', 'pivot', 'search', 'tree', 'activity')
def schema_valid(arch, **kwargs):
""" Get RNG validator and validate RNG file."""
validator = relaxng(arch.tag)
if validator and not validator.validate(arch):
result = True
for error in validator.error_log:
result = False
return result
return True