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2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import io
import zipfile
from werkzeug.urls import url_encode
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
class AccountMove(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move'
edi_document_ids = fields.One2many(
edi_state = fields.Selection(
selection=[('to_send', 'To Send'), ('sent', 'Sent'), ('to_cancel', 'To Cancel'), ('cancelled', 'Cancelled')],
string="Electronic invoicing",
help='The aggregated state of all the EDIs with web-service of this move')
edi_error_count = fields.Integer(
help='How many EDIs are in error for this move?')
edi_blocking_level = fields.Selection(
selection=[('info', 'Info'), ('warning', 'Warning'), ('error', 'Error')],
edi_error_message = fields.Html(
# Technical field to display the documents that will be processed by the CRON
edi_web_services_to_process = fields.Text(
edi_show_cancel_button = fields.Boolean(
edi_show_abandon_cancel_button = fields.Boolean(
edi_show_force_cancel_button = fields.Boolean(
def _compute_edi_state(self):
for move in self:
all_states = set(move.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda d: d.edi_format_id._needs_web_services()).mapped('state'))
if all_states == {'sent'}:
move.edi_state = 'sent'
elif all_states == {'cancelled'}:
move.edi_state = 'cancelled'
elif 'to_send' in all_states:
move.edi_state = 'to_send'
elif 'to_cancel' in all_states:
move.edi_state = 'to_cancel'
move.edi_state = False
def _compute_edi_show_force_cancel_button(self):
for move in self:
move.edi_show_force_cancel_button = move._can_force_cancel()
def _compute_edi_error_count(self):
for move in self:
move.edi_error_count = len(move.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda d: d.error))
@api.depends('edi_error_count', 'edi_document_ids.error', 'edi_document_ids.blocking_level')
def _compute_edi_error_message(self):
for move in self:
if move.edi_error_count == 0:
move.edi_error_message = None
move.edi_blocking_level = None
elif move.edi_error_count == 1:
error_doc = move.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda d: d.error)
move.edi_error_message = error_doc.error
move.edi_blocking_level = error_doc.blocking_level
error_levels = set([doc.blocking_level for doc in move.edi_document_ids])
if 'error' in error_levels:
move.edi_error_message = str(move.edi_error_count) + _(" Electronic invoicing error(s)")
move.edi_blocking_level = 'error'
elif 'warning' in error_levels:
move.edi_error_message = str(move.edi_error_count) + _(" Electronic invoicing warning(s)")
move.edi_blocking_level = 'warning'
move.edi_error_message = str(move.edi_error_count) + _(" Electronic invoicing info(s)")
move.edi_blocking_level = 'info'
def _compute_edi_web_services_to_process(self):
for move in self:
to_process = move.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda d: d.state in ['to_send', 'to_cancel'] and d.blocking_level != 'error')
format_web_services = to_process.edi_format_id.filtered(lambda f: f._needs_web_services())
move.edi_web_services_to_process = ', '.join(f.name for f in format_web_services)
def _compute_show_reset_to_draft_button(self):
for move in self:
for doc in move.edi_document_ids:
move_applicability = doc.edi_format_id._get_move_applicability(move)
if doc.edi_format_id._needs_web_services() \
and doc.state in ('sent', 'to_cancel') \
and move_applicability \
and move_applicability.get('cancel'):
move.show_reset_to_draft_button = False
def _compute_edi_show_cancel_button(self):
for move in self:
if move.state != 'posted':
move.edi_show_cancel_button = False
move.edi_show_cancel_button = False
for doc in move.edi_document_ids:
move_applicability = doc.edi_format_id._get_move_applicability(move)
if doc.edi_format_id._needs_web_services() \
and doc.state == 'sent' \
and move_applicability \
and move_applicability.get('cancel'):
move.edi_show_cancel_button = True
def _compute_edi_show_abandon_cancel_button(self):
for move in self:
move.edi_show_abandon_cancel_button = False
for doc in move.sudo().edi_document_ids:
move_applicability = doc.edi_format_id._get_move_applicability(move)
if doc.edi_format_id._needs_web_services() \
and doc.state == 'to_cancel' \
and move_applicability \
and move_applicability.get('cancel'):
move.edi_show_abandon_cancel_button = True
# Export Electronic Document
def _prepare_edi_tax_details(self, filter_to_apply=None, filter_invl_to_apply=None, grouping_key_generator=None):
''' Compute amounts related to taxes for the current invoice.
:param filter_to_apply: Optional filter to exclude some tax values from the final results.
The filter is defined as a method getting a dictionary as parameter
representing the tax values for a single repartition line.
This dictionary contains:
'base_line_id': An account.move.line record.
'tax_id': An account.tax record.
'tax_repartition_line_id': An account.tax.repartition.line record.
'base_amount': The tax base amount expressed in company currency.
'tax_amount': The tax amount expressed in company currency.
'base_amount_currency': The tax base amount expressed in foreign currency.
'tax_amount_currency': The tax amount expressed in foreign currency.
If the filter is returning False, it means the current tax values will be
ignored when computing the final results.
:param filter_invl_to_apply: Optional filter to exclude some invoice lines.
:param grouping_key_generator: Optional method used to group tax values together. By default, the tax values
are grouped by tax. This parameter is a method getting a dictionary as parameter
(same signature as 'filter_to_apply').
This method must returns a dictionary where values will be used to create the
grouping_key to aggregate tax values together. The returned dictionary is added
to each tax details in order to retrieve the full grouping_key later.
:param compute_mode: Optional parameter to specify the method used to allocate the tax line amounts
among the invoice lines:
'tax_details' (the default) uses the AccountMove._get_query_tax_details method.
'compute_all' uses the AccountTax._compute_all method.
The 'tax_details' method takes the tax line balance and allocates it among the
invoice lines to which that tax applies, proportionately to the invoice lines'
base amounts. This always ensures that the sum of the tax amounts equals the
tax line's balance, which, depending on the constraints of a particular
localization, can be more appropriate when 'Round Globally' is set.
The 'compute_all' method returns, for each invoice line, the exact tax amounts
corresponding to the taxes applied to the invoice line. Depending on the
constraints of the particular localization, this can be more appropriate when
'Round per Line' is set.
:return: The full tax details for the current invoice and for each invoice line
separately. The returned dictionary is the following:
'base_amount': The total tax base amount in company currency for the whole invoice.
'tax_amount': The total tax amount in company currency for the whole invoice.
'base_amount_currency': The total tax base amount in foreign currency for the whole invoice.
'tax_amount_currency': The total tax amount in foreign currency for the whole invoice.
'tax_details': A mapping of each grouping key (see 'grouping_key_generator') to a dictionary
'base_amount': The tax base amount in company currency for the current group.
'tax_amount': The tax amount in company currency for the current group.
'base_amount_currency': The tax base amount in foreign currency for the current group.
'tax_amount_currency': The tax amount in foreign currency for the current group.
'group_tax_details': The list of all tax values aggregated into this group.
'tax_details_per_record': A mapping of each invoice line to a dictionary containing:
'base_amount': The total tax base amount in company currency for the whole invoice line.
'tax_amount': The total tax amount in company currency for the whole invoice line.
'base_amount_currency': The total tax base amount in foreign currency for the whole invoice line.
'tax_amount_currency': The total tax amount in foreign currency for the whole invoice line.
'tax_details': A mapping of each grouping key (see 'grouping_key_generator') to a dictionary
'base_amount': The tax base amount in company currency for the current group.
'tax_amount': The tax amount in company currency for the current group.
'base_amount_currency': The tax base amount in foreign currency for the current group.
'tax_amount_currency': The tax amount in foreign currency for the current group.
'group_tax_details': The list of all tax values aggregated into this group.
return self._prepare_invoice_aggregated_taxes(
def _is_ready_to_be_sent(self):
# Prevent a mail to be sent to the customer if the EDI document is not sent.
res = super()._is_ready_to_be_sent()
if not res:
return False
edi_documents_to_send = self.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.state == 'to_send')
return not bool(edi_documents_to_send)
def _post(self, soft=True):
# Set the electronic document to be posted and post immediately for synchronous formats.
posted = super()._post(soft=soft)
edi_document_vals_list = []
for move in posted:
for edi_format in move.journal_id.edi_format_ids:
move_applicability = edi_format._get_move_applicability(move)
if move_applicability:
errors = edi_format._check_move_configuration(move)
if errors:
raise UserError(_("Invalid invoice configuration:\n\n%s", '\n'.join(errors)))
existing_edi_document = move.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.edi_format_id == edi_format)
if existing_edi_document:
'state': 'to_send',
'attachment_id': False,
'edi_format_id': edi_format.id,
'move_id': move.id,
'state': 'to_send',
if not self.env.context.get('skip_account_edi_cron_trigger'):
return posted
def button_force_cancel(self):
""" Cancel the invoice without waiting for the cancellation request to succeed.
for move in self:
to_cancel_edi_documents = move.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda doc: doc.state == 'to_cancel')
move.message_post(body=_("This invoice was canceled while the EDIs %s still had a pending cancellation request.", ", ".join(to_cancel_edi_documents.mapped('edi_format_id.name'))))
def button_cancel(self):
# Set the electronic document to be canceled and cancel immediately for synchronous formats.
res = super().button_cancel()
self.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda doc: doc.state != 'sent').write({'state': 'cancelled', 'error': False, 'blocking_level': False})
self.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda doc: doc.state == 'sent').write({'state': 'to_cancel', 'error': False, 'blocking_level': False})
return res
def button_draft(self):
for move in self:
if move.edi_show_cancel_button:
raise UserError(_(
"You can't edit the following journal entry %s because an electronic document has already been "
"sent. Please use the 'Request EDI Cancellation' button instead.",
res = super().button_draft()
self.edi_document_ids.write({'error': False, 'blocking_level': False})
self.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda doc: doc.state == 'to_send').unlink()
return res
def button_cancel_posted_moves(self):
'''Mark the edi.document related to this move to be canceled.
to_cancel_documents = self.env['account.edi.document']
for move in self:
is_move_marked = False
for doc in move.edi_document_ids:
move_applicability = doc.edi_format_id._get_move_applicability(move)
if doc.edi_format_id._needs_web_services() \
and doc.state == 'sent' \
and move_applicability \
and move_applicability.get('cancel'):
to_cancel_documents |= doc
is_move_marked = True
if is_move_marked:
move.message_post(body=_("A cancellation of the EDI has been requested."))
to_cancel_documents.write({'state': 'to_cancel', 'error': False, 'blocking_level': False})
def button_abandon_cancel_posted_posted_moves(self):
'''Cancel the request for cancellation of the EDI.
documents = self.env['account.edi.document']
for move in self:
is_move_marked = False
for doc in move.edi_document_ids:
move_applicability = doc.edi_format_id._get_move_applicability(move)
if doc.state == 'to_cancel' and move_applicability and move_applicability.get('cancel'):
documents |= doc
is_move_marked = True
if is_move_marked:
move.message_post(body=_("A request for cancellation of the EDI has been called off."))
documents.write({'state': 'sent', 'error': False, 'blocking_level': False})
def _get_edi_document(self, edi_format):
return self.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda d: d.edi_format_id == edi_format)
def _get_edi_attachment(self, edi_format):
return self._get_edi_document(edi_format).sudo().attachment_id
# this override is to make sure that the main attachment is not the edi xml otherwise the attachment viewer will not work correctly
def _message_set_main_attachment_id(self, attachment_ids):
if self.message_main_attachment_id and len(attachment_ids) > 1 and self.message_main_attachment_id in self.edi_document_ids.attachment_id:
self.message_main_attachment_id = self.env['ir.attachment']
# Business operations
def button_process_edi_web_services(self):
def action_process_edi_web_services(self, with_commit=True):
docs = self.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda d: d.state in ('to_send', 'to_cancel') and d.blocking_level != 'error')
def _retry_edi_documents_error_hook(self):
''' Hook called when edi_documents are retried. For example, when it's needed to clean a field.
def action_retry_edi_documents_error(self):
self.edi_document_ids.write({'error': False, 'blocking_level': False})
# Mailing
def _process_attachments_for_template_post(self, mail_template):
""" Add Edi attachments to templates. """
result = super()._process_attachments_for_template_post(mail_template)
for move in self.filtered('edi_document_ids'):
move_result = result.setdefault(move.id, {})
for edi_doc in move.edi_document_ids:
edi_attachments = edi_doc._filter_edi_attachments_for_mailing()
move_result.setdefault('attachment_ids', []).extend(edi_attachments.get('attachment_ids', []))
move_result.setdefault('attachments', []).extend(edi_attachments.get('attachments', []))
return result