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2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo.addons.crm.tests.common import TestCrmCommon, INCOMING_EMAIL
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, UserError
from odoo.tests import Form, tagged
from odoo.tests.common import users
class TestCRMLeadMultiCompany(TestCrmCommon):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestCRMLeadMultiCompany, cls).setUpClass()
def test_initial_data(self):
""" Ensure global data for those tests to avoid unwanted side effects """
self.assertEqual(self.user_sales_manager_mc.company_id, self.company_2)
def test_lead_mc_company_computation(self):
""" Test lead company computation depending on various parameters. Check
the company is set from the team_id or from the env if there is no team.
No responsible, no team, should not limit company. """
# Lead with falsy values are kept
lead_no_team = self.env['crm.lead'].create({
'name': 'L1',
'team_id': False,
'user_id': False,
# Lead with team with company sets company
lead_team_c2 = self.env['crm.lead'].create({
'name': 'L2',
'team_id': self.team_company2.id,
'user_id': False,
self.assertEqual(lead_team_c2.company_id, self.company_2)
# Update team wo company: reset lead company also
lead_team_c2.team_id = self.sales_team_1
# Lead with global team has no company
lead_team_no_company = self.env['crm.lead'].create({
'name': 'No company',
'team_id': self.sales_team_1.id,
'user_id': False,
# Update team w company updates company
lead_team_no_company.team_id = self.team_company2
self.assertEqual(lead_team_no_company.company_id, self.company_2)
self.assertEqual(lead_team_no_company.team_id, self.team_company2)
def test_lead_mc_company_computation_env_team_norestrict(self):
""" Check that the computed company is the one coming from the team even
when it's not in self.env.companies. This may happen when running the
Lead Assignment task. """
LeadUnsyncCids = self.env['crm.lead'].with_context(allowed_company_ids=[self.company_main.id])
self.assertEqual(LeadUnsyncCids.env.company, self.company_main)
self.assertEqual(LeadUnsyncCids.env.companies, self.company_main)
self.assertEqual(LeadUnsyncCids.env.user.company_id, self.company_2)
# multicompany raises if trying to create manually
with self.assertRaises(AccessError):
lead = LeadUnsyncCids.create({
'name': 'My Lead MC',
'team_id': self.team_company2.id
# simulate auto-creation through sudo (assignment-like)
lead = LeadUnsyncCids.sudo().create({
'name': 'My Lead MC',
'team_id': self.team_company2.id,
self.assertEqual(lead.company_id, self.company_2)
self.assertEqual(lead.team_id, self.team_company2)
self.assertEqual(lead.user_id, self.user_sales_manager_mc)
def test_lead_mc_company_computation_env_user_restrict(self):
""" Check that the computed company is allowed (aka in self.env.companies).
If the assigned team has a set company, the lead has the same one. Otherwise, use one
allowed by user, preferentially choose env current company, user's company otherwise."""
# User is logged in company_main even their default company is company_2
LeadUnsyncCids = self.env['crm.lead'].with_context(allowed_company_ids=[self.company_main.id])
self.assertEqual(LeadUnsyncCids.env.company, self.company_main)
self.assertEqual(LeadUnsyncCids.env.companies, self.company_main)
self.assertEqual(LeadUnsyncCids.env.user.company_id, self.company_2)
# simulate auto-creation through sudo (assignment-like)
lead_1_auto = LeadUnsyncCids.sudo().create({
'name': 'My Lead MC 1 Auto',
self.assertEqual(lead_1_auto.team_id, self.sales_team_1,
'[Auto/1] First available team in current company should have been assigned (fallback as user in no team in Main Company).')
self.assertEqual(lead_1_auto.company_id, self.company_main,
'[Auto/1] Current company should be set on the lead as no company was assigned given by team and company is allowed for user.')
self.assertEqual(lead_1_auto.user_id, self.user_sales_manager_mc, '[Auto/1] Current user should have been assigned.')
# manual creation
lead_1_manual = LeadUnsyncCids.create({
'name': 'My Lead MC',
self.assertEqual(lead_1_manual.team_id, self.sales_team_1,
'[Auto/1] First available team in current company should have been assigned (fallback as user in no team in Main Company).')
self.assertEqual(lead_1_manual.company_id, self.company_main,
'[Auto/1] Current company should be set on the lead as no company was given by team and company is allowed for user.')
self.assertEqual(lead_1_manual.user_id, self.user_sales_manager_mc, '[Manual/1] Current user should have been assigned.')
# Logged on other company will use that one for the lead company with sales_team_2 as is assigned to company_2
LeadUnsyncCids = self.env['crm.lead'].with_context(allowed_company_ids=[self.company_main.id, self.company_2.id])
LeadUnsyncCids = LeadUnsyncCids.with_company(self.company_2)
self.assertEqual(LeadUnsyncCids.env.company, self.company_2)
lead_2_auto = LeadUnsyncCids.sudo().create({
'name': 'My Lead MC 2 Auto',
self.assertEqual(lead_2_auto.team_id, self.team_company2,
'[Auto/2] First available team user is a member of, in current company, should have been assigned.')
self.assertEqual(lead_2_auto.company_id, self.company_2,
'[Auto/2] Current company should be set on the lead as company was assigned on team.')
self.assertEqual(lead_2_auto.user_id, self.user_sales_manager_mc, '[Auto/2] Current user should have been assigned.')
lead_2_manual = LeadUnsyncCids.create({
'name': 'My Lead MC 2 Manual',
self.assertEqual(lead_2_manual.team_id, self.team_company2,
'[Manual/2] First available team user is a member of, in current company, should have been assigned.')
self.assertEqual(lead_2_manual.company_id, self.company_2,
'[Manual/2] Current company should be set on the lead as company was assigned on team.')
self.assertEqual(lead_2_manual.user_id, self.user_sales_manager_mc, '[Manual/2] Current user should have been assigned.')
# If assigned team has no company, use company
self.team_company2.write({'company_id': False})
lead_3_auto = LeadUnsyncCids.sudo().create({
'name': 'My Lead MC 3 Auto',
self.assertEqual(lead_3_auto.team_id, self.team_company2,
'[Auto/3] First available team user is a member of should have been assigned (fallback as no team with same company defined).')
self.assertEqual(lead_3_auto.company_id, self.company_2,
'[Auto/3] Current company should be set on the lead as no company was given by team and company is allowed for user.')
self.assertEqual(lead_3_auto.user_id, self.user_sales_manager_mc, '[Auto/3] Current user should have been assigned.')
lead_3_manual = LeadUnsyncCids.create({
'name': 'My Lead MC 3 Manual',
self.assertEqual(lead_3_manual.company_id, self.company_2,
'[Auto/3] First available team user is a member of should have been assigned (fallback as no team with same company defined).')
self.assertEqual(lead_3_manual.team_id, self.team_company2,
'[Auto/3] Current company should be set on the lead as no company was given by team and company is allowed for user.')
self.assertEqual(lead_3_manual.user_id, self.user_sales_manager_mc, '[Manual/3] Current user should have been assigned.')
# If all teams have no company and don't have user as member, the first sales team is used.
self.team_company2.write({'member_ids': [(3, self.user_sales_manager_mc.id)]})
lead_4_auto = LeadUnsyncCids.sudo().create({
'name': 'My Lead MC 4 Auto',
self.assertEqual(lead_4_auto.team_id, self.sales_team_1,
'[Auto/4] As no team has current user as member nor current company as company_id, first available team should have been assigned.')
self.assertEqual(lead_4_auto.company_id, self.company_2,
'[Auto/4] Current company should be set on the lead as no company was given by team and company is allowed for user.')
self.assertEqual(lead_4_auto.user_id, self.user_sales_manager_mc, '[Auto/4] Current user should have been assigned.')
lead_4_manual = LeadUnsyncCids.create({
'name': 'My Lead MC 4 Manual',
self.assertEqual(lead_4_manual.company_id, self.company_2,
'[Manual/4] As no team has current user as member nor current company as company_id, first available team should have been assigned.')
self.assertEqual(lead_4_manual.team_id, self.sales_team_1,
'[Manual/4] Current company should be set on the lead as no company was given by team and company is allowed for user.')
self.assertEqual(lead_4_manual.user_id, self.user_sales_manager_mc,
'[Manual/4] Current user should have been assigned.')
def test_lead_mc_company_computation_partner_restrict(self):
""" Check company on partner limits the company on lead. As contacts may
be separated by company, lead with a partner should be limited to that
company. """
partner_c2 = self.partner_c2.with_env(self.env)
self.assertEqual(partner_c2.company_id, self.company_2)
lead = self.env['crm.lead'].create({
'partner_id': partner_c2.id,
'name': 'MC Partner, no company lead',
'user_id': False,
'team_id': False,
self.assertEqual(lead.company_id, self.company_2)
partner_main = self.env['res.partner'].create({
'company_id': self.company_main.id,
'email': 'partner_main@multicompany.example.com',
'name': 'Customer for Main',
lead.write({'partner_id': partner_main})
self.assertEqual(lead.company_id, self.company_main)
# writing current user on lead would imply putting its team and team's company
# on lead (aka self.company_2), and this clashes with company restriction on
# customer
self.env.user.company_ids -= self.company_main
with self.assertRaises(UserError):
'user_id': self.env.user,
def test_lead_mc_company_form(self):
""" Test lead company computation using form view """
crm_lead_form = Form(self.env['crm.lead'])
crm_lead_form.name = "Test Lead"
# default values: current user, its team and therefore its company
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.company_id, self.company_2)
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.user_id, self.user_sales_manager_mc)
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.team_id, self.team_company2)
# remove user, team only
crm_lead_form.user_id = self.env['res.users']
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.company_id, self.company_2)
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.user_id, self.env['res.users'])
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.team_id, self.team_company2)
# remove team, user only
crm_lead_form.user_id = self.user_sales_manager_mc
crm_lead_form.team_id = self.env['crm.team']
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.company_id, self.company_2)
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.user_id, self.user_sales_manager_mc)
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.team_id, self.env['crm.team'])
# remove both: void company to ease assignment
crm_lead_form.user_id = self.env['res.users']
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.company_id, self.env['res.company'])
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.user_id, self.env['res.users'])
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.team_id, self.env['crm.team'])
# force company manually
crm_lead_form.company_id = self.company_2
lead = crm_lead_form.save()
# user_sales_manager cannot read it due to MC rules
with self.assertRaises(AccessError):
def test_lead_mc_company_form_progressives_setup(self):
""" Specific bug reported at Task-2520276. Flow
0) The sales team have no company set
1) Create a lead without a user_id and a team_id
2) Assign a team to the lead
3) Assign a user_id
Goal: if no company is set on the sales team the lead at step 2 should
not have any company_id set. Previous behavior
1) set the company of the env.user
2) Keep the company of the lead
3) set the user company if the current company is not one of the allowed company of the user
Wanted behavior
1) leave the company empty
2) set the company of the team even if it's False (so erase the company if the team has no company set)
3) set the user company if the current company is not one of the allowed company of the user
lead = self.env['crm.lead'].create({
'name': 'Test Progressive Setup',
'user_id': False,
'team_id': False,
crm_lead_form = Form(lead)
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.company_id, self.env['res.company'])
crm_lead_form.team_id = self.sales_team_1
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.company_id, self.env['res.company'])
crm_lead_form.user_id = self.env.user
# self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.company_id, self.env['res.company']) # FIXME
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.company_id, self.company_2)
def test_lead_mc_company_form_w_partner_id(self):
""" Test lead company computation with partner having a company. """
partner_c2 = self.partner_c2.with_env(self.env)
crm_lead_form = Form(self.env['crm.lead'])
crm_lead_form.name = "Test Lead"
crm_lead_form.user_id = self.user_sales_manager_mc
crm_lead_form.partner_id = partner_c2
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.company_id, self.company_2, 'Crm: company comes from sales')
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.team_id, self.team_company2, 'Crm: team comes from sales')
# reset sales: should not reset company, as partner constrains it
crm_lead_form.team_id = self.env['crm.team']
crm_lead_form.user_id = self.env['res.users']
# ensuring that company_id is not overwritten when the salesperson becomes empty (w\o any team_id)
self.assertEqual(crm_lead_form.company_id, self.company_2, 'Crm: company comes from partner')
def test_gateway_incompatible_company_error_on_incoming_email(self):
customer_company = self.env['res.partner'].create({
'company_id': self.company_2.id,
'email': 'customer.another.company@test.customer.com',
'mobile': '+32455000000',
'name': 'InCompany Customer',
new_lead = self.format_and_process(
subject='Team having partner in company',
self.assertEqual(new_lead.company_id, self.company_2)
self.assertEqual(new_lead.email_from, customer_company.email)
self.assertEqual(new_lead.partner_id, customer_company)