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2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import re
from markupsafe import Markup
import werkzeug
from odoo import api, fields, Command, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.tools.misc import format_date
from odoo.tools import email_split, float_repr, float_round, is_html_empty
class HrExpense(models.Model):
_name = "hr.expense"
_inherit = ['mail.thread.main.attachment', 'mail.activity.mixin', 'analytic.mixin']
_description = "Expense"
_order = "date desc, id desc"
_check_company_auto = True
def _default_employee_id(self):
employee = self.env.user.employee_id
if not employee and not self.env.user.has_group('hr_expense.group_hr_expense_team_approver'):
raise ValidationError(_('The current user has no related employee. Please, create one.'))
return employee
name = fields.Char(
compute='_compute_name', precompute=True, store=True, readonly=False,
date = fields.Date(string="Expense Date", default=fields.Date.context_today)
employee_id = fields.Many2one(
compute='_compute_employee_id', precompute=True, store=True, readonly=False,
domain=[('filter_for_expense', '=', True)],
company_id = fields.Many2one(
default=lambda self: self.env.company,
# product_id is not required to allow to create an expense without product via mail alias, but should be required on the view.
product_id = fields.Many2one(
domain=[('can_be_expensed', '=', True)],
product_description = fields.Html(compute='_compute_product_description')
product_uom_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Unit of Measure",
compute='_compute_uom_id', precompute=True, store=True,
domain="[('category_id', '=', product_uom_category_id)]",
product_uom_category_id = fields.Many2one(
string="UoM Category",
product_has_cost = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_from_product') # Whether the product has a cost (standard_price) or not
product_has_tax = fields.Boolean(string="Whether tax is defined on a selected product", compute='_compute_from_product')
quantity = fields.Float(required=True, digits='Product Unit of Measure', default=1)
description = fields.Text(string="Internal Notes")
message_main_attachment_checksum = fields.Char(related='message_main_attachment_id.checksum')
nb_attachment = fields.Integer(string="Number of Attachments", compute='_compute_nb_attachment')
attachment_ids = fields.One2many(
domain="[('res_model', '=', 'hr.expense')]",
state = fields.Selection(
('draft', 'To Report'),
('reported', 'To Submit'),
('submitted', 'Submitted'),
('approved', 'Approved'),
('done', 'Done'),
('refused', 'Refused')
compute='_compute_state', store=True, readonly=True,
sheet_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Expense Report",
domain="[('employee_id', '=', employee_id), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]",
approved_by = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='res.users', string="Approved By", related='sheet_id.user_id', tracking=False)
approved_on = fields.Datetime(string="Approved On", related='sheet_id.approval_date')
duplicate_expense_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='hr.expense', compute='_compute_duplicate_expense_ids') # Used to trigger warnings
# Amount fields
tax_amount_currency = fields.Monetary(
string="Tax amount in Currency",
compute='_compute_tax_amount_currency', precompute=True, store=True,
help="Tax amount in currency",
tax_amount = fields.Monetary(
string="Tax amount",
compute='_compute_tax_amount', precompute=True, store=True,
help="Tax amount in company currency",
total_amount_currency = fields.Monetary(
string="Total In Currency",
compute='_compute_total_amount_currency', precompute=True, store=True, readonly=False,
untaxed_amount_currency = fields.Monetary(
string="Total Untaxed Amount In Currency",
compute='_compute_tax_amount_currency', precompute=True, store=True,
total_amount = fields.Monetary(
compute='_compute_total_amount', inverse='_inverse_total_amount', precompute=True, store=True, readonly=False,
price_unit = fields.Float(
string="Unit Price",
compute='_compute_price_unit', precompute=True, store=True, required=True, readonly=True,
digits='Product Price',
currency_id = fields.Many2one(
compute='_compute_currency_id', precompute=True, store=True, readonly=False,
default=lambda self: self.env.company.currency_id,
company_currency_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Report Company Currency",
is_multiple_currency = fields.Boolean(
string="Is currency_id different from the company_currency_id",
currency_rate = fields.Float(compute='_compute_currency_rate', digits=(16, 9), readonly=True, tracking=True)
label_currency_rate = fields.Char(compute='_compute_currency_rate', readonly=True)
# Account fields
payment_mode = fields.Selection(
('own_account', "Employee (to reimburse)"),
('company_account', "Company")
string="Paid By",
account_id = fields.Many2one(
compute='_compute_account_id', precompute=True, store=True, readonly=False,
domain="[('account_type', 'not in', ('asset_receivable', 'liability_payable', 'asset_cash', 'liability_credit_card'))]",
help="An expense account is expected",
tax_ids = fields.Many2many(
string="Included taxes",
compute='_compute_tax_ids', precompute=True, store=True, readonly=False,
domain="[('type_tax_use', '=', 'purchase')]",
help="Both price-included and price-excluded taxes will behave as price-included taxes for expenses.",
accounting_date = fields.Date( # The date used for the accounting entries or the one we'd like to use if not yet posted
string="Accounting Date",
# Security fields
is_editable = fields.Boolean(string="Is Editable By Current User", compute='_compute_is_editable')
def _compute_currency_id(self):
for expense in self:
if expense.product_has_cost and expense.state in {'draft', 'reported'}:
expense.currency_id = expense.company_currency_id
def _compute_is_editable(self):
for expense in self:
if expense.sheet_id:
expense.is_editable = expense.sheet_id.is_editable
expense.is_editable = True
def _onchange_product_has_cost(self):
""" Reset quantity to 1, in case of 0-cost product. To make sure switching non-0-cost to 0-cost doesn't keep the quantity."""
if not self.product_has_cost and self.state in {'draft', 'reported'}:
self.quantity = 1
def _compute_product_description(self):
for expense in self:
expense.product_description = not is_html_empty(expense.product_id.description) and expense.product_id.description
def _compute_name(self):
for expense in self:
expense.name = expense.name or expense.product_id.display_name
@api.depends('currency_id', 'total_amount_currency', 'date')
def _compute_currency_rate(self):
We want the default odoo rate when the following change:
- the currency of the expense
- the total amount in foreign currency
- the date of the expense
this will cause the rate to be recomputed twice with possible changes but we don't have the required fields
to store the override state in stable
date_today = fields.Date.context_today(self)
for expense in self:
if expense.is_multiple_currency:
if (
expense.currency_id != expense._origin.currency_id
or expense.total_amount_currency != expense._origin.total_amount_currency
or expense.date != expense._origin.date
expense.currency_rate = self.env['res.currency']._get_conversion_rate(
date=expense.date or date_today,
expense.currency_rate = expense.total_amount / expense.total_amount_currency if expense.total_amount_currency else 1.0
else: # Mono-currency case computation shortcut, no need for the label if there is no conversion
expense.currency_rate = 1.0
expense.label_currency_rate = False
expense.label_currency_rate = _(
'1 %(exp_cur)s = %(rate)s %(comp_cur)s',
rate=float_repr(expense.currency_rate, 6),
@api.depends('currency_id', 'company_currency_id')
def _compute_is_multiple_currency(self):
for expense in self:
expense.is_multiple_currency = expense.currency_id != expense.company_currency_id
def _compute_from_product(self):
for expense in self:
expense.product_has_cost = expense.product_id and not expense.company_currency_id.is_zero(expense.product_id.standard_price)
tax_ids = expense.product_id.supplier_taxes_id.filtered_domain(self.env['account.tax']._check_company_domain(expense.company_id))
expense.product_has_tax = bool(tax_ids)
if not expense.product_has_cost and expense.state in {'draft', 'reported'} and expense.quantity != 1:
expense.quantity = 1
def _compute_uom_id(self):
for expense in self:
expense.product_uom_id = expense.product_id.uom_id
@api.depends('sheet_id', 'sheet_id.account_move_ids', 'sheet_id.state')
def _compute_state(self):
for expense in self:
if not expense.sheet_id:
expense.state = 'draft'
elif expense.sheet_id.state == 'draft':
expense.state = 'reported'
elif expense.sheet_id.state == 'cancel':
expense.state = 'refused'
elif expense.sheet_id.state in {'approve', 'post'}:
expense.state = 'approved'
elif not expense.sheet_id.account_move_ids:
expense.state = 'submitted'
expense.state = 'done'
@api.depends('quantity', 'price_unit', 'tax_ids')
def _compute_total_amount_currency(self):
for expense in self.filtered('product_has_cost'):
base_lines = [expense._convert_to_tax_base_line_dict(price_unit=expense.price_unit, quantity=expense.quantity)]
taxes_totals = self.env['account.tax']._compute_taxes(base_lines)['totals'][expense.currency_id]
expense.total_amount_currency = taxes_totals['amount_untaxed'] + taxes_totals['amount_tax']
def _inverse_total_amount_currency(self):
for expense in self:
if not expense.is_editable:
raise UserError(_('You are not authorized to edit this expense.'))
expense.price_unit = (expense.total_amount / expense.quantity) if expense.quantity != 0 else 0.
def _compute_total_amount(self):
for expense in self:
if expense.is_multiple_currency:
base_lines = [expense._convert_to_tax_base_line_dict(
price_unit=expense.total_amount_currency * expense.currency_rate,
taxes_totals = self.env['account.tax']._compute_taxes(base_lines)['totals'][expense.company_currency_id]
expense.total_amount = taxes_totals['amount_untaxed'] + taxes_totals['amount_tax']
else: # Mono-currency case computation shortcut
expense.total_amount = expense.total_amount_currency
def _inverse_total_amount(self):
""" Allows to set a custom rate on the expense, and avoid the override when it makes no sense """
for expense in self:
if expense.is_multiple_currency:
base_lines = [expense._convert_to_tax_base_line_dict(
taxes_totals = self.env['account.tax']._compute_taxes(base_lines)['totals'][expense.company_currency_id]
expense.tax_amount = taxes_totals['amount_tax']
expense.total_amount_currency = expense.total_amount
expense.tax_amount = expense.tax_amount_currency
expense.currency_rate = expense.total_amount / expense.total_amount_currency if expense.total_amount_currency else 1.0
expense.price_unit = expense.total_amount / expense.quantity if expense.quantity else expense.total_amount
@api.depends('product_id', 'company_id')
def _compute_tax_ids(self):
for _expense in self:
expense = _expense.with_company(_expense.company_id)
# taxes only from the same company
expense.tax_ids = expense.product_id.supplier_taxes_id.filtered_domain(self.env['account.tax']._check_company_domain(expense.company_id))
@api.depends('total_amount_currency', 'tax_ids')
def _compute_tax_amount_currency(self):
Note: as total_amount_currency can be set directly by the user (for product without cost)
or needs to be computed (for product with cost), `untaxed_amount_currency` can't be computed in the same method as `total_amount_currency`.
for expense in self:
base_lines = [expense._convert_to_tax_base_line_dict(price_unit=expense.total_amount_currency)]
taxes_totals = self.env['account.tax']._compute_taxes(base_lines)['totals'][expense.currency_id]
expense.tax_amount_currency = taxes_totals['amount_tax']
expense.untaxed_amount_currency = taxes_totals['amount_untaxed']
@api.depends('total_amount', 'currency_rate', 'tax_ids', 'is_multiple_currency')
def _compute_tax_amount(self):
Note: as total_amount can be set directly by the user when the currency_rate is overriden,
the tax must be computed after the total_amount.
for expense in self:
if expense.is_multiple_currency:
base_lines = [expense._convert_to_tax_base_line_dict(
taxes_totals = self.env['account.tax']._compute_taxes(base_lines)['totals'][expense.company_currency_id]
expense.tax_amount = taxes_totals['amount_tax']
else: # Mono-currency case computation shortcut
expense.tax_amount = expense.tax_amount_currency
@api.depends('total_amount', 'total_amount_currency')
def _compute_price_unit(self):
The price_unit is the unit price of the product if no product is set and no attachment overrides it.
Otherwise it is always computed from the total_amount and the quantity else it would break the vendor bill
when edited after creation.
for expense in self:
if expense.state not in {'draft', 'reported'}:
product_id = expense.product_id
if expense._needs_product_price_computation():
expense.price_unit = product_id._price_compute(
expense.price_unit = expense.company_currency_id.round(expense.total_amount / expense.quantity) if expense.quantity else 0.
def _needs_product_price_computation(self):
# Hook to be overridden.
return self.product_has_cost
@api.depends('product_id', 'company_id')
def _compute_account_id(self):
for _expense in self:
expense = _expense.with_company(_expense.company_id)
if not expense.product_id:
expense.account_id = self.env['ir.property']._get('property_account_expense_categ_id', 'product.category')
account = expense.product_id.product_tmpl_id._get_product_accounts()['expense']
if account:
expense.account_id = account
def _compute_employee_id(self):
if not self.env.context.get('default_employee_id'):
for expense in self:
expense.employee_id = self.env.user.with_company(expense.company_id).employee_id
@api.depends('employee_id', 'product_id', 'total_amount_currency')
def _compute_duplicate_expense_ids(self):
self.duplicate_expense_ids = [Command.clear()]
expenses = self.filtered(lambda expense: expense.employee_id and expense.product_id and expense.total_amount_currency)
if expenses.ids:
duplicates_query = """
FROM hr_expense AS he
JOIN hr_expense AS ex ON he.employee_id = ex.employee_id
AND he.product_id = ex.product_id
AND he.date = ex.date
AND he.total_amount_currency = ex.total_amount_currency
AND he.company_id = ex.company_id
AND he.currency_id = ex.currency_id
WHERE ex.id in %(expense_ids)s
GROUP BY he.employee_id, he.product_id, he.date, he.total_amount_currency, he.company_id, he.currency_id
HAVING COUNT(he.id) > 1
self.env.cr.execute(duplicates_query, {'expense_ids': tuple(expenses.ids)})
for duplicates_ids in (x[0] for x in self.env.cr.fetchall()):
expenses_duplicates = expenses.filtered(lambda expense: expense.id in duplicates_ids)
expenses_duplicates.duplicate_expense_ids = [Command.set(duplicates_ids)]
expenses = expenses - expenses_duplicates
@api.depends('product_id', 'account_id')
def _compute_analytic_distribution(self):
for expense in self:
distribution = self.env['account.analytic.distribution.model']._get_distribution({
'product_id': expense.product_id.id,
'product_categ_id': expense.product_id.categ_id.id,
'account_prefix': expense.account_id.code,
'company_id': expense.company_id.id,
expense.analytic_distribution = distribution or expense.analytic_distribution
def _compute_nb_attachment(self):
attachment_data = self.env['ir.attachment']._read_group(
[('res_model', '=', 'hr.expense'), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids)],
attachment = dict(attachment_data)
for expense in self:
expense.nb_attachment = attachment.get(expense._origin.id, 0)
def _check_payment_mode(self):
def _convert_to_tax_base_line_dict(self, base_line=None, currency=None, price_unit=None, quantity=None):
return self.env['account.tax']._convert_to_tax_base_line_dict(
currency=currency or self.currency_id,
price_unit=price_unit or self.total_amount,
quantity=quantity if quantity is not None else 1,
extra_context={'force_price_include': True},
def attach_document(self, **kwargs):
"""When an attachment is uploaded as a receipt, set it as the main attachment."""
self.message_main_attachment_id = kwargs['attachment_ids'][-1]
def create_expense_from_attachments(self, attachment_ids=None, view_type='list'):
Create the expenses from files.
:return: An action redirecting to hr.expense tree view.
if not attachment_ids:
raise UserError(_("No attachment was provided"))
attachments = self.env['ir.attachment'].browse(attachment_ids)
expenses = self.env['hr.expense']
if any(attachment.res_id or attachment.res_model != 'hr.expense' for attachment in attachments):
raise UserError(_("Invalid attachments!"))
product = self.env['product.product'].search([('can_be_expensed', '=', True)])
if product:
product = product.filtered(lambda p: p.default_code == "EXP_GEN")[:1] or product[0]
raise UserError(_("You need to have at least one category that can be expensed in your database to proceed!"))
for attachment in attachments:
attachment_name = '.'.join(attachment.name.split('.')[:-1])
vals = {
'name': attachment_name,
'price_unit': 0,
'product_id': self.env.company.expense_product_id.id or product.id,
if product.property_account_expense_id:
vals['account_id'] = product.property_account_expense_id.id
expense = self.env['hr.expense'].create(vals)
attachment.write({'res_model': 'hr.expense', 'res_id': expense.id})
expenses += expense
return {
'name': _('Generate Expenses'),
'res_model': 'hr.expense',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'views': [[False, view_type], [False, "form"]],
'context': {'search_default_my_expenses': 1, 'search_default_no_report': 1},
# ----------------------------------------
# ORM Overrides
# ----------------------------------------
def _unlink_except_posted_or_approved(self):
for expense in self:
if expense.state in {'done', 'approved'}:
raise UserError(_('You cannot delete a posted or approved expense.'))
def write(self, vals):
if (
'state' in vals
and vals['state'] != 'submitted'
and not self.user_has_groups('hr_expense.group_hr_expense_manager')
and any(state == 'draft' for state in self.mapped('state'))
raise UserError(_("You don't have the rights to bypass the validation process of this expense."))
expense_to_previous_sheet = {}
if 'sheet_id' in vals:
for expense in self:
expense_to_previous_sheet[expense] = expense.sheet_id
if 'tax_ids' in vals or 'analytic_distribution' in vals or 'account_id' in vals:
if any(not expense.is_editable for expense in self):
raise UserError(_('You are not authorized to edit this expense report.'))
res = super().write(vals)
if 'employee_id' in vals:
# In case expense has sheet which has only one expense_line_ids,
# then changing the expense.employee_id triggers changing the sheet.employee_id too.
# Otherwise we unlink the expense line from sheet, (so that the user can create a new report).
if self.sheet_id:
employees = self.sheet_id.expense_line_ids.mapped('employee_id')
if len(employees) == 1:
self.sheet_id.write({'employee_id': vals['employee_id']})
elif len(employees) > 1:
self.sheet_id = False
if 'sheet_id' in vals:
# The sheet_id has been modified, either by an explicit write on sheet_id of the expense,
# or by processing a command on the sheet's expense_line_ids.
# We need to delete the attachments on the previous sheet coming from the expenses that were modified,
# and copy the attachments of the expenses to the new sheet,
# if it's a no-op (writing same sheet_id as the current sheet_id of the expense),
# nothing should be done (no unlink then copy of the same attachments)
attachments_to_unlink = self.env['ir.attachment']
for expense in self:
previous_sheet = expense_to_previous_sheet[expense]
checksums = set((expense.attachment_ids - previous_sheet.expense_line_ids.attachment_ids).mapped('checksum'))
attachments_to_unlink += previous_sheet.attachment_ids.filtered(lambda att: att.checksum in checksums)
if vals['sheet_id'] and expense.sheet_id != previous_sheet:
for attachment in expense.attachment_ids.with_context(sync_attachment=False):
'res_model': 'hr.expense.sheet',
'res_id': vals['sheet_id'],
return res
def unlink(self):
attachments_to_unlink = self.env['ir.attachment']
for sheet in self.sheet_id:
checksums = set((sheet.expense_line_ids.attachment_ids & self.attachment_ids).mapped('checksum'))
attachments_to_unlink += sheet.attachment_ids.filtered(lambda att: att.checksum in checksums)
return super().unlink()
def get_empty_list_help(self, help_message):
return super().get_empty_list_help((help_message or '') + self._get_empty_list_mail_alias())
def _get_empty_list_mail_alias(self):
use_mailgateway = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('hr_expense.use_mailgateway')
expense_alias = self.env.ref('hr_expense.mail_alias_expense') if use_mailgateway else False
if expense_alias and expense_alias.alias_domain and expense_alias.alias_name:
# encode, but force %20 encoding for space instead of a + (URL / mailto difference)
params = werkzeug.urls.url_encode({'subject': _("Lunch with customer $12.32")}).replace('+', '%20')
return Markup(
"""<p>%(send_string)s <a href="mailto:%(alias_email)s?%(params)s">%(alias_email)s</a></p>"""
) % {
'alias_email': expense_alias.display_name,
'params': params,
'send_string': _("Or send your receipts at"),
return ""
# ----------------------------------------
# Actions
# ----------------------------------------
def action_view_sheet(self):
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_mode': 'form',
'views': [[False, "form"]],
'res_model': 'hr.expense.sheet',
'target': 'current',
'res_id': self.sheet_id.id
def _get_default_expense_sheet_values(self):
# If there is an expense with total_amount == 0, it means that expense has not been processed by OCR yet
expenses_with_amount = self.filtered(lambda expense: not (
or expense.company_currency_id.is_zero(expense.total_amount)
or (expense.product_id and not float_round(expense.quantity, precision_rounding=expense.product_uom_id.rounding))
if any(expense.state != 'draft' or expense.sheet_id for expense in expenses_with_amount):
raise UserError(_("You cannot report twice the same line!"))
if not expenses_with_amount:
raise UserError(_("You cannot report the expenses without amount!"))
if len(expenses_with_amount.mapped('employee_id')) != 1:
raise UserError(_("You cannot report expenses for different employees in the same report."))
if any(not expense.product_id for expense in expenses_with_amount):
raise UserError(_("You can not create report without category."))
if len(self.company_id) != 1:
raise UserError(_("You cannot report expenses for different companies in the same report."))
# Check if two reports should be created
own_expenses = expenses_with_amount.filtered(lambda x: x.payment_mode == 'own_account')
company_expenses = expenses_with_amount - own_expenses
create_two_reports = own_expenses and company_expenses
sheets = (own_expenses, company_expenses) if create_two_reports else (expenses_with_amount,)
values = []
# We use a fallback name only when several expense sheets are created,
# else we use the form view required name to force the user to set a name
for todo in sheets:
paid_by = 'company' if todo[0].payment_mode == 'company_account' else 'employee'
sheet_name = _("New Expense Report, paid by %(paid_by)s", paid_by=paid_by) if len(sheets) > 1 else False
if len(todo) == 1:
sheet_name = todo.name
dates = todo.mapped('date')
if False not in dates: # If at least one date isn't set, we don't set a default name
min_date = format_date(self.env, min(dates))
max_date = format_date(self.env, max(dates))
if min_date == max_date:
sheet_name = min_date
sheet_name = _("%(date_from)s - %(date_to)s", date_from=min_date, date_to=max_date)
'company_id': self.company_id.id,
'employee_id': self[0].employee_id.id,
'name': sheet_name,
'expense_line_ids': [Command.set(todo.ids)],
'state': 'draft',
return values
def get_expenses_to_submit(self):
# if there ere no records selected, then select all draft expenses for the user
if self:
expenses = self.filtered(lambda expense: expense.state == 'draft' and not expense.sheet_id and expense.is_editable)
expenses = self.env['hr.expense'].search([
('state', '=', 'draft'),
('sheet_id', '=', False),
('employee_id', '=', self.env.user.employee_id.id),
]).filtered(lambda expense: expense.is_editable)
if not expenses:
raise UserError(_('You have no expense to report'))
return expenses.action_submit_expenses()
def action_submit_expenses(self):
if self.filtered(lambda expense: not expense.is_editable):
raise UserError(_('You are not authorized to edit this expense.'))
sheets = self.env['hr.expense.sheet'].create(self._get_default_expense_sheet_values())
return {
'name': _('New Expense Reports'),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': 'hr.expense.sheet',
'context': self.env.context,
'views': [[False, "list"], [False, "form"]] if len(sheets) > 1 else [[False, "form"]],
'domain': [('id', 'in', sheets.ids)],
'res_id': sheets.id if len(sheets) == 1 else False,
def action_get_attachment_view(self):
res = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id('base.action_attachment')
'domain': [('res_model', '=', 'hr.expense'), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids)],
'context': {'default_res_model': 'hr.expense', 'default_res_id': self.id},
return res
def action_approve_duplicates(self):
root = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id("base.partner_root")
for expense in self.duplicate_expense_ids:
body=_('%(user)s confirms this expense is not a duplicate with similar expense.', user=self.env.user.name),
def _get_split_values(self):
half_price = self.total_amount_currency / 2
price_round_up = float_round(half_price, precision_digits=self.currency_id.decimal_places, rounding_method='UP')
price_round_down = float_round(half_price, precision_digits=self.currency_id.decimal_places, rounding_method='DOWN')
return [{
'name': self.name,
'product_id': self.product_id.id,
'total_amount_currency': price,
'tax_ids': self.tax_ids.ids,
'currency_id': self.currency_id.id,
'company_id': self.company_id.id,
'analytic_distribution': self.analytic_distribution,
'employee_id': self.employee_id.id,
'expense_id': self.id,
} for price in (price_round_up, price_round_down)]
def action_split_wizard(self):
splits = self.env['hr.expense.split'].create(self._get_split_values())
wizard = self.env['hr.expense.split.wizard'].create({
'expense_split_line_ids': splits.ids,
'expense_id': self.id,
return {
'name': _('Expense split'),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_mode': 'form',
'views': [[False, "form"]],
'res_model': 'hr.expense.split.wizard',
'res_id': wizard.id,
'target': 'new',
'context': self.env.context,
# ----------------------------------------
# Business
# ----------------------------------------
def _prepare_payments_vals(self):
journal = self.sheet_id.journal_id
payment_method_line = self.sheet_id.payment_method_line_id
if not payment_method_line:
raise UserError(_("You need to add a manual payment method on the journal (%s)", journal.name))
move_lines = []
tax_data = self.env['account.tax']._compute_taxes(
[self._convert_to_tax_base_line_dict(price_unit=self.total_amount_currency, currency=self.currency_id)],
include_caba_tags=(self.payment_mode == 'company_account')
rate = abs(self.total_amount_currency / self.total_amount) if self.total_amount else 1.0
base_line_data, to_update = tax_data['base_lines_to_update'][0] # Add base line
amount_currency = to_update['price_subtotal']
expense_name = self.name.split("\n")[0][:64]
base_move_line = {
'name': f'{self.employee_id.name}: {expense_name}',
'account_id': base_line_data['account'].id,
'product_id': base_line_data['product'].id,
'analytic_distribution': base_line_data['analytic_distribution'],
'expense_id': self.id,
'tax_ids': [Command.set(self.tax_ids.ids)],
'tax_tag_ids': to_update['tax_tag_ids'],
'amount_currency': amount_currency,
'currency_id': self.currency_id.id,
'quantity': self.quantity,
total_tax_line_balance = 0.0
for tax_line_data in tax_data['tax_lines_to_add']: # Add tax lines
tax_line_balance = self.company_currency_id.round(tax_line_data['tax_amount'] / rate)
total_tax_line_balance += tax_line_balance
tax_line = {
'name': self.env['account.tax'].browse(tax_line_data['tax_id']).name,
'account_id': tax_line_data['account_id'],
'analytic_distribution': tax_line_data['analytic_distribution'],
'expense_id': self.id,
'tax_tag_ids': tax_line_data['tax_tag_ids'],
'balance': tax_line_balance,
'amount_currency': tax_line_data['tax_amount'],
'tax_base_amount': self.company_currency_id.round(tax_line_data['base_amount'] / rate),
'currency_id': self.currency_id.id,
'tax_repartition_line_id': tax_line_data['tax_repartition_line_id'],
base_move_line['balance'] = self.total_amount - total_tax_line_balance
expense_name = self.name.split("\n")[0][:64]
move_lines.append({ # Add outstanding payment line
'name': f'{self.employee_id.name}: {expense_name}',
'account_id': self.sheet_id._get_expense_account_destination(),
'balance': -self.total_amount,
'amount_currency': self.currency_id.round(-self.total_amount_currency),
'currency_id': self.currency_id.id,
return {
'date': self.date, # Overidden from self.sheet_id._prepare_move_vals() so we can use the expense date for the account move date
'ref': self.name,
'journal_id': journal.id,
'move_type': 'entry',
'amount': self.total_amount_currency,
'payment_type': 'outbound',
'partner_type': 'supplier',
'payment_method_line_id': payment_method_line.id,
'currency_id': self.currency_id.id,
'line_ids': [Command.create(line) for line in move_lines],
'attachment_ids': [
Command.create(attachment.copy_data({'res_model': 'account.move', 'res_id': False, 'raw': attachment.raw})[0])
for attachment in self.message_main_attachment_id]
def _prepare_move_lines_vals(self):
account = self.account_id
if not account:
# We need to do this as the installation process may delete the original account, and it doesn't recompute properly after.
# This forces the default values if none is found
if self.product_id:
account = self.product_id.product_tmpl_id._get_product_accounts()['expense']
account = self.env['ir.property']._get('property_account_expense_categ_id', 'product.category')
expense_name = self.name.split('\n')[0][:64]
return {
'name': f'{self.employee_id.name}: {expense_name}',
'account_id': account.id,
'quantity': self.quantity or 1,
'price_unit': self.price_unit,
'product_id': self.product_id.id,
'product_uom_id': self.product_uom_id.id,
'analytic_distribution': self.analytic_distribution,
'expense_id': self.id,
'partner_id': False if self.payment_mode == 'company_account' else self.employee_id.sudo().work_contact_id.id,
'tax_ids': [Command.set(self.tax_ids.ids)],
def get_expense_dashboard(self):
expense_state = {
'to_submit': {
'description': _('to submit'),
'amount': 0.0,
'tooltip': _("Expenses that need to be submitted to the approver."),
'currency': self.env.company.currency_id.id,
'submitted': {
'description': _('under validation'),
'amount': 0.0,
'tooltip': _("Expenses from which the report has been submitted to the approver and is waiting for approval."),
'currency': self.env.company.currency_id.id,
'approved': {
'description': _('to be reimbursed'),
'amount': 0.0,
'tooltip': _("Expenses paid by employee that are approved but not paid yet."),
'currency': self.env.company.currency_id.id,
if not self.env.user.employee_ids:
return expense_state
target_currency = self.env.company.currency_id
# Counting the expenses to display in the dashboard:
# - To submit: contains the expenses paid either by the employee or by the company, and that are draft or reported
# - Under validation: contains expenses paid by the employee or paid by the company, and that have been submitted but still need to be approved/refused
# - To be reimbursed: contains ONLY expenses paid by the employee that are approved, the payment has not yet been made
expenses = self._read_group(
('employee_id', 'in', self.env.user.employee_ids.ids),
'|', '&', ('payment_mode', 'in', ('own_account', 'company_account')), ('state', 'in', ('draft', 'reported', 'submitted')),
'&', ('payment_mode', '=', 'own_account'), ('state', '=', 'approved')
], ['state'], ['total_amount:sum'])
for state, total_amount_sum in expenses:
if state in {'draft', 'reported'}: # Fuse the two states into only one "To Submit" state
state = 'to_submit'
expense_state[state]['amount'] += total_amount_sum
return expense_state
# ----------------------------------------
# Mail Thread
# ----------------------------------------
def message_new(self, msg_dict, custom_values=None):
email_address = email_split(msg_dict.get('email_from', False))[0]
employee = self._get_employee_from_email(email_address)
if not employee:
return super().message_new(msg_dict, custom_values=custom_values)
expense_description = msg_dict.get('subject', '')
if employee.user_id:
company = employee.user_id.company_id
currencies = company.currency_id | employee.user_id.company_ids.mapped('currency_id')
company = employee.company_id
currencies = company.currency_id
if not company: # ultimate fallback, since company_id is required on expense
company = self.env.company
# The expenses alias is the same for all companies, we need to set the proper context
# To select the product account
self = self.with_company(company)
product, price, currency_id, expense_description = self._parse_expense_subject(expense_description, currencies)
vals = {
'employee_id': employee.id,
'name': expense_description,
'total_amount_currency': price,
'product_id': product.id if product else None,
'product_uom_id': product.uom_id.id,
'tax_ids': [Command.set(product.supplier_taxes_id.filtered(lambda r: r.company_id == company).ids)],
'quantity': 1,
'company_id': company.id,
'currency_id': currency_id.id
account = product.product_tmpl_id._get_product_accounts()['expense']
if account:
vals['account_id'] = account.id
expense = super().message_new(msg_dict, dict(custom_values or {}, **vals))
self._send_expense_success_mail(msg_dict, expense)
return expense
def _get_employee_from_email(self, email_address):
employee = self.env['hr.employee'].search([
('user_id', '!=', False),
('work_email', 'ilike', email_address),
('user_id.email', 'ilike', email_address),
if len(employee) > 1:
# Several employees can be linked to the same user.
# In that case, we only keep the employee that matched the user's company.
return employee.filtered(lambda e: e.company_id == e.user_id.company_id)
if not employee:
# An employee does not always have a user.
return self.env['hr.employee'].search([
('user_id', '=', False),
('work_email', 'ilike', email_address),
], limit=1)
return employee
def _parse_product(self, expense_description):
Parse the subject to find the product.
Product code should be the first word of expense_description
Return product.product and updated description
product_code = expense_description.split(' ')[0]
product = self.env['product.product'].search([('can_be_expensed', '=', True), ('default_code', '=ilike', product_code)], limit=1)
if product:
expense_description = expense_description.replace(product_code, '', 1)
return product, expense_description
def _parse_price(self, expense_description, currencies):
""" Return price, currency and updated description """
symbols, symbols_pattern, float_pattern = [], '', r'[+-]?(\d+[.,]?\d*)'
price = 0.0
for currency in currencies:
symbols += [re.escape(currency.symbol), re.escape(currency.name)]
symbols_pattern = '|'.join(symbols)
price_pattern = f'(({symbols_pattern})?\\s?{float_pattern}\\s?({symbols_pattern})?)'
matches = re.findall(price_pattern, expense_description)
currency = currencies[:1]
if matches:
match = max(matches, key=lambda match: len([group for group in match if group]))
# get the longest match. e.g. "2 chairs 120$" -> the price is 120$, not 2
full_str = match[0]
currency_str = match[1] or match[3]
price = match[2].replace(',', '.')
if currency_str and currencies:
currencies = currencies.filtered(lambda c: currency_str in [c.symbol, c.name])
currency = currencies[:1] or currency
expense_description = expense_description.replace(full_str, ' ') # remove price from description
expense_description = re.sub(' +', ' ', expense_description.strip())
return float(price), currency, expense_description
def _parse_expense_subject(self, expense_description, currencies):
Fetch product, price and currency info from mail subject.
Product can be identified based on product name or product code.
It can be passed between [] or it can be placed at start.
When parsing, only consider currencies passed as parameter.
This will fetch currency in symbol($) or ISO name (USD).
Some valid examples:
Travel by Air [TICKET] USD 1205.91
TICKET $1205.91 Travel by Air
Extra expenses 29.10EUR [EXTRA]
product, expense_description = self._parse_product(expense_description)
price, currency_id, expense_description = self._parse_price(expense_description, currencies)
return product, price, currency_id, expense_description
def _send_expense_success_mail(self, msg_dict, expense):
if expense.employee_id.user_id:
mail_template_id = 'hr_expense.hr_expense_template_register'
mail_template_id = 'hr_expense.hr_expense_template_register_no_user'
rendered_body = self.env['ir.qweb']._render(mail_template_id, {'expense': expense})
body = self.env['mail.render.mixin']._replace_local_links(rendered_body)
if expense.employee_id.user_id.partner_id:
subject=f'Re: {msg_dict.get("subject", "")}',
'author_id': self.env.user.partner_id.id,
'auto_delete': True,
'body_html': body,
'email_from': self.env.user.email_formatted,
'email_to': msg_dict.get('email_from', False),
'references': msg_dict.get('message_id'),
'subject': f'Re: {msg_dict.get("subject", "")}',