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2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.tools import unique
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
class LoyaltyProgram(models.Model):
_inherit = 'loyalty.program'
# NOTE: `pos_config_ids` satisfies an excpeptional use case: when no PoS is specified, the loyalty program is
# applied to every PoS. You can access the loyalty programs of a PoS using _get_program_ids() of pos.config
pos_config_ids = fields.Many2many('pos.config', compute="_compute_pos_config_ids", store=True, readonly=False, string="Point of Sales", help="Restrict publishing to those shops.")
pos_order_count = fields.Integer("PoS Order Count", compute='_compute_pos_order_count')
pos_ok = fields.Boolean("Point of Sale", default=True)
pos_report_print_id = fields.Many2one('ir.actions.report', string="Print Report", domain=[('model', '=', 'loyalty.card')], compute='_compute_pos_report_print_id', inverse='_inverse_pos_report_print_id', readonly=False,
help="This is used to print the generated gift cards from PoS.")
def _compute_pos_report_print_id(self):
for program in self:
program.pos_report_print_id = program.communication_plan_ids.pos_report_print_id[:1]
def _inverse_pos_report_print_id(self):
for program in self:
if program.program_type not in ("gift_card", "ewallet"):
if program.pos_report_print_id:
if not program.mail_template_id:
mail_template_label = program._fields.get('mail_template_id').get_description(self.env)['string']
pos_report_print_label = program._fields.get('pos_report_print_id').get_description(self.env)['string']
raise UserError(_("You must set '%s' before setting '%s'.", mail_template_label, pos_report_print_label))
if not program.communication_plan_ids:
program.communication_plan_ids = self.env['loyalty.mail'].create({
'program_id': program.id,
'trigger': 'create',
'mail_template_id': program.mail_template_id.id,
'pos_report_print_id': program.pos_report_print_id.id,
'trigger': 'create',
'pos_report_print_id': program.pos_report_print_id.id,
def _compute_pos_config_ids(self):
for program in self:
if not program.pos_ok:
program.pos_config_ids = False
def _compute_pos_order_count(self):
query = """
WITH reward_to_orders_count AS (
SELECT reward.id AS lr_id,
COUNT(DISTINCT pos_order.id) AS orders_count
FROM pos_order_line line
JOIN pos_order ON line.order_id = pos_order.id
JOIN loyalty_reward reward ON line.reward_id = reward.id
GROUP BY lr_id
program_to_reward AS (
SELECT reward.id AS reward_id,
program.id AS program_id
FROM loyalty_program program
JOIN loyalty_reward reward ON reward.program_id = program.id
WHERE program.id = ANY (%s)
SELECT program_to_reward.program_id,
FROM program_to_reward
LEFT JOIN reward_to_orders_count ON reward_to_orders_count.lr_id = program_to_reward.reward_id
GROUP BY program_to_reward.program_id
self._cr.execute(query, (self.ids,))
res = self._cr.dictfetchall()
res = {k['program_id']: k['sum'] for k in res}
for rec in self:
rec.pos_order_count = res.get(rec.id) or 0
def _compute_total_order_count(self):
for program in self:
program.total_order_count += program.pos_order_count