84 lines
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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import hashlib
import hmac
import logging
import re
from odoo import http
from odoo.http import request
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PosMercadoPagoWebhook(http.Controller):
@http.route('/pos_mercado_pago/notification', methods=['POST'], type="http", auth="none", csrf=False)
def notification(self):
""" Process the notification sent by Mercado Pago
Notification format is always json
# Check for mandatory keys in header
x_request_id = request.httprequest.headers.get('X-Request-Id')
if not x_request_id:
_logger.warning('POST message received with no X-Request-Id in header')
return http.Response(status=400)
x_signature = request.httprequest.headers.get('X-Signature')
if not x_signature:
_logger.warning('POST message received with no X-Signature in header')
return http.Response(status=400)
ts_m = re.search(r"ts=(\d+)", x_signature)
v1_m = re.search(r"v1=([a-f0-9]+)", x_signature)
ts = ts_m.group(1) if ts_m else None
v1 = v1_m.group(1) if v1_m else None
if not ts or not v1:
_logger.warning('Webhook bad X-Signature, ts: %s, v1: %s', ts, v1)
return http.Response(status=400)
# Check for payload
data = request.httprequest.get_json(silent=True)
if not data:
_logger.warning('POST message received with no data')
return http.Response(status=400)
# If and only if this webhook is related with a payment intend (see payment_mercado_pago.js)
# then the field data['additional_info']['external_reference'] contains a string
# formated like "XXX_YYY_ZZZ" where "XXX" is the session_id, "YYY" is the payment_method_id,
# and ZZZ is the pos_reference/uid for customer identification (Format ZZZZ-ZZZZ-ZZZZ)
external_reference = data.get('additional_info', {}).get('external_reference')
if not external_reference or not re.fullmatch(r'\d+_\d+[_\d-]*', external_reference):
_logger.warning('POST message received with no or malformed "external_reference" key: %s', external_reference)
return http.Response(status=400)
session_id, payment_method_id, _ = external_reference.split('_')
pos_session_sudo = request.env['pos.session'].sudo().browse(int(session_id))
if not pos_session_sudo or pos_session_sudo.state != 'opened':
_logger.error("Invalid session id: %s", session_id)
# This error is not related with Mercado Pago, simply acknowledge Mercado Pago message
return http.Response('OK', status=200)
payment_method_sudo = pos_session_sudo.config_id.payment_method_ids.filtered(lambda p: p.id == int(payment_method_id))
if not payment_method_sudo or payment_method_sudo.use_payment_terminal != 'mercado_pago':
_logger.error("Invalid payment method id: %s", payment_method_id)
# This error is not related with Mercado Pago, simply acknowledge Mercado Pago message
return http.Response('OK', status=200)
# We have to check if this comes from Mercado Pago with the secret key
secret_key = payment_method_sudo.mp_webhook_secret_key
signed_template = f"id:{data['id']};request-id:{x_request_id};ts:{ts};"
cyphed_signature = hmac.new(secret_key.encode(), signed_template.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
if not hmac.compare_digest(cyphed_signature, v1):
_logger.error('Webhook authenticating failure, ts: %s, v1: %s', ts, v1)
return http.Response(status=401)
_logger.debug('Webhook authenticated, POST message: %s', data)
# Notify the frontend that we received a message from Mercado Pago
request.env['bus.bus']._sendone(pos_session_sudo._get_bus_channel_name(), 'MERCADO_PAGO_LATEST_MESSAGE', {})
# Acknowledge Mercado Pago message
return http.Response('OK', status=200)