641 lines
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641 lines
25 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase, Form, tagged
@tagged('post_install', '-at_install')
class TestSaleMrpKitBom(TransactionCase):
def _create_product(self, name, product_type, price):
return self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': name,
'type': product_type,
'standard_price': price,
def test_reset_avco_kit(self):
Test a specific use case : One product with 2 variant, each variant has its own BoM with either component_1 or
component_2. Create a SO for one of the variant, confirm, cancel, reset to draft and then change the product of
the SO -> There should be no traceback
component_1 = self.env['product.product'].create({'name': 'compo 1'})
component_2 = self.env['product.product'].create({'name': 'compo 2'})
product_category = self.env['product.category'].create({
'name': 'test avco kit',
'property_cost_method': 'average'
attributes = self.env['product.attribute'].create({'name': 'Legs'})
steel_legs = self.env['product.attribute.value'].create({'attribute_id': attributes.id, 'name': 'Steel'})
aluminium_legs = self.env['product.attribute.value'].create(
{'attribute_id': attributes.id, 'name': 'Aluminium'})
product_template = self.env['product.template'].create({
'name': 'test product',
'categ_id': product_category.id,
'attribute_line_ids': [(0, 0, {
'attribute_id': attributes.id,
'value_ids': [(6, 0, [steel_legs.id, aluminium_legs.id])]
product_variant_ids = product_template.product_variant_ids
# BoM 1 with component_1
'product_id': product_variant_ids[0].id,
'product_tmpl_id': product_variant_ids[0].product_tmpl_id.id,
'product_qty': 1.0,
'consumption': 'flexible',
'type': 'phantom',
'bom_line_ids': [(0, 0, {'product_id': component_1.id, 'product_qty': 1})]
# BoM 2 with component_2
'product_id': product_variant_ids[1].id,
'product_tmpl_id': product_variant_ids[1].product_tmpl_id.id,
'product_qty': 1.0,
'consumption': 'flexible',
'type': 'phantom',
'bom_line_ids': [(0, 0, {'product_id': component_2.id, 'product_qty': 1})]
partner = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': 'Testing Man'})
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': partner.id,
# Create the order line
'name': "Order line",
'product_id': product_variant_ids[0].id,
'order_id': so.id,
with Form(so) as so_form:
with so_form.order_line.edit(0) as order_line_change:
# The actual test, there should be no traceback here
order_line_change.product_id = product_variant_ids[1]
def test_sale_mrp_kit_cost(self):
Check the total cost of a KIT:
# BoM of Kit A:
# - BoM Type: Kit
# - Quantity: 1
# - Components:
# * 1 x Component A (Cost: $ 6, QTY: 1, UOM: Dozens)
# * 1 x Component B (Cost: $ 10, QTY: 2, UOM: Unit)
# cost of Kit A = (6 * 1 * 12) + (10 * 2) = $ 92
self.customer = self.env['res.partner'].create({
'name': 'customer'
self.kit_product = self._create_product('Kit Product', 'product', 1.00)
# Creating components
self.component_a = self._create_product('Component A', 'product', 1.00)
self.component_a.product_tmpl_id.standard_price = 6
self.component_b = self._create_product('Component B', 'product', 1.00)
self.component_b.product_tmpl_id.standard_price = 10
cat = self.env['product.category'].create({
'name': 'fifo',
'property_cost_method': 'fifo'
self.kit_product.product_tmpl_id.categ_id = cat
self.component_a.product_tmpl_id.categ_id = cat
self.component_b.product_tmpl_id.categ_id = cat
self.bom = self.env['mrp.bom'].create({
'product_tmpl_id': self.kit_product.product_tmpl_id.id,
'product_qty': 1.0,
'type': 'phantom'
'product_id': self.component_a.id,
'product_qty': 1.0,
'bom_id': self.bom.id,
'product_uom_id': self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_dozen').id,
'product_id': self.component_b.id,
'product_qty': 2.0,
'bom_id': self.bom.id,
'product_uom_id': self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_unit').id,
# Create a SO with one unit of the kit product
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.customer.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {
'name': self.kit_product.name,
'product_id': self.kit_product.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'product_uom': self.kit_product.uom_id.id,
line = so.order_line
purchase_price = line.product_id.with_company(line.company_id)._compute_average_price(0, line.product_uom_qty, line.move_ids)
self.assertEqual(purchase_price, 92, "The purchase price must be the total cost of the components multiplied by their unit of measure")
def test_qty_delivered_with_bom(self):
"""Check the quantity delivered, when a bom line has a non integer quantity"""
self.env.ref('product.decimal_product_uom').digits = 5
self.kit = self._create_product('Kit', 'product', 0.00)
self.comp = self._create_product('Component', 'product', 0.00)
# Create BoM for Kit
bom_product_form = Form(self.env['mrp.bom'])
bom_product_form.product_id = self.kit
bom_product_form.product_tmpl_id = self.kit.product_tmpl_id
bom_product_form.product_qty = 1.0
bom_product_form.type = 'phantom'
with bom_product_form.bom_line_ids.new() as bom_line:
bom_line.product_id = self.comp
bom_line.product_qty = 0.08600
self.bom = bom_product_form.save()
self.customer = self.env['res.partner'].create({
'name': 'customer',
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.customer.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {
'name': self.kit.name,
'product_id': self.kit.id,
'product_uom_qty': 10.0,
'product_uom': self.kit.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': 1,
'tax_id': False,
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.qty_delivered, 0)
picking = so.picking_ids
picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 0.86000, 'picked': True})
# Checks the delivery amount (must be 10).
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.qty_delivered, 10)
def test_qty_delivered_with_bom_using_kit(self):
"""Check the quantity delivered, when one product is a kit
and his bom uses another product that is also a kit"""
self.kitA = self._create_product('Kit A', 'consu', 0.00)
self.kitB = self._create_product('Kit B', 'consu', 0.00)
self.compA = self._create_product('ComponentA', 'consu', 0.00)
self.compB = self._create_product('ComponentB', 'consu', 0.00)
# Create BoM for KitB
bom_product_formA = Form(self.env['mrp.bom'])
bom_product_formA.product_id = self.kitB
bom_product_formA.product_tmpl_id = self.kitB.product_tmpl_id
bom_product_formA.product_qty = 1.0
bom_product_formA.type = 'phantom'
with bom_product_formA.bom_line_ids.new() as bom_line:
bom_line.product_id = self.compA
bom_line.product_qty = 1
with bom_product_formA.bom_line_ids.new() as bom_line:
bom_line.product_id = self.compB
bom_line.product_qty = 1
self.bomA = bom_product_formA.save()
# Create BoM for KitA
bom_product_formB = Form(self.env['mrp.bom'])
bom_product_formB.product_id = self.kitA
bom_product_formB.product_tmpl_id = self.kitA.product_tmpl_id
bom_product_formB.product_qty = 1.0
bom_product_formB.type = 'phantom'
with bom_product_formB.bom_line_ids.new() as bom_line:
bom_line.product_id = self.compA
bom_line.product_qty = 1
with bom_product_formB.bom_line_ids.new() as bom_line:
bom_line.product_id = self.kitB
bom_line.product_qty = 1
self.bomB = bom_product_formB.save()
self.customer = self.env['res.partner'].create({
'name': 'customer',
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.customer.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {
'name': self.kitA.name,
'product_id': self.kitA.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'product_uom': self.kitA.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': 1,
'tax_id': False,
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.qty_delivered, 0)
picking = so.picking_ids
# Checks the delivery amount (must be 1).
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.qty_delivered, 1)
def test_sale_kit_show_kit_in_delivery(self):
"""Create a kit with 2 product and activate 2 steps
delivery and check that every stock move contains
a bom_line_id
wh = self.env['stock.warehouse'].search([('company_id', '=', self.env.user.id)], limit=1)
wh.write({'delivery_steps': 'pick_ship'})
kitA = self._create_product('Kit Product', 'product', 0.00)
compA = self._create_product('ComponentA', 'product', 0.00)
compB = self._create_product('ComponentB', 'product', 0.00)
# Create BoM for KitB
bom_product_formA = Form(self.env['mrp.bom'])
bom_product_formA.product_id = kitA
bom_product_formA.product_tmpl_id = kitA.product_tmpl_id
bom_product_formA.product_qty = 1.0
bom_product_formA.type = 'phantom'
with bom_product_formA.bom_line_ids.new() as bom_line:
bom_line.product_id = compA
bom_line.product_qty = 1
with bom_product_formA.bom_line_ids.new() as bom_line:
bom_line.product_id = compB
bom_line.product_qty = 1
customer = self.env['res.partner'].create({
'name': 'customer',
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': customer.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {
'name': kitA.name,
'product_id': kitA.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'product_uom': kitA.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': 1,
'tax_id': False,
pick = so.picking_ids[0]
ship = so.picking_ids[1]
self.assertTrue(pick.move_ids_without_package[0].bom_line_id, "All component from kits should have a bom line")
self.assertTrue(pick.move_ids_without_package[1].bom_line_id, "All component from kits should have a bom line")
self.assertTrue(ship.move_ids_without_package[0].bom_line_id, "All component from kits should have a bom line")
self.assertTrue(ship.move_ids_without_package[1].bom_line_id, "All component from kits should have a bom line")
def test_qty_delivered_with_bom_using_kit2(self):
"""Create 2 kits products that have common components and activate 2 steps delivery
Then create a sale order with these 2 products, and put everything in a pack in
the first step of the delivery. After the shipping is done, check the done quantity
is correct for each products.
wh = self.env['stock.warehouse'].search([('company_id', '=', self.env.user.id)], limit=1)
wh.write({'delivery_steps': 'pick_ship'})
kitAB = self._create_product('Kit AB', 'product', 0.00)
kitABC = self._create_product('Kit ABC', 'product', 0.00)
compA = self._create_product('ComponentA', 'product', 0.00)
compB = self._create_product('ComponentB', 'product', 0.00)
compC = self._create_product('ComponentC', 'product', 0.00)
# Create BoM for KitB
bom_product_formA = Form(self.env['mrp.bom'])
bom_product_formA.product_id = kitAB
bom_product_formA.product_tmpl_id = kitAB.product_tmpl_id
bom_product_formA.product_qty = 1.0
bom_product_formA.type = 'phantom'
with bom_product_formA.bom_line_ids.new() as bom_line:
bom_line.product_id = compA
bom_line.product_qty = 1
with bom_product_formA.bom_line_ids.new() as bom_line:
bom_line.product_id = compB
bom_line.product_qty = 1
# Create BoM for KitA
bom_product_formB = Form(self.env['mrp.bom'])
bom_product_formB.product_id = kitABC
bom_product_formB.product_tmpl_id = kitABC.product_tmpl_id
bom_product_formB.product_qty = 1.0
bom_product_formB.type = 'phantom'
with bom_product_formB.bom_line_ids.new() as bom_line:
bom_line.product_id = compA
bom_line.product_qty = 1
with bom_product_formB.bom_line_ids.new() as bom_line:
bom_line.product_id = compB
bom_line.product_qty = 1
with bom_product_formB.bom_line_ids.new() as bom_line:
bom_line.product_id = compC
bom_line.product_qty = 1
customer = self.env['res.partner'].create({
'name': 'customer',
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': customer.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {
'name': kitAB.name,
'product_id': kitAB.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'product_uom': kitAB.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': 1,
'tax_id': False,
(0, 0, {
'name': kitABC.name,
'product_id': kitABC.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'product_uom': kitABC.uom_id.id,
'price_unit': 1,
'tax_id': False,
pick = so.picking_ids[0]
ship = so.picking_ids[1]
for move in pick.move_ids:
move.write({'quantity': 1, 'picked': True})
ship.package_level_ids.write({'is_done': True})
for move_line in ship.move_line_ids:
self.assertEqual(move_line.move_id.product_uom_qty, move_line.quantity, "Quantity done should be equal to the quantity reserved in the move line")
def test_kit_in_delivery_slip(self):
Suppose this structure:
Sale order:
- Kit 1 with a sales description("test"):
|- Compo 1
- Product 1
- Kit 2
* Variant 1
- Compo 1
* Variant 2
- Compo 1
- Kit 4:
- Compo 1
- Kit 5
- Kit 4
- Compo 1
This test ensures that, when delivering a Kit product with a sales description,
the delivery report is correctly printed with all the products.
kit_1, component_1, product_1, kit_3, kit_4 = self.env['product.product'].create([{
'name': n,
'type': 'product',
} for n in ['Kit 1', 'Compo 1', 'Product 1', 'Kit 3', 'Kit 4']])
kit_1.description_sale = "test"
'product_tmpl_id': kit_1.product_tmpl_id.id,
'product_qty': 1,
'type': 'phantom',
'bom_line_ids': [
(0, 0, {'product_id': component_1.id, 'product_qty': 1}),
colors = ['red', 'blue']
prod_attr = self.env['product.attribute'].create({'name': 'Color', 'create_variant': 'always'})
prod_attr_values = self.env['product.attribute.value'].create([{'name': color, 'attribute_id': prod_attr.id, 'sequence': 1} for color in colors])
kit_2 = self.env['product.template'].create({
'name': 'Kit 2',
'attribute_line_ids': [(0, 0, {
'attribute_id': prod_attr.id,
'value_ids': [(6, 0, prod_attr_values.ids)]
'product_tmpl_id': kit_2.id,
'product_id': kit_2.product_variant_ids[0].id,
'product_qty': 1,
'type': 'phantom',
'bom_line_ids': [
(0, 0, {'product_id': component_1.id, 'product_qty': 1}),
'product_tmpl_id': kit_2.id,
'product_id': kit_2.product_variant_ids[1].id,
'product_qty': 1,
'type': 'phantom',
'bom_line_ids': [
(0, 0, {'product_id': component_1.id, 'product_qty': 1}),
'product_tmpl_id': kit_3.product_tmpl_id.id,
'product_qty': 1,
'type': 'phantom',
'bom_line_ids': [
(0, 0, {'product_id': component_1.id, 'product_qty': 1}),
'product_tmpl_id': kit_4.product_tmpl_id.id,
'product_qty': 1,
'type': 'phantom',
'bom_line_ids': [
(0, 0, {'product_id': component_1.id, 'product_qty': 1}),
(0, 0, {'product_id': kit_3.id, 'product_qty': 1}),
customer = self.env['res.partner'].create({
'name': 'customer',
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': customer.id,
'order_line': [
(0, 0, {
'product_id': kit_1.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
(0, 0, {
'product_id': product_1.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
(0, 0, {
'product_id': kit_2.product_variant_ids[0].id,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
(0, 0, {
'product_id': kit_2.product_variant_ids[1].id,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
(0, 0, {
'product_id': kit_3.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
(0, 0, {
'product_id': kit_4.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
picking = so.picking_ids
self.assertEqual(len(so.picking_ids.move_ids_without_package), 7)
picking.move_ids.write({'quantity': 1, 'picked': True})
self.assertEqual(picking.state, 'done')
html_report = self.env['ir.actions.report']._render_qweb_html('stock.report_deliveryslip', picking.ids)[0].decode('utf-8').split('\n')
keys = [
"Kit 1", "Compo 1", "Kit 2 (red)", "Compo 1", "Kit 2 (blue)", "Compo 1",
"Kit 3", "Compo 1", "Kit 4", "Compo 1",
"Products not associated with a kit", "Product 1",
for line in html_report:
if not keys:
if keys[0] in line:
keys = keys[1:]
self.assertFalse(keys, "All keys should be in the report with the defined order")
def test_sale_multistep_kit_qty_change(self):
self.env['stock.warehouse'].search([], limit=1).write({'delivery_steps': 'pick_ship'})
self.partner = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': 'Test Partner'})
kit_prod = self._create_product('kit_prod', 'product', 0.00)
sub_kit = self._create_product('sub_kit', 'product', 0.00)
component = self._create_product('component', 'product', 0.00)
component.uom_id = self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_dozen')
# 6 kit_prod == 5 component
self.env['mrp.bom'].create([{ # 2 kit_prod == 5 sub_kit
'product_tmpl_id': kit_prod.product_tmpl_id.id,
'product_qty': 2.0,
'type': 'phantom',
'bom_line_ids': [(0, 0, {
'product_id': sub_kit.id,
'product_qty': 5,
}, { # 3 sub_kit == 1 component
'product_tmpl_id': sub_kit.product_tmpl_id.id,
'product_qty': 3.0,
'type': 'phantom',
'bom_line_ids': [(0, 0, {
'product_id': component.id,
'product_qty': 1,
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': self.partner.id,
'order_line': [(0, 0, {
'name': kit_prod.name,
'product_id': kit_prod.id,
'product_uom_qty': 30,
# Validate the SO
picking_pick = so.picking_ids[0]
picking_pick.picking_type_id.create_backorder = 'never'
picking_ship = so.picking_ids[1]
picking_ship.picking_type_id.create_backorder = 'never'
# Check the component qty in the created picking should be 25
self.assertEqual(picking_pick.move_ids.product_qty, 30 * 5 / 6)
# Update the kit quantity in the SO
so.order_line[0].product_uom_qty = 60
# Check the component qty after the update should be 50
self.assertEqual(picking_pick.move_ids.product_qty, 60 * 5 / 6)
# Recieve half the quantity 25 component == 30 kit_prod
picking_pick.move_ids.quantity = 25
picking_ship.move_ids.quantity = 25
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.qty_delivered, 25 / 5 * 6)
# Return 10 components
stock_return_picking_form = Form(self.env['stock.return.picking']
.with_context(active_ids=picking_ship.ids, active_id=picking_ship.id,
return_wiz = stock_return_picking_form.save()
for return_move in return_wiz.product_return_moves:
'quantity': 10,
'to_refund': True
res = return_wiz.create_returns()
return_pick = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id'])
# Process all components and validate the return
self.assertEqual(so.order_line.qty_delivered, 15 / 5 * 6)
def test_sale_kit_qty_change(self):
# Create record rule
mrp_bom_model = self.env['ir.model']._get('mrp.bom')
'name': "No one allowed to access BoMs",
'model_id': mrp_bom_model.id,
'domain_force': [(0, '=', 1)],
# Create BoM
kit_product = self._create_product('Kit Product', 'product', 1)
component_a = self._create_product('Component A', 'product', 1)
'product_id': kit_product.id,
'product_tmpl_id': kit_product.product_tmpl_id.id,
'product_qty': 1,
'consumption': 'flexible',
'type': 'phantom',
'bom_line_ids': [(0, 0, {'product_id': component_a.id, 'product_qty': 1})]
# Create sale order
partner = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': 'Testing Man'})
so = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': partner.id,
sol = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'name': "Order line",
'product_id': kit_product.id,
'order_id': so.id,
user_admin = self.env['res.users'].search([('login', '=', 'admin')])
sol.with_user(user_admin).write({'product_uom_qty': 5})
self.assertEqual(sum(sol.move_ids.mapped('product_uom_qty')), 5)