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2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from unittest.mock import patch
from odoo.addons.base.models.ir_mail_server import IrMailServer
from odoo.addons.survey.tests import common
from odoo.tests import tagged
from odoo.tests.common import HttpCase
@tagged('-at_install', 'post_install', 'functional')
class TestCertificationFlow(common.TestSurveyCommon, HttpCase):
def test_flow_certification(self):
# Step: survey user creates the certification
# --------------------------------------------------
with self.with_user('survey_user'):
certification = self.env['survey.survey'].create({
'title': 'User Certification for SO lines',
'access_mode': 'public',
'users_login_required': True,
'questions_layout': 'page_per_question',
'users_can_go_back': True,
'scoring_type': 'scoring_with_answers',
'scoring_success_min': 85.0,
'certification': True,
'certification_mail_template_id': self.env.ref('survey.mail_template_certification').id,
'is_time_limited': True,
'time_limit': 10,
q01 = self._add_question(
None, 'When do you know it\'s the right time to use the SO line model?', 'simple_choice',
constr_mandatory=True, constr_error_msg='Please select an answer', survey_id=certification.id,
{'value': 'Please stop'},
{'value': 'Only on the SO form'},
{'value': 'Only on the Survey form'},
{'value': 'Easy, all the time!!!', 'is_correct': True, 'answer_score': 2.0}
q02 = self._add_question(
None, 'On average, how many lines of code do you need when you use SO line widgets?', 'simple_choice',
constr_mandatory=True, constr_error_msg='Please select an answer', survey_id=certification.id,
{'value': '1'},
{'value': '5', 'is_correct': True, 'answer_score': 2.0},
{'value': '100'},
{'value': '1000'}
q03 = self._add_question(
None, 'What do you think about SO line widgets (not rated)?', 'text_box',
constr_mandatory=True, constr_error_msg='Please tell us what you think', survey_id=certification.id)
q04 = self._add_question(
None, 'On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like SO line widgets (not rated)?', 'simple_choice',
constr_mandatory=True, constr_error_msg='Please tell us what you think', survey_id=certification.id,
{'value': '-1'},
{'value': '0'},
{'value': '100'}
q05 = self._add_question(
None, 'Select all the correct "types" of SO lines', 'multiple_choice',
constr_mandatory=False, survey_id=certification.id,
{'value': 'sale_order', 'is_correct': True, 'answer_score': 1.0},
{'value': 'survey_page', 'is_correct': True, 'answer_score': 1.0},
{'value': 'survey_question', 'is_correct': True, 'answer_score': 1.0},
{'value': 'a_future_and_yet_unknown_model', 'is_correct': True, 'answer_score': 1.0},
{'value': 'none', 'answer_score': -1.0}
# Step: employee takes the certification
# --------------------------------------------------
self.authenticate('user_emp', 'user_emp')
# Employee opens start page
response = self._access_start(certification)
self.assertResponse(response, 200, [certification.title, 'Time limit for this certification', '10 minutes'])
# -> this should have generated a new user_input with a token
user_inputs = self.env['survey.user_input'].search([('survey_id', '=', certification.id)])
self.assertEqual(len(user_inputs), 1)
self.assertEqual(user_inputs.partner_id, self.user_emp.partner_id)
answer_token = user_inputs.access_token
# Employee begins survey with first page
response = self._access_page(certification, answer_token)
self.assertResponse(response, 200)
csrf_token = self._find_csrf_token(response.text)
r = self._access_begin(certification, answer_token)
self.assertResponse(r, 200)
with patch.object(IrMailServer, 'connect'):
self._answer_question(q01, q01.suggested_answer_ids.ids[3], answer_token, csrf_token)
self._answer_question(q02, q02.suggested_answer_ids.ids[1], answer_token, csrf_token)
self._answer_question(q03, "I think they're great!", answer_token, csrf_token)
self._answer_question(q04, q04.suggested_answer_ids.ids[0], answer_token, csrf_token, button_submit='previous')
self._answer_question(q03, "Just kidding, I don't like it...", answer_token, csrf_token)
self._answer_question(q04, q04.suggested_answer_ids.ids[0], answer_token, csrf_token)
self._answer_question(q05, [q05.suggested_answer_ids.ids[0], q05.suggested_answer_ids.ids[1], q05.suggested_answer_ids.ids[3]], answer_token, csrf_token)
# Check that certification is successfully passed
self.assertEqual(user_inputs.scoring_percentage, 87.5)
# assert statistics
statistics = user_inputs._prepare_statistics()[user_inputs]
total_statistics = statistics['totals']
key=lambda item: item['text']
{'text': 'Correct', 'count': 2},
{'text': 'Partially', 'count': 1},
{'text': 'Incorrect', 'count': 0},
{'text': 'Unanswered', 'count': 0},
key=lambda item: item['text']
# Check that the certification is still successful even if scoring_success_min of certification is modified
certification.write({'scoring_success_min': 90})
# Check answer correction is taken into account
self.assertNotIn("I think they're great!", user_inputs.mapped('user_input_line_ids.value_text_box'))
self.assertIn("Just kidding, I don't like it...", user_inputs.mapped('user_input_line_ids.value_text_box'))
certification_email = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo().search([], limit=1, order="create_date desc")
# Check certification email correctly sent and contains document
self.assertIn("User Certification for SO lines", certification_email.subject)
self.assertIn("employee@example.com", certification_email.email_to)
self.assertEqual(len(certification_email.attachment_ids), 1)
self.assertEqual(certification_email.attachment_ids[0].name, f'Certification - {certification.title}.html',
'Default certification report print_report_name is "Certification - %s" % (object.survey_id.display_name)')
def test_randomized_certification(self):
# Step: survey user creates the randomized certification
# --------------------------------------------------
with self.with_user('survey_user'):
certification = self.env['survey.survey'].create({
'title': 'User randomized Certification',
'questions_layout': 'page_per_section',
'questions_selection': 'random',
'scoring_type': 'scoring_without_answers',
page1 = self._add_question(
None, 'Page 1', None,
q101 = self._add_question(
None, 'What is the answer to the first question?', 'simple_choice',
constr_mandatory=True, constr_error_msg='Please select an answer', survey_id=certification.id,
{'value': 'The correct answer', 'is_correct': True, 'answer_score': 1.0},
{'value': 'The wrong answer'},
q102 = self._add_question(
None, 'What is the answer to the second question?', 'simple_choice',
constr_mandatory=True, constr_error_msg='Please select an answer', survey_id=certification.id,
{'value': 'The correct answer', 'is_correct': True, 'answer_score': 1.0},
{'value': 'The wrong answer'},
# Step: employee takes the randomized certification
# --------------------------------------------------
self.authenticate('user_emp', 'user_emp')
# Employee opens start page
response = self._access_start(certification)
# -> this should have generated a new user_input with a token
user_inputs = self.env['survey.user_input'].search([('survey_id', '=', certification.id)])
self.assertEqual(len(user_inputs), 1)
self.assertEqual(user_inputs.partner_id, self.user_emp.partner_id)
answer_token = user_inputs.access_token
# Employee begins survey with first page
response = self._access_page(certification, answer_token)
self.assertResponse(response, 200)
csrf_token = self._find_csrf_token(response.text)
r = self._access_begin(certification, answer_token)
self.assertResponse(r, 200)
with patch.object(IrMailServer, 'connect'):
question_ids = user_inputs.predefined_question_ids
self.assertEqual(len(question_ids), 1, 'Only one question should have been selected by the randomization')
# Whatever which question was selected, the correct answer is the first one
self._answer_question(question_ids, question_ids.suggested_answer_ids.ids[0], answer_token, csrf_token)
statistics = user_inputs._prepare_statistics()[user_inputs]
total_statistics = statistics['totals']
key=lambda item: item['text']
{'text': 'Correct', 'count': 1},
{'text': 'Partially', 'count': 0},
{'text': 'Incorrect', 'count': 0},
{'text': 'Unanswered', 'count': 0},
key=lambda item: item['text']
"With the configured randomization, there should be exactly 1 correctly answered question and none skipped."
section_statistics = statistics['by_section']
self.assertEqual(section_statistics, {
'Page 1': {
'question_count': 1,
'correct': 1,
'partial': 0,
'incorrect': 0,
'skipped': 0,
}, "With the configured randomization, there should be exactly 1 correctly answered question in the 'Page 1' section.")