
316 lines
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2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import functools
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import unicodedata
from werkzeug.utils import send_file
except ImportError:
from odoo.tools._vendor.send_file import send_file
import odoo
import odoo.modules.registry
from odoo import SUPERUSER_ID, _, http
from odoo.addons.base.models.assetsbundle import ANY_UNIQUE
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, UserError
from odoo.http import request, Response
from odoo.tools import file_open, file_path, replace_exceptions, str2bool
from odoo.tools.image import image_guess_size_from_field_name
from odoo.tools.mimetypes import guess_mimetype
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Odoo is running with --x-sendfile but is receiving /web/filestore requests.
With --x-sendfile enabled, NGINX should be serving the
/web/filestore route, however Odoo is receiving the
This usually indicates that NGINX is badly configured,
please make sure the /web/filestore location block exists
in your configuration file and that it is similar to:
location /web/filestore {{
alias {data_dir}/filestore;
def clean(name):
return name.replace('\x3c', '')
class Binary(http.Controller):
@http.route('/web/filestore/<path:_path>', type='http', auth='none')
def content_filestore(self, _path):
if odoo.tools.config['x_sendfile']:
# pylint: disable=logging-format-interpolation
raise http.request.not_found()
'/web/content/<string:model>/<int:id>/<string:field>/<string:filename>'], type='http', auth="public")
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
def content_common(self, xmlid=None, model='ir.attachment', id=None, field='raw',
filename=None, filename_field='name', mimetype=None, unique=False,
download=False, access_token=None, nocache=False):
with replace_exceptions(UserError, by=request.not_found()):
record = request.env['ir.binary']._find_record(xmlid, model, id and int(id), access_token)
stream = request.env['ir.binary']._get_stream_from(record, field, filename, filename_field, mimetype)
if request.httprequest.args.get('access_token'):
stream.public = True
send_file_kwargs = {'as_attachment': str2bool(download)}
if unique:
send_file_kwargs['immutable'] = True
send_file_kwargs['max_age'] = http.STATIC_CACHE_LONG
if nocache:
send_file_kwargs['max_age'] = None
return stream.get_response(**send_file_kwargs)
'/web/assets/<string:unique>/<string:filename>'], type='http', auth="public")
def content_assets(self, filename=None, unique=ANY_UNIQUE, nocache=False, assets_params=None):
assets_params = assets_params or {}
assert isinstance(assets_params, dict)
debug_assets = unique == 'debug'
if unique in ('any', '%'):
unique = ANY_UNIQUE
attachment = None
if unique != 'debug':
url = request.env['ir.asset']._get_asset_bundle_url(filename, unique, assets_params)
assert not '%' in url
domain = [
('public', '=', True),
('url', '!=', False),
('url', '=like', url),
('res_model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'),
('res_id', '=', 0),
('create_uid', '=', SUPERUSER_ID),
attachment = request.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().search(domain, limit=1)
if not attachment:
# try to generate one
if filename.endswith('.map'):
_logger.error(".map should have been generated through debug assets, (version %s most likely outdated)", unique)
raise request.not_found()
bundle_name, rtl, asset_type = request.env['ir.asset']._parse_bundle_name(filename, debug_assets)
css = asset_type == 'css'
js = asset_type == 'js'
bundle = request.env['ir.qweb']._get_asset_bundle(
# check if the version matches. If not, redirect to the last version
if not debug_assets and unique != ANY_UNIQUE and unique != bundle.get_version(asset_type):
return request.redirect(bundle.get_link(asset_type))
if css and bundle.stylesheets:
attachment = bundle.css()
elif js and bundle.javascripts:
attachment = bundle.js()
except ValueError as e:
_logger.warning("Parsing asset bundle %s has failed: %s", filename, e)
raise request.not_found() from e
if not attachment:
raise request.not_found()
stream = request.env['ir.binary']._get_stream_from(attachment, 'raw', filename)
send_file_kwargs = {'as_attachment': False}
if unique and unique != 'debug':
send_file_kwargs['immutable'] = True
send_file_kwargs['max_age'] = http.STATIC_CACHE_LONG
if nocache:
send_file_kwargs['max_age'] = None
return stream.get_response(**send_file_kwargs)
'/web/image/<int:id>-<string:unique>/<int:width>x<int:height>/<string:filename>'], type='http', auth="public")
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
def content_image(self, xmlid=None, model='ir.attachment', id=None, field='raw',
filename_field='name', filename=None, mimetype=None, unique=False,
download=False, width=0, height=0, crop=False, access_token=None,
record = request.env['ir.binary']._find_record(xmlid, model, id and int(id), access_token)
stream = request.env['ir.binary']._get_image_stream_from(
record, field, filename=filename, filename_field=filename_field,
mimetype=mimetype, width=int(width), height=int(height), crop=crop,
if request.httprequest.args.get('access_token'):
stream.public = True
except UserError as exc:
if download:
raise request.not_found() from exc
# Use the ratio of the requested field_name instead of "raw"
if (int(width), int(height)) == (0, 0):
width, height = image_guess_size_from_field_name(field)
record = request.env.ref('web.image_placeholder').sudo()
stream = request.env['ir.binary']._get_image_stream_from(
record, 'raw', width=int(width), height=int(height), crop=crop,
stream.public = False
send_file_kwargs = {'as_attachment': str2bool(download)}
if unique:
send_file_kwargs['immutable'] = True
send_file_kwargs['max_age'] = http.STATIC_CACHE_LONG
if nocache:
send_file_kwargs['max_age'] = None
return stream.get_response(**send_file_kwargs)
@http.route('/web/binary/upload_attachment', type='http', auth="user")
def upload_attachment(self, model, id, ufile, callback=None):
files = request.httprequest.files.getlist('ufile')
Model = request.env['ir.attachment']
out = """<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var win = window.top.window;
win.jQuery(win).trigger(%s, %s);
args = []
for ufile in files:
filename = ufile.filename
if request.httprequest.user_agent.browser == 'safari':
# Safari sends NFD UTF-8 (where é is composed by 'e' and [accent])
# we need to send it the same stuff, otherwise it'll fail
filename = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', ufile.filename)
attachment = Model.create({
'name': filename,
'raw': ufile.read(),
'res_model': model,
'res_id': int(id)
except AccessError:
args.append({'error': _("You are not allowed to upload an attachment here.")})
except Exception:
args.append({'error': _("Something horrible happened")})
_logger.exception("Fail to upload attachment %s", ufile.filename)
'filename': clean(filename),
'mimetype': attachment.mimetype,
'id': attachment.id,
'size': attachment.file_size
return out % (json.dumps(clean(callback)), json.dumps(args)) if callback else json.dumps(args)
], type='http', auth="none", cors="*")
def company_logo(self, dbname=None, **kw):
imgname = 'logo'
imgext = '.png'
dbname = request.db
uid = (request.session.uid if dbname else None) or odoo.SUPERUSER_ID
if not dbname:
response = http.Stream.from_path(file_path('web/static/img/logo.png')).get_response()
# create an empty registry
registry = odoo.modules.registry.Registry(dbname)
with registry.cursor() as cr:
company = int(kw['company']) if kw and kw.get('company') else False
if company:
cr.execute("""SELECT logo_web, write_date
FROM res_company
WHERE id = %s
""", (company,))
cr.execute("""SELECT c.logo_web, c.write_date
FROM res_users u
LEFT JOIN res_company c
ON c.id = u.company_id
WHERE u.id = %s
""", (uid,))
row = cr.fetchone()
if row and row[0]:
image_base64 = base64.b64decode(row[0])
image_data = io.BytesIO(image_base64)
mimetype = guess_mimetype(image_base64, default='image/png')
imgext = '.' + mimetype.split('/')[1]
if imgext == '.svg+xml':
imgext = '.svg'
response = send_file(
download_name=imgname + imgext,
response = http.Stream.from_path(file_path('web/static/img/nologo.png')).get_response()
except Exception:
response = http.Stream.from_path(file_path(f'web/static/img/{imgname}{imgext}')).get_response()
return response
@http.route(['/web/sign/get_fonts', '/web/sign/get_fonts/<string:fontname>'], type='json', auth='public')
def get_fonts(self, fontname=None):
"""This route will return a list of base64 encoded fonts.
Those fonts will be proposed to the user when creating a signature
using mode 'auto'.
:return: base64 encoded fonts
:rtype: list
supported_exts = ('.ttf', '.otf', '.woff', '.woff2')
fonts = []
fonts_directory = file_path('web/static/fonts/sign')
if fontname:
font_path = os.path.join(fonts_directory, fontname)
with file_open(font_path, 'rb', filter_ext=supported_exts) as font_file:
font = base64.b64encode(font_file.read())
font_filenames = sorted([fn for fn in os.listdir(fonts_directory) if fn.endswith(supported_exts)])
for filename in font_filenames:
font_file = file_open(os.path.join(fonts_directory, filename), 'rb', filter_ext=supported_exts)
font = base64.b64encode(font_file.read())
return fonts