337 lines
12 KiB
337 lines
12 KiB
/** @odoo-module **/
import { getFixture, mount, nextTick } from "@web/../tests/helpers/utils";
import { makeWithSearch, setupControlPanelServiceRegistry } from "@web/../tests/search/helpers";
import { Layout } from "@web/search/layout";
import { getDefaultConfig } from "@web/views/view";
import { makeTestEnv } from "@web/../tests/helpers/mock_env";
import { SearchModel } from "@web/search/search_model";
import { Component, xml, onWillStart, useChildSubEnv, useSubEnv } from "@odoo/owl";
import { useService } from "@web/core/utils/hooks";
let target;
let serverData;
QUnit.module("Views", (hooks) => {
hooks.beforeEach(() => {
serverData = {
models: {
foo: {
fields: {
aaa: {
type: "selection",
selection: [
["a", "A"],
["b", "B"],
records: [],
views: {
"foo,false,search": /* xml */ `
<field name="aaa" />
target = getFixture();
QUnit.test("Simple rendering", async (assert) => {
class ToyComponent extends Component {}
ToyComponent.template = xml`
<Layout className="'o_view_sample_data'" display="props.display">
<div class="toy_content" />
ToyComponent.components = { Layout };
const env = await makeTestEnv();
const toyEnv = Object.assign(Object.create(env), { config: {} });
await mount(ToyComponent, getFixture(), { env: toyEnv });
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_view_sample_data");
assert.containsNone(target, ".o_control_panel");
assert.containsNone(target, ".o_component_with_search_panel");
assert.containsNone(target, ".o_search_panel");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_content > .toy_content");
QUnit.test("Simple rendering: with search", async (assert) => {
class ToyComponent extends Component {}
ToyComponent.template = xml`
<Layout display="props.display">
<t t-set-slot="layout-actions">
<div class="toy_search_bar" />
<div class="toy_content" />
ToyComponent.components = { Layout };
await makeWithSearch({
Component: ToyComponent,
resModel: "foo",
searchViewId: false,
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_control_panel .o_control_panel_actions .toy_search_bar");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_component_with_search_panel .o_search_panel");
assert.containsNone(target, ".o_cp_searchview");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_content > .toy_content");
QUnit.test("Rendering with default ControlPanel and SearchPanel", async (assert) => {
class ToyComponent extends Component {
setup() {
this.searchModel = new SearchModel(this.env, {
user: useService("user"),
orm: useService("orm"),
view: useService("view"),
useSubEnv({ searchModel: this.searchModel });
onWillStart(async () => {
await this.searchModel.load({ resModel: "foo" });
ToyComponent.template = xml`
<Layout className="'o_view_sample_data'" display="{
controlPanel: {},
searchPanel: true,
<div class="toy_content" />
ToyComponent.components = { Layout };
const env = await makeTestEnv();
const toyEnv = Object.assign(Object.create(env), {
config: { breadcrumbs: getDefaultConfig().breadcrumbs },
await mount(ToyComponent, getFixture(), { env: toyEnv });
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_search_panel");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_control_panel");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_breadcrumb");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_component_with_search_panel");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_content > .toy_content");
QUnit.test("Nested layouts", async (assert) => {
// Component C: bottom (no control panel)
class ToyC extends Component {
get display() {
return {
controlPanel: false,
searchPanel: true,
ToyC.template = xml`
<Layout className="'toy_c'" display="display">
<div class="toy_c_content" />
ToyC.components = { Layout };
// Component B: center (with custom search panel)
class SearchPanel extends Component {}
SearchPanel.template = xml`<div class="o_toy_search_panel" />`;
class ToyB extends Component {
setup() {
config: {
ToyB.template = xml`
<Layout className="'toy_b'" display="props.display">
<t t-set-slot="layout-actions">
<div class="toy_b_breadcrumbs" />
ToyB.components = { Layout, ToyC };
// Component A: top
class ToyA extends Component {}
ToyA.template = xml`
<Layout className="'toy_a'" display="props.display">
<t t-set-slot="layout-actions">
<div class="toy_a_search" />
<ToyB display="props.display"/>
ToyA.components = { Layout, ToyB };
await makeWithSearch({
Component: ToyA,
resModel: "foo",
searchViewId: false,
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_content.toy_a .o_content.toy_b .o_content.toy_c"); // Full chain of contents
assert.containsN(target, ".o_control_panel", 2); // Component C has hidden its control panel
assert.containsN(target, ".o_content.o_component_with_search_panel", 3);
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_search_panel"); // Standard search panel
assert.containsN(target, ".o_toy_search_panel", 2); // Custom search panels
assert.containsOnce(target, ".toy_a_search");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".toy_b_breadcrumbs");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".toy_c_content");
QUnit.test("Custom control panel", async (assert) => {
class ToyComponent extends Component {}
ToyComponent.template = xml`
<Layout display="props.display">
<div class="o_toy_content" />
ToyComponent.components = { Layout };
class ControlPanel extends Component {}
ControlPanel.template = xml`<div class="o_toy_search_panel" />`;
await makeWithSearch({
Component: ToyComponent,
resModel: "foo",
searchViewId: false,
config: { ControlPanel },
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_toy_content");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_toy_search_panel");
assert.containsNone(target, ".o_control_panel");
QUnit.test("Custom search panel", async (assert) => {
class ToyComponent extends Component {}
ToyComponent.template = xml`
<Layout display="props.display">
<div class="o_toy_content" />
ToyComponent.components = { Layout };
class SearchPanel extends Component {}
SearchPanel.template = xml`<div class="o_toy_search_panel" />`;
await makeWithSearch({
Component: ToyComponent,
resModel: "foo",
searchViewId: false,
config: { SearchPanel },
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_toy_content");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_toy_search_panel");
assert.containsNone(target, ".o_search_panel");
QUnit.test("Custom banner: no bannerRoute in env", async (assert) => {
class ToyComponent extends Component {}
ToyComponent.template = xml`
<Layout display="props.display">
<div class="o_toy_content" />
ToyComponent.components = { Layout };
class Banner extends Component {}
Banner.template = xml`<div class="o_toy_banner" />`;
await makeWithSearch({
Component: ToyComponent,
resModel: "foo",
searchViewId: false,
config: { Banner },
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_toy_content");
assert.containsNone(target, ".o_toy_banner");
QUnit.test("Custom banner: with bannerRoute in env", async (assert) => {
class ToyComponent extends Component {}
ToyComponent.template = xml`
<Layout display="props.display">
<div class="o_toy_content" />
ToyComponent.components = { Layout };
class Banner extends Component {}
Banner.template = xml`<div class="o_toy_banner" />`;
await makeWithSearch({
Component: ToyComponent,
resModel: "foo",
searchViewId: false,
config: { Banner, bannerRoute: "toy/banner/route" },
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_toy_content");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_toy_banner");
QUnit.test("Simple rendering: with dynamically displayed search", async (assert) => {
let displayLayoutActions = true;
class ToyComponent extends Component {
get display() {
return {
controlPanel: {
layoutActions: displayLayoutActions,
ToyComponent.template = xml`
<Layout display="display">
<t t-set-slot="layout-actions">
<div class="toy_search_bar" />
<div class="toy_content" />
ToyComponent.components = { Layout };
const comp = await makeWithSearch({
Component: ToyComponent,
resModel: "foo",
searchViewId: false,
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_control_panel .o_control_panel_actions .toy_search_bar");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_component_with_search_panel .o_search_panel");
assert.containsNone(target, ".o_cp_searchview");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_content > .toy_content");
displayLayoutActions = false;
await nextTick();
assert.containsNone(target, ".o_control_panel .o_control_panel_actions .toy_search_bar");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_component_with_search_panel .o_search_panel");
assert.containsNone(target, ".o_cp_searchview");
assert.containsOnce(target, ".o_content > .toy_content");