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2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import werkzeug.urls
from odoo import http
from odoo.addons.http_routing.models.ir_http import unslug, slug
from odoo.addons.website.models.ir_http import sitemap_qs2dom
from odoo.tools.translate import _
from odoo.http import request
class WebsiteCustomer(http.Controller):
_references_per_page = 20
def sitemap_industry(env, rule, qs):
if not qs or qs.lower() in '/customers':
yield {'loc': '/customers'}
Industry = env['res.partner.industry']
dom = sitemap_qs2dom(qs, '/customers/industry', Industry._rec_name)
for industry in Industry.search(dom):
loc = '/customers/industry/%s' % slug(industry)
if not qs or qs.lower() in loc:
yield {'loc': loc}
dom = [('website_published', '=', True), ('assigned_partner_id', '!=', False), ('country_id', '!=', False)]
dom += sitemap_qs2dom(qs, '/customers/country')
countries = env['res.partner'].sudo()._read_group(dom, ['country_id'])
for [country] in countries:
loc = '/customers/country/%s' % slug(country)
if not qs or qs.lower() in loc:
yield {'loc': loc}
], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=sitemap_industry)
def customers(self, country=None, industry=None, page=0, **post):
Tag = request.env['res.partner.tag']
Partner = request.env['res.partner']
search_value = post.get('search')
domain = [('website_published', '=', True), ('assigned_partner_id', '!=', False)]
if search_value:
domain += [
'|', '|',
('name', 'ilike', search_value),
('website_description', 'ilike', search_value),
('industry_id.name', 'ilike', search_value),
tag_id = post.get('tag_id')
if tag_id:
tag_id = unslug(tag_id)[1] or 0
domain += [('website_tag_ids', 'in', tag_id)]
# group by industry, based on customers found with the search(domain)
industries = Partner.sudo().read_group(domain, ["id", "industry_id"], groupby="industry_id", orderby="industry_id")
partners_count = Partner.sudo().search_count(domain)
if industry:
domain.append(('industry_id', '=', industry.id))
if industry.id not in (x['industry_id'][0] for x in industries if x['industry_id']):
if industry.exists():
'industry_id_count': 0,
'industry_id': (industry.id, industry.name)
industries.sort(key=lambda d: (d.get('industry_id') or (0, ''))[1])
industries.insert(0, {
'industry_id_count': partners_count,
'industry_id': (0, _("All Industries"))
# group by country, based on customers found with the search(domain)
countries = Partner.sudo().read_group(domain, ["id", "country_id"], groupby="country_id", orderby="country_id")
country_count = Partner.sudo().search_count(domain)
if country:
domain += [('country_id', '=', country.id)]
if country.id not in (x['country_id'][0] for x in countries if x['country_id']):
if country.exists():
'country_id_count': 0,
'country_id': (country.id, country.name)
countries.sort(key=lambda d: (d['country_id'] or (0, ""))[1])
countries.insert(0, {
'country_id_count': country_count,
'country_id': (0, _("All Countries"))
# search customers to display
partner_count = Partner.sudo().search_count(domain)
# pager
url = '/customers'
if industry:
url += '/industry/%s' % industry.id
if country:
url += '/country/%s' % country.id
pager = request.website.pager(
url=url, total=partner_count, page=page, step=self._references_per_page,
scope=7, url_args=post
partners = Partner.sudo().search(domain, offset=pager['offset'], limit=self._references_per_page)
google_map_partner_ids = ','.join(str(it) for it in partners.ids)
google_maps_api_key = request.website.google_maps_api_key
tags = Tag.search([('website_published', '=', True), ('partner_ids', 'in', partners.ids)], order='classname, name ASC')
tag = tag_id and Tag.browse(tag_id) or False
values = {
'countries': countries,
'current_country_id': country.id if country else 0,
'current_country': country or False,
'industries': industries,
'current_industry_id': industry.id if industry else 0,
'current_industry': industry or False,
'partners': partners,
'google_map_partner_ids': google_map_partner_ids,
'pager': pager,
'post': post,
'search_path': "?%s" % werkzeug.urls.url_encode(post),
'tag': tag,
'tags': tags,
'google_maps_api_key': google_maps_api_key,
return request.render("website_customer.index", values)
# Do not use semantic controller due to SUPERUSER_ID
@http.route(['/customers/<partner_id>'], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def partners_detail(self, partner_id, **post):
current_slug = partner_id
_, partner_id = unslug(partner_id)
if partner_id:
partner = request.env['res.partner'].sudo().browse(partner_id)
if partner.exists() and partner.website_published:
if slug(partner) != current_slug:
return request.redirect('/customers/%s' % slug(partner))
values = {}
values['main_object'] = values['partner'] = partner
return request.render("website_customer.details", values)
raise request.not_found()