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2025-03-10 10:52:11 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import json
import functools
import itertools
import psycopg2
import pytz
from odoo import api, Command, fields, models, _
from odoo.tools import ustr, OrderedSet
from odoo.tools.translate import code_translations, _lt
REFERENCING_FIELDS = {None, 'id', '.id'}
def only_ref_fields(record):
return {k: v for k, v in record.items() if k in REFERENCING_FIELDS}
def exclude_ref_fields(record):
return {k: v for k, v in record.items() if k not in REFERENCING_FIELDS}
# these lazy translations promise translations for ['yes', 'no', 'true', 'false']
class ImportWarning(Warning):
""" Used to send warnings upwards the stack during the import process """
class ConversionNotFound(ValueError):
class IrFieldsConverter(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'ir.fields.converter'
_description = 'Fields Converter'
def _format_import_error(self, error_type, error_msg, error_params=(), error_args=None):
# sanitize error params for later formatting by the import system
sanitize = lambda p: p.replace('%', '%%') if isinstance(p, str) else p
if error_params:
if isinstance(error_params, str):
error_params = sanitize(error_params)
elif isinstance(error_params, dict):
error_params = {k: sanitize(v) for k, v in error_params.items()}
elif isinstance(error_params, tuple):
error_params = tuple(sanitize(v) for v in error_params)
return error_type(error_msg % error_params, error_args)
def _get_import_field_path(self, field, value):
""" Rebuild field path for import error attribution to the right field.
This method uses the 'parent_fields_hierarchy' context key built during treatment of one2many fields
(_str_to_one2many). As the field to import is the last of the chain (child_id/child_id2/field_to_import),
we need to retrieve the complete hierarchy in case of error in order to assign the error to the correct
column in the import UI.
:param (str) field: field in which the value will be imported.
:param (str or list) value:
- str: in most of the case the value we want to import into a field is a string (or a number).
- list: when importing into a one2may field, all the records to import are regrouped into a list of dict.
E.g.: creating multiple partners: [{None: 'ChildA_1', 'type': 'Private address'}, {None: 'ChildA_2', 'type': 'Private address'}]
where 'None' is the name. (because we can find a partner by his name, we don't need to specify the field.)
The field_path value is computed based on the last field in the chain.
for example,
- path_field for 'Private address' at childA_1 is ['partner_id', 'type']
- path_field for 'childA_1' is ['partner_id']
So, by retrieving the correct field_path for each value to import, if errors are raised for those fields,
we can the link the errors to the correct header-field couple in the import UI.
field_path = [field]
parent_fields_hierarchy = self._context.get('parent_fields_hierarchy')
if parent_fields_hierarchy:
field_path = parent_fields_hierarchy + field_path
field_path_value = value
while isinstance(field_path_value, list):
key = list(field_path_value[0].keys())[0]
if key:
field_path_value = field_path_value[0][key]
return field_path
def for_model(self, model, fromtype=str):
""" Returns a converter object for the model. A converter is a
callable taking a record-ish (a dictionary representing an odoo
record with values of typetag ``fromtype``) and returning a converted
records matching what :meth:`odoo.osv.orm.Model.write` expects.
:param model: :class:`odoo.osv.orm.Model` for the conversion base
:param fromtype:
:returns: a converter callable
:rtype: (record: dict, logger: (field, error) -> None) -> dict
# make sure model is new api
model = self.env[model._name]
converters = {
name: self.to_field(model, field, fromtype)
for name, field in model._fields.items()
def fn(record, log):
converted = {}
import_file_context = self.env.context.get('import_file')
for field, value in record.items():
if not value:
converted[field] = False
converted[field], ws = converters[field](value)
for w in ws:
if isinstance(w, str):
# wrap warning string in an ImportWarning for
# uniform handling
w = ImportWarning(w)
log(field, w)
except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e:
log(field, ValueError(str(e)))
except ValueError as e:
if import_file_context:
# if the error is linked to a matching error, the error is a tuple
# E.g.:("Value X cannot be found for field Y at row 1", {
# 'more_info': {},
# 'value': 'X',
# 'field': 'Y',
# 'field_path': child_id/Y,
# })
# In order to link the error to the correct header-field couple in the import UI, we need to add
# the field path to the additional error info.
# As we raise the deepest child in error, we need to add the field path only for the deepest
# error in the import recursion. (if field_path is given, don't overwrite it)
error_info = len(e.args) > 1 and e.args[1]
if error_info and not error_info.get('field_path'): # only raise the deepest child in error
error_info['field_path'] = self._get_import_field_path(field, value)
log(field, e)
return converted
return fn
def to_field(self, model, field, fromtype=str):
""" Fetches a converter for the provided field object, from the
specified type.
A converter is simply a callable taking a value of type ``fromtype``
(or a composite of ``fromtype``, e.g. list or dict) and returning a
value acceptable for a write() on the field ``field``.
By default, tries to get a method on itself with a name matching the
pattern ``_$fromtype_to_$field.type`` and returns it.
Converter callables can either return a value and a list of warnings
to their caller or raise ``ValueError``, which will be interpreted as a
validation & conversion failure.
ValueError can have either one or two parameters. The first parameter
is mandatory, **must** be a unicode string and will be used as the
user-visible message for the error (it should be translatable and
translated). It can contain a ``field`` named format placeholder so the
caller can inject the field's translated, user-facing name (@string).
The second parameter is optional and, if provided, must be a mapping.
This mapping will be merged into the error dictionary returned to the
If a converter can perform its function but has to make assumptions
about the data, it can send a warning to the user through adding an
instance of :class:`~.ImportWarning` to the second value
it returns. The handling of a warning at the upper levels is the same
as ``ValueError`` above.
:param model:
:param field: field object to generate a value for
:type field: :class:`odoo.fields.Field`
:param fromtype: type to convert to something fitting for ``field``
:type fromtype: type | str
:return: a function (fromtype -> field.write_type), if a converter is found
:rtype: Callable | None
assert isinstance(fromtype, (type, str))
# FIXME: return None
typename = fromtype.__name__ if isinstance(fromtype, type) else fromtype
converter = getattr(self, '_%s_to_%s' % (typename, field.type), None)
if not converter:
return None
return functools.partial(converter, model, field)
def _str_to_json(self, model, field, value):
return json.loads(value), []
except ValueError:
msg = _("'%s' does not seem to be a valid JSON for field '%%(field)s'")
raise self._format_import_error(ValueError, msg, value)
def _str_to_properties(self, model, field, value):
msg = _("Unable to import field type '%s' ", field.type)
raise self._format_import_error(ValueError, msg)
def _str_to_boolean(self, model, field, value):
# all translatables used for booleans
# potentially broken casefolding? What about locales?
trues = set(word.lower() for word in itertools.chain(
[u'1', u"true", u"yes"], # don't use potentially translated values
if value.lower() in trues:
return True, []
# potentially broken casefolding? What about locales?
falses = set(word.lower() for word in itertools.chain(
[u'', u"0", u"false", u"no"],
if value.lower() in falses:
return False, []
if field.name in self._context.get('import_skip_records', []):
return None, []
return True, [self._format_import_error(
_(u"Unknown value '%s' for boolean field '%%(field)s'"),
{'moreinfo': _(u"Use '1' for yes and '0' for no")}
def _str_to_integer(self, model, field, value):
return int(value), []
except ValueError:
raise self._format_import_error(
_(u"'%s' does not seem to be an integer for field '%%(field)s'"),
def _str_to_float(self, model, field, value):
return float(value), []
except ValueError:
raise self._format_import_error(
_(u"'%s' does not seem to be a number for field '%%(field)s'"),
_str_to_monetary = _str_to_float
def _str_id(self, model, field, value):
return value, []
_str_to_reference = _str_to_char = _str_to_text = _str_to_binary = _str_to_html = _str_id
def _str_to_date(self, model, field, value):
parsed_value = fields.Date.from_string(value)
return fields.Date.to_string(parsed_value), []
except ValueError:
raise self._format_import_error(
_(u"'%s' does not seem to be a valid date for field '%%(field)s'"),
{'moreinfo': _(u"Use the format '%s'", u"2012-12-31")}
def _input_tz(self):
# if there's a tz in context, try to use that
if self._context.get('tz'):
return pytz.timezone(self._context['tz'])
except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
# if the current user has a tz set, try to use that
user = self.env.user
if user.tz:
return pytz.timezone(user.tz)
except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
# fallback if no tz in context or on user: UTC
return pytz.UTC
def _str_to_datetime(self, model, field, value):
parsed_value = fields.Datetime.from_string(value)
except ValueError:
raise self._format_import_error(
_(u"'%s' does not seem to be a valid datetime for field '%%(field)s'"),
{'moreinfo': _(u"Use the format '%s'", u"2012-12-31 23:59:59")}
input_tz = self._input_tz()# Apply input tz to the parsed naive datetime
dt = input_tz.localize(parsed_value, is_dst=False)
# And convert to UTC before reformatting for writing
return fields.Datetime.to_string(dt.astimezone(pytz.UTC)), []
def _get_boolean_translations(self, src):
# Cache translations so they don't have to be reloaded from scratch on
# every row of the file
tnx_cache = self._cr.cache.setdefault(self._name, {})
if src in tnx_cache:
return tnx_cache[src]
values = OrderedSet()
for lang, __ in self.env['res.lang'].get_installed():
translations = code_translations.get_python_translations('base', lang)
if src in translations:
result = tnx_cache[src] = list(values)
return result
def _get_selection_translations(self, field, src):
if not src:
return []
# Cache translations so they don't have to be reloaded from scratch on
# every row of the file
tnx_cache = self._cr.cache.setdefault(self._name, {})
if src in tnx_cache:
return tnx_cache[src]
values = OrderedSet()
query = """
SELECT s.name
FROM ir_model_fields_selection s
JOIN ir_model_fields f ON s.field_id = f.id
WHERE f.model = %s AND f.name = %s AND s.name->>'en_US' = %s
self.env.cr.execute(query, [field.model_name, field.name, src])
for (name,) in self.env.cr.fetchall():
result = tnx_cache[src] = list(values)
return result
def _str_to_selection(self, model, field, value):
# get untranslated values
env = self.with_context(lang=None).env
selection = field.get_description(env)['selection']
for item, label in selection:
label = ustr(label)
if callable(field.selection):
labels = [label]
for item2, label2 in field._description_selection(self.env):
if item2 == item:
labels = [label] + self._get_selection_translations(field, label)
# case insensitive comparaison of string to allow to set the value even if the given 'value' param is not
# exactly (case sensitive) the same as one of the selection item.
if value.lower() == str(item).lower() or any(value.lower() == label.lower() for label in labels):
return item, []
if field.name in self._context.get('import_skip_records', []):
return None, []
elif field.name in self._context.get('import_set_empty_fields', []):
return False, []
raise self._format_import_error(
_(u"Value '%s' not found in selection field '%%(field)s'"),
{'moreinfo': [_label or str(item) for item, _label in selection if _label or item]}
def db_id_for(self, model, field, subfield, value):
""" Finds a database id for the reference ``value`` in the referencing
subfield ``subfield`` of the provided field of the provided model.
:param model: model to which the field belongs
:param field: relational field for which references are provided
:param subfield: a relational subfield allowing building of refs to
existing records: ``None`` for a name_search,
``id`` for an external id and ``.id`` for a database
:param value: value of the reference to match to an actual record
:return: a pair of the matched database identifier (if any), the
translated user-readable name for the field and the list of
:rtype: (ID|None, unicode, list)
# the function 'flush' comes from BaseModel.load(), and forces the
# creation/update of former records (batch creation)
flush = self._context.get('import_flush', lambda **kw: None)
id = None
warnings = []
error_msg = ''
action = {
'name': 'Possible Values',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'target': 'new',
'view_mode': 'tree,form',
'views': [(False, 'list'), (False, 'form')],
'context': {'create': False},
'help': _(u"See all possible values")}
if subfield is None:
action['res_model'] = field.comodel_name
elif subfield in ('id', '.id'):
action['res_model'] = 'ir.model.data'
action['domain'] = [('model', '=', field.comodel_name)]
RelatedModel = self.env[field.comodel_name]
if subfield == '.id':
field_type = _(u"database id")
if isinstance(value, str) and not self._str_to_boolean(model, field, value)[0]:
return False, field_type, warnings
tentative_id = int(value)
except ValueError:
raise self._format_import_error(
_(u"Invalid database id '%s' for the field '%%(field)s'"),
{'moreinfo': action})
if RelatedModel.browse(tentative_id).exists():
id = tentative_id
elif subfield == 'id':
field_type = _(u"external id")
if not self._str_to_boolean(model, field, value)[0]:
return False, field_type, warnings
if '.' in value:
xmlid = value
xmlid = "%s.%s" % (self._context.get('_import_current_module', ''), value)
id = self._xmlid_to_record_id(xmlid, RelatedModel)
elif subfield is None:
field_type = _(u"name")
if value == '':
return False, field_type, warnings
ids = RelatedModel.name_search(name=value, operator='=')
if ids:
if len(ids) > 1:
"Found multiple matches for value %r in field %%(field)r (%d matches)",
str(value).replace('%', '%%'),
id, _name = ids[0]
name_create_enabled_fields = self.env.context.get('name_create_enabled_fields') or {}
if name_create_enabled_fields.get(field.name):
with self.env.cr.savepoint():
id, _name = RelatedModel.name_create(name=value)
except (Exception, psycopg2.IntegrityError):
error_msg = _("Cannot create new '%s' records from their name alone. Please create those records manually and try importing again.", RelatedModel._description)
raise self._format_import_error(
_("Unknown sub-field %r", subfield)
set_empty = False
skip_record = False
if self.env.context.get('import_file'):
import_set_empty_fields = self.env.context.get('import_set_empty_fields') or []
field_path = "/".join((self.env.context.get('parent_fields_hierarchy', []) + [field.name]))
set_empty = field_path in import_set_empty_fields
skip_record = field_path in self.env.context.get('import_skip_records', [])
if id is None and not set_empty and not skip_record:
if error_msg:
message = _("No matching record found for %(field_type)s '%(value)s' in field '%%(field)s' and the following error was encountered when we attempted to create one: %(error_message)s")
message = _("No matching record found for %(field_type)s '%(value)s' in field '%%(field)s'")
error_info_dict = {'moreinfo': action}
if self.env.context.get('import_file'):
# limit to 50 char to avoid too long error messages.
value = value[:50] if isinstance(value, str) else value
error_info_dict.update({'value': value, 'field_type': field_type})
if error_msg:
error_info_dict['error_message'] = error_msg
raise self._format_import_error(
{'field_type': field_type, 'value': value, 'error_message': error_msg},
return id, field_type, warnings
def _xmlid_to_record_id(self, xmlid, model):
""" Return the record id corresponding to the given external id,
provided that the record actually exists; otherwise return ``None``.
import_cache = self.env.context.get('import_cache', {})
result = import_cache.get(xmlid)
if not result:
module, name = xmlid.split('.', 1)
query = """
SELECT d.model, d.res_id
FROM ir_model_data d
JOIN "{}" r ON d.res_id = r.id
WHERE d.module = %s AND d.name = %s
self.env.cr.execute(query, [module, name])
result = self.env.cr.fetchone()
if result:
res_model, res_id = import_cache[xmlid] = result
if res_model != model._name:
MSG = "Invalid external ID %s: expected model %r, found %r"
raise ValueError(MSG % (xmlid, model._name, res_model))
return res_id
def _referencing_subfield(self, record):
""" Checks the record for the subfields allowing referencing (an
existing record in an other table), errors out if it finds potential
conflicts (multiple referencing subfields) or non-referencing subfields
returns the name of the correct subfield.
:param record:
:return: the record subfield to use for referencing and a list of warnings
:rtype: str, list
# Can import by display_name, external id or database id
fieldset = set(record)
raise ValueError(
_(u"Can not create Many-To-One records indirectly, import the field separately"))
if len(fieldset) > 1:
raise ValueError(
_(u"Ambiguous specification for field '%(field)s', only provide one of name, external id or database id"))
# only one field left possible, unpack
[subfield] = fieldset
return subfield, []
def _str_to_many2one(self, model, field, values):
# Should only be one record, unpack
[record] = values
subfield, w1 = self._referencing_subfield(record)
id, _, w2 = self.db_id_for(model, field, subfield, record[subfield])
return id, w1 + w2
def _str_to_many2one_reference(self, model, field, value):
return self._str_to_integer(model, field, value)
def _str_to_many2many(self, model, field, value):
[record] = value
subfield, warnings = self._referencing_subfield(record)
ids = []
for reference in record[subfield].split(','):
id, _, ws = self.db_id_for(model, field, subfield, reference)
if field.name in self._context.get('import_set_empty_fields', []) and any([id is None for id in ids]):
ids = [id for id in ids if id]
elif field.name in self._context.get('import_skip_records', []) and any([id is None for id in ids]):
return None, warnings
if self._context.get('update_many2many'):
return [Command.link(id) for id in ids], warnings
return [Command.set(ids)], warnings
def _str_to_one2many(self, model, field, records):
name_create_enabled_fields = self._context.get('name_create_enabled_fields') or {}
prefix = field.name + '/'
relative_name_create_enabled_fields = {
k[len(prefix):]: v
for k, v in name_create_enabled_fields.items()
if k.startswith(prefix)
commands = []
warnings = []
if len(records) == 1 and exclude_ref_fields(records[0]) == {}:
# only one row with only ref field, field=ref1,ref2,ref3 as in
# m2o/m2m
record = records[0]
subfield, ws = self._referencing_subfield(record)
# transform [{subfield:ref1,ref2,ref3}] into
# [{subfield:ref1},{subfield:ref2},{subfield:ref3}]
records = ({subfield:item} for item in record[subfield].split(','))
def log(f, exception):
if not isinstance(exception, Warning):
current_field_name = self.env[field.comodel_name]._fields[f].string
arg0 = exception.args[0].replace('%(field)s', '%(field)s/' + current_field_name)
exception.args = (arg0, *exception.args[1:])
raise exception
# Complete the field hierarchy path
# E.g. For "parent/child/subchild", field hierarchy path for "subchild" is ['parent', 'child']
parent_fields_hierarchy = self._context.get('parent_fields_hierarchy', []) + [field.name]
convert = self.with_context(
for record in records:
id = None
refs = only_ref_fields(record)
writable = convert(exclude_ref_fields(record), log)
if refs:
subfield, w1 = self._referencing_subfield(refs)
id, _, w2 = self.db_id_for(model, field, subfield, record[subfield])
except ValueError:
if subfield != 'id':
writable['id'] = record['id']
if id:
commands.append(Command.update(id, writable))
return commands, warnings