70 lines
2.9 KiB
70 lines
2.9 KiB
import re
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
class BarcodeRule(models.Model):
_inherit = 'barcode.rule'
def _default_encoding(self):
return 'gs1-128' if self.env.context.get('is_gs1') else 'any'
encoding = fields.Selection(
selection_add=[('gs1-128', 'GS1-128')], default=_default_encoding,
ondelete={'gs1-128': 'set default'})
type = fields.Selection(
('quantity', 'Quantity'),
('location', 'Location'),
('location_dest', 'Destination location'),
('lot', 'Lot number'),
('package', 'Package'),
('use_date', 'Best before Date'),
('expiration_date', 'Expiration Date'),
('package_type', 'Package Type'),
('pack_date', 'Pack Date'),
], ondelete={
'quantity': 'set default',
'location': 'set default',
'location_dest': 'set default',
'lot': 'set default',
'package': 'set default',
'use_date': 'set default',
'expiration_date': 'set default',
'package_type': 'set default',
'pack_date': 'set default',
is_gs1_nomenclature = fields.Boolean(related="barcode_nomenclature_id.is_gs1_nomenclature")
gs1_content_type = fields.Selection([
('date', 'Date'),
('measure', 'Measure'),
('identifier', 'Numeric Identifier'),
('alpha', 'Alpha-Numeric Name'),
], string="GS1 Content Type",
help="The GS1 content type defines what kind of data the rule will process the barcode as:\
* Date: the barcode will be converted into a Odoo datetime;\
* Measure: the barcode's value is related to a specific UoM;\
* Numeric Identifier: fixed length barcode following a specific encoding;\
* Alpha-Numeric Name: variable length barcode.")
gs1_decimal_usage = fields.Boolean('Decimal', help="If True, use the last digit of AI to determine where the first decimal is")
associated_uom_id = fields.Many2one('uom.uom')
def _check_pattern(self):
gs1_rules = self.filtered(lambda rule: rule.encoding == 'gs1-128')
for rule in gs1_rules:
except re.error as error:
raise ValidationError(_("The rule pattern '%(rule)s' is not a valid Regex: %(error)s", rule=rule.name, error=error))
groups = re.findall(r'\([^)]*\)', rule.pattern)
if len(groups) != 2:
raise ValidationError(_(
"The rule pattern \"%s\" is not valid, it needs two groups:"
"\n\t- A first one for the Application Identifier (usually 2 to 4 digits);"
"\n\t- A second one to catch the value.",
super(BarcodeRule, (self - gs1_rules))._check_pattern()