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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import json
from contextlib import contextmanager
from uuid import uuid4
from lxml import etree, objectify
from werkzeug import urls
from odoo.tests import HttpCase, JsonRpcException
from odoo.addons.payment.tests.common import PaymentCommon
class PaymentHttpCommon(PaymentCommon, HttpCase):
""" HttpCase common to build and simulate requests going through payment controllers.
Only use if you effectively want to test controllers.
If you only want to test 'models' code, the PaymentCommon should be sufficient.
# Helpers #
def _build_url(self, route):
return urls.url_join(self.base_url(), route)
def _make_http_get_request(self, url, params=None):
""" Make an HTTP GET request to the provided URL.
:param str url: The URL to make the request to
:param dict params: The parameters to be sent in the query string
:return: The response of the request
:rtype: :class:`requests.models.Response`
formatted_params = self._format_http_request_payload(payload=params)
return self.opener.get(url, params=formatted_params)
def _make_http_post_request(self, url, data=None):
""" Make an HTTP POST request to the provided URL.
:param str url: The URL to make the request to
:param dict data: The data to be send in the request body
:return: The response of the request
:rtype: :class:`requests.models.Response`
formatted_data = self._format_http_request_payload(payload=data)
return self.opener.post(url, data=formatted_data)
def _format_http_request_payload(self, payload=None):
""" Format a request payload to replace float values by their string representation.
:param dict payload: The payload to format
:return: The formatted payload
:rtype: dict
formatted_payload = {}
if payload is not None:
for k, v in payload.items():
formatted_payload[k] = str(v) if isinstance(v, float) else v
return formatted_payload
def _make_json_request(self, url, data=None):
""" Make a JSON request to the provided URL.
:param str url: The URL to make the request to
:param dict data: The data to be send in the request body in JSON format
:return: The response of the request
:rtype: :class:`requests.models.Response`
return self.opener.post(url, json=data)
def _assertNotFound(self):
with self.assertRaises(JsonRpcException) as cm:
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 404)
def _get_payment_context(self, response):
"""Extracts the payment context & other form info (provider & token ids)
from a payment response
:param response: http Response, with a payment form as text
:return: Transaction context (+ provider_ids & token_ids)
:rtype: dict
# Need to specify an HTML parser as parser
# Otherwise void elements (<img>, <link> without a closing / tag)
# are considered wrong and trigger a lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError
html_tree = objectify.fromstring(
payment_form = html_tree.xpath('//form[@id="o_payment_form"]')[0]
values = {}
for key, val in payment_form.items():
if key.startswith("data-"):
formatted_key = key[5:].replace('-', '_')
if formatted_key.endswith('_id'):
formatted_val = int(val)
elif formatted_key == 'amount':
formatted_val = float(val)
formatted_val = val
values[formatted_key] = formatted_val
payment_options_inputs = html_tree.xpath("//input[@name='o_payment_radio']")
token_ids = []
payment_method_ids = []
for p_o_input in payment_options_inputs:
data = dict()
for key, val in p_o_input.items():
if key.startswith('data-'):
data[key[5:]] = val
if data['payment-option-type'] == 'token':
else: # 'payment_method'
'token_ids': token_ids,
'payment_method_ids': payment_method_ids,
return values
# payment/pay #
def _prepare_pay_values(self, amount=0.0, currency=None, reference='', partner=None):
"""Prepare basic payment/pay route values
NOTE: needs PaymentCommon to enable fallback values.
:rtype: dict
amount = amount or self.amount
currency = currency or self.currency
reference = reference or self.reference
partner = partner or self.partner
return {
'amount': amount,
'currency_id': currency.id,
'reference': reference,
'partner_id': partner.id,
'access_token': self._generate_test_access_token(partner.id, amount, currency.id),
def _portal_pay(self, **route_kwargs):
"""/payment/pay payment context feedback
NOTE: must be authenticated before calling method.
Or an access_token should be specified in route_kwargs
uri = '/payment/pay'
url = self._build_url(uri)
return self._make_http_get_request(url, route_kwargs)
def _get_portal_pay_context(self, **route_kwargs):
response = self._portal_pay(**route_kwargs)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
return self._get_payment_context(response)
# /my/payment_method #
def _portal_payment_method(self):
"""/my/payment_method payment context feedback
NOTE: must be authenticated before calling method
validation flow is restricted to logged users
uri = '/my/payment_method'
url = self._build_url(uri)
return self._make_http_get_request(url, {})
def _get_portal_payment_method_context(self):
response = self._portal_payment_method()
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
return self._get_payment_context(response)
# payment/transaction #
def _prepare_transaction_values(self, payment_method_id, token_id, flow):
""" Prepare the basic payment/transaction route values.
:param int payment_option_id: The payment option handling the transaction, as a
`payment.method` id or a `payment.token` id
:param str flow: The payment flow
:return: The route values
:rtype: dict
return {
'provider_id': self.provider.id,
'payment_method_id': payment_method_id,
'token_id': token_id,
'amount': self.amount,
'currency_id': self.currency.id,
'partner_id': self.partner.id,
'access_token': self._generate_test_access_token(
self.partner.id, self.amount, self.currency.id
'tokenization_requested': True,
'landing_route': 'Test',
'reference_prefix': 'test',
'is_validation': False,
'flow': flow,
def _portal_transaction(self, tx_route='/payment/transaction', **route_kwargs):
"""/payment/transaction feedback
:return: The response to the json request
url = self._build_url(tx_route)
return self.make_jsonrpc_request(url, route_kwargs)
def _get_processing_values(self, **route_kwargs):
return self._portal_transaction(**route_kwargs)