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2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import Command
from odoo.addons.project.tests.test_access_rights import TestProjectPortalCommon
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError
from odoo.tools import mute_logger
class TestPortalProject(TestProjectPortalCommon):
def test_portal_project_access_rights(self):
pigs = self.project_pigs
pigs.write({'privacy_visibility': 'portal'})
# Do: Alfred reads project -> ok (employee ok public)
# Test: all project tasks visible
tasks = self.env['project.task'].with_user(self.user_projectuser).search([('project_id', '=', pigs.id)])
self.assertEqual(tasks, self.task_1 | self.task_2 | self.task_3 | self.task_4 | self.task_5 | self.task_6,
'access rights: project user should see all tasks of a portal project')
# Do: Bert reads project -> crash, no group
self.assertRaises(AccessError, pigs.with_user(self.user_noone).read, ['user_id'])
# Test: no project task searchable
self.assertRaises(AccessError, self.env['project.task'].with_user(self.user_noone).search, [('project_id', '=', pigs.id)])
# Data: task follower
# Do: Chell reads project -> ok (portal ok public)
# Do: Donovan reads project -> ko (public ko portal)
self.assertRaises(AccessError, pigs.with_user(self.user_public).read, ['user_id'])
# Test: no access right to project.task
self.assertRaises(AccessError, self.env['project.task'].with_user(self.user_public).search, [])
# Data: task follower cleaning
def test_reset_access_token_when_privacy_visibility_changes(self):
self.assertNotEqual(self.project_pigs.privacy_visibility, 'portal', 'Make sure the privacy visibility is not yet the portal one.')
self.assertFalse(self.project_pigs.access_token, 'The access token should not be set on the project since it is not public')
self.project_pigs.privacy_visibility = 'portal'
self.assertFalse(self.project_pigs.access_token, 'The access token should not yet available since the project has not been shared yet.')
wizard = self.env['project.share.wizard'].create({
'res_model': 'project.project',
'res_id': self.project_pigs.id,
'collaborator_ids': [
'partner_id': self.partner_1.id,
self.assertEqual(self.task_1.project_id, self.project_pigs)
self.assertTrue(self.project_pigs.access_token, 'The access token should be set since the project has been shared.')
self.assertTrue(self.task_1.access_token, 'The access token should be set since the task has been shared.')
access_token = self.project_pigs.access_token
task_access_token = self.task_1.access_token
self.project_pigs.privacy_visibility = 'followers'
self.assertFalse(self.project_pigs.access_token, 'The access token should no longer be set since now the project is private.')
self.assertFalse(all(self.project_pigs.tasks.mapped('access_token')), 'The access token should no longer be set in any tasks linked to the project since now the project is private.')
self.project_pigs.privacy_visibility = 'portal'
self.assertFalse(self.project_pigs.access_token, 'The access token should still not be set since now the project has not been shared yet.')
self.assertFalse(all(self.project_pigs.tasks.mapped('access_token')), 'The access token should no longer be set in any tasks linked to the project since now the project is private.')
self.assertTrue(self.project_pigs.access_token, 'The access token should now be regenerated for this project since that project has been shared to an external partner.')
task_wizard = self.env['portal.share'].create({
'res_model': 'project.task',
'res_id': self.task_1.id,
'partner_ids': [
self.assertTrue(self.task_1.access_token, 'The access token should be set since the task has been shared.')
self.assertNotEqual(self.project_pigs.access_token, access_token, 'The new access token generated for the project should not be the old one.')
self.assertNotEqual(self.task_1.access_token, task_access_token, 'The new access token generated for the task should not be the old one.')
self.project_pigs.privacy_visibility = 'employees'
self.assertFalse(self.project_pigs.access_token, 'The access token should no longer be set since now the project is only available by internal users.')
self.assertFalse(all(self.project_pigs.tasks.mapped('access_token')), 'The access token should no longer be set in any tasks linked to the project since now the project is only available by internal users.')