388 lines
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388 lines
18 KiB
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from operator import itemgetter
from werkzeug.urls import url_encode
from odoo import http, _
from odoo.addons.website.controllers.form import WebsiteForm
from odoo.osv.expression import AND
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.tools import email_normalize
from odoo.tools.misc import groupby
class WebsiteHrRecruitment(WebsiteForm):
_jobs_per_page = 12
def sitemap_jobs(env, rule, qs):
if not qs or qs.lower() in '/jobs':
yield {'loc': '/jobs'}
], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=sitemap_jobs)
def jobs(self, country_id=None, department_id=None, office_id=None, contract_type_id=None,
is_remote=False, is_other_department=False, is_untyped=None, page=1, search=None, **kwargs):
env = request.env(context=dict(request.env.context, show_address=True, no_tag_br=True))
Country = env['res.country']
Jobs = env['hr.job']
Department = env['hr.department']
country = Country.browse(int(country_id)) if country_id else None
department = Department.browse(int(department_id)) if department_id else None
office_id = int(office_id) if office_id else None
contract_type_id = int(contract_type_id) if contract_type_id else None
# Default search by user country
if not (country or department or office_id or contract_type_id or kwargs.get('all_countries')):
if request.geoip.country_code:
countries_ = Country.search([('code', '=', request.geoip.country_code)])
country = countries_[0] if countries_ else None
if country:
country_count = Jobs.search_count(AND([
[('address_id.country_id', '=', country.id)]
if not country_count:
country = False
options = {
'displayDescription': True,
'allowFuzzy': not request.params.get('noFuzzy'),
'country_id': country.id if country else None,
'department_id': department.id if department else None,
'office_id': office_id,
'contract_type_id': contract_type_id,
'is_remote': is_remote,
'is_other_department': is_other_department,
'is_untyped': is_untyped,
total, details, fuzzy_search_term = request.website._search_with_fuzzy("jobs", search,
limit=1000, order="is_published desc, sequence, no_of_recruitment desc", options=options)
# Browse jobs as superuser, because address is restricted
jobs = details[0].get('results', Jobs).sudo()
def sort(records_list, field_name):
""" Sort records in the given collection according to the given
field name, alphabetically. None values instead of records are
placed at the end.
:param list records_list: collection of records or None values
:param str field_name: field on which to sort
:return: sorted list
return sorted(
key=lambda item: (item is None, item.sudo()[field_name] if item and item.sudo()[field_name] else ''),
# Countries
if country or is_remote:
cross_country_options = options.copy()
'allowFuzzy': False,
'country_id': None,
'is_remote': False,
cross_country_total, cross_country_details, _ = request.website._search_with_fuzzy("jobs",
fuzzy_search_term or search, limit=1000, order="is_published desc, sequence, no_of_recruitment desc",
# Browse jobs as superuser, because address is restricted
cross_country_jobs = cross_country_details[0].get('results', Jobs).sudo()
cross_country_total = total
cross_country_jobs = jobs
country_offices = set(j.address_id or None for j in cross_country_jobs)
countries = sort(set(o and o.country_id or None for o in country_offices), 'name')
count_per_country = {'all': cross_country_total}
for c, jobs_list in groupby(cross_country_jobs, lambda job: job.address_id.country_id):
count_per_country[c] = len(jobs_list)
count_remote = len(cross_country_jobs.filtered(lambda job: not job.address_id))
if count_remote:
count_per_country[None] = count_remote
# Departments
if department or is_other_department:
cross_department_options = options.copy()
'allowFuzzy': False,
'department_id': None,
'is_other_department': False,
cross_department_total, cross_department_details, _ = request.website._search_with_fuzzy("jobs",
fuzzy_search_term or search, limit=1000, order="is_published desc, sequence, no_of_recruitment desc",
cross_department_jobs = cross_department_details[0].get('results', Jobs)
cross_department_total = total
cross_department_jobs = jobs
departments = sort(set(j.department_id or None for j in cross_department_jobs), 'name')
count_per_department = {'all': cross_department_total}
for d, jobs_list in groupby(cross_department_jobs, lambda job: job.department_id):
count_per_department[d] = len(jobs_list)
count_other_department = len(cross_department_jobs.filtered(lambda job: not job.department_id))
if count_other_department:
count_per_department[None] = count_other_department
# Offices
if office_id or is_remote:
cross_office_options = options.copy()
'allowFuzzy': False,
'office_id': None,
'is_remote': False,
cross_office_total, cross_office_details, _ = request.website._search_with_fuzzy("jobs",
fuzzy_search_term or search, limit=1000, order="is_published desc, sequence, no_of_recruitment desc",
# Browse jobs as superuser, because address is restricted
cross_office_jobs = cross_office_details[0].get('results', Jobs).sudo()
cross_office_total = total
cross_office_jobs = jobs
offices = sort(set(j.address_id or None for j in cross_office_jobs), 'city')
count_per_office = {'all': cross_office_total}
for o, jobs_list in groupby(cross_office_jobs, lambda job: job.address_id):
count_per_office[o] = len(jobs_list)
count_remote = len(cross_office_jobs.filtered(lambda job: not job.address_id))
if count_remote:
count_per_office[None] = count_remote
# Employment types
if contract_type_id or is_untyped:
cross_type_options = options.copy()
'allowFuzzy': False,
'contract_type_id': None,
'is_untyped': False,
cross_type_total, cross_type_details, _ = request.website._search_with_fuzzy("jobs",
fuzzy_search_term or search, limit=1000, order="is_published desc, sequence, no_of_recruitment desc",
cross_type_jobs = cross_type_details[0].get('results', Jobs)
cross_type_total = total
cross_type_jobs = jobs
employment_types = sort(set(j.contract_type_id for j in jobs if j.contract_type_id), 'name')
count_per_employment_type = {'all': cross_type_total}
for t, jobs_list in groupby(cross_type_jobs, lambda job: job.contract_type_id):
count_per_employment_type[t] = len(jobs_list)
count_untyped = len(cross_type_jobs.filtered(lambda job: not job.contract_type_id))
if count_untyped:
count_per_employment_type[None] = count_untyped
pager = request.website.pager(
offset = pager['offset']
jobs = jobs[offset:offset + self._jobs_per_page]
office = env['res.partner'].browse(int(office_id)) if office_id else None
contract_type = env['hr.contract.type'].browse(int(contract_type_id)) if contract_type_id else None
# Render page
return request.render("website_hr_recruitment.index", {
'jobs': jobs,
'countries': countries,
'departments': departments,
'offices': offices,
'employment_types': employment_types,
'country_id': country,
'department_id': department,
'office_id': office,
'contract_type_id': contract_type,
'is_remote': is_remote,
'is_other_department': is_other_department,
'is_untyped': is_untyped,
'pager': pager,
'search': fuzzy_search_term or search,
'search_count': total,
'original_search': fuzzy_search_term and search,
'count_per_country': count_per_country,
'count_per_department': count_per_department,
'count_per_office': count_per_office,
'count_per_employment_type': count_per_employment_type,
@http.route('/jobs/add', type='json', auth="user", website=True)
def jobs_add(self, **kwargs):
# avoid branding of website_description by setting rendering_bundle in context
job = request.env['hr.job'].with_context(rendering_bundle=True).create({
'name': _('Job Title'),
return f"/jobs/{request.env['ir.http']._slug(job)}"
@http.route('''/jobs/detail/<model("hr.job"):job>''', type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=True)
def jobs_detail(self, job, **kwargs):
redirect_url = f"/jobs/{request.env['ir.http']._slug(job)}"
return request.redirect(redirect_url, code=301)
@http.route('''/jobs/<model("hr.job"):job>''', type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=True)
def job(self, job, **kwargs):
return request.render("website_hr_recruitment.detail", {
'job': job,
'main_object': job,
@http.route('''/jobs/apply/<model("hr.job"):job>''', type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=True)
def jobs_apply(self, job, **kwargs):
error = {}
default = {}
if 'website_hr_recruitment_error' in request.session:
error = request.session.pop('website_hr_recruitment_error')
default = request.session.pop('website_hr_recruitment_default')
return request.render("website_hr_recruitment.apply", {
'job': job,
'error': error,
'default': default,
# Compatibility routes
], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=False)
def jobs_compatibility(self, country=None, department=None, office_id=None, contract_type_id=None, **kwargs):
Deprecated since Odoo 16.3: those routes are kept by compatibility.
They should not be used in Odoo code anymore.
"This route is deprecated since Odoo 16.3: the jobs list is now available at /jobs or /jobs/page/XXX",
url_params = {
'country_id': country and country.id,
'department_id': department and department.id,
'office_id': office_id,
'contract_type_id': contract_type_id,
return request.redirect(
'/jobs?%s' % url_encode(url_params),
@http.route('/website_hr_recruitment/check_recent_application', type='json', auth="public", website=True)
def check_recent_application(self, field, value, job_id):
def refused_applicants_condition(applicant):
return not applicant.active \
and applicant.job_id.id == int(job_id) \
and applicant.create_date >= (datetime.now() - relativedelta(months=6))
field_domain = {
'name': [('partner_name', '=ilike', value)],
'email': [('email_normalized', '=', email_normalize(value))],
'phone': [('partner_phone', '=', value)],
'linkedin': [('linkedin_profile', '=ilike', value)],
}.get(field, [])
applications_by_status = http.request.env['hr.applicant'].sudo().search(AND([
('job_id.website_id', 'in', [http.request.website.id, False]),
('application_status', '=', 'ongoing'),
('application_status', '=', 'refused'),
('active', '=', False),
]), order='create_date DESC').grouped('application_status')
refused_applicants = applications_by_status.get('refused', http.request.env['hr.applicant'])
if any(applicant for applicant in refused_applicants if refused_applicants_condition(applicant)):
return {
'message': _(
'We\'ve found a previous closed application in our system within the last 6 months.'
' Please consider before applying in order not to duplicate efforts.'
if 'ongoing' not in applications_by_status:
return {'message': None}
ongoing_application = applications_by_status.get('ongoing')[0]
if ongoing_application.job_id.id == int(job_id):
recruiter_contact = "" if not ongoing_application.user_id else _(
' In case of issue, contact %(contact_infos)s',
contact_infos=", ".join(
[value for value in itemgetter('name', 'email', 'phone')(ongoing_application.user_id) if value]
return {
'message': _(
'An application already exists for %(value)s.'
' Duplicates might be rejected. %(recruiter_contact)s',
return {
'message': _(
'We found a recent application with a similar name, email, phone number.'
' You can continue if it\'s not a mistake.'
def _should_log_authenticate_message(self, record):
if record._name == "hr.applicant" and not request.session.uid:
return False
return super()._should_log_authenticate_message(record)
def extract_data(self, model, values):
candidate = request.env['hr.candidate']
if model.sudo().model == 'hr.applicant':
# pop the fields since there are only useful to generate a candidate record
partner_name = values.pop('partner_name')
partner_phone = values.pop('partner_phone', None)
partner_email = values.pop('email_from', None)
company_id = (
.search([("id", "=", values.get("department_id"))])
or request.env["hr.job"]
.search([("id", "=", values.get("job_id"))])
if partner_phone and partner_email:
candidate = request.env['hr.candidate'].sudo().search([
('email_from', '=', partner_email),
('partner_phone', '=', partner_phone),
], limit=1)
if not candidate:
candidate = request.env['hr.candidate'].sudo().create({
'partner_name': partner_name,
'email_from': partner_email,
'partner_phone': partner_phone,
'company_id': company_id,
data = super().extract_data(model, values)
if candidate:
data['record']['candidate_id'] = candidate.id
return data