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2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
-- Pure SQL
CREATE TABLE ir_actions (
id serial,
primary key(id)
CREATE TABLE ir_act_window (primary key(id)) INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_act_report_xml (primary key(id)) INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_act_url (primary key(id)) INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_act_server (primary key(id)) INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_act_client (primary key(id)) INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE res_users (
id serial NOT NULL,
-- No FK references below, will be added later by ORM
-- (when the destination rows exist)
company_id integer, -- references res_company,
partner_id integer, -- references res_partner,
active boolean default True,
create_date timestamp without time zone,
login varchar(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
password varchar default null,
primary key(id)
CREATE TABLE res_groups (
id serial NOT NULL,
name jsonb NOT NULL,
primary key(id)
CREATE TABLE ir_module_category (
id serial NOT NULL,
create_uid integer, -- references res_users on delete set null,
create_date timestamp without time zone,
write_date timestamp without time zone,
write_uid integer, -- references res_users on delete set null,
parent_id integer REFERENCES ir_module_category ON DELETE SET NULL,
name jsonb NOT NULL,
primary key(id)
CREATE TABLE ir_module_module (
id serial NOT NULL,
create_uid integer, -- references res_users on delete set null,
create_date timestamp without time zone,
write_date timestamp without time zone,
write_uid integer, -- references res_users on delete set null,
website character varying,
summary jsonb,
name character varying NOT NULL,
author character varying,
icon varchar,
state character varying(16),
latest_version character varying,
shortdesc jsonb,
category_id integer REFERENCES ir_module_category ON DELETE SET NULL,
description jsonb,
application boolean default False,
demo boolean default False,
web boolean DEFAULT FALSE,
license character varying(32),
sequence integer DEFAULT 100,
auto_install boolean default False,
to_buy boolean default False,
primary key(id)
CREATE TABLE ir_module_module_dependency (
id serial NOT NULL,
name character varying,
module_id integer REFERENCES ir_module_module ON DELETE cascade,
auto_install_required boolean DEFAULT true,
primary key(id)
CREATE TABLE ir_model_data (
id serial NOT NULL,
create_uid integer,
create_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT (now() at time zone 'UTC'),
write_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT (now() at time zone 'UTC'),
write_uid integer,
res_id integer,
noupdate boolean DEFAULT False,
name varchar NOT NULL,
module varchar NOT NULL,
model varchar NOT NULL,
primary key(id)
CREATE TABLE res_currency (
id serial,
name varchar NOT NULL,
symbol varchar NOT NULL,
primary key(id)
CREATE TABLE res_company (
id serial,
name varchar NOT NULL,
partner_id integer,
currency_id integer,
sequence integer,
create_date timestamp without time zone,
primary key(id)
CREATE TABLE res_partner (
id serial,
company_id integer,
create_date timestamp without time zone,
name varchar,
primary key(id)
-- Default data
insert into res_currency (id, name, symbol) VALUES (1, 'USD', '$');
insert into ir_model_data (name, module, model, noupdate, res_id) VALUES ('USD', 'base', 'res.currency', true, 1);
select setval('res_currency_id_seq', 1);
insert into res_company (id, name, partner_id, currency_id, create_date) VALUES (1, 'My Company', 1, 1, now() at time zone 'UTC');
insert into ir_model_data (name, module, model, noupdate, res_id) VALUES ('main_company', 'base', 'res.company', true, 1);
select setval('res_company_id_seq', 1);
insert into res_partner (id, name, company_id, create_date) VALUES (1, 'My Company', 1, now() at time zone 'UTC');
insert into ir_model_data (name, module, model, noupdate, res_id) VALUES ('main_partner', 'base', 'res.partner', true, 1);
select setval('res_partner_id_seq', 1);
insert into res_users (id, login, password, active, partner_id, company_id, create_date) VALUES (1, '__system__', NULL, false, 1, 1, now() at time zone 'UTC');
insert into ir_model_data (name, module, model, noupdate, res_id) VALUES ('user_root', 'base', 'res.users', true, 1);
select setval('res_users_id_seq', 1);
insert into res_groups (id, name) VALUES (1, '{"en_US": "Employee"}');
insert into ir_model_data (name, module, model, noupdate, res_id) VALUES ('group_user', 'base', 'res.groups', true, 1);
select setval('res_groups_id_seq', 1);