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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import datetime
import email
import email.policy
import idna
import logging
import re
import smtplib
import ssl
from email.message import EmailMessage
from email.utils import make_msgid
from socket import gaierror, timeout
from OpenSSL import crypto as SSLCrypto
from OpenSSL.crypto import Error as SSLCryptoError, FILETYPE_PEM
from OpenSSL.SSL import Error as SSLError
from urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl import PyOpenSSLContext
from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, _, modules
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.tools import formataddr, email_normalize, encapsulate_email, email_domain_extract, email_domain_normalize, human_size
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_test_logger = logging.getLogger('odoo.tests')
class MailDeliveryException(Exception):
"""Specific exception subclass for mail delivery errors"""
def make_wrap_property(name):
return property(
lambda self: getattr(self.__obj__, name),
lambda self, value: setattr(self.__obj__, name, value),
class SMTPConnection:
"""Wrapper around smtplib.SMTP and smtplib.SMTP_SSL"""
def __init__(self, server, port, encryption, context=None):
if encryption == 'ssl':
self.__obj__ = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(server, port, timeout=SMTP_TIMEOUT, context=context)
self.__obj__ = smtplib.SMTP(server, port, timeout=SMTP_TIMEOUT)
'auth', 'auth_cram_md5', 'auth_login', 'auth_plain', 'close', 'data', 'docmd', 'ehlo', 'ehlo_or_helo_if_needed',
'expn', 'from_filter', 'getreply', 'has_extn', 'login', 'mail', 'noop', 'putcmd', 'quit', 'rcpt', 'rset',
'send_message', 'sendmail', 'set_debuglevel', 'smtp_from', 'starttls', 'user', 'verify', '_host',
for name in SMTP_ATTRIBUTES:
setattr(SMTPConnection, name, make_wrap_property(name))
# Python 3: patch SMTP's internal printer/debugger
def _print_debug(self, *args):
_logger.debug(' '.join(str(a) for a in args))
smtplib.SMTP._print_debug = _print_debug
# Python 3: workaround for bpo-35805, only partially fixed in Python 3.8.
RFC5322_IDENTIFICATION_HEADERS = {'message-id', 'in-reply-to', 'references', 'resent-msg-id'}
_noFoldPolicy = email.policy.SMTP.clone(max_line_length=None)
class IdentificationFieldsNoFoldPolicy(email.policy.EmailPolicy):
# Override _fold() to avoid folding identification fields, excluded by RFC2047 section 5
# These are particularly important to preserve, as MTAs will often rewrite non-conformant
# Message-ID headers, causing a loss of thread information (replies are lost)
def _fold(self, name, value, *args, **kwargs):
if name.lower() in RFC5322_IDENTIFICATION_HEADERS:
return _noFoldPolicy._fold(name, value, *args, **kwargs)
return super()._fold(name, value, *args, **kwargs)
# Global monkey-patch for our preferred SMTP policy, preserving the non-default linesep
email.policy.SMTP = IdentificationFieldsNoFoldPolicy(linesep=email.policy.SMTP.linesep)
# Python 2: replace smtplib's stderr
class WriteToLogger(object):
def write(self, s):
smtplib.stderr = WriteToLogger()
def is_ascii(s):
return all(ord(cp) < 128 for cp in s)
address_pattern = re.compile(r'([^" ,<@]+@[^>" ,]+)')
def extract_rfc2822_addresses(text):
"""Returns a list of valid RFC2822 addresses
that can be found in ``source``, ignoring
malformed ones and non-ASCII ones.
if not text:
return []
candidates = address_pattern.findall(text)
valid_addresses = []
for c in candidates:
valid_addresses.append(formataddr(('', c), charset='ascii'))
except idna.IDNAError:
return valid_addresses
class IrMailServer(models.Model):
"""Represents an SMTP server, able to send outgoing emails, with SSL and TLS capabilities."""
_name = "ir.mail_server"
_description = 'Mail Server'
_order = 'sequence, id'
_allow_sudo_commands = False
NO_VALID_RECIPIENT = ("At least one valid recipient address should be "
"specified for outgoing emails (To/Cc/Bcc)")
NO_FOUND_FROM = ("You must either provide a sender address explicitly or configure "
"using the combination of `mail.catchall.domain` and `mail.default.from` "
"ICPs, in the server configuration file or with the --email-from startup "
NO_FOUND_SMTP_FROM = "The Return-Path or From header is required for any outbound email"
NO_VALID_FROM = "Malformed 'Return-Path' or 'From' address. It should contain one valid plain ASCII email"
name = fields.Char(string='Name', required=True, index=True)
from_filter = fields.Char(
"FROM Filtering",
help='Comma-separated list of addresses or domains for which this server can be used.\n'
'e.g.: "notification@odoo.com" or "odoo.com"')
smtp_host = fields.Char(string='SMTP Server', help="Hostname or IP of SMTP server")
smtp_port = fields.Integer(string='SMTP Port', default=25, help="SMTP Port. Usually 465 for SSL, and 25 or 587 for other cases.")
smtp_authentication = fields.Selection([
('login', 'Username'),
('certificate', 'SSL Certificate'),
('cli', 'Command Line Interface')
], string='Authenticate with', required=True, default='login')
smtp_authentication_info = fields.Text('Authentication Info', compute='_compute_smtp_authentication_info')
smtp_user = fields.Char(string='Username', help="Optional username for SMTP authentication", groups='base.group_system')
smtp_pass = fields.Char(string='Password', help="Optional password for SMTP authentication", groups='base.group_system')
smtp_encryption = fields.Selection([('none', 'None'),
('starttls', 'TLS (STARTTLS)'),
('ssl', 'SSL/TLS')],
string='Connection Encryption', required=True, default='none',
help="Choose the connection encryption scheme:\n"
"- None: SMTP sessions are done in cleartext.\n"
"- TLS (STARTTLS): TLS encryption is requested at start of SMTP session (Recommended)\n"
"- SSL/TLS: SMTP sessions are encrypted with SSL/TLS through a dedicated port (default: 465)")
smtp_ssl_certificate = fields.Binary(
'SSL Certificate', groups='base.group_system', attachment=False,
help='SSL certificate used for authentication')
smtp_ssl_private_key = fields.Binary(
'SSL Private Key', groups='base.group_system', attachment=False,
help='SSL private key used for authentication')
smtp_debug = fields.Boolean(string='Debugging', help="If enabled, the full output of SMTP sessions will "
"be written to the server log at DEBUG level "
"(this is very verbose and may include confidential info!)")
max_email_size = fields.Float(string="Max Email Size")
sequence = fields.Integer(string='Priority', default=10, help="When no specific mail server is requested for a mail, the highest priority one "
"is used. Default priority is 10 (smaller number = higher priority)")
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
_sql_constraints = [
"CHECK(smtp_encryption != 'none' OR smtp_authentication != 'certificate')",
"Certificate-based authentication requires a TLS transport"
def _compute_smtp_authentication_info(self):
for server in self:
if server.smtp_authentication == 'login':
server.smtp_authentication_info = _(
'Connect to your server through your usual username and password. \n'
'This is the most basic SMTP authentication process and '
'may not be accepted by all providers. \n')
elif server.smtp_authentication == 'certificate':
server.smtp_authentication_info = _(
'Authenticate by using SSL certificates, belonging to your domain name. \n'
'SSL certificates allow you to authenticate your mail server for the entire domain name.')
elif server.smtp_authentication == 'cli':
server.smtp_authentication_info = _(
'Use the SMTP configuration set in the "Command Line Interface" arguments.')
server.smtp_authentication = False
@api.constrains('smtp_authentication', 'smtp_ssl_certificate', 'smtp_ssl_private_key')
def _check_smtp_ssl_files(self):
for mail_server in self:
if mail_server.smtp_authentication == 'certificate':
if not mail_server.smtp_ssl_private_key:
raise UserError(_('SSL private key is missing for %s.', mail_server.name))
if not mail_server.smtp_ssl_certificate:
raise UserError(_('SSL certificate is missing for %s.', mail_server.name))
def write(self, vals):
"""Ensure we cannot archive a server in-use"""
usages_per_server = {}
if not vals.get('active', True):
usages_per_server = self._active_usages_compute()
if not usages_per_server:
return super().write(vals)
# Write cannot be performed as some server are used, build detailed usage per server
usage_details_per_server = {}
is_multiple_server_usage = len(usages_per_server) > 1
for server in self:
if server.id not in usages_per_server:
usage_details = []
if is_multiple_server_usage:
usage_details.append(_('%s (Dedicated Outgoing Mail Server):', server.display_name))
usage_details.extend(map(lambda u: f'- {u}', usages_per_server[server.id]))
usage_details_per_server[server] = usage_details
# Raise the error with the ordered list of servers and concatenated detailed usages
servers_ordered_by_name = sorted(usage_details_per_server.keys(), key=lambda r: r.display_name)
error_server_usage = ', '.join(server.display_name for server in servers_ordered_by_name)
error_usage_details = '\n'.join(line
for server in servers_ordered_by_name
for line in usage_details_per_server[server])
if is_multiple_server_usage:
raise UserError(
_('You cannot archive these Outgoing Mail Servers (%(server_usage)s) because they are still used in the following case(s):\n%(usage_details)s',
server_usage=error_server_usage, usage_details=error_usage_details))
raise UserError(
_('You cannot archive this Outgoing Mail Server (%(server_usage)s) because it is still used in the following case(s):\n%(usage_details)s',
server_usage=error_server_usage, usage_details=error_usage_details))
def _active_usages_compute(self):
"""Compute a dict server id to list of user-friendly outgoing mail servers usage of this record set.
This method must be overridden by all modules that uses this class in order to complete the list with
user-friendly string describing the active elements that could send mail through the instance of this class.
:return dict: { ir_mail_server.id: usage_str_list }.
return dict()
def _get_max_email_size(self):
if self.max_email_size:
return self.max_email_size
return float(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('base.default_max_email_size', '10'))
def _get_test_email_from(self):
email_from = False
if from_filter_parts := [part.strip() for part in (self.from_filter or '').split(",") if part.strip()]:
# find first found complete email in filter parts
email_from = next((email for email in from_filter_parts if "@" in email), False)
# no complete email -> consider noreply
if not email_from:
email_from = f"noreply@{from_filter_parts[0]}"
if not email_from:
# Fallback to current user email if there's no from filter
email_from = self.env.user.email
if not email_from or "@" not in email_from:
raise UserError(_('Please configure an email on the current user to simulate '
'sending an email message via this outgoing server'))
return email_from
def _get_test_email_to(self):
return "noreply@odoo.com"
def test_smtp_connection(self, autodetect_max_email_size=False):
"""Test the connection and if autodetect_max_email_size, set auto-detected max email size.
:param bool autodetect_max_email_size: whether to autodetect the max email size
:return (dict): client action to notify the user of the result of the operation (connection test or
auto-detection successful depending on the autodetect_max_email_size parameter)
:raises UserError: if the connection fails and if autodetect_max_email_size and
the server doesn't support the auto-detection of email max size
for server in self:
smtp = False
smtp = self.connect(mail_server_id=server.id, allow_archived=True)
# simulate sending an email from current user's address - without sending it!
email_from = server._get_test_email_from()
email_to = server._get_test_email_to()
# Testing the MAIL FROM step should detect sender filter problems
(code, repl) = smtp.mail(email_from)
if code != 250:
raise UserError(_('The server refused the sender address (%(email_from)s) with error %(repl)s', email_from=email_from, repl=repl)) # noqa: TRY301
# Testing the RCPT TO step should detect most relaying problems
(code, repl) = smtp.rcpt(email_to)
if code not in (250, 251):
raise UserError(_('The server refused the test recipient (%(email_to)s) with error %(repl)s', email_to=email_to, repl=repl)) # noqa: TRY301
# Beginning the DATA step should detect some deferred rejections
# Can't use self.data() as it would actually send the mail!
(code, repl) = smtp.getreply()
if code != 354:
raise UserError(_('The server refused the test connection with error %(repl)s', repl=repl)) # noqa: TRY301
if autodetect_max_email_size:
max_size = smtp.esmtp_features.get('size')
if not max_size:
raise UserError(_('The server "%(server_name)s" doesn\'t return the maximum email size.',
server.max_email_size = float(max_size) / (1024 ** 2)
except (UnicodeError, idna.core.InvalidCodepoint) as e:
raise UserError(_("Invalid server name!\n %s", e)) from e
except (gaierror, timeout) as e:
raise UserError(_("No response received. Check server address and port number.\n %s", e)) from e
except smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected as e:
raise UserError(_("The server has closed the connection unexpectedly. Check configuration served on this port number.\n %s", e)) from e
except smtplib.SMTPResponseException as e:
raise UserError(_("Server replied with following exception:\n %s", e)) from e
except smtplib.SMTPNotSupportedError as e:
raise UserError(_("An option is not supported by the server:\n %s", e)) from e
except smtplib.SMTPException as e:
raise UserError(_("An SMTP exception occurred. Check port number and connection security type.\n %s", e)) from e
except (ssl.SSLError, SSLError) as e:
raise UserError(_("An SSL exception occurred. Check connection security type.\n %s", e)) from e
except UserError:
except Exception as e:
_logger.warning("Connection test on %s failed with a generic error.", server, exc_info=True)
raise UserError(_("Connection Test Failed! Here is what we got instead:\n %s", e)) from e
if smtp:
except Exception:
# ignored, just a consequence of the previous exception
if autodetect_max_email_size:
message = _(
'Email maximum size updated (%(details)s).',
details=', '.join(f'{server.name}: {human_size(server.max_email_size * 1024 ** 2)}' for server in self))
message = _('Connection Test Successful!')
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.client',
'tag': 'display_notification',
'params': {
'message': message,
'type': 'success',
'sticky': False,
'next': {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}, # force a form reload
def action_retrieve_max_email_size(self):
return self.test_smtp_connection(autodetect_max_email_size=True)
def connect(self, host=None, port=None, user=None, password=None, encryption=None,
smtp_from=None, ssl_certificate=None, ssl_private_key=None, smtp_debug=False, mail_server_id=None,
"""Returns a new SMTP connection to the given SMTP server.
When running in test mode, this method does nothing and returns `None`.
:param host: host or IP of SMTP server to connect to, if mail_server_id not passed
:param int port: SMTP port to connect to
:param user: optional username to authenticate with
:param password: optional password to authenticate with
:param string encryption: optional, ``'ssl'`` | ``'starttls'``
:param smtp_from: FROM SMTP envelop, used to find the best mail server
:param ssl_certificate: filename of the SSL certificate used for authentication
Used when no mail server is given and overwrite the odoo-bin argument "smtp_ssl_certificate"
:param ssl_private_key: filename of the SSL private key used for authentication
Used when no mail server is given and overwrite the odoo-bin argument "smtp_ssl_private_key"
:param bool smtp_debug: toggle debugging of SMTP sessions (all i/o
will be output in logs)
:param mail_server_id: ID of specific mail server to use (overrides other parameters)
:param bool allow_archived: by default (False), an exception is raised when calling this method on an
archived record (using mail_server_id param). It can be set to True for testing so that the exception is no
longer raised.
# Do not actually connect while running in test mode
if modules.module.current_test:
mail_server = smtp_encryption = None
if mail_server_id:
mail_server = self.sudo().browse(mail_server_id)
if not allow_archived and not mail_server.active:
raise UserError(_('The server "%s" cannot be used because it is archived.', mail_server.display_name))
elif not host:
mail_server, smtp_from = self.sudo()._find_mail_server(smtp_from)
if not mail_server:
mail_server = self.env['ir.mail_server']
ssl_context = None
if mail_server and mail_server.smtp_authentication != "cli":
smtp_server = mail_server.smtp_host
smtp_port = mail_server.smtp_port
if mail_server.smtp_authentication == "certificate":
smtp_user = None
smtp_password = None
smtp_user = mail_server.smtp_user
smtp_password = mail_server.smtp_pass
smtp_encryption = mail_server.smtp_encryption
smtp_debug = smtp_debug or mail_server.smtp_debug
from_filter = mail_server.from_filter
if mail_server.smtp_authentication == "certificate":
ssl_context = PyOpenSSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS)
smtp_ssl_certificate = base64.b64decode(mail_server.smtp_ssl_certificate)
certificate = SSLCrypto.load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, smtp_ssl_certificate)
smtp_ssl_private_key = base64.b64decode(mail_server.smtp_ssl_private_key)
private_key = SSLCrypto.load_privatekey(FILETYPE_PEM, smtp_ssl_private_key)
# Check that the private key match the certificate
except SSLCryptoError as e:
raise UserError(_('The private key or the certificate is not a valid file. \n%s', str(e)))
except SSLError as e:
raise UserError(_('Could not load your certificate / private key. \n%s', str(e)))
# we were passed individual smtp parameters or nothing and there is no default server
smtp_server = host or tools.config.get('smtp_server')
smtp_port = tools.config.get('smtp_port', 25) if port is None else port
smtp_user = user or tools.config.get('smtp_user')
smtp_password = password or tools.config.get('smtp_password')
if mail_server:
from_filter = mail_server.from_filter
from_filter = self.env['ir.mail_server']._get_default_from_filter()
smtp_encryption = encryption
if smtp_encryption is None and tools.config.get('smtp_ssl'):
smtp_encryption = 'starttls' # smtp_ssl => STARTTLS as of v7
smtp_ssl_certificate_filename = ssl_certificate or tools.config.get('smtp_ssl_certificate_filename')
smtp_ssl_private_key_filename = ssl_private_key or tools.config.get('smtp_ssl_private_key_filename')
if smtp_ssl_certificate_filename and smtp_ssl_private_key_filename:
ssl_context = PyOpenSSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS)
ssl_context.load_cert_chain(smtp_ssl_certificate_filename, keyfile=smtp_ssl_private_key_filename)
# Check that the private key match the certificate
except SSLCryptoError as e:
raise UserError(_('The private key or the certificate is not a valid file. \n%s', str(e)))
except SSLError as e:
raise UserError(_('Could not load your certificate / private key. \n%s', str(e)))
if not smtp_server:
raise UserError(_(
"Missing SMTP Server\n"
"Please define at least one SMTP server, "
"or provide the SMTP parameters explicitly.",
if smtp_encryption == 'ssl':
if 'SMTP_SSL' not in smtplib.__all__:
raise UserError(
_("Your Odoo Server does not support SMTP-over-SSL. "
"You could use STARTTLS instead. "
"If SSL is needed, an upgrade to Python 2.6 on the server-side "
"should do the trick."))
connection = SMTPConnection(smtp_server, smtp_port, smtp_encryption, context=ssl_context)
if smtp_encryption == 'starttls':
# starttls() will perform ehlo() if needed first
# and will discard the previous list of services
# after successfully performing STARTTLS command,
# (as per RFC 3207) so for example any AUTH
# capability that appears only on encrypted channels
# will be correctly detected for next step
if smtp_user:
# Attempt authentication - will raise if AUTH service not supported
local, at, domain = smtp_user.rpartition('@')
if at:
smtp_user = local + at + idna.encode(domain).decode('ascii')
mail_server._smtp_login(connection, smtp_user, smtp_password or '')
# Some methods of SMTP don't check whether EHLO/HELO was sent.
# Anyway, as it may have been sent by login(), all subsequent usages should consider this command as sent.
# Store the "from_filter" of the mail server / odoo-bin argument to know if we
# need to change the FROM headers or not when we will prepare the mail message
connection.from_filter = from_filter
connection.smtp_from = smtp_from
return connection
def _smtp_login(self, connection, smtp_user, smtp_password):
"""Authenticate the SMTP connection.
Can be overridden in other module for different authentication methods.Can be
called on the model itself or on a singleton.
:param connection: The SMTP connection to authenticate
:param smtp_user: The user to used for the authentication
:param smtp_password: The password to used for the authentication
connection.login(smtp_user, smtp_password)
def build_email(self, email_from, email_to, subject, body, email_cc=None, email_bcc=None, reply_to=False,
attachments=None, message_id=None, references=None, object_id=False, subtype='plain', headers=None,
body_alternative=None, subtype_alternative='plain'):
"""Constructs an RFC2822 email.message.Message object based on the keyword arguments passed, and returns it.
:param string email_from: sender email address
:param list email_to: list of recipient addresses (to be joined with commas)
:param string subject: email subject (no pre-encoding/quoting necessary)
:param string body: email body, of the type ``subtype`` (by default, plaintext).
If html subtype is used, the message will be automatically converted
to plaintext and wrapped in multipart/alternative, unless an explicit
``body_alternative`` version is passed.
:param string body_alternative: optional alternative body, of the type specified in ``subtype_alternative``
:param string reply_to: optional value of Reply-To header
:param string object_id: optional tracking identifier, to be included in the message-id for
recognizing replies. Suggested format for object-id is "res_id-model",
e.g. "12345-crm.lead".
:param string subtype: optional mime subtype for the text body (usually 'plain' or 'html'),
must match the format of the ``body`` parameter. Default is 'plain',
making the content part of the mail "text/plain".
:param string subtype_alternative: optional mime subtype of ``body_alternative`` (usually 'plain'
or 'html'). Default is 'plain'.
:param list attachments: list of (filename, filecontents) pairs, where filecontents is a string
containing the bytes of the attachment
:param message_id:
:param references:
:param list email_cc: optional list of string values for CC header (to be joined with commas)
:param list email_bcc: optional list of string values for BCC header (to be joined with commas)
:param dict headers: optional map of headers to set on the outgoing mail (may override the
other headers, including Subject, Reply-To, Message-Id, etc.)
:rtype: email.message.EmailMessage
:return: the new RFC2822 email message
email_from = email_from or self.env.context.get('domain_notifications_email') or self._get_default_from_address()
assert email_from, self.NO_FOUND_FROM
headers = headers or {} # need valid dict later
email_cc = email_cc or []
email_bcc = email_bcc or []
msg = EmailMessage(policy=email.policy.SMTP)
if not message_id:
if object_id:
message_id = tools.mail.generate_tracking_message_id(object_id)
message_id = make_msgid()
msg['Message-Id'] = message_id
if references:
msg['references'] = references
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = email_from
del msg['Reply-To']
msg['Reply-To'] = reply_to or email_from
msg['To'] = email_to
if email_cc:
msg['Cc'] = email_cc
if email_bcc:
msg['Bcc'] = email_bcc
msg['Date'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
for key, value in headers.items():
msg[key] = value
email_body = body or ''
if subtype == 'html' and not body_alternative:
msg['MIME-Version'] = '1.0'
msg.add_alternative(tools.html2plaintext(email_body), subtype='plain', charset='utf-8')
msg.add_alternative(email_body, subtype=subtype, charset='utf-8')
elif body_alternative:
msg['MIME-Version'] = '1.0'
msg.add_alternative(body_alternative, subtype=subtype_alternative, charset='utf-8')
msg.add_alternative(email_body, subtype=subtype, charset='utf-8')
msg.set_content(email_body, subtype=subtype, charset='utf-8')
if attachments:
for (fname, fcontent, mime) in attachments:
maintype, subtype = mime.split('/') if mime and '/' in mime else ('application', 'octet-stream')
msg.add_attachment(fcontent, maintype, subtype, filename=fname)
return msg
def _get_default_bounce_address(self):
""" Computes the default bounce address. It is used to set the envelop
address if no envelop address is provided in the message.
:return str/None: defaults to the ``--email-from`` CLI/config parameter.
return tools.config.get("email_from")
def _get_default_from_address(self):
""" Computes the default from address. It is used for the "header from"
address when no other has been received.
:return str/None: defaults to the ``--email-from`` CLI/config parameter.
return tools.config.get("email_from")
def _get_default_from_filter(self):
""" Computes the default from_filter. It is used when no specific
ir.mail_server is used when sending emails, hence having no value for
:return str/None: defaults to 'mail.default.from_filter', then
``--from-filter`` CLI/config parameter.
return self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param(
'mail.default.from_filter', tools.config.get('from_filter')
def _prepare_email_message(self, message, smtp_session):
"""Prepare the SMTP information (from, to, message) before sending.
:param message: the email.message.Message to send, information like the
Return-Path, the From, etc... will be used to find the smtp_from and to smtp_to
:param smtp_session: the opened SMTP session to use to authenticate the sender
:return: smtp_from, smtp_to_list, message
smtp_from: email to used during the authentication to the mail server
smtp_to_list: list of email address which will receive the email
message: the email.message.Message to send
# Use the default bounce address **only if** no Return-Path was
# provided by caller. Caller may be using Variable Envelope Return
# Path (VERP) to detect no-longer valid email addresses.
# context may force a value, e.g. mail.alias.domain usage
bounce_address = self.env.context.get('domain_bounce_address') or message['Return-Path'] or self._get_default_bounce_address() or message['From']
smtp_from = message['From'] or bounce_address
assert smtp_from, self.NO_FOUND_SMTP_FROM
email_to = message['To']
email_cc = message['Cc']
email_bcc = message['Bcc']
del message['Bcc']
# All recipient addresses must only contain ASCII characters; support
# optional pre-validated To list, used notably when formatted emails may
# create fake emails using extract_rfc2822_addresses, e.g.
# '"Bike@Home" <email@domain.com>' which can be considered as containing
# 2 emails by extract_rfc2822_addresses
validated_to = self.env.context.get('send_validated_to') or []
smtp_to_list = [
for base in [email_to, email_cc, email_bcc]
# be sure a given address does not return duplicates (but duplicates
# in final smtp to list is still ok)
for address in tools.misc.unique(extract_rfc2822_addresses(base))
if address and (not validated_to or address in validated_to)
assert smtp_to_list, self.NO_VALID_RECIPIENT
x_forge_to = message['X-Forge-To']
if x_forge_to:
# `To:` header forged, e.g. for posting on discuss.channels, to avoid confusion
del message['X-Forge-To']
del message['To'] # avoid multiple To: headers!
message['To'] = x_forge_to
# Try to not spoof the mail from headers; fetch session-based or contextualized
# values for encapsulation computation
from_filter = getattr(smtp_session, 'from_filter', False)
smtp_from = getattr(smtp_session, 'smtp_from', False) or smtp_from
notifications_email = email_normalize(
self.env.context.get('domain_notifications_email') or self._get_default_from_address()
if notifications_email and email_normalize(smtp_from) == notifications_email and email_normalize(message['From']) != notifications_email:
smtp_from = encapsulate_email(message['From'], notifications_email)
if message['From'] != smtp_from:
del message['From']
message['From'] = smtp_from
# Check if it's still possible to put the bounce address as smtp_from
if self._match_from_filter(bounce_address, from_filter):
# Mail headers FROM will be spoofed to be able to receive bounce notifications
# Because the mail server support the domain of the bounce address
smtp_from = bounce_address
# The email's "Envelope From" (Return-Path) must only contain ASCII characters.
smtp_from_rfc2822 = extract_rfc2822_addresses(smtp_from)
if not smtp_from_rfc2822:
raise AssertionError(
f"Malformed 'Return-Path' or 'From' address: {smtp_from} - "
"It should contain one valid plain ASCII email"
smtp_from = smtp_from_rfc2822[-1]
return smtp_from, smtp_to_list, message
def send_email(self, message, mail_server_id=None, smtp_server=None, smtp_port=None,
smtp_user=None, smtp_password=None, smtp_encryption=None,
smtp_ssl_certificate=None, smtp_ssl_private_key=None,
smtp_debug=False, smtp_session=None):
"""Sends an email directly (no queuing).
No retries are done, the caller should handle MailDeliveryException in order to ensure that
the mail is never lost.
If the mail_server_id is provided, sends using this mail server, ignoring other smtp_* arguments.
If mail_server_id is None and smtp_server is None, use the default mail server (highest priority).
If mail_server_id is None and smtp_server is not None, use the provided smtp_* arguments.
If both mail_server_id and smtp_server are None, look for an 'smtp_server' value in server config,
and fails if not found.
:param message: the email.message.Message to send. The envelope sender will be extracted from the
``Return-Path`` (if present), or will be set to the default bounce address.
The envelope recipients will be extracted from the combined list of ``To``,
``CC`` and ``BCC`` headers.
:param smtp_session: optional pre-established SMTP session. When provided,
overrides `mail_server_id` and all the `smtp_*` parameters.
Passing the matching `mail_server_id` may yield better debugging/log
messages. The caller is in charge of disconnecting the session.
:param mail_server_id: optional id of ir.mail_server to use for sending. overrides other smtp_* arguments.
:param smtp_server: optional hostname of SMTP server to use
:param smtp_encryption: optional TLS mode, one of 'none', 'starttls' or 'ssl' (see ir.mail_server fields for explanation)
:param smtp_port: optional SMTP port, if mail_server_id is not passed
:param smtp_user: optional SMTP user, if mail_server_id is not passed
:param smtp_password: optional SMTP password to use, if mail_server_id is not passed
:param smtp_ssl_certificate: filename of the SSL certificate used for authentication
:param smtp_ssl_private_key: filename of the SSL private key used for authentication
:param smtp_debug: optional SMTP debug flag, if mail_server_id is not passed
:return: the Message-ID of the message that was just sent, if successfully sent, otherwise raises
MailDeliveryException and logs root cause.
smtp = smtp_session
if not smtp:
smtp = self.connect(
smtp_server, smtp_port, smtp_user, smtp_password, smtp_encryption,
smtp_from=message['From'], ssl_certificate=smtp_ssl_certificate, ssl_private_key=smtp_ssl_private_key,
smtp_debug=smtp_debug, mail_server_id=mail_server_id,)
smtp_from, smtp_to_list, message = self._prepare_email_message(message, smtp)
# Do not actually send emails in testing mode!
if modules.module.current_test:
_test_logger.debug("skip sending email in test mode")
return message['Message-Id']
message_id = message['Message-Id']
smtp.send_message(message, smtp_from, smtp_to_list)
# do not quit() a pre-established smtp_session
if not smtp_session:
except smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected:
except Exception as e:
msg = _(
"Mail delivery failed via SMTP server '%(server)s'.\n%(exception_name)s: %(message)s",
raise MailDeliveryException(_("Mail Delivery Failed"), msg)
return message_id
def _find_mail_server(self, email_from, mail_servers=None):
"""Find the appropriate mail server for the given email address.
Returns: Record<ir.mail_server>, email_from
- Mail server to use to send the email (None if we use the odoo-bin arguments)
- Email FROM to use to send the email (in some case, it might be impossible
to use the given email address directly if no mail server is configured for)
email_from_normalized = email_normalize(email_from)
email_from_domain = email_domain_extract(email_from_normalized)
notifications_email = self.env.context.get('domain_notifications_email') or email_normalize(self._get_default_from_address())
notifications_domain = email_domain_extract(notifications_email)
if mail_servers is None:
mail_servers = self.sudo().search([], order='sequence')
# 0. Archived mail server should never be used
mail_servers = mail_servers.filtered('active')
def first_match(target, normalize_method):
for mail_server in mail_servers:
if mail_server.from_filter and any(
normalize_method(email.strip()) == target
for email in mail_server.from_filter.split(',')
return mail_server
# 1. Try to find a mail server for the right mail from
# Skip if passed email_from is False (example Odoobot has no email address)
if email_from_normalized:
if mail_server := first_match(email_from_normalized, email_normalize):
return mail_server, email_from
if mail_server := first_match(email_from_domain, email_domain_normalize):
return mail_server, email_from
# 2. Try to find a mail server for <notifications@domain.com>
if notifications_email:
if mail_server := first_match(notifications_email, email_normalize):
return mail_server, notifications_email
if mail_server := first_match(notifications_domain, email_domain_normalize):
return mail_server, notifications_email
# 3. Take the first mail server without "from_filter" because
# nothing else has been found... Will spoof the FROM because
# we have no other choices (will use the notification email if available
# otherwise we will use the user email)
if mail_server := mail_servers.filtered(lambda m: not m.from_filter):
return mail_server[0], notifications_email or email_from
# 4. Return the first mail server even if it was configured for another domain
if mail_servers:
"No mail server matches the from_filter, using %s as fallback",
notifications_email or email_from)
return mail_servers[0], notifications_email or email_from
# 5: SMTP config in odoo-bin arguments
from_filter = self.env['ir.mail_server']._get_default_from_filter()
if self._match_from_filter(email_from, from_filter):
return None, email_from
if notifications_email and self._match_from_filter(notifications_email, from_filter):
return None, notifications_email
"The from filter of the CLI configuration does not match the notification email "
"or the user email, using %s as fallback",
notifications_email or email_from)
return None, notifications_email or email_from
def _match_from_filter(self, email_from, from_filter):
"""Return True is the given email address match the "from_filter" field.
The from filter can be Falsy (always match),
a domain name or an full email address.
if not from_filter:
return True
normalized_mail_from = email_normalize(email_from)
normalized_domain = email_domain_extract(normalized_mail_from)
for email_filter in [part.strip() for part in (from_filter or '').split(',') if part.strip()]:
if '@' in email_filter and email_normalize(email_filter) == normalized_mail_from:
return True
if '@' not in email_filter and email_domain_normalize(email_filter) == normalized_domain:
return True
return False
def _onchange_encryption(self):
result = {}
if self.smtp_encryption == 'ssl':
self.smtp_port = 465
if not 'SMTP_SSL' in smtplib.__all__:
result['warning'] = {
'title': _('Warning'),
'message': _('Your server does not seem to support SSL, you may want to try STARTTLS instead'),
self.smtp_port = 25
return result