3217 lines
145 KiB
3217 lines
145 KiB
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import ast
import collections
import functools
import inspect
import logging
import pprint
import re
import uuid
import warnings
from lxml import etree
from lxml.etree import LxmlError
from lxml.builder import E
from markupsafe import Markup
from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError, AccessError, UserError
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.models import check_method_name
from odoo.modules.module import get_resource_from_path
from odoo.osv.expression import expression
from odoo.tools import config, lazy_property, frozendict, SQL
from odoo.tools.convert import _fix_multiple_roots
from odoo.tools.misc import file_path, get_diff, ConstantMapping
from odoo.tools.template_inheritance import apply_inheritance_specs, locate_node
from odoo.tools.translate import xml_translate, TRANSLATED_ATTRS
from odoo.tools.view_validation import valid_view, get_domain_value_names, get_expression_field_names, get_dict_asts
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MOVABLE_BRANDING = ['data-oe-model', 'data-oe-id', 'data-oe-field', 'data-oe-xpath', 'data-oe-source-id']
VIEW_MODIFIERS = ('column_invisible', 'invisible', 'readonly', 'required')
# Some views have a js compiler that generates an owl template from the arch. In that template,
# `__comp__` is a reserved keyword giving access to the component instance (e.g. the form renderer
# or the kanban record). However, we don't want to see implementation details leaking in archs, so
# we use the following regex to detect the use of `__comp__` in dynamic attributes, to forbid it.
COMP_REGEX = r'(^|[^\w])\s*__comp__\s*([^\w]|$)'
ref_re = re.compile(r"""
# first match 'form_view_ref' key, backrefs are used to handle single or
# double quoting of the value
# colon separator (with optional spaces around)
# open quote for value
# we'll just match stuff which is normally part of an xid:
# word and "." characters
# close with same quote as opening
""", re.VERBOSE)
def att_names(name):
yield name
yield f"t-att-{name}"
yield f"t-attf-{name}"
class ViewCustom(models.Model):
_name = 'ir.ui.view.custom'
_description = 'Custom View'
_order = 'create_date desc' # search(limit=1) should return the last customization
_rec_name = 'user_id'
_allow_sudo_commands = False
ref_id = fields.Many2one('ir.ui.view', string='Original View', index=True, required=True, ondelete='cascade')
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', index=True, required=True, ondelete='cascade')
arch = fields.Text(string='View Architecture', required=True)
def _auto_init(self):
res = super(ViewCustom, self)._auto_init()
tools.create_index(self._cr, 'ir_ui_view_custom_user_id_ref_id',
self._table, ['user_id', 'ref_id'])
return res
def _hasclass(context, *cls):
""" Checks if the context node has all the classes passed as arguments
node_classes = set(context.context_node.attrib.get('class', '').split())
return node_classes.issuperset(cls)
def get_view_arch_from_file(filepath, xmlid):
module, view_id = xmlid.split('.')
xpath = f"//*[@id='{xmlid}' or @id='{view_id}']"
# when view is created from model with inheritS of ir_ui_view, the
# xmlid has been suffixed by '_ir_ui_view'. We need to also search
# for views without this prefix.
if view_id.endswith('_ir_ui_view'):
# len('_ir_ui_view') == 11
xpath = xpath[:-1] + f" or @id='{xmlid[:-11]}' or @id='{view_id[:-11]}']"
document = etree.parse(filepath)
for node in document.xpath(xpath):
if node.tag == 'record':
field_arch = node.find('field[@name="arch"]')
if field_arch is not None:
inner = ''.join(
etree.tostring(child, encoding='unicode')
for child in field_arch.iterchildren()
return field_arch.text + inner
field_view = node.find('field[@name="view_id"]')
if field_view is not None:
ref_module, _, ref_view_id = field_view.attrib.get('ref').rpartition('.')
ref_xmlid = f'{ref_module or module}.{ref_view_id}'
return get_view_arch_from_file(filepath, ref_xmlid)
return None
elif node.tag == 'template':
# The following dom operations has been copied from convert.py's _tag_template()
if not node.get('inherit_id'):
node.set('t-name', xmlid)
node.tag = 't'
node.tag = 'data'
node.attrib.pop('id', None)
return etree.tostring(node, encoding='unicode')
_logger.warning("Could not find view arch definition in file '%s' for xmlid '%s'", filepath, xmlid)
return None
xpath_utils = etree.FunctionNamespace(None)
xpath_utils['hasclass'] = _hasclass
TRANSLATED_ATTRS_RE = re.compile(r"@(%s)\b" % "|".join(TRANSLATED_ATTRS))
WRONGCLASS = re.compile(r"(@class\s*=|=\s*@class|contains\(@class)")
class View(models.Model):
_name = 'ir.ui.view'
_description = 'View'
_order = "priority,name,id"
_allow_sudo_commands = False
name = fields.Char(string='View Name', required=True)
model = fields.Char(index=True)
key = fields.Char(index='btree_not_null')
priority = fields.Integer(string='Sequence', default=16, required=True)
type = fields.Selection([('list', 'List'),
('form', 'Form'),
('graph', 'Graph'),
('pivot', 'Pivot'),
('calendar', 'Calendar'),
('kanban', 'Kanban'),
('search', 'Search'),
('qweb', 'QWeb')], string='View Type')
arch = fields.Text(compute='_compute_arch', inverse='_inverse_arch', string='View Architecture',
help="""This field should be used when accessing view arch. It will use translation.
Note that it will read `arch_db` or `arch_fs` if in dev-xml mode.""")
arch_base = fields.Text(compute='_compute_arch_base', inverse='_inverse_arch_base', string='Base View Architecture',
help="This field is the same as `arch` field without translations")
arch_db = fields.Text(string='Arch Blob', translate=xml_translate,
help="This field stores the view arch.")
arch_fs = fields.Char(string='Arch Filename', help="""File from where the view originates.
Useful to (hard) reset broken views or to read arch from file in dev-xml mode.""")
arch_updated = fields.Boolean(string='Modified Architecture')
arch_prev = fields.Text(string='Previous View Architecture', help="""This field will save the current `arch_db` before writing on it.
Useful to (soft) reset a broken view.""")
inherit_id = fields.Many2one('ir.ui.view', string='Inherited View', ondelete='restrict', index=True)
inherit_children_ids = fields.One2many('ir.ui.view', 'inherit_id', string='Views which inherit from this one')
model_data_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model.data', string="Model Data",
compute='_compute_model_data_id', search='_search_model_data_id')
xml_id = fields.Char(string="External ID", compute='_compute_xml_id',
help="ID of the view defined in xml file")
groups_id = fields.Many2many('res.groups', 'ir_ui_view_group_rel', 'view_id', 'group_id',
string='Groups', help="If this field is empty, the view applies to all users. Otherwise, the view applies to the users of those groups only.")
mode = fields.Selection([('primary', "Base view"), ('extension', "Extension View")],
string="View inheritance mode", default='primary', required=True,
help="""Only applies if this view inherits from an other one (inherit_id is not False/Null).
* if extension (default), if this view is requested the closest primary view
is looked up (via inherit_id), then all views inheriting from it with this
view's model are applied
* if primary, the closest primary view is fully resolved (even if it uses a
different model than this one), then this view's inheritance specs
(<xpath/>) are applied, and the result is used as if it were this view's
actual arch.
warning_info = fields.Html(string="Warning information", compute='_compute_warning_info')
# The "active" field is not updated during updates if <template> is used
# instead of <record> to define the view in XML, see _tag_template. For
# qweb views, you should not rely on the active field being updated anyway
# as those views, if used in frontend layouts, can be duplicated (see COW)
# and will thus always require upgrade scripts if you really want to change
# the default value of their "active" field.
active = fields.Boolean(default=True,
help="""If this view is inherited,
* if True, the view always extends its parent
* if False, the view currently does not extend its parent but can be enabled
model_id = fields.Many2one("ir.model", string="Model of the view", compute='_compute_model_id', inverse='_inverse_compute_model_id')
@api.depends('arch_db', 'arch_fs', 'arch_updated')
@api.depends_context('read_arch_from_file', 'lang', 'edit_translations', 'check_translations')
def _compute_arch(self):
def resolve_external_ids(arch_fs, view_xml_id):
def replacer(m):
xmlid = m.group('xmlid')
if '.' not in xmlid:
xmlid = '%s.%s' % (view_xml_id.split('.')[0], xmlid)
return m.group('prefix') + str(self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id(xmlid))
return re.sub(r'(?P<prefix>[^%])%\((?P<xmlid>.*?)\)[ds]', replacer, arch_fs)
lang = self.env.lang or 'en_US'
env_en = self.with_context(edit_translations=None, lang='en_US').env
env_lang = self.with_context(lang=lang).env
field_arch_db = self._fields['arch_db']
for view in self:
arch_fs = None
read_file = self._context.get('read_arch_from_file') or \
('xml' in config['dev_mode'] and not view.arch_updated)
if read_file and view.arch_fs and (view.xml_id or view.key):
xml_id = view.xml_id or view.key
# It is safe to split on / herebelow because arch_fs is explicitely stored with '/'
fullpath = file_path(view.arch_fs)
except FileNotFoundError:
_logger.warning("View %s: Full path [%s] cannot be found.", xml_id, view.arch_fs)
arch_fs = False
arch_fs = get_view_arch_from_file(fullpath, xml_id)
# replace %(xml_id)s, %(xml_id)d, %%(xml_id)s, %%(xml_id)d by the res_id
if arch_fs:
arch_fs = resolve_external_ids(arch_fs, xml_id).replace('%%', '%')
translation_dictionary = field_arch_db.get_translation_dictionary(
view.with_env(env_en).arch_db, {lang: view.with_env(env_lang).arch_db}
arch_fs = field_arch_db.translate(
lambda term: translation_dictionary[term][lang],
view.arch = arch_fs or view.arch_db
def _inverse_arch(self):
for view in self:
data = dict(arch_db=view.arch)
if 'install_filename' in self._context:
# we store the relative path to the resource instead of the absolute path, if found
# (it will be missing e.g. when importing data-only modules using base_import_module)
path_info = get_resource_from_path(self._context['install_filename'])
if path_info:
data['arch_fs'] = '/'.join(path_info[0:2])
data['arch_updated'] = False
# the xml_translate will clean the arch_db when write (e.g. ('<div>') -> ('<div></div>'))
# view.arch should be reassigned here
view.arch = view.arch_db
# the field 'arch' depends on the context and has been implicitly
# modified in all languages; the invalidation below ensures that the
# field does not keep an old value in another environment
def _compute_arch_base(self):
# 'arch_base' is the same as 'arch' without translation
for view, view_wo_lang in zip(self, self.with_context(lang=None)):
view.arch_base = view_wo_lang.arch
def _inverse_arch_base(self):
for view, view_wo_lang in zip(self, self.with_context(lang=None)):
view_wo_lang.arch = view.arch_base
def reset_arch(self, mode='soft'):
""" Reset the view arch to its previous arch (soft) or its XML file arch
if exists (hard).
for view in self:
arch = False
if mode == 'soft':
arch = view.arch_prev
write_dict = {'arch_db': arch}
elif mode == 'hard' and view.arch_fs:
arch = view.with_context(read_arch_from_file=True, lang=None).arch
write_dict = {'arch_db': arch, 'arch_prev': False, 'arch_updated': False}
if arch:
# Don't save current arch in previous since we reset, this arch is probably broken
view.with_context(no_save_prev=True, lang=None).write(write_dict)
def _compute_model_data_id(self):
# get the first ir_model_data record corresponding to self
for view in self:
view.model_data_id = False
domain = [('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids)]
for data in self.env['ir.model.data'].sudo().search_read(domain, ['res_id'], order='id desc'):
view = self.browse(data['res_id'])
view.model_data_id = data['id']
def _search_model_data_id(self, operator, value):
name = 'name' if isinstance(value, str) else 'id'
domain = [('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'), (name, operator, value)]
data = self.env['ir.model.data'].sudo().search(domain)
return [('id', 'in', data.mapped('res_id'))]
def _compute_model_id(self):
for record in self:
record.model_id = self.env['ir.model']._get(record.model)
def _inverse_compute_model_id(self):
for record in self:
record.model = record.model_id.model
def _compute_xml_id(self):
xml_ids = collections.defaultdict(list)
domain = [('model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids)]
for data in self.env['ir.model.data'].sudo().search_read(domain, ['module', 'name', 'res_id']):
xml_ids[data['res_id']].append("%s.%s" % (data['module'], data['name']))
for view in self:
view.xml_id = xml_ids.get(view.id, [''])[0]
def _valid_inheritance(self, arch):
""" Check whether view inheritance is based on translated attribute. """
for node in arch.xpath('//*[@position]'):
# inheritance may not use a translated attribute as selector
if node.tag == 'xpath':
match = TRANSLATED_ATTRS_RE.search(node.get('expr', ''))
if match:
message = "View inheritance may not use attribute %r as a selector." % match.group(1)
self._raise_view_error(message, node)
if WRONGCLASS.search(node.get('expr', '')):
"Error-prone use of @class in view %s (%s): use the "
"hasclass(*classes) function to filter elements by "
"their classes", self.name, self.xml_id
if node.get(attr):
message = "View inheritance may not use attribute %r as a selector." % attr
self._raise_view_error(message, node)
return True
def _check_xml(self):
# Sanity checks: the view should not break anything upon rendering!
# Any exception raised below will cause a transaction rollback.
partial_validation = self.env.context.get('ir_ui_view_partial_validation')
self = self.with_context(validate_view_ids=(self._ids if partial_validation else True))
for view in self:
# verify the view is valid xml and that the inheritance resolves
if view.inherit_id:
view_arch = etree.fromstring(view.arch)
combined_arch = view._get_combined_arch()
if view.type == 'qweb':
except (etree.ParseError, ValueError) as e:
err = ValidationError(_(
"Error while parsing or validating view:\n\n%(error)s",
view=view.key or view.id,
err.context = getattr(e, 'context', None)
raise err from None
# verify that all fields used are valid, etc.
view._validate_view(combined_arch, view.model)
combined_archs = [combined_arch]
if combined_arch.xpath('//*[@attrs]') or combined_arch.xpath('//*[@states]'):
view_name = f'{view.name} ({view.xml_id})' if view.xml_id else view.name
err = ValidationError(_('Since 17.0, the "attrs" and "states" attributes are no longer used.\nView: %(name)s in %(file)s',
name=view_name, file=view.arch_fs
err.context = {'name': 'invalid view'}
raise err
if combined_archs[0].tag == 'data':
# A <data> element is a wrapper for multiple root nodes
combined_archs = combined_archs[0]
for view_arch in combined_archs:
for node in view_arch.xpath('//*[@__validate__]'):
del node.attrib['__validate__']
check = valid_view(view_arch, env=self.env, model=view.model)
if not check:
view_name = f'{view.name} ({view.xml_id})' if view.xml_id else view.name
raise ValidationError(_(
'Invalid view %(name)s definition in %(file)s',
name=view_name, file=view.arch_fs
except ValueError as e:
if hasattr(e, 'context'):
lines = etree.tostring(combined_arch, encoding='unicode').splitlines(keepends=True)
fivelines = "".join(lines[max(0, e.context["line"]-3):e.context["line"]+2])
err = ValidationError(_(
"Error while validating view near:\n\n%(fivelines)s\n%(error)s",
fivelines=fivelines, error=e,
err.context = e.context
raise err.with_traceback(e.__traceback__) from None
elif e.__context__:
err = ValidationError(_(
"Error while validating view (%(view)s):\n\n%(error)s", view=view.key or view.id, error=e.__context__,
err.context = {'name': 'invalid view'}
raise err.with_traceback(e.__context__.__traceback__) from None
raise ValidationError(_(
"Error while validating view (%(view)s):\n\n%(error)s", view=view.key or view.id, error=e,
return True
@api.constrains('type', 'groups_id', 'inherit_id')
def _check_groups(self):
for view in self:
if (view.groups_id and
view.inherit_id and
view.mode != 'primary'):
raise ValidationError(_("Inherited view cannot have 'Groups' define on the record. Use 'groups' attributes inside the view definition"))
def _check_000_inheritance(self):
# NOTE: constraints methods are check alphabetically. Always ensure this method will be
# called before other constraint methods to avoid infinite loop in `_get_combined_arch`.
if self._has_cycle('inherit_id'):
raise ValidationError(_('You cannot create recursive inherited views.'))
_sql_constraints = [
"CHECK (mode != 'extension' OR inherit_id IS NOT NULL)",
"Invalid inheritance mode: if the mode is 'extension', the view must"
" extend an other view"),
"CHECK (type != 'qweb' OR key IS NOT NULL)",
"Invalid key: QWeb view should have a key"),
def _auto_init(self):
res = super(View, self)._auto_init()
tools.create_index(self._cr, 'ir_ui_view_model_type_inherit_id',
self._table, ['model', 'inherit_id'])
return res
def _compute_defaults(self, values):
if 'inherit_id' in values:
# Do not automatically change the mode if the view already has an inherit_id,
# and the user change it to another.
if not values['inherit_id'] or all(not view.inherit_id for view in self):
values.setdefault('mode', 'extension' if values['inherit_id'] else 'primary')
return values
def _compute_warning_info(self):
for view in self:
view.warning_info = ''
if view.inherit_id:
view_arch = etree.fromstring(view.arch)
combined_arch = view._get_combined_arch()
if view.type != 'qweb':
view._postprocess_view(combined_arch, view.model, is_compute_warning_info=True)
except (etree.ParseError, ValueError) as e:
view.warning_info = str(e)
def create(self, vals_list):
for values in vals_list:
if 'arch_db' in values and not values['arch_db']:
# delete empty arch_db to avoid triggering _check_xml before _inverse_arch_base is called
del values['arch_db']
if not values.get('type'):
if values.get('inherit_id'):
values['type'] = self.browse(values['inherit_id']).type
if not values.get('arch') and not values.get('arch_base'):
raise ValidationError(_('Missing view architecture.'))
values['type'] = etree.fromstring(values.get('arch') or values.get('arch_base')).tag
except LxmlError:
# don't raise here, the constraint that runs `self._check_xml` will
# do the job properly.
if not values.get('key') and values.get('type') == 'qweb':
values['key'] = "gen_key.%s" % str(uuid.uuid4())[:6]
if not values.get('name'):
values['name'] = "%s %s" % (values.get('model'), values['type'])
# Create might be called with either `arch` (xml files), `arch_base` (form view) or `arch_db`.
values['arch_prev'] = values.get('arch_base') or values.get('arch_db') or values.get('arch')
# write on arch: bypass _inverse_arch()
if 'arch' in values:
values['arch_db'] = values.pop('arch')
if 'install_filename' in self._context:
# we store the relative path to the resource instead of the absolute path, if found
# (it will be missing e.g. when importing data-only modules using base_import_module)
path_info = get_resource_from_path(self._context['install_filename'])
if path_info:
values['arch_fs'] = '/'.join(path_info[0:2])
values['arch_updated'] = False
result = super(View, self.with_context(ir_ui_view_partial_validation=True)).create(vals_list)
return result.with_env(self.env)
def write(self, vals):
# Keep track if view was modified. That will be useful for the --dev mode
# to prefer modified arch over file arch.
if 'arch_updated' not in vals and ('arch' in vals or 'arch_base' in vals) and 'install_filename' not in self._context:
vals['arch_updated'] = True
# drop the corresponding view customizations (used for dashboards for example), otherwise
# not all users would see the updated views
custom_view = self.env['ir.ui.view.custom'].sudo().search([('ref_id', 'in', self.ids)])
if custom_view:
if 'arch_db' in vals and not self.env.context.get('no_save_prev'):
vals['arch_prev'] = self.arch_db
res = super(View, self).write(self._compute_defaults(vals))
# Check the xml of the view if it gets re-activated.
# Ideally, `active` shoud have been added to the `api.constrains` of `_check_xml`,
# but the ORM writes and validates regular field (such as `active`) before inverse fields (such as `arch`),
# and therefore when writing `active` and `arch` at the same time, `_check_xml` is called twice,
# and the first time it tries to validate the view without the modification to the arch,
# which is problematic if the user corrects the view at the same time he re-enables it.
if vals.get('active'):
# Call `_validate_fields` instead of `_check_xml` to have the regular constrains error dialog
# instead of the traceback dialog.
return res
def unlink(self):
# if in uninstall mode and has children views, emulate an ondelete cascade
if self.env.context.get('_force_unlink', False) and self.inherit_children_ids:
return super(View, self).unlink()
def _update_field_translations(self, fname, translations, digest=None, source_lang=None):
return super(View, self.with_context(no_save_prev=True))._update_field_translations(fname, translations, digest=digest, source_lang=source_lang)
def copy_data(self, default=None):
has_default_without_key = default and 'key' not in default
default = dict(default or {})
vals_list = super().copy_data(default=default)
for view, vals in zip(self, vals_list):
if view.key and has_default_without_key:
vals['key'] = default.get('key', view.key + '_%s' % str(uuid.uuid4())[:6])
return vals_list
# default view selection
def default_view(self, model, view_type):
""" Fetches the default view for the provided (model, view_type) pair:
primary view with the lowest priority.
:param str model:
:param int view_type:
:return: id of the default view of False if none found
:rtype: int
domain = [('model', '=', model), ('type', '=', view_type), ('mode', '=', 'primary')]
return self.search(domain, limit=1).id
# Inheritance mecanism
def _get_inheriting_views_domain(self):
""" Return a domain to filter the sub-views to inherit from. """
return [('active', '=', True)]
def _get_filter_xmlid_query(self):
"""This method is meant to be overridden by other modules.
return """SELECT res_id FROM ir_model_data
WHERE res_id IN %(res_ids)s AND model = 'ir.ui.view' AND module IN %(modules)s
def _get_inheriting_views(self):
Determine the views that inherit from the current recordset, and return
them as a recordset, ordered by priority then by id.
if not self.ids:
return self.browse()
domain = self._get_inheriting_views_domain()
e = expression(domain, self.env['ir.ui.view'])
where_clause = e.query.where_clause
assert e.query.from_clause == SQL.identifier('ir_ui_view'), f"Unexpected from clause: {e.query.from_clause}"
self.flush_model(['inherit_id', 'priority', 'model', 'mode'])
query = SQL("""
WITH RECURSIVE ir_ui_view_inherits AS (
SELECT id, inherit_id, priority, mode, model
FROM ir_ui_view
WHERE id IN %(ids)s AND (%(where_clause)s)
SELECT ir_ui_view.id, ir_ui_view.inherit_id, ir_ui_view.priority,
ir_ui_view.mode, ir_ui_view.model
FROM ir_ui_view
INNER JOIN ir_ui_view_inherits parent ON parent.id = ir_ui_view.inherit_id
WHERE coalesce(ir_ui_view.model, '') = coalesce(parent.model, '')
AND ir_ui_view.mode = 'extension'
AND (%(where_clause)s)
v.id, v.inherit_id, v.mode
FROM ir_ui_view_inherits v
ORDER BY v.priority, v.id
""", ids=tuple(self.ids), where_clause=where_clause)
# ORDER BY v.priority, v.id:
# 1/ sort by priority: abritrary value set by developers on some
# views to solve "dependency hell" problems and force a view
# to be combined earlier or later. e.g. all views created via
# studio have a priority=99 to be loaded last.
# 2/ sort by view id: the order the views were inserted in the
# database. e.g. base views are placed before stock ones.
rows = self.env.execute_query(query)
views = self.browse(row[0] for row in rows)
# optimization: fill in cache of inherit_id and mode
self.env.cache.update(views, self._fields['inherit_id'], [row[1] for row in rows])
self.env.cache.update(views, self._fields['mode'], [row[2] for row in rows])
# During an upgrade, we can only use the views that have been
# fully upgraded already.
if self.pool._init and not self._context.get('load_all_views'):
views = views._filter_loaded_views()
return views
def _filter_loaded_views(self):
During the module upgrade phase it may happen that a view is
present in the database but the fields it relies on are not
fully loaded yet. This method only considers views that belong
to modules whose code is already loaded. Custom views defined
directly in the database are loaded only after the module
initialization phase is completely finished.
# check that all found ids have a corresponding xml_id in a loaded module
check_view_ids = set(self.env.context['check_view_ids'])
ids_to_check = [vid for vid in self.ids if vid not in check_view_ids]
if not ids_to_check:
return self
loaded_modules = tuple(self.pool._init_modules) + (self._context.get('install_module'),)
query = self._get_filter_xmlid_query()
sql = SQL(query, res_ids=tuple(ids_to_check), modules=loaded_modules)
valid_view_ids = {id_ for id_, in self.env.execute_query(sql)} | check_view_ids
return self.browse(vid for vid in self.ids if vid in valid_view_ids)
def _check_view_access(self):
""" Verify that a view is accessible by the current user based on the
groups attribute. Views with no groups are considered private.
if self.inherit_id and self.mode != 'primary':
return self.inherit_id._check_view_access()
if self.groups_id & self.env.user.groups_id:
return True
if self.groups_id:
error = _(
"View '%(name)s' accessible only to groups %(groups)s ",
groups=", ".join([g.name for g in self.groups_id]
error = _("View '%(name)s' is private", name=self.key)
raise AccessError(error)
def _raise_view_error(self, message, node=None, *, from_exception=None, from_traceback=None):
""" Handle a view error by raising an exception.
:param str message: message to raise or log, augmented with contextual
view information
:param node: the lxml element where the error is located (if any)
:param BaseException from_exception:
when raising an exception, chain it to the provided one (default:
disable chaining)
:param types.TracebackType from_traceback:
when raising an exception, start with this traceback (default: start
at exception creation)
err = ValueError(message).with_traceback(from_traceback)
err.context = {
'view': self,
'name': getattr(self, 'name', None),
'xmlid': self.env.context.get('install_xmlid') or self.xml_id,
'view.model': self.model,
'view.parent': self.inherit_id,
'file': self.env.context.get('install_filename'),
'line': node.sourceline if node is not None else 1,
raise err from from_exception
def _log_view_warning(self, message, node):
""" Handle a view issue by logging a warning.
:param str message: message to raise or log, augmented with contextual
view information
:param node: the lxml element where the error is located (if any)
error_context = {
'view': self,
'name': getattr(self, 'name', None),
'xmlid': self.env.context.get('install_xmlid') or self.xml_id,
'view.model': self.model,
'view.parent': self.inherit_id,
'file': self.env.context.get('install_filename'),
'line': node.sourceline if node is not None else 1,
"%s\nView error context:\n%s",
message, pprint.pformat(error_context)
def locate_node(self, arch, spec):
""" Locate a node in a source (parent) architecture.
Given a complete source (parent) architecture (i.e. the field
`arch` in a view), and a 'spec' node (a node in an inheriting
view that specifies the location in the source view of what
should be changed), return (if it exists) the node in the
source view matching the specification.
:param arch: a parent architecture to modify
:param spec: a modifying node in an inheriting view
:return: a node in the source matching the spec
return locate_node(arch, spec)
def inherit_branding(self, specs_tree):
for node in specs_tree.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):
xpath = node.getroottree().getpath(node)
if node.tag == 'data' or node.tag == 'xpath' or node.get('position'):
elif node.get('t-field'):
node.set('data-oe-xpath', xpath)
node.set('data-oe-id', str(self.id))
node.set('data-oe-xpath', xpath)
node.set('data-oe-model', 'ir.ui.view')
node.set('data-oe-field', 'arch')
return specs_tree
def _add_validation_flag(self, combined_arch, view=None, arch=None):
""" Add a validation flag on elements in ``combined_arch`` or ``arch``.
This is part of the partial validation of views.
:param Element combined_arch: the architecture to be modified by ``arch``
:param view: an optional view inheriting ``self``
:param Element arch: an optional modifying architecture from inheriting
view ``view``
# validate_view_ids is either falsy (no validation), True (full
# validation) or a collection of ids (partial validation)
validate_view_ids = self.env.context.get('validate_view_ids')
if not validate_view_ids:
if validate_view_ids is True or self.id in validate_view_ids:
# optimization, flag the root node
combined_arch.set('__validate__', '1')
if view is None or view.id not in validate_view_ids:
for node in arch.xpath('//*[@position]'):
if node.get('position') in ('after', 'before', 'inside'):
# validate the elements being inserted, except the ones that
# specify a move, as in:
# <field name="foo" position="after">
# <field name="bar" position="move"/>
# </field>
for child in node.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):
if not child.get('position'):
child.set('__validate__', '1')
if node.get('position') == 'replace':
# validate everything, since this impacts the whole arch
combined_arch.set('__validate__', '1')
if node.get('position') == 'attributes':
# validate the element being modified by adding
# attribute "__validate__" on it:
# <field name="foo" position="attributes">
# <attribute name="readonly">1</attribute>
# <attribute name="__validate__">1</attribute> <!-- add this -->
# </field>
node.append(E.attribute('1', name='__validate__'))
def apply_inheritance_specs(self, source, specs_tree, pre_locate=lambda s: True):
""" Apply an inheriting view (a descendant of the base view)
Apply to a source architecture all the spec nodes (i.e. nodes
describing where and what changes to apply to some parent
architecture) given by an inheriting view.
:param Element source: a parent architecture to modify
:param Element specs_tree: a modifying architecture in an inheriting view
:param (optional) pre_locate: function that is execute before locating a node.
This function receives an arch as argument.
:return: a modified source where the specs are applied
:rtype: Element
# Queue of specification nodes (i.e. nodes describing where and
# changes to apply to some parent architecture).
source = apply_inheritance_specs(
source, specs_tree,
except ValueError as e:
self._raise_view_error(str(e), specs_tree)
return source
def _combine(self, hierarchy: dict):
Return self's arch combined with its inherited views archs.
:param hierarchy: mapping from parent views to their child views
:return: combined architecture
:rtype: Element
assert self.mode == 'primary'
# We achieve a pre-order depth-first hierarchy traversal where
# primary views (and their children) are traversed after all the
# extensions for the current primary view have been visited.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#Depth-first_search_of_binary_tree
# Example: hierarchy = {
# 1: [2, 3], # primary view
# 1* 2: [4, 5],
# / \ 3: [],
# 2 3 4: [6], # primary view
# / \ 5: [7, 8],
# 4* 5 6: [],
# / / \ 7: [],
# 6 7 8 8: [],
# }
# Tree traversal order (`view` and `queue` at the `while` stmt):
# 1 [2, 3]
# 2 [5, 3, 4]
# 5 [7, 8, 3, 4]
# 7 [8, 3, 4]
# 8 [3, 4]
# 3 [4]
# 4 [6]
# 6 []
combined_arch = etree.fromstring(self.arch)
if self.env.context.get('inherit_branding'):
'data-oe-model': 'ir.ui.view',
'data-oe-id': str(self.id),
'data-oe-field': 'arch',
# The depth-first traversal is implemented with a double-ended queue.
# The queue is traversed from left to right, and after each view in the
# queue is processed, its children are pushed at the left of the queue,
# so that they are traversed in order. The queue is therefore mostly
# used as a stack. An exception is made for primary views, which are
# pushed at the other end of the queue, so that they are applied after
# all extensions have been applied.
queue = collections.deque(sorted(hierarchy[self], key=lambda v: v.mode))
while queue:
view = queue.popleft()
arch = etree.fromstring(view.arch or '<data/>')
if view.env.context.get('inherit_branding'):
self._add_validation_flag(combined_arch, view, arch)
combined_arch = view.apply_inheritance_specs(combined_arch, arch)
for child_view in reversed(hierarchy[view]):
if child_view.mode == 'primary':
return combined_arch
def get_combined_arch(self):
""" Return the arch of ``self`` (as a string) combined with its inherited views. """
return etree.tostring(self._get_combined_arch(), encoding='unicode')
def _get_combined_arch(self):
""" Return the arch of ``self`` (as an etree) combined with its inherited views. """
root = self
view_ids = []
while True:
if not root.inherit_id:
root = root.inherit_id
views = self.browse(view_ids)
# Add inherited views to the list of loading forced views
# Otherwise, inherited views could not find elements created in
# their direct parents if that parent is defined in the same module
# introduce check_view_ids in context
if 'check_view_ids' not in views.env.context:
views = views.with_context(check_view_ids=[])
# Map each node to its children nodes. Note that all children nodes are
# part of a single prefetch set, which is all views to combine.
tree_views = views._get_inheriting_views()
hierarchy = collections.defaultdict(list)
for view in tree_views:
# optimization: make root part of the prefetch set, too
arch = root.with_prefetch(tree_views._prefetch_ids)._combine(hierarchy)
return arch
def _get_view_refs(self, node):
""" Extract the `[view_type]_view_ref` keys and values from the node context attribute,
giving the views to use for a field node.
:param node: the field node as an etree
:return: a dictonary mapping the `[view_type]_view_ref` key to the xmlid of the view to use for that view type.
if not node.get('context'):
return {}
return {
m.group('view_type'): m.group('view_id')
for m in ref_re.finditer(node.get('context'))
# Postprocessing: translation, groups and modifiers
# TODO: remove group processing from ir_qweb
def postprocess_and_fields(self, node, model=None, **options):
""" Return an architecture and a description of all the fields.
The field description combines the result of fields_get() and
:param self: the view to postprocess
:param node: the architecture as an etree
:param model: the view's reference model name
:return: a tuple (arch, fields) where arch is the given node as a
string and fields is the description of all the fields.
self and self.ensure_one() # self is at most one view
name_manager = self._postprocess_view(node, model or self.model, **options)
arch = etree.tostring(node, encoding="unicode").replace('\t', '')
models = {}
name_managers = [name_manager]
for name_manager in name_managers:
models.setdefault(name_manager.model._name, set()).update(name_manager.available_fields)
return arch, models
def _postprocess_access_rights(self, tree):
Apply group restrictions: elements with a 'groups' attribute should
be removed from the view to people who are not members.
Compute and set on node access rights based on view type. Specific
views can add additional specific rights like creating columns for
many2one-based grouping views.
group_definitions = self.env['res.groups']._get_group_definitions()
user_group_ids = self.env.user._get_group_ids()
# The 'base.group_no_one' is not actually involved by any other group because it is session dependent.
group_no_one_id = group_definitions.get_id('base.group_no_one')
if group_no_one_id in user_group_ids and not (request and request.session.debug):
user_group_ids = [g for g in user_group_ids if g != group_no_one_id]
# check the read/visibility access
def has_access(groups_key):
groups = group_definitions.from_key(groups_key)
return groups.matches(user_group_ids)
# check the read/visibility access
for node in tree.xpath('//*[@__groups_key__]'):
if not has_access(node.attrib.pop('__groups_key__')):
elif node.tag == 't' and not node.attrib:
# Move content of <t groups=""> blocks
# and remove the <t> node.
# This is to keep the structure
# <group>
# <field name="foo"/>
# <field name="bar"/>
# <group>
# so the web client adds the label as expected.
# This is also to avoid having <t> nodes in list views
# e.g.
# <list>
# <field name="foo"/>
# <t groups="foo">
# <field name="bar" groups="bar"/>
# </t>
# </list>
for child in reversed(node):
# check the create and write access
base_model = tree.get('model_access_rights')
for node in tree.xpath('//*[@model_access_rights]'):
model = self.env[node.attrib.pop('model_access_rights')]
if node.tag == 'field':
can_create = model.has_access('create')
can_write = model.has_access('write')
node.set('can_create', str(bool(can_create)))
node.set('can_write', str(bool(can_write)))
is_base_model = base_model == model._name
for action, operation in (('create', 'create'), ('delete', 'unlink'), ('edit', 'write')):
if not node.get(action) and not model.has_access(operation):
node.set(action, 'False')
if node.tag == 'kanban':
group_by_name = node.get('default_group_by')
group_by_field = model._fields.get(group_by_name)
if group_by_field and group_by_field.type == 'many2one':
group_by_model = model.env[group_by_field.comodel_name]
for action, operation in (('group_create', 'create'), ('group_delete', 'unlink'), ('group_edit', 'write')):
if not node.get(action) and not group_by_model.has_access(operation):
node.set(action, 'False')
return tree
def _postprocess_view(self, node, model_name, editable=True, node_info=None, **options):
""" Process the given architecture, modifying it in-place to add and
remove stuff.
:param self: the optional view to postprocess
:param node: the combined architecture as an etree
:param model_name: the view's reference model name
:param editable: whether the view is considered editable
:return: the processed architecture's NameManager
root = node
if model_name not in self.env:
self._raise_view_error(_('Model not found: %(model)s', model=model_name), root)
model = self.env[model_name]
group_definitions = self.env['res.groups']._get_group_definitions()
# model_groups/view_groups: access groups for the model/view
model_groups = node_info['model_groups'] if node_info else group_definitions.universe
view_groups = node_info['view_groups'] if node_info else group_definitions.universe
parent_name_manager = node_info['name_manager'] if node_info else None
# combine model access groups with this model's access groups
model_groups &= self.env['ir.model.access']._get_access_groups(model_name)
name_manager = NameManager(model, parent=parent_name_manager, model_groups=model_groups)
root_info = {
'view_type': root.tag,
'view_editable': editable and self._editable_node(root, name_manager),
'mobile': options.get('mobile'),
'model_groups': model_groups,
'view_groups': view_groups,
'name_manager': name_manager,
is_compute_warning_info = options.get('is_compute_warning_info')
# use a stack to recursively traverse the tree
stack = [(root, view_groups, editable)]
while stack:
node, view_groups, editable = stack.pop()
# compute default
tag = node.tag
had_parent = node.getparent() is not None
node_info = dict(root_info, view_groups=view_groups, editable=editable and self._editable_node(node, name_manager))
node_groups = node.get('groups')
if node_groups:
node_info['view_groups'] &= group_definitions.parse(node_groups, raise_if_not_found=False)
# tag-specific postprocessing
postprocessor = getattr(self, f"_postprocess_tag_{tag}", None)
if postprocessor is not None:
postprocessor(node, name_manager, node_info)
if had_parent and node.getparent() is None:
# the node has been removed, stop processing here
# if present, iterate on node_info['children'] instead of node
for child in reversed(node_info.get('children', node)):
stack.append((child, node_info['view_groups'], node_info['editable']))
if node_groups or root_info['model_groups'] != node_info['model_groups']:
groups = node_info['model_groups'] & node_info['view_groups']
node.set('__groups_key__', groups.key)
self._postprocess_attributes(node, name_manager, node_info)
if node_groups and is_compute_warning_info:
# reset the groups attributes to display in log
node.attrib['groups'] = node_groups
missing_fields = self._add_missing_fields(root, name_manager)
if is_compute_warning_info:
for name, (missing_groups, reasons) in missing_fields.items():
error_message = name_manager._error_message_group_inconsistency(name, missing_groups, reasons)[0]
if error_message:
if self.warning_info:
self.warning_info += Markup('<br/>\n<br/>\n')
self.warning_info += error_message.replace('\n', Markup('<br/>\n'))
root.set('model_access_rights', model._name)
if self._onchange_able_view(root):
self._postprocess_on_change(root, model)
return name_manager
def _add_missing_fields(self, node, name_manager):
""" Add the fields required for evaluating expressions in the view given by ``node``. """
root = node
missing_fields = name_manager.get_missing_fields()
for name, (missing_groups, reasons) in missing_fields.items():
if name not in name_manager.field_info:
# If the available fields have different groups then to avoid it being missing for
# certain users, we virtually add a field with common groups.
name_manager.available_fields[name].setdefault('info', {})
name_manager.available_fields[name].setdefault('groups', []).append(missing_groups)
# If the field is not in the view without any group restriction,
# add the field node with all mandatory groups (or without group if
# the mandatory field does not have groups).
attrs = {
'name': name,
'invisible' if root.tag != 'list' else 'column_invisible': 'True',
'readonly': 'True',
'data-used-by': '; '.join(
f"{attr}={expr!r} ({node.tag},{node.get('name')})"
for _groups, (attr, expr), node in reasons
if missing_groups is not False:
subset_groups = missing_groups.invert_intersect(name_manager.model_groups)
if subset_groups is None:
subset_groups = missing_groups
if not subset_groups.is_universal():
attrs['__groups_key__'] = subset_groups.key
item = etree.Element('field', attrs)
item.tail = '\n'
return missing_fields
def _postprocess_on_change(self, arch, model):
""" Add attribute on_change="1" on fields that are dependencies of
computed fields on the same view.
# map each field object to its corresponding nodes in arch
field_nodes = collections.defaultdict(list)
def collect(node, model):
if node.tag == 'field':
field = model._fields.get(node.get('name'))
if field:
if field.relational:
model = self.env[field.comodel_name]
for child in node:
collect(child, model)
collect(arch, model)
for field, nodes in field_nodes.items():
# if field should trigger an onchange, add on_change="1" on the
# nodes referring to field
model = self.env[field.model_name]
if model._has_onchange(field, field_nodes):
for node in nodes:
if not node.get('on_change'):
node.set('on_change', '1')
def _get_x2many_missing_view_archs(self, field, field_node, node_info):
For x2many fields that require to have some multi-record arch (kanban or list) to display the records
be available, this function fetches all arch that are needed and return them.
The caller function is responsible to do what it needs with them.
current_view_types = [el.tag for el in field_node.xpath("./*[descendant::field]")]
missing_view_types = []
if not any(view_type in current_view_types for view_type in field_node.get('mode', 'kanban,list').split(',')):
field_node.get('mode', 'kanban' if node_info.get('mobile') else 'list').split(',')[0]
if not missing_view_types:
return []
comodel = self.env[field.comodel_name].sudo(False)
refs = self._get_view_refs(field_node)
# Do not propagate <view_type>_view_ref of parent call to `_get_view`
comodel = comodel.with_context(**{
f'{view_type}_view_ref': refs.get(f'{view_type}_view_ref')
for view_type in missing_view_types
return [comodel._get_view(view_type=view_type) for view_type in missing_view_types]
def _postprocess_attributes(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
# get mandatory fields
for attr, expr in node.items():
if attr in VIEW_MODIFIERS or attr.startswith('decoration-'):
vnames = get_expression_field_names(expr)
name_manager.must_have_fields(node, vnames, node_info, (attr, expr))
elif attr == 'groups':
# Specific node postprocessors
def _postprocess_tag_calendar(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
for additional_field in ('date_start', 'date_delay', 'date_stop', 'color', 'all_day'):
if fnames := node.get(additional_field):
name_manager.has_field(node, fnames.split('.', 1)[0], node_info)
for f in node:
if f.tag == 'filter':
name_manager.has_field(node, f.get('name'), node_info)
def _postprocess_tag_field(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
name = node.get('name')
if not name:
attrs = {'id': node.get('id'), 'select': node.get('select')}
field = name_manager.model._fields.get(name)
if field:
if field.groups:
group_definitions = self.env['res.groups']._get_group_definitions()
node_info['model_groups'] &= group_definitions.parse(field.groups, raise_if_not_found=False)
if (
node_info.get('view_type') == 'form'
and field.type in ('one2many', 'many2many')
and not node.get('widget')
and node.get('invisible') not in ('1', 'True')
and not name_manager.parent
# Embed kanban/list/form views for visible x2many fields in form views
# if no widget or the widget requires it.
# So the web client doesn't have to call `get_views` for x2many fields not embedding their view
# in the main form view.
for arch, _view in self._get_x2many_missing_view_archs(field, node, node_info):
if field.relational:
domain = (
or node_info['editable'] and field._description_domain(self.env)
if isinstance(domain, str):
vnames = get_expression_field_names(domain)
name_manager.must_have_fields(node, vnames, node_info, ('domain', domain))
context = node.get('context')
if context:
vnames = get_expression_field_names(context)
name_manager.must_have_fields(node, vnames, node_info, ('context', context))
for child in node:
if child.tag in ('form', 'list', 'graph', 'kanban', 'calendar'):
node_info['children'] = []
self._postprocess_view(child, field.comodel_name, editable=node_info['editable'], node_info=node_info)
if node_info['editable'] and field.type in ('many2one', 'many2many'):
node.set('model_access_rights', field.comodel_name)
name_manager.has_field(node, name, node_info, attrs)
def _postprocess_tag_form(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
result = name_manager.model.view_header_get(False, node.tag)
if result:
node.set('string', result)
def _postprocess_tag_groupby(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
# groupby nodes should be considered as nested view because they may
# contain fields on the comodel
name = node.get('name')
field = name_manager.model._fields.get(name)
if not field or not field.comodel_name:
# post-process the node as a nested view, and associate it to the field
node_info['children'] = []
self._postprocess_view(node, field.comodel_name, editable=False, node_info=node_info)
name_manager.has_field(node, name, node_info)
def _postprocess_tag_label(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
if not node.get('for'):
field = name_manager.model._fields.get(node.get('for'))
if field and field.groups:
group_definitions = self.env['res.groups']._get_group_definitions()
node_info['model_groups'] &= group_definitions.parse(field.groups, raise_if_not_found=False)
def _postprocess_tag_search(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
searchpanel = [child for child in node if child.tag == 'searchpanel']
if searchpanel:
self._postprocess_view(searchpanel[0], name_manager.model._name, editable=False, node_info=node_info)
node_info['children'] = [child for child in node if child.tag != 'searchpanel']
def _postprocess_tag_list(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
# reuse form view post-processing
self._postprocess_tag_form(node, name_manager, node_info)
# view editability
def _editable_node(self, node, name_manager):
""" Return whether the given node must be considered editable. """
func = getattr(self, f"_editable_tag_{node.tag}", None)
if func is not None:
return func(node, name_manager)
# by default views are non-editable
return node.tag not in (item[0] for item in self._fields['type'].selection)
def _editable_tag_form(self, node, name_manager):
return True
def _editable_tag_list(self, node, name_manager):
return node.get('editable') or node.get('multi_edit')
def _editable_tag_field(self, node, name_manager):
field = name_manager.model._fields.get(node.get('name'))
return field is None or field.is_editable() and node.get('readonly') not in ('1', 'True')
def _onchange_able_view(self, node):
func = getattr(self, f"_onchange_able_view_{node.tag}", None)
if func is not None:
return func(node)
def _onchange_able_view_form(self, node):
return True
def _onchange_able_view_list(self, node):
return True
def _onchange_able_view_kanban(self, node):
return True
def _modifiers_from_model(self, node):
modifier_names = []
if node.tag in ('kanban', 'list', 'form'):
modifier_names += ['readonly', 'required']
return modifier_names
# view validation
def _validate_view(self, node, model_name, view_type=None, editable=True, node_info=None):
""" Validate the given architecture node, and return its corresponding
:param self: the view being validated
:param node: the combined architecture as an etree
:param model_name: the reference model name for the given architecture
:param editable: whether the view is considered editable
:param full: whether the whole view must be validated
:return: the combined architecture's NameManager
view_type = view_type or self.type
if node.tag != view_type:
'The root node of a %(view_type)s view should be a <%(view_type)s>, not a <%(tag)s>',
view_type=view_type, tag=node.tag,
), node)
if model_name not in self.env:
self._raise_view_error(_('Model not found: %(model)s', model=model_name), node)
group_definitions = self.env['res.groups']._get_group_definitions()
# model_groups/view_groups: access groups for the model/view
validate = node_info['validate'] if node_info else False
model_groups = node_info['model_groups'] if node_info else group_definitions.universe
view_groups = node_info['view_groups'] if node_info else group_definitions.universe
parent_name_manager = node_info['name_manager'] if node_info else None
# combine model access groups with this model's access groups
model_groups &= self.env['ir.model.access']._get_access_groups(model_name)
# fields_get() optimization: validation does not require translations
model = self.env[model_name].with_context(lang=None)
name_manager = NameManager(model, parent=parent_name_manager, model_groups=model_groups)
view_type = node.tag
# use a stack to recursively traverse the tree
stack = [(node, view_groups, editable, validate)]
while stack:
node, view_groups, editable, validate = stack.pop()
# compute default
tag = node.tag
validate = validate or node.get('__validate__')
node_info = {
'editable': editable and self._editable_node(node, name_manager),
'validate': validate,
'view_type': view_type,
'model_groups': model_groups,
'view_groups': view_groups,
'name_manager': name_manager,
if groups := node.get('groups'):
for group_name in groups.replace('!', '').split(','):
name_manager.must_exist_group(group_name, node)
node_info['view_groups'] &= group_definitions.parse(groups, raise_if_not_found=False)
# tag-specific validation
validator = getattr(self, f"_validate_tag_{tag}", None)
if validator is not None:
validator(node, name_manager, node_info)
if validate:
self._validate_attributes(node, name_manager, node_info)
for child in reversed(node):
stack.append((child, node_info['view_groups'], node_info['editable'], validate))
return name_manager
# Node validator
def _validate_tag_form(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
self._validate_tag_kanban(node, name_manager, node_info)
def _validate_tag_kanban(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
if node.xpath("//t[@t-name='kanban-box']"):
_logger.warning("'kanban-box' is deprecated, define a 'card' template instead")
def _validate_tag_list(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
# reuse form view validation
self._validate_tag_form(node, name_manager, node_info)
if not node_info['validate']:
# inline list views inside form views aren't rng validated, so we must validate the
# editable attribute in python
editable_attr = node.get("editable")
if editable_attr and editable_attr not in ["top", "bottom"]:
msg = _(
'The "editable" attribute of list views must be "top" or "bottom", received %(value)s',
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
allowed_tags = ('field', 'button', 'control', 'groupby', 'widget', 'header')
for child in node.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):
if child.tag not in allowed_tags and not isinstance(child, etree._Comment):
msg = _(
'List child can only have one of %(tags)s tag (not %(wrong_tag)s)',
tags=', '.join(allowed_tags), wrong_tag=child.tag,
self._raise_view_error(msg, child)
def _validate_tag_graph(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
if not node_info['validate']:
for child in node.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):
if child.tag != 'field' and not isinstance(child, etree._Comment):
msg = _('A <graph> can only contains <field> nodes, found a <%s>', child.tag)
self._raise_view_error(msg, child)
def _validate_tag_calendar(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
for additional_field in ('date_start', 'date_delay', 'date_stop', 'color', 'all_day'):
if fnames := node.get(additional_field):
name_manager.has_field(node, fnames.split('.', 1)[0], node_info)
for f in node:
if f.tag == 'filter':
name_manager.has_field(node, f.get('name'), node_info)
def _validate_tag_search(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
if node_info['validate'] and not node.iterdescendants(tag="field"):
# the field of the search view may be within a group node, which is why we must check
# for all descendants containing a node with a field tag, if this is not the case
# then a search is not possible.
self._log_view_warning('Search tag requires at least one field element', node)
searchpanels = [child for child in node if child.tag == 'searchpanel']
if searchpanels:
if len(searchpanels) > 1:
self._raise_view_error(_('Search tag can only contain one search panel'), node)
self._validate_view(searchpanels[0], name_manager.model._name, view_type="searchpanel",
node_info=node_info, editable=False)
def _validate_tag_field(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
validate = node_info['validate']
name = node.get('name')
if not name:
self._raise_view_error(_("Field tag must have a \"name\" attribute defined"), node)
field = name_manager.model._fields.get(name)
if field:
if field.groups:
group_definitions = self.env['res.groups']._get_group_definitions()
node_info['model_groups'] &= group_definitions.parse(field.groups, raise_if_not_found=False)
if validate and field.relational:
domain = (
or node_info['editable'] and field._description_domain(self.env)
if isinstance(domain, str):
# dynamic domain: in [('foo', '=', bar)], field 'foo' must
# exist on the comodel and field 'bar' must be in the view
desc = (f'domain of <field name="{name}">' if node.get('domain')
else f"domain of python field {name!r}")
self._validate_domain_identifiers(node, name_manager, domain, desc, field.comodel_name, node_info)
except ValueError as e:
if 'Modifier must be a domain' in str(e):
warnings.warn(f"Non-domain syntaxes are deprecated for attribute 'domain': {desc}\n{domain!r}", DeprecationWarning, 2)
elif validate and node.get('domain'):
msg = _(
'Domain on non-relational field "%(name)s" makes no sense (domain:%(domain)s)',
name=name, domain=node.get('domain'),
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
if field.type == 'properties' and node_info['view_type'] != 'search':
name_manager.must_have_fields(node, {field._description_definition_record}, node_info, use=f"definition record of {field.name}")
for child in node:
if child.tag not in ('form', 'list', 'graph', 'kanban', 'calendar'):
child, field.comodel_name, view_type=child.tag, editable=node_info['editable'],
elif validate and name not in name_manager.field_info:
msg = _(
'Field "%(field_name)s" does not exist in model "%(model_name)s"',
field_name=name, model_name=name_manager.model._name,
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
name_manager.has_field(node, name, node_info, {'id': node.get('id'), 'select': node.get('select')})
def _validate_tag_filter(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
if not node_info['validate']:
domain = node.get('domain')
if domain:
name = node.get('name')
desc = f'domain of <filter name="{name}">' if name else 'domain of <filter>'
self._validate_domain_identifiers(node, name_manager, domain, desc, name_manager.model._name, node_info)
if node.get("date") and (default_periods := node.get("default_period")):
custom_options = {f'custom_{child.attrib["name"]}' for child in node.getchildren()}
for default_period in default_periods.split(","):
if not re.fullmatch(r"(year|month)((-|\+)[1-9]\d*)?", default_period)\
and default_period not in custom_options | {"first_quarter", "second_quarter", "third_quarter", "fourth_quarter"}:
msg = _(
"Invalid default period %(default_period)s for date filter",
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
def _validate_tag_button(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
if not node_info['validate']:
name = node.get('name')
special = node.get('special')
type_ = node.get('type')
if special:
if special not in ('cancel', 'save', 'add'):
self._raise_view_error(_("Invalid special '%(value)s' in button", value=special), node)
elif type_:
if type_ == 'edit': # list_renderer, used in kanban view
elif not name:
self._raise_view_error(_("Button must have a name"), node)
elif type_ == 'object':
func = getattr(name_manager.model, name, None)
if not func:
msg = _(
"%(action_name)s is not a valid action on %(model_name)s",
action_name=name, model_name=name_manager.model._name,
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
except AccessError:
msg = _(
"%(method)s on %(model)s is private and cannot be called from a button",
method=name, model=name_manager.model._name,
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
except TypeError:
msg = "%s on %s has parameters and cannot be called from a button"
self._log_view_warning(msg % (name, name_manager.model._name), node)
elif type_ == 'action':
name_manager.must_exist_action(name, node)
if node.get('icon'):
description = 'A button with icon attribute (%s)' % node.get('icon')
self._validate_fa_class_accessibility(node, description)
def _validate_tag_groupby(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
# groupby nodes should be considered as nested view because they may
# contain fields on the comodel
name = node.get('name')
if not name:
field = name_manager.model._fields.get(name)
if field:
if node_info['validate']:
if field.type != 'many2one':
msg = _(
"Field '%(name)s' found in 'groupby' node can only be of type many2one, found %(type)s",
name=field.name, type=field.type,
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
domain = node_info['editable'] and field._description_domain(self.env)
if isinstance(domain, str):
desc = f"domain of python field '{name}'"
self._validate_domain_identifiers(node, name_manager, domain, desc, field.comodel_name, node_info)
# move all children nodes into a new node <groupby>
groupby_node = E.groupby(*node)
# validate the node as a nested view
groupby_node, field.comodel_name, view_type="groupby", editable=False,
name_manager.has_field(node, name, node_info)
elif node_info['validate']:
msg = _(
"Field '%(field)s' found in 'groupby' node does not exist in model %(model)s",
field=name, model=name_manager.model._name,
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
def _validate_tag_searchpanel(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
if not node_info['validate']:
for child in node.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):
if child.get('domain') and child.get('select') != 'multi':
msg = _('Searchpanel item with select multi cannot have a domain.')
self._raise_view_error(msg, child)
def _validate_tag_label(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
if not node_info['validate']:
# replace return not arch.xpath('//label[not(@for) and not(descendant::input)]')
for_ = node.get('for')
if not for_:
msg = _('Label tag must contain a "for". To match label style '
'without corresponding field or button, use \'class="o_form_label"\'.')
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
name_manager.must_have_name(for_, '<label for="...">')
def _validate_tag_page(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
if not node_info['validate']:
if node.getparent() is None or node.getparent().tag != 'notebook':
self._raise_view_error(_('Page direct ancestor must be notebook'), node)
def _validate_tag_img(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
if node_info['validate'] and not any(node.get(alt) for alt in att_names('alt')):
self._log_view_warning('<img> tag must contain an alt attribute', node)
def _validate_tag_a(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
# ('calendar', 'form', 'graph', 'kanban', 'pivot', 'search', 'list', 'activity')
if node_info['validate'] and any('btn' in node.get(cl, '') for cl in att_names('class')):
if node.get('role') != 'button':
msg = '"<a>" tag with "btn" class must have "button" role'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
def _validate_tag_ul(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
if node_info['validate']:
# was applied to all nodes, but in practice only used on div and ul
def _validate_tag_div(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
if node_info['validate']:
# Validation tools
def _check_dropdown_menu(self, node):
# ('calendar', 'form', 'graph', 'kanban', 'pivot', 'search', 'list', 'activity')
if any('dropdown-menu' in node.get(cl, '') for cl in att_names('class')):
if node.get('role') != 'menu':
msg = 'dropdown-menu class must have menu role'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
def _check_progress_bar(self, node):
if any('o_progressbar' in node.get(cl, '') for cl in att_names('class')):
if node.get('role') != 'progressbar':
msg = 'o_progressbar class must have progressbar role'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
if not any(node.get(at) for at in att_names('aria-valuenow')):
msg = 'o_progressbar class must have aria-valuenow attribute'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
if not any(node.get(at) for at in att_names('aria-valuemin')):
msg = 'o_progressbar class must have aria-valuemin attribute'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
if not any(node.get(at) for at in att_names('aria-valuemax')):
msg = 'o_progressbar class must have aria-valuemaxattribute'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
def _is_qweb_based_view(self, view_type):
return view_type == 'kanban'
def _validate_attributes(self, node, name_manager, node_info):
""" Generic validation of node attributes. """
# python expression used in for readonly, invisible, ...
# and thus are only executed client side
for attr in VIEW_MODIFIERS:
py_expression = node.attrib.get(attr)
if py_expression:
self._validate_expression(node, name_manager, py_expression, f"modifier {attr!r}", node_info)
for attr, expr in node.items():
if attr in ('class', 't-att-class', 't-attf-class'):
self._validate_classes(node, expr)
elif attr == 'context':
vnames = get_expression_field_names(expr)
except SyntaxError as e:
message = _('Invalid context: “%(expr)s” is not a valid Python expression \n\n %(error)s', expr=expr, error=e)
if vnames:
name_manager.must_have_fields(node, vnames, node_info, f"context ({expr})")
for key, val_ast in get_dict_asts(expr).items():
if key == 'group_by': # only in context
if not isinstance(val_ast, ast.Constant) or not isinstance(val_ast.value, str):
msg = _(
'"group_by" value must be a string %(attribute)s=“%(value)s”',
attribute=attr, value=expr,
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
group_by = val_ast.value
fname = group_by.split(':')[0]
if fname not in name_manager.model._fields:
msg = _(
'Unknown field “%(field)s” in "group_by" value in %(attribute)s=“%(value)s”',
field=fname, attribute=attr, value=expr,
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
elif attr in ('col', 'colspan'):
# col check is mainly there for the tag 'group', but previous
# check was generic in view form
if not expr.isdigit():
_('“%(attribute)s” value must be an integer (%(value)s)',
attribute=attr, value=expr),
elif attr.startswith('decoration-'):
vnames = get_expression_field_names(expr)
if vnames:
name_manager.must_have_fields(node, vnames, node_info, f"{attr}={expr!r}")
elif attr == 'data-bs-toggle' and expr == 'tab':
if node.get('role') != 'tab':
msg = 'tab link (data-bs-toggle="tab") must have "tab" role'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
aria_control = node.get('aria-controls') or node.get('t-att-aria-controls')
if not aria_control and not node.get('t-attf-aria-controls'):
msg = 'tab link (data-bs-toggle="tab") must have "aria_control" defined'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
if aria_control and '#' in aria_control:
msg = 'aria-controls in tablink cannot contains "#"'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
elif attr == "role" and expr in ('presentation', 'none'):
msg = ("A role cannot be `none` or `presentation`. "
"All your elements must be accessible with screen readers, describe it.")
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
elif attr == 'group':
msg = "attribute 'group' is not valid. Did you mean 'groups'?"
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
elif (re.match(r'^(t\-att\-|t\-attf\-)?data-tooltip(-template|-info)?$', attr)):
self._raise_view_error(_("Forbidden attribute used in arch (%s).", attr), node)
elif (attr.startswith("t-")):
self._validate_qweb_directive(node, attr, node_info["view_type"])
if (re.search(COMP_REGEX, expr)):
self._raise_view_error(_("Forbidden use of `__comp__` in arch."), node)
def _validate_classes(self, node, expr):
""" Validate the classes present on node. """
classes = set(expr.split(' '))
# Be careful: not always true if it is an expression
# example: <div t-attf-class="{{!selection_mode ? 'oe_kanban_color_' + kanban_getcolor(record.color.raw_value) : ''}} oe_kanban_card oe_kanban_global_click oe_applicant_kanban oe_semantic_html_override">
if 'modal' in classes and node.get('role') != 'dialog':
msg = '"modal" class should only be used with "dialog" role'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
if 'modal-header' in classes and node.tag != 'header':
msg = '"modal-header" class should only be used in "header" tag'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
if 'modal-body' in classes and node.tag != 'main':
msg = '"modal-body" class should only be used in "main" tag'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
if 'modal-footer' in classes and node.tag != 'footer':
msg = '"modal-footer" class should only be used in "footer" tag'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
if 'tab-pane' in classes and node.get('role') != 'tabpanel':
msg = '"tab-pane" class should only be used with "tabpanel" role'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
if 'nav-tabs' in classes and node.get('role') != 'tablist':
msg = 'A tab list with class nav-tabs must have role="tablist"'
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
if any(klass.startswith('alert-') for klass in classes):
if (
node.get('role') not in ('alert', 'alertdialog', 'status')
and 'alert-link' not in classes
msg = ("An alert (class alert-*) must have an alert, alertdialog or "
"status role or an alert-link class. Please use alert and "
"alertdialog only for what expects to stop any activity to "
"be read immediately.")
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
if any(klass.startswith('fa-') for klass in classes):
description = 'A <%s> with fa class (%s)' % (node.tag, expr)
self._validate_fa_class_accessibility(node, description)
if any(klass.startswith('btn') for klass in classes):
if node.tag in ('a', 'button', 'select'):
elif node.tag == 'input' and node.get('type') in ('button', 'submit', 'reset'):
elif any(klass in classes for klass in ('btn-group', 'btn-toolbar', 'btn-addr')):
elif node.tag == 'field' and node.get('widget') == 'url':
msg = ("A simili button must be in tag a/button/select or tag `input` "
"with type button/submit/reset or have class in "
self._log_view_warning(msg, node)
def _validate_fa_class_accessibility(self, node, description):
valid_aria_attrs = {
*att_names('title'), *att_names('aria-label'), *att_names('aria-labelledby'),
valid_t_attrs = {'t-value', 't-raw', 't-field', 't-esc', 't-out'}
## Following or preceding text
if (node.tail or '').strip() or (node.getparent().text or '').strip():
# text<i class="fa-..."/> or <i class="fa-..."/>text or
## Following or preceding text in span
def has_text(elem):
if elem is None:
return False
if elem.tag == 'span' and elem.text:
return True
if elem.tag in ['field', 'label'] and elem.get('string'):
return True
if elem.tag == 't' and (elem.get('t-esc') or elem.get('t-raw')):
return True
return False
if has_text(node.getnext()) or has_text(node.getprevious()):
def has_title_or_aria_label(node):
return any(node.get(attr) for attr in valid_aria_attrs)
## Aria label can be on ancestors
if any(map(has_title_or_aria_label, node.iterancestors())):
if node.get('string'):
## And we ignore all elements with describing in children
def contains_description(node, depth=0):
if depth > 2:
_logger.warning('excessive depth in fa')
if any(node.get(attr) for attr in valid_t_attrs):
return True
if has_title_or_aria_label(node):
return True
if node.tag in ('label', 'field'):
return True
if node.text: # not sure, does it match *[text()]
return True
return any(contains_description(child, depth+1) for child in node)
if contains_description(node):
msg = '%s must have title in its tag, parents, descendants or have text'
self._log_view_warning(msg % description, node)
def _validate_qweb_directive(self, node, directive, view_type):
"""Some views (e.g. kanban, form) generate owl templates from the archs.
However, we don't want to see owl directives directly written in archs.
There are exceptions though, e.g. the kanban arch defines qweb templates.
We thus here validate that the given directive is allowed, according to the view_type.
allowed_directives = ["t-translation"]
if self._is_qweb_based_view(view_type):
if (not next(filter(lambda regex: re.match(regex, directive), allowed_directives), None)):
self._raise_view_error(_("Forbidden owl directive used in arch (%s).", directive), node)
def _validate_expression(self, node, name_manager, py_expression, use, node_info):
if py_expression.lower() in ("0", "false", "1", "true"):
# most (~95%) elements are 1/True/0/False
fnames = get_expression_field_names(py_expression)
except (SyntaxError, ValueError, AttributeError) as e:
msg = _("Invalid %(use)s: “%(expr)s”\n%(error)s", use=use, expr=py_expression, error=e)
self._raise_view_error(msg, node, from_exception=e)
name_manager.must_have_fields(node, fnames, node_info, f"{use} ({py_expression})")
def _validate_domain_identifiers(self, node, name_manager, domain, use, target_model, node_info):
fnames, vnames = get_domain_value_names(domain)
except (SyntaxError, ValueError, AttributeError) as e:
msg = _("Invalid %(use)s: “%(expr)s”\n%(error)s", use=use, expr=domain, error=e)
self._raise_view_error(msg, node, from_exception=e)
self._check_field_paths(node, fnames, target_model, f"{use} ({domain})")
name_manager.must_have_fields(node, vnames, node_info, f"{use} ({domain})")
def _check_field_paths(self, node, field_paths, model_name, use):
""" Check whether the given field paths (dot-separated field names)
correspond to actual sequences of fields on the given model.
for field_path in field_paths:
names = field_path.split('.')
Model = self.pool[model_name]
if names[0] == 'parent':
for index, name in enumerate(names):
if Model is None:
msg = _(
'Non-relational field “%(field)s” in path “%(field_path)s” in %(use)s)',
field=names[index - 1], field_path=field_path, use=use,
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
field = Model._fields[name]
except KeyError:
msg = _(
'Unknown field "%(model)s.%(field)s" in %(use)s)',
model=Model._name, field=name, use=use,
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
if not field._description_searchable:
msg = _(
'Unsearchable field “%(field)s” in path “%(field_path)s” in %(use)s)',
field=name, field_path=field_path, use=use,
self._raise_view_error(msg, node)
Model = self.pool.get(field.comodel_name)
# QWeb template views
def _read_template_keys(self):
""" Return the list of context keys to use for caching ``_read_template``. """
return ['lang', 'inherit_branding', 'edit_translations']
def _read_template(self, view_id):
arch_tree = self.browse(view_id)._get_combined_arch()
return etree.tostring(arch_tree, encoding='unicode')
def _get_view_id(self, template):
""" Return the view ID corresponding to ``template``, which may be a
view ID or an XML ID. Note that this method may be overridden for other
kinds of template values.
if isinstance(template, int):
return template
if '.' not in template:
raise ValueError('Invalid template id: %r' % template)
view = self.sudo().search([('key', '=', template)], limit=1)
if view:
return view.id
res_model, res_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_model_res_id(template, raise_if_not_found=True)
assert res_model == self._name, "Call _get_view_id, expected %r, got %r" % (self._name, res_model)
return res_id
def _get(self, view_ref):
""" Return the view corresponding to ``view_ref``, which may be a
view ID or an XML ID.
return self.browse(self._get_view_id(view_ref))
def _contains_branded(self, node):
return node.tag == 't'\
or 't-raw' in node.attrib\
or 't-call' in node.attrib\
or any(self.is_node_branded(child) for child in node.iterdescendants())
def _pop_view_branding(self, element):
distributed_branding = dict(
(attribute, element.attrib.pop(attribute))
for attribute in MOVABLE_BRANDING
if element.get(attribute))
return distributed_branding
def distribute_branding(self, e, branding=None, parent_xpath='',
if e.get('t-ignore') or e.tag == 'head':
# remove any view branding possibly injected by inheritance
for descendant in e.iterdescendants(tag=etree.Element):
if not attrs.intersection(descendant.attrib):
# Remove the processing instructions indicating where nodes were
# removed (see apply_inheritance_specs)
for descendant in e.iterdescendants(tag=etree.ProcessingInstruction):
if descendant.target == 'apply-inheritance-specs-node-removal':
node_path = e.get('data-oe-xpath')
if node_path is None:
node_path = "%s/%s[%d]" % (parent_xpath, e.tag, index_map[e.tag])
if branding:
if e.get('t-field'):
e.set('data-oe-xpath', node_path)
elif not e.get('data-oe-model'):
e.set('data-oe-xpath', node_path)
if not e.get('data-oe-model'):
if {'t-esc', 't-raw', 't-out'}.intersection(e.attrib):
# nodes which fully generate their content and have no reason to
# be branded because they can not sensibly be edited
elif self._contains_branded(e):
# if a branded element contains branded elements distribute own
# branding to children unless it's t-raw, then just remove branding
# on current element
distributed_branding = self._pop_view_branding(e)
if 't-raw' not in e.attrib:
# TODO: collections.Counter if remove p2.6 compat
# running index by tag type, for XPath query generation
indexes = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for child in e.iterchildren(etree.Element, etree.ProcessingInstruction):
if child.get('data-oe-xpath'):
# injected by view inheritance, skip otherwise
# generated xpath is incorrect
elif child.tag is etree.ProcessingInstruction:
# If a node is known to have been replaced during
# applying an inheritance, increment its index to
# compute an accurate xpath for subsequent nodes
if child.target == 'apply-inheritance-specs-node-removal':
indexes[child.text] += 1
indexes[child.tag] += 1
child, distributed_branding,
parent_xpath=node_path, index_map=indexes)
def is_node_branded(self, node):
""" Finds out whether a node is branded or qweb-active (bears a
@data-oe-model or a @t-* *which is not t-field* as t-field does not
section out views)
:param node: an etree-compatible element to test
:type node: etree._Element
:rtype: boolean
return any(
(attr in ('data-oe-model', 'groups') or (attr.startswith('t-')))
for attr in node.attrib
) or (
node.tag is etree.ProcessingInstruction
and node.target == 'apply-inheritance-specs-node-removal'
def render_public_asset(self, template, values=None):
template_sudo = self._get(template).sudo()
return self.env['ir.qweb'].sudo()._render(template, values)
def _render_template(self, template, values=None):
return self.env['ir.qweb']._render(template, values)
# Misc
def _validate_custom_views(self, model):
"""Validate architecture of custom views (= without xml id) for a given model.
This method is called at the end of registry update.
rec = self.browse(id_ for id_, in self.env.execute_query(SQL("""
SELECT max(v.id)
FROM ir_ui_view v
LEFT JOIN ir_model_data md ON (md.model = 'ir.ui.view' AND md.res_id = v.id)
WHERE md.module IN (SELECT name FROM ir_module_module) IS NOT TRUE
AND v.model = %s
AND v.active = true
GROUP BY coalesce(v.inherit_id, v.id)
""", model)))
return rec.with_context({'load_all_views': True})._check_xml()
def _validate_module_views(self, module):
""" Validate the architecture of all the views of a given module that
are impacted by view updates, but have not been checked yet.
assert self.pool._init
# only validate the views that still exist...
prefix = module + '.'
prefix_len = len(prefix)
names = tuple(
for xmlid in self.pool.loaded_xmlids
if xmlid.startswith(prefix)
if not names:
# retrieve the views with an XML id that has not been checked yet, i.e.,
# the views with noupdate=True on their xml id
views = self.browse(id_ for id_, in self.env.execute_query(SQL("""
FROM ir_ui_view v
JOIN ir_model_data md ON (md.model = 'ir.ui.view' AND md.res_id = v.id)
WHERE md.module = %s AND md.name IN %s AND md.noupdate
""", module, names)))
for view in views:
def _create_all_specific_views(self, processed_modules):
"""To be overriden and have specific view behaviour on create"""
def _get_specific_views(self):
""" Given a view, return a record set containing all the specific views
for that view's key.
# Only qweb views have a specific conterpart
if self.type != 'qweb':
return self.env['ir.ui.view']
# A specific view can have a xml_id if exported/imported but it will not be equals to it's key (only generic view will).
return self.with_context(active_test=False).search([('key', '=', self.key)]).filtered(lambda r: not r.xml_id == r.key)
def _load_records_write(self, values):
""" During module update, when updating a generic view, we should also
update its specific views (COW'd).
Note that we will only update unmodified fields. That will mimic the
noupdate behavior on views having an ir.model.data.
if self.type == 'qweb':
for cow_view in self._get_specific_views():
authorized_vals = {}
for key in values:
if key != 'inherit_id' and cow_view[key] == self[key]:
authorized_vals[key] = values[key]
# if inherit_id update, replicate change on cow view but
# only if that cow view inherit_id wasn't manually changed
inherit_id = values.get('inherit_id')
if inherit_id and self.inherit_id.id != inherit_id and \
cow_view.inherit_id.key == self.inherit_id.key:
self._load_records_write_on_cow(cow_view, inherit_id, authorized_vals)
super(View, self)._load_records_write(values)
def _load_records_write_on_cow(self, cow_view, inherit_id, values):
# for modules updated before `website`, we need to
# store the change to replay later on cow views
if not hasattr(self.pool, 'website_views_to_adapt'):
self.pool.website_views_to_adapt = []
class ResetViewArchWizard(models.TransientModel):
""" A wizard to compare and reset views architecture. """
_name = "reset.view.arch.wizard"
_description = "Reset View Architecture Wizard"
view_id = fields.Many2one('ir.ui.view', string='View')
view_name = fields.Char(related='view_id.name', string='View Name')
has_diff = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_arch_diff')
arch_diff = fields.Html(string='Architecture Diff', readonly=True,
compute='_compute_arch_diff', sanitize_tags=False)
reset_mode = fields.Selection([
('soft', 'Restore previous version (soft reset).'),
('hard', 'Reset to file version (hard reset).'),
('other_view', 'Reset to another view.')],
string='Reset Mode', default='soft', required=True)
compare_view_id = fields.Many2one('ir.ui.view', string='Compare To View')
arch_to_compare = fields.Text('Arch To Compare To', compute='_compute_arch_diff')
def default_get(self, fields):
view_ids = (self._context.get('active_model') == 'ir.ui.view' and
self._context.get('active_ids') or [])
if len(view_ids) > 2:
raise ValidationError(_("Can't compare more than two views."))
result = super().default_get(fields)
result['view_id'] = view_ids and view_ids[0]
if len(view_ids) == 2:
result['reset_mode'] = 'other_view'
result['compare_view_id'] = view_ids[1]
return result
@api.depends('reset_mode', 'view_id', 'compare_view_id')
def _compute_arch_diff(self):
""" Depending of `reset_mode`, return the differences between the
current view arch and either its previous arch, its initial arch or
another view arch.
def get_table_name(view_id):
name = view_id.display_name
if view_id.key or view_id.xml_id:
span = '<span class="ml-1 font-weight-normal small">(%s)</span>'
name += span % (view_id.key or view_id.xml_id)
return name
for view in self:
diff_to = False
diff_to_name = False
if view.reset_mode == 'soft':
diff_to = view.view_id.arch_prev
diff_to_name = _("Previous Arch")
elif view.reset_mode == 'other_view':
diff_to = view.compare_view_id.with_context(lang=None).arch
diff_to_name = get_table_name(view.compare_view_id)
elif view.reset_mode == 'hard' and view.view_id.arch_fs:
diff_to = view.view_id.with_context(read_arch_from_file=True, lang=None).arch
diff_to_name = _("File Arch")
view.arch_to_compare = diff_to
if not diff_to:
view.arch_diff = False
view.has_diff = False
view_arch = view.view_id.with_context(lang=None).arch
view.arch_diff = get_diff(
(view_arch, get_table_name(view.view_id) if view.reset_mode == 'other_view' else _("Current Arch")),
(diff_to, diff_to_name),
dark_color_scheme=request and request.cookies.get('color_scheme') == 'dark',
view.has_diff = view_arch != diff_to
def reset_view_button(self):
if self.reset_mode == 'other_view':
self.view_id.write({'arch_db': self.arch_to_compare})
return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
class Model(models.AbstractModel):
_inherit = 'base'
_date_name = 'date' #: field to use for default calendar view
def _get_access_action(self, access_uid=None, force_website=False):
""" Return an action to open the document. This method is meant to be
overridden in addons that want to give specific access to the document.
By default, it opens the formview of the document.
:param integer access_uid: optional access_uid being the user that
accesses the document. May be different from the current user as we
may compute an access for someone else.
:param integer force_website: force frontend redirection if available
on self. Used in overrides, notably with portal / website addons.
return self.get_formview_action(access_uid=access_uid)
def get_empty_list_help(self, help_message):
""" Hook method to customize the help message in empty list/kanban views.
By default, it returns the help received as parameter.
:param str help: ir.actions.act_window help content
:return: help message displayed when there is no result to display
in a list/kanban view (by default, it returns the action help)
:rtype: str
return help_message
# Override this method if you need a window title that depends on the context
def view_header_get(self, view_id=None, view_type='form'):
return False
def _get_default_form_view(self):
""" Generates a default single-line form view using all fields
of the current model.
:returns: a form view as an lxml document
:rtype: etree._Element
sheet = E.sheet(string=self._description)
main_group = E.group()
left_group = E.group()
right_group = E.group()
for fname, field in self._fields.items():
if field.automatic:
elif field.type in ('one2many', 'many2many', 'text', 'html'):
# append to sheet left and right group if needed
if len(left_group) > 0:
left_group = E.group()
if len(right_group) > 0:
right_group = E.group()
if len(main_group) > 0:
main_group = E.group()
# add an oneline group for field type 'one2many', 'many2many', 'text', 'html'
if len(left_group) > len(right_group):
if len(left_group) > 0:
if len(right_group) > 0:
return E.form(sheet)
def _get_default_search_view(self):
""" Generates a single-field search view, based on _rec_name.
:returns: a search view as an lxml document
:rtype: etree._Element
element = E.field(name=self._rec_name_fallback())
return E.search(element, string=self._description)
def _get_default_list_view(self):
""" Generates a single-field list view, based on _rec_name.
:returns: a list view as an lxml document
:rtype: etree._Element
element = E.field(name=self._rec_name_fallback())
return E.list(element, string=self._description)
def _get_default_pivot_view(self):
""" Generates an empty pivot view.
:returns: a pivot view as an lxml document
:rtype: etree._Element
return E.pivot(string=self._description)
def _get_default_kanban_view(self):
""" Generates a single-field kanban view, based on _rec_name.
:returns: a kanban view as an lxml document
:rtype: etree._Element
field = E.field(name=self._rec_name_fallback())
kanban_card = E.t(field, {'t-name': "card"})
templates = E.templates(kanban_card)
return E.kanban(templates, string=self._description)
def _get_default_graph_view(self):
""" Generates a single-field graph view, based on _rec_name.
:returns: a graph view as an lxml document
:rtype: etree._Element
element = E.field(name=self._rec_name_fallback())
return E.graph(element, string=self._description)
def _get_default_calendar_view(self):
""" Generates a default calendar view by trying to infer
calendar fields from a number of pre-set attribute names
:returns: a calendar view
:rtype: etree._Element
def set_first_of(seq, in_, to):
"""Sets the first value of ``seq`` also found in ``in_`` to
the ``to`` attribute of the ``view`` being closed over.
Returns whether it's found a suitable value (and set it on
the attribute) or not
for item in seq:
if item in in_:
view.set(to, item)
return True
return False
view = E.calendar(string=self._description)
if not set_first_of([self._date_name, 'date', 'date_start', 'x_date', 'x_date_start'],
self._fields, 'date_start'):
raise UserError(_("Insufficient fields for Calendar View!"))
set_first_of(["user_id", "partner_id", "x_user_id", "x_partner_id"],
self._fields, 'color')
if not set_first_of(["date_stop", "date_end", "x_date_stop", "x_date_end"],
self._fields, 'date_stop'):
if not set_first_of(["date_delay", "planned_hours", "x_date_delay", "x_planned_hours"],
self._fields, 'date_delay'):
raise UserError(_(
"Insufficient fields to generate a Calendar View for %s, missing a date_stop or a date_delay",
return view
def get_views(self, views, options=None):
""" Returns the fields_views of given views, along with the fields of
the current model, and optionally its filters for the given action.
The return of the method can only depend on the requested view types,
access rights (views or other records), view access rules, options,
context lang and TYPE_view_ref (other context values cannot be used).
Python expressions contained in views or representing domains (on
python fields) will be evaluated by the client with all the context
values as well as the record values it has.
:param views: list of [view_id, view_type]
:param dict options: a dict optional boolean flags, set to enable:
includes contextual actions when loading fields_views
returns the model's filters
id of the action to get the filters, otherwise loads the global
filters or the model
:return: dictionary with fields_views, fields and optionally filters
options = options or {}
result = {}
result['views'] = {
v_type: self.get_view(
v_id, v_type,
for [v_id, v_type] in views
models = {}
for view in result['views'].values():
for model, model_fields in view.pop('models').items():
models.setdefault(model, set()).update(model_fields)
result['models'] = {}
for model, model_fields in models.items():
result['models'][model] = {"fields": self.env[model].fields_get(
allfields=model_fields, attributes=self._get_view_field_attributes()
# Add related action information if asked
if options.get('toolbar'):
for view in result['views'].values():
view['toolbar'] = {}
bindings = self.env['ir.actions.actions'].get_bindings(self._name)
for action_type, key in (('report', 'print'), ('action', 'action')):
for action in bindings.get(action_type, []):
view_types = (
if action.get('binding_view_types')
else result['views'].keys()
for view_type in view_types:
if view_type in result['views']:
result['views'][view_type]['toolbar'].setdefault(key, []).append(action)
if options.get('load_filters') and 'search' in result['views']:
result['views']['search']['filters'] = self.env['ir.filters'].get_filters(
self._name, options.get('action_id'), options.get('embedded_action_id'), options.get('embedded_parent_res_id')
return result
def _get_view(self, view_id=None, view_type='form', **options):
"""Get the model view combined architecture (the view along all its inheriting views).
:param int view_id: id of the view or None
:param str view_type: type of the view to return if view_id is None ('form', 'list', ...)
:param dict options: bool options to return additional features:
- bool mobile: true if the web client is currently using the responsive mobile view
(to use kanban views instead of list views for x2many fields)
:return: architecture of the view as an etree node, and the browse record of the view used
:rtype: tuple
:raise AttributeError:
if no view exists for that model, and no method `_get_default_[view_type]_view` exists for the view type
View = self.env['ir.ui.view'].sudo()
# try to find a view_id if none provided
if not view_id:
# <view_type>_view_ref in context can be used to override the default view
view_ref_key = view_type + '_view_ref'
view_ref = self._context.get(view_ref_key)
if view_ref:
if '.' in view_ref:
module, view_ref = view_ref.split('.', 1)
sql = SQL(
"SELECT res_id FROM ir_model_data WHERE model='ir.ui.view' AND module=%s AND name=%s",
module, view_ref,
if view_ref_res := self.env.execute_query(sql):
[[view_id]] = view_ref_res
'%r requires a fully-qualified external id (got: %r for model %s). '
'Please use the complete `module.view_id` form instead.', view_ref_key, view_ref,
if not view_id:
# otherwise try to find the lowest priority matching ir.ui.view
view_id = View.default_view(self._name, view_type)
if view_id:
# read the view with inherited views applied
view = View.browse(view_id)
arch = view._get_combined_arch()
# fallback on default views methods if no ir.ui.view could be found
view = View.browse()
arch = getattr(self, '_get_default_%s_view' % view_type)()
except AttributeError:
raise UserError(_("No default view of type '%s' could be found!", view_type))
return arch, view
def _get_view_cache_key(self, view_id=None, view_type='form', **options):
""" Get the key to use for caching `_get_view_cache`.
This method is meant to be overriden by models needing additional keys.
:param int view_id: id of the view or None
:param str view_type: type of the view to return if view_id is None ('form', 'list', ...)
:param dict options: bool options to return additional features:
- bool mobile: true if the web client is currently using the responsive mobile view
(to use kanban views instead of list views for x2many fields)
:return: a cache key
:rtype: tuple
return (view_id, view_type, options.get('mobile'), self.env.lang) + tuple(
(key, value) for key, value in self.env.context.items() if key.endswith('_view_ref')
'xml' not in config['dev_mode'],
tools.ormcache('self._get_view_cache_key(view_id, view_type, **options)', cache='templates'),
def _get_view_cache(self, view_id=None, view_type='form', **options):
""" Get the view information ready to be cached
The cached view includes the postprocessed view, including inherited views, for all groups.
The blocks restricted to groups must therefore be removed after calling this method
for users not part of the given groups.
:param int view_id: id of the view or None
:param str view_type: type of the view to return if view_id is None ('form', 'list', ...)
:param dict options: boolean options to return additional features:
- bool mobile: true if the web client is currently using the responsive mobile view
(to use kanban views instead of list views for x2many fields)
:return: a dictionnary including
- string arch: the architecture of the view (including inherited views, postprocessed, for all groups)
- int id: the view id
- string model: the view model
- dict models: the fields of the models used in the view (including sub-views)
:rtype: dict
# Get the view arch and all other attributes describing the composition of the view
arch, view = self._get_view(view_id, view_type, **options)
# Apply post processing, groups and modifiers etc...
arch, models = view.postprocess_and_fields(arch, model=self._name, **options)
models = self._get_view_fields(view_type or view.type, models)
result = {
'arch': arch,
# TODO: only `web_studio` seems to require this. I guess this is acceptable to keep it.
'id': view.id,
# TODO: only `web_studio` seems to require this. But this one on the other hand should be eliminated:
# you just called `get_views` for that model, so obviously the web client already knows the model.
'model': self._name,
# Set a frozendict and tuple for the field list to make sure the value in cache cannot be updated.
'models': frozendict({model: tuple(fields) for model, fields in models.items()}),
return frozendict(result)
def get_view(self, view_id=None, view_type='form', **options):
""" get_view([view_id | view_type='form'])
Get the detailed composition of the requested view like model, view architecture.
The return of the method can only depend on the requested view types,
access rights (views or other records), view access rules, options,
context lang and TYPE_view_ref (other context values cannot be used).
:param int view_id: id of the view or None
:param str view_type: type of the view to return if view_id is None ('form', 'list', ...)
:param dict options: boolean options to return additional features:
- bool mobile: true if the web client is currently using the responsive mobile view
(to use kanban views instead of list views for x2many fields)
:return: composition of the requested view (including inherited views and extensions)
:rtype: dict
:raise AttributeError:
* if the inherited view has unknown position to work with other than 'before', 'after', 'inside', 'replace'
* if some tag other than 'position' is found in parent view
:raise Invalid ArchitectureError: if there is view type other than form, list, calendar, search etc... defined on the structure
result = dict(self._get_view_cache(view_id, view_type, **options))
node = etree.fromstring(result['arch'])
node = self.env['ir.ui.view']._postprocess_access_rights(node)
result['arch'] = etree.tostring(node, encoding="unicode").replace('\t', '')
return result
def _get_view_fields(self, view_type, models):
""" Returns the field names required by the web client to load the views according to the view type.
The method is meant to be overridden by modules extending web client features and requiring additional
:param string view_type: type of the view
:param dict models: dict holding the models and fields used in the view architecture.
:return: dict holding the models and field required by the web client given the view type.
:rtype: list
if view_type in ('kanban', 'list', 'form'):
for model, model_fields in models.items():
if 'write_date' in self.env[model]._fields:
elif view_type == 'search':
models[self._name] = list(self._fields.keys())
elif view_type == 'graph':
models[self._name].union(fname for fname, field in self._fields.items() if field.type in ('integer', 'float'))
elif view_type == 'pivot':
models[self._name].union(fname for fname, field in self._fields.items() if field._description_groupable(self.env))
return models
def _get_view_field_attributes(self):
""" Returns the field attributes required by the web client to load the views.
The method is meant to be overridden by modules extending web client features and requiring additional
field attributes.
:return: string list of field attribute names
:rtype: list
return [
'change_default', 'context', 'currency_field', 'definition_record', 'definition_record_field', 'digits', 'domain', 'aggregator', 'groups',
'help', 'model_field', 'name', 'readonly', 'related', 'relation', 'relation_field', 'required', 'searchable', 'selection', 'size',
'sortable', 'store', 'string', 'translate', 'trim', 'type', 'groupable',
def get_formview_id(self, access_uid=None):
""" Return a view id to open the document ``self`` with. This method is
meant to be overridden in addons that want to give specific view ids
for example.
Optional access_uid holds the user that would access the form view
id different from the current environment user.
return False
def get_formview_action(self, access_uid=None):
""" Return an action to open the document ``self``. This method is meant
to be overridden in addons that want to give specific view ids for
An optional access_uid holds the user that will access the document
that could be different from the current user. """
view_id = self.sudo().get_formview_id(access_uid=access_uid)
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': self._name,
'views': [(view_id, 'form')],
'target': 'current',
'res_id': self.id,
'context': dict(self._context),
def _get_records_action(self, **kwargs):
""" Return an action to open given records.
If there's more than one record, it will be a List, otherwise it's a Form.
Given keyword arguments will overwrite default ones. """
match self.ids: # `self.ids` will silently filter out new records (`NewId`s)
case []:
length_dependent = {'views': [(False, 'form')]}
case [res_id]:
length_dependent = {'views': [(False, 'form')], 'res_id': res_id}
case ids:
length_dependent = {
'views': [(False, 'list'), (False, 'form')],
'domain': [('id', 'in', ids)]
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': self._name,
'target': 'current',
'context': dict(self._context),
def _onchange_spec(self, view_info=None):
""" Return the onchange spec from a view description; if not given, the
result of ``self.get_view()`` is used.
result = {}
# for traversing the XML arch and populating result
def process(node, info, prefix):
if node.tag == 'field':
name = node.attrib['name']
names = "%s.%s" % (prefix, name) if prefix else name
if not result.get(names):
result[names] = node.attrib.get('on_change')
# traverse the subviews included in relational fields
for child_view in node.xpath("./*[descendant::field]"):
process(child_view, None, names)
for child in node:
process(child, info, prefix)
if view_info is None:
view_info = self.get_view()
process(etree.fromstring(view_info['arch']), view_info, '')
return result
def _get_fields_spec(self, view_info=None):
""" Return the fields specification from a view description; if not
given, the result of ``self.get_view()`` is used.
def fill_spec(node, model, fields_spec):
if node.tag == 'field':
field_name = node.attrib['name']
field_spec = fields_spec.setdefault(field_name, {})
field = model._fields.get(field_name)
if field is not None:
sub_fields_spec = {}
if field.type == 'many2one':
sub_fields_spec.setdefault('display_name', {})
if field.relational:
comodel = model.env[field.comodel_name]
for child in node:
fill_spec(child, comodel, sub_fields_spec)
if field.type == 'one2many':
sub_fields_spec.pop(field.inverse_name, None)
if sub_fields_spec:
field_spec.setdefault('fields', {}).update(sub_fields_spec)
for child in node:
fill_spec(child, model, fields_spec)
if view_info is None:
view_info = self.get_view()
result = {}
fill_spec(etree.fromstring(view_info['arch']), self, result)
return result
class NameManager:
""" An object that manages all the named elements in a view. """
def __init__(self, model, parent=None, model_groups=None):
self.model = model
self.env = model.env # for dynamically-resolved translations
self.available_fields = collections.defaultdict(dict) # {field_name: {'groups': groups, 'info': field_info}}
self.available_actions = set()
self.available_names = set()
self.used_fields = collections.defaultdict(dict) # {field_name: {'groups': '(use, node)}}
self.used_names = dict() # {name: use}
self.must_exist_actions = {}
self.must_exist_groups = {}
self.parent = parent
self.children = []
if self.parent:
# group_definitions is the factory for making group expression objects
self.group_definitions = self.model.env['res.groups']._get_group_definitions()
# this represents the group of users that have access to this model
self.model_groups = self.group_definitions.universe if model_groups is None else model_groups
# this maps field names to the group of users that have access to the field
self.field_groups = {}
def field_info(self):
field_info = self.model.fields_get(attributes=['readonly', 'required'])
if not (self.model.has_access('write') or self.model.has_access('create')):
for info in field_info.values():
info['readonly'] = True
return field_info
def has_field(self, node, name, node_info, info=frozendict()):
self.available_fields[name].setdefault('info', {}).update(info)
self.field_groups[name] = node_info['model_groups']
self.available_fields[name].setdefault('groups', []).append(node_info['view_groups'])
self.available_names.add(info.get('id') or name)
def has_action(self, name):
def must_have_fields(self, node, names, node_info, use):
access_groups = node_info['model_groups'] & node_info['view_groups']
for name in names:
if name == 'id':
if not name.startswith('parent.'):
self.used_fields[name][access_groups] = (use, node)
elif self.parent:
self.parent.must_have_fields(node, {name[7:]}, node_info, use)
def must_have_name(self, name, use):
self.used_names[name] = use
def must_exist_action(self, action_id, node):
self.must_exist_actions[action_id] = node
def must_exist_group(self, name, node):
self.must_exist_groups[name] = node
def _get_field_groups(self, name):
""" Return the group expression representing the users having read access to the field. """
if name in self.field_groups:
return self.field_groups[name]
access_groups = self.model_groups
field = self.model._fields.get(name)
if not field and name not in self.available_names and name not in self.field_info:
access_groups = self.group_definitions.empty
elif field and field.groups:
access_groups &= self.group_definitions.parse(field.groups, raise_if_not_found=False)
self.field_groups[name] = access_groups
return access_groups
def check(self, view):
for name, use in self.used_names.items():
if (
name not in self.available_actions
and name not in self.available_names
and name not in self.model._fields
and name not in self.field_info
msg = _(
"Name or id “%(name_or_id)s” in %(use)s does not exist.",
name_or_id=name, use=use,
if name not in self.available_actions and name not in self.available_names:
msg = _(
"Name or id “%(name_or_id)s” in %(use)s must be present in view but is missing.",
name_or_id=name, use=use,
for name in self.available_fields:
if name not in self.model._fields and name not in self.field_info:
message = _("Field `%(name)s` does not exist", name=name)
for name, node in self.must_exist_actions.items():
# logic mimics /web/action/load behaviour
action = False
action_id = int(name)
except ValueError:
model, action_id = view.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_model_res_id(name, raise_if_not_found=False)
if not action_id:
msg = _("Invalid xmlid %(xmlid)s for button of type action.", xmlid=name)
view._raise_view_error(msg, node)
if not issubclass(view.pool[model], view.pool['ir.actions.actions']):
msg = _(
"%(xmlid)s is of type %(xmlid_model)s, expected a subclass of ir.actions.actions",
xmlid=name, xmlid_model=model,
view._raise_view_error(msg, node)
action = view.env['ir.actions.actions'].browse(action_id).exists()
if not action:
msg = _(
"Action %(action_reference)s (id: %(action_id)s) does not exist for button of type action.",
action_reference=name, action_id=action_id,
view._raise_view_error(msg, node)
for name, node in self.must_exist_groups.items():
if self.group_definitions.get_id(name) is None:
msg = _("The group “%(name)s” defined in view does not exist!", name=name)
view._log_view_warning(msg, node)
for name, groups_uses in self.used_fields.items():
use, node = next(iter(groups_uses.values()))
if name == 'id': # always available
if "." in name:
msg = _(
"Invalid composed field %(definition)s in %(use)s",
definition=name, use=use,
info = self.available_fields[name].get('info')
if info is None:
if name in ['false', 'true']:
_logger.warning("Using Javascript syntax 'true, 'false' in expressions is deprecated, found %s", name)
elif info.get('select') == 'multi': # mainly for searchpanel, but can be a generic behaviour.
msg = _(
"Field “%(name)s” used in %(use)s is present in view but is in select multi.",
name=name, use=use,
for name, (missing_groups, reasons) in self.get_missing_fields().items():
message, error_type = self._error_message_group_inconsistency(name, missing_groups, reasons)
if error_type == 'does_not_exist':
elif error_type:
view._log_view_warning(message, None)
def _error_message_group_inconsistency(self, name, missing_groups, reasons):
does_not_exist = name not in self.model._fields and name not in self.available_names
if not (does_not_exist or missing_groups is False):
return None, None
elements = [
f'<field name="{node.get("name")}"/>' if node.tag == 'field' else f'<{node.tag}>'
for _item_groups, _use, node in reasons
debug = []
if does_not_exist:
"- field “%(name)s” does not exist in model “%(model)s”.",
field_groups = self._get_field_groups(name)
"- field “%(name)s” is accessible for groups: %(field_groups)s",
field_groups=_('Only super user has access') if field_groups.is_empty() else field_groups,
for item_groups, _use, node in reasons:
clone = etree.Element(node.tag, node.attrib)
clone.attrib.pop('__validate__', None)
clone.attrib.pop('__groups_key__', None)
"- element “%(node)s” is shown in the view for groups: %(groups)s",
node=etree.tostring(clone, encoding='unicode'),
_('Free access') if item_groups.is_universal() else
_('Accessible only for the super user') if item_groups.is_empty() else
message = Markup(
header=_("Access Rights Inconsistency"),
"This view may not work for all users: some users may have a "
"combination of groups where the elements %(elements)s are displayed, "
"but they depend on the field %(field)s that is not accessible. "
"You might fix this by modifying user groups to make sure that all users "
"who have access to those elements also have access to the field, "
"typically via group implications. Alternatively, you could "
"adjust the “%(groups)s” or “%(invisible)s” attributes for these fields, "
"to make sure they are always available together.",
elements=Markup(", ").join(
Markup("<b><tt>%s</tt></b>") % element for element in elements
field=Markup("<b><tt>%s</tt></b>") % name,
footer=_("Debugging information:"),
return message, 'does_not_exist' if does_not_exist else 'inconsistency'
def update_available_fields(self):
for name, info in self.available_fields.items():
info.update(self.field_info.get(name, ()))
def get_missing_fields(self):
return {'field_name': (missing_groups | False, [mandatory_groups, use, node])}
# model has read access for group E and F
# field_a has a (python) group G
# <div groups="A,B">
# <field name="field_a" invisible="field_b" groups="A,C"/>
# <field name="field_a" groups="B"/>
# <field name="field_c" required="field_a" groups="B1"/>
# <field name="field_c" required="field_a" groups="B2"/>
# </div>
# views have many elements with the same groups
parent = self
while parent.parent:
parent = parent.parent
missing_fields = {}
for name, groups_uses in self.used_fields.items():
errors = []
used = []
for used_groups, (use, node) in groups_uses.items():
available_info = self.available_fields.get(name, {})
# Access is restricted to the administrator only. There is no need to check
# groups as they are not used.
if used_groups.is_empty():
if not available_info.get('groups', []):
used.append((used_groups, use, node))
# No match possible using only access right and groups on the field.
if not (used_groups <= self._get_field_groups(name)):
errors.append((used_groups, use, node))
# At least one field in view match match with the used combinations.
available_combined_groups = self.group_definitions.empty
nodes_groups = available_info.get('groups', [])
for groups in nodes_groups:
available_combined_groups |= groups
if not (used_groups <= available_combined_groups):
used.append((used_groups, use, node))
if errors:
missing_fields[name] = (False, errors)
if not used:
missing_groups = self.group_definitions.empty
for groups, use, node in used:
missing_groups |= groups
missing_fields[name] = (missing_groups, used)
return missing_fields