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2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
import requests
from odoo import api, models, _
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Http(models.AbstractModel):
_inherit = 'ir.http'
def session_info(self):
session_info = super().session_info()
return self._add_public_key_to_session_info(session_info)
def get_frontend_session_info(self):
frontend_session_info = super().get_frontend_session_info()
return self._add_public_key_to_session_info(frontend_session_info)
def _add_public_key_to_session_info(self, session_info):
"""Add the ReCaptcha public key to the given session_info object"""
public_key = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('recaptcha_public_key')
if public_key:
session_info['recaptcha_public_key'] = public_key
return session_info
def _verify_request_recaptcha_token(self, action):
""" Verify the recaptcha token for the current request.
If no recaptcha private key is set the recaptcha verification
is considered inactive and this method will return True.
ip_addr = request.httprequest.remote_addr
token = request.params.pop('recaptcha_token_response', False)
recaptcha_result = request.env['ir.http']._verify_recaptcha_token(ip_addr, token, action)
if recaptcha_result in ['is_human', 'no_secret']:
return True
if recaptcha_result == 'wrong_secret':
raise ValidationError(_("The reCaptcha private key is invalid."))
elif recaptcha_result == 'wrong_token':
raise ValidationError(_("The reCaptcha token is invalid."))
elif recaptcha_result == 'timeout':
raise UserError(_("Your request has timed out, please retry."))
elif recaptcha_result == 'bad_request':
raise UserError(_("The request is invalid or malformed."))
return False
def _verify_recaptcha_token(self, ip_addr, token, action=False):
Verify a recaptchaV3 token and returns the result as a string.
RecaptchaV3 verify DOC: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/verify
:return: The result of the call to the google API:
is_human: The token is valid and the user trustworthy.
is_bot: The user is not trustworthy and most likely a bot.
no_secret: No reCaptcha secret set in settings.
wrong_action: the action performed to obtain the token does not match the one we are verifying.
wrong_token: The token provided is invalid or empty.
wrong_secret: The private key provided in settings is invalid.
timeout: The request has timout or the token provided is too old.
bad_request: The request is invalid or malformed.
:rtype: str
private_key = request.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('recaptcha_private_key')
if not private_key:
return 'no_secret'
min_score = request.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('recaptcha_min_score')
r = requests.post('https://www.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/api/siteverify', {
'secret': private_key,
'response': token,
'remoteip': ip_addr,
}, timeout=2) # it takes ~50ms to retrieve the response
result = r.json()
res_success = result['success']
res_action = res_success and action and result['action']
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
logger.error("Trial captcha verification timeout for ip address %s", ip_addr)
return 'timeout'
except Exception:
logger.error("Trial captcha verification bad request response")
return 'bad_request'
if res_success:
score = result.get('score', False)
if score < float(min_score):
logger.warning("Trial captcha verification for ip address %s failed with score %f.", ip_addr, score)
return 'is_bot'
if res_action and res_action != action:
logger.warning("Trial captcha verification for ip address %s failed with action %f, expected: %s.", ip_addr, score, action)
return 'wrong_action'
logger.info("Trial captcha verification for ip address %s succeeded with score %f.", ip_addr, score)
return 'is_human'
errors = result.get('error-codes', [])
logger.warning("Trial captcha verification for ip address %s failed error codes %r. token was: [%s]", ip_addr, errors, token)
for error in errors:
if error in ['missing-input-secret', 'invalid-input-secret']:
return 'wrong_secret'
if error in ['missing-input-response', 'invalid-input-response']:
return 'wrong_token'
if error == 'timeout-or-duplicate':
return 'timeout'
if error == 'bad-request':
return 'bad_request'
return 'is_bot'