109 lines
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109 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import models, api, fields, _
from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_compare
class AccountMove(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move'
l10n_it_ddt_ids = fields.Many2many('stock.picking', compute="_compute_ddt_ids")
l10n_it_ddt_count = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_ddt_ids")
def _l10n_it_edi_document_type_mapping(self):
""" Deferred invoices (not direct) require TD24 FatturaPA Document Type. """
res = super()._l10n_it_edi_document_type_mapping()
for document_type, infos in res.items():
if document_type == 'TD07':
infos['direct_invoice'] = True
res['TD24'] = {'move_types': ['out_invoice'], 'import_type': 'in_invoice', 'direct_invoice': False}
return res
def _l10n_it_edi_invoice_is_direct(self):
""" An invoice is only direct if the Transport Documents are all done the same day as the invoice. """
for ddt in self.l10n_it_ddt_ids:
if not ddt.date_done or ddt.date_done.date() != self.invoice_date:
return False
return True
def _l10n_it_edi_features_for_document_type_selection(self):
res = super()._l10n_it_edi_features_for_document_type_selection()
res['direct_invoice'] = self._l10n_it_edi_invoice_is_direct()
return res
def _get_ddt_values(self):
We calculate the link between the invoice lines and the deliveries related to the invoice through the
links with the sale order(s). We assume that the first picking was invoiced first. (FIFO)
:return: a dictionary with as key the picking and value the invoice line numbers (by counting)
# We don't consider returns/credit notes as we suppose they will lead to more deliveries/invoices as well
if self.move_type != "out_invoice" or self.state != 'posted':
return {}
line_count = 0
invoice_line_pickings = {}
for line in self.invoice_line_ids.filtered(lambda l: l.display_type not in ('line_note', 'line_section')):
line_count += 1
done_moves_related = line.sale_line_ids.mapped('move_ids').filtered(
lambda m: m.state == 'done' and m.location_dest_id.usage == 'customer' and m.picking_type_id.code == 'outgoing')
if len(done_moves_related) <= 1:
if done_moves_related and line_count not in invoice_line_pickings.get(done_moves_related.picking_id, []):
invoice_line_pickings.setdefault(done_moves_related.picking_id, []).append(line_count)
total_invoices = done_moves_related.mapped('sale_line_id.invoice_lines').filtered(
lambda l: l.move_id.state == 'posted' and l.move_id.move_type == 'out_invoice').sorted(lambda l: (l.move_id.invoice_date, l.move_id.id))
total_invs = [(i.product_uom_id._compute_quantity(i.quantity, i.product_id.uom_id), i) for i in total_invoices]
inv = total_invs.pop(0)
# Match all moves and related invoice lines FIFO looking for when the matched invoice_line matches line
for move in done_moves_related.sorted(lambda m: (m.date, m.id)):
rounding = move.product_uom.rounding
move_qty = move.product_qty
while (float_compare(move_qty, 0, precision_rounding=rounding) > 0):
if float_compare(inv[0], move_qty, precision_rounding=rounding) > 0:
inv = (inv[0] - move_qty, inv[1])
invoice_line = inv[1]
move_qty = 0
if float_compare(inv[0], move_qty, precision_rounding=rounding) <= 0:
move_qty -= inv[0]
invoice_line = inv[1]
if total_invs:
inv = total_invs.pop(0)
move_qty = 0 #abort when not enough matched invoices
# If in our FIFO iteration we stumble upon the line we were checking
if invoice_line == line and line_count not in invoice_line_pickings.get(move.picking_id, []):
invoice_line_pickings.setdefault(move.picking_id, []).append(line_count)
return invoice_line_pickings
@api.depends('invoice_line_ids', 'invoice_line_ids.sale_line_ids')
def _compute_ddt_ids(self):
it_out_invoices = self.filtered(lambda i: i.move_type == 'out_invoice' and i.company_id.account_fiscal_country_id.code == 'IT')
for invoice in it_out_invoices:
invoice_line_pickings = invoice._get_ddt_values()
pickings = self.env['stock.picking']
for picking in invoice_line_pickings:
pickings |= picking
invoice.l10n_it_ddt_ids = pickings
invoice.l10n_it_ddt_count = len(pickings)
for invoice in self - it_out_invoices:
invoice.l10n_it_ddt_ids = self.env['stock.picking']
invoice.l10n_it_ddt_count = 0
def get_linked_ddts(self):
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_mode': 'list,form',
'name': _("Linked deliveries"),
'res_model': 'stock.picking',
'domain': [('id', 'in', self.l10n_it_ddt_ids.ids)],
def _l10n_it_edi_get_values(self, pdf_values=None):
template_values = super()._l10n_it_edi_get_values(pdf_values)
template_values['ddt_dict'] = self._get_ddt_values()
return template_values