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2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import _, api, Command, fields, models
from odoo.addons.onboarding.models.onboarding_progress import ONBOARDING_PROGRESS_STATES
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
class OnboardingStep(models.Model):
_name = 'onboarding.onboarding.step'
_description = 'Onboarding Step'
_order = 'sequence asc, id asc'
_rec_name = 'title'
onboarding_ids = fields.Many2many('onboarding.onboarding', string='Onboardings')
title = fields.Char('Title', translate=True)
description = fields.Char('Description', translate=True)
button_text = fields.Char(
'Button text', required=True, default=lambda s: s.env._("Let's do it"), translate=True,
help="Text on the panel's button to start this step")
done_icon = fields.Char('Font Awesome Icon when completed', default='fa-star')
done_text = fields.Char(
'Text to show when step is completed', default=lambda s: s.env._('Step Completed!'), translate=True)
step_image = fields.Binary("Step Image")
step_image_filename = fields.Char("Step Image Filename")
step_image_alt = fields.Char(
'Alt Text for the Step Image', default='Onboarding Step Image', translate=True,
help='Show when impossible to load the image')
panel_step_open_action_name = fields.Char(
string='Opening action', required=False,
help='Name of the onboarding step model action to execute when opening the step, '
'e.g. action_open_onboarding_1_step_1')
current_progress_step_id = fields.Many2one(
'onboarding.progress.step', string='Step Progress',
compute='_compute_current_progress', help='Onboarding Progress Step for the current context (company).')
current_step_state = fields.Selection(
ONBOARDING_PROGRESS_STATES, string='Completion State', compute='_compute_current_progress')
progress_ids = fields.One2many(
'onboarding.progress.step', 'step_id', string='Onboarding Progress Step Records', readonly=True,
help='All related Onboarding Progress Step Records (across companies)')
is_per_company = fields.Boolean('Is per company', default=True)
sequence = fields.Integer(default=10)
@api.depends('progress_ids', 'progress_ids.step_state')
def _compute_current_progress(self):
# When `is_per_company` is changed, `progress_ids` is updated (see `write`) which triggers this `_compute`.
existing_progress_steps = self.progress_ids.filtered_domain([
('step_id', 'in', self.ids),
('company_id', 'in', [False, self.env.company.id]),
for step in self:
if step in existing_progress_steps.step_id:
current_progress_step_id = existing_progress_steps.filtered(
lambda progress_step: progress_step.step_id == step)
step.current_progress_step_id = current_progress_step_id
step.current_step_state = current_progress_step_id.step_state
step.current_progress_step_id = False
step.current_step_state = 'not_done'
def check_step_on_onboarding_has_action(self):
if steps_without_action := self.filtered(lambda step: step.onboarding_ids and not step.panel_step_open_action_name):
raise ValidationError(_(
'An "Opening Action" is required for the following steps to be '
'linked to an onboarding panel: %(step_titles)s',
def write(self, vals):
new_is_per_company = vals.get('is_per_company')
steps_changing_is_per_company = (
self.browse() if new_is_per_company is None
else self.filtered(lambda step: step.is_per_company != new_is_per_company)
already_linked_onboardings = self.onboarding_ids
res = super().write(vals)
# Progress is reset (to be done per-company or, for steps, to have a single record)
if steps_changing_is_per_company:
if self.onboarding_ids - already_linked_onboardings:
return res
def action_set_just_done(self):
# Make sure progress records exist for the current context (company)
steps_without_progress = self.filtered(lambda step: not step.current_progress_step_id)
return self.current_progress_step_id.action_set_just_done().step_id
def action_validate_step(self, xml_id):
step = self.env.ref(xml_id, raise_if_not_found=False)
if not step:
return "NOT_FOUND"
return "JUST_DONE" if step.action_set_just_done() else "WAS_DONE"
def _get_placeholder_filename(self, field):
if field == "step_image":
return 'base/static/img/onboarding_default.png'
return super()._get_placeholder_filename(field)
def _create_progress_steps(self):
"""Create progress step records as necessary to validate steps.
Only considers existing `onboarding.progress` records for the current
company or without company (depending on `is_per_company`).
onboarding_progress_records = self.env['onboarding.progress'].search([
('onboarding_id', 'in', self.onboarding_ids.ids),
('company_id', 'in', [False, self.env.company.id])
progress_step_values = [
'step_id': step_id.id,
'progress_ids': [
for onboarding_progress_record
in onboarding_progress_records.filtered(lambda p: step_id in p.onboarding_id.step_ids)],
'company_id': self.env.company.id if step_id.is_per_company else False,
} for step_id in self
return self.env['onboarding.progress.step'].create(progress_step_values)