1192 lines
45 KiB
1192 lines
45 KiB
import { ActivityController } from "@mail/views/web/activity/activity_controller";
import { ActivityModel } from "@mail/views/web/activity/activity_model";
import { ActivityRenderer } from "@mail/views/web/activity/activity_renderer";
import {
} from "@mail/../tests/mail_test_helpers";
import {
} from "@mail/../tests/mock_server/mock_models/constants";
import { beforeEach, describe, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot";
import { mockDate, animationFrame } from "@odoo/hoot-mock";
import { onMounted, onWillUnmount } from "@odoo/owl";
import { MailTestActivity } from "@test_mail/../tests/mock_server/models/mail_test_activity";
import { defineTestMailModels } from "@test_mail/../tests/test_mail_test_helpers";
import { Domain } from "@web/core/domain";
import { RelationalModel } from "@web/model/relational_model/relational_model";
import { DynamicList } from "@web/model/relational_model/dynamic_list"
import { deepEqual, omit } from "@web/core/utils/objects";
import { getOrigin } from "@web/core/utils/urls";
import { serializeDate, formatDate } from "@web/core/l10n/dates";
import { onRpc, patchWithCleanup, serverState, contains as webContains } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers";
import { keyDown, waitFor } from "@odoo/hoot-dom";
import { MailActivitySchedule } from "@mail/../tests/mock_server/mock_models/mail_activity_schedule";
const { DateTime } = luxon;
let pyEnv;
const archs = {
"mail.test.activity,false,activity": `
<activity string="MailTestActivity">
<div t-name="activity-box">
<field name="name"/>
"mail.test.activity,1,activity": `
<activity string="MailTestActivity">
<div t-name="activity-box">
<span t-att-title="record.name.value">
<field name="name" display="full" class="w-100 text-truncate"/>
<span class="invisible_node" invisible="context.get('invisible', False)">
Test invisible
function patchActivityDomain(load, params) {
if (params.domain) {
// Remove domain term used to filter record having "done" activities (not understood by the getRecords mock)
const domain = new Domain(params.domain);
const newDomain = Domain.removeDomainLeaves(domain.toList(), [
if (!deepEqual(domain.toList(), newDomain.toList())) {
return load({
domain: newDomain.toList(),
context: params.context
? { ...params.context, active_test: false }
: { active_test: false },
return load(params);
beforeEach(async () => {
mockDate("2023-4-8 10:00:00", 0);
patchWithCleanup(DynamicList.prototype, {
async load(params) {
return patchActivityDomain(super.load.bind(this), params);
patchWithCleanup(RelationalModel.prototype, {
async load(params) {
return patchActivityDomain(super.load.bind(this), params);
pyEnv = await startServer();
const mailTemplateIds = pyEnv["mail.template"].create([
{ name: "Template1" },
{ name: "Template2" },
// reset incompatible setup
const mailActivityTypeIds = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].create([
{ name: "Email", mail_template_ids: mailTemplateIds },
{ name: "Call" },
{ name: "Call for Demo" },
{ name: "To Do" },
const resUsersId1 = pyEnv["res.users"].create({
partner_id: pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: "first partner" }),
const mailActivityIds = pyEnv["mail.activity"].create([
display_name: "An activity",
date_deadline: serializeDate(DateTime.now().plus({ days: 3 })),
can_write: true,
state: "planned",
activity_type_id: mailActivityTypeIds[0],
user_id: resUsersId1,
display_name: "An activity",
date_deadline: serializeDate(DateTime.now()),
can_write: true,
state: "today",
activity_type_id: mailActivityTypeIds[0],
user_id: resUsersId1,
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
display_name: "An activity",
date_deadline: serializeDate(DateTime.now().minus({ days: 2 })),
can_write: true,
state: "overdue",
activity_type_id: mailActivityTypeIds[1],
user_id: resUsersId1,
{ name: "Meeting Room Furnitures", activity_ids: [mailActivityIds[0]] },
{ name: "Office planning", activity_ids: [mailActivityIds[1], mailActivityIds[2]] },
test("activity view: simple activity rendering", async () => {
const mailTestActivityIds = pyEnv["mail.test.activity"].search([]);
const mailActivityTypeIds = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].search([]);
const env = await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await contains(".o_activity_view_table th", { text: "Email" });
await contains(".progress-bar[data-tooltip='1 Planned']", {
parent: [".o_activity_view_table th", { text: "Email" }],
await contains(".progress-bar[data-tooltip='1 Today']", {
parent: [".o_activity_view_table th", { text: "Email" }],
await contains(".o_activity_view_table th", {
text: "Call",
after: [".o_activity_view_table th", { text: "Email" }],
await contains(".progress-bar[data-tooltip='1 Overdue']", {
parent: [".o_activity_view_table th", { text: "Call" }],
await contains(".o_activity_view_table th", {
text: "Call for Demo",
after: [".o_activity_view_table th", { text: "Call" }],
await contains(".progress-bar", {
count: 0,
parent: [".o_activity_view_table th", { text: "Call for Demo" }],
await contains(".o_activity_view_table tr:nth-child(1) .o_activity_record", {
text: "Office planning",
await contains(".o_activity_view_table tr:nth-child(2) .o_activity_record", {
text: "Meeting Room Furnitures",
const today = formatDate(DateTime.now());
await contains(":nth-child(1 of .o_activity_summary_cell)", {
text: today,
parent: [
contains: [".o_activity_record", { text: "Office planning" }],
await contains(".o_activity_empty_cell", {
count: 2,
parent: [
contains: [".o_activity_record", { text: "Office planning" }],
patchWithCleanup(env.services.action, {
doAction(action) {
context: {
default_res_id: mailTestActivityIds[1],
default_res_model: "mail.test.activity",
default_activity_type_id: mailActivityTypeIds[2],
res_id: false,
res_model: "mail.activity",
target: "new",
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
view_mode: "form",
view_type: "form",
views: [[false, "form"]],
await click(":nth-child(1 of .o_activity_empty_cell)", {
parent: [
contains: [".o_activity_record", { text: "Office planning" }],
await assertSteps(["doAction"]);
await contains(".o_activity_view_table tfoot .o_record_selector");
test("activity view: Activity rendering with done activities", async () => {
const activityTypeUpload = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].create({
category: "upload_file",
name: "Test Upload document",
keep_done: true,
Object.entries(["done", "done", "done", "done", "planned", "planned", "planned"]).map(
([idx, state]) => {
const userId = pyEnv["res.users"].create({
partner_id: pyEnv["res.partner"].create({ name: `Partner ${idx}` }),
// issue with compute/related, `display_name` is wrong until next write.
pyEnv["res.users"].write([userId], {});
return {
active: state !== "done",
activity_type_id: activityTypeUpload,
state === "done"
? [
name: `attachment ${idx}`,
create_date: serializeDate(
DateTime.now().minus({ days: idx })
create_uid: serverState.userId,
: [],
can_write: true,
date_deadline: serializeDate(DateTime.now().plus({ days: idx })),
state === "done"
? serializeDate(DateTime.now().minus({ days: idx }))
: false,
display_name: `Upload folders ${idx}`,
state: state,
user_id: userId,
const [meetingRecord, officeRecord] = pyEnv["mail.test.activity"].search([]);
const uploadDoneActs = pyEnv["mail.activity"].search_read([
["activity_type_id", "=", activityTypeUpload],
["active", "=", false],
const uploadPlannedActs = pyEnv["mail.activity"].search_read([
["activity_type_id", "=", activityTypeUpload],
pyEnv["mail.test.activity"].write([meetingRecord], {
activity_ids: [
pyEnv["mail.test.activity"].write([officeRecord], {
activity_ids: [uploadDoneActs[1].id, uploadDoneActs[2].id, uploadDoneActs[3].id],
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
const domActivity = document.querySelector(".o_activity_view");
const domHeaderUpload = domActivity.querySelector("table thead tr:first-child th:nth-child(6)");
const selRowMeetingCellUpload = "table tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(6)";
const domRowMeetingCellUpload = domActivity.querySelector(selRowMeetingCellUpload);
const selRowOfficeCellUpload = "table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(6)";
const domRowOfficeCellUpload = domActivity.querySelector(selRowOfficeCellUpload);
// Headers
await contains(".o_column_progress .progress-bar:first-child[data-tooltip='3 Planned']", {
target: domHeaderUpload,
await contains(".o_animated_number", {
target: domHeaderUpload,
text: "3",
await contains(".o_column_progress_aggregated_on", {
target: domHeaderUpload,
text: "7",
// Cells avatars
await contains(
`.o-mail-Avatar img[data-src='/web/image/res.users/${uploadPlannedActs[0].user_id[0]}/avatar_128'`,
{ target: domRowMeetingCellUpload }
await contains(
`.o-mail-Avatar img[data-src='/web/image/res.users/${uploadPlannedActs[1].user_id[0]}/avatar_128'`,
{ target: domRowMeetingCellUpload }
await contains(
`.o-mail-Avatar img[data-src='/web/image/res.users/${uploadPlannedActs[2].user_id[0]}/avatar_128'`,
{ target: domRowMeetingCellUpload, count: 0 }
await contains(`.o-mail-Avatar`, { target: domRowOfficeCellUpload, count: 0 }); // all activity are done
// Cells counters
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityCell-counter", {
target: domRowMeetingCellUpload,
text: "3 / 4",
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityCell-counter", {
text: "3",
target: domRowOfficeCellUpload,
// Cells dates
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityCell-deadline", {
text: formatDate(luxon.DateTime.fromISO(uploadPlannedActs[0].date_deadline)),
target: domRowMeetingCellUpload,
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityCell-deadline", {
text: formatDate(luxon.DateTime.fromISO(uploadDoneActs[1].date_done)),
target: domRowOfficeCellUpload,
// Activity list popovers content
await click(`${selRowMeetingCellUpload} > div`, {
target: domActivity,
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopover .badge.text-bg-success", { text: "3" }); // 3 planned
for (const actIdx of [0, 1, 2]) {
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem", {
text: uploadPlannedActs[actIdx].user_id[1],
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem", { text: "Due in 4 days" });
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem", { text: "Due in 5 days" });
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem", { text: "Due in 6 days" });
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopover .badge.text-bg-secondary", { text: "1" }); // 1 done
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem", { text: uploadDoneActs[0].user_id[1] });
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem", {
text: formatDate(luxon.DateTime.fromISO(uploadDoneActs[0].date_done)),
await click(`${selRowOfficeCellUpload} > div`, {
target: domActivity,
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopover .badge.text-bg-secondary", { text: "3" }); // 3 done
for (const actIdx of [1, 2, 3]) {
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem", {
text: formatDate(luxon.DateTime.fromISO(uploadDoneActs[actIdx].date_done)),
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem", {
text: uploadDoneActs[actIdx].user_id[1],
test("activity view: a pager can be used when there are more than the limit of 100 activities to display", async () => {
const mailActivityTypeIds = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].search([]);
const recordsToCreate = [];
const activityToCreate = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 101; i++) {
display_name: "An activity " + i * 2,
date_deadline: serializeDate(DateTime.now().plus({ days: 3 })),
can_write: true,
state: "planned",
activity_type_id: mailActivityTypeIds[0],
display_name: "An activity " + (i * 2 + 1),
date_deadline: serializeDate(DateTime.now().plus({ days: 2 })),
can_write: true,
state: "planned",
activity_type_id: mailActivityTypeIds[1],
const createdActivity = pyEnv["mail.activity"].create(activityToCreate);
for (let i = 0; i < 101; i++) {
name: "pagerTestRecord" + i,
activity_ids: [createdActivity[i * 2], createdActivity[i * 2 + 1]],
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
domain: [["name", "like", "pagerTestRecord"]],
await contains(".o_activity_record", { count: 100 });
await contains(".o_activity_summary_cell.planned", { count: 200 });
await click(".o_pager_next");
await contains(".o_activity_record");
await contains(".o_activity_summary_cell.planned", { count: 2 });
await click(".o_pager_previous");
await contains(".o_activity_record", { count: 100 });
await contains(".o_activity_summary_cell.planned", { count: 200 });
test("activity view: no content rendering", async () => {
await start();
// reset incompatible setup
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await contains(".o_view_nocontent");
await contains(".o_view_nocontent .o_view_nocontent_empty_folder", {
text: "No data to display",
test("activity view: batch send mail on activity", async () => {
const mailTestActivityIds = pyEnv["mail.test.activity"].search([]);
const mailTemplateIds = pyEnv["mail.template"].search([]);
onRpc("activity_send_mail", (args) => {
return true;
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await click("[data-bs-toggle=dropdown]", {
parent: [".o_activity_view_table th", { text: "Email" }],
await contains(".dropdown-menu.show .o_send_mail_template", { count: 2 });
await click(".o_send_mail_template", { text: "Template1" });
await assertSteps([
`[[${mailTestActivityIds[0]},${mailTestActivityIds[1]}],${mailTemplateIds[0]}]`, // template 1 sendt on activity 1 and 2
await click(".o_send_mail_template", { text: "Template2" });
await assertSteps([
`[[${mailTestActivityIds[0]},${mailTestActivityIds[1]}],${mailTemplateIds[1]}]`, // template 2 sendt on activity 1 and 2
test("activity view: activity_ids condition in domain", async () => {
onRpc("get_activity_data", (args) => step(JSON.stringify(args.kwargs.domain)));
onRpc("web_search_read", (args) => step(JSON.stringify(args.kwargs.domain)));
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await click(".o_pager_value");
await contains(".o_pager_value:focus");
await keyDown("Enter");
await assertSteps([
// load view requests
JSON.stringify([["activity_ids.active", "in", [true, false]]]),
'[[1,"=",1]]', // Due to the relational model patch above that removes it
// pager requests
JSON.stringify([["activity_ids.active", "in", [true, false]]]),
'[[1,"=",1]]', // Due to the dynamic list patch above that removes it
test("activity view: activity widget", async () => {
const mailActivityTypeIds = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].search([]);
const [mailTestActivityId2] = pyEnv["mail.test.activity"].search([
["name", "=", "Office planning"],
const [mailTemplateId1] = pyEnv["mail.template"].search([["name", "=", "Template1"]]);
onRpc("activity_send_mail", (args) => {
expect(args.args).toEqual([[mailTestActivityId2], mailTemplateId1]);
return true;
onRpc("action_feedback_schedule_next", (args) => {
expect(args.args).toEqual([pyEnv["mail.activity"].search([["state", "=", "overdue"]])]);
return { serverGeneratedAction: true };
const env = await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
patchWithCleanup(env.services.action, {
doAction(action) {
if (action.serverGeneratedAction) {
} else if (action.res_model === "mail.compose.message") {
default_model: "mail.test.activity",
default_res_ids: [mailTestActivityId2],
default_subtype_xmlid: "mail.mt_comment",
default_template_id: mailTemplateId1,
force_email: true,
} else if (action.res_model === "mail.activity.schedule") {
default_activity_type_id: mailActivityTypeIds[1],
active_ids: [mailTestActivityId2],
active_id: mailTestActivityId2,
active_model: "mail.test.activity",
} else {
step("Unexpected action" + action.res_model);
await click(".today .o-mail-ActivityCell-deadline");
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopover");
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopover-todayTitle", { text: "Today" });
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMailTemplate-name", { text: "Template1" });
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMailTemplate-name", { text: "Template2" });
await click(".o-mail-ActivityMailTemplate-preview[data-mail-template-id='1']");
await assertSteps(["do_action_compose"]);
await click(".today .o-mail-ActivityCell-deadline");
await click(".o-mail-ActivityMailTemplate-send[data-mail-template-id='1']");
await assertSteps(["activity_send_mail"]);
await click(".overdue .o-mail-ActivityCell-deadline");
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityMailTemplate-name", { count: 0 });
await click(".o-mail-ActivityListPopover button", { text: "Schedule an activity" });
await assertSteps(["do_action_activity"]);
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopover", { count: 0 });
await click(".overdue .o-mail-ActivityCell-deadline");
await click(".o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem-markAsDone");
await insertText(
".o-mail-ActivityMarkAsDone textarea[placeholder='Write Feedback']",
await click(".o-mail-ActivityMarkAsDone button[aria-label='Done and Schedule Next']");
await assertSteps(["action_feedback_schedule_next", "serverGeneratedAction"]);
test("activity widget: cancel an activity from the widget", async () => {
const [mailActivityId] = pyEnv["mail.activity"].search([["state", "=", "planned"]]);
const [mailActivityTypeId] = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].search([["name", "=", "Email"]]);
pyEnv["res.users"].write([serverState.userId], {
activity_ids: [mailActivityId],
activity_type_id: mailActivityTypeId,
onRpc("unlink", ({ args, route }) => {
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
// Check if activity is scheduled
await click(".planned .o-mail-ActivityCell-deadline");
await contains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopover");
const activityListPopoverButtons = document.querySelectorAll(
".overflow-auto.d-flex.align-items-baseline button"
// ensure the buttons are in the same order as in the chatter.
expect(activityListPopoverButtons[2]).toHaveClass("o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem-cancel btn");
// Cancel the activity
await click(".o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem .o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem-cancel");
await assertSteps(["unlink"]);
// Verify no activity is scheduled
await contains(".planned", { count: 0 });
test("activity view: Mark as done with keep done enabled", async () => {
const emailActType = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].search([["name", "=", "Email"]])[0];
pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].write([emailActType], { keep_done: true });
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await contains(".o_activity_view:not(.o_action)");
const domActivity = document.querySelector(".o_activity_view:not(.o_action)");
const domHeaderEmail = domActivity.querySelector("table thead tr:first-child th:nth-child(2)");
const selRowOfficeCellEmail = "table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)";
await contains(".o_animated_number", {
target: domHeaderEmail,
text: "2",
await contains(".o_column_progress_aggregated_on", {
target: domHeaderEmail,
text: "2",
await click(`${selRowOfficeCellEmail} > div`, {
target: domActivity,
await click(".o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem .o-mail-ActivityListPopoverItem-markAsDone");
await click(".o-mail-ActivityMarkAsDone button[aria-label='Done']");
await contains(".o_animated_number", {
target: domHeaderEmail,
text: "1",
await contains(".o_column_progress_aggregated_on", {
target: domHeaderEmail,
text: "2",
test("activity view: no group_by_menu and no comparison_menu", async () => {
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await click(".o_searchview_dropdown_toggler");
await contains(".o-dropdown--menu .o_dropdown_container", { count: 2 });
await contains(".o-dropdown--menu .o_filter_menu");
await contains(".o-dropdown--menu .o_favorite_menu");
test("activity view: group_by in the action has no effect", async () => {
patchWithCleanup(ActivityModel.prototype, {
async load(params) {
// force params to have a groupBy set, the model should ignore this value during the load
params.groupBy = ["user_id"];
await super.load(params);
onRpc("get_activity_data", ({ kwargs }) => {
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await assertSteps(["get_activity_data"]);
test("activity view: search more to schedule an activity for a record of a respecting model", async () => {
const mailTestActivityId1 = pyEnv["mail.test.activity"].create({
name: "MailTestActivity 3",
MailTestActivity._views = {
"list,false": '<list string="MailTestActivity"><field name="name"/></list>',
const env = await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
patchWithCleanup(env.services.action, {
doAction(action, options) {
const expectedAction = {
context: {
active_ids: [mailTestActivityId1],
active_id: mailTestActivityId1,
active_model: "mail.test.activity",
name: "Schedule Activity",
res_model: "mail.activity.schedule",
target: "new",
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
view_mode: "form",
views: [[false, "form"]],
await click(".o_activity_view tfoot tr .o_record_selector");
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell", {
count: 3,
parent: [".modal-dialog", { text: "Search: MailTestActivity" }],
await click(".o_data_row .o_data_cell", {
text: "MailTestActivity 3",
parent: [".modal-dialog", { text: "Search: MailTestActivity" }],
await assertSteps(["doAction"]);
test("activity view: Domain should not reset on load", async () => {
MailTestActivity._views = {
"list,false": '<list string="MailTestActivity"><field name="name"/></list>',
const env = await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
domain: [["id", "=", 1]],
patchWithCleanup(env.services.action, {
doAction(action, options) {
await click(".o_activity_view .o_record_selector");
// search create dialog
await click(".modal-lg .o_data_row .o_data_cell");
await assertSteps(["doAction"]);
await click(".o_activity_view .o_record_selector");
// again open search create dialog
await contains(".modal-lg .o_data_row");
test("activity view: 'scheduleActivity' does not add activity_ids condition as selectCreateDialog domain", async () => {
patchWithCleanup(ActivityController.prototype, {
scheduleActivity() {
MailTestActivity._views = {
"list,false": '<list string="MailTestActivity"><field name="name"/></list>',
const env = await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
patchWithCleanup(env.services.action, {
doAction(action, options) {
// open search create dialog and schedule an activity
await click(".o_activity_view .o_record_selector");
await click(".modal-lg .o_data_row .o_data_cell", {
text: "Meeting Room Furnitures",
// again open search create dialog
await click(".o_activity_view .o_record_selector");
await assertSteps(["[]", "[]"]);
test("activity view: 'onClose' of 'openActivityFormView' does not add activity_ids condition as selectCreateDialog domain", async () => {
patchWithCleanup(ActivityController.prototype, {
openActivityFormView(resId, activityTypeId) {
super.openActivityFormView(resId, activityTypeId);
MailTestActivity._views = {
"list,false": '<list string="MailTestActivity"><field name="name"/></list>',
const env = await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
patchWithCleanup(env.services.action, {
doAction(action, options) {
//schedule an activity on an empty activity cell
await click(
".o_activity_view :nth-child(1 of .o_data_row) :nth-child(1 of .o_activity_empty_cell)"
await assertSteps(["[]"]);
test("activity view: 'onReloadData' does not add activity_ids condition as selectCreateDialog domain", async () => {
patchWithCleanup(ActivityController.prototype, {
get rendererProps() {
const rendererProps = { ...super.rendererProps };
return rendererProps;
MailTestActivity._views = {
"list,false": '<list string="MailTestActivity"><field name="name"/></list>',
const env = await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
patchWithCleanup(env.services.action, {
doAction(action, options) {
//schedule another activity on an activity cell with a scheduled activity
await click(".today .o-mail-ActivityCell-deadline");
await click(".o-mail-ActivityListPopover button:contains(Schedule an activity)");
await assertSteps(["[]", "[]", "[]"]);
test("Activity view: discard an activity creation dialog", async () => {
onRpc("has_access", () => true);
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await click(
".o_activity_view :nth-child(1 of .o_data_row) :nth-child(1 of .o_activity_empty_cell)"
await contains(".modal.o_technical_modal");
await click(".modal.o_technical_modal .o_form_button_cancel");
await contains(".modal.o_technical_modal", { count: 0 });
test("Activity view: many2one_avatar_user widget in activity view", async () => {
const [mailTestActivityId1] = pyEnv["mail.test.activity"].search([
["name", "=", "Meeting Room Furnitures"],
const resUsersId1 = pyEnv["res.users"].create({
display_name: "first user",
avatar_128: "Atmaram Bhide",
pyEnv["mail.test.activity"].write([mailTestActivityId1], { activity_user_id: resUsersId1 });
"mail.test.activity,false,activity": `<activity string="MailTestActivity">
<div t-name="activity-box">
<field name="activity_user_id" widget="many2one_avatar_user"/>
<field name="name"/>
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await contains(".o_m2o_avatar", { count: 2 });
await contains(
`tr:nth-child(2) .o_m2o_avatar > img[data-src="/web/image/res.users/${resUsersId1}/avatar_128"]`
// "should not have text on many2one_avatar_user if onlyImage node option is passed"
await contains(".o_m2o_avatar > span", { count: 0 });
test("Activity view: on_destroy_callback doesn't crash", async () => {
patchWithCleanup(ActivityRenderer.prototype, {
setup() {
onMounted(() => {
onWillUnmount(() => {
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
// force the unmounting of the activity view by opening another one
await openFormView("mail.test.activity");
await assertSteps(["mounted", "willUnmount"]);
test("Schedule activity dialog uses the same search view as activity view", async () => {
MailTestActivity._views = {
"list,false": `<list><field name="name"/></list>`,
onRpc("get_views", (args) => step(JSON.stringify(args.kwargs.views)));
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await assertSteps([
// click on "Schedule activity"
await click(".o_activity_view .o_record_selector");
await assertSteps([`[[false,"list"],[${DEFAULT_MAIL_SEARCH_ID},"search"]]`]);
// open an activity view (with search arch 1)
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
searchViewId: 1,
await assertSteps([`[[${DEFAULT_MAIL_VIEW_ID},"activity"],[1,"search"]]`]);
// click on "Schedule activity"
await click(".o_activity_view .o_record_selector");
await assertSteps([`[[false,"list"],[1,"search"]]`]);
test("Activity view: apply progressbar filter", async () => {
const mailActivityTypeIds = pyEnv["mail.activity.type"].search([]);
const mailTemplateIds = pyEnv["mail.template"].search([]);
const [resUsersId1] = pyEnv["res.users"].search([]);
display_name: "An activity",
date_deadline: serializeDate(DateTime.now().plus({ days: 3 })),
can_write: true,
state: "planned",
activity_type_id: mailActivityTypeIds[2],
mail_template_ids: mailTemplateIds,
user_id: resUsersId1,
const mailActivityIds = pyEnv["mail.activity"].create([
display_name: "An activity",
date_deadline: serializeDate(DateTime.now().plus({ days: 3 })),
can_write: true,
state: "planned",
activity_type_id: mailActivityTypeIds[0],
user_id: resUsersId1,
display_name: "An activity",
date_deadline: serializeDate(DateTime.now().plus({ days: 3 })),
can_write: true,
state: "planned",
activity_type_id: mailActivityTypeIds[2],
mail_template_ids: mailTemplateIds,
user_id: resUsersId1,
const [mailTestActivityId1] = pyEnv["mail.test.activity"].search([
["name", "=", "Meeting Room Furnitures"],
pyEnv["mail.test.activity"].write([mailTestActivityId1], {
activity_ids: mailActivityIds,
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await contains(".o_activity_record", {
text: "Office planning",
parent: [".o_activity_view tbody tr:first-of-type"],
await contains(".o_activity_view .planned", { count: 2 });
await click(".progress-bar[data-tooltip='1 Planned']", {
parent: [".o_activity_view_table th", { text: "Email" }],
await contains(".o_activity_view thead .o_activity_filter_planned");
await contains(".progress-bar-striped");
await contains(".progress-bar-animated.progress-bar-striped[data-tooltip='1 Planned']", {
parent: [".o_activity_view_table th", { text: "Email" }],
await contains(".o_activity_view tbody .o_activity_filter_planned", { count: 5 });
const tr = document.querySelectorAll(".o_activity_view tbody tr")[1];
test("Activity view: hide/show columns", async () => {
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
for (const [index, column] of ["Email", "Call", "Call for Demo", "To Do"].entries()) {
await contains(`.o_activity_view th:nth-child(${index + 2}) div span:first-child`, {
text: column,
await contains(".o_activity_view th:last-child button.dropdown-toggle");
await click("th:last-child button.dropdown-toggle");
await click("input[name='Email']");
for (const [index, column] of ["Call", "Call for Demo", "To Do"].entries()) {
await contains(`.o_activity_view th:nth-child(${index + 2}) div span:first-child`, {
text: column,
await click("input[name='Call for Demo']");
for (const [index, column] of ["Call", "To Do"].entries()) {
await contains(`.o_activity_view th:nth-child(${index + 2}) div span:first-child`, {
text: column,
await click("input[name='Email']");
for (const [index, column] of ["Email", "Call", "To Do"].entries()) {
await contains(`.o_activity_view th:nth-child(${index + 2}) div span:first-child`, {
text: column,
test("Activity view: luxon in renderingContext", async () => {
"mail.test.activity,false,activity": `
<activity string="MailTestActivity">
<div t-name="activity-box">
<t t-if="luxon">
<span class="luxon">luxon</span>
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await contains(".luxon", { count: 2 });
test("test displaying image (write_date field)", async () => {
// the presence of write_date field ensures that the image is reloaded when necessary
"mail.test.activity,false,activity": `
<activity string="MailTestActivity">
<div t-name="activity-box">
<img t-att-src="activity_image('partner', 'image', record.id.raw_value)"/>
<field name="id"/>
onRpc("web.search_read", (route, args) => {
expect(Object.keys(args.specification)).toEqual(["write_date", "id"]);
return { length: 2, records: [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }] };
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await contains(`.o_activity_record img[src='${getOrigin()}/web/image/partner/2/image']`);
test("test node visibility depends on invisible attribute on the node and in the context", async () => {
MailTestActivity._views = {
"activity,1": `
<activity string="MailTestActivity">
<div t-name="activity-box">
<span t-att-title="record.name.value">
<field name="name" display="full" class="w-100 text-truncate"/>
<span class="invisible_node" invisible="context.get('invisible', False)">
Test invisible
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[1, "activity"]],
await contains(".invisible_node", { count: 2 });
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[1, "activity"]],
context: { invisible: true },
await contains(".invisible_node", { count: 0 });
test("update activity view after creating multiple activities", async () => {
MailTestActivity._views = {
"list,false": '<list string="MailTestActivity"><field name="name"/><field name="activity_ids" widget="list_activity"/></list>',
MailActivitySchedule._views = {
[`form,${DEFAULT_MAIL_VIEW_ID}`]: "<form><field name='summary'/></form>",
const Activity = pyEnv["mail.activity"];
const activityToCreate = omit(Activity[0], "id");
onRpc(({method, model}) => {
if (method === "web_save" && model === "mail.activity.schedule") {
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
await click("table tfoot tr .o_record_selector");
await click(
".o_list_renderer table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2) .o-mail-ActivityButton"
await webContains(".o-mail-ActivityListPopover > button.btn-secondary").click();
const modalSchedule = await waitFor(".modal:has(.o_form_view)");
await insertText(`.o_form_view .o_field_widget[name='summary'] input`, "test1", {
target: modalSchedule,
await click(".modal-footer button.o_form_button_save", {target: modalSchedule});
await click(".modal-footer button.o_form_button_cancel");
await waitFor(".o_activity_summary_cell:not(.o_activity_empty_cell)");
test("Activity View: Hide 'New' button in SelectCreateDialog based on action context", async () => {
MailTestActivity._views = {
"list,false": `
<list string="MailTestActivity">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="activity_ids" widget="list_activity"/>
await start();
await openView({
res_model: "mail.test.activity",
views: [[false, "activity"]],
context: { create: false },
await click("table tfoot tr .o_record_selector");
await animationFrame();
expect('.o_create_button').toHaveCount(0, {
message: "'New' button should be hidden",