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277 lines
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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.http import request, route
from odoo.addons.payment import utils as payment_utils
from odoo.addons.website_sale.controllers.main import WebsiteSale
class Delivery(WebsiteSale):
_express_checkout_delivery_route = '/shop/express/shipping_address_change'
@route('/shop/delivery_methods', type='json', auth='public', website=True)
def shop_delivery_methods(self):
""" Fetch available delivery methods and render them in the delivery form.
:return: The rendered delivery form.
:rtype: str
order_sudo = request.website.sale_get_order()
values = {
'delivery_methods': order_sudo._get_delivery_methods(),
'selected_dm_id': order_sudo.carrier_id.id,
'order': order_sudo, # Needed for accessing default values for pickup points.
values |= self._get_additional_delivery_context()
return request.env['ir.ui.view']._render_template('website_sale.delivery_form', values)
def _get_additional_delivery_context(self):
""" Hook to update values used for rendering the website_sale.delivery_form template. """
return {}
@route('/shop/set_delivery_method', type='json', auth='public', website=True)
def shop_set_delivery_method(self, dm_id=None, **kwargs):
""" Set the delivery method on the current order and return the order summary values.
If the delivery method is already set, the order summary values are returned immediately.
:param str dm_id: The delivery method to set, as a `delivery.carrier` id.
:param dict kwargs: The keyword arguments forwarded to `_order_summary_values`.
:return: The order summary values, if any.
:rtype: dict
order_sudo = request.website.sale_get_order()
if not order_sudo:
return {}
dm_id = int(dm_id)
if dm_id != order_sudo.carrier_id.id:
for tx_sudo in order_sudo.transaction_ids:
if tx_sudo.state not in ('draft', 'cancel', 'error'):
raise UserError(_(
"It seems that there is already a transaction for your order; you can't"
" change the delivery method anymore."
delivery_method_sudo = request.env['delivery.carrier'].sudo().browse(dm_id).exists()
return self._order_summary_values(order_sudo, **kwargs)
def _order_summary_values(self, order, **kwargs):
""" Return the summary values of the order.
:param sale.order order: The sales order whose summary values to return.
:param dict kwargs: The keyword arguments. This parameter is not used here.
:return: The order summary values.
:rtype: dict
Monetary = request.env['ir.qweb.field.monetary']
currency = order.currency_id
return {
'success': True,
'is_free_delivery': not bool(order.amount_delivery),
'amount_delivery': Monetary.value_to_html(
order.amount_delivery, {'display_currency': currency}
'amount_untaxed': Monetary.value_to_html(
order.amount_untaxed, {'display_currency': currency}
'amount_tax': Monetary.value_to_html(
order.amount_tax, {'display_currency': currency}
'amount_total': Monetary.value_to_html(
order.amount_total, {'display_currency': currency}
@route('/shop/get_delivery_rate', type='json', auth='public', methods=['POST'], website=True)
def shop_get_delivery_rate(self, dm_id):
""" Return the delivery rate data for the given delivery method.
:param str dm_id: The delivery method whose rate to get, as a `delivery.carrier` id.
:return: The delivery rate data.
:rtype: dict
order = request.website.sale_get_order()
if not order:
raise ValidationError(_("Your cart is empty."))
if int(dm_id) not in order._get_delivery_methods().ids:
raise UserError(_(
"It seems that a delivery method is not compatible with your address. Please"
" refresh the page and try again."
Monetary = request.env['ir.qweb.field.monetary']
delivery_method = request.env['delivery.carrier'].sudo().browse(int(dm_id)).exists()
rate = Delivery._get_rate(delivery_method, order)
if rate['success']:
rate['amount_delivery'] = Monetary.value_to_html(
rate['price'], {'display_currency': order.currency_id}
rate['is_free_delivery'] = not bool(rate['price'])
rate['amount_delivery'] = Monetary.value_to_html(
0.0, {'display_currency': order.currency_id}
return rate
@route('/website_sale/set_pickup_location', type='json', auth='public', website=True)
def website_sale_set_pickup_location(self, pickup_location_data):
""" Fetch the order from the request and set the pickup location on the current order.
:param str pickup_location_data: The JSON-formatted pickup location address.
:return: None
order_sudo = request.website.sale_get_order()
@route('/website_sale/get_pickup_locations', type='json', auth='public', website=True)
def website_sale_get_pickup_locations(self, zip_code=None, **kwargs):
""" Fetch the order from the request and return the pickup locations close to the zip code.
Determine the country based on GeoIP or fallback on the order's delivery address' country.
:param int zip_code: The zip code to look up to.
:return: The close pickup locations data.
:rtype: dict
order_sudo = request.website.sale_get_order()
country = order_sudo.partner_shipping_id.country_id
return order_sudo._get_pickup_locations(zip_code, country, **kwargs)
@route(_express_checkout_delivery_route, type='json', auth='public', website=True)
def express_checkout_process_delivery_address(self, partial_delivery_address):
""" Process the shipping address and return the available delivery methods.
Depending on whether the partner is registered and logged in, a new partner is created or we
use an existing partner that matches the partial delivery address received.
:param dict partial_delivery_address: The delivery information sent by the express payment
:return: The available delivery methods, sorted by lowest price.
:rtype: dict
order_sudo = request.website.sale_get_order()
if not order_sudo:
return []
partial_delivery_address, _side_values = self._parse_form_data(partial_delivery_address)
if order_sudo._is_anonymous_cart():
# The partner_shipping_id and partner_invoice_id will be automatically computed when
# changing the partner_id of the SO. This allows website_sale to avoid creating
# duplicates.
partial_delivery_address['name'] = _(
'Anonymous express checkout partner for order %s',
new_partner_sudo = self._create_new_address(
# Pricelists are recomputed every time the partner is changed. We don't want to
# recompute the price with another pricelist at this state since the customer has
# already accepted the amount and validated the payment.
with request.env.protecting(['pricelist_id'], order_sudo):
order_sudo.partner_id = new_partner_sudo
elif order_sudo.partner_shipping_id.name.endswith(order_sudo.name):
# TODO VFE TODO VCR do we want to trigger cart recomputation here ?
# order_sudo._update_address(
# order_sudo.partner_shipping_id.id, ['partner_shipping_id']
# )
elif not self._are_same_addresses(
# Check if a child partner doesn't already exist with the same information. The phone
# isn't always checked because it isn't sent in delivery information with Google Pay.
child_partner_id = self._find_child_partner(
order_sudo.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.id, partial_delivery_address
partial_delivery_address['name'] = _(
'Anonymous express checkout partner for order %s',
order_sudo.partner_shipping_id = child_partner_id or self._create_new_address(
# Return the list of delivery methods available for the sales order.
return sorted([{
'id': dm.id,
'name': dm.name,
'description': dm.website_description,
'minorAmount': payment_utils.to_minor_currency_units(price, order_sudo.currency_id),
} for dm, price in Delivery._get_delivery_methods_express_checkout(order_sudo).items()
], key=lambda dm: dm['minorAmount'])
def _get_delivery_methods_express_checkout(order_sudo):
""" Return available delivery methods and their prices for the given order.
:param sale.order order_sudo: The sudoed sales order.
:rtype: dict
:return: A dict with a `delivery.carrier` recordset as key, and a rate shipment price as
res = {}
for dm in order_sudo._get_delivery_methods():
rate = Delivery._get_rate(dm, order_sudo, is_express_checkout_flow=True)
if rate['success']:
fname = f'{dm.delivery_type}_use_locations'
if hasattr(dm, fname) and getattr(dm, fname):
continue # Express checkout doesn't allow selecting locations.
res[dm] = rate['price']
return res
def _get_rate(delivery_method, order, is_express_checkout_flow=False):
""" Compute the delivery rate and apply the taxes if relevant.
:param delivery.carrier delivery_method: The delivery method for which the rate must be
:param sale.order order: The current sales order.
:param boolean is_express_checkout_flow: Whether the flow is express checkout.
:return: The delivery rate data.
:rtype: dict
# Some delivery methods check if all the required fields are available before computing the
# rate, even if those fields aren't required for the computation (although they are for
# delivering the goods). If we only have partial information about the delivery address, but
# still want to compute the rate, this context key will ensure that we only check the
# required fields for a partial delivery address (city, zip, country_code, state_code).
rate = delivery_method.rate_shipment(order.with_context(
if rate.get('success'):
tax_ids = delivery_method.product_id.taxes_id.filtered(
lambda t: t.company_id == order.company_id
if tax_ids:
fpos = order.fiscal_position_id
tax_ids = fpos.map_tax(tax_ids)
taxes = tax_ids.compute_all(
if (
not is_express_checkout_flow
and request.website.show_line_subtotals_tax_selection == 'tax_excluded'
rate['price'] = taxes['total_excluded']
rate['price'] = taxes['total_included']
return rate