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2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import binascii
import contextlib
import hashlib
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import psycopg2
import re
import uuid
import werkzeug
from collections import defaultdict
from odoo import api, fields, models, SUPERUSER_ID, tools, _
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, ValidationError, UserError
from odoo.http import Stream, root, request
from odoo.tools import config, human_size, image, str2bool, consteq
from odoo.tools.mimetypes import guess_mimetype, fix_filename_extension
from odoo.osv import expression
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class IrAttachment(models.Model):
"""Attachments are used to link binary files or url to any openerp document.
External attachment storage
The computed field ``datas`` is implemented using ``_file_read``,
``_file_write`` and ``_file_delete``, which can be overridden to implement
other storage engines. Such methods should check for other location pseudo
uri (example: hdfs://hadoopserver).
The default implementation is the file:dirname location that stores files
on the local filesystem using name based on their sha1 hash
_name = 'ir.attachment'
_description = 'Attachment'
_order = 'id desc'
def _compute_res_name(self):
for attachment in self:
if attachment.res_model and attachment.res_id:
record = self.env[attachment.res_model].browse(attachment.res_id)
attachment.res_name = record.display_name
attachment.res_name = False
def _storage(self):
return self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('ir_attachment.location', 'file')
def _filestore(self):
return config.filestore(self._cr.dbname)
def _get_storage_domain(self):
# domain to retrieve the attachments to migrate
return {
'db': [('store_fname', '!=', False)],
'file': [('db_datas', '!=', False)],
def force_storage(self):
"""Force all attachments to be stored in the currently configured storage"""
if not self.env.is_admin():
raise AccessError(_('Only administrators can execute this action.'))
# Migrate only binary attachments and bypass the res_field automatic
# filter added in _search override
['&', ('type', '=', 'binary'), '|', ('res_field', '=', False), ('res_field', '!=', False)]
def _migrate(self):
record_count = len(self)
storage = self._storage().upper()
# When migrating to filestore verifying if the directory has write permission
if storage == 'FILE':
filestore = self._filestore()
if not os.access(filestore, os.W_OK):
raise PermissionError("Write permission denied for filestore directory.")
for index, attach in enumerate(self):
_logger.debug("Migrate attachment %s/%s to %s", index + 1, record_count, storage)
# pass mimetype, to avoid recomputation
attach.write({'raw': attach.raw, 'mimetype': attach.mimetype})
def _full_path(self, path):
# sanitize path
path = re.sub('[.]', '', path)
path = path.strip('/\\')
return os.path.join(self._filestore(), path)
def _get_path(self, bin_data, sha):
# scatter files across 256 dirs
# we use '/' in the db (even on windows)
fname = sha[:2] + '/' + sha
full_path = self._full_path(fname)
dirname = os.path.dirname(full_path)
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
# prevent sha-1 collision
if os.path.isfile(full_path) and not self._same_content(bin_data, full_path):
raise UserError(_("The attachment collides with an existing file."))
return fname, full_path
def _file_read(self, fname):
assert isinstance(self, IrAttachment)
full_path = self._full_path(fname)
with open(full_path, 'rb') as f:
return f.read()
except (IOError, OSError):
_logger.info("_read_file reading %s", full_path, exc_info=True)
return b''
def _file_write(self, bin_value, checksum):
assert isinstance(self, IrAttachment)
fname, full_path = self._get_path(bin_value, checksum)
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
with open(full_path, 'wb') as fp:
# add fname to checklist, in case the transaction aborts
except IOError:
_logger.info("_file_write writing %s", full_path, exc_info=True)
return fname
def _file_delete(self, fname):
# simply add fname to checklist, it will be garbage-collected later
def _mark_for_gc(self, fname):
""" Add ``fname`` in a checklist for the filestore garbage collection. """
assert isinstance(self, IrAttachment)
fname = re.sub('[.]', '', fname).strip('/\\')
# we use a spooldir: add an empty file in the subdirectory 'checklist'
full_path = os.path.join(self._full_path('checklist'), fname)
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
dirname = os.path.dirname(full_path)
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
with contextlib.suppress(OSError):
open(full_path, 'ab').close()
def _gc_file_store(self):
""" Perform the garbage collection of the filestore. """
assert isinstance(self, IrAttachment)
if self._storage() != 'file':
# Continue in a new transaction. The LOCK statement below must be the
# first one in the current transaction, otherwise the database snapshot
# used by it may not contain the most recent changes made to the table
# ir_attachment! Indeed, if concurrent transactions create attachments,
# the LOCK statement will wait until those concurrent transactions end.
# But this transaction will not see the new attachements if it has done
# other requests before the LOCK (like the method _storage() above).
cr = self._cr
# prevent all concurrent updates on ir_attachment while collecting,
# but only attempt to grab the lock for a little bit, otherwise it'd
# start blocking other transactions. (will be retried later anyway)
cr.execute("SET LOCAL lock_timeout TO '10s'")
cr.execute("LOCK ir_attachment IN SHARE MODE")
except psycopg2.errors.LockNotAvailable:
return False
# commit to release the lock
def _gc_file_store_unsafe(self):
# retrieve the file names from the checklist
checklist = {}
for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(self._full_path('checklist')):
dirname = os.path.basename(dirpath)
for filename in filenames:
fname = "%s/%s" % (dirname, filename)
checklist[fname] = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
# Clean up the checklist. The checklist is split in chunks and files are garbage-collected
# for each chunk.
removed = 0
for names in self.env.cr.split_for_in_conditions(checklist):
# determine which files to keep among the checklist
self.env.cr.execute("SELECT store_fname FROM ir_attachment WHERE store_fname IN %s", [names])
whitelist = set(row[0] for row in self.env.cr.fetchall())
# remove garbage files, and clean up checklist
for fname in names:
filepath = checklist[fname]
if fname not in whitelist:
_logger.debug("_file_gc unlinked %s", self._full_path(fname))
removed += 1
except (OSError, IOError):
_logger.info("_file_gc could not unlink %s", self._full_path(fname), exc_info=True)
with contextlib.suppress(OSError):
_logger.info("filestore gc %d checked, %d removed", len(checklist), removed)
@api.depends('store_fname', 'db_datas', 'file_size')
def _compute_datas(self):
if self._context.get('bin_size'):
for attach in self:
attach.datas = human_size(attach.file_size)
for attach in self:
attach.datas = base64.b64encode(attach.raw or b'')
@api.depends('store_fname', 'db_datas')
def _compute_raw(self):
for attach in self:
if attach.store_fname:
attach.raw = attach._file_read(attach.store_fname)
attach.raw = attach.db_datas
def _inverse_raw(self):
self._set_attachment_data(lambda a: a.raw or b'')
def _inverse_datas(self):
self._set_attachment_data(lambda attach: base64.b64decode(attach.datas or b''))
def _set_attachment_data(self, asbytes):
for attach in self:
# compute the fields that depend on datas
bin_data = asbytes(attach)
vals = self._get_datas_related_values(bin_data, attach.mimetype)
# take current location in filestore to possibly garbage-collect it
fname = attach.store_fname
# write as superuser, as user probably does not have write access
super(IrAttachment, attach.sudo()).write(vals)
if fname:
def _get_datas_related_values(self, data, mimetype):
checksum = self._compute_checksum(data)
index_content = self._index(data, mimetype, checksum=checksum)
except TypeError:
index_content = self._index(data, mimetype)
values = {
'file_size': len(data),
'checksum': checksum,
'index_content': index_content,
'store_fname': False,
'db_datas': data,
if data and self._storage() != 'db':
values['store_fname'] = self._file_write(data, values['checksum'])
values['db_datas'] = False
return values
def _compute_checksum(self, bin_data):
""" compute the checksum for the given datas
:param bin_data : datas in its binary form
# an empty file has a checksum too (for caching)
return hashlib.sha1(bin_data or b'').hexdigest()
def _same_content(self, bin_data, filepath):
with open(filepath, 'rb') as fd:
i = 0
while True:
data = fd.read(BLOCK_SIZE)
if data != bin_data[i * BLOCK_SIZE:(i + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE]:
return False
if not data:
i += 1
return True
def _compute_mimetype(self, values):
""" compute the mimetype of the given values
:param values : dict of values to create or write an ir_attachment
:return mime : string indicating the mimetype, or application/octet-stream by default
mimetype = None
if values.get('mimetype'):
mimetype = values['mimetype']
if not mimetype and values.get('name'):
mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(values['name'])[0]
if not mimetype and values.get('url'):
mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(values['url'].split('?')[0])[0]
if not mimetype or mimetype == 'application/octet-stream':
raw = None
if values.get('raw'):
raw = values['raw']
elif values.get('datas'):
raw = base64.b64decode(values['datas'])
if raw:
mimetype = guess_mimetype(raw)
return mimetype and mimetype.lower() or 'application/octet-stream'
def _postprocess_contents(self, values):
ICP = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param
supported_subtype = ICP('base.image_autoresize_extensions', 'png,jpeg,bmp,tiff').split(',')
mimetype = values['mimetype'] = self._compute_mimetype(values)
_type, _match, _subtype = mimetype.partition('/')
is_image_resizable = _type == 'image' and _subtype in supported_subtype
if is_image_resizable and (values.get('datas') or values.get('raw')):
is_raw = values.get('raw')
# Can be set to 0 to skip the resize
max_resolution = ICP('base.image_autoresize_max_px', '1920x1920')
if str2bool(max_resolution, True):
if is_raw:
img = image.ImageProcess(values['raw'], verify_resolution=False)
else: # datas
img = image.ImageProcess(base64.b64decode(values['datas']), verify_resolution=False)
if not img.image:
_logger.info('Post processing ignored : Empty source, SVG, or WEBP')
return values
w, h = img.image.size
nw, nh = map(int, max_resolution.split('x'))
if w > nw or h > nh:
img = img.resize(nw, nh)
quality = int(ICP('base.image_autoresize_quality', 80))
image_data = img.image_quality(quality=quality)
if is_raw:
values['raw'] = image_data
values['datas'] = base64.b64encode(image_data)
except UserError as e:
# Catch error during test where we provide fake image
# raise UserError(_("This file could not be decoded as an image file. Please try with a different file."))
msg = str(e) # the exception can be lazy-translated, resolve it here
_logger.info('Post processing ignored : %s', msg)
return values
def _check_contents(self, values):
mimetype = values['mimetype'] = self._compute_mimetype(values)
xml_like = 'ht' in mimetype or ( # hta, html, xhtml, etc.
'xml' in mimetype and # other xml (svg, text/xml, etc)
not mimetype.startswith('application/vnd.openxmlformats')) # exception for Office formats
force_text = xml_like and (
or not self.env['ir.ui.view'].sudo(False).has_access('write')
if force_text:
values['mimetype'] = 'text/plain'
if not self.env.context.get('image_no_postprocess'):
values = self._postprocess_contents(values)
return values
def _index(self, bin_data, file_type, checksum=None):
""" compute the index content of the given binary data.
This is a python implementation of the unix command 'strings'.
:param bin_data : datas in binary form
:return index_content : string containing all the printable character of the binary data
index_content = False
if file_type:
index_content = file_type.split('/')[0]
if index_content == 'text': # compute index_content only for text type
words = re.findall(b"[\x20-\x7E]{4,}", bin_data)
index_content = b"\n".join(words).decode('ascii')
return index_content
def get_serving_groups(self):
""" An ir.attachment record may be used as a fallback in the
http dispatch if its type field is set to "binary" and its url
field is set as the request's url. Only the groups returned by
this method are allowed to create and write on such records.
return ['base.group_system']
name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
description = fields.Text('Description')
res_name = fields.Char('Resource Name', compute='_compute_res_name')
res_model = fields.Char('Resource Model')
res_field = fields.Char('Resource Field')
res_id = fields.Many2oneReference('Resource ID', model_field='res_model')
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string='Company', change_default=True,
default=lambda self: self.env.company)
type = fields.Selection([('url', 'URL'), ('binary', 'File')],
string='Type', required=True, default='binary', change_default=True,
help="You can either upload a file from your computer or copy/paste an internet link to your file.")
url = fields.Char('Url', index='btree_not_null', size=1024)
public = fields.Boolean('Is public document')
# for external access
access_token = fields.Char('Access Token', groups="base.group_user")
# the field 'datas' is computed and may use the other fields below
raw = fields.Binary(string="File Content (raw)", compute='_compute_raw', inverse='_inverse_raw')
datas = fields.Binary(string='File Content (base64)', compute='_compute_datas', inverse='_inverse_datas')
db_datas = fields.Binary('Database Data', attachment=False)
store_fname = fields.Char('Stored Filename', index=True)
file_size = fields.Integer('File Size', readonly=True)
checksum = fields.Char("Checksum/SHA1", size=40, readonly=True)
mimetype = fields.Char('Mime Type', readonly=True)
index_content = fields.Text('Indexed Content', readonly=True, prefetch=False)
def _auto_init(self):
res = super(IrAttachment, self)._auto_init()
tools.create_index(self._cr, 'ir_attachment_res_idx',
self._table, ['res_model', 'res_id'])
return res
@api.constrains('type', 'url')
def _check_serving_attachments(self):
if self.env.is_admin():
for attachment in self:
# restrict writing on attachments that could be served by the
# ir.http's dispatch exception handling
# XDO note: this should be done in check(write), constraints for access rights?
# XDO note: if read on sudo, read twice, one for constraints, one for _inverse_datas as user
if attachment.type == 'binary' and attachment.url:
has_group = self.env.user.has_group
if not any(has_group(g) for g in attachment.get_serving_groups()):
raise ValidationError(_("Sorry, you are not allowed to write on this document"))
def check(self, mode, values=None):
""" Restricts the access to an ir.attachment, according to referred mode """
if self.env.is_superuser():
return True
# Always require an internal user (aka, employee) to access to a attachment
if not (self.env.is_admin() or self.env.user._is_internal()):
raise AccessError(_("Sorry, you are not allowed to access this document."))
# collect the records to check (by model)
model_ids = defaultdict(set) # {model_name: set(ids)}
if self:
# DLE P173: `test_01_portal_attachment`
self.env['ir.attachment'].flush_model(['res_model', 'res_id', 'create_uid', 'public', 'res_field'])
self._cr.execute('SELECT res_model, res_id, create_uid, public, res_field FROM ir_attachment WHERE id IN %s', [tuple(self.ids)])
for res_model, res_id, create_uid, public, res_field in self._cr.fetchall():
if public and mode == 'read':
if not self.env.is_system():
if not res_id and create_uid != self.env.uid:
raise AccessError(_("Sorry, you are not allowed to access this document."))
if res_field:
field = self.env[res_model]._fields[res_field]
if not field.is_accessible(self.env):
raise AccessError(_("Sorry, you are not allowed to access this document."))
if not (res_model and res_id):
if values and values.get('res_model') and values.get('res_id'):
# check access rights on the records
for res_model, res_ids in model_ids.items():
# ignore attachments that are not attached to a resource anymore
# when checking access rights (resource was deleted but attachment
# was not)
if res_model not in self.env:
if res_model == 'res.users' and len(res_ids) == 1 and self.env.uid == list(res_ids)[0]:
# by default a user cannot write on itself, despite the list of writeable fields
# e.g. in the case of a user inserting an image into his image signature
# we need to bypass this check which would needlessly throw us away
records = self.env[res_model].browse(res_ids).exists()
# For related models, check if we can write to the model, as unlinking
# and creating attachments can be seen as an update to the model
access_mode = 'write' if mode in ('create', 'unlink') else mode
def _filter_attachment_access(self, attachment_ids):
"""Filter the given attachment to return only the records the current user have access to.
:param attachment_ids: List of attachment ids we want to filter
:return: <ir.attachment> the current user have access to
ret_attachments = self.env['ir.attachment']
attachments = self.browse(attachment_ids)
if not attachments.has_access('read'):
return ret_attachments
for attachment in attachments.sudo():
# Use SUDO here to not raise an error during the prefetch
# And then drop SUDO right to check if we can access it
ret_attachments |= attachment
except AccessError:
return ret_attachments
def _search(self, domain, offset=0, limit=None, order=None):
# add res_field=False in domain if not present; the arg[0] trick below
# works for domain items and '&'/'|'/'!' operators too
disable_binary_fields_attachments = False
if not self.env.context.get('skip_res_field_check') and not any(arg[0] in ('id', 'res_field') for arg in domain):
disable_binary_fields_attachments = True
domain = [('res_field', '=', False)] + domain
if self.env.is_superuser():
# rules do not apply for the superuser
return super()._search(domain, offset, limit, order)
# For attachments, the permissions of the document they are attached to
# apply, so we must remove attachments for which the user cannot access
# the linked document. For the sake of performance, fetch the fields to
# determine those permissions within the same SQL query.
fnames_to_read = ['id', 'res_model', 'res_id', 'res_field', 'public', 'create_uid']
query = super()._search(domain, offset, limit, order)
rows = self.env.execute_query(query.select(
*[self._field_to_sql(self._table, fname) for fname in fnames_to_read],
# determine permissions based on linked records
all_ids = []
allowed_ids = set()
model_attachments = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)) # {res_model: {res_id: set(ids)}}
for id_, res_model, res_id, res_field, public, create_uid in rows:
if public:
if not res_id and (self.env.is_system() or create_uid == self.env.uid):
if not (res_field and disable_binary_fields_attachments) and res_model and res_id:
# check permissions on records model by model
for res_model, targets in model_attachments.items():
if res_model not in self.env:
allowed_ids.update(id_ for ids in targets.values() for id_ in ids)
if not self.env[res_model].has_access('read'):
# filter ids according to what access rules permit
ResModel = self.env[res_model].with_context(active_test=False)
for res_id in ResModel.search([('id', 'in', list(targets))])._ids:
# filter out all_ids by keeping allowed_ids only
result = [id_ for id_ in all_ids if id_ in allowed_ids]
# If the original search reached the limit, it is important the
# filtered record set does so too. When a JS view receive a
# record set whose length is below the limit, it thinks it
# reached the last page. To avoid an infinite recursion due to the
# permission checks the sub-call need to be aware of the number of
# expected records to retrieve
if len(all_ids) == limit and len(result) < self._context.get('need', limit):
need = self._context.get('need', limit) - len(result)
more_ids = self.with_context(need=need)._search(
domain, offset + len(all_ids), limit, order,
result.extend(list(more_ids)[:limit - len(result)])
return self.browse(result)._as_query(order)
def write(self, vals):
self.check('write', values=vals)
# remove computed field depending of datas
for field in ('file_size', 'checksum', 'store_fname'):
vals.pop(field, False)
if 'mimetype' in vals or 'datas' in vals or 'raw' in vals:
vals = self._check_contents(vals)
return super(IrAttachment, self).write(vals)
def copy_data(self, default=None):
default = dict(default or {})
vals_list = super().copy_data(default=default)
for attachment, vals in zip(self, vals_list):
if not default.keys() & {'datas', 'db_datas', 'raw'}:
# ensure the content is kept and recomputes checksum/store_fname
vals['raw'] = attachment.raw
return vals_list
def unlink(self):
if not self:
return True
# First delete in the database, *then* in the filesystem if the
# database allowed it. Helps avoid errors when concurrent transactions
# are deleting the same file, and some of the transactions are
# rolled back by PostgreSQL (due to concurrent updates detection).
to_delete = set(attach.store_fname for attach in self if attach.store_fname)
res = super(IrAttachment, self).unlink()
for file_path in to_delete:
return res
def create(self, vals_list):
record_tuple_set = set()
# remove computed field depending of datas
vals_list = [{
key: value
for key, value
in vals.items()
if key not in ('file_size', 'checksum', 'store_fname')
} for vals in vals_list]
for values in vals_list:
values = self._check_contents(values)
raw, datas = values.pop('raw', None), values.pop('datas', None)
if raw or datas:
if isinstance(raw, str):
# b64decode handles str input but raw needs explicit encoding
raw = raw.encode()
raw or base64.b64decode(datas or b''),
# 'check()' only uses res_model and res_id from values, and make an exists.
# We can group the values by model, res_id to make only one query when
# creating multiple attachments on a single record.
record_tuple = (values.get('res_model'), values.get('res_id'))
# don't use possible contextual recordset for check, see commit for details
Attachments = self.browse()
for res_model, res_id in record_tuple_set:
Attachments.check('create', values={'res_model':res_model, 'res_id':res_id})
return super().create(vals_list)
def _post_add_create(self, **kwargs):
# TODO master: rename to _post_upload, better indicating its usage
def generate_access_token(self):
tokens = []
for attachment in self:
if attachment.access_token:
access_token = self._generate_access_token()
attachment.write({'access_token': access_token})
return tokens
def create_unique(self, values_list):
ids = []
for values in values_list:
# Create only if record does not already exist for checksum and size.
bin_data = base64.b64decode(values.get('datas', '')) or False
except binascii.Error:
raise UserError(_("Attachment is not encoded in base64."))
checksum = self._compute_checksum(bin_data)
existing_domain = [
['id', '!=', False], # No implicit condition on res_field.
['checksum', '=', checksum],
['file_size', '=', len(bin_data)],
['mimetype', '=', values['mimetype']],
existing = self.sudo().search(existing_domain)
if existing:
for attachment in existing:
attachment = self.create(values)
return ids
def _generate_access_token(self):
return str(uuid.uuid4())
def validate_access(self, access_token):
record_sudo = self.sudo()
if access_token:
tok = record_sudo.with_context(prefetch_fields=False).access_token
valid_token = consteq(tok or '', access_token)
if not valid_token:
raise AccessError("Invalid access token")
return record_sudo
if record_sudo.with_context(prefetch_fields=False).public:
return record_sudo
if self.env.user._is_portal():
# Check the read access on the record linked to the attachment
# eg: Allow to download an attachment on a task from /my/tasks/task_id
return record_sudo
return self
def action_get(self):
return self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id('base.action_attachment')
def _get_serve_attachment(self, url, extra_domain=None, order=None):
domain = [('type', '=', 'binary'), ('url', '=', url)] + (extra_domain or [])
return self.search(domain, order=order, limit=1)
def regenerate_assets_bundles(self):
('public', '=', True),
("url", "=like", "/web/assets/%"),
('res_model', '=', 'ir.ui.view'),
('res_id', '=', 0),
('create_uid', '=', SUPERUSER_ID),
def _from_request_file(self, file, *, mimetype, **vals):
Create an attachment out of a request file
:param file: the request file
:param str mimetype:
* "TRUST" to use the mimetype and file extension from the
request file with no verification.
* "GUESS" to determine the mimetype and file extension on
the file's content. The determined extension is added at
the end of the filename unless the filename already had a
valid extension.
* a mimetype in format "{type}/{subtype}" to force the
mimetype to the given value, it adds the corresponding
file extension at the end of the filename unless the
filename already had a valid extension.
if mimetype == 'TRUST':
mimetype = file.content_type
filename = file.filename
elif mimetype == 'GUESS':
head = file.read(1024)
file.seek(-len(head), 1) # rewind
mimetype = guess_mimetype(head)
filename = fix_filename_extension(file.filename, mimetype)
elif all(mimetype.partition('/')):
filename = fix_filename_extension(file.filename, mimetype)
raise ValueError(f'{mimetype=}')
return self.create({
'name': filename,
'type': 'binary',
'raw': file.read(), # load the entire file in memory :(
'mimetype': mimetype,
def _to_http_stream(self):
""" Create a :class:`~Stream`: from an ir.attachment record. """
stream = Stream(
if self.store_fname:
stream.type = 'path'
stream.path = werkzeug.security.safe_join(
stat = os.stat(stream.path)
stream.last_modified = stat.st_mtime
stream.size = stat.st_size
elif self.db_datas:
stream.type = 'data'
stream.data = self.raw
stream.last_modified = self.write_date
stream.size = len(stream.data)
elif self.url:
# When the URL targets a file located in an addon, assume it
# is a path to the resource. It saves an indirection and
# stream the file right away.
static_path = root.get_static_file(
host=request.httprequest.environ.get('HTTP_HOST', '')
if static_path:
stream = Stream.from_path(static_path, public=True)
stream.type = 'url'
stream.url = self.url
stream.type = 'data'
stream.data = b''
stream.size = 0
return stream