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2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo.tests import TransactionCase
class TestReadGroupInherits(TransactionCase):
def test_read_group_inherits(self):
title_sir = self.env['res.partner.title'].create({'name': 'Sir...'})
title_lady = self.env['res.partner.title'].create({'name': 'Lady...'})
user_vals_list = [
{'name': 'Alice', 'login': 'alice', 'color': 1, 'function': 'Friend', 'date': '2015-03-28', 'title': title_lady.id},
{'name': 'Alice', 'login': 'alice2', 'color': 0, 'function': 'Friend', 'date': '2015-01-28', 'title': title_lady.id},
{'name': 'Bob', 'login': 'bob', 'color': 2, 'function': 'Friend', 'date': '2015-03-02', 'title': title_sir.id},
{'name': 'Eve', 'login': 'eve', 'color': 3, 'function': 'Eavesdropper', 'date': '2015-03-20', 'title': title_lady.id},
{'name': 'Nab', 'login': 'nab', 'color': -3, 'function': '5$ Wrench', 'date': '2014-09-10', 'title': title_sir.id},
{'name': 'Nab', 'login': 'nab-she', 'color': 6, 'function': '5$ Wrench', 'date': '2014-01-02', 'title': title_lady.id},
res_users = self.env['res.users']
users = res_users.create(user_vals_list)
domain = [('id', 'in', users.ids)]
# group on local char field without domain and without active_test (-> empty WHERE clause)
groups_data = res_users.with_context(active_test=False).read_group([], fields=['login'], groupby=['login'], orderby='login DESC')
self.assertGreater(len(groups_data), 6, "Incorrect number of results when grouping on a field")
# group on local char field with limit
groups_data = res_users.read_group(domain, fields=['login'], groupby=['login'], orderby='login DESC', limit=3, offset=3)
self.assertEqual(len(groups_data), 3, "Incorrect number of results when grouping on a field with limit")
self.assertEqual([g['login'] for g in groups_data], ['bob', 'alice2', 'alice'], 'Result mismatch')
# group on inherited char field, aggregate on int field (second groupby ignored on purpose)
groups_data = res_users.read_group(domain, fields=['name', 'color', 'function'], groupby=['function', 'login'])
self.assertEqual(len(groups_data), 3, "Incorrect number of results when grouping on a field")
self.assertEqual(['5$ Wrench', 'Eavesdropper', 'Friend'], [g['function'] for g in groups_data], 'incorrect read_group order')
for group_data in groups_data:
self.assertIn('color', group_data, "Aggregated data for the column 'color' is not present in read_group return values")
self.assertEqual(group_data['color'], 3, "Incorrect sum for aggregated data for the column 'color'")
# group on inherited char field, reverse order
groups_data = res_users.read_group(domain, fields=['name', 'color'], groupby='name', orderby='name DESC')
self.assertEqual([g['name'] for g in groups_data], ['Nab', 'Eve', 'Bob', 'Alice'], 'Incorrect ordering of the list')
# group on int field, default ordering
groups_data = res_users.read_group(domain, fields=['color'], groupby='color')
self.assertEqual([g['color'] for g in groups_data], [-3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 6], 'Incorrect ordering of the list')
# multi group, second level is int field, should still be summed in first level grouping
groups_data = res_users.read_group(domain, fields=['name', 'color'], groupby=['name', 'color'], orderby='name DESC')
self.assertEqual([g['name'] for g in groups_data], ['Nab', 'Eve', 'Bob', 'Alice'], 'Incorrect ordering of the list')
self.assertEqual([g['color'] for g in groups_data], [3, 3, 2, 1], 'Incorrect ordering of the list')
# group on inherited char field, multiple orders with directions
groups_data = res_users.read_group(domain, fields=['name', 'color'], groupby='name', orderby='color DESC, name')
self.assertEqual(len(groups_data), 4, "Incorrect number of results when grouping on a field")
self.assertEqual([g['name'] for g in groups_data], ['Eve', 'Nab', 'Bob', 'Alice'], 'Incorrect ordering of the list')
self.assertEqual([g['name_count'] for g in groups_data], [1, 2, 1, 2], 'Incorrect number of results')
# group on inherited date column (res_partner.date) -> Year-Month, default ordering
groups_data = res_users.read_group(domain, fields=['function', 'color', 'date'], groupby=['date'])
self.assertEqual(len(groups_data), 4, "Incorrect number of results when grouping on a field")
self.assertEqual([g['date'] for g in groups_data], ['January 2014', 'September 2014', 'January 2015', 'March 2015'], 'Incorrect ordering of the list')
self.assertEqual([g['date_count'] for g in groups_data], [1, 1, 1, 3], 'Incorrect number of results')
# group on inherited date column (res_partner.date) specifying the :year -> Year default ordering
groups_data = res_users.read_group(domain, fields=['function', 'color', 'date'], groupby=['date:year'])
self.assertEqual(len(groups_data), 2, "Incorrect number of results when grouping on a field")
self.assertEqual([g['date:year'] for g in groups_data], ['2014', '2015'], 'Incorrect ordering of the list')
self.assertEqual([g['date_count'] for g in groups_data], [2, 4], 'Incorrect number of results')
# group on inherited date column (res_partner.date) -> Year-Month, custom order
groups_data = res_users.read_group(domain, fields=['function', 'color', 'date'], groupby=['date'], orderby='date DESC')
self.assertEqual(len(groups_data), 4, "Incorrect number of results when grouping on a field")
self.assertEqual([g['date'] for g in groups_data], ['March 2015', 'January 2015', 'September 2014', 'January 2014'], 'Incorrect ordering of the list')
self.assertEqual([g['date_count'] for g in groups_data], [3, 1, 1, 1], 'Incorrect number of results')
# group on inherited many2one (res_partner.title), default order
groups_data = res_users.read_group(domain, fields=['function', 'color', 'title'], groupby=['title'])
self.assertEqual(len(groups_data), 2, "Incorrect number of results when grouping on a field")
# m2o is returned as a (id, label) pair
self.assertEqual([g['title'] for g in groups_data], [(title_lady.id, 'Lady...'), (title_sir.id, 'Sir...')], 'Incorrect ordering of the list')
self.assertEqual([g['title_count'] for g in groups_data], [4, 2], 'Incorrect number of results')
self.assertEqual([g['color'] for g in groups_data], [10, -1], 'Incorrect aggregation of int column')
# group on inherited many2one (res_partner.title), reversed natural order
groups_data = res_users.read_group(domain, fields=['function', 'color', 'title'], groupby=['title'], orderby="title desc")
self.assertEqual(len(groups_data), 2, "Incorrect number of results when grouping on a field")
# m2o is returned as a (id, label) pair
self.assertEqual([(title_sir.id, 'Sir...'), (title_lady.id, 'Lady...')], [g['title'] for g in groups_data], 'Incorrect ordering of the list')
self.assertEqual([g['title_count'] for g in groups_data], [2, 4], 'Incorrect number of results')
self.assertEqual([g['color'] for g in groups_data], [-1, 10], 'Incorrect aggregation of int column')
# group on inherited many2one (res_partner.title), multiple orders with m2o in second position
groups_data = res_users.read_group(domain, fields=['function', 'color', 'title'], groupby=['title'], orderby="color desc, title desc")
self.assertEqual(len(groups_data), 2, "Incorrect number of results when grouping on a field")
# m2o is returned as a (id, label) pair
self.assertEqual([g['title'] for g in groups_data], [(title_lady.id, 'Lady...'), (title_sir.id, 'Sir...')], 'Incorrect ordering of the result')
self.assertEqual([g['title_count'] for g in groups_data], [4, 2], 'Incorrect number of results')
self.assertEqual([g['color'] for g in groups_data], [10, -1], 'Incorrect aggregation of int column')
# group on inherited many2one (res_partner.title), ordered by other inherited field (color)
groups_data = res_users.read_group(domain, fields=['function', 'color', 'title'], groupby=['title'], orderby='color')
self.assertEqual(len(groups_data), 2, "Incorrect number of results when grouping on a field")
# m2o is returned as a (id, label) pair
self.assertEqual([g['title'] for g in groups_data], [(title_sir.id, 'Sir...'), (title_lady.id, 'Lady...')], 'Incorrect ordering of the list')
self.assertEqual([g['title_count'] for g in groups_data], [2, 4], 'Incorrect number of results')
self.assertEqual([g['color'] for g in groups_data], [-1, 10], 'Incorrect aggregation of int column')