2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
from collections import defaultdict
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
from contextlib import contextmanager , ExitStack
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
from datetime import date
import logging
import re
from odoo import api , fields , models , Command , _
from odoo . exceptions import ValidationError , UserError
from odoo . osv import expression
from odoo . tools import frozendict , format_date , float_compare , format_list , Query
from odoo . tools . sql import create_index , SQL
from odoo . addons . web . controllers . utils import clean_action
from odoo . addons . account . models . account_move import MAX_HASH_VERSION
_logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
class AccountMoveLine ( models . Model ) :
_name = " account.move.line "
_inherit = " analytic.mixin "
_description = " Journal Item "
_order = " date desc, move_name desc, id "
_check_company_auto = True
_rec_names_search = [ ' name ' , ' move_id ' , ' product_id ' ]
# ==============================================================================================
# ==============================================================================================
# === Parent fields === #
move_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' account.move ' ,
string = ' Journal Entry ' ,
required = True ,
readonly = True ,
index = True ,
auto_join = True ,
ondelete = " cascade " ,
check_company = True ,
journal_id = fields . Many2one (
related = ' move_id.journal_id ' , store = True , precompute = True ,
index = True ,
copy = False ,
journal_group_id = fields . Many2one (
string = ' Ledger ' ,
comodel_name = ' account.journal.group ' ,
store = False ,
search = ' _search_journal_group_id ' ,
company_id = fields . Many2one (
related = ' move_id.company_id ' , store = True , readonly = True , precompute = True ,
index = True ,
company_currency_id = fields . Many2one (
string = ' Company Currency ' ,
related = ' move_id.company_currency_id ' , readonly = True , store = True , precompute = True ,
move_name = fields . Char (
string = ' Number ' ,
related = ' move_id.name ' , store = True ,
index = ' btree ' ,
parent_state = fields . Selection ( related = ' move_id.state ' , store = True )
date = fields . Date (
related = ' move_id.date ' , store = True ,
copy = False ,
aggregator = ' min ' ,
invoice_date = fields . Date (
related = ' move_id.invoice_date ' , store = True ,
copy = False ,
aggregator = ' min ' ,
ref = fields . Char (
related = ' move_id.ref ' , store = True ,
copy = False ,
index = ' trigram ' ,
is_storno = fields . Boolean (
string = " Company Storno Accounting " ,
related = ' move_id.is_storno ' ,
help = " Utility field to express whether the journal item is subject to storno accounting " ,
sequence = fields . Integer ( compute = ' _compute_sequence ' , store = True , readonly = False , precompute = True )
move_type = fields . Selection ( related = ' move_id.move_type ' )
# === Accountable fields === #
account_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' account.account ' ,
string = ' Account ' ,
compute = ' _compute_account_id ' , store = True , readonly = False , precompute = True ,
inverse = ' _inverse_account_id ' ,
index = False , # covered by account_move_line_account_id_date_idx defined in init()
auto_join = True ,
ondelete = " cascade " ,
domain = " [( ' deprecated ' , ' = ' , False), ( ' account_type ' , ' != ' , ' off_balance ' )] " ,
check_company = True ,
tracking = True ,
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
account_name = fields . Char ( related = ' account_id.name ' ) # Used for easy configuration of consolidation in the reports
account_code = fields . Char ( related = ' account_id.code ' ) # Used for easy configuration of consolidation in the reports
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
name = fields . Char (
string = ' Label ' ,
compute = ' _compute_name ' , store = True , readonly = False , precompute = True ,
tracking = True ,
debit = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Debit ' ,
compute = ' _compute_debit_credit ' , inverse = ' _inverse_debit ' , store = True , precompute = True ,
currency_field = ' company_currency_id ' ,
credit = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Credit ' ,
compute = ' _compute_debit_credit ' , inverse = ' _inverse_credit ' , store = True , precompute = True ,
currency_field = ' company_currency_id ' ,
balance = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Balance ' ,
compute = ' _compute_balance ' , store = True , readonly = False , precompute = True ,
currency_field = ' company_currency_id ' ,
tracking = True ,
cumulated_balance = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Cumulated Balance ' ,
compute = ' _compute_cumulated_balance ' ,
currency_field = ' company_currency_id ' ,
exportable = False ,
help = " Cumulated balance depending on the domain and the order chosen in the view. " )
currency_rate = fields . Float (
compute = ' _compute_currency_rate ' ,
help = " Currency rate from company currency to document currency. " ,
amount_currency = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Amount in Currency ' ,
compute = ' _compute_amount_currency ' , inverse = ' _inverse_amount_currency ' , store = True , readonly = False , precompute = True ,
help = " The amount expressed in an optional other currency if it is a multi-currency entry. " )
currency_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' res.currency ' ,
string = ' Currency ' ,
compute = ' _compute_currency_id ' , store = True , readonly = False , precompute = True ,
required = True ,
is_same_currency = fields . Boolean ( compute = ' _compute_same_currency ' )
partner_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' res.partner ' ,
string = ' Partner ' ,
compute = ' _compute_partner_id ' , inverse = ' _inverse_partner_id ' , store = True , readonly = False , precompute = True ,
ondelete = ' restrict ' ,
is_imported = fields . Boolean ( ) # Technical field indicating if the line was captured automatically by import/ocr etc
# === Origin fields === #
reconcile_model_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' account.reconcile.model ' ,
string = " Reconciliation Model " ,
copy = False ,
readonly = True ,
check_company = True ,
payment_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' account.payment ' ,
string = " Originator Payment " ,
related = ' move_id.origin_payment_id ' , store = True ,
auto_join = True ,
index = ' btree_not_null ' ,
help = " The payment that created this entry " )
statement_line_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' account.bank.statement.line ' ,
string = " Originator Statement Line " ,
related = ' move_id.statement_line_id ' , store = True ,
auto_join = True ,
index = ' btree_not_null ' ,
help = " The statement line that created this entry " )
statement_id = fields . Many2one (
related = ' statement_line_id.statement_id ' , store = True ,
auto_join = True ,
index = ' btree_not_null ' ,
copy = False ,
help = " The bank statement used for bank reconciliation " )
# === Tax fields === #
tax_ids = fields . Many2many (
comodel_name = ' account.tax ' ,
string = " Taxes " ,
compute = ' _compute_tax_ids ' , store = True , readonly = False , precompute = True ,
context = { ' active_test ' : False } ,
check_company = True ,
tracking = True ,
group_tax_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' account.tax ' ,
string = " Originator Group of Taxes " ,
index = ' btree_not_null ' ,
check_company = True ,
tax_line_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' account.tax ' ,
string = ' Originator Tax ' ,
related = ' tax_repartition_line_id.tax_id ' , store = True , precompute = True ,
ondelete = ' restrict ' ,
help = " Indicates that this journal item is a tax line " )
tax_group_id = fields . Many2one ( # used in the widget tax-group-custom-field
string = ' Originator tax group ' ,
related = ' tax_line_id.tax_group_id ' , store = True , precompute = True ,
tax_base_amount = fields . Monetary (
string = " Base Amount " ,
readonly = True ,
currency_field = ' company_currency_id ' ,
tax_repartition_line_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' account.tax.repartition.line ' ,
string = " Originator Tax Distribution Line " ,
ondelete = ' restrict ' ,
readonly = True ,
check_company = True ,
help = " Tax distribution line that caused the creation of this move line, if any " )
tax_tag_ids = fields . Many2many (
string = " Tags " ,
comodel_name = ' account.account.tag ' ,
ondelete = ' restrict ' ,
context = { ' active_test ' : False } ,
tracking = True ,
help = " Tags assigned to this line by the tax creating it, if any. It determines its impact on financial reports. " ,
# Technical field. True if the balance of this move line needs to be
# inverted when computing its total for each tag (for sales invoices, for # example)
tax_tag_invert = fields . Boolean (
string = " Invert Tags " ,
compute = ' _compute_tax_tag_invert ' , store = True , readonly = False , copy = False ,
# === Reconciliation fields === #
amount_residual = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Residual Amount ' ,
compute = ' _compute_amount_residual ' , store = True ,
currency_field = ' company_currency_id ' ,
help = " The residual amount on a journal item expressed in the company currency. " ,
amount_residual_currency = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Residual Amount in Currency ' ,
compute = ' _compute_amount_residual ' , store = True ,
aggregator = None ,
help = " The residual amount on a journal item expressed in its currency (possibly not the "
" company currency). " ,
reconciled = fields . Boolean ( compute = ' _compute_amount_residual ' , store = True )
full_reconcile_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' account.full.reconcile ' ,
string = " Matching " ,
copy = False ,
index = ' btree_not_null ' ,
readonly = True ,
matched_debit_ids = fields . One2many (
comodel_name = ' account.partial.reconcile ' , inverse_name = ' credit_move_id ' ,
string = ' Matched Debits ' ,
readonly = True ,
help = ' Debit journal items that are matched with this journal item. ' ,
matched_credit_ids = fields . One2many (
comodel_name = ' account.partial.reconcile ' , inverse_name = ' debit_move_id ' ,
string = ' Matched Credits ' ,
readonly = True ,
help = ' Credit journal items that are matched with this journal item. ' ,
matching_number = fields . Char (
string = " Matching # " ,
copy = False ,
index = ' btree ' ,
help = " Matching number for this line, ' P ' if it is only partially reconcile, or the name of "
" the full reconcile if it exists. " ,
) # can also start with `I` for imports: see `_reconcile_marked`
is_account_reconcile = fields . Boolean (
string = ' Account Reconcile ' ,
related = ' account_id.reconcile ' ,
# === Related fields ===
account_type = fields . Selection (
related = ' account_id.account_type ' ,
string = " Internal Type " ,
account_internal_group = fields . Selection ( related = ' account_id.internal_group ' )
account_root_id = fields . Many2one (
related = ' account_id.root_id ' ,
string = " Account Root " ,
depends_context = ' company ' ,
product_category_id = fields . Many2one ( related = ' product_id.product_tmpl_id.categ_id ' )
# ==============================================================================================
# ==============================================================================================
display_type = fields . Selection (
selection = [
( ' product ' , ' Product ' ) ,
( ' cogs ' , ' Cost of Goods Sold ' ) ,
( ' tax ' , ' Tax ' ) ,
( ' discount ' , " Discount " ) ,
( ' rounding ' , " Rounding " ) ,
( ' payment_term ' , ' Payment Term ' ) ,
( ' line_section ' , ' Section ' ) ,
( ' line_note ' , ' Note ' ) ,
( ' epd ' , ' Early Payment Discount ' )
] ,
compute = ' _compute_display_type ' , store = True , readonly = False , precompute = True ,
required = True ,
product_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' product.product ' ,
string = ' Product ' ,
inverse = ' _inverse_product_id ' ,
ondelete = ' restrict ' ,
check_company = True ,
product_uom_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' uom.uom ' ,
string = ' Unit of Measure ' ,
compute = ' _compute_product_uom_id ' , store = True , readonly = False , precompute = True ,
domain = " [( ' category_id ' , ' = ' , product_uom_category_id)] " ,
ondelete = " restrict " ,
product_uom_category_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' uom.category ' ,
related = ' product_id.uom_id.category_id ' ,
quantity = fields . Float (
string = ' Quantity ' ,
compute = ' _compute_quantity ' , store = True , readonly = False , precompute = True ,
digits = ' Product Unit of Measure ' ,
help = " The optional quantity expressed by this line, eg: number of product sold. "
" The quantity is not a legal requirement but is very useful for some reports. " ,
date_maturity = fields . Date (
string = ' Due Date ' ,
index = True ,
tracking = True ,
help = " This field is used for payable and receivable journal entries. "
" You can put the limit date for the payment of this line. " ,
# === Price fields === #
price_unit = fields . Float (
string = ' Unit Price ' ,
compute = " _compute_price_unit " , store = True , readonly = False , precompute = True ,
digits = ' Product Price ' ,
price_subtotal = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Subtotal ' ,
compute = ' _compute_totals ' , store = True ,
currency_field = ' currency_id ' ,
price_total = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Total ' ,
compute = ' _compute_totals ' , store = True ,
currency_field = ' currency_id ' ,
discount = fields . Float (
string = ' Discount ( % ) ' ,
digits = ' Discount ' ,
default = 0.0 ,
tax_calculation_rounding_method = fields . Selection (
related = ' company_id.tax_calculation_rounding_method ' ,
string = ' Tax calculation rounding method ' , readonly = True )
# === Invoice sync fields === #
term_key = fields . Binary ( compute = ' _compute_term_key ' , exportable = False )
epd_key = fields . Binary ( compute = ' _compute_epd_key ' , exportable = False )
epd_needed = fields . Binary ( compute = ' _compute_epd_needed ' , exportable = False )
epd_dirty = fields . Boolean ( compute = ' _compute_epd_needed ' )
discount_allocation_key = fields . Binary ( compute = ' _compute_discount_allocation_key ' , exportable = False )
discount_allocation_needed = fields . Binary ( compute = ' _compute_discount_allocation_needed ' , exportable = False )
discount_allocation_dirty = fields . Boolean ( compute = ' _compute_discount_allocation_needed ' )
# === Analytic fields === #
analytic_line_ids = fields . One2many (
comodel_name = ' account.analytic.line ' , inverse_name = ' move_line_id ' ,
string = ' Analytic lines ' ,
analytic_distribution = fields . Json (
inverse = " _inverse_analytic_distribution " ,
) # add the inverse function used to trigger the creation/update of the analytic lines accordingly (field originally defined in the analytic mixin)
# === Early Pay fields === #
discount_date = fields . Date (
string = ' Discount Date ' ,
store = True ,
help = ' Last date at which the discounted amount must be paid in order for the Early Payment Discount to be granted '
# Discounted amount to pay when the early payment discount is applied
discount_amount_currency = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Discount amount in Currency ' ,
store = True ,
currency_field = ' currency_id ' ,
aggregator = None ,
# Discounted balance when the early payment discount is applied
discount_balance = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Discount Balance ' ,
store = True ,
currency_field = ' company_currency_id ' ,
# === Payment Fields === #
# payment_date is the closest date to the date the aml was created between discount_date and date_maturity.
payment_date = fields . Date (
string = ' Next Payment Date ' ,
compute = ' _compute_payment_date ' ,
search = ' _search_payment_date ' ,
# === Misc Information === #
is_refund = fields . Boolean ( compute = ' _compute_is_refund ' )
_sql_constraints = [
" check_credit_debit " ,
" CHECK(display_type IN ( ' line_section ' , ' line_note ' ) OR credit * debit=0) " ,
" Wrong credit or debit value in accounting entry! "
) ,
" check_amount_currency_balance_sign " ,
""" CHECK(
display_type IN ( ' line_section ' , ' line_note ' )
OR (
( balance < = 0 AND amount_currency < = 0 )
( balance > = 0 AND amount_currency > = 0 )
) """ ,
" The amount expressed in the secondary currency must be positive when account is debited and negative when "
" account is credited. If the currency is the same as the one from the company, this amount must strictly "
" be equal to the balance. "
) ,
" check_accountable_required_fields " ,
" CHECK(display_type IN ( ' line_section ' , ' line_note ' ) OR account_id IS NOT NULL) " ,
" Missing required account on accountable line. "
) ,
" check_non_accountable_fields_null " ,
" CHECK(display_type NOT IN ( ' line_section ' , ' line_note ' ) OR (amount_currency = 0 AND debit = 0 AND credit = 0 AND account_id IS NULL)) " ,
" Forbidden balance or account on non-accountable line "
) ,
def get_views ( self , views , options = None ) :
res = super ( ) . get_views ( views , options )
if res [ ' views ' ] . get ( ' list ' ) and self . env [ ' ir.ui.view ' ] . sudo ( ) . browse ( res [ ' views ' ] [ ' list ' ] [ ' id ' ] ) . name == " account.move.line.payment.list " :
if toolbar := res [ ' views ' ] [ ' list ' ] . get ( ' toolbar ' ) :
# We dont want any additionnal action in the "account.move.line.payment.list" view toolbar
toolbar [ ' action ' ] = [ ]
return res
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@api.depends ( ' move_id ' )
def _compute_display_type ( self ) :
for line in self . filtered ( lambda l : not l . display_type ) :
# avoid cyclic dependencies with _compute_account_id
account_set = self . env . cache . contains ( line , line . _fields [ ' account_id ' ] )
tax_set = self . env . cache . contains ( line , line . _fields [ ' tax_line_id ' ] )
line . display_type = (
' tax ' if tax_set and line . tax_line_id else
' payment_term ' if account_set and line . account_id . account_type in [ ' asset_receivable ' , ' liability_payable ' ] else
' product '
) if line . move_id . is_invoice ( ) else ' product '
# Do not depend on `move_id.partner_id`, the inverse is taking care of that
def _compute_partner_id ( self ) :
for line in self :
line . partner_id = line . move_id . partner_id . commercial_partner_id
@api.depends ( ' move_id.currency_id ' )
def _compute_currency_id ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . display_type == ' cogs ' :
line . currency_id = line . company_currency_id
elif line . move_id . is_invoice ( include_receipts = True ) :
line . currency_id = line . move_id . currency_id
else :
line . currency_id = line . currency_id or line . company_id . currency_id
@api.depends ( ' product_id ' , ' move_id.ref ' , ' move_id.payment_reference ' )
def _compute_name ( self ) :
def get_name ( line ) :
values = [ ]
if line . partner_id . lang :
product = line . product_id . with_context ( lang = line . partner_id . lang )
else :
product = line . product_id
if not product :
return False
if line . journal_id . type == ' sale ' :
values . append ( product . display_name )
if product . description_sale :
values . append ( product . description_sale )
elif line . journal_id . type == ' purchase ' :
values . append ( product . display_name )
if product . description_purchase :
values . append ( product . description_purchase )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
return ' \n ' . join ( values ) if values else False
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
term_by_move = ( self . move_id . line_ids | self ) . filtered ( lambda l : l . display_type == ' payment_term ' ) . sorted ( lambda l : l . date_maturity or date . max ) . grouped ( ' move_id ' )
for line in self . filtered ( lambda l : l . move_id . inalterable_hash is False ) :
if line . display_type == ' payment_term ' :
term_lines = term_by_move . get ( line . move_id , self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ] )
n_terms = len ( line . move_id . invoice_payment_term_id . line_ids )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
if line . move_id . payment_reference and line . move_id . ref and line . move_id . payment_reference != line . move_id . ref :
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
name = f ' { line . move_id . ref } - { line . move_id . payment_reference } '
else :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
name = line . move_id . payment_reference or False
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
if n_terms > 1 :
index = term_lines . _ids . index ( line . id ) if line in term_lines else len ( term_lines )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
name = _ ( ' %(name)s installment # %(number)s ' , name = name if name else ' ' , number = index + 1 ) . lstrip ( )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
if n_terms > 1 or not line . name or line . _origin . name == line . _origin . move_id . payment_reference or (
line . _origin . move_id . payment_reference and line . _origin . move_id . ref
and line . _origin . name == f ' { line . _origin . move_id . ref } - { line . _origin . move_id . payment_reference } '
) :
line . name = name
if not line . product_id or line . display_type in ( ' line_section ' , ' line_note ' ) :
if not line . name or line . _origin . name == get_name ( line . _origin ) :
line . name = get_name ( line )
def _compute_account_id ( self ) :
term_lines = self . filtered ( lambda line : line . display_type == ' payment_term ' )
if term_lines :
moves = term_lines . move_id
self . env . cr . execute ( """
WITH previous AS (
SELECT DISTINCT ON ( line . move_id )
' account.move ' AS model ,
line . move_id AS id ,
NULL AS account_type ,
line . account_id AS account_id
FROM account_move_line line
WHERE line . move_id = ANY ( % ( move_ids ) s )
AND line . display_type = ' payment_term '
AND line . id != ANY ( % ( current_ids ) s )
) ,
fallback AS (
SELECT DISTINCT ON ( account_companies . res_company_id , account . account_type )
' res.company ' AS model ,
account_companies . res_company_id AS id ,
account . account_type AS account_type ,
account . id AS account_id
FROM account_account account
JOIN account_account_res_company_rel account_companies
ON account_companies . account_account_id = account . id
WHERE account_companies . res_company_id = ANY ( % ( company_ids ) s )
AND account . account_type IN ( ' asset_receivable ' , ' liability_payable ' )
AND account . deprecated = ' f '
SELECT * FROM previous
SELECT * FROM fallback
""" , {
' company_ids ' : moves . company_id . ids ,
' move_ids ' : moves . ids ,
' partners ' : [ f ' res.partner, { pid } ' for pid in moves . commercial_partner_id . ids ] ,
' current_ids ' : term_lines . ids
} )
accounts = {
( model , id , account_type ) : account_id
for model , id , account_type , account_id in self . env . cr . fetchall ( )
for line in term_lines :
account_type = ' asset_receivable ' if line . move_id . is_sale_document ( include_receipts = True ) else ' liability_payable '
move = line . move_id
account_id = (
accounts . get ( ( ' account.move ' , move . id , None ) )
or move . with_company ( move . company_id ) . commercial_partner_id [ ' property_account_receivable_id ' if account_type == ' asset_receivable ' else ' property_account_payable_id ' ] . id
or move . with_company ( move . company_id ) . company_id . partner_id [ ' property_account_receivable_id ' if account_type == ' asset_receivable ' else ' property_account_payable_id ' ] . id
or accounts . get ( ( ' res.company ' , move . company_id . id , account_type ) )
if line . move_id . fiscal_position_id :
account_id = line . move_id . fiscal_position_id . map_account ( self . env [ ' account.account ' ] . browse ( account_id ) )
line . account_id = account_id
product_lines = self . filtered ( lambda line : line . display_type == ' product ' and line . move_id . is_invoice ( True ) )
for line in product_lines :
if line . product_id :
fiscal_position = line . move_id . fiscal_position_id
accounts = line . with_company ( line . company_id ) . product_id \
. product_tmpl_id . get_product_accounts ( fiscal_pos = fiscal_position )
if line . move_id . is_sale_document ( include_receipts = True ) :
line . account_id = accounts [ ' income ' ] or line . account_id
elif line . move_id . is_purchase_document ( include_receipts = True ) :
line . account_id = accounts [ ' expense ' ] or line . account_id
elif line . partner_id :
account_id = self . env [ ' account.account ' ] . _get_most_frequent_account_for_partner (
company_id = line . company_id . id ,
partner_id = line . partner_id . id ,
move_type = line . move_id . move_type ,
if account_id :
line . account_id = account_id
for line in self :
if not line . account_id and line . display_type not in ( ' line_section ' , ' line_note ' ) :
previous_two_accounts = line . move_id . line_ids . filtered (
lambda l : l . account_id and l . display_type == line . display_type
) [ - 2 : ] . account_id
if len ( previous_two_accounts ) == 1 and len ( line . move_id . line_ids ) > 2 :
line . account_id = previous_two_accounts
else :
line . account_id = line . move_id . journal_id . default_account_id
@api.depends ( ' move_id ' )
def _compute_balance ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . display_type in ( ' line_section ' , ' line_note ' ) :
line . balance = False
elif not line . move_id . is_invoice ( include_receipts = True ) :
# Only act as a default value when none of balance/debit/credit is specified
# balance is always the written field because of `_sanitize_vals`.
# Virtual record holds just the differences coming from the onchange
# so we need to recover balance of stored lines to calculate correctly the
# new line balance.
active_line_ids = [ lid for lid in self . env . context . get ( ' line_ids ' , [ ] ) if isinstance ( lid , int ) ]
existing_lines = self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ] . browse ( active_line_ids )
outdated_lines = line . move_id . line_ids . _origin
new_lines = line . move_id . line_ids - line
line . balance = - sum ( ( existing_lines - outdated_lines + new_lines ) . mapped ( ' balance ' ) )
else :
line . balance = 0
@api.depends ( ' balance ' , ' move_id.is_storno ' )
def _compute_debit_credit ( self ) :
for line in self :
if not line . is_storno :
line . debit = line . balance if line . balance > 0.0 else 0.0
line . credit = - line . balance if line . balance < 0.0 else 0.0
else :
line . debit = line . balance if line . balance < 0.0 else 0.0
line . credit = - line . balance if line . balance > 0.0 else 0.0
@api.depends ( ' currency_id ' , ' company_id ' , ' move_id.invoice_currency_rate ' , ' move_id.date ' )
def _compute_currency_rate ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . move_id . is_invoice ( include_receipts = True ) :
line . currency_rate = line . move_id . invoice_currency_rate
elif line . currency_id :
line . currency_rate = self . env [ ' res.currency ' ] . _get_conversion_rate (
from_currency = line . company_currency_id ,
to_currency = line . currency_id ,
company = line . company_id ,
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
date = line . move_id . invoice_date or line . move_id . date or fields . Date . context_today ( line ) ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
else :
line . currency_rate = 1
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
# TODO: remove in master
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def _get_rate_date ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return self . move_id . invoice_date or self . move_id . date or fields . Date . context_today ( self )
@api.depends ( ' currency_id ' , ' company_currency_id ' )
def _compute_same_currency ( self ) :
for record in self :
record . is_same_currency = record . currency_id == record . company_currency_id
@api.depends ( ' currency_rate ' , ' balance ' )
def _compute_amount_currency ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . amount_currency is False :
line . amount_currency = line . currency_id . round ( line . balance * line . currency_rate )
if line . currency_id == line . company_id . currency_id :
line . amount_currency = line . balance
@api.depends_context ( ' order_cumulated_balance ' , ' domain_cumulated_balance ' )
def _compute_cumulated_balance ( self ) :
if not self . env . context . get ( ' order_cumulated_balance ' ) :
# We do not come from search_fetch, so we are not in a list view, so it doesn't make any sense to compute the cumulated balance
self . cumulated_balance = 0
# get the where clause
query = self . _where_calc ( list ( self . env . context . get ( ' domain_cumulated_balance ' ) or [ ] ) )
sql_order = self . _order_to_sql ( self . env . context . get ( ' order_cumulated_balance ' ) , query , reverse = True )
result = dict ( self . env . execute_query ( query . select (
SQL . identifier ( query . table , " id " ) ,
SQL . identifier ( query . table , " balance " ) ,
sql_order ,
) ,
) ) )
for record in self :
record . cumulated_balance = result [ record . id ]
@api.depends ( ' debit ' , ' credit ' , ' amount_currency ' , ' account_id ' , ' currency_id ' , ' company_id ' ,
' matched_debit_ids ' , ' matched_credit_ids ' )
def _compute_amount_residual ( self ) :
""" Computes the residual amount of a move line from a reconcilable account in the company currency and the line ' s currency.
This amount will be 0 for fully reconciled lines or lines from a non - reconcilable account , the original line amount
for unreconciled lines , and something in - between for partially reconciled lines .
need_residual_lines = self . filtered ( lambda x : x . account_id . reconcile or x . account_id . account_type in ( ' asset_cash ' , ' liability_credit_card ' ) )
# Run the residual amount computation on all lines stored in the db. By
# using _origin, new records (with a NewId) are excluded and the
# computation works automagically for virtual onchange records as well.
stored_lines = need_residual_lines . _origin
if stored_lines :
self . env [ ' account.partial.reconcile ' ] . flush_model ( )
self . env [ ' res.currency ' ] . flush_model ( [ ' decimal_places ' ] )
aml_ids = tuple ( stored_lines . ids )
self . _cr . execute ( '''
part . debit_move_id AS line_id ,
' debit ' AS flag ,
COALESCE ( SUM ( part . amount ) , 0.0 ) AS amount ,
ROUND ( SUM ( part . debit_amount_currency ) , curr . decimal_places ) AS amount_currency
FROM account_partial_reconcile part
JOIN res_currency curr ON curr . id = part . debit_currency_id
WHERE part . debit_move_id IN % s
GROUP BY part . debit_move_id , curr . decimal_places
part . credit_move_id AS line_id ,
' credit ' AS flag ,
COALESCE ( SUM ( part . amount ) , 0.0 ) AS amount ,
ROUND ( SUM ( part . credit_amount_currency ) , curr . decimal_places ) AS amount_currency
FROM account_partial_reconcile part
JOIN res_currency curr ON curr . id = part . credit_currency_id
WHERE part . credit_move_id IN % s
GROUP BY part . credit_move_id , curr . decimal_places
''' , [aml_ids, aml_ids])
amounts_map = {
( line_id , flag ) : ( amount , amount_currency )
for line_id , flag , amount , amount_currency in self . env . cr . fetchall ( )
else :
amounts_map = { }
# Lines that can't be reconciled with anything since the account doesn't allow that.
for line in self - need_residual_lines :
line . amount_residual = 0.0
line . amount_residual_currency = 0.0
line . reconciled = False
for line in need_residual_lines :
# Since this part could be call on 'new' records, 'company_currency_id'/'currency_id' could be not set.
comp_curr = line . company_currency_id or self . env . company . currency_id
foreign_curr = line . currency_id or comp_curr
# Retrieve the amounts in both foreign/company currencies. If the record is 'new', the amounts_map is empty.
debit_amount , debit_amount_currency = amounts_map . get ( ( line . _origin . id , ' debit ' ) , ( 0.0 , 0.0 ) )
credit_amount , credit_amount_currency = amounts_map . get ( ( line . _origin . id , ' credit ' ) , ( 0.0 , 0.0 ) )
# Subtract the values from the account.partial.reconcile to compute the residual amounts.
line . amount_residual = comp_curr . round ( line . balance - debit_amount + credit_amount )
line . amount_residual_currency = foreign_curr . round ( line . amount_currency - debit_amount_currency + credit_amount_currency )
line . reconciled = (
comp_curr . is_zero ( line . amount_residual )
and foreign_curr . is_zero ( line . amount_residual_currency )
@api.depends ( ' move_id.move_type ' , ' tax_ids ' , ' tax_repartition_line_id ' , ' debit ' , ' credit ' , ' tax_tag_ids ' , ' is_refund ' ,
' move_id.tax_cash_basis_origin_move_id ' )
def _compute_tax_tag_invert ( self ) :
for record in self :
origin_move_id = record . move_id . tax_cash_basis_origin_move_id or record . move_id
if not record . tax_repartition_line_id and not record . tax_ids :
# Invoices imported from other softwares might only have kept the tags, not the taxes.
record . tax_tag_invert = record . tax_tag_ids and origin_move_id . is_inbound ( )
elif origin_move_id . move_type == ' entry ' :
# For misc operations, cash basis entries and write-offs from the bank reconciliation widget
tax = record . tax_repartition_line_id . tax_id or record . tax_ids [ : 1 ]
is_refund = record . is_refund
tax_type = tax . type_tax_use
if record . display_type == ' epd ' : # In case of early payment, tax_tag_invert is independent of the balance of the line
record . tax_tag_invert = tax_type == ' purchase '
else :
record . tax_tag_invert = ( tax_type == ' purchase ' and is_refund ) or ( tax_type == ' sale ' and not is_refund )
else :
# For invoices with taxes
record . tax_tag_invert = origin_move_id . is_inbound ( )
@api.depends ( ' product_id ' )
def _compute_product_uom_id ( self ) :
for line in self :
# vendor bills should have the product purchase UOM
if line . move_id . is_purchase_document ( ) :
line . product_uom_id = line . product_id . uom_po_id
else :
line . product_uom_id = line . product_id . uom_id
@api.depends ( ' display_type ' )
def _compute_quantity ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . display_type == ' product ' :
line . quantity = line . quantity if line . quantity else 1
else :
line . quantity = False
@api.depends ( ' display_type ' )
def _compute_sequence ( self ) :
seq_map = {
' tax ' : 10000 ,
' rounding ' : 11000 ,
' payment_term ' : 12000 ,
for line in self :
line . sequence = seq_map . get ( line . display_type , 100 )
@api.depends ( ' quantity ' , ' discount ' , ' price_unit ' , ' tax_ids ' , ' currency_id ' )
def _compute_totals ( self ) :
""" Compute ' price_subtotal ' / ' price_total ' outside of `_sync_tax_lines` because those values must be visible for the
user on the UI with draft moves and the dynamic lines are synchronized only when saving the record .
AccountTax = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ]
for line in self :
# TODO remove the need of cogs lines to have a price_subtotal/price_total
if line . display_type not in ( ' product ' , ' cogs ' ) :
line . price_total = line . price_subtotal = False
base_line = line . move_id . _prepare_product_base_line_for_taxes_computation ( line )
AccountTax . _add_tax_details_in_base_line ( base_line , line . company_id )
line . price_subtotal = base_line [ ' tax_details ' ] [ ' raw_total_excluded_currency ' ]
line . price_total = base_line [ ' tax_details ' ] [ ' raw_total_included_currency ' ]
@api.depends ( ' product_id ' , ' product_uom_id ' )
def _compute_price_unit ( self ) :
for line in self :
if not line . product_id or line . display_type in ( ' line_section ' , ' line_note ' ) or line . is_imported :
if line . move_id . is_sale_document ( include_receipts = True ) :
document_type = ' sale '
elif line . move_id . is_purchase_document ( include_receipts = True ) :
document_type = ' purchase '
else :
document_type = ' other '
line . price_unit = line . product_id . _get_tax_included_unit_price (
line . move_id . company_id ,
line . move_id . currency_id ,
line . move_id . date ,
document_type ,
fiscal_position = line . move_id . fiscal_position_id ,
product_uom = line . product_uom_id ,
@api.depends ( ' product_id ' , ' product_uom_id ' )
def _compute_tax_ids ( self ) :
for line in self :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
if line . display_type in ( ' line_section ' , ' line_note ' , ' payment_term ' ) or line . is_imported :
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# /!\ Don't remove existing taxes if there is no explicit taxes set on the account.
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
if line . product_id or ( line . display_type != ' discount ' and ( line . account_id . tax_ids or not line . tax_ids ) ) :
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
line . tax_ids = line . _get_computed_taxes ( )
def _get_computed_taxes ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
company_domain = self . env [ ' account.tax ' ] . _check_company_domain ( self . move_id . company_id )
if self . move_id . is_sale_document ( include_receipts = True ) :
# Out invoice.
filtered_taxes_id = self . product_id . taxes_id . filtered_domain ( company_domain )
tax_ids = filtered_taxes_id or self . account_id . tax_ids . filtered ( lambda tax : tax . type_tax_use == ' sale ' )
elif self . move_id . is_purchase_document ( include_receipts = True ) :
# In invoice.
filtered_supplier_taxes_id = self . product_id . supplier_taxes_id . filtered_domain ( company_domain )
tax_ids = filtered_supplier_taxes_id or self . account_id . tax_ids . filtered ( lambda tax : tax . type_tax_use == ' purchase ' )
else :
tax_ids = False if self . env . context . get ( ' skip_computed_taxes ' ) else self . account_id . tax_ids
if self . company_id and tax_ids :
tax_ids = tax_ids . _filter_taxes_by_company ( self . company_id )
if tax_ids and self . move_id . fiscal_position_id :
tax_ids = self . move_id . fiscal_position_id . map_tax ( tax_ids )
return tax_ids
@api.depends ( ' account_id ' , ' company_id ' )
def _compute_discount_allocation_key ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . display_type == ' discount ' :
line . discount_allocation_key = frozendict ( {
' account_id ' : line . account_id . id ,
' move_id ' : line . move_id . id ,
' currency_rate ' : line . currency_rate ,
} )
else :
line . discount_allocation_key = False
@api.depends ( ' account_id ' , ' company_id ' , ' discount ' , ' price_unit ' , ' quantity ' , ' currency_rate ' )
def _compute_discount_allocation_needed ( self ) :
for line in self :
line . discount_allocation_dirty = True
discount_allocation_account = line . move_id . _get_discount_allocation_account ( )
if not discount_allocation_account or line . display_type != ' product ' or line . currency_id . is_zero ( line . discount ) :
line . discount_allocation_needed = False
discounted_amount_currency = line . currency_id . round ( line . move_id . direction_sign * line . quantity * line . price_unit * line . discount / 100 )
discount_allocation_needed = { }
discount_allocation_needed_vals = discount_allocation_needed . setdefault (
frozendict ( {
' account_id ' : line . account_id . id ,
' move_id ' : line . move_id . id ,
' currency_rate ' : line . currency_rate ,
} ) ,
' display_type ' : ' discount ' ,
' name ' : _ ( " Discount " ) ,
' amount_currency ' : 0.0 ,
} ,
discount_allocation_needed_vals [ ' amount_currency ' ] + = discounted_amount_currency
discount_allocation_needed_vals = discount_allocation_needed . setdefault (
frozendict ( {
' move_id ' : line . move_id . id ,
' account_id ' : discount_allocation_account . id ,
' currency_rate ' : line . currency_rate ,
} ) ,
' display_type ' : ' discount ' ,
' name ' : _ ( " Discount " ) ,
' amount_currency ' : 0.0 ,
} ,
discount_allocation_needed_vals [ ' amount_currency ' ] - = discounted_amount_currency
line . discount_allocation_needed = { k : frozendict ( v ) for k , v in discount_allocation_needed . items ( ) }
@api.depends ( ' tax_ids ' , ' account_id ' , ' company_id ' )
def _compute_epd_key ( self ) :
for line in self :
pay_term = line . move_id . invoice_payment_term_id
if line . display_type == ' epd ' and pay_term . early_discount and pay_term . early_pay_discount_computation == ' mixed ' :
line . epd_key = frozendict ( {
' account_id ' : line . account_id . id ,
' analytic_distribution ' : line . analytic_distribution ,
' tax_ids ' : [ Command . set ( line . tax_ids . ids ) ] ,
' tax_tag_ids ' : [ Command . set ( line . tax_tag_ids . ids ) ] ,
' move_id ' : line . move_id . id ,
} )
else :
line . epd_key = False
@api.depends ( ' move_id.needed_terms ' , ' account_id ' , ' analytic_distribution ' , ' tax_ids ' , ' tax_tag_ids ' , ' company_id ' )
def _compute_epd_needed ( self ) :
# TODO: The computation of early payment is weird because based on the 'price_subtotal'
# that already have it's own taxes computation (by design because the sync_dynamic lines only
# work when saving the record).
# However, the early payment lines also have some taxes and the sync_dynamic_line will compute the tax lines based on
# product base lines + epd base lines that could lead to a different amount when using the round globally.
for line in self :
line . epd_dirty = True
line . epd_needed = False
has_epd = line . move_id . invoice_payment_term_id . early_discount
discount_percentage = line . move_id . invoice_payment_term_id . discount_percentage
if not has_epd or line . display_type != ' product ' or not line . tax_ids . ids or line . move_id . invoice_payment_term_id . early_pay_discount_computation != ' mixed ' :
discount_percentage_name = f " { discount_percentage } % "
epd_needed = { }
percentage = discount_percentage / 100
taxes = line . tax_ids . filtered ( lambda t : t . amount_type != ' fixed ' )
epd_needed_vals = epd_needed . setdefault (
frozendict ( {
' move_id ' : line . move_id . id ,
' account_id ' : line . account_id . id ,
' analytic_distribution ' : line . analytic_distribution ,
' tax_ids ' : [ Command . set ( taxes . ids ) ] ,
' display_type ' : ' epd ' ,
} ) ,
' name ' : _ ( " Early Payment Discount ( %s ) " , discount_percentage_name ) ,
' amount_currency ' : 0.0 ,
' balance ' : 0.0 ,
} ,
sign = line . move_id . direction_sign
rate = line . move_id . invoice_currency_rate
amount_currency = line . currency_id . round ( sign * line . price_subtotal * percentage )
balance = line . company_currency_id . round ( sign * line . price_subtotal * percentage / rate ) if rate else 0.0
epd_needed_vals [ ' amount_currency ' ] - = amount_currency
epd_needed_vals [ ' balance ' ] - = balance
epd_needed_vals = epd_needed . setdefault (
frozendict ( {
' move_id ' : line . move_id . id ,
' account_id ' : line . account_id . id ,
' display_type ' : ' epd ' ,
} ) ,
' name ' : _ ( " Early Payment Discount ( %s ) " , discount_percentage_name ) ,
' amount_currency ' : 0.0 ,
' balance ' : 0.0 ,
' tax_ids ' : [ Command . clear ( ) ] ,
} ,
epd_needed_vals [ ' amount_currency ' ] + = amount_currency
epd_needed_vals [ ' balance ' ] + = balance
line . epd_needed = { k : frozendict ( v ) for k , v in epd_needed . items ( ) }
@api.depends ( ' move_id.move_type ' , ' balance ' , ' tax_repartition_line_id ' , ' tax_ids ' )
def _compute_is_refund ( self ) :
for line in self :
is_refund = False
if line . move_id . move_type in ( ' out_refund ' , ' in_refund ' ) :
is_refund = True
elif line . move_id . move_type == ' entry ' :
if line . tax_repartition_line_id :
is_refund = line . tax_repartition_line_id . document_type == ' refund '
else :
tax_type = line . tax_ids [ : 1 ] . type_tax_use
if tax_type == ' sale ' and line . credit == 0 :
is_refund = True
elif tax_type == ' purchase ' and line . debit == 0 :
is_refund = True
if line . tax_ids and line . move_id . reversed_entry_id :
is_refund = not is_refund
line . is_refund = is_refund
@api.depends ( ' date_maturity ' )
def _compute_term_key ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . display_type == ' payment_term ' :
line . term_key = frozendict ( {
' move_id ' : line . move_id . id ,
' date_maturity ' : fields . Date . to_date ( line . date_maturity ) ,
' discount_date ' : line . discount_date ,
} )
else :
line . term_key = False
@api.depends ( ' account_id ' , ' partner_id ' , ' product_id ' )
def _compute_analytic_distribution ( self ) :
cache = { }
for line in self :
if line . display_type == ' product ' or not line . move_id . is_invoice ( include_receipts = True ) :
arguments = frozendict ( {
" product_id " : line . product_id . id ,
" product_categ_id " : line . product_id . categ_id . id ,
" partner_id " : line . partner_id . id ,
" partner_category_id " : line . partner_id . category_id . ids ,
" account_prefix " : line . account_id . code ,
" company_id " : line . company_id . id ,
} )
if arguments not in cache :
cache [ arguments ] = self . env [ ' account.analytic.distribution.model ' ] . _get_distribution ( arguments )
line . analytic_distribution = cache [ arguments ] or line . analytic_distribution
@api.depends ( ' discount_date ' , ' date_maturity ' )
def _compute_payment_date ( self ) :
for line in self :
line . payment_date = line . discount_date if line . discount_date and date . today ( ) < = line . discount_date else line . date_maturity
def _search_payment_date ( self , operator , value ) :
if operator == ' = ' :
operator = ' <= '
return [
' | ' ,
' | ' ,
' & ' , ( ' discount_date ' , ' >= ' , str ( date . today ( ) ) ) , ( ' discount_date ' , operator , value ) ,
' & ' , ( ' discount_date ' , ' < ' , str ( date . today ( ) ) ) , ( ' date_maturity ' , operator , value ) ,
' & ' , ( ' discount_date ' , ' = ' , False ) , ( ' date_maturity ' , operator , value ) ,
def action_payment_items_register_payment ( self ) :
return self . action_register_payment ( ctx = { ' default_group_payment ' : True } )
def action_register_payment ( self , ctx = None ) :
''' Open the account.payment.register wizard to pay the selected journal items.
: return : An action opening the account . payment . register wizard .
context = {
' active_model ' : ' account.move.line ' ,
' active_ids ' : self . ids ,
if ctx :
context . update ( ctx )
return {
' name ' : _ ( ' Pay ' ) ,
' res_model ' : ' account.payment.register ' ,
' view_mode ' : ' form ' ,
' views ' : [ [ False , ' form ' ] ] ,
' context ' : context ,
' target ' : ' new ' ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.act_window ' ,
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _search_journal_group_id ( self , operator , value ) :
field = ' name ' if ' like ' in operator else ' id '
journal_groups = self . env [ ' account.journal.group ' ] . search ( [ ( field , operator , value ) ] )
return [ ( ' journal_id ' , ' not in ' , journal_groups . excluded_journal_ids . ids ) ]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@api.onchange ( ' partner_id ' )
def _inverse_partner_id ( self ) :
self . _conditional_add_to_compute ( ' account_id ' , lambda line : (
line . display_type == ' payment_term ' # recompute based on settings
) )
@api.onchange ( ' product_id ' )
def _inverse_product_id ( self ) :
if self . product_id or not self . account_id :
self . _conditional_add_to_compute ( ' account_id ' , lambda line : (
line . display_type == ' product ' and line . move_id . is_invoice ( True )
) )
@api.onchange ( ' amount_currency ' , ' currency_id ' )
def _inverse_amount_currency ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . currency_id == line . company_id . currency_id and line . balance != line . amount_currency :
line . balance = line . amount_currency
elif (
line . currency_id != line . company_id . currency_id
and not line . move_id . is_invoice ( True )
and not self . env . is_protected ( self . _fields [ ' balance ' ] , line )
) :
line . balance = line . company_id . currency_id . round ( line . amount_currency / line . currency_rate )
@api.onchange ( ' debit ' )
def _inverse_debit ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . debit :
line . credit = 0
line . balance = line . debit - line . credit
@api.onchange ( ' credit ' )
def _inverse_credit ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . credit :
line . debit = 0
line . balance = line . debit - line . credit
def _inverse_analytic_distribution ( self ) :
""" Unlink and recreate analytic_lines when modifying the distribution. """
lines_to_modify = self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ] . browse ( [
line . id for line in self if line . parent_state == " posted "
] )
lines_to_modify . analytic_line_ids . unlink ( )
context = dict ( self . env . context )
context . pop ( ' default_account_id ' , None )
lines_to_modify . with_context ( context ) . _create_analytic_lines ( )
@api.onchange ( ' account_id ' )
def _inverse_account_id ( self ) :
self . _inverse_analytic_distribution ( )
self . _conditional_add_to_compute ( ' tax_ids ' , lambda line : (
line . account_id . tax_ids
and not line . product_id . taxes_id . filtered ( lambda tax : tax . company_id == line . company_id )
) )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _check_constrains_account_id_journal_id ( self ) :
# Avoid using api.constrains for fields journal_id and account_id as in case of a write on
# account move and account move line in the same operation, the check would be done
# before all write are complete, causing a false positive
self . flush_recordset ( )
for line in self . filtered ( lambda x : x . display_type not in ( ' line_section ' , ' line_note ' ) ) :
account = line . account_id
journal = line . move_id . journal_id
if account . deprecated and not self . env . context . get ( ' skip_account_deprecation_check ' ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' The account %(name)s ( %(code)s ) is deprecated. ' , name = account . name , code = account . code ) )
account_currency = account . currency_id
if account_currency and account_currency != line . company_currency_id and account_currency != line . currency_id :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' The account selected on your journal entry forces to provide a secondary currency. You should remove the secondary currency on the account. ' ) )
if account . allowed_journal_ids and journal not in account . allowed_journal_ids :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' You cannot use this account ( %s ) in this journal, check the field \' Allowed Journals \' on the related account. ' , account . display_name ) )
if account in ( journal . default_account_id , journal . suspense_account_id ) :
is_account_control_ok = not journal . account_control_ids or account in journal . account_control_ids
if not is_account_control_ok :
raise UserError ( _ ( " You cannot use this account ( %s ) in this journal, check the section ' Control-Access ' under "
" tab ' Advanced Settings ' on the related journal. " , account . display_name ) )
@api.constrains ( ' account_id ' , ' tax_ids ' , ' tax_line_id ' , ' reconciled ' )
def _check_off_balance ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . account_id . account_type == ' off_balance ' :
if any ( a . internal_group != line . account_id . internal_group for a in line . move_id . line_ids . account_id ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' If you want to use " Off-Balance Sheet " accounts, all the accounts of the journal entry must be of this type ' ) )
if line . tax_ids or line . tax_line_id :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' You cannot use taxes on lines with an Off-Balance account ' ) )
if line . reconciled :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' Lines from " Off-Balance Sheet " accounts cannot be reconciled ' ) )
@api.constrains ( ' account_id ' , ' display_type ' )
def _check_payable_receivable ( self ) :
for line in self :
account_type = line . account_id . account_type
if line . move_id . is_sale_document ( include_receipts = True ) :
if account_type == ' liability_payable ' :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Account %s is of payable type, but is used in a sale operation. " , line . account_id . code ) )
if ( line . display_type == ' payment_term ' ) ^ ( account_type == ' asset_receivable ' ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Any journal item on a receivable account must have a due date and vice versa. " ) )
if line . move_id . is_purchase_document ( include_receipts = True ) :
if account_type == ' asset_receivable ' :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Account %s is of receivable type, but is used in a purchase operation. " , line . account_id . code ) )
if ( line . display_type == ' payment_term ' ) ^ ( account_type == ' liability_payable ' ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Any journal item on a payable account must have a due date and vice versa. " ) )
@api.constrains ( ' product_uom_id ' )
def _check_product_uom_category_id ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . product_uom_id and line . product_id and line . product_uom_id . category_id != line . product_id . product_tmpl_id . uom_id . category_id :
raise UserError ( _ (
" The Unit of Measure (UoM) ' %(uom)s ' you have selected for product ' %(product)s ' , "
" is incompatible with its category : %(category)s . " ,
uom = line . product_uom_id . name ,
product = line . product_id . name ,
category = line . product_id . product_tmpl_id . uom_id . category_id . name
) )
def _affect_tax_report ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
return self . tax_ids or self . tax_line_id or self . tax_tag_ids . filtered ( lambda x : x . applicability == " taxes " )
def _check_tax_lock_date ( self ) :
for line in self :
move = line . move_id
if move . state != ' posted ' :
violated_lock_dates = move . company_id . _get_lock_date_violations (
move . date ,
fiscalyear = False ,
sale = False ,
purchase = False ,
tax = True ,
hard = True ,
if violated_lock_dates and line . _affect_tax_report ( ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " The operation is refused as it would impact an already issued tax statement. "
" Please change the journal entry date or the following lock dates to proceed: %(lock_date_info)s . " ,
lock_date_info = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . _format_lock_dates ( violated_lock_dates ) ) )
return True
def _check_reconciliation ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . matched_debit_ids or line . matched_credit_ids :
raise UserError ( _ ( " You cannot do this modification on a reconciled journal entry. "
" You can just change some non legal fields or you must unreconcile first. \n "
" Journal Entry (id): %(entry)s ( %(id)s ) " , entry = line . move_id . name , id = line . move_id . id ) )
@api.constrains ( ' tax_ids ' , ' tax_repartition_line_id ' )
def _check_caba_non_caba_shared_tags ( self ) :
""" When mixing cash basis and non cash basis taxes, it is important
that those taxes don ' t share tags on the repartition creating
a single account . move . line .
Shared tags in this context cannot work , as the tags would need to
be present on both the invoice and cash basis move , leading to the same
base amount to be taken into account twice ; which is wrong . This is
why we don ' t support that. A workaround may be provided by the use of
a group of taxes , whose children are type_tax_use = None , and only one
of them uses the common tag .
Note that taxes of the same exigibility are allowed to share tags .
def get_base_repartition ( base_aml , taxes ) :
if not taxes :
return self . env [ ' account.tax.repartition.line ' ]
is_refund = base_aml . is_refund
repartition_field = is_refund and ' refund_repartition_line_ids ' or ' invoice_repartition_line_ids '
return taxes . mapped ( repartition_field )
for aml in self :
caba_taxes = aml . tax_ids . filtered ( lambda x : x . tax_exigibility == ' on_payment ' )
non_caba_taxes = aml . tax_ids - caba_taxes
caba_base_tags = get_base_repartition ( aml , caba_taxes ) . filtered ( lambda x : x . repartition_type == ' base ' ) . tag_ids
non_caba_base_tags = get_base_repartition ( aml , non_caba_taxes ) . filtered ( lambda x : x . repartition_type == ' base ' ) . tag_ids
common_tags = caba_base_tags & non_caba_base_tags
if not common_tags :
# When a tax is affecting another one with different tax exigibility, tags cannot be shared either.
tax_tags = aml . tax_repartition_line_id . tag_ids
comparison_tags = non_caba_base_tags if aml . tax_repartition_line_id . tax_id . tax_exigibility == ' on_payment ' else caba_base_tags
common_tags = tax_tags & comparison_tags
if common_tags :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " Taxes exigible on payment and on invoice cannot be mixed on the same journal item if they share some tag. " ) )
@api.constrains ( ' matching_number ' , ' matched_debit_ids ' , ' matched_credit_ids ' )
def _constrains_matching_number ( self ) :
for line in self :
if line . matching_number :
if not re . match ( r ' ^((P? \ d+)|(I.+))$ ' , line . matching_number ) :
raise Exception ( " Invalid matching number format " )
elif line . matching_number . startswith ( ' I ' ) and ( line . matched_debit_ids or line . matched_credit_ids ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ ( " A temporary number can not be used in a real matching " ) )
elif line . matching_number . startswith ( ' P ' ) and not ( line . matched_debit_ids or line . matched_credit_ids ) :
raise Exception ( " Should have partials " )
elif line . matching_number . startswith ( ' P ' ) and line . full_reconcile_id :
raise Exception ( " Should not be partial number " )
elif line . matching_number . isdecimal ( ) and not line . full_reconcile_id :
raise Exception ( " Should not be full number " )
elif line . full_reconcile_id and line . matching_number != str ( line . full_reconcile_id . id ) :
raise Exception ( " Matching number should be the full reconcile " )
elif line . matched_debit_ids or line . matched_credit_ids :
raise Exception ( " Should have number " )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def check_field_access_rights ( self , operation , field_names ) :
result = super ( ) . check_field_access_rights ( operation , field_names )
if not field_names :
weirdos = [ ' term_key ' , ' epd_key ' , ' epd_needed ' , ' discount_allocation_key ' , ' discount_allocation_needed ' ]
result = [ fname for fname in result if fname not in weirdos ]
return result
def invalidate_model ( self , fnames = None , flush = True ) :
# Invalidate cache of related moves
if fnames is None or ' move_id ' in fnames :
field = self . _fields [ ' move_id ' ]
lines = self . env . cache . get_records ( self , field )
move_ids = { id_ for id_ in self . env . cache . get_values ( lines , field ) if id_ }
if move_ids :
self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . browse ( move_ids ) . invalidate_recordset ( )
return super ( ) . invalidate_model ( fnames , flush )
def invalidate_recordset ( self , fnames = None , flush = True ) :
# Invalidate cache of related moves
if fnames is None or ' move_id ' in fnames :
field = self . _fields [ ' move_id ' ]
move_ids = { id_ for id_ in self . env . cache . get_values ( self , field ) if id_ }
if move_ids :
self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . browse ( move_ids ) . invalidate_recordset ( )
return super ( ) . invalidate_recordset ( fnames , flush )
def search_fetch ( self , domain , field_names , offset = 0 , limit = None , order = None ) :
def to_tuple ( t ) :
return tuple ( map ( to_tuple , t ) ) if isinstance ( t , ( list , tuple ) ) else t
order = ( order or self . _order )
if not re . search ( r ' \ bid \ b ' , order ) :
# Make an explicit order because we will need to reverse it
order + = ' , id '
# Add the domain and order by in order to compute the cumulated balance in _compute_cumulated_balance
contextualized = self . with_context (
domain_cumulated_balance = to_tuple ( domain or [ ] ) ,
order_cumulated_balance = order ,
return super ( AccountMoveLine , contextualized ) . search_fetch ( domain , field_names , offset , limit , order )
def init ( self ) :
""" change index on partner_id to a multi-column index on (partner_id, ref), the new index will behave in the
same way when we search on partner_id , with the addition of being optimal when having a query that will
search on partner_id and ref at the same time ( which is the case when we open the bank reconciliation widget )
create_index ( self . _cr , ' account_move_line_partner_id_ref_idx ' , ' account_move_line ' , [ " partner_id " , " ref " ] )
create_index ( self . _cr , ' account_move_line_date_name_id_idx ' , ' account_move_line ' , [ " date desc " , " move_name desc " , " id " ] )
# Match exactly how the ORM converts domains to ensure the query planner uses it
create_index ( self . _cr , ' account_move_line__unreconciled_index ' , ' account_move_line ' , [ ' account_id ' , ' partner_id ' ] ,
where = " (reconciled IS NULL OR reconciled = false OR reconciled IS NOT true) AND parent_state = ' posted ' " )
create_index ( self . env . cr ,
indexname = ' account_move_line_journal_id_neg_amnt_residual_idx ' ,
tablename = ' account_move_line ' ,
expressions = [ ' journal_id ' ] ,
where = " amount_residual < 0 AND parent_state = ' posted ' " )
# covers the standard index on account_id
create_index ( self . env . cr ,
indexname = ' account_move_line_account_id_date_idx ' ,
tablename = ' account_move_line ' ,
expressions = [ ' account_id ' , ' date ' ] )
super ( ) . init ( )
def default_get ( self , fields_list ) :
defaults = super ( ) . default_get ( fields_list )
quick_encode_suggestion = self . env . context . get ( ' quick_encoding_vals ' )
if quick_encode_suggestion and self . env . context . get ( ' default_display_type ' ) not in ( ' line_section ' , ' line_note ' ) :
defaults [ ' account_id ' ] = quick_encode_suggestion [ ' account_id ' ]
defaults [ ' price_unit ' ] = quick_encode_suggestion [ ' price_unit ' ]
defaults [ ' tax_ids ' ] = [ Command . set ( quick_encode_suggestion [ ' tax_ids ' ] ) ]
return defaults
def _sanitize_vals ( self , vals ) :
if ' debit ' in vals or ' credit ' in vals :
vals = vals . copy ( )
if ' balance ' in vals :
vals . pop ( ' debit ' , None )
vals . pop ( ' credit ' , None )
else :
vals [ ' balance ' ] = vals . pop ( ' debit ' , 0 ) - vals . pop ( ' credit ' , 0 )
if (
vals . get ( ' matching_number ' )
and not vals [ ' matching_number ' ] . startswith ( ' I ' )
and not self . env . context . get ( ' skip_matching_number_check ' )
) :
vals [ ' matching_number ' ] = f " I { vals [ ' matching_number ' ] } "
return vals
def _prepare_create_values ( self , vals_list ) :
result_vals_list = super ( ) . _prepare_create_values ( vals_list )
for init_vals , res_vals in zip ( vals_list , result_vals_list ) :
# Allow computing the balance based on the amount_currency if it wasn't specified in the create vals.
if (
' amount_currency ' in init_vals
and ' balance ' not in init_vals
and ' debit ' not in init_vals
and ' credit ' not in init_vals
) :
res_vals . pop ( ' balance ' , 0 )
res_vals . pop ( ' debit ' , 0 )
res_vals . pop ( ' credit ' , 0 )
if res_vals [ ' display_type ' ] in ( ' line_section ' , ' line_note ' ) :
res_vals . pop ( ' account_id ' )
return result_vals_list
def _sync_invoice ( self , container ) :
if container [ ' records ' ] . env . context . get ( ' skip_invoice_line_sync ' ) :
return # avoid infinite recursion
def existing ( ) :
return {
line : {
' amount_currency ' : line . currency_id . round ( line . amount_currency ) ,
' balance ' : line . company_id . currency_id . round ( line . balance ) ,
' currency_rate ' : line . currency_rate ,
' price_subtotal ' : line . currency_id . round ( line . price_subtotal ) ,
' move_type ' : line . move_id . move_type ,
} for line in container [ ' records ' ] . with_context (
skip_invoice_line_sync = True ,
) . filtered ( lambda l : l . move_id . is_invoice ( True ) )
def changed ( fname ) :
return line not in before or before [ line ] [ fname ] != after [ line ] [ fname ]
before = existing ( )
after = existing ( )
for line in after :
if (
( changed ( ' amount_currency ' ) or changed ( ' currency_rate ' ) or changed ( ' move_type ' ) )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
and not self . env . is_protected ( self . _fields [ ' balance ' ] , line )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
and ( not changed ( ' balance ' ) or ( line not in before and not line . balance ) )
) :
balance = line . company_id . currency_id . round ( line . amount_currency / line . currency_rate )
line . balance = balance
# Since this method is called during the sync, inside of `create`/`write`, these fields
# already have been computed and marked as so. But this method should re-trigger it since
# it changes the dependencies.
self . env . add_to_compute ( self . _fields [ ' debit ' ] , container [ ' records ' ] )
self . env . add_to_compute ( self . _fields [ ' credit ' ] , container [ ' records ' ] )
def create ( self , vals_list ) :
moves = self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . browse ( { vals [ ' move_id ' ] for vals in vals_list } )
container = { ' records ' : self }
move_container = { ' records ' : moves }
with moves . _check_balanced ( move_container ) , \
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
ExitStack ( ) as exit_stack , \
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
moves . _sync_dynamic_lines ( move_container ) , \
self . _sync_invoice ( container ) :
lines = super ( ) . create ( [ self . _sanitize_vals ( vals ) for vals in vals_list ] )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
exit_stack . enter_context ( self . env . protecting ( [ protected for vals , line in zip ( vals_list , lines ) for protected in self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . _get_protected_vals ( vals , line ) ] ) )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
container [ ' records ' ] = lines
lines . _check_tax_lock_date ( )
if not self . env . context . get ( ' tracking_disable ' ) :
# Log changes to move lines on each move
tracked_fields = [ fname for fname , f in self . _fields . items ( ) if hasattr ( f , ' tracking ' ) and f . tracking and not ( hasattr ( f , ' related ' ) and f . related ) ]
ref_fields = self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ] . fields_get ( tracked_fields )
empty_values = dict . fromkeys ( tracked_fields )
for move_id , modified_lines in lines . grouped ( ' move_id ' ) . items ( ) :
if not move_id . posted_before :
for line in modified_lines :
if tracking_value_ids := line . _mail_track ( ref_fields , empty_values ) [ 1 ] :
line . move_id . _message_log (
body = _ ( " Journal Item %s created " , line . _get_html_link ( title = f " # { line . id } " ) ) ,
tracking_value_ids = tracking_value_ids
lines . move_id . _synchronize_business_models ( [ ' line_ids ' ] )
lines . _check_constrains_account_id_journal_id ( )
return lines
def write ( self , vals ) :
if not vals :
return True
protected_fields = self . _get_lock_date_protected_fields ( )
account_to_write = self . env [ ' account.account ' ] . browse ( vals [ ' account_id ' ] ) if ' account_id ' in vals else None
# Check writing a deprecated account.
if account_to_write and account_to_write . deprecated :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' You cannot use a deprecated account. ' ) )
inalterable_fields = set ( self . _get_integrity_hash_fields ( ) ) . union ( { ' inalterable_hash ' } )
hashed_moves = self . move_id . filtered ( ' inalterable_hash ' )
violated_fields = set ( vals ) & inalterable_fields
if hashed_moves and violated_fields :
raise UserError ( _ (
" You cannot edit the following fields: %(fields)s . \n "
" The following entries are already hashed: \n %(entries)s " ,
fields = format_list ( self . env , [ f [ ' string ' ] for f in self . fields_get ( violated_fields ) . values ( ) ] ) ,
entries = ' \n ' . join ( hashed_moves . mapped ( ' name ' ) ) ,
) )
line_to_write = self
vals = self . _sanitize_vals ( vals )
for line in self :
if not any ( self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . _field_will_change ( line , vals , field_name ) for field_name in vals ) :
line_to_write - = line
if line . parent_state == ' posted ' and any ( self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . _field_will_change ( line , vals , field_name ) for field_name in ( ' tax_ids ' , ' tax_line_id ' ) ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' You cannot modify the taxes related to a posted journal item, you should reset the journal entry to draft to do so. ' ) )
# Check the lock date.
if line . parent_state == ' posted ' and any ( self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . _field_will_change ( line , vals , field_name ) for field_name in protected_fields [ ' fiscal ' ] ) :
line . move_id . _check_fiscal_lock_dates ( )
# Check the tax lock date.
if line . parent_state == ' posted ' and any ( self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . _field_will_change ( line , vals , field_name ) for field_name in protected_fields [ ' tax ' ] ) :
line . _check_tax_lock_date ( )
# Check the reconciliation.
if any ( self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . _field_will_change ( line , vals , field_name ) for field_name in protected_fields [ ' reconciliation ' ] ) :
line . _check_reconciliation ( )
move_container = { ' records ' : self . move_id }
with self . move_id . _check_balanced ( move_container ) , \
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
self . env . protecting ( self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . _get_protected_vals ( vals , self ) ) , \
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
self . move_id . _sync_dynamic_lines ( move_container ) , \
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
self . _sync_invoice ( { ' records ' : self } ) :
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
self = line_to_write
if not self :
return True
# Tracking stuff can be skipped for perfs using tracking_disable context key
if not self . env . context . get ( ' tracking_disable ' , False ) :
# Get all tracked fields (without related fields because these fields must be manage on their own model)
tracking_fields = [ ]
for value in vals :
field = self . _fields [ value ]
if hasattr ( field , ' related ' ) and field . related :
continue # We don't want to track related field.
if hasattr ( field , ' tracking ' ) and field . tracking :
tracking_fields . append ( value )
ref_fields = self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ] . fields_get ( tracking_fields )
# Get initial values for each line
move_initial_values = { }
for line in self . filtered ( lambda l : l . move_id . posted_before ) : # Only lines with posted once move.
for field in tracking_fields :
# Group initial values by move_id
if line . move_id . id not in move_initial_values :
move_initial_values [ line . move_id . id ] = { }
move_initial_values [ line . move_id . id ] . update ( { field : line [ field ] } )
result = super ( ) . write ( vals )
self . move_id . _synchronize_business_models ( [ ' line_ids ' ] )
if any ( field in vals for field in [ ' account_id ' , ' currency_id ' ] ) :
self . _check_constrains_account_id_journal_id ( )
if not self . env . context . get ( ' tracking_disable ' , False ) :
# Log changes to move lines on each move
for move_id , modified_lines in move_initial_values . items ( ) :
for line in self . filtered ( lambda l : l . move_id . id == move_id ) :
tracking_value_ids = line . _mail_track ( ref_fields , modified_lines ) [ 1 ]
if tracking_value_ids :
msg = _ ( " Journal Item %s updated " , line . _get_html_link ( title = f " # { line . id } " ) )
line . move_id . _message_log (
body = msg ,
tracking_value_ids = tracking_value_ids
return result
def _valid_field_parameter ( self , field , name ) :
# EXTENDS models
return name == ' tracking ' or super ( ) . _valid_field_parameter ( field , name )
@api.ondelete ( at_uninstall = False )
def _unlink_except_posted ( self ) :
# Prevent deleting lines on posted entries
if not self . _context . get ( ' force_delete ' ) and any ( m . state == ' posted ' for m in self . move_id ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " You can ' t delete a posted journal item. Don’ t play games with your accounting records; reset the journal entry to draft before deleting it. " ) )
@api.ondelete ( at_uninstall = False )
def _prevent_automatic_line_deletion ( self ) :
if not self . env . context . get ( ' dynamic_unlink ' ) :
for line in self :
if line . display_type == ' tax ' and line . move_id . line_ids . tax_ids :
raise ValidationError ( _ (
" You cannot delete a tax line as it would impact the tax report "
) )
elif line . display_type == ' payment_term ' :
raise ValidationError ( _ (
" You cannot delete a payable/receivable line as it would not be consistent "
" with the payment terms "
) )
@api.ondelete ( at_uninstall = False ) # Hashed entres are legally required to not be deleted.
def _except_hashed_entry_lines ( self ) :
""" Lines belonginig to a hashed (locked) entry should not be allowed to be deleted in order to protect the
hash chain .
for line in self :
if line . move_id . inalterable_hash :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' You cannot delete journal items belonging to a locked journal entry. ' ) )
def unlink ( self ) :
if not self :
return True
# Check the lines are not reconciled (partially or not).
self . _check_reconciliation ( )
# Check the lock date. (Only relevant if the move is posted)
self . move_id . filtered ( lambda m : m . state == ' posted ' ) . _check_fiscal_lock_dates ( )
# Check the tax lock date.
self . _check_tax_lock_date ( )
if not self . env . context . get ( ' tracking_disable ' ) :
# Log changes to move lines on each move
tracked_fields = [ fname for fname , f in self . _fields . items ( ) if hasattr ( f , ' tracking ' ) and f . tracking and not ( hasattr ( f , ' related ' ) and f . related ) ]
ref_fields = self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ] . fields_get ( tracked_fields )
empty_line = self . browse ( [ False ] ) # all falsy fields but not failing `ensure_one` checks
for move_id , modified_lines in self . grouped ( ' move_id ' ) . items ( ) :
if not move_id . posted_before :
for line in modified_lines :
if tracking_value_ids := empty_line . _mail_track ( ref_fields , line ) [ 1 ] :
line . move_id . _message_log (
body = _ ( " Journal Item %s deleted " , line . _get_html_link ( title = f " # { line . id } " ) ) ,
tracking_value_ids = tracking_value_ids
move_container = { ' records ' : self . move_id }
with self . move_id . _check_balanced ( move_container ) , \
self . move_id . _sync_dynamic_lines ( move_container ) :
res = super ( ) . unlink ( )
return res
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
def _format_aml_name ( self , line_name , move_ref , move_name = None ) :
''' Format the display of an account.move.line record. As its very costly to fetch the account.move.line
records , only line_name , move_ref , move_name are passed as parameters to deal with sql - queries more easily .
: param line_name : The name of the account . move . line record .
: param move_ref : The reference of the account . move record .
: param move_name : The name of the account . move record .
: return : The formatted name of the account . move . line record .
names = [ ]
if move_name and move_name != ' / ' :
names . append ( move_name )
if move_ref and move_ref != ' / ' :
names . append ( f " ( { move_ref } ) " )
if line_name and line_name not in [ ' / ' , move_name , f " { move_ref } - { move_name } " ] :
names . append ( line_name )
name = ' ' . join ( names )
return name or _ ( ' Draft Entry ' )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
@api.depends ( ' move_id ' , ' ref ' , ' product_id ' )
def _compute_display_name ( self ) :
for line in self :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
line . display_name = line . _format_aml_name ( line . name or line . product_id . display_name , line . ref , line . move_id . name )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def copy_data ( self , default = None ) :
vals_list = super ( ) . copy_data ( default = default )
for line , vals in zip ( self , vals_list ) :
# Don't copy the name of a payment term line.
if line . display_type == ' payment_term ' and line . move_id . is_invoice ( True ) :
del vals [ ' name ' ]
# Don't copy restricted fields of notes
if line . display_type in ( ' line_section ' , ' line_note ' ) :
del vals [ ' balance ' ]
del vals [ ' account_id ' ]
# Will be recomputed from the price_unit
if line . display_type == ' product ' and line . move_id . is_invoice ( True ) :
del vals [ ' balance ' ]
if self . _context . get ( ' include_business_fields ' ) :
line . _copy_data_extend_business_fields ( vals )
return vals_list
def _field_to_sql ( self , alias : str , fname : str , query : ( Query | None ) = None , flush : bool = True ) - > SQL :
if fname != ' payment_date ' :
return super ( ) . _field_to_sql ( alias , fname , query , flush )
return SQL ( """
WHEN % ( discount_date ) s > = % ( today ) s THEN % ( discount_date ) s
ELSE % ( date_maturity ) s
END """ ,
today = fields . Date . context_today ( self ) ,
discount_date = super ( ) . _field_to_sql ( alias , " discount_date " , query , flush ) ,
date_maturity = super ( ) . _field_to_sql ( alias , " date_maturity " , query , flush ) ,
def _search_panel_domain_image ( self , field_name , domain , set_count = False , limit = False ) :
if field_name != ' account_root_id ' or set_count :
return super ( ) . _search_panel_domain_image ( field_name , domain , set_count , limit )
# if domain is logically equivalent to false
if expression . is_false ( self , domain ) :
return { }
# Override in order to not read the complete move line table and use the index instead
query_account = self . env [ ' account.account ' ] . _search ( [ ( ' company_ids ' , ' in ' , self . env . companies . ids ) , ( ' code ' , ' != ' , False ) ] )
account_code_alias = self . env [ ' account.account ' ] . _field_to_sql ( ' account_account ' , ' code ' , query_account )
query_line = self . _search ( domain , limit = 1 )
query_line . add_where ( ' account_account.id = account_move_line.account_id ' )
account_codes = self . env . execute_query ( SQL (
SELECT % ( account_code_alias ) s AS code
FROM % ( account_table ) s
WHERE EXISTS ( % ( line_select ) s )
AND % ( where_clause ) s
""" ,
account_code_alias = account_code_alias ,
account_table = query_account . from_clause ,
line_select = query_line . select ( ) ,
where_clause = query_account . where_clause ,
) )
return {
( root := self . env [ ' account.root ' ] . _from_account_code ( code ) ) . id : { ' id ' : root . id , ' display_name ' : root . display_name }
for code , in account_codes
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( self , field , shadowed_aml_values ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
if shadowed_aml_values and field in shadowed_aml_values . get ( self , { } ) :
return shadowed_aml_values [ self ] [ field ]
else :
return self [ field ]
def _prepare_move_line_residual_amounts ( self , aml_values , counterpart_currency , shadowed_aml_values = None , other_aml_values = None ) :
""" Prepare the available residual amounts for each currency.
: param aml_values : The values of account . move . line to consider .
: param counterpart_currency : The currency of the opposite line this line will be reconciled with .
: param shadowed_aml_values : A mapping aml - > dictionary to replace some original aml values to something else .
This is usefull if you want to preview the reconciliation before doing some changes
on amls like changing a date or an account .
: param other_aml_values : The other aml values to be reconciled with the current one .
: return : A mapping currency - > dictionary containing :
* residual : The residual amount left for this currency .
* rate : The rate applied regarding the company ' s currency.
def is_payment ( aml ) :
return aml . move_id . origin_payment_id or aml . move_id . statement_line_id
def get_odoo_rate ( aml , other_aml , currency ) :
if forced_rate := self . _context . get ( ' forced_rate_from_register_payment ' ) :
return forced_rate
if other_aml and not is_payment ( aml ) and is_payment ( other_aml ) :
return get_accounting_rate ( other_aml , currency )
if aml . move_id . is_invoice ( include_receipts = True ) :
exchange_rate_date = aml . move_id . invoice_date
else :
exchange_rate_date = aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' date ' , shadowed_aml_values )
return currency . _get_conversion_rate ( aml . company_currency_id , currency , aml . company_id , exchange_rate_date )
def get_accounting_rate ( aml , currency ) :
if forced_rate := self . _context . get ( ' forced_rate_from_register_payment ' ) :
return forced_rate
balance = aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' balance ' , shadowed_aml_values )
amount_currency = aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' amount_currency ' , shadowed_aml_values )
if not aml . company_currency_id . is_zero ( balance ) and not currency . is_zero ( amount_currency ) :
return abs ( amount_currency / balance )
aml = aml_values [ ' aml ' ]
other_aml = ( other_aml_values or { } ) . get ( ' aml ' )
remaining_amount_curr = aml_values [ ' amount_residual_currency ' ]
remaining_amount = aml_values [ ' amount_residual ' ]
company_currency = aml . company_currency_id
currency = aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' currency_id ' , shadowed_aml_values )
account = aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' account_id ' , shadowed_aml_values )
has_zero_residual = company_currency . is_zero ( remaining_amount )
has_zero_residual_currency = currency . is_zero ( remaining_amount_curr )
is_rec_pay_account = account . account_type in ( ' asset_receivable ' , ' liability_payable ' )
available_residual_per_currency = { }
if not has_zero_residual :
available_residual_per_currency [ company_currency ] = {
' residual ' : remaining_amount ,
' rate ' : 1 ,
if currency != company_currency and not has_zero_residual_currency :
available_residual_per_currency [ currency ] = {
' residual ' : remaining_amount_curr ,
' rate ' : get_accounting_rate ( aml , currency ) ,
if currency == company_currency \
and is_rec_pay_account \
and not has_zero_residual \
and counterpart_currency != company_currency :
rate = get_odoo_rate ( aml , other_aml , counterpart_currency )
residual_in_foreign_curr = counterpart_currency . round ( remaining_amount * rate )
if not counterpart_currency . is_zero ( residual_in_foreign_curr ) :
available_residual_per_currency [ counterpart_currency ] = {
' residual ' : residual_in_foreign_curr ,
' rate ' : rate ,
elif currency == counterpart_currency \
and currency != company_currency \
and not has_zero_residual_currency :
available_residual_per_currency [ counterpart_currency ] = {
' residual ' : remaining_amount_curr ,
' rate ' : get_accounting_rate ( aml , currency ) ,
return available_residual_per_currency
def _prepare_reconciliation_single_partial ( self , debit_values , credit_values , shadowed_aml_values = None ) :
""" Prepare the values to create an account.partial.reconcile later when reconciling the dictionaries passed
as parameters , each one representing an account . move . line .
: param debit_values : The values of account . move . line to consider for a debit line .
: param credit_values : The values of account . move . line to consider for a credit line .
: param shadowed_aml_values : A mapping aml - > dictionary to replace some original aml values to something else .
This is usefull if you want to preview the reconciliation before doing some changes
on amls like changing a date or an account .
: return : A dictionary :
* debit_values : None if the line has nothing left to reconcile .
* credit_values : None if the line has nothing left to reconcile .
* partial_values : The newly computed values for the partial .
* exchange_values : The values to create an exchange difference linked to this partial .
# ==== Determine the currency in which the reconciliation will be done ====
# In this part, we retrieve the residual amounts, check if they are zero or not and determine in which
# currency and at which rate the reconciliation will be done.
res = {
' debit_values ' : debit_values ,
' credit_values ' : credit_values ,
debit_aml = debit_values [ ' aml ' ]
credit_aml = credit_values [ ' aml ' ]
debit_currency = debit_aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' currency_id ' , shadowed_aml_values )
credit_currency = credit_aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' currency_id ' , shadowed_aml_values )
company_currency = debit_aml . company_currency_id
remaining_debit_amount_curr = debit_values [ ' amount_residual_currency ' ]
remaining_credit_amount_curr = credit_values [ ' amount_residual_currency ' ]
remaining_debit_amount = debit_values [ ' amount_residual ' ]
remaining_credit_amount = credit_values [ ' amount_residual ' ]
debit_available_residual_amounts = self . _prepare_move_line_residual_amounts (
debit_values ,
credit_currency ,
shadowed_aml_values = shadowed_aml_values ,
other_aml_values = credit_values ,
credit_available_residual_amounts = self . _prepare_move_line_residual_amounts (
credit_values ,
debit_currency ,
shadowed_aml_values = shadowed_aml_values ,
other_aml_values = debit_values ,
if debit_currency != company_currency \
and debit_currency in debit_available_residual_amounts \
and debit_currency in credit_available_residual_amounts :
recon_currency = debit_currency
elif credit_currency != company_currency \
and credit_currency in debit_available_residual_amounts \
and credit_currency in credit_available_residual_amounts :
recon_currency = credit_currency
else :
recon_currency = company_currency
debit_recon_values = debit_available_residual_amounts . get ( recon_currency )
credit_recon_values = credit_available_residual_amounts . get ( recon_currency )
# Check if there is something left to reconcile. Move to the next loop iteration if not.
skip_reconciliation = False
if not debit_recon_values :
res [ ' debit_values ' ] = None
skip_reconciliation = True
if not credit_recon_values :
res [ ' credit_values ' ] = None
skip_reconciliation = True
if skip_reconciliation :
return res
recon_debit_amount = debit_recon_values [ ' residual ' ]
recon_credit_amount = - credit_recon_values [ ' residual ' ]
# ==== Match both lines together and compute amounts to reconcile ====
# Special case for exchange difference lines. In that case, both lines are sharing the same foreign
# currency but at least one has no amount in foreign currency.
# In that case, we don't want a rate for the opposite line because the exchange difference is supposed
# to reduce only the amount in company currency but not the foreign one.
exchange_line_mode = \
recon_currency == company_currency \
and debit_currency == credit_currency \
and (
not debit_available_residual_amounts . get ( debit_currency )
or not credit_available_residual_amounts . get ( credit_currency )
# Determine which line is fully matched by the other.
compare_amounts = recon_currency . compare_amounts ( recon_debit_amount , recon_credit_amount )
min_recon_amount = min ( recon_debit_amount , recon_credit_amount )
debit_fully_matched = compare_amounts < = 0
credit_fully_matched = compare_amounts > = 0
# ==== Computation of partial amounts ====
if recon_currency == company_currency :
if exchange_line_mode :
debit_rate = None
credit_rate = None
else :
debit_rate = debit_available_residual_amounts . get ( debit_currency , { } ) . get ( ' rate ' )
credit_rate = credit_available_residual_amounts . get ( credit_currency , { } ) . get ( ' rate ' )
# Compute the partial amount expressed in company currency.
partial_amount = min_recon_amount
# Compute the partial amount expressed in foreign currency.
if debit_rate :
partial_debit_amount_currency = debit_currency . round ( debit_rate * min_recon_amount )
partial_debit_amount_currency = min ( partial_debit_amount_currency , remaining_debit_amount_curr )
else :
partial_debit_amount_currency = 0.0
if credit_rate :
partial_credit_amount_currency = credit_currency . round ( credit_rate * min_recon_amount )
partial_credit_amount_currency = min ( partial_credit_amount_currency , - remaining_credit_amount_curr )
else :
partial_credit_amount_currency = 0.0
else :
# recon_currency != company_currency
if exchange_line_mode :
debit_rate = None
credit_rate = None
else :
debit_rate = debit_recon_values [ ' rate ' ]
credit_rate = credit_recon_values [ ' rate ' ]
# Compute the partial amount expressed in foreign currency.
if debit_rate :
partial_debit_amount = company_currency . round ( min_recon_amount / debit_rate )
partial_debit_amount = min ( partial_debit_amount , remaining_debit_amount )
else :
partial_debit_amount = 0.0
if credit_rate :
partial_credit_amount = company_currency . round ( min_recon_amount / credit_rate )
partial_credit_amount = min ( partial_credit_amount , - remaining_credit_amount )
else :
partial_credit_amount = 0.0
partial_amount = min ( partial_debit_amount , partial_credit_amount )
# Compute the partial amount expressed in foreign currency.
# Take care to handle the case when a line expressed in company currency is mimicking the foreign
# currency of the opposite line.
if debit_currency == company_currency :
partial_debit_amount_currency = partial_amount
else :
partial_debit_amount_currency = min_recon_amount
if credit_currency == company_currency :
partial_credit_amount_currency = partial_amount
else :
partial_credit_amount_currency = min_recon_amount
# Computation of the partial exchange difference. You can skip this part using the
# `no_exchange_difference` context key (when reconciling an exchange difference for example).
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
if not self . _context . get ( ' no_exchange_difference ' ) and not self . _context . get ( ' no_exchange_difference_no_recursive ' ) :
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
exchange_lines_to_fix = self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ]
amounts_list = [ ]
if recon_currency == company_currency :
if debit_fully_matched :
debit_exchange_amount = remaining_debit_amount_curr - partial_debit_amount_currency
if not debit_currency . is_zero ( debit_exchange_amount ) :
exchange_lines_to_fix + = debit_aml
amounts_list . append ( { ' amount_residual_currency ' : debit_exchange_amount } )
remaining_debit_amount_curr - = debit_exchange_amount
if credit_fully_matched :
credit_exchange_amount = remaining_credit_amount_curr + partial_credit_amount_currency
if not credit_currency . is_zero ( credit_exchange_amount ) :
exchange_lines_to_fix + = credit_aml
amounts_list . append ( { ' amount_residual_currency ' : credit_exchange_amount } )
remaining_credit_amount_curr + = credit_exchange_amount
else :
if debit_fully_matched :
# Create an exchange difference on the remaining amount expressed in company's currency.
debit_exchange_amount = remaining_debit_amount - partial_amount
if not company_currency . is_zero ( debit_exchange_amount ) :
exchange_lines_to_fix + = debit_aml
amounts_list . append ( { ' amount_residual ' : debit_exchange_amount } )
remaining_debit_amount - = debit_exchange_amount
if debit_currency == company_currency :
remaining_debit_amount_curr - = debit_exchange_amount
else :
# Create an exchange difference ensuring the rate between the residual amounts expressed in
# both foreign and company's currency is still consistent regarding the rate between
# 'amount_currency' & 'balance'.
debit_exchange_amount = partial_debit_amount - partial_amount
if company_currency . compare_amounts ( debit_exchange_amount , 0.0 ) > 0 :
exchange_lines_to_fix + = debit_aml
amounts_list . append ( { ' amount_residual ' : debit_exchange_amount } )
remaining_debit_amount - = debit_exchange_amount
if debit_currency == company_currency :
remaining_debit_amount_curr - = debit_exchange_amount
if credit_fully_matched :
# Create an exchange difference on the remaining amount expressed in company's currency.
credit_exchange_amount = remaining_credit_amount + partial_amount
if not company_currency . is_zero ( credit_exchange_amount ) :
exchange_lines_to_fix + = credit_aml
amounts_list . append ( { ' amount_residual ' : credit_exchange_amount } )
remaining_credit_amount - = credit_exchange_amount
if credit_currency == company_currency :
remaining_credit_amount_curr - = credit_exchange_amount
else :
# Create an exchange difference ensuring the rate between the residual amounts expressed in
# both foreign and company's currency is still consistent regarding the rate between
# 'amount_currency' & 'balance'.
credit_exchange_amount = partial_amount - partial_credit_amount
if company_currency . compare_amounts ( credit_exchange_amount , 0.0 ) < 0 :
exchange_lines_to_fix + = credit_aml
amounts_list . append ( { ' amount_residual ' : credit_exchange_amount } )
remaining_credit_amount - = credit_exchange_amount
if credit_currency == company_currency :
remaining_credit_amount_curr - = credit_exchange_amount
if exchange_lines_to_fix :
res [ ' exchange_values ' ] = exchange_lines_to_fix . _prepare_exchange_difference_move_vals (
amounts_list ,
exchange_date = max (
debit_aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' date ' , shadowed_aml_values ) ,
credit_aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' date ' , shadowed_aml_values ) ,
) ,
# ==== Create partials ====
remaining_debit_amount - = partial_amount
remaining_credit_amount + = partial_amount
remaining_debit_amount_curr - = partial_debit_amount_currency
remaining_credit_amount_curr + = partial_credit_amount_currency
res [ ' partial_values ' ] = {
' amount ' : partial_amount ,
' debit_amount_currency ' : partial_debit_amount_currency ,
' credit_amount_currency ' : partial_credit_amount_currency ,
' debit_move_id ' : debit_aml . id ,
' credit_move_id ' : credit_aml . id ,
debit_values [ ' amount_residual ' ] = remaining_debit_amount
debit_values [ ' amount_residual_currency ' ] = remaining_debit_amount_curr
credit_values [ ' amount_residual ' ] = remaining_credit_amount
credit_values [ ' amount_residual_currency ' ] = remaining_credit_amount_curr
if debit_fully_matched :
res [ ' debit_values ' ] = None
if credit_fully_matched :
res [ ' credit_values ' ] = None
return res
def _prepare_reconciliation_amls ( self , values_list , shadowed_aml_values = None ) :
""" Prepare the partials on the current journal items to perform the reconciliation.
Note : The order of records in self is important because the journal items will be reconciled using this order .
: param values_list : A list of dictionaries , one for each aml .
: param shadowed_aml_values : A mapping aml - > dictionary to replace some original aml values to something else .
This is usefull if you want to preview the reconciliation before doing some changes
on amls like changing a date or an account .
: return : a tuple of
1 ) list of vals for partial reconciliation creation ,
2 ) the list of vals for the exchange difference entries to be created
debit_values_list = iter ( [
for x in values_list
if x [ ' aml ' ] . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' balance ' , shadowed_aml_values ) > 0.0
or x [ ' aml ' ] . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' amount_currency ' , shadowed_aml_values ) > 0.0
] )
credit_values_list = iter ( [
for x in values_list
if x [ ' aml ' ] . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' balance ' , shadowed_aml_values ) < 0.0
or x [ ' aml ' ] . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' amount_currency ' , shadowed_aml_values ) < 0.0
] )
debit_values = None
credit_values = None
fully_reconciled_aml_ids = set ( )
all_results = [ ]
while True :
# ==== Find the next available lines ====
# For performance reasons, the partials are created all at once meaning the residual amounts can't be
# trusted from one iteration to another. That's the reason why all residual amounts are kept as variables
# and reduced "manually" every time we append a dictionary to 'partials_values_list'.
# Move to the next available debit line.
if not debit_values :
debit_values = next ( debit_values_list , None )
if not debit_values :
# Move to the next available credit line.
if not credit_values :
credit_values = next ( credit_values_list , None )
if not credit_values :
# ==== Compute the amounts to reconcile ====
results = self . _prepare_reconciliation_single_partial (
debit_values ,
credit_values ,
shadowed_aml_values = shadowed_aml_values ,
if results . get ( ' partial_values ' ) :
all_results . append ( results )
if results [ ' debit_values ' ] is None :
fully_reconciled_aml_ids . add ( debit_values [ ' aml ' ] . id )
debit_values = None
if results [ ' credit_values ' ] is None :
fully_reconciled_aml_ids . add ( credit_values [ ' aml ' ] . id )
credit_values = None
return all_results , fully_reconciled_aml_ids
def _prepare_reconciliation_plan ( self , plan , amls_values_map , shadowed_aml_values = None ) :
""" Perform virtually the reconciliation of the plan passed as parameter.
: param plan : The plan to know which lines to reconcile in which order .
: param amls_values_map : A mapping aml = > amount_residual / amount_residual_currency
: param shadowed_aml_values : A mapping aml - > dictionary to replace some original aml values to something else .
This is usefull if you want to preview the reconciliation before doing some changes
on amls like changing a date or an account .
: return : A list of all results returned by the ' _prepare_reconciliation_amls ' method .
all_fully_reconciled_aml_ids = set ( )
all_results = [ ]
def process_amls ( amls ) :
remaining_amls = amls . filtered ( lambda aml : aml . id not in all_fully_reconciled_aml_ids )
amls_results , fully_reconciled_aml_ids = self . _prepare_reconciliation_amls (
amls_values_map [ aml ]
for aml in remaining_amls
] ,
shadowed_aml_values = shadowed_aml_values ,
all_fully_reconciled_aml_ids . update ( fully_reconciled_aml_ids )
for amls_result in amls_results :
all_results . append ( amls_result )
def process_leaf ( plan_node ) :
# Sub plan to evaluate.
for child_node in plan_node . get ( ' nodes ' , [ ] ) :
process_leaf ( child_node )
# Group of amls to evaluate.
process_amls ( plan_node [ ' amls ' ] )
process_leaf ( plan )
return all_results
def _check_amls_exigibility_for_reconciliation ( self , shadowed_aml_values = None ) :
""" Ensure the current journal items are eligible to be reconciled together.
: param shadowed_aml_values : A mapping aml - > dictionary to replace some original aml values to something else .
This is usefull if you want to preview the reconciliation before doing some changes
on amls like changing a date or an account .
if not self :
if any ( aml . reconciled for aml in self ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " You are trying to reconcile some entries that are already reconciled. " ) )
if any ( aml . parent_state != ' posted ' for aml in self ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " You can only reconcile posted entries. " ) )
accounts = self . mapped ( lambda x : x . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' account_id ' , shadowed_aml_values ) )
if len ( accounts ) > 1 :
raise UserError ( _ (
" Entries are not from the same account: %s " ,
" , " . join ( accounts . mapped ( ' display_name ' ) ) ,
) )
if len ( self . company_id . root_id ) > 1 :
raise UserError ( _ (
" Entries don ' t belong to the same company: %s " ,
" , " . join ( self . company_id . mapped ( ' display_name ' ) ) ,
) )
if not accounts . reconcile and accounts . account_type not in ( ' asset_cash ' , ' liability_credit_card ' ) :
raise UserError ( _ (
" Account %s does not allow reconciliation. First change the configuration of this account "
" to allow it. " ,
accounts . display_name ,
) )
def _optimize_reconciliation_plan ( self , reconciliation_plan , shadowed_aml_values = None ) :
""" Decode the initial reconciliation plan passed as parameter and converted it into a list of tree depicting
the way the reconciliation should be done .
Also , this method is responsible sorting the amls and splitting them by currency .
Then , this method checks the parameter to ensure we are not going to perform any invalid reconciliation like
a cross - account / cross - company partial .
The split by currencies is made as follows .
Suppose account . move . line ( 1 , 2 ) are expressed in currency1 and account . move . line ( 3 , 4 ) are expressed
in currency2 .
If the reconciliation plan is [ account . move . line ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) ] , the optimizer will convert it into :
[ [ account . move . line ( 1 , 2 ) , account . move . line ( 3 , 4 ) ] ]
: param reconciliation_plan : A list of reconciliation to perform .
: param shadowed_aml_values : A mapping aml - > dictionary to replace some original aml values to something else .
This is usefull if you want to preview the reconciliation before doing some changes
on amls like changing a date or an account .
: return : A list of dictionaries containing :
* amls : A recordset .
* aml_ids : The recordset ids .
* nodes : A list of sub - nodes .
def process_amls ( amls ) :
if self . _context . get ( ' reduced_line_sorting ' ) :
sorted_amls = amls . sorted ( key = lambda aml : (
aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' date_maturity ' , shadowed_aml_values )
or aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' date ' , shadowed_aml_values ) ,
aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' currency_id ' , shadowed_aml_values ) ,
) )
else :
sorted_amls = amls . sorted ( key = lambda aml : (
aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' date_maturity ' , shadowed_aml_values )
or aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' date ' , shadowed_aml_values ) ,
aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' currency_id ' , shadowed_aml_values ) ,
aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' amount_currency ' , shadowed_aml_values ) ,
aml . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' balance ' , shadowed_aml_values ) ,
) )
currencies = sorted_amls . mapped ( lambda x : x . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' currency_id ' , shadowed_aml_values ) )
results = {
' amls ' : sorted_amls ,
' aml_ids ' : set ( sorted_amls . ids ) ,
if len ( currencies ) != 1 :
nodes = results [ ' nodes ' ] = [ ]
for currency in currencies :
amls_in_currency = sorted_amls \
. filtered ( lambda x : x . _get_reconciliation_aml_field_value ( ' currency_id ' , shadowed_aml_values ) == currency )
nodes . append ( {
' amls ' : amls_in_currency ,
' aml_ids ' : set ( amls_in_currency . ids ) ,
} )
return results
def process_children ( children ) :
node = {
' nodes ' : [ ] ,
' aml_ids ' : set ( ) ,
for child in children :
results = process_leaf ( child )
if results :
node [ ' nodes ' ] . append ( results )
node [ ' aml_ids ' ] . update ( results [ ' aml_ids ' ] )
node [ ' amls ' ] = self . browse ( node [ ' aml_ids ' ] )
return node
def process_leaf ( item ) :
if not item :
if isinstance ( item , models . BaseModel ) :
# Group of amls to evaluate.
return process_amls ( item )
else :
# Sub plan to evaluate.
return process_children ( item )
plan_list = [ ]
all_aml_ids = set ( )
for item in reconciliation_plan :
plan_node = process_leaf ( item )
if not plan_node or not plan_node . get ( ' amls ' ) :
# Check the amls to be reconciled all together.
amls = plan_node [ ' amls ' ]
amls . _check_amls_exigibility_for_reconciliation ( shadowed_aml_values = shadowed_aml_values )
plan_list . append ( plan_node )
all_aml_ids . update ( plan_node [ ' aml_ids ' ] )
return plan_list , self . browse ( all_aml_ids )
def _reconcile_pre_hook ( self ) :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
invoices = self . move_id . filtered ( lambda move : move . is_invoice ( include_receipts = True ) )
return {
' not_paid_invoices ' : invoices . filtered ( lambda inv : inv . payment_state not in ( ' paid ' , ' in_payment ' ) ) ,
' in_payment_invoices ' : invoices . filtered ( lambda inv : inv . payment_state == ' in_payment ' ) ,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def _reconcile_post_hook ( self , data ) :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
data [ ' not_paid_invoices ' ] . filtered ( lambda inv : inv . payment_state in ( ' paid ' , ' in_payment ' ) )
+ data [ ' in_payment_invoices ' ] . filtered ( lambda inv : inv . payment_state == ' paid ' )
) . _invoice_paid_hook ( )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def _reconcile_plan ( self , reconciliation_plan ) :
""" Reconcile the amls following the reconciliation plan.
The plan passed as parameter is a list of either a recordset of amls , either another plan .
For example :
[ account . move . line ( 1 , 2 ) , account . move . line ( 3 , 4 ) ] means :
- account . move . line ( 1 , 2 ) will be reconciled first .
- account . move . line ( 3 , 4 ) will be reconciled after .
[ [ account . move . line ( 1 , 2 ) , account . move . line ( 3 , 4 ) ] ] means :
- account . move . line ( 1 , 2 ) will be reconciled first .
- account . move . line ( 3 , 4 ) will be reconciled after .
- account . move . line ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) . filtered ( lambda x : not x . reconciled ) will be reconciled at the end .
: param reconciliation_plan : A list of reconciliation to perform .
# ==== Prepare the reconciliation ====
# Batch the amls all together to know what should be reconciled and when.
plan_list , all_amls = self . _optimize_reconciliation_plan ( reconciliation_plan )
move_container = { ' records ' : all_amls . move_id }
with all_amls . move_id . _check_balanced ( move_container ) , \
all_amls . move_id . _sync_dynamic_lines ( move_container ) :
self . _reconcile_plan_with_sync ( plan_list , all_amls )
def _reconcile_plan_with_sync ( self , plan_list , all_amls ) :
# Parameter allowing to disable the exchange journal entries on partials.
disable_partial_exchange_diff = bool ( self . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ] . sudo ( ) . get_param ( ' account.disable_partial_exchange_diff ' ) )
# ==== Prefetch the fields all at once to speedup the reconciliation ====
# All of those fields will be cached by the orm. Since the amls are split into multiple batches, the orm is not
# able to prefetch the data for all of them at once. For that reason, we force the orm to populate the cache
# before doing anything.
all_amls . move_id
all_amls . matched_debit_ids
all_amls . matched_credit_ids
# ==== Track the invoice's state to call the hook when they become paid ====
pre_hook_data = all_amls . _reconcile_pre_hook ( )
# ==== Collect amls data ====
# All residual amounts are collected and updated until the creation of partials in batch.
# This is done that way to minimize the orm time for fields invalidation/mark as recompute and
# recomputation.
aml_values_map = {
aml : {
' aml ' : aml ,
' amount_residual ' : aml . amount_residual ,
' amount_residual_currency ' : aml . amount_residual_currency ,
for aml in all_amls
# ==== Prepare the partials ====
partials_values_list = [ ]
exchange_diff_values_list = [ ]
exchange_diff_partial_index = [ ]
all_plan_results = [ ]
partial_index = 0
for plan in plan_list :
plan_results = self \
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
. with_context (
no_exchange_difference = self . _context . get ( ' no_exchange_difference ' ) or disable_partial_exchange_diff ,
no_exchange_difference_no_recursive = self . _context . get ( ' no_exchange_difference_no_recursive ' , False ) ,
) \
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
. _prepare_reconciliation_plan ( plan , aml_values_map )
all_plan_results . append ( plan_results )
for results in plan_results :
partials_values_list . append ( results [ ' partial_values ' ] )
if results . get ( ' exchange_values ' ) and results [ ' exchange_values ' ] [ ' move_values ' ] [ ' line_ids ' ] :
exchange_diff_values_list . append ( results [ ' exchange_values ' ] )
exchange_diff_partial_index . append ( partial_index )
partial_index + = 1
# ==== Create the partials ====
# Link the newly created partials to the plan. There are needed later for caba exchange entries.
partials = self . env [ ' account.partial.reconcile ' ] . create ( partials_values_list )
start_range = 0
for plan_results , plan in zip ( all_plan_results , plan_list ) :
size = len ( plan_results )
plan [ ' partials ' ] = partials [ start_range : start_range + size ]
start_range + = size
# ==== Create the partial exchange journal entries ====
exchange_moves = self . _create_exchange_difference_moves ( exchange_diff_values_list )
for index , exchange_move in zip ( exchange_diff_partial_index , exchange_moves ) :
partials [ index ] . exchange_move_id = exchange_move
# ==== Create entries for cash basis taxes ====
def is_cash_basis_needed ( amls ) :
return any ( amls . company_id . mapped ( ' tax_exigibility ' ) ) \
and amls . account_id . account_type in ( ' asset_receivable ' , ' liability_payable ' )
if not self . _context . get ( ' move_reverse_cancel ' ) and not self . _context . get ( ' no_cash_basis ' ) :
for plan in plan_list :
if is_cash_basis_needed ( plan [ ' amls ' ] ) :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
plan [ ' partials ' ] . with_context ( no_exchange_difference_no_recursive = False ) . _create_tax_cash_basis_moves ( )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# ==== Prepare full reconcile creation ====
# First, we need to find all sub-set of amls that are candidates for a full.
def is_line_reconciled ( aml , has_multiple_currencies ) :
# Check if the journal item passed as parameter is now fully reconciled.
if aml . reconciled :
return True
if not aml . matched_debit_ids and not aml . matched_credit_ids :
# Suppose a journal item having balance = 0 but an amount_currency like an exchange difference.
return False
if has_multiple_currencies :
return aml . company_currency_id . is_zero ( aml . amount_residual )
else :
return aml . currency_id . is_zero ( aml . amount_residual_currency )
full_batches = [ ]
all_aml_ids = set ( )
number2lines = all_amls . _reconciled_by_number ( )
for plan in plan_list :
for aml in plan [ ' amls ' ] :
if ' full_batch_index ' in aml_values_map [ aml ] :
involved_amls = plan [ ' amls ' ] . _filter_reconciled_by_number ( number2lines )
all_aml_ids . update ( involved_amls . ids )
full_batch_index = len ( full_batches )
has_multiple_currencies = len ( involved_amls . currency_id ) > 1
is_fully_reconciled = all (
is_line_reconciled ( involved_aml , has_multiple_currencies )
for involved_aml in involved_amls
full_batches . append ( {
' amls ' : involved_amls ,
' is_fully_reconciled ' : is_fully_reconciled ,
} )
for involved_aml in involved_amls :
if aml_values_map . get ( involved_aml ) :
aml_values_map [ involved_aml ] [ ' full_batch_index ' ] = full_batch_index
# ==== Prefetch the fields all at once to speedup the reconciliation ====
# Again, we do the same optimization for the prefetching. We need to do it again since most of the values have
# been invalidated with the creation of the account.partial.reconcile records.
all_amls = self . browse ( list ( all_aml_ids ) )
all_amls . move_id
all_amls . matched_debit_ids
all_amls . matched_credit_ids
# ==== Prepare the full exchange journal entries ====
# This part could be bypassed using the 'no_exchange_difference' key inside the context. This is useful
# when importing a full accounting including the reconciliation like Winbooks.
exchange_diff_values_list = [ ]
exchange_diff_full_batch_index = [ ]
if not self . _context . get ( ' no_exchange_difference ' ) :
for full_batch_index , full_batch in enumerate ( full_batches ) :
involved_amls = full_batch [ ' amls ' ]
if not full_batch [ ' is_fully_reconciled ' ] :
# In normal cases, the exchange differences are already generated by the partial at this point meaning
# there is no journal item left with a zero amount residual in one currency but not in the other.
# However, after a migration coming from an older version with an older partial reconciliation or due to
# some rounding issues (when dealing with different decimal places for example), we could need an extra
# exchange difference journal entry to handle them.
exchange_lines_to_fix = self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ]
amounts_list = [ ]
exchange_max_date = date . min
for aml in involved_amls :
if not aml . company_currency_id . is_zero ( aml . amount_residual ) :
exchange_lines_to_fix + = aml
amounts_list . append ( { ' amount_residual ' : aml . amount_residual } )
elif not aml . currency_id . is_zero ( aml . amount_residual_currency ) :
exchange_lines_to_fix + = aml
amounts_list . append ( { ' amount_residual_currency ' : aml . amount_residual_currency } )
exchange_max_date = max ( exchange_max_date , aml . date )
exchange_diff_values = exchange_lines_to_fix . _prepare_exchange_difference_move_vals (
amounts_list ,
company = involved_amls . company_id ,
exchange_date = exchange_max_date ,
# Exchange difference for cash basis entries.
# If we are fully reversing the entry, no need to fix anything since the journal entry
# is exactly the mirror of the source journal entry.
caba_lines_to_reconcile = None
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
if is_cash_basis_needed ( involved_amls ) and not self . _context . get ( ' move_reverse_cancel ' ) and not self . _context . get ( ' no_cash_basis ' ) :
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
caba_lines_to_reconcile = involved_amls . _add_exchange_difference_cash_basis_vals ( exchange_diff_values )
# Prepare the exchange difference.
if exchange_diff_values [ ' move_values ' ] [ ' line_ids ' ] :
exchange_diff_full_batch_index . append ( full_batch_index )
exchange_diff_values_list . append ( exchange_diff_values )
full_batch [ ' caba_lines_to_reconcile ' ] = caba_lines_to_reconcile
# ==== Create the full exchange journal entries ====
exchange_moves = self . _create_exchange_difference_moves ( exchange_diff_values_list )
for full_batch_index , exchange_move in zip ( exchange_diff_full_batch_index , exchange_moves ) :
full_batch = full_batches [ full_batch_index ]
amls = full_batch [ ' amls ' ]
full_batch [ ' exchange_move ' ] = exchange_move
exchange_move_lines = exchange_move . line_ids . filtered ( lambda line : line . account_id == amls . account_id )
full_batch [ ' amls ' ] | = exchange_move_lines
# ==== Create the full reconcile ====
# Note we are using Command.link and not Command.set because Command.set is triggering an unlink that is
# slowing down the assignation of the co-fields. Indeed, unlink is forcing a flush.
full_reconcile_values_list = [ ]
full_reconcile_full_batch_index = [ ]
for full_batch_index , full_batch in enumerate ( full_batches ) :
amls = full_batch [ ' amls ' ]
involved_partials = amls . matched_debit_ids + amls . matched_credit_ids
if full_batch [ ' is_fully_reconciled ' ] :
full_reconcile_values_list . append ( {
' exchange_move_id ' : full_batch . get ( ' exchange_move ' ) and full_batch [ ' exchange_move ' ] . id ,
' partial_reconcile_ids ' : [ Command . link ( partial . id ) for partial in involved_partials ] ,
' reconciled_line_ids ' : [ Command . link ( aml . id ) for aml in amls ] ,
} )
full_reconcile_full_batch_index . append ( full_batch_index )
self . env [ ' account.full.reconcile ' ] . create ( full_reconcile_values_list )
# === Cash basis rounding autoreconciliation ===
# In case a cash basis rounding difference line got created for the transition account, we reconcile it with the corresponding lines
# on the cash basis moves (so that it reaches full reconciliation and creates an exchange difference entry for this account as well)
for full_batch in full_batches :
if not full_batch . get ( ' caba_lines_to_reconcile ' ) :
caba_lines_to_reconcile = full_batch [ ' caba_lines_to_reconcile ' ]
exchange_move = full_batch [ ' exchange_move ' ]
for ( dummy , account , repartition_line ) , amls_to_reconcile in caba_lines_to_reconcile . items ( ) :
if not account . reconcile :
exchange_line = exchange_move . line_ids . filtered (
lambda l : l . account_id == account and l . tax_repartition_line_id == repartition_line
( exchange_line + amls_to_reconcile ) \
. filtered ( lambda l : not l . reconciled ) \
. reconcile ( )
all_amls . _reconcile_post_hook ( pre_hook_data )
def _create_reconciliation_partials ( self ) :
''' create the partial reconciliation between all the records in self
: return : A recordset of account . partial . reconcile .
partials_vals_list , exchange_data = self . _prepare_reconciliation_partials ( [
' aml ' : line ,
' amount_residual ' : line . amount_residual ,
' amount_residual_currency ' : line . amount_residual_currency ,
for line in self
] )
partials = self . env [ ' account.partial.reconcile ' ] . create ( partials_vals_list )
# ==== Create exchange difference moves ====
for index , exchange_values in exchange_data . items ( ) :
partials [ index ] . exchange_move_id = self . _create_exchange_difference_move ( exchange_values )
return partials
def _prepare_exchange_difference_move_vals ( self , amounts_list , company = None , exchange_date = None , * * kwargs ) :
""" Prepare values to create later the exchange difference journal entry.
The exchange difference journal entry is there to fix the debit / credit of lines when the journal items are
fully reconciled in foreign currency .
: param amounts_list : A list of dict , one for each aml .
: param company : The company in case there is no aml in self .
: param exchange_date : Optional date object providing the date to consider for the exchange difference .
: return : A python dictionary containing :
* move_vals : A dictionary to be passed to the account . move . create method .
* to_reconcile : A list of tuple < move_line , sequence > in order to perform the reconciliation after the move
creation .
company = (
( self . move_id . filtered ( lambda m : m . is_invoice ( True ) ) or self . move_id ) . company_id
or company
) [ : 1 ]
if not company :
journal = company . currency_exchange_journal_id
expense_exchange_account = company . expense_currency_exchange_account_id
income_exchange_account = company . income_currency_exchange_account_id
accounting_exchange_date = journal . with_context ( move_date = exchange_date ) . accounting_date if journal else date . min
move_vals = {
' move_type ' : ' entry ' ,
' name ' : ' / ' , # do not trigger the compute name before posting as it will most likely be posted immediately after
' date ' : accounting_exchange_date ,
' journal_id ' : journal . id ,
' line_ids ' : [ ] ,
' always_tax_exigible ' : True ,
to_reconcile = [ ]
for line , amounts in zip ( self , amounts_list ) :
move_vals [ ' date ' ] = max ( move_vals [ ' date ' ] , line . date )
if ' amount_residual ' in amounts :
amount_residual = amounts [ ' amount_residual ' ]
amount_residual_currency = 0.0
if line . currency_id == line . company_id . currency_id :
amount_residual_currency = amount_residual
amount_residual_to_fix = amount_residual
if line . company_currency_id . is_zero ( amount_residual ) :
elif ' amount_residual_currency ' in amounts :
amount_residual = 0.0
amount_residual_currency = amounts [ ' amount_residual_currency ' ]
amount_residual_to_fix = amount_residual_currency
if line . currency_id . is_zero ( amount_residual_currency ) :
else :
if amount_residual_to_fix > 0.0 :
exchange_line_account = expense_exchange_account
else :
exchange_line_account = income_exchange_account
sequence = len ( move_vals [ ' line_ids ' ] )
line_vals = [
' name ' : _ ( ' Currency exchange rate difference ' ) ,
' debit ' : - amount_residual if amount_residual < 0.0 else 0.0 ,
' credit ' : amount_residual if amount_residual > 0.0 else 0.0 ,
' amount_currency ' : - amount_residual_currency ,
' full_reconcile_id ' : line . full_reconcile_id . id ,
' account_id ' : line . account_id . id ,
' currency_id ' : line . currency_id . id ,
' partner_id ' : line . partner_id . id ,
' sequence ' : sequence ,
} ,
' name ' : _ ( ' Currency exchange rate difference ' ) ,
' debit ' : amount_residual if amount_residual > 0.0 else 0.0 ,
' credit ' : - amount_residual if amount_residual < 0.0 else 0.0 ,
' amount_currency ' : amount_residual_currency ,
' account_id ' : exchange_line_account . id ,
' currency_id ' : line . currency_id . id ,
' partner_id ' : line . partner_id . id ,
' sequence ' : sequence + 1 ,
} ,
if kwargs . get ( ' exchange_analytic_distribution ' ) :
line_vals [ 1 ] . update ( { ' analytic_distribution ' : kwargs [ ' exchange_analytic_distribution ' ] } )
move_vals [ ' line_ids ' ] + = [ Command . create ( vals ) for vals in line_vals ]
to_reconcile . append ( ( line , sequence ) )
return { ' move_values ' : move_vals , ' to_reconcile ' : to_reconcile }
def _create_exchange_difference_moves ( self , exchange_diff_values_list ) :
""" Create the exchange difference journal entry on the current journal items.
: param exchange_diff_values_list : A list of values to create and reconcile the exchange differences
See the ' _prepare_exchange_difference_move_vals ' method .
: return : An account . move recordset .
exchange_move_values_list = [ ]
journal_ids = set ( )
for exchange_diff_values in exchange_diff_values_list :
move_vals = exchange_diff_values [ ' move_values ' ]
exchange_move_values_list . append ( move_vals )
if not move_vals [ ' journal_id ' ] :
raise UserError ( _ (
" You have to configure the ' Exchange Gain or Loss Journal ' in your company settings, to manage "
" automatically the booking of accounting entries related to differences between exchange rates. "
) )
journal_ids . add ( move_vals [ ' journal_id ' ] )
if not exchange_move_values_list :
return self . env [ ' account.move ' ]
# ==== Check the config ====
journals = self . env [ ' account.journal ' ] . browse ( list ( journal_ids ) )
for journal in journals :
if not journal . company_id . expense_currency_exchange_account_id :
raise UserError ( _ (
" You should configure the ' Loss Exchange Rate Account ' in your company settings, to manage "
" automatically the booking of accounting entries related to differences between exchange rates. "
) )
if not journal . company_id . income_currency_exchange_account_id . id :
raise UserError ( _ (
" You should configure the ' Gain Exchange Rate Account ' in your company settings, to manage "
" automatically the booking of accounting entries related to differences between exchange rates. "
) )
# ==== Create the move ====
exchange_moves = self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . create ( exchange_move_values_list )
exchange_moves . _post ( soft = False )
# ==== Reconcile ====
reconciliation_plan = [ ]
for exchange_move , exchange_diff_values in zip ( exchange_moves , exchange_diff_values_list ) :
for source_line , sequence in exchange_diff_values [ ' to_reconcile ' ] :
exchange_diff_line = exchange_move . line_ids [ sequence ]
reconciliation_plan . append ( ( source_line + exchange_diff_line ) )
self \
. with_context ( no_exchange_difference = True ) \
. _reconcile_plan ( reconciliation_plan )
return exchange_moves
def _add_exchange_difference_cash_basis_vals ( self , exchange_diff_vals ) :
""" Generate the exchange difference values used to create the journal items
in order to fix the cash basis lines using the transfer account in a multi - currencies
environment when this account is not a reconcile one .
When the tax cash basis journal entries are generated and all involved
transfer account set on taxes are all reconcilable , the account balance
will be reset to zero by the exchange difference journal items generated
above . However , this mechanism will not work if there is any transfer
accounts that are not reconcile and we are generating the cash basis
journal items in a foreign currency . In that specific case , we need to
generate extra journal items at the generation of the exchange difference
journal entry to ensure this balance is reset to zero and then , will not
appear on the tax report leading to erroneous tax base amount / tax amount .
: param exchange_diff_vals : The current vals of the exchange difference journal entry created by the
' _prepare_exchange_difference_move_vals ' method .
caba_lines_to_reconcile = defaultdict ( lambda : self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ] ) # in the form {(move, account, repartition_line): move_lines}
move_vals = exchange_diff_vals [ ' move_values ' ]
for move in self . move_id :
account_vals_to_fix = { }
move_values = move . _collect_tax_cash_basis_values ( )
# The cash basis doesn't need to be handled for this move because there is another payment term
# line that is not yet fully paid.
if not move_values or not move_values [ ' is_fully_paid ' ] :
# ==========================================================================
# Add the balance of all tax lines of the current move in order in order
# to compute the residual amount for each of them.
# ==========================================================================
caba_rounding_diff_label = _ ( " Cash basis rounding difference " )
move_vals [ ' date ' ] = max ( move_vals [ ' date ' ] , move . date )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
move_vals [ ' journal_id ' ] = self . company_id . tax_cash_basis_journal_id . id
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
for caba_treatment , line in move_values [ ' to_process_lines ' ] :
vals = {
' name ' : caba_rounding_diff_label ,
' currency_id ' : line . currency_id . id ,
' partner_id ' : line . partner_id . id ,
' tax_ids ' : [ Command . set ( line . tax_ids . ids ) ] ,
' tax_tag_ids ' : [ Command . set ( line . tax_tag_ids . ids ) ] ,
' debit ' : line . debit ,
' credit ' : line . credit ,
' amount_currency ' : line . amount_currency ,
if caba_treatment == ' tax ' :
# Tax line.
grouping_key = self . env [ ' account.partial.reconcile ' ] . _get_cash_basis_tax_line_grouping_key_from_record ( line )
if grouping_key in account_vals_to_fix :
debit = account_vals_to_fix [ grouping_key ] [ ' debit ' ] + vals [ ' debit ' ]
credit = account_vals_to_fix [ grouping_key ] [ ' credit ' ] + vals [ ' credit ' ]
balance = debit - credit
account_vals_to_fix [ grouping_key ] . update ( {
' debit ' : balance if balance > 0 else 0 ,
' credit ' : - balance if balance < 0 else 0 ,
' tax_base_amount ' : account_vals_to_fix [ grouping_key ] [ ' tax_base_amount ' ] + line . tax_base_amount ,
' amount_currency ' : account_vals_to_fix [ grouping_key ] [ ' amount_currency ' ] + line . amount_currency ,
} )
else :
account_vals_to_fix [ grouping_key ] = {
* * vals ,
' account_id ' : line . account_id . id ,
' tax_base_amount ' : line . tax_base_amount ,
' tax_repartition_line_id ' : line . tax_repartition_line_id . id ,
if line . account_id . reconcile :
caba_lines_to_reconcile [ ( move , line . account_id , line . tax_repartition_line_id ) ] | = line
elif caba_treatment == ' base ' :
# Base line.
account_to_fix = line . company_id . account_cash_basis_base_account_id
if not account_to_fix :
grouping_key = self . env [ ' account.partial.reconcile ' ] . _get_cash_basis_base_line_grouping_key_from_record ( line , account = account_to_fix )
if grouping_key not in account_vals_to_fix :
account_vals_to_fix [ grouping_key ] = {
* * vals ,
' account_id ' : account_to_fix . id ,
else :
# Multiple base lines could share the same key, if the same
# cash basis tax is used alone on several lines of the invoices
account_vals_to_fix [ grouping_key ] [ ' debit ' ] + = vals [ ' debit ' ]
account_vals_to_fix [ grouping_key ] [ ' credit ' ] + = vals [ ' credit ' ]
account_vals_to_fix [ grouping_key ] [ ' amount_currency ' ] + = vals [ ' amount_currency ' ]
# ==========================================================================
# Subtract the balance of all previously generated cash basis journal entries
# in order to retrieve the residual balance of each involved transfer account.
# ==========================================================================
cash_basis_moves = self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . search ( [ ( ' tax_cash_basis_origin_move_id ' , ' = ' , move . id ) ] )
caba_transition_accounts = self . env [ ' account.account ' ]
for line in cash_basis_moves . line_ids :
grouping_key = None
if line . tax_repartition_line_id :
# Tax line.
transition_account = line . tax_line_id . cash_basis_transition_account_id
grouping_key = self . env [ ' account.partial.reconcile ' ] . _get_cash_basis_tax_line_grouping_key_from_record (
line ,
account = transition_account ,
caba_transition_accounts | = transition_account
elif line . tax_ids :
# Base line.
grouping_key = self . env [ ' account.partial.reconcile ' ] . _get_cash_basis_base_line_grouping_key_from_record (
line ,
account = line . company_id . account_cash_basis_base_account_id ,
if grouping_key not in account_vals_to_fix :
account_vals_to_fix [ grouping_key ] [ ' debit ' ] - = line . debit
account_vals_to_fix [ grouping_key ] [ ' credit ' ] - = line . credit
account_vals_to_fix [ grouping_key ] [ ' amount_currency ' ] - = line . amount_currency
# Collect the caba lines affecting the transition account.
for transition_line in filter ( lambda x : x . account_id in caba_transition_accounts , cash_basis_moves . line_ids ) :
caba_reconcile_key = ( transition_line . move_id , transition_line . account_id , transition_line . tax_repartition_line_id )
caba_lines_to_reconcile [ caba_reconcile_key ] | = transition_line
# ==========================================================================
# Generate the exchange difference journal items:
# - to reset the balance of all transfer account to zero.
# - fix rounding issues on the tax account/base tax account.
# ==========================================================================
currency = move_values [ ' currency ' ]
# To know which rate to use for the adjustment, get the rate used by the most recent cash basis move
last_caba_move = max ( cash_basis_moves , key = lambda m : m . date ) if cash_basis_moves else self . env [ ' account.move ' ]
currency_line = last_caba_move . line_ids . filtered ( lambda x : x . currency_id == currency ) [ : 1 ]
currency_rate = currency_line . balance / currency_line . amount_currency if currency_line . amount_currency else 1.0
existing_line_vals_list = move_vals [ ' line_ids ' ]
next_sequence = len ( existing_line_vals_list )
for grouping_key , values in account_vals_to_fix . items ( ) :
if currency . is_zero ( values [ ' amount_currency ' ] ) :
# There is a rounding error due to multiple payments on the foreign currency amount
balance = currency . round ( currency_rate * values [ ' amount_currency ' ] )
if values . get ( ' tax_repartition_line_id ' ) :
# Tax line
tax_repartition_line = self . env [ ' account.tax.repartition.line ' ] . browse ( values [ ' tax_repartition_line_id ' ] )
account = tax_repartition_line . account_id or self . env [ ' account.account ' ] . browse ( values [ ' account_id ' ] )
existing_line_vals_list . extend ( [
Command . create ( {
* * values ,
' debit ' : balance if balance > 0.0 else 0.0 ,
' credit ' : - balance if balance < 0.0 else 0.0 ,
' amount_currency ' : values [ ' amount_currency ' ] ,
' account_id ' : account . id ,
' sequence ' : next_sequence ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
* * values ,
' debit ' : - balance if balance < 0.0 else 0.0 ,
' credit ' : balance if balance > 0.0 else 0.0 ,
' amount_currency ' : - values [ ' amount_currency ' ] ,
' account_id ' : values [ ' account_id ' ] ,
' tax_ids ' : [ ] ,
' tax_tag_ids ' : [ ] ,
' tax_base_amount ' : 0 ,
' tax_repartition_line_id ' : False ,
' sequence ' : next_sequence + 1 ,
} ) ,
] )
else :
# Base line
existing_line_vals_list . extend ( [
Command . create ( {
* * values ,
' debit ' : balance if balance > 0.0 else 0.0 ,
' credit ' : - balance if balance < 0.0 else 0.0 ,
' amount_currency ' : values [ ' amount_currency ' ] ,
' sequence ' : next_sequence ,
} ) ,
Command . create ( {
* * values ,
' debit ' : - balance if balance < 0.0 else 0.0 ,
' credit ' : balance if balance > 0.0 else 0.0 ,
' amount_currency ' : - values [ ' amount_currency ' ] ,
' tax_ids ' : [ ] ,
' tax_tag_ids ' : [ ] ,
' sequence ' : next_sequence + 1 ,
} ) ,
] )
next_sequence + = 2
return caba_lines_to_reconcile
def reconcile ( self ) :
""" Reconcile the current move lines all together. """
return self . _reconcile_plan ( [ self ] )
def remove_move_reconcile ( self ) :
""" Undo a reconciliation """
( self . matched_debit_ids + self . matched_credit_ids ) . unlink ( )
def action_unreconcile_match_entries ( self ) :
""" This method will do the unreconcile action in the list view of the moves """
active_ids = self . _context . get ( ' active_ids ' )
if active_ids :
move_lines = self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ] . browse ( active_ids ) . _all_reconciled_lines ( )
move_lines . remove_move_reconcile ( )
def _reconcile_marked ( self ) :
""" Process the pending reconciliation of entries marked (i.e. uring imports).
The entries can be marked using the string ` I * ` as matching number where ` * ` can be anything .
Once all the entries using identical numbers are posted , this function proceeds to do the real matching .
temp_numbers = list ( {
line . matching_number
for line in self
if line . matching_number and line . matching_number . startswith ( ' I ' )
} )
if temp_numbers :
for _matching_number , account , lines in self . _read_group (
domain = [ ( ' matching_number ' , ' in ' , temp_numbers ) ] ,
groupby = [ ' matching_number ' , ' account_id ' ] ,
aggregates = [ ' id:recordset ' ] ,
) :
if all ( move . state == ' posted ' for move in lines . move_id ) :
if not account . reconcile :
_logger . info ( " %s has reconciled lines, changing the config " , account . display_name )
account . reconcile = True
lines . with_context ( no_exchange_difference = True , no_cash_basis = True ) . reconcile ( )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _validate_analytic_distribution ( self ) :
for line in self . filtered ( lambda line : line . display_type == ' product ' ) :
line . _validate_distribution ( * * {
' product ' : line . product_id . id ,
' account ' : line . account_id . id ,
' business_domain ' : line . move_id . move_type in [ ' out_invoice ' , ' out_refund ' , ' out_receipt ' ] and ' invoice '
or line . move_id . move_type in [ ' in_invoice ' , ' in_refund ' , ' in_receipt ' ] and ' bill '
or ' general ' ,
' company_id ' : line . company_id . id ,
} )
def _create_analytic_lines ( self ) :
""" Create analytic items upon validation of an account.move.line having an analytic distribution.
self . _validate_analytic_distribution ( )
analytic_line_vals = [ ]
for line in self :
analytic_line_vals . extend ( line . _prepare_analytic_lines ( ) )
self . env [ ' account.analytic.line ' ] . create ( analytic_line_vals )
def _prepare_analytic_lines ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
analytic_line_vals = [ ]
if self . analytic_distribution :
# distribution_on_each_plan corresponds to the proportion that is distributed to each plan to be able to
# give the real amount when we achieve a 100% distribution
distribution_on_each_plan = { }
for account_ids , distribution in self . analytic_distribution . items ( ) :
line_values = self . _prepare_analytic_distribution_line ( float ( distribution ) , account_ids , distribution_on_each_plan )
if not self . currency_id . is_zero ( line_values . get ( ' amount ' ) ) :
analytic_line_vals . append ( line_values )
return analytic_line_vals
def _prepare_analytic_distribution_line ( self , distribution , account_ids , distribution_on_each_plan ) :
""" Prepare the values used to create() an account.analytic.line upon validation of an account.move.line having
analytic tags with analytic distribution .
self . ensure_one ( )
account_field_values = { }
decimal_precision = self . env [ ' decimal.precision ' ] . precision_get ( ' Percentage Analytic ' )
amount = 0
for account in self . env [ ' account.analytic.account ' ] . browse ( map ( int , account_ids . split ( " , " ) ) ) . exists ( ) :
distribution_plan = distribution_on_each_plan . get ( account . root_plan_id , 0 ) + distribution
if float_compare ( distribution_plan , 100 , precision_digits = decimal_precision ) == 0 :
amount = - self . balance * ( 100 - distribution_on_each_plan . get ( account . root_plan_id , 0 ) ) / 100.0
else :
amount = - self . balance * distribution / 100.0
distribution_on_each_plan [ account . root_plan_id ] = distribution_plan
account_field_values [ account . plan_id . _column_name ( ) ] = account . id
default_name = self . name or ( self . ref or ' / ' + ' -- ' + ( self . partner_id and self . partner_id . name or ' / ' ) )
return {
' name ' : default_name ,
' date ' : self . date ,
* * account_field_values ,
' partner_id ' : self . partner_id . id ,
' unit_amount ' : self . quantity ,
' product_id ' : self . product_id and self . product_id . id or False ,
' product_uom_id ' : self . product_uom_id and self . product_uom_id . id or False ,
' amount ' : amount ,
' general_account_id ' : self . account_id . id ,
' ref ' : self . ref ,
' move_line_id ' : self . id ,
' user_id ' : self . move_id . invoice_user_id . id or self . _uid ,
' company_id ' : self . company_id . id or self . env . company . id ,
' category ' : ' invoice ' if self . move_id . is_sale_document ( ) else ' vendor_bill ' if self . move_id . is_purchase_document ( ) else ' other ' ,
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_installments_data ( self , payment_currency = None , payment_date = None , next_payment_date = None ) :
move = self . move_id
move . ensure_one ( )
payment_date = payment_date or fields . Date . context_today ( self )
term_lines = self . sorted ( key = lambda line : ( line . date_maturity , line . date ) )
sign = move . direction_sign
installments = [ ]
first_installment_mode = False
current_installment_mode = False
for i , line in enumerate ( term_lines , start = 1 ) :
installment = {
' number ' : i ,
' line ' : line ,
' date_maturity ' : line . date_maturity or line . date ,
' amount_residual_currency ' : line . amount_residual_currency ,
' amount_residual ' : line . amount_residual ,
' amount_residual_currency_unsigned ' : - sign * line . amount_residual_currency ,
' amount_residual_unsigned ' : - sign * line . amount_residual ,
' type ' : ' other ' ,
' reconciled ' : line . reconciled ,
installments . append ( installment )
# Already reconciled.
if line . reconciled :
# Early payment discount.
# In that case, we want to report the difference of the epd and display it on the UI.
if move . _is_eligible_for_early_payment_discount ( payment_currency or line . currency_id , payment_date ) :
installment . update ( {
' amount_residual_currency ' : line . discount_amount_currency ,
' amount_residual ' : line . discount_balance ,
' amount_residual_currency_unsigned ' : - sign * line . discount_amount_currency ,
' amount_residual_unsigned ' : - sign * line . discount_balance ,
' discount_amount_currency ' : line . amount_currency - line . discount_amount_currency ,
' discount_amount ' : line . balance - line . discount_balance ,
' type ' : ' early_payment_discount ' ,
} )
# Installments.
# In case of overdue, all of them are sum as a default amount to be paid.
# The next installment is added for the difference.
if line . display_type == ' payment_term ' :
if next_payment_date and ( line . date_maturity or line . date ) < = next_payment_date :
current_installment_mode = ' before_date '
elif ( line . date_maturity or line . date ) < payment_date :
# Collect all overdue installments.
first_installment_mode = current_installment_mode = ' overdue '
elif not first_installment_mode :
# Suggest the next installment in case of no overdue.
first_installment_mode = ' next '
current_installment_mode = ' next '
elif current_installment_mode == ' overdue ' :
# After an overdue, just add the next installment for the difference.
current_installment_mode = ' next '
installment [ ' type ' ] = current_installment_mode
return installments
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_integrity_hash_fields ( self ) :
# Use the new hash version by default, but keep the old one for backward compatibility when generating the integrity report.
hash_version = self . _context . get ( ' hash_version ' , MAX_HASH_VERSION )
if hash_version == 1 :
return [ ' debit ' , ' credit ' , ' account_id ' , ' partner_id ' ]
elif hash_version in ( 2 , 3 , 4 ) :
return [ ' name ' , ' debit ' , ' credit ' , ' account_id ' , ' partner_id ' ]
raise NotImplementedError ( f " hash_version= { hash_version } doesn ' t exist " )
def _reconciled_lines ( self ) :
ids = [ ]
for aml in self . filtered ( ' reconciled ' ) :
ids . extend ( [ r . debit_move_id . id for r in aml . matched_debit_ids ] if aml . credit > 0 else [ r . credit_move_id . id for r in aml . matched_credit_ids ] )
ids . append ( aml . id )
return ids
def _reconciled_by_number ( self ) - > dict :
""" Get the mapping of all the lines matched with the lines in self grouped by matching number. """
matching_numbers = [ n for n in set ( self . mapped ( ' matching_number ' ) ) if n ]
if matching_numbers :
return dict ( self . _read_group (
domain = [ ( ' matching_number ' , ' in ' , matching_numbers ) ] ,
groupby = [ ' matching_number ' ] ,
aggregates = [ ' id:recordset ' ] ,
) )
return { }
def _filter_reconciled_by_number ( self , mapping : dict ) :
""" Get all the the lines matched with the lines in self.
Uses a mapping built with ` _reconciled_by_number ` to avoid multiple calls to the database .
matching_numbers = [ n for n in set ( self . mapped ( ' matching_number ' ) ) if n ]
return self | self . browse ( [ _id for number in matching_numbers for _id in mapping [ number ] . ids ] )
def _all_reconciled_lines ( self ) :
""" Get all the the lines matched with the lines in self. """
return self . _filter_reconciled_by_number ( self . _reconciled_by_number ( ) )
def _get_attachment_domains ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
domains = [ [
( ' res_model ' , ' = ' , ' account.move ' ) ,
( ' res_id ' , ' = ' , self . move_id . id ) ,
( ' res_field ' , ' in ' , ( False , ' invoice_pdf_report_file ' ) ) ,
] ]
if self . statement_id :
domains . append ( [ ( ' res_model ' , ' = ' , ' account.bank.statement ' ) , ( ' res_id ' , ' = ' , self . statement_id . id ) ] )
if self . payment_id :
domains . append ( [ ( ' res_model ' , ' = ' , ' account.payment ' ) , ( ' res_id ' , ' = ' , self . payment_id . id ) ] )
return domains
def _get_tax_exigible_domain ( self ) :
""" Returns a domain to be used to identify the move lines that are allowed
to be taken into account in the tax report .
return [
# Lines on moves without any payable or receivable line are always exigible
' | ' , ( ' move_id.always_tax_exigible ' , ' = ' , True ) ,
# Lines with only tags are always exigible
' | ' , ' & ' , ( ' tax_line_id ' , ' = ' , False ) , ( ' tax_ids ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
# Lines from CABA entries are always exigible
' | ' , ( ' move_id.tax_cash_basis_rec_id ' , ' != ' , False ) ,
# Lines from non-CABA taxes are always exigible
' | ' , ( ' tax_line_id.tax_exigibility ' , ' != ' , ' on_payment ' ) ,
( ' tax_ids.tax_exigibility ' , ' != ' , ' on_payment ' ) , # So: exigible if at least one tax from tax_ids isn't on_payment
def _get_invoiced_qty_per_product ( self ) :
qties = defaultdict ( float )
for aml in self :
qty = aml . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity ( aml . quantity , aml . product_id . uom_id )
if aml . move_id . move_type == ' out_invoice ' :
qties [ aml . product_id ] + = qty
elif aml . move_id . move_type == ' out_refund ' :
qties [ aml . product_id ] - = qty
return qties
def _get_lock_date_protected_fields ( self ) :
""" Returns the names of the fields that should be protected by the accounting fiscal year and tax lock dates
tax_fnames = [ ' balance ' , ' tax_line_id ' , ' tax_ids ' , ' tax_tag_ids ' ]
fiscal_fnames = tax_fnames + [ ' account_id ' , ' journal_id ' , ' amount_currency ' , ' currency_id ' , ' partner_id ' ]
reconciliation_fnames = [ ' account_id ' , ' date ' , ' balance ' , ' amount_currency ' , ' currency_id ' , ' partner_id ' ]
return {
' tax ' : tax_fnames ,
' fiscal ' : fiscal_fnames ,
' reconciliation ' : reconciliation_fnames ,
def get_import_templates ( self ) :
return [ {
' label ' : _ ( ' Import Template for Journal Items ' ) ,
' template ' : ' /account/static/xls/aml_import_template.xlsx '
} ]
def _prepare_edi_vals_to_export ( self ) :
''' The purpose of this helper is the same as ' _prepare_edi_vals_to_export ' but for a single invoice line.
This includes the computation of the tax details for each invoice line or the management of the discount .
Indeed , in some EDI , we need to provide extra values depending the discount such as :
- the discount as an amount instead of a percentage .
- the price_unit but after subtraction of the discount .
: return : A python dict containing default pre - processed values .
self . ensure_one ( )
if self . discount == 100.0 :
gross_price_subtotal = self . currency_id . round ( self . price_unit * self . quantity )
else :
gross_price_subtotal = self . currency_id . round ( self . price_subtotal / ( 1 - self . discount / 100.0 ) )
res = {
' line ' : self ,
' price_unit_after_discount ' : self . currency_id . round ( self . price_unit * ( 1 - ( self . discount / 100.0 ) ) ) ,
' price_subtotal_before_discount ' : gross_price_subtotal ,
' price_subtotal_unit ' : self . currency_id . round ( self . price_subtotal / self . quantity ) if self . quantity else 0.0 ,
' price_total_unit ' : self . currency_id . round ( self . price_total / self . quantity ) if self . quantity else 0.0 ,
' price_discount ' : gross_price_subtotal - self . price_subtotal ,
' price_discount_unit ' : ( gross_price_subtotal - self . price_subtotal ) / self . quantity if self . quantity else 0.0 ,
' gross_price_total_unit ' : self . currency_id . round ( gross_price_subtotal / self . quantity ) if self . quantity else 0.0 ,
' unece_uom_code ' : self . product_id . product_tmpl_id . uom_id . _get_unece_code ( ) ,
return res
def read_group ( self , domain , fields , groupby , offset = 0 , limit = None , orderby = False , lazy = True ) :
# Hide total amount_currency from read_group when view is not grouped by currency_id. Avoids mix of currencies
res = super ( ) . read_group ( domain , fields , groupby , offset = offset , limit = limit , orderby = orderby , lazy = lazy )
if ' currency_id ' not in groupby and ' amount_currency:sum ' in fields :
for group_line in res :
group_line [ ' amount_currency ' ] = False
return res
def _get_journal_items_full_name ( self , name , display_name ) :
return name if not display_name or display_name in name else f " { display_name } { name } "
def _check_edi_line_tax_required ( self ) :
return self . product_id . type != ' combo '
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def open_reconcile_view ( self ) :
action = self . env [ ' ir.actions.act_window ' ] . _for_xml_id ( ' account.action_account_moves_all_grouped_matching ' )
ids = self . _all_reconciled_lines ( ) . filtered ( lambda l : l . matched_debit_ids or l . matched_credit_ids ) . ids
action [ ' domain ' ] = [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , ids ) ]
return clean_action ( action , self . env )
def action_open_business_doc ( self ) :
return self . move_id . action_open_business_doc ( )
def action_automatic_entry ( self , default_action = None ) :
action = self . env [ ' ir.actions.act_window ' ] . _for_xml_id ( ' account.account_automatic_entry_wizard_action ' )
# Force the values of the move line in the context to avoid issues
ctx = dict ( self . env . context )
ctx . pop ( ' active_id ' , None )
ctx . pop ( ' default_journal_id ' , None )
ctx [ ' active_ids ' ] = self . ids
ctx [ ' active_model ' ] = ' account.move.line '
if default_action :
ctx [ ' default_action ' ] = default_action
action [ ' context ' ] = ctx
return action
def action_add_from_catalog ( self ) :
""" Will open the catalog view """
move = self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . browse ( self . env . context . get ( ' order_id ' ) )
return move . action_add_from_catalog ( )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Catalog
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_product_catalog_lines_data ( self , * * kwargs ) :
Return information about account_move_line in ` self ` .
If ` self ` is empty , this method returns only the default value ( s ) needed for the product
catalog . In this case , the quantity that equals 0.
Otherwise , it returns a quantity and a price based on the product of the move line ( s ) and whether
the product is read - only or not .
A product is considered read - only if the order is considered read - only or if ` self ` contains multiple records .
Note : This method cannot be called with multiple records that have different products linked .
: param products : Recordset of ` product . product ` .
: param dict kwargs : additional values given for inherited models .
: rtype : dict
: return : A dict with the following structure :
' quantity ' : float ,
' price ' : float ,
' readOnly ' : bool ,
' min_qty ' : int , ( optional )
if self :
self . product_id . ensure_one ( )
return {
* * self [ 0 ] . move_id . _get_product_price_and_data ( self [ 0 ] . product_id ) ,
' quantity ' : sum (
self . mapped (
lambda line : line . product_uom_id . _compute_quantity (
qty = line . quantity ,
to_unit = line . product_id . uom_id ,
) ,
' readOnly ' : self . move_id . _is_readonly ( ) or len ( self ) > 1 ,
return {
' quantity ' : 0 ,
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _conditional_add_to_compute ( self , fname , condition ) :
field = self . _fields [ fname ]
to_reset = self . filtered ( lambda line :
condition ( line )
and not self . env . is_protected ( field , line )
to_reset . invalidate_recordset ( [ fname ] )
self . env . add_to_compute ( field , to_reset )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _copy_data_extend_business_fields ( self , values ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
def _get_downpayment_lines ( self ) :
''' Return the downpayment move lines associated with the move line.
This method is overridden in the sale order module .
return self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ]