2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import api , Command , fields , models , _
from odoo . exceptions import ValidationError
from odoo . osv import expression
from odoo . tools import format_amount
ACCOUNT_DOMAIN = " [ ' & ' , ( ' deprecated ' , ' = ' , False), ( ' account_type ' , ' not in ' , ( ' asset_receivable ' , ' liability_payable ' , ' asset_cash ' , ' liability_credit_card ' , ' off_balance ' ))] "
class ProductCategory ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = " product.category "
property_account_income_categ_id = fields . Many2one ( ' account.account ' , company_dependent = True ,
string = " Income Account " ,
help = " This account will be used when validating a customer invoice. " ,
tracking = True ,
ondelete = ' restrict ' ,
property_account_expense_categ_id = fields . Many2one ( ' account.account ' , company_dependent = True ,
string = " Expense Account " ,
help = " The expense is accounted for when a vendor bill is validated, except in anglo-saxon accounting with perpetual inventory valuation in which case the expense (Cost of Goods Sold account) is recognized at the customer invoice validation. " ,
tracking = True ,
ondelete = ' restrict ' ,
# Products
class ProductTemplate ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = " product.template "
taxes_id = fields . Many2many ( ' account.tax ' , ' product_taxes_rel ' , ' prod_id ' , ' tax_id ' ,
string = " Sales Taxes " ,
help = " Default taxes used when selling the product " ,
domain = [ ( ' type_tax_use ' , ' = ' , ' sale ' ) ] ,
default = lambda self : self . env . companies . account_sale_tax_id or self . env . companies . root_id . sudo ( ) . account_sale_tax_id ,
tax_string = fields . Char ( compute = ' _compute_tax_string ' )
supplier_taxes_id = fields . Many2many ( ' account.tax ' , ' product_supplier_taxes_rel ' , ' prod_id ' , ' tax_id ' ,
string = " Purchase Taxes " ,
help = " Default taxes used when buying the product " ,
domain = [ ( ' type_tax_use ' , ' = ' , ' purchase ' ) ] ,
default = lambda self : self . env . companies . account_purchase_tax_id or self . env . companies . root_id . sudo ( ) . account_purchase_tax_id ,
property_account_income_id = fields . Many2one ( ' account.account ' , company_dependent = True , ondelete = ' restrict ' ,
string = " Income Account " ,
help = " Keep this field empty to use the default value from the product category. " )
property_account_expense_id = fields . Many2one ( ' account.account ' , company_dependent = True , ondelete = ' restrict ' ,
string = " Expense Account " ,
help = " Keep this field empty to use the default value from the product category. If anglo-saxon accounting with automated valuation method is configured, the expense account on the product category will be used. " )
account_tag_ids = fields . Many2many (
string = " Account Tags " ,
comodel_name = ' account.account.tag ' ,
domain = " [( ' applicability ' , ' = ' , ' products ' )] " ,
help = " Tags to be set on the base and tax journal items created for this product. " )
fiscal_country_codes = fields . Char ( compute = ' _compute_fiscal_country_codes ' )
def _get_product_accounts ( self ) :
return {
' income ' : self . property_account_income_id or self . categ_id . property_account_income_categ_id ,
' expense ' : self . property_account_expense_id or self . categ_id . property_account_expense_categ_id
def _get_asset_accounts ( self ) :
res = { }
res [ ' stock_input ' ] = False
res [ ' stock_output ' ] = False
return res
def get_product_accounts ( self , fiscal_pos = None ) :
return {
key : ( fiscal_pos or self . env [ ' account.fiscal.position ' ] ) . map_account ( account )
for key , account in self . _get_product_accounts ( ) . items ( )
@api.depends ( ' company_id ' )
@api.depends_context ( ' allowed_company_ids ' )
def _compute_fiscal_country_codes ( self ) :
for record in self :
allowed_companies = record . company_id or self . env . companies
record . fiscal_country_codes = " , " . join ( allowed_companies . mapped ( ' account_fiscal_country_id.code ' ) )
@api.depends ( ' taxes_id ' , ' list_price ' )
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@api.depends_context ( ' company ' )
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def _compute_tax_string ( self ) :
for record in self :
record . tax_string = record . _construct_tax_string ( record . list_price )
def _construct_tax_string ( self , price ) :
currency = self . currency_id
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
res = self . taxes_id . filtered ( lambda t : t . company_id == self . env . company ) . compute_all (
price , product = self , partner = self . env [ ' res.partner ' ]
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
joined = [ ]
included = res [ ' total_included ' ]
if currency . compare_amounts ( included , price ) :
joined . append ( _ ( ' %(amount)s Incl. Taxes ' , amount = format_amount ( self . env , included , currency ) ) )
excluded = res [ ' total_excluded ' ]
if currency . compare_amounts ( excluded , price ) :
joined . append ( _ ( ' %(amount)s Excl. Taxes ' , amount = format_amount ( self . env , excluded , currency ) ) )
if joined :
tax_string = f " (= { ' , ' . join ( joined ) } ) "
else :
tax_string = " "
return tax_string
@api.constrains ( ' uom_id ' )
def _check_uom_not_in_invoice ( self ) :
self . env [ ' product.template ' ] . flush_model ( [ ' uom_id ' ] )
self . _cr . execute ( """
SELECT prod_template . id
FROM account_move_line line
JOIN product_product prod_variant ON line . product_id = prod_variant . id
JOIN product_template prod_template ON prod_variant . product_tmpl_id = prod_template . id
JOIN uom_uom template_uom ON prod_template . uom_id = template_uom . id
JOIN uom_category template_uom_cat ON template_uom . category_id = template_uom_cat . id
JOIN uom_uom line_uom ON line . product_uom_id = line_uom . id
JOIN uom_category line_uom_cat ON line_uom . category_id = line_uom_cat . id
WHERE prod_template . id IN % s
AND line . parent_state = ' posted '
AND template_uom_cat . id != line_uom_cat . id
""" , [tuple(self.ids)])
if self . _cr . fetchall ( ) :
raise ValidationError ( _ (
" This product is already being used in posted Journal Entries. \n "
" If you want to change its Unit of Measure, please archive this product and create a new one. "
) )
@api.onchange ( ' type ' )
def _onchange_type ( self ) :
if self . type == ' combo ' :
self . taxes_id = False
self . supplier_taxes_id = False
return super ( ) . _onchange_type ( )
def _force_default_sale_tax ( self , companies ) :
default_customer_taxes = companies . filtered ( ' account_sale_tax_id ' ) . account_sale_tax_id
for product_grouped_by_tax in self . grouped ( ' taxes_id ' ) . values ( ) :
product_grouped_by_tax . taxes_id + = default_customer_taxes
self . invalidate_recordset ( [ ' taxes_id ' ] )
def _force_default_purchase_tax ( self , companies ) :
default_supplier_taxes = companies . filtered ( ' account_purchase_tax_id ' ) . account_purchase_tax_id
for product_grouped_by_tax in self . grouped ( ' supplier_taxes_id ' ) . values ( ) :
product_grouped_by_tax . supplier_taxes_id + = default_supplier_taxes
self . invalidate_recordset ( [ ' supplier_taxes_id ' ] )
def _force_default_tax ( self , companies ) :
self . _force_default_sale_tax ( companies )
self . _force_default_purchase_tax ( companies )
def create ( self , vals_list ) :
products = super ( ) . create ( vals_list )
# If no company was set for the product, the product will be available for all companies and therefore should
# have the default taxes of the other companies as well. sudo() is used since we're going to need to fetch all
# the other companies default taxes which the user may not have access to.
other_companies = self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . sudo ( ) . search ( [ ( ' id ' , ' not in ' , self . env . companies . ids ) ] )
if other_companies and products :
products_without_company = products . filtered ( lambda p : not p . company_id ) . sudo ( )
products_without_company . _force_default_tax ( other_companies )
return products
def _get_list_price ( self , price ) :
""" Get the product sales price from a public price based on taxes defined on the product """
self . ensure_one ( )
if not self . taxes_id :
return super ( ) . _get_list_price ( price )
computed_price = self . taxes_id . compute_all ( price , self . currency_id )
total_included = computed_price [ " total_included " ]
if price == total_included :
# Tax is configured as price included
return total_included
# calculate base from tax
included_computed_price = self . taxes_id . with_context ( force_price_include = True ) . compute_all ( price , self . currency_id )
return included_computed_price [ ' total_excluded ' ]
class ProductProduct ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = " product.product "
tax_string = fields . Char ( compute = ' _compute_tax_string ' )
def _get_product_accounts ( self ) :
return self . product_tmpl_id . _get_product_accounts ( )
def _get_tax_included_unit_price ( self , company , currency , document_date , document_type ,
is_refund_document = False , product_uom = None , product_currency = None ,
product_price_unit = None , product_taxes = None , fiscal_position = None
) :
""" Helper to get the price unit from different models.
This is needed to compute the same unit price in different models ( sale order , account move , etc . ) with same parameters .
self . ensure_one ( )
company . ensure_one ( )
product = self
assert document_type
if product_uom is None :
product_uom = product . uom_id
if not product_currency :
if document_type == ' sale ' :
product_currency = product . currency_id
elif document_type == ' purchase ' :
product_currency = company . currency_id
if product_price_unit is None :
if document_type == ' sale ' :
product_price_unit = product . with_company ( company ) . lst_price
elif document_type == ' purchase ' :
product_price_unit = product . with_company ( company ) . standard_price
else :
return 0.0
if product_taxes is None :
if document_type == ' sale ' :
product_taxes = product . taxes_id . filtered ( lambda x : x . company_id == company )
elif document_type == ' purchase ' :
product_taxes = product . supplier_taxes_id . filtered ( lambda x : x . company_id == company )
# Apply unit of measure.
if product_uom and product . uom_id != product_uom :
product_price_unit = product . uom_id . _compute_price ( product_price_unit , product_uom )
# Apply fiscal position.
if product_taxes and fiscal_position :
product_price_unit = self . _get_tax_included_unit_price_from_price (
product_price_unit ,
product_taxes ,
fiscal_position = fiscal_position ,
# Apply currency rate.
if currency != product_currency :
product_price_unit = product_currency . _convert ( product_price_unit , currency , company , document_date , round = False )
return product_price_unit
def _get_tax_included_unit_price_from_price (
self , product_price_unit , product_taxes ,
fiscal_position = None ,
product_taxes_after_fp = None ,
) :
if not product_taxes :
return product_price_unit
if product_taxes_after_fp is None :
if not fiscal_position :
return product_price_unit
product_taxes_after_fp = fiscal_position . map_tax ( product_taxes )
return product_taxes . _adapt_price_unit_to_another_taxes (
price_unit = product_price_unit ,
product = self ,
original_taxes = product_taxes ,
new_taxes = product_taxes_after_fp ,
@api.depends ( ' lst_price ' , ' product_tmpl_id ' , ' taxes_id ' )
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@api.depends_context ( ' company ' )
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def _compute_tax_string ( self ) :
for record in self :
record . tax_string = record . product_tmpl_id . _construct_tax_string ( record . lst_price )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _retrieve_product ( self , name = None , default_code = None , barcode = None , company = None , extra_domain = None ) :
''' Search all products and find one that matches one of the parameters.
: param name : The name of the product .
: param default_code : The default_code of the product .
: param barcode : The barcode of the product .
: param company : The company of the product .
: param extra_domain : Any extra domain to add to the search .
: returns : A product or an empty recordset if not found .
if name and ' \n ' in name :
# cut Sales Description from the name
name = name . split ( ' \n ' ) [ 0 ]
domains = [ ]
if default_code :
domains . append ( [ ( ' default_code ' , ' = ' , default_code ) ] )
if barcode :
domains . append ( [ ( ' barcode ' , ' = ' , barcode ) ] )
# Search for the product with the exact name, then ilike the name
name_domains = [ ( ' name ' , ' = ' , name ) ] , [ ( ' name ' , ' ilike ' , name ) ] if name else [ ]
company = company or self . env . company
for name_domain in name_domains :
for extra_domain in (
[ * self . env [ ' res.partner ' ] . _check_company_domain ( company ) , ( ' company_id ' , ' != ' , False ) ] ,
[ ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , False ) ] ,
) :
product = self . env [ ' product.product ' ] . search (
expression . AND ( [
expression . OR ( domains + [ name_domain ] ) ,
extra_domain ,
] ) ,
limit = 1 ,
if product :
return product
return self . env [ ' product.product ' ]