2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from dateutil . relativedelta import relativedelta
from odoo import api , models , fields , _
from odoo . exceptions import UserError
from odoo . tools import date_utils , SQL
class ResCurrency ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = ' res.currency '
def _get_fiscal_country_codes ( self ) :
return ' , ' . join ( self . env . companies . mapped ( ' account_fiscal_country_id.code ' ) )
display_rounding_warning = fields . Boolean ( string = " Display Rounding Warning " , compute = ' _compute_display_rounding_warning ' ,
help = " The warning informs a rounding factor change might be dangerous on res.currency ' s form view. " )
fiscal_country_codes = fields . Char ( store = False , default = _get_fiscal_country_codes )
@api.depends ( ' rounding ' )
def _compute_display_rounding_warning ( self ) :
for record in self :
record . display_rounding_warning = record . id \
and record . _origin . rounding != record . rounding \
and record . _origin . _has_accounting_entries ( )
def write ( self , vals ) :
if ' rounding ' in vals :
rounding_val = vals [ ' rounding ' ]
for record in self :
if ( rounding_val > record . rounding or rounding_val == 0 ) and record . _has_accounting_entries ( ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " You cannot reduce the number of decimal places of a currency which has already been used to make accounting entries. " ) )
return super ( ResCurrency , self ) . write ( vals )
def _has_accounting_entries ( self ) :
""" Returns True iff this currency has been used to generate (hence, round)
some move lines ( either as their foreign currency , or as the main currency ) .
self . ensure_one ( )
return bool ( self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ] . sudo ( ) . search_count ( [ ' | ' , ( ' currency_id ' , ' = ' , self . id ) , ( ' company_currency_id ' , ' = ' , self . id ) ] ) )
def _get_simple_currency_table ( self , companies ) - > SQL :
""" Helper creating the currency table and returning its definition for basic cases of Odoo reports needing to convert amounts using only the
current rates , in a single period .
if self . _check_currency_table_monocurrency ( companies ) :
return self . _get_monocurrency_currency_table_sql ( companies )
self . _create_currency_table ( companies , [ ( ' period ' , None , fields . Date . today ( ) ) ] )
return SQL ( ' account_currency_table ' )
def _check_currency_table_monocurrency ( self , companies ) :
""" Returns whether displaying the data of the provided companies can be done with a monocurrency currency table.
If it can , calling _get_monocurrency_currency_table_sql is enough to join the currency table ( which actually consists of a bunch of VALUES
directly injected in the join ) .
Else , a full - flegdge temporary table will be needed , that will have to be generated by a call to _create_currency_table .
return len ( companies . currency_id ) == 1
def _get_monocurrency_currency_table_sql ( self , companies , use_cta_rates = False ) :
""" Returns a simplified currency table, faster to generate, for cases were all the data to convert are expressed in the same currency,
to be use in a JOIN . It actually just consists of a few VALUES ; no temporary table is created in this case .
All the rates in this currency table are equal to 1 ( since everything is in the same currency ) . This is useful so that the queries can
be written exactly in the same way , joining the currency table returned by some function , for both mono and multi currency cases .
unit_rates = [
SQL ( " ( %(company_id)s , CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR), CAST(NULL AS DATE), CAST(NULL AS DATE), %(rate_type)s , 1) " , company_id = company . id , rate_type = rate_type )
for company in companies
for rate_type in ( ( ' historical ' , ' current ' , ' average ' ) if use_cta_rates else ( ' current ' , ) )
return SQL ( ' (VALUES %s ) AS account_currency_table(company_id, period_key, date_from, date_next, rate_type, rate) ' , SQL ( ' , ' ) . join ( unit_rates ) )
def _create_currency_table ( self , companies , date_periods , use_cta_rates = False ) :
""" Creates a temporary table containing the currency rates to be used in order to aggregate amounts belonging to companies
with different main currencies in a reporting query .
These rates are computed from the res . currrency . rate objects defined for self . env . company .
The currency table consists of the following columns :
- company_id : The id of the company whose amounts can be converted with this rate .
- period_key : The key corresponding to the period this rate is valid for . ( see params list )
- date_from : Only set for rate_type ' historical ' . The starting date for this rate .
- date_next : Only set for rate_type ' historical ' . The date of the next rate . So , the rate applies until one day before date_next .
- rate_type : ' historical ' , ' current ' or ' average '
- ' historical ' means the rate is to be used to convert operations at the date they were made ; they each
directly correspond to the res . currency . rate objects of the active company
- ' current ' means this rate is the most recent rate within the period . This rate is unique per ( company_id , period_key ) .
- ' average ' means this rate is the average rate for the period . This rate is unique per ( company_id , period_key ) .
- rate : The rate to apply , as a decimal factor to apply directly to the value to convert , provided it is expressed in the
main currency of the company referred to by company_id .
: param companies : The res . company objects to generate rates for .
: param date_periods : List of tuples in the form ( period_key , date_from , date_to ) , containing each of the periods to generate rates for , where :
- period_key is a unique string identifier used to differentiate the periods
- date_from is the date the period starts at ; it can be None if the period want to consider everything from the beginning
- date_to is the date the periods ends at
: param use_cta_rates : Boolean parameter , enabling the computation of CTA rates . If True , ' current ' , ' average ' and ' historical ' rates will be
computed for all companies , for all periods . Else , only ' current ' will be computed .
main_company = self . env . company
domestic_currency_companies = companies . filtered ( lambda x : x . currency_id == main_company . currency_id )
other_companies = companies - domestic_currency_companies
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table_builders = [ ]
if domestic_currency_companies :
table_builders + = [ self . _get_table_builder_domestic_currency ( domestic_currency_companies , use_cta_rates ) ]
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
last_date_to = None
for period_key , date_from , date_to in date_periods :
main_company_unit_factor = main_company . currency_id . _get_rates ( main_company , date_to ) [ main_company . currency_id . id ]
if use_cta_rates :
table_builders + = [
self . _get_table_builder_closing ( period_key , main_company , other_companies , date_to , main_company_unit_factor ) ,
self . _get_table_builder_historical ( main_company , other_companies , date_to , main_company_unit_factor , last_date_to ) ,
self . _get_table_builder_average ( period_key , main_company , other_companies , date_from , date_to , main_company_unit_factor ) ,
else :
table_builders + = [ self . _get_table_builder_current ( period_key , main_company , other_companies , date_to , main_company_unit_factor ) ]
last_date_to = date_to
self . _cr . execute ( SQL (
- - Tests may call this function multiple times within the same transaction ; we then need to delete an regenerate the currency table
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS account_currency_table ;
- - Create a temporary table
account_currency_table ( company_id , period_key , date_from , date_next , rate_type , rate )
AS ( % ( currency_table_build_query ) s ) ;
- - Create a supporting index to avoid seq . scans
CREATE INDEX account_currency_table_index ON account_currency_table ( company_id , rate_type , date_from , date_next ) ;
- - Update statistics for correct planning
ANALYZE account_currency_table ;
""" ,
currency_table_build_query = SQL ( " UNION ALL " ) . join ( SQL ( ' ( %s ) ' , builder ) for builder in table_builders ) ,
) )
def _get_table_builder_domestic_currency ( self , companies , use_cta_rates ) - > SQL :
""" Returns a query building one rate of each appropriate type equal to 1 for each of the provided companies. Those companies should be
the ones sharing the same currency as self . env . company .
rate_values = [ ]
for company in companies :
if use_cta_rates :
rate_values + = [
SQL ( " ( %s , CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR), CAST(NULL AS DATE), CAST(NULL AS DATE), ' average ' , 1) " , company . id ) ,
SQL ( " ( %s , CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR), CAST(NULL AS DATE), CAST(NULL AS DATE), ' historical ' , 1) " , company . id ) ,
SQL ( " ( %s , CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR), CAST(NULL AS DATE), CAST(NULL AS DATE), ' closing ' , 1) " , company . id ) ,
else :
rate_values . append ( SQL ( " ( %s , CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR), CAST(NULL AS DATE), CAST(NULL AS DATE), ' current ' , 1) " , company . id ) )
return SQL (
% ( rate_values ) s
) values
""" ,
rate_values = SQL ( " , " ) . join ( rate_values )
def _get_table_builder_current ( self , period_key , main_company , other_companies , date_to , main_company_unit_factor ) - > SQL :
return SQL (
SELECT DISTINCT ON ( other_company . id )
other_company . id ,
% ( period_key ) s ,
' current ' ,
CASE WHEN rate . id IS NOT NULL THEN % ( main_company_unit_factor ) s / rate . rate ELSE 1 END
FROM res_company other_company
LEFT JOIN res_currency_rate rate
ON rate . currency_id = other_company . currency_id
AND rate . name < = % ( date_to ) s
AND rate . company_id = % ( main_company_id ) s
other_company . id IN % ( other_company_ids ) s
ORDER BY other_company . id , rate . name DESC
""" ,
period_key = period_key ,
main_company_id = main_company . root_id . id ,
other_company_ids = tuple ( other_companies . ids ) ,
date_to = date_to ,
main_company_unit_factor = main_company_unit_factor ,
def _get_table_builder_closing ( self , period_key , main_company , other_companies , date_to , main_company_unit_factor ) - > SQL :
fiscal_year_bounds = self . _get_currency_table_fiscal_year_bounds ( main_company )
return SQL (
SELECT DISTINCT ON ( other_company . id , fiscal_year_bounds . date_from , fiscal_year_bounds . date_to )
other_company . id ,
% ( period_key ) s ,
fiscal_year_bounds . date_from ,
CAST ( fiscal_year_bounds . date_to : : TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL ' 1 ' DAY AS DATE ) ,
' closing ' ,
CASE WHEN rate . id IS NOT NULL THEN % ( main_company_unit_factor ) s / rate . rate ELSE 1 END
FROM res_company other_company
LEFT JOIN res_currency_rate rate
ON rate . currency_id = other_company . currency_id
AND rate . name < = % ( date_to ) s
AND rate . company_id = % ( main_company_id ) s
JOIN ( VALUES % ( fiscal_year_bounds_values ) s ) AS fiscal_year_bounds ( date_from , date_to )
ON fiscal_year_bounds . date_to IS NULL
OR fiscal_year_bounds . date_to > = rate . name
other_company . id IN % ( other_company_ids ) s
ORDER BY other_company . id , fiscal_year_bounds . date_from , fiscal_year_bounds . date_to , rate . name DESC
""" ,
period_key = period_key ,
main_company_id = main_company . root_id . id ,
fiscal_year_bounds_values = SQL ( " , " ) . join ( SQL ( " ( %(fy_from)s ::date, %(fy_to)s ::date) " , fy_from = fy_from , fy_to = fy_to ) for fy_from , fy_to in fiscal_year_bounds ) ,
other_company_ids = tuple ( other_companies . ids ) ,
date_to = date_to ,
main_company_unit_factor = main_company_unit_factor ,
def _get_currency_table_fiscal_year_bounds ( self , main_company ) :
today_fiscal_year = main_company . compute_fiscalyear_dates ( fields . Date . today ( ) )
first_rate = self . env [ ' res.currency.rate ' ] . search ( self . env [ ' res.currency.rate ' ] . _check_company_domain ( main_company ) , order = " name ASC " , limit = 1 )
fiscal_year_bounds = [ ]
if first_rate :
first_rate_fiscal_year = main_company . compute_fiscalyear_dates ( first_rate . name )
fiscal_year_bounds = [ ( None , first_rate_fiscal_year [ ' date_from ' ] - relativedelta ( days = 1 ) ) ] # Initialized to have a value for everything before the first rate
for civil_year in range ( first_rate_fiscal_year [ ' date_from ' ] . year , today_fiscal_year [ ' date_from ' ] . year ) :
year_delta = relativedelta ( years = civil_year - first_rate_fiscal_year [ ' date_from ' ] . year )
fiscal_year_bounds . append ( ( first_rate_fiscal_year [ ' date_from ' ] + year_delta , first_rate_fiscal_year [ ' date_to ' ] + year_delta ) )
# The current fiscal year is not closed yet, so we need to use its rates for everything after it
fiscal_year_bounds . append ( ( today_fiscal_year [ ' date_from ' ] , None ) )
return fiscal_year_bounds
def _get_table_builder_historical ( self , main_company , other_companies , date_to , main_company_unit_factor , date_exclude ) - > SQL :
return SQL (
other_company . id ,
rate . name ,
LAG ( rate . name , 1 ) OVER ( PARTITION BY other_company . id , rate . currency_id ORDER BY rate . name DESC ) ,
' historical ' ,
% ( main_company_unit_factor ) s / rate . rate
FROM res_company other_company
JOIN res_currency_rate rate
ON rate . currency_id = other_company . currency_id
other_company . id IN % ( other_company_ids ) s
AND rate . company_id = % ( main_company_id ) s
AND rate . name < = % ( date_to ) s
% ( exclusion_condition ) s
""" ,
main_company_id = main_company . root_id . id ,
other_company_ids = tuple ( other_companies . ids ) ,
main_company_unit_factor = main_company_unit_factor ,
date_to = date_to ,
exclusion_condition = SQL ( " AND rate.name > %(date_exclude)s " , date_exclude = date_exclude ) if date_exclude else SQL ( ) ,
def _get_table_builder_average ( self , period_key , main_company , other_companies , date_from , date_to , main_company_unit_factor ) - > SQL :
if not date_from :
# When there is no start date, we want to compute the average rate on the current year only
date_from = date_utils . start_of ( fields . Date . from_string ( date_to ) , ' year ' )
return SQL (
rate_with_days . other_company_id ,
% ( period_key ) s ,
' average ' ,
SUM ( % ( main_company_unit_factor ) s / rate_with_days . rate * rate_with_days . number_of_days ) / SUM ( rate_with_days . number_of_days )
other_company . id as other_company_id ,
rate . rate AS rate ,
LEAD ( rate . name , 1 ) OVER ( PARTITION BY other_company . id , rate . currency_id ORDER BY rate . name ASC ) : : TIMESTAMP ,
% ( date_to ) s : : TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL ' 1 ' DAY
) - rate . name : : TIMESTAMP
) AS number_of_days
FROM res_company other_company
JOIN res_currency_rate rate
ON rate . currency_id = other_company . currency_id
rate . name < = % ( date_to ) s
AND rate . name > = % ( date_from ) s
AND other_company . id IN % ( other_company_ids ) s
AND rate . company_id = % ( main_company_id ) s
SELECT DISTINCT ON ( other_company . id )
other_company . id as other_company_id ,
COALESCE ( out_period_rate . rate , 1.0 ) AS rate ,
EXTRACT ( ' Day ' FROM COALESCE ( in_period_rate . name : : TIMESTAMP , % ( date_to ) s : : TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL ' 1 ' DAY ) - % ( date_from ) s : : TIMESTAMP ) AS number_of_days
FROM res_company other_company
LEFT JOIN res_currency_rate in_period_rate
ON in_period_rate . currency_id = other_company . currency_id
AND in_period_rate . name < = % ( date_to ) s
AND in_period_rate . name > = % ( date_from ) s
AND in_period_rate . company_id = % ( main_company_id ) s
LEFT JOIN res_currency_rate out_period_rate
ON out_period_rate . currency_id = other_company . currency_id
AND out_period_rate . company_id = % ( main_company_id ) s
AND out_period_rate . name < % ( date_from ) s
other_company . id IN % ( other_company_ids ) s
ORDER BY other_company . id , in_period_rate . name ASC , out_period_rate . name DESC
) rate_with_days
GROUP BY rate_with_days . other_company_id
""" ,
period_key = period_key ,
main_company_id = main_company . root_id . id ,
other_company_ids = tuple ( other_companies . ids ) ,
date_from = date_from ,
date_to = date_to ,
main_company_unit_factor = main_company_unit_factor ,