2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<odoo >
<data >
<record id= "view_account_position_form" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > account.fiscal.position.form</field>
<field name= "model" > account.fiscal.position</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<form string= "Fiscal Position" >
<div groups= "account.group_account_manager"
class="alert alert-info"
invisible="not foreign_vat_header_mode">
<div invisible= "foreign_vat_header_mode not in ('templates_found', 'no_template')" >
style="padding: 0; vertical-align: baseline;"/>
to create the taxes for this country.
<sheet >
<div class= "oe_button_box" name= "button_box" />
<widget name= "web_ribbon" title= "Archived" bg_color= "text-bg-danger" invisible= "active" />
<group >
<group >
<field name= "active" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "company_id" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "states_count" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "company_country_id" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "fiscal_country_codes" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "foreign_vat_header_mode" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "name" />
<field name= "company_id" options= "{'no_create': True}" groups= "base.group_multi_company" />
<group >
<field name= "auto_apply" />
<field name= "vat_required" invisible= "not auto_apply" />
<field name= "foreign_vat" />
<field name= "country_group_id" invisible= "not auto_apply and not foreign_vat" required= "foreign_vat and not country_id" />
<field name= "country_id"
required="foreign_vat and not country_group_id"
options="{'no_open': True, 'no_create': True}"/>
<field name= "state_ids" widget= "many2many_tags" domain= "[('country_id', '=', country_id)]"
invisible="(not auto_apply and not foreign_vat) or not country_id or states_count == 0"/>
<label for= "zip_from" string= "Zip Range"
invisible="not auto_apply or not country_id"/>
<div invisible= "not auto_apply or not country_id" >
<span > From </span>
<field name= "zip_from" class= "oe_inline" />
<div class= "oe_edit_only" />
<span > To </span>
<field name= "zip_to" class= "oe_inline" />
<notebook >
<page name= "tax_mapping" string= "Tax Mapping" >
<field name= "tax_ids" widget= "one2many" nolabel= "1" context= "{'append_type_to_tax_name': True}" >
<list name= "tax_map_tree" string= "Tax Mapping" editable= "bottom" no_open= "1" decoration-muted= "tax_dest_id and not tax_dest_active" >
<field name= "tax_dest_active" column_invisible= "1" />
<field name= "tax_src_id"
('type_tax_use', '!=', 'none'),
('country_id', '=', parent.company_country_id),
'|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', 'parent_of', parent.company_id)
context="{'append_type_to_tax_name': True}"
<field name= "tax_dest_id"
('type_tax_use', '!=', 'none'),
('country_id', '=', parent.country_id if parent.foreign_vat else parent.company_country_id),
'|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', 'parent_of', parent.company_id)]"
context="{'append_type_to_tax_name': True}"
<form name= "tax_map_form" string= "Tax Mapping" >
<group >
<field name= "tax_src_id" domain= "[('type_tax_use', '!=', 'none')]" context= "{'append_type_to_tax_name': True}" />
<field name= "tax_dest_id" domain= "[('type_tax_use', '!=', 'none')]" context= "{'append_type_to_tax_name': True}" />
<page name= "account_mapping" string= "Account Mapping" groups= "account.group_account_readonly" >
<field name= "account_ids" widget= "one2many" nolabel= "1" >
<list string= "Account Mapping" editable= "bottom" >
<field name= "account_src_id" domain= "['|', ('company_ids', '=', parent.company_id), ('account_type', '!=', 'off_balance')]" />
<field name= "account_dest_id" domain= "['|', ('company_ids', '=', parent.company_id), ('account_type', '!=', 'off_balance')]" />
<form string= "Account Mapping" >
<field name= "account_src_id" domain= "['|', ('company_ids', '=', parent.company_id), ('account_type', '!=', 'off_balance')]" />
<field name= "account_dest_id" domain= "['|', ('company_ids', '=', parent.company_id), ('account_type', '!=', 'off_balance')]" />
<field name= "note" class= "oe-bordered-editor" placeholder= "Legal Notes..." />
<record id= "view_account_position_filter" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > account.fiscal.position.filter</field>
<field name= "model" > account.fiscal.position</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<search string= "Search Fiscal Positions" >
<field name= "name" string= "Fiscal Position" />
<filter name= "active" string= "Archived" domain= "[('active', '=', False)]" />
<record id= "view_account_position_tree" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > account.fiscal.position.list</field>
<field name= "model" > account.fiscal.position</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<list string= "Fiscal Position" >
<field name= "sequence" widget= "handle" />
<field name= "name" />
<field name= "company_id" groups= "base.group_multi_company" options= "{'no_create': True}" />
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
<record id= "res_partner_action_supplier_bills" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Vendor Bills</field>
<field name= "res_model" > account.move</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > list,form,graph</field>
<field name= "domain" > [('move_type','in',('in_invoice', 'in_refund'))]</field>
<field name= "context" > {'search_default_partner_id': active_id, 'default_move_type': 'in_invoice', 'default_partner_id': active_id}</field>
<field name= "help" type= "html" >
<p class= "o_view_nocontent_smiling_face" >
Record a new vendor bill
</p> <p >
Vendors bills can be pre-generated based on purchase
orders or receipts. This allows you to control bills
you receive from your vendor according to the draft
document in Odoo.
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
<record model= "ir.ui.view" id= "partner_view_buttons" >
<field name= "name" > partner.view.buttons</field>
<field name= "model" > res.partner</field>
<field name= "inherit_id" ref= "base.view_partner_form" />
<field name= "priority" eval= "5" />
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<div name= "button_box" position= "inside" >
<button type= "object" class= "oe_stat_button" icon= "fa-pencil-square-o" name= "action_view_partner_invoices"
context="{'default_partner_id': id}">
<div class= "o_form_field o_stat_info" >
<span class= "o_stat_value" >
<field name= "currency_id" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "total_invoiced" widget= 'monetary' options= "{'currency_field': 'currency_id'}" />
<span class= "o_stat_text" > Invoiced</span>
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
icon="fa-pencil-square-o" help="Vendor Bills"
invisible="supplier_invoice_count == 0"
<field string= "Vendor Bills" name= "supplier_invoice_count" widget= "statinfo" />
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
<page name= "internal_notes" position= "inside" >
<group groups= "account.group_account_invoice,account.group_account_readonly" >
<group groups= "account.group_warning_account" col= "2" >
<separator string= "Warning on the Invoice" colspan= "2" />
<field name= "invoice_warn" nolabel= "1" colspan= "2" required= "1" />
<field name= "invoice_warn_msg" placeholder= "Type a message..." colspan= "2" nolabel= "1"
invisible="invoice_warn in (False, 'no-message')"
required="invoice_warn and invoice_warn != 'no-message'"/>
<field name= "vat" position= "before" >
<field name= "partner_vat_placeholder" invisible= "1" /> <!-- Needed for the placeholder widget -->
<field name= "vat" position= "attributes" >
<attribute name= "options" > {'placeholder_field': 'partner_vat_placeholder'}</attribute>
<record id= "action_account_fiscal_position_form" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Fiscal Positions</field>
<field name= "res_model" > account.fiscal.position</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > list,kanban,form</field>
<field name= "search_view_id" ref= "view_account_position_filter" />
<field name= "help" type= "html" >
<p class= "o_view_nocontent_smiling_face" >
Create a new fiscal position
Partners Extension
<record id= "view_partner_property_form" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > res.partner.property.form.inherit</field>
<field name= "model" > res.partner</field>
<field name= "priority" > 2</field>
<field name= "inherit_id" ref= "base.view_partner_form" />
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<xpath expr= "//field[@name='company_id']" position= "after" >
<field name= "fiscal_country_codes" invisible= "1" />
<xpath expr= "//sheet" position= "before" >
<div groups= "account.group_account_invoice,account.group_account_readonly" class= "alert alert-warning" role= "alert"
invisible="duplicated_bank_account_partners_count == 0">
One or more Bank Accounts set on this partner are also used by other <bold > <button class= "alert-link" type= "object" name= "action_view_partner_with_same_bank" role= "button" string= "Partners" style= "padding: 0;vertical-align: baseline;" /> </bold> . Please make sure that this is a wanted behavior.
<page name= "sales_purchases" position= "after" >
<page string= "Invoicing" name= "accounting" invisible= "not is_company and parent_id" groups= "account.group_account_invoice,account.group_account_readonly" >
<field name= "duplicated_bank_account_partners_count" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "show_credit_limit" invisible= "1" />
<group >
<group string= "Bank Accounts" name= "banks" groups= "account.group_account_invoice,account.group_account_readonly" >
<field name= "bank_ids" nolabel= "1" context= "{'default_partner_id': id}" widget= "auto_save_res_partner" >
<list >
<field name= "sequence" widget= "handle" />
<field name= "acc_number" />
<field name= "bank_id" />
<field name= "allow_out_payment" />
<field name= "acc_holder_name" column_invisible= "True" />
<group id= "invoice_send_settings"
string="Customer Invoices"
<field name= "invoice_sending_method" />
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
<field name= "invoice_edi_format" invisible= "not display_invoice_edi_format" />
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
<field name= "invoice_template_pdf_report_id"
invisible="not display_invoice_template_pdf_report_id"
options="{'no_create': True, 'no_edit': True}"/>
<group string= "Accounting Entries" name= "accounting_entries" invisible= "not is_coa_installed" groups= "account.group_account_readonly" >
<field name= "is_coa_installed" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "currency_id" invisible= "1" />
<field name= "property_account_receivable_id" required= "is_coa_installed" />
<field name= "property_account_payable_id" required= "is_coa_installed" />
<group string= "Credit Limits"
invisible="not show_credit_limit">
<field name= "credit" />
<field name= "days_sales_outstanding" />
<label for= "use_partner_credit_limit" />
<div class= "o_row" >
<field name= "use_partner_credit_limit" />
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
<field name= "credit_limit" class= "oe_inline" widget= "monetary" options= "{'currency_field': 'currency_id'}" invisible= "not use_partner_credit_limit" />
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
<group name= 'accounting_automation' string= 'Automation' >
<field name= "autopost_bills" groups= "account.group_account_invoice,account.group_account_readonly" />
<field name= "ignore_abnormal_invoice_amount" groups= "base.group_no_one" />
<field name= "ignore_abnormal_invoice_date" groups= "base.group_no_one" />
<page string= "Invoicing" name= "accounting_disabled" invisible= "is_company or not parent_id" groups= "account.group_account_invoice,account.group_account_readonly" >
<div >
<p > Accounting-related settings are managed on <button name= "open_commercial_entity" type= "object" string= "the parent company" class= "oe_link" /> </p>
<xpath expr= "//group[@name='misc']" position= "before" >
<group string= "Fiscal Information" name= "fiscal_information" priority= "5" groups= "account.group_account_invoice,account.group_account_readonly" >
<field name= "property_account_position_id" options= "{'no_create': True, 'no_open': True}" />
<group name= "sale" position= "inside" >
<field string= "Payment Terms" name= "property_payment_term_id" options= "{'no_open': True, 'no_create': True}" groups= "account.group_account_invoice,account.group_account_readonly" />
<field string= "Payment Method"
options="{'no_open': True, 'no_create': True}"
<group name= "purchase" position= "inside" >
<field string= "Payment Terms" name= "property_supplier_payment_term_id" options= "{'no_open': True, 'no_create': True}" groups= "account.group_account_invoice,account.group_account_readonly" />
<field string= "Payment Method"
options="{'no_open': True, 'no_create': True}"
<record id= "res_partner_view_tree" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > res.partner.list.inherit.account</field>
<field name= "model" > res.partner</field>
<field name= "inherit_id" ref= "base.view_partner_tree" />
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<xpath expr= "//field[@name='vat']" position= "after" >
<field name= "invoice_edi_format" string= "EDI Format" optional= "hide" />
<record id= "res_partner_view_search" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > res.partner.search.inherit</field>
<field name= "model" > res.partner</field>
<field name= "inherit_id" ref= "base.view_res_partner_filter" />
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<xpath expr= "//filter[@name='inactive']" position= "before" >
<field name= "fiscal_country_codes" invisible= "1" />
<filter string= "Customer Invoices" name= "customer" domain= "[('customer_rank','>', 0)]" />
<filter string= "Vendor Bills" name= "supplier" domain= "[('supplier_rank','>', 0)]" />
<separator />
<record id= "res_partner_action_customer" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Customers</field>
<field name= "res_model" > res.partner</field>
<field name= "path" > customers</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > kanban,list,form</field>
<field name= "context" > {'search_default_customer': 1,'res_partner_search_mode': 'customer', 'default_is_company': True, 'default_customer_rank': 1}</field>
<field name= "help" type= "html" >
<p class= "o_view_nocontent_smiling_face" >
Create a new customer in your address book
</p> <p >
Odoo helps you easily track all activities related to a customer.
<record id= "res_partner_action_supplier" model= "ir.actions.act_window" >
<field name= "name" > Vendors</field>
<field name= "res_model" > res.partner</field>
<field name= "path" > vendors</field>
<field name= "view_mode" > kanban,list,form</field>
<field name= "context" > {'search_default_supplier': 1,'res_partner_search_mode': 'supplier', 'default_is_company': True, 'default_supplier_rank': 1}</field>
<field name= "help" type= "html" >
<p class= "o_view_nocontent_smiling_face" >
Create a new supplier in your address book
</p> <p >
Odoo helps you easily track all activities related to a supplier.
<record id= "partner_missing_account_list_view" model= "ir.ui.view" >
<field name= "name" > res.partner.list</field>
<field name= "model" > res.partner</field>
<field name= "arch" type= "xml" >
<list string= "Partners Missing a bank account" create= "false" edit= "false" delete= "false"
import="false" open_form_view="True">
<field name= "name" />