2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from odoo import models , fields , api , _
from odoo . exceptions import UserError , RedirectWarning
from odoo . tools import SQL
from odoo . addons . rating . models . rating_data import OPERATOR_MAPPING
' allow_timesheets ' ,
' analytic_account_active ' ,
' effective_hours ' ,
' encode_uom_in_days ' ,
' allocated_hours ' ,
' progress ' ,
' overtime ' ,
' remaining_hours ' ,
' subtask_effective_hours ' ,
' subtask_allocated_hours ' ,
' timesheet_ids ' ,
' total_hours_spent ' ,
class Task ( models . Model ) :
_name = " project.task "
_inherit = " project.task "
project_id = fields . Many2one ( domain = " [ ' | ' , ( ' company_id ' , ' = ' , False), ( ' company_id ' , ' =? ' , company_id), ( ' is_internal_project ' , ' = ' , False)] " )
analytic_account_active = fields . Boolean ( " Active Analytic Account " , related = ' project_id.analytic_account_active ' , export_string_translation = False )
allow_timesheets = fields . Boolean (
" Allow timesheets " ,
compute = ' _compute_allow_timesheets ' , search = ' _search_allow_timesheets ' ,
compute_sudo = True , readonly = True , export_string_translation = False )
remaining_hours = fields . Float ( " Time Remaining " , compute = ' _compute_remaining_hours ' , store = True , readonly = True , help = " Number of allocated hours minus the number of hours spent. " )
remaining_hours_percentage = fields . Float ( compute = ' _compute_remaining_hours_percentage ' , search = ' _search_remaining_hours_percentage ' , export_string_translation = False )
effective_hours = fields . Float ( " Time Spent " , compute = ' _compute_effective_hours ' , compute_sudo = True , store = True )
total_hours_spent = fields . Float ( " Total Time Spent " , compute = ' _compute_total_hours_spent ' , store = True , help = " Time spent on this task and its sub-tasks (and their own sub-tasks). " )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
progress = fields . Float ( " Progress " , compute = ' _compute_progress_hours ' , store = True , aggregator = " avg " )
overtime = fields . Float ( compute = ' _compute_progress_hours ' , store = True )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
subtask_effective_hours = fields . Float ( " Time Spent on Sub-tasks " , compute = ' _compute_subtask_effective_hours ' , recursive = True , store = True , help = " Time spent on the sub-tasks (and their own sub-tasks) of this task. " )
timesheet_ids = fields . One2many ( ' account.analytic.line ' , ' task_id ' , ' Timesheets ' , export_string_translation = False )
encode_uom_in_days = fields . Boolean ( compute = ' _compute_encode_uom_in_days ' , default = lambda self : self . _uom_in_days ( ) , export_string_translation = False )
display_name = fields . Char ( help = """ Use these keywords in the title to set new tasks: \n
30 h Allocate 30 hours to the task
#tags Set tags on the task
@user Assign the task to a user
! Set the task a high priority \n
Make sure to use the right format and order e . g . Improve the configuration screen 5 h #feature #v16 @Mitchell !""",
@api.constrains ( ' project_id ' )
def _check_project_root ( self ) :
private_tasks = self . filtered ( lambda t : not t . project_id )
if private_tasks and self . env [ ' account.analytic.line ' ] . sudo ( ) . search_count ( [ ( ' task_id ' , ' in ' , private_tasks . ids ) ] , limit = 1 ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( " This task cannot be private because there are some timesheets linked to it. " ) )
def _uom_in_days ( self ) :
return self . env . company . timesheet_encode_uom_id == self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_day ' )
def _compute_encode_uom_in_days ( self ) :
self . encode_uom_in_days = self . _uom_in_days ( )
@api.depends ( ' project_id.allow_timesheets ' )
def _compute_allow_timesheets ( self ) :
for task in self :
task . allow_timesheets = task . project_id . allow_timesheets
def _search_allow_timesheets ( self , operator , value ) :
query = self . env [ ' project.project ' ] . sudo ( ) . _search ( [
( ' allow_timesheets ' , operator , value ) ,
] )
return [ ( ' project_id ' , ' in ' , query ) ]
@api.depends ( ' timesheet_ids.unit_amount ' )
def _compute_effective_hours ( self ) :
if not any ( self . _ids ) :
for task in self :
task . effective_hours = sum ( task . timesheet_ids . mapped ( ' unit_amount ' ) )
timesheet_read_group = self . env [ ' account.analytic.line ' ] . _read_group ( [ ( ' task_id ' , ' in ' , self . ids ) ] , [ ' task_id ' ] , [ ' unit_amount:sum ' ] )
timesheets_per_task = { task . id : amount for task , amount in timesheet_read_group }
for task in self :
task . effective_hours = timesheets_per_task . get ( task . id , 0.0 )
@api.depends ( ' effective_hours ' , ' subtask_effective_hours ' , ' allocated_hours ' )
def _compute_progress_hours ( self ) :
for task in self :
if ( task . allocated_hours > 0.0 ) :
task_total_hours = task . effective_hours + task . subtask_effective_hours
task . overtime = max ( task_total_hours - task . allocated_hours , 0 )
task . progress = round ( task_total_hours / task . allocated_hours , 2 )
else :
task . progress = 0.0
task . overtime = 0
@api.depends ( ' allocated_hours ' , ' remaining_hours ' )
def _compute_remaining_hours_percentage ( self ) :
for task in self :
if task . allocated_hours > 0.0 :
task . remaining_hours_percentage = task . remaining_hours / task . allocated_hours
else :
task . remaining_hours_percentage = 0.0
def _search_remaining_hours_percentage ( self , operator , value ) :
if operator not in OPERATOR_MAPPING :
raise NotImplementedError ( _ ( ' This operator %s is not supported in this search method. ' , operator ) )
sql = SQL ( """ (
FROM % s
WHERE remaining_hours > 0
AND allocated_hours > 0
AND remaining_hours / allocated_hours % s % s
) """ , SQL.identifier(self._table), SQL(operator), value)
return [ ( ' id ' , ' in ' , sql ) ]
@api.depends ( ' effective_hours ' , ' subtask_effective_hours ' , ' allocated_hours ' )
def _compute_remaining_hours ( self ) :
for task in self :
if not task . allocated_hours :
task . remaining_hours = 0.0
else :
task . remaining_hours = task . allocated_hours - task . effective_hours - task . subtask_effective_hours
@api.depends ( ' effective_hours ' , ' subtask_effective_hours ' )
def _compute_total_hours_spent ( self ) :
for task in self :
task . total_hours_spent = task . effective_hours + task . subtask_effective_hours
@api.depends ( ' child_ids.effective_hours ' , ' child_ids.subtask_effective_hours ' )
def _compute_subtask_effective_hours ( self ) :
for task in self . with_context ( active_test = False ) :
task . subtask_effective_hours = sum ( child_task . effective_hours + child_task . subtask_effective_hours for child_task in task . child_ids )
def _get_group_pattern ( self ) :
return {
* * super ( ) . _get_group_pattern ( ) ,
' allocated_hours ' : r ' \ s( \ d+(?: \ . \ d+)?)[hH] ' ,
def _prepare_pattern_groups ( self ) :
return [ self . _get_group_pattern ( ) [ ' allocated_hours ' ] ] + super ( ) . _prepare_pattern_groups ( )
def _get_cannot_start_with_patterns ( self ) :
return super ( ) . _get_cannot_start_with_patterns ( ) + [ r ' (?! \ d+(?: \ . \ d+)?(?:h|H)) ' ]
def _extract_allocated_hours ( self ) :
allocated_hours_group = self . _get_group_pattern ( ) [ ' allocated_hours ' ]
if self . allow_timesheets :
self . allocated_hours = sum ( float ( num ) for num in re . findall ( allocated_hours_group , self . display_name ) )
self . display_name , dummy = re . subn ( allocated_hours_group , ' ' , self . display_name )
def _get_groups ( self ) :
return [ lambda task : task . _extract_allocated_hours ( ) ] + super ( ) . _get_groups ( )
def action_view_subtask_timesheet ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
is_internal_user = self . env . user . has_group ( ' base.group_user ' )
task_ids = self . with_context ( active_test = False ) . _get_subtask_ids_per_task_id ( ) . get ( self . id , [ ] )
action = self . env [ " ir.actions.actions " ] . _for_xml_id ( " hr_timesheet.timesheet_action_all " )
graph_view_id = self . env . ref ( " hr_timesheet.view_hr_timesheet_line_graph_by_employee " ) . id
new_views = [ ]
for view in action [ ' views ' ] :
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if ( not is_internal_user or self . env . context . get ( ' is_project_sharing ' ) ) and view [ 1 ] not in [ ' tree ' , ' kanban ' , ' form ' ] :
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
if not is_internal_user :
if view [ 1 ] == ' list ' :
tree_view_id = self . env [ ' ir.model.data ' ] . _xmlid_to_res_id ( ' hr_timesheet.hr_timesheet_line_portal_tree ' )
if tree_view_id :
new_views . insert ( 0 , ( tree_view_id , ' list ' ) )
elif view [ 1 ] == ' form ' :
form_view_id = self . env [ ' ir.model.data ' ] . _xmlid_to_res_id ( ' hr_timesheet.timesheet_view_form_portal_user ' )
if form_view_id :
new_views . append ( ( form_view_id , ' form ' ) )
elif view [ 1 ] == ' kanban ' :
kanban_view_id = self . env [ ' ir.model.data ' ] . _xmlid_to_res_id ( ' hr_timesheet.view_kanban_account_analytic_line_portal_user ' )
if kanban_view_id :
new_views . append ( ( kanban_view_id , ' kanban ' ) )
if view [ 1 ] == ' graph ' :
view = ( graph_view_id , ' graph ' )
new_views . insert ( 0 , view ) if view [ 1 ] == ' list ' else new_views . append ( view )
action . update ( {
' display_name ' : _ ( ' Timesheets ' ) ,
' context ' : { ' default_project_id ' : self . project_id . id } ,
' domain ' : [ ( ' project_id ' , ' != ' , False ) , ( ' task_id ' , ' in ' , task_ids ) ] ,
' views ' : new_views ,
} )
return action
def _get_timesheet ( self ) :
# Is override in sale_timesheet
return self . timesheet_ids
def _get_timesheet_report_data ( self ) :
subtasks = self . _get_all_subtasks ( )
timesheets_read_group = self . env [ ' account.analytic.line ' ] . _read_group (
[ ( ' task_id ' , ' in ' , ( self | subtasks ) . ids ) ] ,
[ ' task_id ' ] ,
[ ' id:recordset ' ] ,
timesheets_per_task = dict ( timesheets_read_group )
subtask_ids_per_task_id = defaultdict ( list )
for subtask in subtasks :
subtask_ids_per_task_id [ subtask . parent_id . id ] . append ( subtask . id )
return {
' subtask_ids_per_task_id ' : subtask_ids_per_task_id ,
' timesheets_per_task ' : timesheets_per_task ,
@api.depends_context ( ' hr_timesheet_display_remaining_hours ' )
def _compute_display_name ( self ) :
super ( ) . _compute_display_name ( )
if self . env . context . get ( ' hr_timesheet_display_remaining_hours ' ) :
for task in self :
if task . allow_timesheets and task . allocated_hours > 0 and task . encode_uom_in_days :
days_left = _ ( " ( %s days remaining) " , task . _convert_hours_to_days ( task . remaining_hours ) )
task . display_name = task . display_name + " \u00A0 " + days_left
elif task . allow_timesheets and task . allocated_hours > 0 :
hours , mins = ( str ( int ( duration ) ) . rjust ( 2 , ' 0 ' ) for duration in divmod ( abs ( task . remaining_hours ) * 60 , 60 ) )
hours_left = _ (
" ( %(sign)s %(hours)s : %(minutes)s remaining) " ,
sign = ' - ' if task . remaining_hours < 0 else ' ' ,
hours = hours ,
minutes = mins ,
task . display_name = task . display_name + " \u00A0 " + hours_left
@api.ondelete ( at_uninstall = False )
def _unlink_except_contains_entries ( self ) :
If some tasks to unlink have some timesheets entries , these
timesheets entries must be unlinked first .
In this case , a warning message is displayed through a RedirectWarning
and allows the user to see timesheets entries to unlink .
timesheet_data = self . env [ ' account.analytic.line ' ] . sudo ( ) . _read_group (
[ ( ' task_id ' , ' in ' , self . ids ) ] ,
[ ' task_id ' ] ,
task_with_timesheets_ids = [ task . id for task , in timesheet_data ]
if task_with_timesheets_ids :
if len ( task_with_timesheets_ids ) > 1 :
warning_msg = _ ( " These tasks have some timesheet entries referencing them. Before removing these tasks, you have to remove these timesheet entries. " )
else :
warning_msg = _ ( " This task has some timesheet entries referencing it. Before removing this task, you have to remove these timesheet entries. " )
raise RedirectWarning (
warning_msg , self . env . ref ( ' hr_timesheet.timesheet_action_task ' ) . id ,
_ ( ' See timesheet entries ' ) , { ' active_ids ' : task_with_timesheets_ids } )
def _convert_hours_to_days ( self , time ) :
uom_hour = self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_hour ' )
uom_day = self . env . ref ( ' uom.product_uom_day ' )
return round ( uom_hour . _compute_quantity ( time , uom_day , raise_if_failure = False ) , 2 )