
269 lines
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2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from markupsafe import Markup
import re
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
from odoo import http, tools, _, release
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.tools import replace_exceptions
from odoo.addons.base.models.assetsbundle import AssetsBundle
from odoo.addons.mail.models.discuss.mail_guest import add_guest_to_context
from odoo.addons.mail.tools.discuss import Store
class LivechatController(http.Controller):
# Note: the `cors` attribute on many routes is meant to allow the livechat
# to be embedded in an external website.
@http.route('/im_livechat/external_lib.<any(css,js):ext>', type='http', auth='public', cors='*')
def external_lib(self, ext, **kwargs):
""" Preserve compatibility with legacy livechat imports. Only
serves javascript since the css will be fetched by the shadow
DOM of the livechat to avoid conflicts.
if ext == 'css':
raise request.not_found()
return self.assets_embed(ext, **kwargs)
@http.route('/im_livechat/assets_embed.<any(css, js):ext>', type='http', auth='public', cors='*')
def assets_embed(self, ext, **kwargs):
# If the request comes from a different origin, we must provide the CORS
# assets to enable the redirection of routes to the CORS controller.
headers = request.httprequest.headers
origin_url = urlsplit(headers.get('referer'))
bundle = 'im_livechat.assets_embed_external'
if origin_url.netloc != headers.get('host') or origin_url.scheme != request.httprequest.scheme:
bundle = 'im_livechat.assets_embed_cors'
asset = request.env["ir.qweb"]._get_asset_bundle(bundle)
if ext not in ('css', 'js'):
raise request.not_found()
stream = request.env['ir.binary']._get_stream_from(getattr(asset, ext)())
return stream.get_response()
@http.route('/im_livechat/font-awesome', type='http', auth='none', cors="*")
def fontawesome(self, **kwargs):
return http.Stream.from_path('web/static/src/libs/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2').get_response()
@http.route('/im_livechat/odoo_ui_icons', type='http', auth='none', cors="*")
def odoo_ui_icons(self, **kwargs):
return http.Stream.from_path('web/static/lib/odoo_ui_icons/fonts/odoo_ui_icons.woff2').get_response()
@http.route('/im_livechat/emoji_bundle', type='http', auth='public', cors='*')
def get_emoji_bundle(self):
bundle = 'web.assets_emoji'
asset = request.env["ir.qweb"]._get_asset_bundle(bundle)
stream = request.env['ir.binary']._get_stream_from(asset.js())
return stream.get_response()
@http.route('/im_livechat/support/<int:channel_id>', type='http', auth='public')
def support_page(self, channel_id, **kwargs):
channel = request.env['im_livechat.channel'].sudo().browse(channel_id)
return request.render('im_livechat.support_page', {'channel': channel})
@http.route('/im_livechat/loader/<int:channel_id>', type='http', auth='public')
def loader(self, channel_id, **kwargs):
username = kwargs.get("username", _("Visitor"))
channel = request.env['im_livechat.channel'].sudo().browse(channel_id)
info = channel.get_livechat_info(username=username)
return request.render('im_livechat.loader', {'info': info}, headers=[('Content-Type', 'application/javascript')])
@http.route('/im_livechat/init', type='json', auth="public")
def livechat_init(self, channel_id):
operator_available = len(request.env['im_livechat.channel'].sudo().browse(channel_id).available_operator_ids)
rule = {}
# find the country from the request
country_id = False
if request.geoip.country_code:
country_id = request.env['res.country'].sudo().search([('code', '=', request.geoip.country_code)], limit=1).id
# extract url
url = request.httprequest.headers.get('Referer')
# find the first matching rule for the given country and url
if matching_rule := request.env['im_livechat.channel.rule'].sudo().match_rule(channel_id, url, country_id):
matching_rule = matching_rule.with_context(lang=request.env['chatbot.script']._get_chatbot_language())
rule = {
"action": matching_rule.action,
"auto_popup_timer": matching_rule.auto_popup_timer,
"regex_url": matching_rule.regex_url,
"chatbotScript": matching_rule.chatbot_script_id._format_for_frontend()
if matching_rule.chatbot_script_id
else None,
store = Store()
return {
'available_for_me': bool((rule and rule.get('chatbotScript'))
or operator_available and (not rule or rule['action'] != 'hide_button')),
'rule': rule,
'storeData': store.get_result(),
def _get_guest_name(self):
return _("Visitor")
@http.route('/im_livechat/get_session', methods=["POST"], type="json", auth='public')
def get_session(self, channel_id, anonymous_name, previous_operator_id=None, chatbot_script_id=None, persisted=True, **kwargs):
store = Store()
user_id = None
country_id = None
# if the user is identifiy (eg: portal user on the frontend), don't use the anonymous name. The user will be added to session.
if request.session.uid:
user_id = request.env.user.id
country_id = request.env.user.country_id.id
# if geoip, add the country name to the anonymous name
if request.geoip.country_code:
# get the country of the anonymous person, if any
country = request.env['res.country'].sudo().search([('code', '=', request.geoip.country_code)], limit=1)
if country:
country_id = country.id
if previous_operator_id:
previous_operator_id = int(previous_operator_id)
chatbot_script = False
if chatbot_script_id:
chatbot_script = request.env['chatbot.script'].sudo().with_context(
channel_vals = request.env["im_livechat.channel"].with_context(lang=False).sudo().browse(channel_id)._get_livechat_discuss_channel_vals(
if not channel_vals:
return False
if not persisted:
channel_info = {
"id": -1, # only one temporary thread at a time, id does not matter.
"isLoaded": True,
"name": channel_vals["name"],
"operator": Store.one(
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
fields=["avatar_128", "user_livechat_username"],
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
"scrollUnread": False,
"state": "open",
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
"livechat_active": True,
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
"channel_type": "livechat",
"chatbot": (
"script": chatbot_script._format_for_frontend(),
"steps": chatbot_script._get_welcome_steps().mapped(
lambda s: {"scriptStep": {"id": s.id}}
if chatbot_script
else None
store.add("discuss.channel", channel_info)
channel = request.env['discuss.channel'].with_context(
if chatbot_script:
with replace_exceptions(UserError, by=NotFound()):
# sudo: mail.guest - creating a guest and their member in a dedicated channel created from livechat
__, guest = channel.sudo()._find_or_create_persona_for_channel(
channel = channel.with_context(guest=guest) # a new guest was possibly created
channel.channel_member_ids.filtered(lambda m: m.is_self).fold_state = "open"
if not chatbot_script or chatbot_script.operator_partner_id != channel.livechat_operator_id:
store.add(channel, {"isLoaded": not chatbot_script, "scrollUnread": False})
if guest:
store.add({"guest_token": guest._format_auth_cookie()})
return store.get_result()
def _post_feedback_message(self, channel, rating, reason):
reason = Markup("<br>" + re.sub(r'\r\n|\r|\n', "<br>", reason) if reason else "")
body = Markup(
"""<div class="o_mail_notification o_hide_author">"""
"""%(rating)s: <img class="o_livechat_emoji_rating" src="%(rating_url)s" alt="rating"/>%(reason)s"""
) % {
"rating": _("Rating"),
"rating_url": rating.rating_image_url,
"reason": reason,
# sudo: discuss.channel - not necessary for posting, but necessary to update related rating
@http.route("/im_livechat/feedback", type="json", auth="public")
def feedback(self, channel_id, rate, reason=None, **kwargs):
if channel := request.env["discuss.channel"].search([("id", "=", channel_id)]):
# limit the creation : only ONE rating per session
values = {
'rating': rate,
'consumed': True,
'feedback': reason,
'is_internal': False,
# sudo: rating.rating - visitor can access rating to check if
# feedback was already given
if not channel.sudo().rating_ids:
'res_id': channel.id,
'res_model_id': request.env['ir.model']._get_id('discuss.channel'),
# sudo: res.partner - visitor must find the operator to rate
if channel.sudo().channel_partner_ids:
values['rated_partner_id'] = channel.channel_partner_ids[0].id
# if logged in user, set its partner on rating
values['partner_id'] = request.env.user.partner_id.id if request.session.uid else False
# create the rating
rating = request.env['rating.rating'].sudo().create(values)
rating = channel.rating_ids[0]
# sudo: rating.rating - guest or portal user can update their livechat rating
self._post_feedback_message(channel, rating, reason)
return rating.id
return False
@http.route("/im_livechat/history", type="json", auth="public")
def history_pages(self, pid, channel_id, page_history=None):
if channel := request.env["discuss.channel"].search([("id", "=", channel_id)]):
if pid in channel.sudo().channel_member_ids.partner_id.ids:
request.env["res.partner"].browse(pid)._bus_send_history_message(channel, page_history)
@http.route("/im_livechat/email_livechat_transcript", type="json", auth="public")
def email_livechat_transcript(self, channel_id, email):
if channel := request.env["discuss.channel"].search([("id", "=", channel_id)]):
@http.route("/im_livechat/visitor_leave_session", type="json", auth="public")
def visitor_leave_session(self, channel_id):
"""Called when the livechat visitor leaves the conversation.
This will clean the chat request and warn the operator that the conversation is over.
This allows also to re-send a new chat request to the visitor, as while the visitor is
in conversation with an operator, it's not possible to send the visitor a chat request."""
if channel := request.env["discuss.channel"].search([("id", "=", channel_id)]):