2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import datetime
import logging
import time
import dateutil
from odoo import _ , api , fields , models
from odoo . exceptions import UserError
from odoo . tools import split_every
_logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
# Holds the maximum amount of invoices that can be sent in a single submission. Should most likely not change.
# Using a constant makes it easy to patch during testing to avoid needing to create 100+ invoices.
# An invalid invoice is considered as cancelled by the platform.
CANCELLED_STATES = { ' invalid ' , ' cancelled ' }
' cac ' : ' urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2 ' ,
' cbc ' : ' urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2 ' ,
None : ' urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2 ' ,
class AccountMove ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = " account.move "
# ------------------
# Fields declaration
# ------------------
l10n_my_edi_file_id = fields . Many2one (
comodel_name = ' ir.attachment ' ,
compute = lambda self : self . _compute_linked_attachment_id ( ' l10n_my_edi_file_id ' , ' l10n_my_edi_file ' ) ,
depends = [ ' l10n_my_edi_file ' ] ,
copy = False ,
readonly = True ,
export_string_translation = False ,
l10n_my_edi_file = fields . Binary (
string = ' MyInvois XML File ' ,
copy = False ,
readonly = True ,
export_string_translation = False ,
l10n_my_edi_display_tax_exemption_reason = fields . Boolean (
compute = ' _compute_l10n_my_edi_display_tax_exemption_reason ' ,
string = " Display Tax Exemption Reason " ,
export_string_translation = False ,
l10n_my_edi_exemption_reason = fields . Char (
string = " Tax Exemption Reason " ,
help = " Buyer’ s sales tax exemption certificate number, special exemption as per gazette orders, etc. \n "
" Only applicable if you are using a tax with a type ' Exempt ' . " ,
l10n_my_edi_custom_form_reference = fields . Char (
string = " Customs Form Reference Number " ,
help = " Reference Number of Customs Form No.1, 9, etc. " ,
# False => Not sent yet.
l10n_my_edi_state = fields . Selection (
string = ' MyInvois State ' ,
help = ' State of this invoice on the MyInvois portal. \n An invoice awaiting validation will be automatically updated once the validation status is available. ' ,
selection = [
( ' in_progress ' , ' Validation In Progress ' ) ,
( ' valid ' , ' Valid ' ) ,
( ' rejected ' , ' Rejected ' ) , # Technically not a state on MyInvois, but having it here helps with managing bills.
( ' invalid ' , ' Invalid ' ) ,
( ' cancelled ' , ' Cancelled ' ) ,
] ,
copy = False ,
readonly = True ,
tracking = True ,
export_string_translation = False ,
# Users have 72h after the validation of an invoice to cancel it. Passed that time, they need to issue a credit or debit note.
l10n_my_edi_validation_time = fields . Datetime (
string = ' Validation Time ' ,
copy = False ,
readonly = True ,
export_string_translation = False ,
l10n_my_edi_submission_uid = fields . Char (
string = ' Submission UID ' ,
help = " Unique ID assigned to a batch of invoices when sent to MyInvois. " ,
copy = False ,
readonly = True ,
l10n_my_edi_external_uuid = fields . Char (
string = " MyInvois ID " ,
help = " Unique ID assigned to a specific invoice when sent to MyInvois. " ,
copy = False ,
index = True ,
readonly = True ,
# In case of error, we will use the hash as they ask to avoid resending identical invoice.
l10n_my_error_document_hash = fields . Char (
string = " Document Hash " ,
copy = False ,
readonly = True ,
export_string_translation = False ,
l10n_my_edi_retry_at = fields . Char (
string = " Document Retry At " ,
copy = False ,
readonly = True ,
export_string_translation = False ,
# --------------------------------
# Compute, inverse, search methods
# --------------------------------
@api.depends ( ' l10n_my_edi_state ' )
def _compute_need_cancel_request ( self ) :
# EXTENDS 'account'
super ( ) . _compute_need_cancel_request ( )
@api.depends ( ' l10n_my_edi_state ' )
def _compute_show_reset_to_draft_button ( self ) :
# EXTEND 'account'
super ( ) . _compute_show_reset_to_draft_button ( )
self . filtered ( lambda m : m . l10n_my_edi_state and m . l10n_my_edi_state not in CANCELLED_STATES ) . show_reset_to_draft_button = False
@api.depends ( ' company_id ' , ' invoice_line_ids.tax_ids ' )
def _compute_l10n_my_edi_display_tax_exemption_reason ( self ) :
""" Some users will never use tax-exempt taxes, so it ' s better to only show the field when necessary. """
for move in self :
should_display = move . _l10n_my_edi_uses_edi ( ) and any ( tax . l10n_my_tax_type == ' E ' for tax in move . invoice_line_ids . tax_ids )
move . l10n_my_edi_display_tax_exemption_reason = should_display
# -----------------------
# CRUD, inherited methods
# -----------------------
def button_request_cancel ( self ) :
# EXTENDS 'account'
super ( ) . button_request_cancel ( )
if self . _need_cancel_request ( ) and self . l10n_my_edi_state in [ ' valid ' , ' rejected ' ] :
self . _l10n_my_edi_check_can_update_status ( )
return {
" name " : _ ( " Cancel Document " ) ,
" type " : " ir.actions.act_window " ,
" view_type " : " form " ,
" view_mode " : " form " ,
" res_model " : " l10n_my_edi.document.status.update " ,
" target " : " new " ,
" context " : {
" default_invoice_id " : self . id ,
" default_new_status " : ' cancelled ' ,
} ,
return super ( ) . button_request_cancel ( )
def button_draft ( self ) :
# EXTENDS 'account'
# If the invoice has been completely cancelled, we allow resetting to draft to ease the process to reissue the invoice.
# Not that it may be preferable to leave the invoice as cancelled, and issue a new one instead.
invoices_to_reset = self . filtered (
lambda i : ( i . state == ' cancel ' and i . l10n_my_edi_state in CANCELLED_STATES )
res = super ( ) . button_draft ( )
# We do not reset the hash and retry time, as an invalid invoice that is being re-sent must be modified (hash should change)
invoices_to_reset . write ( {
' l10n_my_edi_state ' : False ,
' l10n_my_edi_validation_time ' : False ,
' l10n_my_edi_submission_uid ' : False ,
' l10n_my_edi_external_uuid ' : False ,
} )
invoices_to_reset . l10n_my_edi_file_id . unlink ( )
return res
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def _get_fields_to_detach ( self ) :
# EXTENDS account
fields_list = super ( ) . _get_fields_to_detach ( )
fields_list . append ( ' l10n_my_edi_file ' )
return fields_list
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def _need_cancel_request ( self ) :
# EXTENDS 'account'
# For the in_progress state, we do not want to allow resetting to draft nor cancelling. We need to wait for the result first.
return super ( ) . _need_cancel_request ( ) or self . l10n_my_edi_state in [ ' valid ' , ' rejected ' ]
# --------------
# Action methods
# --------------
def action_l10n_my_edi_update_status ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
result = self . _l10n_my_edi_fetch_status ( )
# This is called manually by the user. In case of errors, we will raise.
# If the validation failed or the invoice has been rejected/cancelled, we will log the result in the chatter.
if ' error ' in result :
raise UserError ( self . _l10n_my_edi_map_error ( result [ ' error ' ] ) )
# If there has been no status change, we do not want to do anything.
if result [ ' status ' ] == self . l10n_my_edi_state :
if ' validation_errors ' in result :
validation_error = self . env [ ' account.move.send ' ] . _format_error_html ( {
' error_title ' : _ ( ' The validation failed with the following errors: ' ) ,
' errors ' : result [ ' validation_errors ' ] ,
} )
self . _l10n_my_edi_set_status ( result [ ' status ' ] , validation_error )
elif result . get ( ' status_reason ' ) :
self . _l10n_my_edi_set_status (
result [ ' status ' ] ,
message = _ ( ' This invoice has been %(status)s for reason: %(reason)s ' , status = result [ ' status ' ] , reason = result [ ' status_reason ' ] ) ,
else :
self . _l10n_my_edi_set_status ( result [ ' status ' ] )
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
# As done during submission flow, when the status becomes
if self . l10n_my_edi_state == ' valid ' :
self . _update_validation_fields ( result )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
def action_l10n_my_edi_reject_bill ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
if self . l10n_my_edi_state == " valid " :
self . _l10n_my_edi_check_can_update_status ( )
return {
" name " : _ ( " Reject Document " ) ,
" type " : " ir.actions.act_window " ,
" view_type " : " form " ,
" view_mode " : " form " ,
" res_model " : " l10n_my_edi.document.status.update " ,
" target " : " new " ,
" context " : {
" default_invoice_id " : self . id ,
" default_new_status " : ' rejected ' ,
} ,
def action_validate_tin ( self ) :
self . ensure_one ( )
self . partner_id . action_validate_tin ( )
# ----------------
# Business methods
# ----------------
# API methods
def _l10n_my_edi_submit_documents ( self , xml_contents ) :
""" Contact our IAP service in order to send the invoice xml to the MyInvois API. """
proxy_user = self . _l10n_my_edi_ensure_proxy_user ( )
# We really only care about moves that appears in the xml contents.
moves_to_send = self . filtered ( lambda move : move in xml_contents )
if not moves_to_send :
return None
# Ensure to lock the records that will be sent, to avoid risking sending them twice.
self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . _with_locked_records ( moves_to_send )
errors = { }
success_messages = { }
move_to_cancel = self . env [ ' account.move ' ]
# MyInvois only supports up to 100 invoice per submission. To avoid timing out on big batches, we split it client side.
for move_batch in split_every ( SUBMISSION_MAX_SIZE , moves_to_send . ids , self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . browse ) :
move_per_id = { move . id : move for move in move_batch }
batch_result = proxy_user . _l10n_my_edi_contact_proxy (
endpoint = ' api/l10n_my_edi/1/submit_invoices ' ,
params = {
' documents ' : [ {
' move_id ' : move . id ,
' move_name ' : move . name ,
' error_document_hash ' : move . l10n_my_error_document_hash ,
' retry_at ' : move . l10n_my_edi_retry_at ,
' data ' : base64 . b64encode ( xml_contents [ move ] . encode ( ) ) . decode ( ) ,
} for move in move_batch ]
# If an error is present in the result itself (and not per invoice), it means that the whole submission failed.
# We don't add to the result but instead directly in the errors.
if ' error ' in batch_result :
error_string = self . _l10n_my_edi_map_error ( batch_result [ ' error ' ] )
errors . update ( { move : [ error_string ] for move in move_batch } )
else :
for document_result in batch_result [ ' documents ' ] :
move = move_per_id [ document_result [ ' move_id ' ] ]
success = document_result [ ' success ' ]
updated_values = {
' l10n_my_edi_external_uuid ' : document_result . get ( ' uuid ' ) , # rejected documents do not have a uuid.
' l10n_my_edi_submission_uid ' : batch_result [ ' submission_uid ' ] ,
' l10n_my_edi_state ' : ' in_progress ' if success else ' invalid ' ,
if success :
# Ids are logged for future references. An invalid invoice may be reset to resend it after correction, which would be a new submission/uuid.
success_messages [ move . id ] = _ ( ' The invoice has been sent to MyInvois with uuid " %(uuid)s " and submission id " %(submission_id)s " . \n Validation results will be available shortly. ' ,
uuid = document_result [ ' uuid ' ] , submission_id = batch_result [ ' submission_uid ' ] )
else :
# When we raise a "hash_resubmitted" error, we don't resend the same hash/retry at and don't want to rewrite.
if ' error_document_hash ' in document_result :
updated_values . update ( {
' l10n_my_error_document_hash ' : document_result [ ' error_document_hash ' ] ,
' l10n_my_edi_retry_at ' : document_result [ ' retry_at ' ] ,
} )
errors [ move ] = [ self . _l10n_my_edi_map_error ( error ) for error in document_result [ ' errors ' ] ]
move_to_cancel | = move
move . write ( updated_values )
if self . _can_commit ( ) :
self . _cr . commit ( )
# For successful moves, we log the sending here. Any errors will be handled by the send & print wizard.
if success_messages :
self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . browse ( list ( success_messages . keys ( ) ) ) . _message_log_batch (
bodies = success_messages ,
if move_to_cancel :
# Invalid moves should be considered as cancelled; they need to be reset to draft, corrected and sent again.
move_to_cancel . _l10n_my_edi_cancel_moves ( )
return errors
def _l10n_my_edi_fetch_updated_statuses ( self ) :
Contact our IAP service in order to get the status of the invoices in self .
Statuses are fetched in batches using the l10n_my_edi_submission_uid field .
One batch is at most 100 invoices .
Note that this is only expected to be used during the submission flow , and not later .
proxy_user = self . _l10n_my_edi_ensure_proxy_user ( )
self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . _with_locked_records ( self )
errors = { }
any_in_progress = False
invalid_moves = self . env [ ' account.move ' ]
for submission_uid , move_batch in self . grouped ( ' l10n_my_edi_submission_uid ' ) . items ( ) :
if not submission_uid :
continue # While it should never happen, it does not hurt to ensure that we won't try anything in such cases.
error , statuses = self . _l10n_my_get_submission_status ( submission_uid , proxy_user )
if error :
errors . update ( { move : [ error ] for move in move_batch } )
for move in move_batch :
status_info = statuses . get ( move . l10n_my_edi_external_uuid )
# If the status did not change, we do not need to do anything.
if not status_info or move . l10n_my_edi_state == status_info [ ' status ' ] :
move . l10n_my_edi_state = status_info [ ' status ' ]
if move . l10n_my_edi_state == ' invalid ' :
invalid_moves | = move
# Most of the time no reason is provided, but this is not useful. So we will fetch the exact errors individually.
if status_info . get ( ' reason ' ) :
errors [ move ] = [ _ ( ' The MyInvois platform returned an " Invalid " status for this invoice for reason: %(reason)s ' , reason = status_info [ ' reason ' ] ) ]
else :
result = move . _l10n_my_edi_fetch_status ( )
if ' error ' in result :
errors [ move ] = [ self . _l10n_my_edi_map_error ( result [ ' error ' ] ) ]
elif ' validation_errors ' in result :
errors [ move ] = [ self . env [ ' account.move.send ' ] . _format_error_html ( {
' error_title ' : _ ( ' The validation failed with the following errors: ' ) ,
' errors ' : result [ ' validation_errors ' ] ,
} ) ]
elif result [ ' status_reason ' ] :
errors [ move ] = [ result [ ' status_reason ' ] ]
elif move . l10n_my_edi_state == ' valid ' :
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
move . _update_validation_fields ( status_info )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
if self . _can_commit ( ) :
self . _cr . commit ( )
# We don't consider these errors per-say. From my understanding an invalid invoice is considered as cancelled,
# so a new one must be issued.
# For ease of use, we allow an invalid invoice to be reset to draft, but this will erase all links to the previously
# cancelled invoice.
if errors :
# According to their documentation, you cannot cancel an already invalid invoice (they are considered cancelled by default)
# It makes sense to consider these cancelled in Odoo too, for simplicity.
invalid_moves . _l10n_my_edi_cancel_moves ( )
# Invalid or in progress invoices must return errors to stop the email sending/...
return errors , any_in_progress
def _l10n_my_edi_update_document ( self , status , reason ) :
""" Sent invoices can be cancelled, and received bills can be rejected up to 72h after validation.
This method will try to update the status of a document on the platform , and if needed also the status in Odoo .
There is no " Rejected " status on the platform . The document stays as ' valid ' until action is taken by the vendor .
At that point , the invoice will be cancelled if need be by the call to _l10n_my_edi_set_status .
self . ensure_one ( )
self . env [ ' res.company ' ] . _with_locked_records ( self )
proxy_user = self . _l10n_my_edi_ensure_proxy_user ( )
# While we do this check before opening the wizard (to avoid filling the wizard for nothing), it is safer to
# recheck here in case we exceeded the limit in the meantime or if this is called from elsewhere.
self . _l10n_my_edi_check_can_update_status ( )
successfully_updated_invoices = self . env [ ' account.move ' ]
for document in self :
result = proxy_user . _l10n_my_edi_contact_proxy (
endpoint = ' api/l10n_my_edi/1/update_status ' ,
params = {
' status_values ' : {
' uuid ' : document . l10n_my_edi_external_uuid ,
' reason ' : reason ,
' status ' : status ,
} ,
} ,
# If it is not a success, it will have raised an error.
if ' error ' in result :
self . _message_log ( body = self . _l10n_my_edi_map_error ( result [ ' error ' ] ) )
else :
successfully_updated_invoices | = document
if status in self . _fields [ ' l10n_my_edi_state ' ] . get_values ( self . env ) :
successfully_updated_invoices . _l10n_my_edi_set_status (
state = status ,
message = _ ( ' This invoice has been %(status)s for reason: %(reason)s ' , status = status , reason = reason ) ,
if self . _can_commit ( ) :
self . _cr . commit ( )
def _cron_l10n_my_edi_synchronize_myinvois ( self ) :
This cron is based on the recommended method to fetch the status of the documents according to their doc .
record_count can be used to define how many submission to process per cron .
# We will leave a 3s interval between each api call to make sure we don't get throttled.
# One api call will be done for each submission (a submission may contain multiple invoices if sent in batch).
# First step is to get the invoices for which the status is not yet final.
# A invoice whose status will not change anymore is: (cancelled or invalid) or has been validated more than 74h ago.
# /!\ when an invoice validation is pending, l10n_my_edi_validation_time is still None. These also need to be updated.
datetime_threshold = datetime . datetime . now ( ) - datetime . timedelta ( hours = 74 )
invoices = self . env [ ' account.move ' ] . search ( [
( ' l10n_my_edi_state ' , ' not in ' , ( False , ' invalid ' , ' cancelled ' ) ) , # In practice we could ignore rejected invoices as we don't fully support vendor bills.
' | ' , ( ' l10n_my_edi_validation_time ' , ' > ' , datetime_threshold ) ,
( ' l10n_my_edi_validation_time ' , ' = ' , None ) ,
] )
# Check if we have any invoices to process, otherwise we can skip everything else.
if not invoices :
invoices_per_company = invoices . grouped ( ' company_id ' )
# Use _notify_progress to ensure that we continue if all batches have not been done in time..
total_submissions_to_process = len ( invoices . mapped ( ' l10n_my_edi_submission_uid ' ) )
submission_processed = 0
self . env [ ' ir.cron ' ] . _notify_progress ( done = submission_processed , remaining = total_submissions_to_process - submission_processed )
for company , company_invoices in invoices_per_company . items ( ) :
if not company . l10n_my_edi_proxy_user_id or not company_invoices :
# We will group the current company invoices per submission_uid as we will query the api this way.
company_invoice_per_submission_uid = invoices_per_company [ company ] . grouped ( ' l10n_my_edi_submission_uid ' )
# That done, we're ready to process the submissions.
for submission_uid , invoices in company_invoice_per_submission_uid . items ( ) :
error , status_fetch_result = self . _l10n_my_get_submission_status ( submission_uid , company . l10n_my_edi_proxy_user_id )
if error :
raise UserError ( error ) # We do not expect errors here so raising is a correct solution.
for invoice in invoices :
invoice_result = status_fetch_result . get ( invoice . l10n_my_edi_external_uuid )
if not invoice_result or invoice_result [ ' status ' ] == invoice . l10n_my_edi_state :
# If the state changed, we update the invoice with the new state and an eventual reason.
invoice . _l10n_my_edi_set_status (
state = invoice_result [ ' status ' ] ,
message = _ ( ' This invoice has been %(status)s for reason: %(reason)s ' , status = invoice_result [ ' status ' ] , reason = invoice_result [ ' reason ' ] ) if invoice_result . get ( ' reason ' ) else None ,
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
if invoice . l10n_my_edi_state == ' valid ' :
invoice . _update_validation_fields ( invoice_result )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
submission_processed + = 1
self . env [ ' ir.cron ' ] . _notify_progress ( done = submission_processed , remaining = total_submissions_to_process - submission_processed )
# Commit if we can, in case an issue arises later.
if self . _can_commit ( ) :
self . _cr . commit ( )
def _l10n_my_get_submission_status ( self , submission_uid , proxy_user ) :
""" Returns the status of all invoices in the submission.
If there are too many and the submission is paginated , this will fetch each page with a waiting time of 1 s per call .
As a page can hold 100 invoice , it should not happen often .
The proxy user is given as a param as this method can be called from the cron , in which case we can ' t rely on self.
# In case of errors, we return it alongside any results. We cannot raise as this is called from the send & print in some cases.
error = ' '
# The api returns the result per document uuid, already correctly formated.
# We do not need to format the data anymore for processing later but just to ensure we get complete data of the submission.
result = proxy_user . _l10n_my_edi_contact_proxy (
endpoint = ' api/l10n_my_edi/1/get_submission_statuses ' ,
params = {
' submission_uid ' : submission_uid ,
' page ' : 1 ,
if ' error ' in result :
error = self . _l10n_my_edi_map_error ( result [ ' error ' ] )
else :
if result [ ' document_count ' ] < = 100 : # If so, we got all of it at once.
result = result [ ' statuses ' ]
else :
# Otherwise we'll need to get the remaining invoices per batch of 100.
for page in range ( 2 , ( result [ ' document_count ' ] / / 100 ) + 1 ) :
time . sleep ( 1 ) # To avoid any risks of throttling, we should wait a bit before continuing
page_result = proxy_user . _l10n_my_edi_contact_proxy (
endpoint = ' api/l10n_my_edi/1/get_submission_statuses ' ,
params = {
' submission_uid ' : submission_uid ,
' page ' : page ,
result [ ' statuses ' ] . update ( page_result [ ' statuses ' ] )
result = result [ ' statuses ' ]
return error , result
def _l10n_my_edi_fetch_status ( self ) :
""" Action to fetch the status of a single invoice. """
self . ensure_one ( )
proxy_user = self . _l10n_my_edi_ensure_proxy_user ( )
# What to do with the given status is to be handled by the calling code.
return proxy_user . _l10n_my_edi_contact_proxy (
endpoint = ' api/l10n_my_edi/1/get_status ' ,
params = {
' document_uuid ' : self . l10n_my_edi_external_uuid ,
} ,
2025-03-04 12:23:19 +07:00
def _update_validation_fields ( self , validation_result ) :
""" Update a few important fields in self based on the data received when an invoice gets to the ' valid ' state. """
self . ensure_one ( )
# We receive a timezone_aware datetime, but it should always be in UTC.
# Odoo expect a timezone unaware datetime in UTC, so we can safely remove the info without any more work needed.
utc_tz_aware_datetime = dateutil . parser . isoparse ( validation_result [ ' valid_datetime ' ] )
self . l10n_my_edi_validation_time = utc_tz_aware_datetime . replace ( tzinfo = None )
2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# Other methods
def _l10n_my_edi_uses_edi ( self ) :
""" Helper that returns true if the invoices company is using the Malaysian EDI.
It does not mean that this specific invoice will use it , though .
self . ensure_one ( )
proxy_user = self . company_id . l10n_my_edi_proxy_user_id
return proxy_user and proxy_user . proxy_type == ' l10n_my_edi '
def _l10n_my_edi_generate_invoice_xml ( self ) :
""" This edi ' s file is basically an ubl 2.1 file with some specificities. """
self . ensure_one ( )
return self . env [ ' account.edi.xml.ubl_myinvois_my ' ] . _export_invoice ( self )
def _l10n_my_edi_ensure_proxy_user ( self ) :
# We need this fallback, as this method could be called by a cron.
company = self . company_id or self . env . company
proxy_user = company . l10n_my_edi_proxy_user_id
if not proxy_user :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Please register for the E-Invoicing service in the settings first. " ) )
return proxy_user
def _l10n_my_edi_set_status ( self , state , message = None ) :
""" Small helper that changes the status, and log a message if a reason is provided. """
if message :
self . _message_log_batch ( bodies = { move . id : message for move in self } )
self . l10n_my_edi_state = state
# Once invalid, an invoice is not acceptable by the platform.
# An invalid invoice will never be visible by a customer and should, from my understanding, be considered void.
# In Odoo, the best way to represent that is by cancelling the invoice.
if state in CANCELLED_STATES :
self . _l10n_my_edi_cancel_moves ( )
def _l10n_my_edi_check_can_update_status ( self ) :
""" The document status can only be updated (for rejection, or cancellation) up to 72h after the validation time.
After that , any update will be rejected by the platform , as you are expected to issue a debit / credit note .
This helper will raise if the status cannot be updated .
self . ensure_one ( )
if not self . l10n_my_edi_validation_time :
time_difference = datetime . datetime . now ( ) - self . l10n_my_edi_validation_time
if time_difference > = datetime . timedelta ( days = 3 ) :
raise UserError ( _ ( ' It has been more than 72h since the invoice validation, you can no longer cancel it. \n '
' Instead, you should issue a debit or credit note. ' ) )
def _l10n_my_edi_map_error ( self , error ) :
""" This helper will take in an error code coming from the proxy, and return a translatable error message. """
error_map = {
# These errors should be returned when we send malformed request to the EDI, ... tldr; this should never happen unless we have bugs.
' internal_server_error ' : _ ( ' Server error; If the problem persists, please contact the Odoo support. ' ) ,
# The proxy user credentials are either incorrect, or Odoo does not have the permission to invoice on their behalf.
' invalid_tin ' : _ ( ' Please make sure that your company TIN is correct, and that you gave Odoo sufficient permissions on the MyInvois platform. ' ) ,
# The api rate limit has been reached. If this happens, we need to ask the user to wait. This is also handled proxy side to be safe
' rate_limit_exceeded ' : _ ( ' The api request limit has been reached. Please wait until %(limit_reset_datetime)s to try again. ' ,
limit_reset_datetime = error . get ( ' data ' ) ) , # Note, should be UTC. The TZ name is present in the formatted date.
' hash_resubmitted ' : _ ( ' This document has already been submitted and was deemed invalid. \n '
' Please correct the document based on the previous error, or wait before retrying. ' ) ,
# This happens when the MyInvois TIN validator cannot validate the TIN of the user using the provided identification type and number.
' document_tin_not_found ' : _ ( ' MyInvois could not match your TIN with the identification information you provided on the company. ' ) ,
# This happens when the TIN of the supplier doesn't match with the TIN registered on the Proxy. Data contains the TIN.
' document_tin_mismatch ' : _ ( " The TIN number of the supplier in the invoices does not match with the one provided at the time of registering for the e-invoice service. \n "
" If the TIN of the supplier ' s record changed after that, you will need to archive your EDI Proxy User and re-register. \n "
" The TIN found in the document is %(tin_number)s " ,
tin_number = error . get ( ' data ' ) ) ,
# This happens when a batch of invoices contains multiple different identifier for the supplier. Data contains the invoice.
' multiple_documents_id ' : _ ( ' Multiple different supplier identification information were found in the invoices. \n '
' If the company identification information changed, you may need to delete your invoice attachments and regenerate them. ' ) ,
# Same as the previous error, but with the supplier TIN
' multiple_documents_tin ' : _ ( ' Multiple different supplier TIN were found in the invoices. \n '
' If the company TIN changed, you may need to delete your invoice attachments and regenerate them. ' ) ,
# You cannot cancel an invoice that has been rejected or that is invalid
' update_incorrect_state ' : _ ( ' You can only update the status of invoices in the valid state. ' ) ,
' update_period_over ' : _ ( ' It has been more than 72h since the invoice validation, you can no longer update it. \n '
' Instead, you should issue or request a debit or credit note. ' ) ,
' update_active_documents ' : _ ( ' You cannot update this invoice, has it has been referenced by a debit or credit note. \n '
' If you still want to update it, you must first update the debit/credit note. ' ) ,
' update_forbidden ' : _ ( ' You do not have the permission to update this invoice. ' ) ,
' search_date_invalid ' : _ ( ' The search params are invalid. ' ) , # Should never happen
if error . get ( ' target ' ) :
# When validating a part of the invoice, they give random numerical codes with no explanation whatsoever.
# So instead of trying to guess what they mean, we just give a generic "this is not valid" error and hope for the best.
# For future bugfixer => To avoid issues as much as possible, please add additional checks in the UBL python file to avoid these.
return _ ( ' An error occurred while validating the invoice: " %(property_name)s " is invalid. ' , property_name = error [ ' target ' ] )
return error_map . get ( error [ ' reference ' ] , _ ( " An unexpected error has occurred. " ) )
def _l10n_my_edi_cancel_moves ( self ) :
""" Try to cancel the moves in self if allowed by the lock date. """
for move in self :
try :
move . _check_fiscal_lock_dates ( )
move . line_ids . _check_tax_lock_date ( )
move . button_cancel ( )
except UserError as e :
move . with_context ( no_new_invoice = True ) . message_post (
body = _ (
' The invoice has been canceled on MyInvois, '
' But the cancellation in Odoo failed with error: %(error)s \n '
' Please resolve the problem manually, and then cancel the invoice. ' , error = e