2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import _ , api , fields , models
from odoo . exceptions import UserError
class ResPartner ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = ' res.partner '
# ------------------
# Fields declaration
# ------------------
l10n_my_tin_validation_state = fields . Selection (
selection = [
( ' valid ' , ' Valid ' ) ,
( ' invalid ' , ' Invalid ' ) ,
] ,
string = ' Tin Validation State ' ,
help = " Technical field, hold the result of TIN validation using MyInvois API. \n "
" It is non blocking, and will simply help ensure that the customer of an invoice is valid to avoid submission errors. " ,
compute = ' _compute_l10n_my_tin_validation_state ' ,
readonly = False ,
store = True ,
export_string_translation = False ,
l10n_my_edi_display_tin_warning = fields . Boolean (
compute = ' _compute_l10n_my_edi_display_tin_warning ' ,
l10n_my_identification_type = fields . Selection (
string = " ID Type " ,
selection = [
( ' NRIC ' , ' MyKad/MyTentera/MyPR/MyKAS ' ) ,
( ' BRN ' , ' Business Registration Number ' ) ,
( ' PASSPORT ' , ' Passport ' ) ,
( ' ARMY ' , ' Army ' ) ,
] ,
default = " BRN " ,
help = " The identification type and number used by the MyTax/MyInvois system to identify the user. \n Note: For MyPR and MyKAS to use NRIC scheme " ,
l10n_my_identification_number = fields . Char ( string = " ID Number " )
l10n_my_identification_number_placeholder = fields . Char ( compute = " _compute_l10n_my_identification_number_placeholder " )
# --------------------------------
# Compute, inverse, search methods
# --------------------------------
@api.depends ( ' l10n_my_identification_type ' , ' l10n_my_identification_number ' , ' vat ' )
def _compute_l10n_my_tin_validation_state ( self ) :
""" The three @depends are used for the validation. If they change, we will invalidate it and expect the user to revalidate. """
self . l10n_my_tin_validation_state = False
@api.depends_context ( ' company ' , ' l10n_my_identification_number ' )
def _compute_l10n_my_edi_display_tin_warning ( self ) :
""" We want to display the tin warning for companies registered to use MyInvois. """
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# We need to sudo here, as all users having access to partners may not have the rights to access the proxy users.
proxy_user = self . env . company . sudo ( ) . l10n_my_edi_proxy_user_id
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is_edi_used = proxy_user and proxy_user . proxy_type == ' l10n_my_edi '
for partner in self :
# Users with no business number can't be validated using the api
partner . l10n_my_edi_display_tin_warning = is_edi_used and partner . l10n_my_identification_number
@api.depends ( ' l10n_my_identification_type ' )
def _compute_l10n_my_identification_number_placeholder ( self ) :
""" Computes a dynamic placeholder that depends on the selected type to help the user inputs their data.
The placeholders have been taken from the MyInvois doc .
for partner in self :
placeholder = ' N/A '
if partner . l10n_my_identification_type == ' NRIC ' :
placeholder = ' 830503-11-4923 '
elif partner . l10n_my_identification_type == ' BRN ' :
placeholder = ' 202201234565 '
elif partner . l10n_my_identification_type == ' PASSPORT ' :
placeholder = ' A00000000 '
elif partner . l10n_my_identification_type == ' ARMY ' :
placeholder = ' 830805-13-4983 '
partner . l10n_my_identification_number_placeholder = placeholder
# --------------
# Action methods
# --------------
def action_validate_tin ( self ) :
""" Calling this action will reach our EDI proxy in order to validate the TIN against the provided identification information. """
self . ensure_one ( )
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if not self . _l10n_my_edi_get_tin_for_myinvois ( ) or not self . l10n_my_identification_type or not self . l10n_my_identification_number :
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raise UserError ( _ ( ' In order to validate the TIN, you must provide the Identification type and number. ' ) )
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# Sudo to allow a user without access to the proxy user to validate the ID if needed.
proxy_user = self . env . company . sudo ( ) . l10n_my_edi_proxy_user_id
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if not proxy_user :
raise UserError ( _ ( " Please register for the E-Invoicing service in the settings first. " ) )
response = proxy_user . _l10n_my_edi_contact_proxy ( ' api/l10n_my_edi/1/validate_tin ' , params = {
' identification_values ' : {
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' tin ' : self . _l10n_my_edi_get_tin_for_myinvois ( ) ,
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' id_type ' : self . l10n_my_identification_type ,
' id_val ' : self . l10n_my_identification_number ,
} )
if ' error ' in response :
ref = response [ ' error ' ] [ ' reference ' ]
# No need to rollback, we don't want to be blocking on that.
if ref == ' document_tin_not_found ' :
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self . _message_log ( body = _ ( ' MyInvois was not able to match the TIN with the provided identification number. \n This may happen when using generic TIN and will not prevent you from invoicing. ' ) )
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self . l10n_my_tin_validation_state = ' invalid '
else :
self . _message_log ( body = _ ( ' An unexpected error occurred while validating the TIN. Please try again later. ' ) )
else :
self . l10n_my_tin_validation_state = ' valid ' if response . get ( ' success ' ) else ' invalid '
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def _l10n_my_edi_get_tin_for_myinvois ( self ) :
""" Helper to return the VAT number relevant to the situation. """
self . ensure_one ( )
return self . vat
def _commercial_fields ( self ) :
return super ( ) . _commercial_fields ( ) + [ ' l10n_my_identification_type ' , ' l10n_my_identification_number ' ]